diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-cs/translations/extensions/vscode.git.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-cs/translations/extensions/vscode.git.i18n.json index f22d983312..fe4f8a2a9e 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-cs/translations/extensions/vscode.git.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-cs/translations/extensions/vscode.git.i18n.json @@ -161,6 +161,7 @@ "Open": "Otevřít", "Open Commit": "Otevřít potvrzení", "Open Comparison": "Otevřít porovnání", + "Open File": "Open File", "Open Git Log": "Otevřít protokol Gitu", "Open Merge": "Otevřít sloučení", "Open Repositories In Parent Folders": "Otevřít úložiště v nadřazených složkách.", @@ -267,6 +268,7 @@ "There are {0} unsaved files.\n\nWould you like to save them before stashing?": "Existují neuložené soubory (celkem {0}).\n\nChcete je před dočasným uložením uložit?", "There are {0} untracked files which will be DELETED FROM DISK if discarded.": "Existují nesledované soubory (celkem {0}), které se v případě jejich zahození ODSTRANÍ Z DISKU.", "There were merge conflicts while applying the stash.": "Při aplikování dočasného úložiště došlo ke konfliktům sloučení.", + "There were merge conflicts while cherry picking the changes. Resolve the conflicts before committing them.": "There were merge conflicts while cherry picking the changes. Resolve the conflicts before committing them.", "This action will pull and push commits from and to \"{0}/{1}\".": "Tato akce přijme a nasdílí potvrzení z {0} / do {1}.", "This repository has no remotes configured to fetch from.": "Pro toto úložiště není nakonfigurované žádné vzdálené úložiště pro načítání.", "This will DELETE {0} untracked files!\nThis is IRREVERSIBLE!\nThese files will be FOREVER LOST.": "This will DELETE {0} untracked files!\nThis is IRREVERSIBLE!\nThese files will be FOREVER LOST.", @@ -356,6 +358,7 @@ "command.checkoutDetached": "Rezervovat do (odpojeno)...", "command.checkoutRefDetached": "Přechod na aktuální (odpojeno)", "command.cherryPick": "Výběr určitých položek...", + "command.cherryPickAbort": "Abort Cherry Pick", "command.cherryPickRef": "Výběr určitých položek", "command.clean": "Zahodit změny", "command.cleanAll": "Zahodit všechny změny", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-cs/translations/extensions/vscode.github-authentication.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-cs/translations/extensions/vscode.github-authentication.i18n.json index d5dcd94c13..904b9ee887 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-cs/translations/extensions/vscode.github-authentication.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-cs/translations/extensions/vscode.github-authentication.i18n.json @@ -16,8 +16,6 @@ "Having trouble logging in? Would you like to try a different way? ({0})": "Máte potíže s přihlášením? Chcete zkusit jiný způsob? ({0})", "No": "Ne", "Open [{0}]({0}) in a new tab and paste your one-time code: {1}/The [{0}]({0}) will be a url and the {1} will be a code, e.g. 123-456{Locked=\"[{0}]({0})\"}": "Otevřete [{0}]({0}) na nové kartě a vložte svůj jednorázový kód: {1}", - "Please reload the window to apply the new setting.": "Pokud chcete použít nové nastavení, načtěte prosím okno znovu.", - "Reload Window": "Znovu načíst okno", "Sign in failed: {0}": "Přihlášení se nezdařilo: {0}", "Sign out failed: {0}": "Odhlášení se nezdařilo: {0}", "Signing in to {0}.../The {0} will be a url, e.g. github.com": "Přihlašujete se k {0}...", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-cs/translations/extensions/vscode.ipynb.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-cs/translations/extensions/vscode.ipynb.i18n.json index 8ed2f2166b..5dd43b05f8 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-cs/translations/extensions/vscode.ipynb.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-cs/translations/extensions/vscode.ipynb.i18n.json @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ "copyCellOutput.title": "Kopírovat výstup buňky", "description": "Poskytuje základní podporu pro otevírání a čtení souborů poznámkového bloku Jupyter .ipynb.", "displayName": "Podpora .ipynb", - "ipynb.experimental.serialization": "Experimentální funkce pro serializaci poznámkového bloku Jupyter Notebook v pracovním vlákně Nepodporuje se, pokud je hostitel rozšíření spuštěný jako webový pracovní proces.", + "ipynb.experimental.serialization": "Experimental feature to serialize the Jupyter notebook in a worker thread.", "ipynb.pasteImagesAsAttachments.enabled": "Umožňuje povolit nebo zakázat vkládání obrázků do buněk Markdown v souborech poznámkového bloku ipynb. Vložené obrázky se vloží do buňky jako přílohy.", "markdownAttachmentRenderer.displayName": "Renderer příloh buňky ipynb Markdown-It", "newUntitledIpynb.shortTitle": "Jupyter Notebook", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-cs/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-cs/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json index 4d1d90cf09..17261efd0a 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-cs/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-cs/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json @@ -87,6 +87,8 @@ "Please report an issue against Yarn PnP": "Nahlaste prosím problém s Yarn PnP.", "Please update your TypeScript version": "Aktualizujte si prosím verzi TypeScriptu", "Project Wide IntelliSense not available": "IntelliSense není k dispozici pro celý projekt", + "Related files provider failed. Copilot requested file with unsupported language mode.": "Related files provider failed. Copilot requested file with unsupported language mode.", + "Related files provider failed. No active text editor.": "Related files provider failed. No active text editor.", "Remove Unused Imports": "Odebrat nepoužívané importy", "Remove all unused code": "Odebrat veškerý nepoužívaný kód", "Report Issue": "Nahlásit problém", @@ -196,12 +198,14 @@ "configuration.tsserver.useSyntaxServer.auto": "Vytvoří úplný i zjednodušený server vyhrazený pro operace syntaxe. Server syntaxe se používá k urychlení operací syntaxe a poskytování IntelliSense při načítání projektů.", "configuration.tsserver.useSyntaxServer.never": "Nepoužívejte vyhrazený server syntaxe. Pomocí jednoho serveru zpracujte všechny operace IntelliSense.", "configuration.tsserver.useVsCodeWatcher": "Místo sledovacích procesů souborů TypeScriptu použijte sledovací procesy souborů VS Code. Vyžaduje v pracovním prostoru použití TypeScriptu 5.4+.", + "configuration.tsserver.useVsCodeWatcher.deprecation": "Please use the `#typescript.tsserver.watchOptions#` setting instead.", "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions": "Umožňuje nakonfigurovat, které strategie sledování se mají používat ke sledování souborů a adresářů.", "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions.fallbackPolling": "Při použití událostí systému souborů tato možnost určuje strategii dotazování, která se má použít, když v systému dojdou prostředky nativního sledování souborů nebo pokud systém nativní sledování souborů nepodporuje.", "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions.fallbackPolling.dynamicPriorityPolling ": "Použít dynamickou frontu, ve které se budou méně často upravované soubory kontrolovat méně často", "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions.fallbackPolling.fixedPollingInterval": "Kontrolovat změny v každém souboru několikrát za sekundu v pevně stanoveném intervalu", "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions.fallbackPolling.priorityPollingInterval": "Kontrolovat změny v každém souboru několikrát za sekundu, ale pomocí heuristiky kontrolovat konkrétní typy souborů méně často", "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions.synchronousWatchDirectory": "Umožňuje zakázat odložené sledování adresářů. Odložené sledování je užitečné, když může v souboru najednou dojít k velkému počtu změn (např. ke změně v node_modules při spuštění instalace npm). U některých méně obvyklých instalací ale můžete chtít toto nastavení pomocí tohoto příznaku zakázat.", + "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions.vscode": "Use VS Code's file watchers instead of TypeScript's. Requires using TypeScript 5.4+ in the workspace.", "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions.watchDirectory": "Strategie pro sledování celých adresářových stromů v systémech, kde neexistuje žádná funkce rekurzivního sledování souborů", "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions.watchDirectory.dynamicPriorityPolling": "Používat dynamickou frontu, ve které se budou méně často upravované adresáře kontrolovat méně často", "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions.watchDirectory.fixedChunkSizePolling": "V pravidelných intervalech dotazuje adresáře v blocích.", @@ -218,7 +222,7 @@ "configuration.tsserver.web.projectWideIntellisense.suppressSemanticErrors": "Potlačí sémantické chyby na webu, i když je povolená funkce IntelliSense pro celý projekt. Je vždy zapnuté, když funkce IntelliSense není povolená pro celý projekt nebo není dostupná. Viz #typescript.tsserver.web.projectWideIntellisense.enabled#", "configuration.tsserver.web.typeAcquisition.enabled": "Povolit/zakázat získávání balíčků na webu. Povolí IntelliSense pro importované balíčky. Vyžaduje #typescript.tsserver.web.projectWideIntellisense.enabled#. V současnosti není podporováno pro Safari.", "configuration.typescript": "TypeScript", - "configuration.updateImportsOnPaste": "Automaticky aktualizovat importy při vkládání kódu. Vyžaduje TypeScript 5.6+.", + "configuration.updateImportsOnPaste": "Automatically update imports when pasting code. Requires TypeScript 5.7+.", "description": "Poskytuje rozšířenou podporu jazyka pro JavaScript a TypeScript.", "displayName": "Funkce jazyka TypeScript a JavaScript", "format.indentSwitchCase": "Odsadit klauzule case v příkazech switch. Vyžaduje v pracovním prostoru použití TypeScriptu 5.1+.", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-cs/translations/main.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-cs/translations/main.i18n.json index 1245bd9025..d07952b702 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-cs/translations/main.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-cs/translations/main.i18n.json @@ -548,12 +548,7 @@ "inlayHints.padding": "Povolí odsazení kolem vložených nápověd v editoru.", "inline": "Rychlé návrhy se zobrazují jako zástupný text.", "inlineCompletionsAccessibilityVerbose": "Určuje, jestli se má uživatelům čtečky obrazovky poskytnout pomocný parametr usnadnění při zobrazení vloženého dokončení.", - "inlineEdit.enabled": "Určuje, jestli se mají v editoru zobrazovat vložené úpravy.", - "inlineEdit.fontFamily": "Určuje rodinu písem vložených úprav.", - "inlineEdit.showToolbar": "Určuje, kdy se má zobrazit panel nástrojů vložených úprav.", - "inlineEdit.showToolbar.always": "Pokaždé, když se zobrazí vložený návrh, se zobrazí panel nástrojů vložených úprav.", - "inlineEdit.showToolbar.never": "Nikdy nezobrazovat panel nástrojů pro vložené úpravy", - "inlineEdit.showToolbar.onHover": "Při najetí myší na vložený návrh se zobrazí panel nástrojů vložených úprav.", + "inlineSuggest.edits.experimental.enabled": "Controls whether to enable experimental edits in inline suggestions.", "inlineSuggest.enabled": "Určuje, jestli se mají v editoru automaticky zobrazovat vložené návrhy.", "inlineSuggest.fontFamily": "Určuje rodinu písem vložených návrhů.", "inlineSuggest.showToolbar": "Určuje, kdy se má zobrazit panel nástrojů vložených návrhů.", @@ -602,6 +597,7 @@ "occurrencesHighlight.multiFile": "Experimentální: Zvýrazní výskyty ve všech platných otevřených souborech.", "occurrencesHighlight.off": "Nezvýrazní výskyty.", "occurrencesHighlight.singleFile": "Zvýrazní výskyty pouze v aktuálním souboru.", + "occurrencesHighlightDelay": "Controls the delay in milliseconds after which occurrences are highlighted.", "off": "Rychlé návrhy jsou zakázané.", "on": "Rychlé návrhy se zobrazují ve widgetu návrhů.", "overviewRulerBorder": "Určuje, jestli má být kolem přehledového pravítka vykresleno ohraničení.", @@ -1398,6 +1394,7 @@ "action.inlineSuggest.acceptNextLine": "Přijmout další řádek vloženého návrhu", "action.inlineSuggest.acceptNextWord": "Přijmout další vložené slovo návrhu", "action.inlineSuggest.alwaysShowToolbar": "Vždy zobrazit panel nástrojů", + "action.inlineSuggest.dev.extractRepro": "Developer: Extract Inline Suggest State", "action.inlineSuggest.hide": "Skrýt vložený návrh", "action.inlineSuggest.jump": "Přejít na další vloženou úpravu", "action.inlineSuggest.showNext": "Zobrazit další vložený návrh", @@ -1429,9 +1426,6 @@ "parameterHintsPreviousIcon": "Ikona pro zobrazení předchozí nápovědy k parametru", "previous": "Předchozí" }, - "vs/editor/contrib/inlineEdit/browser/hoverParticipant": { - "hoverAccessibilityInlineEdits": "Tady jsou vložené úpravy." - }, "vs/editor/contrib/inPlaceReplace/browser/inPlaceReplace": { "InPlaceReplaceAction.next.label": "Nahradit další hodnotou", "InPlaceReplaceAction.previous.label": "Nahradit předchozí hodnotou" @@ -2529,6 +2523,7 @@ "diffEditorRemovedLines": "Barva pozadí řádků, které byly odebrány. Barva nesmí být neprůhledná, aby neskrývala podkladové dekorace.", "diffEditorRemovedOutline": "Barva obrysu pro text, který byl odebrán", "editorBackground": "Barva pozadí editoru", + "editorCompositionBorder": "The border color for an IME composition.", "editorError.background": "Barva pozadí textu chyby v editoru. Barva nesmí být neprůhledná, aby se nepřekryly dekorace pod chybou.", "editorError.foreground": "Barva popředí podtržení chyb vlnovkou v editoru", "editorFindMatch": "Barva aktuální shody při vyhledávání", @@ -3932,6 +3927,8 @@ "editorCommand.activeEditorMove.arg.description": "Argument Properties:\r\n\t* 'to': String value providing where to move.