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Guest Configuration

The templates for this projet were adapted from the cirruslab templates.


Make sure you have both tart and packer installed

$ brew install cirruslabs/cli/tart
$ brew tap hashicorp/tap
$ brew install hashicorp/tap/packer

Create a base image

Run the following to creates a base VM in tart that can be used as a starting point for the runner. The script should then complete the macOS setup on its own.

$ packer init base.pkr.hcl
$ packer build base.pkr.hcl

By default, this will download the latest MacOS recovery image and configure a VM from it. Alternatively, a URL or a path for the image to use can be specified. Available recovery images can be found here:

$ packer build base.pkr.hcl -var "ipsw=PATH_OR_URL_TO_IPSW"

Create a runner image

Run the following to create a clone from base VM and configure it with the necessary tools for a runner

$ packer build runner.pkr.hcl

Install the Host's SSH Key

Install the host's public key on the VM. This will allow the host's script to launch commands inside the VM.

$ tart run runner
$ ssh-copy-id -i SSH_KEY_FILE runner@$(tart ip runner)

Install Xcode

Xcode cannot be installed automatically from the script as it requires a 2FA with an Apple ID. It can be installed with xcodes from within the VM.

$ xcodes install --latest --experimental-unxip
$ sudo xcode-select -s "/Applications/$(ls /Applications | grep -m 1 Xcode)"
$ sudo xcodebuild -license accept
$ sudo xcodebuild -runFirstLaunch
$ sudo xcodebuild -downloadAllPlatforms

Push the image on the container registry

The new image can be pushed to a registry to facilitate the distribution. Follow the registry configuration guide to get one running.

$ tart login REGISTRY_URL
$ tart push runner REGISTRY_URL/runner:latest