This is a ROS package that demonstrates how to integrate Cython in the standard catkin-based ROS building system. In particular, it demonstrates how to manipulate PCL point clouds through a minimal interface.
It is heavily based on cython-cmake-example by thewtex (
This is a normal catkin package.
Quick reference:
- source the base setup.bash if needed
- create the directories my_ros_ws and my_ros_ws/src
- inside my_ros_ws/src execute catkin_init_workspace
- inside my_ros_ws/src clone this repository
- inside my_ros_ws execute catkin_make
- you should be able to execute "rosrun cython_catkin_example", which should not report any existing point cloud.
- source my_ros_ws/devel/setup.bash
- execute rospython
- in the shell, from cython_catkin_example import cython_catkin_example
- create an object myobject = cython_catkin_example.PyCCExample()
- load a PCL point cloud from a PCD file myobject.load_point_cloud_from_file("/path/to/file.pcd")
- list current point clouds name_list = myobject.get_point_xyz_clouds_names()
- get details about it myobject.get_point_xyz_cloud_details("name")
You are free to explore the rest of the few functionalities and to extend it as you please.
Hope this can be helpful.