\r\n\t* 'by': String value providing the unit for move (by tab or by group).\r\n\t* 'value': Number value providing how many positions or an absolute position to move.", "editorCommand.activeEditorMove.arg.name": "Argument přesunutí aktivního editoru", "editorCommand.activeEditorMove.description": "Přesunout aktivní editor podle karet nebo skupin", + "editorGroupLayout.horizontal": "Horizontal", + "editorGroupLayout.vertical": "Vertical", "focusLeftSideEditor": "Přepnout fokus na první stranu v aktivním editoru", "focusOtherSideEditor": "Přepnout fokus na opačnou stranu v aktivním editoru", "focusRightSideEditor": "Přepnout fokus na druhou stranu v aktivním editoru", @@ -4230,7 +4227,9 @@ "vs/workbench/browser/parts/panel/panelPart": { "align panel": "Zarovnat Panel", "hidePanel": "Skrýt panel", - "panel position": "Pozice panelu" + "panel position": "Pozice panelu", + "showIcons": "Show Icons", + "showLabels": "Show Labels" }, "vs/workbench/browser/parts/sidebar/sidebarActions": { "focusSideBar": "Fokus na primární postranní panel" @@ -4355,9 +4354,6 @@ "shutdownErrorDetail": "Workbench byla během běhu neočekávaně uvolněna.", "unableToOpenExternal": "Prohlížeč přerušil otevření nové karty nebo okna. Pokud chcete soubor přesto otevřít, stiskněte Otevřít." }, - "vs/workbench/browser/workbench": { - "loaderErrorNative": "Požadovaný soubor se nepovedlo načíst. Pokud to chcete zkusit znovu, restartujte prosím aplikaci. Podrobnosti: {0}" - }, "vs/workbench/browser/workbench.contribution": { "activeEditorLong": "${activeEditorLong}: úplná cesta k souboru (například /Users/Development/myFolder/myFileFolder/myFile.txt)", "activeEditorMedium": "${activeEditorMedium}: cesta k souboru relativní ke složce pracovního prostoru (například myFolder/myFileFolder/myFile.txt)", @@ -4428,7 +4424,7 @@ "openFoldersInNewWindow": "Controls whether folders should open in a new window or replace the last active window.\r\nNote that there can still be cases where this setting is ignored (e.g. when using the `--new-window` or `--reuse-window` command line option).", "panelDefaultLocation": "Určuje výchozí umístění panelu (terminál, konzole ladění, výstup, problémy) v novém pracovním prostoru. Může se zobrazovat v dolní, horní, pravé nebo levé části oblasti editoru.", "panelOpensMaximized": "Určuje, jestli se panel otevře maximalizovaný. Možnosti jsou, že se bude otevírat buď vždy maximalizovaný, nebo se nebude maximalizovaný otevírat nikdy, nebo se otevře a nastaví tak, jak byl před zavřením.", - "panelShowLabel": "Určuje, jestli se položky aktivity v názvu panelu zobrazují jako popisek nebo ikona.", + "panelShowLabels": "Controls whether activity items in the panel title are shown as label or icon.", "perEditorGroup": "Určuje, jestli má limit maximálního počtu otevřených editorů platit pro jednu skupinu editorů nebo pro všechny skupiny editorů.", "pinnedTabSizing": "Určuje velikost připnutých karet editorů. Připnuté karty jsou seřazené na začátku všech otevřených karet a obvykle se nezavřou, dokud je neodepnete. Tato hodnota je ignorována, pokud možnost {0} není nastavena na hodnotu {1}.", "preserveInput": "Určuje, jestli se při příštím otevření mají obnovit data naposledy zadaná do palety příkazů.", @@ -4844,6 +4840,7 @@ "configureRuntimeArguments": "Konfigurovat argumenty modulu runtime", "openUserDataFolder": "Otevřít složku uživatelských dat.", "reloadWindowWithExtensionsDisabled": "Znovu načíst se zakázanými rozšířeními", + "showGPUInfo": "Show GPU Info", "toggleDevTools": "Přepnout vývojářské nástroje" }, "vs/workbench/electron-sandbox/actions/installActions": { @@ -4909,7 +4906,7 @@ "touchbar.enabled": "Povolí tlačítka Touch Baru v macOS na klávesnici (pokud je k dispozici).", "touchbar.ignored": "Sada identifikátorů pro položky na dotykovém panelu, které by se neměly zobrazovat (příklad: workbench.action.navigateBack)", "window.clickThroughInactive": "Pokud je povoleno, kliknutím na neaktivní okno se aktivuje jak okno, tak i prvek, na kterém je ukazatel myši, pokud je na něj možné kliknout. Pokud je zakázáno, kliknutím kamkoli v neaktivním okně se aktivuje pouze okno a daný prvek pak bude nutné aktivovat dalším kliknutím.", - "window.customTitleBarVisibility": "Umožňuje upravit, kdy se má zobrazit vlastní záhlaví. Vlastní záhlaví se dá skrýt v režimu zobrazení na celou obrazovku, pokud je nastavena hodnota Windowed. Vlastní záhlaví lze skrýt pouze v případě, že není použito zobrazení na celou obrazovku s možností Never, pokud je vlastnost {0} nastavena na hodnotu Native.", + "window.customTitleBarVisibility": "Adjust when the custom title bar should be shown. The custom title bar can be hidden when in full screen mode with `windowed`. The custom title bar can only be hidden in non full screen mode with `never` when {0} is set to `native`.", "window.customTitleBarVisibility.auto": "Automaticky změní viditelnost vlastního záhlaví.", "window.customTitleBarVisibility.never": "Umožňuje skrýt vlastní záhlaví, když je vlastnost{0} nastavená na hodnotu Native.", "window.customTitleBarVisibility.windowed": "Umožňuje skrýt vlastní záhlaví v zobrazení na celou obrazovku. Umožňuje automaticky změnit viditelnost vlastního záhlaví, pokud nejste v zobrazení na celou obrazovku.", @@ -4947,7 +4944,6 @@ "downloadArmBuild": "Stáhnout", "keychainWriteError": "Zápis přihlašovacích informací do klíčenky selhal s chybou {0}.", "learnMore": "Další informace", - "loaderCycle": "V modulech AMD je cyklus závislostí, který je třeba vyřešit.", "loginButton": "Přih&&lásit se", "macoseolmessage": "{0} na {1} brzy přestane dostávat aktualizace. Zvažte možnost upgradovat verzi macOS.", "password": "Heslo", @@ -5185,7 +5181,7 @@ "openDiffEditorAnnouncement": "Editor rozdílů" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/accountEntitlements/browser/accountsEntitlements.contribution": { - "workbench.accounts.showEntitlements": "Pokud je tato možnost povolena, zobrazí se v nabídce účtů dostupné nároky pro daný účet." + "workbench.accounts.showEntitlements": "When enabled, available entitlements for the account will be shown in the accounts menu." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/audioCues/browser/audioCues.contribution": { "audioCues.chatRequestSent": "Při vytvoření žádosti o chat přehraje zvuk.", @@ -5239,7 +5235,8 @@ "pickAProviderTitle": "Spravovat předvolby účtu rozšíření", "placeholder": "Spravovat předvolby účtu {0}…", "selectProvider": "Vyberte zprostředkovatele ověřování, pro kterého chcete spravovat předvolby účtu.", - "title": "Předvolby účtu {0} pro tento pracovní prostor" + "title": "Předvolby účtu {0} pro tento pracovní prostor", + "use new account": "Use a new account..." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/authentication/browser/actions/manageTrustedExtensionsForAccountAction": { "accountLastUsedDate": "Tento účet byl naposledy použit {0}.", @@ -5378,8 +5375,7 @@ "workbench.action.chat.focus": "Pokud chcete přesunout fokus na seznam žádostí a odpovědí chatu, na který lze přecházet pomocí šipek nahoru a dolů, vyvolejte příkaz pro přesunutí fokusu na chat{0}.", "workbench.action.chat.focusInput": "Pokud chcete přesunout fokus na vstupní pole pro žádosti o chat, vyvolejte příkaz pro přesunutí fokusu na vstup chatu{0}.", "workbench.action.chat.newChat": "Pokud chcete vytvořit novou relaci chatu, vyvolejte příkaz Nový chat{0}.", - "workbench.action.chat.nextCodeBlock": "Pokud chcete v odpovědi přesunout fokus na další blok kódu, vyvolejte příkaz Chat: Další blok kódu{0}.", - "workbench.action.chat.nextFileTree": "Pokud se chcete zaměřit na další strom souborů v rámci odpovědi, vyvolejte příkaz Chat: Další strom souborů{0}." + "workbench.action.chat.nextCodeBlock": "Pokud chcete v odpovědi přesunout fokus na další blok kódu, vyvolejte příkaz Chat: Další blok kódu{0}." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatActions": { "actions.interactiveSession.focus": "Seznam chatu pro lepší soustředění", @@ -5389,19 +5385,26 @@ "chat.history.rename": "Přejmenovat", "chatWith": "Chat s rozšířením", "currentChatLabel": "aktuální", + "installChat": "Install {0}", + "installChatGlobalAction.justification": "AI support requires this extension.", "interactiveSession.clearHistory.label": "Vymazat historii vstupu", "interactiveSession.focusInput.label": "Vstup chatu na intenzivní práci", "interactiveSession.history.delete": "Odstranit", "interactiveSession.history.editor": "Otevřít v editoru", "interactiveSession.history.pick": "Přepnout na chat", "interactiveSession.open": "Otevřít editor", + "learnMore": "Learn More", "more": "Další…", "newChatTitle": "Nový název chatu", "openChat": "Otevřít chat", - "title4": "Chat" + "title4": "Chat", + "toggle.chatControl": "Chat Controls", + "toggle.chatControlsDescription": "Toggle visibility of the Chat Controls in title bar" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatClearActions": { - "chat.newChat.label": "Nový chat" + "chat.newChat.label": "Nový chat", + "chat.newEdits.label": "New Edit Session", + "chat.openEdits.label": "Open Edit Session" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatCodeblockActions": { "chat.applyAll.label": "Aplikovat všechny úpravy", @@ -5417,8 +5420,12 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatContextActions": { "chatContext.attach.placeholder": "Hledat přílohy", + "chatContext.attachScreenshot.labelElectron.Window": "Screenshot Window", + "chatContext.attachScreenshot.labelWeb": "Screenshot", + "chatContext.editors": "Open Editors", "chatContext.notebook.kernelVariable": "Proměnná jádra...", "chatContext.notebook.selectkernelVariable": "Vybrat a vložit proměnnou jádra", + "chatContext.searchResults": "Search Results", "chatContext.symbol": "Symbol...", "imageFromClipboard": "Obrázek ze schránky", "pastedImage": "Vložený obrázek", @@ -5437,8 +5444,13 @@ "actions.chat.submitSecondaryAgent": "Odeslat sekundárnímu agentovi", "chat.newChat.label": "Odeslat do nového chatu", "chat.pickModel.label": "Vybrat model", + "chat.sendToChatEditing.label": "Send to Copilot Edits", + "chat.startEditing.confirmation.message": "Starting a new editing session will end your current editing session and discard edits to {0} files. Do you wish to proceed?", + "chat.startEditing.confirmation.primaryButton": "Yes", + "chat.startEditing.confirmation.title": "Start new editing session?", "interactive.cancel.label": "Zrušit", - "interactive.submit.label": "Poslat" + "interactive.submit.label": "Send and