diff --git a/_drafts/2024-04-01-transformation-first.md b/_drafts/2024-04-01-transformation-first.md index 64fc916..31dbd0a 100644 --- a/_drafts/2024-04-01-transformation-first.md +++ b/_drafts/2024-04-01-transformation-first.md @@ -179,6 +179,11 @@ As you can see, we still use Carrefour even in this context, as it remains the e Now that our class is done, we are able to locate candidates methods for transformation and the specific nodes to transform using Famix, FAST, Carrefour and MoTion. You can use a Playground to test out our class and model and see for yourself the results of each method : +```smalltalk +t := LoggerTransformationTool onModel: argoUML034. +t fetchAllFastNodesUsingMotion +``` + !["Testing our class"](/img/posts/2024-04-01-transformation-first/testing-class.png) The whole source code that was written on this blog post is also available on that [repository](https://github.com/RomainDeg/Moose-BlogPost-Transformation).