Dispatch", + "interactive.submitWithoutDispatch.label": "Send" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatFileTreeActions": { "interactive.nextFileTree.label": "Další Strom souborů", @@ -5466,7 +5478,19 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatTitleActions": { "chat.remove.label": "Odebrat žádost a odpověď", + "chat.retry.confirmation.checkbox": "Don't ask again", + "chat.retry.confirmation.message2": "This will undo edits made to {0} since this request.", + "chat.retry.confirmation.primaryButton": "Yes", "chat.retry.label": "Zkusit znovu", + "chat.retryLast.confirmation.message2": "This will undo edits made to {0} files in your working set since this request. Do you want to proceed?", + "chat.retryLast.confirmation.title2": "Do you want to retry your last request?", + "chat.startEditing.confirmation.acceptEdits": "Accept & Continue", + "chat.startEditing.confirmation.discardEdits": "Discard & Continue", + "chat.startEditing.confirmation.message": "Starting a new editing session will end your current editing session and discard edits to {0} files. Do you wish to proceed?", + "chat.startEditing.confirmation.pending.message": "Starting a new editing session will end your current session. Do you want to discard pending edits to {0} files?", + "chat.startEditing.confirmation.primaryButton": "Yes", + "chat.startEditing.confirmation.title": "Start new editing session?", + "chat.startEditing.label2": "Edit with Copilot", "interactive.helpful.label": "Užitečné", "interactive.insertIntoNotebook.label": "Vložit do poznámkového bloku", "interactive.reportIssueForBug.label": "Nahlásit problém", @@ -5483,17 +5507,25 @@ "insertCodeBlock.readonlyNotebook": "Blok kódu nelze vložit do editoru poznámkového bloku, který je jen pro čtení.", "overlap": "Probíhá zobrazování náhledu jiné změny kódu. Nejdříve prosím aplikujte nebo zahoďte čekající změny." }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/attachments/implicitContextAttachment": { + "chat.fileAttachment": "Attached file, {0}", + "chat.fileAttachmentWithRange": "Attached file, {0}, line {1} to line {2}", + "disable": "Disable current file context", + "enable": "Enable current file context", + "enableHint": "disabled", + "openEditor": "Current file context" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chat": { "generating": "Generování" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chat.contribution": { "chat": "Chat", "chat.commandCenter.enabled": "Určuje, jestli centrum příkazů zobrazí nabídku pro akce chatu (vyžaduje {0}).", + "chat.editing.alwaysSaveWithGeneratedChanges": "Whether to always ask before saving files with changes made by chat.", + "chat.editing.confirmEditRequestRemoval": "Whether to show a confirmation before removing a request and its associated edits.", + "chat.editing.confirmEditRequestRetry": "Whether to show a confirmation before retrying a request and its associated edits.", + "chat.editing.enableRestoreFile": "Whether to show a toggle to restore an earlier version of a file that was edited in a chat editing session request.", "chat.experimental.detectParticipant.enabled": "Povolí automatickou detekci účastníka chatu pro panelový chat.", - "chat.experimental.implicitContext": "Určuje, jestli se zobrazí zaškrtávací políčko, které uživateli umožní určit, který implicitní kontext je zahrnutý do výzvy účastníka chatu.", - "chat.experimental.variables.editor": "Povolí proměnné pro chat editoru.", - "chat.experimental.variables.notebook": "Povolí proměnné pro chat v poznámkovém bloku.", - "chat.experimental.variables.terminal": "Povolí proměnné pro terminálový chat.", "clear": "Zahájit nový chat", "file": "Zvolte soubor v pracovním prostoru", "interactiveSession.editor.fontFamily": "Určuje rodinu písem v blocích kódu chatu.", @@ -5539,8 +5571,9 @@ "dismiss": "Zavřít" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatContentParts/chatReferencesContentPart": { + "addToChat": "Add File to Chat", + "chat.openEditor": "Open Editor", "chatCollapsibleList": "Sbalitelný seznam chatu", - "copyReference": "Kopírovat", "setting.hover": "Otevřít nastavení {0}", "usedReferencesCollapsed": "{0}, sbaleno", "usedReferencesExpanded": "{0}, rozbaleno", @@ -5563,52 +5596,109 @@ "file": "Soubor", "image": "Image" }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditingActions": { + "accept.allFiles": "Accept All", + "accept.file": "Accept", + "chat.openWorkingSetHistory.label": "Open File Checkpoint", + "chat.remove.confirmation.checkbox": "Don't ask again", + "chat.remove.confirmation.message2": "This will remove all subsequent requests and undo edits made to {0}. Do you want to proceed?", + "chat.remove.confirmation.multipleEdits.message": "This will remove all subsequent requests and undo edits made to {0} files in your working set. Do you want to proceed?", + "chat.remove.confirmation.primaryButton": "Yes", + "chat.remove.confirmation.title": "Do you want to undo {0} edits?", + "chat.removeLast.confirmation.message2": "This will remove your last request and undo the edits made to {0}. Do you want to proceed?", + "chat.removeLast.confirmation.multipleEdits.message": "This will remove your last request and undo edits made to {0} files in your working set. Do you want to proceed?", + "chat.removeLast.confirmation.title": "Do you want to undo your last edit?", + "chat.restoreFile.label": "Restore Previous File State", + "chat.restoreFile.shortTitle": "Restore Previous File State", + "chat.restoreFile.title": "Using Previous File State", + "chat.restoreFile.tooltip": "Toggle to use the previous state of an edited file in your next request", + "chat.undoEdits.label": "Undo Edits", + "chatEditing.checkpoint": "{0} (Checkpoint {1})", + "chatEditing.openDiffs": "Open Diffs", + "discard.allFiles": "Discard All", + "discard.file": "Discard", + "open.fileInDiff": "Open Changes in Diff Editor", + "removeFileFromWorkingSet": "Remove File", + "workbench.action.chat.addFilesToWorkingSet.label": "Add Files to Working Set" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditingService": { - "accept.allFiles": "Přijmout vše", - "accept.file": "Přijmout", - "chatEditing.openDiffs": "Otevřít porovnání", - "chatEditing.startSession": "Spustit relaci úprav", + "chat": "Chat Editing", + "chatEditing.fileSave": "{0} wants to create a file. Choose where it should be saved.", "chatEditing.startingSession": "Generují se úpravy...", - "chatEditing.stopSession": "Zastavit relaci úprav", - "discard.allFiles": "Zahodit vše", - "discard.file": "Zahodit", - "multiDiffEditorInput.name": "Navrhované úpravy", - "open.file": "Otevřít soubor" + "chatEditing1": "Chat Edit: '{0}'", + "chatEditing2": "Chat Edit", + "multiDiffEditorInput.name": "Navrhované úpravy" + }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditorActions": { + "accept": "Accept Chat Edit", + "next": "Go to Next Chat Edit", + "prev": "Go to Previous Chat Edit", + "reject": "Reject Chat Edit" + }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditorController": { + "chat.hasEditorModifications": "The current editor contains chat modifications" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditorInput": { "chatEditorLabelIcon": "Ikona popisku editoru chatu.", "chatEditorName": "Chat" }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditorSaving": { + "chat": "chat", + "config": "Always save with AI-generated changes without asking", + "detail2": "AI-generated changes may be incorrect and should be reviewed before saving.", + "discard": "Cancel", + "message.1": "Do you want to save the changes {0} made in {1}?", + "message.2": "Do you want to save the changes {0} made to {1} files?", + "message.batched.multiFile.1": "Do you want to save the changes {0} made in {1} files?", + "message.batched.multiFile.2": "Do you want to save the changes chat made in {0} files?", + "message.batched.oneFile.1": "Do you want to save the changes {0} made in {1}?", + "message.batched.oneFile.2": "Do you want to save the changes chat made in {0}?", + "message.batched.oneFile.3": "Do you want to save the changes {0} made in 1 file?", + "message.batched.oneFile.4": "Do you want to save the changes chat made in 1 file?", + "save": "Save", + "save all": "Save All", + "save.allFiles": "Save All" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatFollowups": { "followUpAriaLabel": "Následná otázka: {0}" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatGettingStarted": { "chat.openPanel": "Otevřít panel chatu", - "workbench.panel.chat.view.showGettingStarted": "Pokud je povoleno, zobrazí na panelu chatu experimenty Začínáme." + "workbench.panel.chat.view.showGettingStarted": "When enabled, shows a getting started experiment in the chat panel." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatImagePaste": { "pastedImage": "Vložený obrázek" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatInlineAnchorWidget": { "actions.attach.label": "Přidat soubor do chatu", + "actions.copy.label": "Copy", "actions.goToDecl.label": "Přejít k definici", + "actions.openToSide.label": "Open to the Side", + "goToImplementations.label": "Go to Implementations", "goToReferences.label": "Přejít na odkazy", + "goToTypeDefinitions.label": "Go to Type Definitions", "miGotoDefinition": "Přejít k &&definici", - "miGotoReference": "Přejít na &&odkazy" + "miGotoImplementations": "Go to &&Implementations", + "miGotoReference": "Přejít na &&odkazy", + "miGotoTypeDefinition": "Go to &&Type Definitions", + "resource": "The full value of the chat anchor resource, including scheme and path" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatInputPart": { "actions.chat.accessibiltyHelp": "Vstup chatu, zadejte dotaz nebo zadejte / pro témata, stisknutím klávesy Enter odešlete žádost. {0} slouží pro nápovědu k přístupnosti chatu.", "chat.attachment": "Připojený kontext, {0}", + "chat.attachment.clearButton": "Remove from context", "chat.fileAttachment": "Připojený soubor, {0}", "chat.fileAttachmentWithRange": "Připojený soubor, {0}, od řádku {1} do řádku {2}", "chat.imageAttachment": "Připojený obrázek, {0}", "chat.submitToSecondaryAgent": "Odeslat komu: @{0}", - "chatEditingSessionOverview": "Počet změněných souborů: {0}", - "chatEditingSessionOverview.oneFileChanged": "Počet změněných souborů: 1", + "chatAddFiles": "{0} Add Files...", + "chatAttachFiles": "Search for files to add to your working set", + "chatEditingSession.manyFiles": "({0} files)", + "chatEditingSession.oneFile": "(1 file)", + "chatEditingSession.workingSet": "Working Set", "chatInput": "Vstup chatu", "chatInput.accessibilityHelpNoKb": "Vstup chatu. Sem zadejte kód a stisknutím klávesy Enter ho spusťte. Další informace získáte pomocí příkazu Nápověda k usnadnění chatu.", - "notebook.moreExecuteActionsLabel": "Další…", - "remove": "Odebrat" + "notebook.moreExecuteActionsLabel": "Další…" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatListRenderer": { "chatConfirmationAction": "vybráno {0}", @@ -5636,6 +5726,7 @@ "chatCommandSticky": "Určuje, jestli vyvolání příkazu převede chat do trvalého režimu, kde se příkaz automaticky přidá do vstupu chatu pro další zprávu.", "chatCommandWhen": "Podmínka, která musí být true, aby byl tento příkaz povolen.", "chatCommandsDescription": "Příkazy dostupné pro tohoto účastníka chatu, které uživatel může vyvolat pomocí lomítka (/).", + "chatEditing.viewContainer.label": "Copilot Edits", "chatFailErrorMessage": "Chat se nepodařilo načíst, protože nainstalovaná verze rozšíření ({0}) není kompatibilní s touto verzí ({1}). Ujistěte se prosím, že je rozšíření Chat s GitHub Copilotem aktuální.", "chatParticipantDescription": "Popis tohoto účastníka chatu zobrazený v uživatelském rozhraní", "chatParticipantDisambiguation": "Metadata, která pomáhají automaticky směrovat dotazy uživatelů na tohoto účastníka chatu", @@ -5645,14 +5736,18 @@ "chatParticipantFullName": "Celé jméno tohoto účastníka chatu, které se zobrazuje jako popisek pro odpovědi od tohoto účastníka. Pokud se nezadá, použije se {0}.", "chatParticipantId": "Jedinečné ID tohoto účastníka chatu", "chatParticipantName": "Jméno tohoto účastníka chatu, který uvidí uživatelé. Uživatel k vyvolání účastníka použije s tímto jménem znak @. Jméno nesmí obsahovat prázdné znaky.", - "chatParticipantSupportsToolReferences": "Určuje, jestli tento účastník podporuje {0}.", "chatParticipantWhen": "Podmínka, která musí být pravdivá, aby bylo možné tohoto účastníka povolit.", "chatSampleRequest": "Když uživatel klikne na tohoto účastníka v zadání /help, odešle se tento text účastníkovi.", "showExtension": "Zobrazit rozšíření", "vscode.extension.contributes.chatParticipant": "Přidává účastníka chatu." }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatPasteProviders": { + "pastedImageName": "Pasted Image" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatWidget": { - "chatWidget.tips": "{0} připojit kontext\r\n\r\n{1} pro chat s rozšířeními" + "chatWidget.tips": "{0} or type {1} to attach context\r\n\r\n{2} to chat with extensions\r\n\r\nType {3} to use commands", + "chatWidget.tips.withoutParticipants": "{0} or type {1} to attach context", + "scrollDownButtonLabel": "Scroll down" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/codeBlockPart": { "chat.codeBlock.toolbar": "Panel nástrojů bloku kódu", @@ -5675,14 +5770,29 @@ "allFilesDescription": "Umožňuje vyhledávat relevantní soubory v pracovním prostoru a poskytovat z nich kontext." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/contrib/chatInputCompletions": { + "installLabel": "Install Chat Extensions...", "pickFileLabel": "Vybrat soubor" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/contrib/chatInputEditorHover": { "hoverAccessibilityChatAgent": "Tady je část zobrazovaná po najetí myší na agenta chatu." }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/contrib/screenshot": { + "screenshot": "Screenshot" + }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/languageModelToolsService": { + "toolInvocationMessage": "Using {0}" + }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/viewsWelcome/chatViewsWelcomeContributions": { + "chatViewsWelcome.content": "The content of the welcome message. The first command link will be rendered as a button.", + "chatViewsWelcome.icon": "The icon for the welcome message.", + "chatViewsWelcome.title": "The title of the welcome message.", + "chatViewsWelcome.when": "Condition when the welcome message is shown.", + "vscode.extension.contributes.chatViewsWelcome": "Contributes a welcome message to a chat view" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/chatColors": { "chat.avatarBackground": "Barva pozadí avataru chatu", "chat.avatarForeground": "Barva popředí avataru chatu", + "chat.editedFileForeground": "The foreground color of a chat edited file in the edited file list.", "chat.requestBackground": "Barva pozadí žádosti o chat.", "chat.requestBorder": "Barva ohraničení žádosti o chat.", "chat.slashCommandBackground": "Barva pozadí příkazu lomítka chatu.", @@ -5690,13 +5800,15 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/chatContextKeys": { "chatEditApplied": "True, pokud se použily úpravy textu chatu.", + "chatEditingParticipantRegistered": "True when a default chat participant is registered for editing.", "chatExtensionInvalid": "True, pokud je nainstalované rozšíření chatu neplatné a je třeba jej aktualizovat.", + "chatHasFileAttachments": "True when the chat has file attachments.", + "chatInstallEntitled": "True when the user is entitled for chat installation.", "chatIsEnabled": "True, pokud je chat povolen, protože je aktivován výchozí účastník chatu s implementací.", "chatItemId": "ID položky chatu", "chatLastItemId": "ID poslední položky chatu", "chatModelsAreUserSelectable": "True, když uživatel může model chatu vybrat ručně", "chatParticipantRegistered": "True, pokud je pro panel zaregistrován výchozí účastník chatu.", - "chatParticipantSupportsModelPicker": "True, když aktuální účastník chatu podporuje ruční výběr modelu", "chatRequest": "Položka chatu je žádost", "chatResponse": "Položka chatu je odpověď", "chatResponseErrored": "True, pokud odpověď chatu vedla k chybě.", @@ -5711,6 +5823,9 @@ "interactiveSessionRequestInProgress": "True, pokud aktuální požadavek stále probíhá.", "interactiveSessionResponseVote": "Když se hlasuje pro odpověď, nastaví se na „pro“. Když se hlasuje proti ní, nastaví se na „proti“. V opačném případě jde o prázdný řetězec." }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/chatEditingService": { + "chatEditingWidgetFileState": "The current state of the file in the chat editing widget" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/chatModel": { "codeCitation": "Našel se podobný kód s 1 typem licence.", "codeCitations": "Našel se podobný kód s tím počtem typů licencí: {0}.", @@ -5732,26 +5847,20 @@ "Language Models": "Jazykové modely", "languageModels": "Statistika využití jazykových modelů tohoto rozšíření" }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/languageModelToolsService": { - "toolConfirmMessage": "{0} bude používat {1}.", - "toolConfirmTitle": "Použít {0}?", - "toolInvocationMessage": "Používá se {0}" - }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/tools/languageModelToolsContribution": { - "canBeInvokedManually": "Určuje, jestli uživatel může tento nástroj vyvolat ručně prostřednictvím uživatelského prostředí chatu.", + "canBeReferencedInPrompt": "If true, this tool shows up as an attachment that the user can add manually to their request. Chat participants will receive the tool in {0}.", "condition": "Podmínka, která musí být vyhodnocena jako true, aby byl tento nástroj povolen. Upozorňujeme, že nástroj může být vyvolán i jiným rozšířením, a to i v případě, že je jeho podmínka when vyhodnocena jako false.", - "contentTypes": "Seznam typů obsahu, které může tento nástroj vrátit. Je nutné, aby nástroje podporovaly typ text/plain, a to i v případě, že se tady nezadá. Dalším příkladem může být contentType exportovaný knihovnou @vscode/prompt-tsx.", - "icon": "Ikona, která představuje tento nástroj. Může to být cesta k souboru, objekt s cestami k souborům pro tmavý a světlý motiv nebo odkaz na ikonu motivu, například \\$(zap).", + "icon": "An icon that represents this tool. Either a file path, an object with file paths for dark and light themes, or a theme icon reference, like `$(zap)`", "icon.dark": "Cesta k ikoně při použití tmavého motivu", "icon.light": "Cesta k ikoně při použití světlého motivu", - "parametersSchema": "Schéma JSON pro parametry, které tento nástroj přijímá", - "requiresConfirmation": "Určuje, jestli tento nástroj před spuštěním vyžaduje potvrzení uživatele.", + "parametersSchema": "A JSON schema for the parameters this tool accepts. The parameters must be an object at the top level. A particular language model may not support all JSON schema features. See the documentation for the language model family you are using for more information.", "toolDisplayName": "Člověkem čitelný název tohoto nástroje, který lze použít k jeho popisu v uživatelském rozhraní", - "toolId": "A unique id for this tool.", - "toolModelDescription": "Popis tohoto nástroje, který se dá předat jazykovému modelu", - "toolName": "Pokud je {0} pro tento nástroj povolen, může uživatel k vyvolání nástroje v dotazu použít # s tímto názvem. V opačném případě není název povinný. Jméno nesmí obsahovat prázdné znaky.", + "toolModelDescription": "A description of this tool that may be used by a language model to select it.", + "toolName": "A unique name for this tool. This name must be a globally unique identifier, and is also used as a name when presenting this tool to a language model.", + "toolName2": "If {0} is enabled for this tool, the user may use '#' with this name to invoke the tool in a query. Otherwise, the name is not required. Name must not contain whitespace.", + "toolTags": "A set of tags that roughly describe the tool's capabilities. A tool user may use these to filter the set of tools to just ones that are relevant for the task at hand, or they may want to pick a tag that can be used to identify just the tools contributed by this extension.", "toolUserDescription": "Popis tohoto nástroje, který se může zobrazit uživateli.", - "vscode.extension.contributes.tools": "Přidává nástroj, který může být vyvolán jazykovým modelem." + "vscode.extension.contributes.tools": "Contributes a tool that can be invoked by a language model in a chat session, or from a standalone command. Registered tools can be used by all extensions." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/voiceChatService": { "voiceChatInProgress": "Probíhá relace převodu řeči na text pro chat." @@ -5899,7 +6008,7 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/codeEditor/browser/saveParticipants": { "codeAction.apply": "Aplikuje se akce kódu {0}.", "codeaction": "Rychlé opravy", - "codeaction.get2": "Získávají se akce kódu z {0} ([configure]({1})).", + "codeaction.get2": "Getting code actions from {0} ([configure]({1})).", "formatting2": "Spouští se formátovací modul {0} ([configure]({1}))." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/codeEditor/browser/toggleColumnSelection": { @@ -6387,6 +6496,7 @@ "debug.gutterMiddleClickAction.none": "Neprovádět žádnou akci", "debug.gutterMiddleClickAction.triggeredBreakpoint": "Přidat aktivovanou zarážku", "debug.hideLauncherWhileDebugging": "Skryje ovládací prvek Spustit ladění v záhlaví zobrazení Spustit a ladit, když je aktivní ladění. Relevantní jenom v případě, že {0} není ukotvený (docked).", + "debug.hideSlowPreLaunchWarning": "Hide the warning shown when a `preLaunchTask` has been running for a while.", "debug.onTaskErrors": "Určuje, co se má provést, když se po spuštění preLaunchTask vyskytnou chyby.", "debug.saveBeforeStart": "Určuje, které editory se mají před spuštěním ladicí relace uložit.", "debug.saveBeforeStart.allEditorsInActiveGroup": "Před spuštěním ladicí relace uložit všechny editory v aktivní skupině", @@ -8323,8 +8433,12 @@ "startWithCurrentLine": "Začít v editoru na aktuálním řádku" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/inlineChat/browser/inlineChatSavingServiceImpl": { - "inlineChat": "Čeká se na přijetí nebo zahození změn vloženého chatu…", - "inlineChat.N": "Čeká se na přijetí nebo zahození změn vloženého chatu v(e) {0} editorech…" + "config": "Always save with AI-generated changes without asking", + "detail": "AI-generated changes may be incorect and should be reviewed before saving.", + "discard": "Cancel", + "message.1": "Do you want to save the changes {0} made in {1}?", + "message.2": "Do you want to save the changes inline chat made in {0}?", + "save": "Save" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/inlineChat/browser/inlineChatWidget": { "aria-label": "Vstup vloženého chatu", @@ -8335,7 +8449,6 @@ "inlineChatClosed": "Zavřený vložený widget chatu" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/inlineChat/common/inlineChat": { - "acceptedOrDiscardBeforeSave": "Určuje, jestli probíhající relace vloženého chatu brání uložení.", "accessibleDiffView": "Určuje, jestli se ve vloženém chatu pro změny vykresluje také přístupný prohlížeč rozdílů.", "accessibleDiffView.auto": "Prohlížeč rozdílů s podporou přístupnosti je založen na povoleném režimu čtečky obrazovky.", "accessibleDiffView.off": "Přístupný prohlížeč rozdílů není nikdy povolen.", @@ -8875,6 +8988,10 @@ "openLogsFolder": "Otevřít složku s logy" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/markdown/browser/markdownSettingRenderer": { + "alreadysetBoolFalse": "\"{0}: {1}\" is already disabled", + "alreadysetBoolTrue": "\"{0}: {1}\" is already enabled", + "alreadysetNum": "\"{0}: {1}\" is already set to {2}", + "alreadysetString": "\"{0}: {1}\" is already set to \"{2}\"", "changeSettingTitle": "Zobrazit nebo změnit nastavení", "copySettingId": "Kopírovat ID nastavení", "falseMessage": "Zakázat {0}: {1}", @@ -9499,6 +9616,9 @@ "runCell": "Spustit buňku", "runCellsInSection": "Spustit buňky v oddílu" }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/controller/variablesActions": { + "notebookActions.openVariablesView": "Variables" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/diff/diffComponents": { "hiddenCell": "{0} skrytá buňka", "hiddenCells": "{0} skryté buňky", @@ -9924,7 +10044,7 @@ "name": "Výkon při spuštění" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/performance/electron-sandbox/performance.contribution": { - "experimental.rendererProfiling": "Když je tato možnost povolená, pomalé renderery se automaticky profilují." + "experimental.rendererProfiling": "When enabled, slow renderers are automatically profiled." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/performance/electron-sandbox/startupProfiler": { "prof.detail": "Vytvořte prosím problém a připojte ručně následující soubory:\r\n{0}", @@ -10105,6 +10225,7 @@ "defaultOverriddenDetailsAriaLabel": "{0} přepíše výchozí hodnotu.", "defaultOverriddenLabel": "Výchozí hodnota byla změněna", "defaultOverriddenLanguagesList": "Pro {0} existují výchozí hodnoty specifické pro jazyk.", + "experimentalLabel": "Experimental", "extensionSyncIgnoredLabel": "Nesynchronizované", "hasDefaultOverridesForLanguages": "Následující jazyky mají výchozí přepsání:", "manageWorkspaceTrust": "Spravovat vztah důvěryhodnosti pracovního prostoru", @@ -10117,6 +10238,7 @@ "policyDescriptionAccessible": "Spravováno zásadami organizace; hodnota nastavení se nepoužila", "policyFilterLink": "Zobrazit nastavení zásad", "policyLabelText": "Hodnota nastavení se nepoužila", + "previewLabel": "Preview", "remote": "Vzdálené", "syncIgnoredAriaLabel": "Nastavení se během synchronizace ignoruje.", "syncIgnoredTitle": "Toto nastavení se během synchronizace ignoruje.", @@ -10250,6 +10372,10 @@ "groupRowAriaLabel": "{0}, skupina", "settingsTOC": "Obsah nastavení" }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/preferences/common/preferences": { + "experimentalIndicatorDescription": "This setting controls a feature that may change or be removed in the future. Adjusting this setting may result in instability.", + "previewIndicatorDescription": "This setting controls a feature that is in active development." + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/preferences/common/preferencesContribution": { "enableNaturalLanguageSettingsSearch": "Určuje, jestli má být pro nastavení povolen režim vyhledávání v přirozeném jazyce. Vyhledávání v přirozeném jazyce poskytuje online služba Microsoftu.", "settingsSearchTocBehavior": "Určuje chování obsahu editoru nastavení při vyhledávání. Pokud se toto nastavení mění v editoru nastavení, nastavení se projeví po změně vyhledávacího dotazu.", @@ -11707,31 +11833,20 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminal.contribution": { "miToggleIntegratedTerminal": "&&Terminál", - "tasksQuickAccessHelp": "Zobrazit všechny otevřené terminály", - "tasksQuickAccessPlaceholder": "Zadejte název terminálu, který chcete otevřít.", "terminal": "Terminál" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminalActions": { "emptyTerminalNameInfo": "Pokud nezadáte žádný název, obnoví se výchozí hodnota.", - "goToRecentDirectory.metadata": "Přejde do poslední složky.", "newWithProfile.location": "Kde se má vytvořit terminál", "newWithProfile.location.editor": "Vytvořit terminál v editoru", "newWithProfile.location.view": "Vytvořit terminál v zobrazení terminálu", "noUnattachedTerminals": "Nejsou k dispozici žádné nepřipojené terminály, ke kterým by se dalo připojit.", - "quickAccessTerminal": "Přepnout aktivní terminál", "sendSequence": "Posloupnost textu, který se má odeslat do terminálu", "showTerminalTabs": "Zobrazit karty", "terminalLaunchHelp": "Otevřít nápovědu", "workbench.action.terminal.attachToSession": "Připojit k relaci", "workbench.action.terminal.clear": "Vymazat", - "workbench.action.terminal.clearPreviousSessionHistory": "Clear Previous Session History (Vymazat předchozí historii relace)", "workbench.action.terminal.clearSelection": "Vymazat výběr", - "workbench.action.terminal.copyAndClearSelection": "Kopírovat a vymazat výběr", - "workbench.action.terminal.copyLastCommand": "Kopírovat poslední příkaz", - "workbench.action.terminal.copyLastCommandAndOutput": "Zkopírovat poslední příkaz a výstup", - "workbench.action.terminal.copyLastCommandOutput": "Kopírovat výstup posledního příkazu", - "workbench.action.terminal.copySelection": "Kopírovat výběr", - "workbench.action.terminal.copySelectionAsHtml": "Kopírovat výběr jako HTML", "workbench.action.terminal.createTerminalEditor": "Vytvořit nový terminál v oblasti editoru", "workbench.action.terminal.createTerminalEditorSide": "Vytvořit nový terminál v oblasti editoru na straně", "workbench.action.terminal.detachSession": "Odpojit relaci", @@ -11740,7 +11855,6 @@ "workbench.action.terminal.focusNextPane": "Přepnout fokus na další terminál ve skupině terminálů", "workbench.action.terminal.focusPrevious": "Přepnout fokus na předchozí skupinu terminálů", "workbench.action.terminal.focusPreviousPane": "Přepnout fokus na předchozí terminál ve skupině terminálů", - "workbench.action.terminal.goToRecentDirectory": "Přejít do posledního adresáře...", "workbench.action.terminal.join": "Spojit terminály…", "workbench.action.terminal.join.insufficientTerminals": "Nedostatečný počet terminálů pro akci připojení", "workbench.action.terminal.join.onlySplits": "Všechny terminály už jsou připojené.", @@ -11756,8 +11870,6 @@ "workbench.action.terminal.newWorkspacePlaceholder": "Vyberte aktuální pracovní adresář pro nový terminál.", "workbench.action.terminal.openSettings": "Konfigurovat nastavení terminálu", "workbench.action.terminal.overriddenCwdDescription": "(Přepsané) {0}", - "workbench.action.terminal.paste": "Vložit do aktivního terminálu", - "workbench.action.terminal.pasteSelection": "Vložit výběr do aktivního terminálu", "workbench.action.terminal.relaunch": "Znovu spustit aktivní terminál", "workbench.action.terminal.rename.prompt": "Zadejte název terminálu.", "workbench.action.terminal.renameWithArg.name": "Nový název terminálu", @@ -11768,7 +11880,6 @@ "workbench.action.terminal.resizePaneUp": "Změnit velikost terminálu nahoru", "workbench.action.terminal.runActiveFile": "Spustit aktivní soubor v aktivním terminálu", "workbench.action.terminal.runActiveFile.noFile": "V terminálu lze spustit pouze soubory na disku.", - "workbench.action.terminal.runRecentCommand": "Spustit poslední příkaz...", "workbench.action.terminal.runSelectedText": "Spustit vybraný text v aktivním terminálu", "workbench.action.terminal.scrollDown": "Posunout dolů (řádek)", "workbench.action.terminal.scrollDownPage": "Posunout dolů (stránka)", @@ -11878,20 +11989,6 @@ "unsafePathWarning": "Tento profil terminálu používá potenciálně nebezpečnou cestu, kterou může změnit jiný uživatel: {0}. Chcete ji použít?", "yes": "Ano" }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminalQuickAccess": { - "renameTerminal": "Přejmenovat terminál", - "workbench.action.terminal.newWithProfilePlus": "Vytvořit nový terminál s profilem…", - "workbench.action.terminal.newplus": "Vytvořit nový terminál" - }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminalRunRecentQuickPick": { - "removeCommand": "Odebrat z historie příkazů", - "selectRecentCommand": "Vyberte příkaz, který chcete spustit (pokud chcete příkaz upravit, podržte klávesu Alt)", - "selectRecentCommandMac": "Vyberte příkaz, který chcete spustit (pokud chcete příkaz upravit, podržte Option)", - "selectRecentDirectory": "Vyberte adresář, do kterého chcete přejít (pokud chcete příkaz upravit, podržte klávesu Alt)", - "selectRecentDirectoryMac": "Vyberte adresář, do kterého chcete přejít (pokud chcete příkaz upravit, podržte klávesu Option)", - "shellFileHistoryCategory": "{0} – historie", - "viewCommandOutput": "Zobrazit výstup příkazu" - }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminalService": { "localTerminalRemote": "Toto prostředí je spuštěné na vašem {0}místním{1} počítači, NE na připojeném vzdáleném počítači", "localTerminalVirtualWorkspace": "Toto prostředí je otevřené pro {0}místní{1} složku, NE pro virtuální složku", @@ -11924,10 +12021,6 @@ "terminalConnectingLabel": "Spouštění...", "terminals": "Otevřít terminály" }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminalWslRecommendationContribution": { - "install": "Nainstalovat", - "useWslExtension.title": "Pro otevření terminálu ve WSL se doporučuje rozšíření {0}." - }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/xterm/decorationAddon": { "gutter": "Dekorace příkazů mezery", "no": "Ne", @@ -11966,13 +12059,6 @@ "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.types.icon.dark": "Cesta k ikoně při použití tmavého motivu", "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.types.icon.light": "Cesta k ikoně při použití světlého motivu" }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/common/terminalClipboard": { - "confirmMoveTrashMessageFilesAndDirectories": "Opravdu chcete vložit řádky (celkem {0}) textu do terminálu?", - "doNotAskAgain": "Tento dotaz příště nezobrazovat", - "multiLinePasteButton": "&&Vložit", - "multiLinePasteButton.oneLine": "Vložit jako &&jeden řádek", - "preview": "Náhled:" - }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/common/terminalColorRegistry": { "terminal.ansiColor": "Barva ANSI {0} v terminálu", "terminal.background": "Barva pozadí terminálu, která umožňuje pro terminál použít jinou barvu než pro panel.", @@ -12017,8 +12103,6 @@ "terminal.integrated.allowMnemonics": "Určuje, jestli se má povolit otevření řádku nabídek stisknutím klávesových zkratek řádku nabídek (například ALT+F). Poznámka: V případě hodnoty true to způsobí, že všechny klávesové zkratky s klávesou alt přeskočí prostředí. Neplatí to pro macOS.", "terminal.integrated.allowedLinkSchemes": "Pole řetězců obsahující schémata identifikátorů URI, pro která může terminál otevírat odkazy Ve výchozím nastavení je z bezpečnostních důvodů povolena pouze malá podmnožina možných schémat.", "terminal.integrated.altClickMovesCursor": "Když se tato možnost povolí a hodnota {0} je nastavená na {1} (výchozí hodnotu), Alt nebo Option + kliknutí přesune kurzor výzvy na pozici pod myší. Nemusí to fungovat spolehlivě, záleží na vašem prostředí.", - "terminal.integrated.autoReplies": "Sada zpráv, na které bude automaticky odpovězeno, pokud se vyskytnou v terminálu. V případě, že bude zpráva dostatečně konkrétní, to pomůže s automatizací běžných odpovědí.\r\n\r\nPoznámky:\r\n\r\n– Pomocí {0} můžete automaticky odpovědět na výzvu k ukončení dávkových úloh v systému Windows.\r\n– Zpráva zahrnuje řídící sekvence, takže k odpovědí nemusí dojít se stylizovaným textem.\r\n– Ke každé odpovědi může dojít jenom jednou za sekundu.\r\n– Použijte v odpovědi {1}, abyste tím naznačili klávesu Enter.\r\n– Pokud chcete zrušit nastavení výchozího klíče, nastavte hodnotu na null.\r\n– Restartujte VS pokud neplatí nové.", - "terminal.integrated.autoReplies.reply": "Odpověď, která se má odeslat do procesu.", "terminal.integrated.bellDuration": "Počet milisekund pro zobrazení zvonku na kartě terminálu, když se aktivuje.", "terminal.integrated.commandsToSkipShell": "Sada ID příkazů, jejichž klávesové zkratky nebudou odeslány do prostředí, ale místo toho je bude vždy zpracovávat VS Code. To umožňuje používat klávesové zkratky, které by normálně byly zachyceny prostředím, jako kdyby terminál neměl fokus, například Ctrl+P pro spuštění rychlého otevření.\r\n\r\n \r\n\r\nVe výchozím nastavení je mnoho příkazů přeskakováno. Pokud chcete výchozí nastavení přepsat a místo toho předat prostředí klávesovou zkratku daného příkazu, přidejte příkaz s předponou „-“. Například přidáním příkazu -workbench.action.quickOpen umožníte předání klávesové zkratky Ctrl+P do prostředí.\r\n\r\n \r\n\r\nNásledující seznam výchozích přeskakovaných příkazů je při zobrazení v editoru nastavení zkrácen. Pokud chcete zobrazit úplný seznam, {1} a vyhledejte první příkaz z níže uvedeného seznamu.\r\n\r\n \r\n\r\nVýchozí přeskakované příkazy:\r\n\r\n{0}", "terminal.integrated.confirmOnExit": "Určuje, zda potvrdit, když se okno zavře, pokud existují aktivní relace terminálu.", @@ -12107,7 +12191,6 @@ "terminal.integrated.shellIntegration.decorationsEnabled.never": "Nezobrazovat dekorace", "terminal.integrated.shellIntegration.decorationsEnabled.overviewRuler": "Zobrazit dekorace přehledového pravítka napravo od terminálu", "terminal.integrated.shellIntegration.enabled": "Určuje, jestli se integrace prostředí automaticky vloží, aby podporovala funkce, jako je rozšířené sledování příkazů a detekce aktuálního pracovního adresáře. \r\n\r\nIntegrace prostředí funguje vložením prostředí do spouštěcího skriptu. Skript poskytuje nástroji VS Code přehled o tom, co se děje v terminálu.\r\n\r\nPodporovaná prostředí:\r\n\r\n– Linux/macOS: bash, fish, pwsh, zsh\r\n – Windows: pwsh, git bash\r\n\r\nToto nastavení se používá pouze při vytváření terminálů, takže budete muset restartovat terminály, aby se projevilo.\r\n\r\n Upozorňujeme, že vkládání skriptu nemusí fungovat, pokud máte v profilu terminálu definované vlastní argumenty, povolili jste {1}, máte [příkaz pro komplexní bash PROMPT_COMMAND](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/integrated-terminal#_complex-bash-promptcommand) nebo jiné nepodporované nastavení. Pokud chcete dekorace zakázat, přečtěte si {0}.", - "terminal.integrated.shellIntegration.history": "Určuje počet naposledy použitých příkazů, které se mají zachovat v historii příkazů terminálu. Pokud chcete zakázat historii příkazů terminálu, nastavte hodnotu na 0.", "terminal.integrated.showExitAlert": "Určuje, jestli se má v případě nenulového ukončovacího kódu zobrazit upozornění, že proces terminálu byl ukončen s ukončovacím kódem.", "terminal.integrated.smoothScrolling": "Určuje, jestli se má pro posouvání v terminálu používat animace.", "terminal.integrated.splitCwd": "Určuje pracovní adresář, se kterým začíná rozdělený terminál.", @@ -12229,6 +12312,10 @@ "terminal.integrated.accessibleViewFocusOnCommandExecution": "Umožňuje při provedení příkazu přepnout fokus na přístupné zobrazení terminálu.", "terminal.integrated.accessibleViewPreserveCursorPosition": "Zachování pozice kurzoru při opětovném otevření zobrazení terminálu s podporou přístupnosti (místo toho, aby se kurzor nastavil na konec vyrovnávací paměti)." }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/autoReplies/common/terminalAutoRepliesConfiguration": { + "terminal.integrated.autoReplies": "A set of messages that, when encountered in the terminal, will be automatically responded to. Provided the message is specific enough, this can help automate away common responses.\r\n\r\nRemarks:\r\n\r\n- Use {0} to automatically respond to the terminate batch job prompt on Windows.\r\n- The message includes escape sequences so the reply might not happen with styled text.\r\n- Each reply can only happen once every second.\r\n- Use {1} in the reply to mean the enter key.\r\n- To unset a default key, set the value to null.\r\n- Restart VS Code if new don't apply.", + "terminal.integrated.autoReplies.reply": "The reply to send to the process." + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/chat/browser/terminal.initialHint.contribution": { "disableHint": " Přepnutím {0} v nastavení tento tip zakážete.", "disableInitialHint": "Zakázat počáteční nápovědu", @@ -12268,8 +12355,6 @@ "closeChat": "Zavřít chat", "discard": "Zahodit", "discardDescription": "Zahodí aktuální odpověď na chat terminálu, skryje widget chatu a vymaže vstup chatu.", - "focusTerminalInput": "Přepnout fokus na vstup terminálu", - "focusTerminalResponse": "Fokus na odpověď terminálu", "insert": "Vložit", "insertCommand": "Vložit příkaz chatu", "insertFirst": "Vložit jako první", @@ -12291,6 +12376,23 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/chat/common/terminalInitialHintConfiguration": { "terminal.integrated.initialHint": "Určuje, jestli první terminál bez vstupu zobrazí nápovědu k dostupným akcím, když má fokus." }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/clipboard/browser/terminal.clipboard.contribution": { + "workbench.action.terminal.copyAndClearSelection": "Copy and Clear Selection", + "workbench.action.terminal.copyLastCommand": "Copy Last Command", + "workbench.action.terminal.copyLastCommandAndOutput": "Copy Last Command and Output", + "workbench.action.terminal.copyLastCommandOutput": "Copy Last Command Output", + "workbench.action.terminal.copySelection": "Copy Selection", + "workbench.action.terminal.copySelectionAsHtml": "Copy Selection as HTML", + "workbench.action.terminal.paste": "Paste into Active Terminal", + "workbench.action.terminal.pasteSelection": "Paste Selection into Active Terminal" + }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/clipboard/browser/terminalClipboard": { + "confirmMoveTrashMessageFilesAndDirectories": "Are you sure you want to paste {0} lines of text into the terminal?", + "doNotAskAgain": "Do not ask me again", + "multiLinePasteButton": "&&Paste", + "multiLinePasteButton.oneLine": "Paste as &&one line", + "preview": "Preview:" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/commandGuide/browser/terminal.commandGuide.contribution": { "terminalCommandGuide.foreground": "Barva popředí průvodce příkazem terminálu vlevo od příkazu a jeho výstupu při najetí myší" }, @@ -12330,6 +12432,24 @@ "selectAll": "Vybrat vše", "undo": "Vrátit zpět" }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/history/browser/terminal.history.contribution": { + "goToRecentDirectory.metadata": "Goes to a recent folder", + "workbench.action.terminal.clearPreviousSessionHistory": "Clear Previous Session History", + "workbench.action.terminal.goToRecentDirectory": "Go to Recent Directory...", + "workbench.action.terminal.runRecentCommand": "Run Recent Command..." + }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/history/browser/terminalRunRecentQuickPick": { + "removeCommand": "Remove from Command History", + "selectRecentCommand": "Select a command to run (hold Alt-key to edit the command)", + "selectRecentCommandMac": "Select a command to run (hold Option-key to edit the command)", + "selectRecentDirectory": "Select a directory to go to (hold Alt-key to edit the command)", + "selectRecentDirectoryMac": "Select a directory to go to (hold Option-key to edit the command)", + "shellFileHistoryCategory": "{0} history", + "viewCommandOutput": "View Command Output" + }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/history/common/terminal.history": { + "terminal.integrated.shellIntegration.history": "Controls the number of recently used commands to keep in the terminal command history. Set to 0 to disable terminal command history." + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/links/browser/terminal.links.contribution": { "workbench.action.terminal.openDetectedLink": "Otevřít zjištěný odkaz…", "workbench.action.terminal.openLastLocalFileLink": "Otevřít poslední odkaz na místní soubor", @@ -12361,6 +12481,16 @@ "terminal.integrated.searchLinks": "Hledání v pracovním prostoru", "terminal.integrated.urlLinks": "Adresa URL" }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/quickAccess/browser/terminal.quickAccess.contribution": { + "quickAccessTerminal": "Switch Active Terminal", + "tasksQuickAccessHelp": "Show All Opened Terminals", + "tasksQuickAccessPlaceholder": "Type the name of a terminal to open." + }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/quickAccess/browser/terminalQuickAccess": { + "renameTerminal": "Rename Terminal", + "workbench.action.terminal.newWithProfilePlus": "Create New Terminal With Profile...", + "workbench.action.terminal.newplus": "Create New Terminal" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/quickFix/browser/quickFixAddon": { "codeAction.widget.id.quickfix": "Rychlá oprava", "quickFix.command": "Spustit: {0}", @@ -12432,6 +12562,10 @@ "terminal.integrated.localEchoLatencyThreshold": "Doba prodlevy sítě v milisekundách, kdy se místní úpravy budou vypisovat na terminálu, aniž by se čekalo na potvrzení serveru. Když se nastaví na 0, místní výpis bude vždy zapnutý. Hodnota -1 ho zakáže.", "terminal.integrated.localEchoStyle": "Styl místně vypisovaného textu na terminálu, tedy buď styl písma, nebo barva RGB." }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/wslRecommendation/browser/terminal.wslRecommendation.contribution": { + "install": "Install", + "useWslExtension.title": "The '{0}' extension is recommended for opening a terminal in WSL." + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/zoom/browser/terminal.zoom.contribution": { "fontZoomIn": "Zvětšit velikost písma", "fontZoomOut": "Zmenšit velikost písma", @@ -12688,10 +12822,12 @@ "openTestCoverage": "Zobrazit pokrytí testy", "run test": "Spustit test", "testing.cancelRun": "Zrušit testovací běh", - "testing.debugLastRun": "Ladit testovací běh", + "testing.debugLastRun": "Debug Last Run", + "testing.debugTest": "Debug Test", "testing.goToError": "Přejít na chybu", "testing.goToTest": "Přejít na test", - "testing.reRunLastRun": "Znovu spustit testovací běh", + "testing.reRunLastRun": "Rerun Last Run", + "testing.reRunTest": "Rerun Test", "testing.revealInExplorer": "Zobrazit v Průzkumníkovi testů", "testing.showResultOutput": "Zobrazit výstup výsledku", "testingPeekLabel": "Zprávy výsledků testu" @@ -13005,6 +13141,7 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/userDataProfile/browser/userDataProfile": { "New Profile Window": "Nové okno s profilem", + "change profile": "Switch to {0} profile", "create profile": "Nový profil...", "current": "Aktuální", "delete profile": "Odstranit profil…", @@ -13016,10 +13153,12 @@ "new window with profile": "Nové okno s profilem", "newWindowWithProfile": "Nové okno s profilem…", "open": "Otevřít profil {0}", + "open profile": "Open New Window with {0} Profile", "open profiles": "Otevřít profily (uživatelské rozhraní)", "openShort": "{0}", "pick profile": "Vybrat profil", "pick profile to delete": "Vyberte profily, které chcete odstranit.", + "profiles": "Profile ({0})", "save profile as": "Uložit aktuální profil jako...", "selectProfile": "Vyberte profil", "switchProfile": "Přepnout profil…", @@ -13053,6 +13192,7 @@ "default profile contents description": "Konfigurovat obsah tohoto profilu\r\n", "defaultProfileIcon": "Ikonu výchozího profilu nelze změnit.", "defaultProfileName": "Název výchozího profilu nelze změnit.", + "deleteTrustedUri": "Delete Path", "editIcon": "Ikona pro úpravu složky v editoru profilů", "empty profile": "Žádný", "enable for current window": "Použít tento profil pro aktuální okno", @@ -13090,6 +13230,7 @@ "profileName": "Název profilu", "profiles": "Profily", "profilesSashBorder": "Barva ohraničení rozděleného zobrazení okna editoru profilů", + "removeIcon": "Icon for the remove folder icon in the profiles editor.", "settings": "Nastavení", "snippets": "Fragmenty kódu", "tasks": "Úlohy", @@ -13406,7 +13547,8 @@ "gettingStartedUnchecked": "Slouží k reprezentaci nedokončených kroků návodu." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcomeGettingStarted/browser/gettingStartedInput": { - "getStarted": "Vítejte" + "getStarted": "Vítejte", + "walkthroughPageTitle": "Walkthrough: " }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcomeGettingStarted/browser/gettingStartedService": { "builtin": "Integrované", @@ -13438,6 +13580,7 @@ "gettingStarted.accessibleView.title": "Uživatelé čtečky obrazovky mohou v přístupném zobrazení prohlížet obsah řádek po řádku a znak po znaku.", "gettingStarted.beginner.description": "Získejte přehled o nejdůležitějších funkcích", "gettingStarted.beginner.title": "Naučte se základy", + "gettingStarted.beginner.walkthroughPageTitle": "Essential Features", "gettingStarted.codeFolding.description.interpolated": "Použijte k tomu příkaz Přepnout sbalení.\r\n{0}\r\n Rekurzivní sbalení a rozbalení pomocí příkazu Přepnout možnost Sbalit rekurzivně\r\n{1}\r\n", "gettingStarted.codeFolding.title": "Pomocí sbalování kódu můžete sbalit bloky kódu a zaměřit se na kód, který vás zajímá.", "gettingStarted.commandPalette.description.interpolated": "Spouštějte příkazy pro jakékoli úlohy ve VS Code bez nutnosti používat myš.\r\n{0}", @@ -13466,6 +13609,7 @@ "gettingStarted.newFile.description": "Otevře nový textový soubor bez názvu, poznámkový blok nebo vlastní editor.", "gettingStarted.newFile.title": "Nový soubor…", "gettingStarted.notebook.title": "Přizpůsobit poznámkové bloky", + "gettingStarted.notebook.walkthroughPageTitle": "Notebooks", "gettingStarted.notebookProfile.description": "Získejte poznámkové bloky, které budou podle vašich představ.", "gettingStarted.notebookProfile.title": "Vyberte rozložení svých poznámkových bloků", "gettingStarted.openFile.description": "Pokud chcete začít pracovat, otevřete soubor.", @@ -13491,10 +13635,13 @@ "gettingStarted.setup.OpenFolderWeb.description.interpolated": "Všechno máte nastavené, abyste mohli začít kódovat. Pokud chcete své soubory dostat do VS Code, můžete otevřít místní projekt nebo vzdálené úložiště.\r\n{0}\r\n{1}", "gettingStarted.setup.description": "Přizpůsobte si editor, naučte se základy a začněte kódovat.", "gettingStarted.setup.title": "Začínáme s VS Code", + "gettingStarted.setup.walkthroughPageTitle": "Setup VS Code", "gettingStarted.setupAccessibility.description": "Seznamte se s nástroji a klávesovými zkratkami, díky kterým je zajišťována přístupnost ve VS Code. Poznámka: Některé akce se nedají provést v kontextu podrobného návodu.", "gettingStarted.setupAccessibility.title": "Začínáme s funkcemi přístupnosti", + "gettingStarted.setupAccessibility.walkthroughPageTitle": "Setup VS Code Accessibility", "gettingStarted.setupWeb.description": "Přizpůsobte si editor, naučte se základy a začněte kódovat.", "gettingStarted.setupWeb.title": "Začínáme s VS Code pro web", + "gettingStarted.setupWeb.walkthroughPageTitle": "Setup VS Code Web", "gettingStarted.shortcuts.description.interpolated": "Jakmile objevíte své oblíbené příkazy, vytvořte si vlastní klávesové zkratky pro okamžitý přístup.\r\n{0}", "gettingStarted.shortcuts.title": "Přizpůsobte si zástupce", "gettingStarted.tasks.description.interpolated": "Vytvořte úlohy pro své běžné pracovní postupy a využívejte integrované prostředí pro spouštění skriptů a automatickou kontrolu výsledků.\r\n{0}", @@ -13768,7 +13915,6 @@ "editorLineNumberContext": "Místní nabídka čísla řádku přidaného editoru", "file.newFile": "Rychlý výběr Nový soubor… zobrazený na úvodní stránce a v nabídce Soubor", "inlineCompletions.actions": "Akce zobrazené při najetí myší na vložené dokončení", - "inlineEdit.actions": "Akce zobrazené při najetí myší na vloženou úpravu", "interactive.cell.title": "Poskytnutá interaktivní nabídka názvu buňky", "interactive.toolbar": "Poskytnutá interaktivní nabídka panelu nástrojů", "issue.reporter": "Nabídka hlášení problémů, kterými bylo přispěno", @@ -14310,7 +14456,12 @@ "startBisect": "Spustit bisekci rozšíření" }, "vs/workbench/services/files/electron-sandbox/diskFileSystemProvider": { - "fileWatcher": "Sledovací proces souborů" + "fileWatcher": "File Watcher" + }, + "vs/workbench/services/files/electron-sandbox/elevatedFileService": { + "fileNotTrusted": "Workspace is not trusted.", + "fileNotTrustedMessagePosix": "You are about to save '{0}' as super user.", + "fileNotTrustedMessageWindows": "You are about to save '{0}' as admin." }, "vs/workbench/services/filesConfiguration/common/filesConfigurationService": { "configuredReadonly": "Editor je jen pro čtení, protože soubor byl nastavený jen pro čtení prostřednictvím nastavení. Pro konfiguraci [klikněte sem](command:{0}) nebo [přepněte v této relaci](command:{1}).", @@ -14602,6 +14753,10 @@ "vs/workbench/services/textfile/common/textFileEditorModelManager": { "genericSaveError": "Nepovedlo se uložit {0}: {1}" }, + "vs/workbench/services/textfile/common/textFileSaveParticipant": { + "saveParticipants1": "Running Code Actions and Formatters...", + "skip": "Skip" + }, "vs/workbench/services/textfile/electron-sandbox/nativeTextFileService": { "join.textFiles": "Ukládání textových souborů" }, @@ -14713,7 +14868,7 @@ "schema.folderNamesExpanded": "Přidruží názvy složek k ikonám pro rozbalené složky. Klíčem objektu je název složky bez segmentů cesty. Nelze použít vzory ani zástupné znaky. Při porovnávání názvů složek se nerozlišují malá a velká písmena.", "schema.font-format": "Formát písma", "schema.font-path": "Cesta k písmu relativní vzhledem k aktuálnímu souboru motivu ikon souboru", - "schema.font-size": "Výchozí velikost písma. Platné hodnoty najdete na https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/font-size.", + "schema.font-size": "The default size of the font. We strongly recommend using a percentage value, for example: 125%.", "schema.font-style": "Styl písma. Platné hodnoty najdete na https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/font-style.", "schema.font-weight": "Tloušťka písma. Platné hodnoty najdete na https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/font-weight.", "schema.fontCharacter": "Při použití piktogramového písma: znak v písmu, který se má použít", @@ -15042,6 +15197,10 @@ "vs/workbench/services/workingCopy/common/storedFileWorkingCopyManager": { "join.fileWorkingCopyManager": "Ukládání pracovních kopií" }, + "vs/workbench/services/workingCopy/common/storedFileWorkingCopySaveParticipant": { + "saveParticipants1": "Running Code Actions and Formatters...", + "skip": "Skip" + }, "vs/workbench/services/workingCopy/common/workingCopyHistoryService": { "default.source": "Soubor uložen", "join.workingCopyHistory": "Ukládání místní historie", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-de/translations/extensions/vscode.git.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-de/translations/extensions/vscode.git.i18n.json index 8db90e09cc..9ee8403207 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-de/translations/extensions/vscode.git.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-de/translations/extensions/vscode.git.i18n.json @@ -161,6 +161,7 @@ "Open": "Öffnen", "Open Commit": "Commit öffnen", "Open Comparison": "Vergleich öffnen", + "Open File": "Open File", "Open Git Log": "Git-Protokoll öffnen", "Open Merge": "Merge öffnen", "Open Repositories In Parent Folders": "Repositorys in übergeordneten Ordnern öffnen", @@ -267,6 +268,7 @@ "There are {0} unsaved files.\n\nWould you like to save them before stashing?": "{0} Dateien wurden nicht gespeichert.\n\nMöchten Sie diese vor dem Stashen speichern?", "There are {0} untracked files which will be DELETED FROM DISK if discarded.": "Es sind {0} nicht verfolgte Dateien vorhanden, die VOM DATENTRÄGER GELÖSCHT werden, wenn sie verworfen werden.", "There were merge conflicts while applying the stash.": "Beim Anwenden des Stashes sind Merge-Konflikte aufgetreten.", + "There were merge conflicts while cherry picking the changes. Resolve the conflicts before committing them.": "There were merge conflicts while cherry picking the changes. Resolve the conflicts before committing them.", "This action will pull and push commits from and to \"{0}/{1}\".": "Durch diese Aktion werden Commits von und an \"{0}/{1}\" gepullt und gepusht.", "This repository has no remotes configured to fetch from.": "In diesem Repository wurden keine Remoteelemente konfiguriert, aus denen ein Abrufen erfolgt.", "This will DELETE {0} untracked files!\nThis is IRREVERSIBLE!\nThese files will be FOREVER LOST.": "Hierdurch werden {0} nicht nachverfolgte Dateien GELÖSCHT!\nDieser Vorgang ist UNUMKEHRBAR.\nDie Dateien gehen DAUERHAFT VERLOREN.", @@ -356,6 +358,7 @@ "command.checkoutDetached": "Auschecken an (getrennt)...", "command.checkoutRefDetached": "Check-Out (getrennt)", "command.cherryPick": "Cherry-Pick...", + "command.cherryPickAbort": "Abort Cherry Pick", "command.cherryPickRef": "Cherrypicking", "command.clean": "Änderungen verwerfen", "command.cleanAll": "Alle Änderungen verwerfen", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-de/translations/extensions/vscode.github-authentication.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-de/translations/extensions/vscode.github-authentication.i18n.json index b7fdddf3b4..1105282405 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-de/translations/extensions/vscode.github-authentication.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-de/translations/extensions/vscode.github-authentication.i18n.json @@ -16,8 +16,6 @@ "Having trouble logging in? Would you like to try a different way? ({0})": "Haben Sie Probleme bei der Anmeldung? Möchten Sie eine andere Methode ausprobieren? ({0})", "No": "Nein", "Open [{0}]({0}) in a new tab and paste your one-time code: {1}/The [{0}]({0}) will be a url and the {1} will be a code, e.g. 123-456{Locked=\"[{0}]({0})\"}": "Öffnen Sie [{0}]({0}) auf einer neuen Registerkarte, und fügen Sie Ihren einmaligen Code ein: {1}", - "Please reload the window to apply the new setting.": "Laden Sie das Fenster neu, um die neue Einstellung anzuwenden.", - "Reload Window": "Fenster erneut laden", "Sign in failed: {0}": "Fehler bei der Anmeldung: {0}", "Sign out failed: {0}": "Fehler bei der Abmeldung: {0}", "Signing in to {0}.../The {0} will be a url, e.g. github.com": "Anmelden bei {0}...", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-de/translations/extensions/vscode.ipynb.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-de/translations/extensions/vscode.ipynb.i18n.json index f5d77fdb35..7749274fbd 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-de/translations/extensions/vscode.ipynb.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-de/translations/extensions/vscode.ipynb.i18n.json @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ "copyCellOutput.title": "Zellenausgabe kopieren", "description": "Bietet grundlegende Unterstützung für das Öffnen und Lesen von Jupyters .ipynb-Notizbuchdateien", "displayName": "IPYNB-Unterstützung", - "ipynb.experimental.serialization": "Experimentelles Feature zum Serialisieren des Jupyter-Notebooks in einem Arbeitsthread. Wird nicht unterstützt, wenn der Erweiterungshost als Worker ausgeführt wird.", + "ipynb.experimental.serialization": "Experimental feature to serialize the Jupyter notebook in a worker thread.", "ipynb.pasteImagesAsAttachments.enabled": "Aktivieren/Deaktivieren des Einfügens von Bildern in Markdownzellen in IPYNB-Notebook-Dateien. Eingefügte Bilder werden als Anlagen in die Zelle eingefügt.", "markdownAttachmentRenderer.displayName": "Zellenanlage-Renderer „Markdown-It-IPYNB“", "newUntitledIpynb.shortTitle": "Jupyter Notebook", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-de/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-de/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json index 6bf537dc97..21409b2141 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-de/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-de/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json @@ -87,6 +87,8 @@ "Please report an issue against Yarn PnP": "Ein Problem mit Yarn PnP melden", "Please update your TypeScript version": "Bitte aktualisieren Sie Ihre TypeScript-Version.", "Project Wide IntelliSense not available": "Projektweites IntelliSense nicht verfügbar", + "Related files provider failed. Copilot requested file with unsupported language mode.": "Related files provider failed. Copilot requested file with unsupported language mode.", + "Related files provider failed. No active text editor.": "Related files provider failed. No active text editor.", "Remove Unused Imports": "Nicht verwendete Importe entfernen", "Remove all unused code": "Gesamten nicht verwendeten Code entfernen", "Report Issue": "Problem melden", @@ -196,12 +198,14 @@ "configuration.tsserver.useSyntaxServer.auto": "Erzeugen Sie einen vollständigen Server und einen Server mit leichter Gewichtung für Syntaxvorgänge. Der Syntaxserver wird verwendet, um Syntaxvorgänge zu beschleunigen und IntelliSense bereitzustellen, während Projekte geladen werden.", "configuration.tsserver.useSyntaxServer.never": "Verwenden Sie keinen dedizierten Syntaxserver. Verwenden Sie einen Einzelserver, um alle IntelliSense-Vorgänge zu bearbeiten.", "configuration.tsserver.useVsCodeWatcher": "Verwenden Sie die Dateiüberwachungselemente von VS Code anstelle von TypeScript. Erfordert die Verwendung von TypeScript 5.4 und höher im Arbeitsbereich.", + "configuration.tsserver.useVsCodeWatcher.deprecation": "Please use the `#typescript.tsserver.watchOptions#` setting instead.", "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions": "Konfigurieren Sie, welche Beobachtungsstrategien verwendet werden sollen, um Dateien und Verzeichnisse nachzuverfolgen.", "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions.fallbackPolling": "Bei der Verwendung von Dateisystemereignissen gibt diese Option die Abrufstrategie an, die verwendet wird, wenn das System keine nativen Dateiüberwachungselemente mehr hat und/oder keine nativen Dateiüberwachungselemente unterstützt.", "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions.fallbackPolling.dynamicPriorityPolling ": "Dynamische Warteschlange verwenden, in der weniger häufig geänderte Dateien seltener überprüft werden.", "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions.fallbackPolling.fixedPollingInterval": "Jede Datei mehrmals pro Sekunde in einem festen Intervall auf Änderungen überprüfen.", "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions.fallbackPolling.priorityPollingInterval": "Jede Datei mehrmals pro Sekunde auf Änderungen überprüfen, bestimmte Dateitypen jedoch mithilfe von Heuristiken seltener als andere überprüfen.", "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions.synchronousWatchDirectory": "Verzögertes Beobachten von Verzeichnissen deaktivieren. Das verzögertes Beobachten ist nützlich, wenn viele Dateiänderungen gleichzeitig auftreten können (z. B. eine Änderung in node_modules über eine Ausführung von npm-install). Sie sollten das verzögerte Beobachten jedoch mit diesem Flag für einige weniger häufige Setups deaktivieren.", + "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions.vscode": "Use VS Code's file watchers instead of TypeScript's. Requires using TypeScript 5.4+ in the workspace.", "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions.watchDirectory": "Strategie, wie ganze Verzeichnisbäume unter Systemen ohne rekursive Dateibeobachtungsfunktionalität beobachtet werden.", "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions.watchDirectory.dynamicPriorityPolling": "Dynamische Warteschlange verwenden, in der weniger häufig geänderte Verzeichnisse seltener überprüft werden.", "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions.watchDirectory.fixedChunkSizePolling": "Fragt Verzeichnisse in Blöcken in regelmäßigen Intervallen ab.", @@ -218,7 +222,7 @@ "configuration.tsserver.web.projectWideIntellisense.suppressSemanticErrors": "Unterdrückt semantische Fehler im Web, auch wenn projektweites IntelliSense aktiviert ist. Das ist immer aktiviert, wenn projektweites IntelliSense nicht aktiviert oder verfügbar ist. Siehe \"#typescript.tsserver.web.projectWideIntellisense.enabled#\"", "configuration.tsserver.web.typeAcquisition.enabled": "Aktiviert/deaktiviert die Paketerfassung im Web. Hiermit wird IntelliSense für importierte Pakete aktiviert. Erfordert \"#typescript.tsserver.web.projectWideIntellisense.enabled#\". Wird für Safari aktuell nicht unterstützt.", "configuration.typescript": "TypeScript", - "configuration.updateImportsOnPaste": "Importe beim Einfügen von Code automatisch aktualisieren. Erfordert TypeScript 5.6 und höher.", + "configuration.updateImportsOnPaste": "Automatically update imports when pasting code. Requires TypeScript 5.7+.", "description": "Bietet umfangreiche Sprachunterstützung für JavaScript und TypeScript.", "displayName": "TypeScript- und JavaScript-Sprachfeatures", "format.indentSwitchCase": "Einrücken von Case-Klauseln in Switch-Anweisungen. Erfordert die Verwendung von TypeScript 5.1 und höher im Arbeitsbereich.", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-de/translations/main.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-de/translations/main.i18n.json index 9d9010b481..c88ce6273a 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-de/translations/main.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-de/translations/main.i18n.json @@ -548,12 +548,7 @@ "inlayHints.padding": "Aktiviert den Abstand um die Inlay-Hinweise im Editor.", "inline": "Schnelle Vorschläge werden als inaktiver Text angezeigt", "inlineCompletionsAccessibilityVerbose": "Steuert, ob für Benutzer*innen, die eine Sprachausgabe nutzen, bei Anzeige einer Inlinevervollständigung ein Hinweis zur Barrierefreiheit angezeigt werden soll.", - "inlineEdit.enabled": "Steuert, ob Inlinebearbeitungen im Editor angezeigt werden.", - "inlineEdit.fontFamily": "Steuert die Schriftfamilie der Inlinebearbeitung.", - "inlineEdit.showToolbar": "Steuert, wann die Symbolleiste für die Inlinebearbeitung angezeigt werden soll.", - "inlineEdit.showToolbar.always": "Die Symbolleiste für die Inlinebearbeitung anzeigen, wenn ein Inlinevorschlag angezeigt wird.", - "inlineEdit.showToolbar.never": "Die Symbolleiste für die Inlinebearbeitung nie anzeigen.", - "inlineEdit.showToolbar.onHover": "Die Symbolleiste für die Inlinebearbeitung anzeigen, wenn Sie mit dem Mauszeiger auf einen Inlinevorschlag zeigen.", + "inlineSuggest.edits.experimental.enabled": "Controls whether to enable experimental edits in inline suggestions.", "inlineSuggest.enabled": "Steuert, ob Inline-Vorschläge automatisch im Editor angezeigt werden.", "inlineSuggest.fontFamily": "Steuert die Schriftfamilie der Inlinevorschläge.", "inlineSuggest.showToolbar": "Steuert, wann die Inlinevorschlagssymbolleiste angezeigt werden soll.", @@ -602,6 +597,7 @@ "occurrencesHighlight.multiFile": "Experimentell: Hebt Vorkommen in allen gültigen geöffneten Dateien hervor.", "occurrencesHighlight.off": "Hebt keine Vorkommen hervor.", "occurrencesHighlight.singleFile": "Hebt Vorkommen nur in der aktuellen Datei hervor.", + "occurrencesHighlightDelay": "Controls the delay in milliseconds after which occurrences are highlighted.", "off": "Schnelle Vorschläge sind deaktiviert", "on": "Schnelle Vorschläge werden im Vorschlagswidget angezeigt", "overviewRulerBorder": "Steuert, ob um das Übersichtslineal ein Rahmen gezeichnet werden soll.", @@ -1398,6 +1394,7 @@ "action.inlineSuggest.acceptNextLine": "Nächste Zeile des Inlinevorschlags akzeptieren", "action.inlineSuggest.acceptNextWord": "Nächstes Wort des Inline-Vorschlags annehmen", "action.inlineSuggest.alwaysShowToolbar": "Symbolleiste immer anzeigen", + "action.inlineSuggest.dev.extractRepro": "Developer: Extract Inline Suggest State", "action.inlineSuggest.hide": "Inlinevorschlag ausblenden", "action.inlineSuggest.jump": "Zur nächsten Inline-Bearbeitung springen", "action.inlineSuggest.showNext": "Nächsten Inline-Vorschlag anzeigen", @@ -1429,9 +1426,6 @@ "parameterHintsPreviousIcon": "Symbol für die Anzeige des vorherigen Parameterhinweises.", "previous": "Zurück" }, - "vs/editor/contrib/inlineEdit/browser/hoverParticipant": { - "hoverAccessibilityInlineEdits": "Hier sind Inlinebearbeitungen vorhanden." - }, "vs/editor/contrib/inPlaceReplace/browser/inPlaceReplace": { "InPlaceReplaceAction.next.label": "Durch nächsten Wert ersetzen", "InPlaceReplaceAction.previous.label": "Durch vorherigen Wert ersetzen" @@ -2529,6 +2523,7 @@ "diffEditorRemovedLines": "Hintergrundfarbe für Zeilen, die entfernt wurden. Die Farbe darf nicht deckend sein, um zugrunde liegende Dekorationen nicht auszublenden.", "diffEditorRemovedOutline": "Konturfarbe für entfernten Text.", "editorBackground": "Hintergrundfarbe des Editors.", + "editorCompositionBorder": "The border color for an IME composition.", "editorError.background": "Hintergrundfarbe für Fehlertext im Editor. Die Farbe darf nicht deckend sein, weil sie sonst die zugrunde liegenden Dekorationen verdeckt.", "editorError.foreground": "Vordergrundfarbe von Fehlerunterstreichungen im Editor.", "editorFindMatch": "Farbe des aktuellen Suchergebnisses.", @@ -3932,6 +3927,8 @@ "editorCommand.activeEditorMove.arg.description": "Argumenteigenschaften:\r\n\t* \"to\": Ein Zeichenfolgenwert, der das Ziel des Verschiebungsvorgangs angibt.\r\n\t* \"by\": Ein Zeichenfolgenwert, der die Einheit für die Verschiebung angibt (nach Registerkarte oder nach Gruppe).\r\n\t* \"value\": Ein Zahlenwert, der angibt, um wie viele Positionen verschoben wird. Es kann auch die absolute Position für die Verschiebung angegeben werden.", "editorCommand.activeEditorMove.arg.name": "Argument zum Verschieben des aktiven Editors", "editorCommand.activeEditorMove.description": "Aktiven Editor nach Tabstopps oder Gruppen verschieben", + "editorGroupLayout.horizontal": "Horizontal", + "editorGroupLayout.vertical": "Vertical", "focusLeftSideEditor": "Fokus auf erster Seite im aktiven Editor", "focusOtherSideEditor": "Fokus auf anderer Seite im aktiven Editor", "focusRightSideEditor": "Fokus auf der zweiten Seite im aktiven Editor", @@ -4230,7 +4227,9 @@ "vs/workbench/browser/parts/panel/panelPart": { "align panel": "Bereich ausrichten", "hidePanel": "Panel ausblenden", - "panel position": "Bereichsposition" + "panel position": "Bereichsposition", + "showIcons": "Show Icons", + "showLabels": "Show Labels" }, "vs/workbench/browser/parts/sidebar/sidebarActions": { "focusSideBar": "Fokus auf primäre Seitenleiste" @@ -4355,9 +4354,6 @@ "shutdownErrorDetail": "Die Workbench wurde während der Ausführung unerwartet verworfen.", "unableToOpenExternal": "Der Browser hat das Öffnen einer neuen Registerkarte oder eines neuen Fensters unterbrochen. Klicken Sie auf „Öffnen“, um sie bzw. es trotzdem zu öffnen." }, - "vs/workbench/browser/workbench": { - "loaderErrorNative": "Fehler beim Laden einer erforderlichen Datei. Starten Sie die Anwendung neu, und versuchen Sie es dann erneut. Details: {0}" - }, "vs/workbench/browser/workbench.contribution": { "activeEditorLong": "\"${activeEditorLong}\": der vollständige Pfad der Datei (z. B. /Users/Development/myFolder/myFileFolder/myFile.txt).", "activeEditorMedium": "`${activeEditorMedium}`: der Pfad der Datei, in Relation zum Arbeitsbereichsordner (z. B. myFolder/myFileFolder/myFile.txt).", @@ -4428,7 +4424,7 @@ "openFoldersInNewWindow": "Steuert, ob Ordner in einem neuen Fenster geöffnet werden oder das letzte aktive Fenster ersetzen sollen.\r\nBeachten Sie, dass diese Einstellung in manchen Fällen möglicherweise ignoriert wird (z.B. wenn die Befehlszeilenoption `--new-window` oder `--reuse-window` verwendet wird). ", "panelDefaultLocation": "Steuert die Standardposition des Fensters (Terminal, Debugging-Konsole, Ausgabe, Probleme) in einem neuen Arbeitsbereich. Es kann entweder unten, oben, rechts oder links im Editorbereich angezeigt werden.", "panelOpensMaximized": "Steuert, ob das Panel maximiert geöffnet wird. Das Panel kann entweder immer maximiert, nie maximiert oder im letzten Zustand vor dem Schließen geöffnet werden.", - "panelShowLabel": "Steuert, ob Aktivitätselemente im Bereichstitel als Bezeichnung oder Symbol angezeigt werden.", + "panelShowLabels": "Controls whether activity items in the panel title are shown as label or icon.", "perEditorGroup": "Steuert, ob die zulässige Höchstzahl geöffneter Editoren pro Editorgruppe oder für alle gleichzeitig gilt.", "pinnedTabSizing": "Steuert die Größe von angehefteten Editorregisterkarten. Angeheftete Registerkarten werden an den Anfang aller geöffneten Registerkarten sortiert und normalerweise erst geschlossen, wenn sie wieder gelöst werden. Dieser Wert wird ignoriert, wenn {0} nicht auf {1} festgelegt ist.", "preserveInput": "Steuert, ob die letzte Eingabe in die Befehlspalette beim nächsten Öffnen wiederhergestellt wird.", @@ -4844,6 +4840,7 @@ "configureRuntimeArguments": "Runtimeargumente konfigurieren", "openUserDataFolder": "Benutzerdatenordner öffnen", "reloadWindowWithExtensionsDisabled": "Mit deaktivierten Erweiterungen neu laden", + "showGPUInfo": "Show GPU Info", "toggleDevTools": "Entwicklertools umschalten" }, "vs/workbench/electron-sandbox/actions/installActions": { @@ -4909,7 +4906,7 @@ "touchbar.enabled": "Aktiviert die macOS-Touchbar-Schaltflächen der Tastatur, sofern verfügbar.", "touchbar.ignored": "Eine Menge von Bezeichnern für Einträge in der Touchleiste, die nicht angezeigt werden sollen (Beispiel: workbench.action.navigateBack).", "window.clickThroughInactive": "Ist dies aktiviert, wird beim Klicken auf ein inaktives Fenster das Fenster aktiviert, und das Element unter der Maus wird ausgelöst, wenn es angeklickt werden kann. Wenn es deaktiviert ist, wird durch Klicken auf eine beliebige Stelle in einem inaktiven Fenster nur das Fenster aktiviert, und Sie müssen das Element zusätzlich anklicken.", - "window.customTitleBarVisibility": "Anpassen, wann die benutzerdefinierte Titelleiste angezeigt werden soll. Die benutzerdefinierte Titelleiste kann ausgeblendet werden, wenn sie sich im Vollbildmodus mit „windowed“ befindet. Die benutzerdefinierte Titelleiste kann nur im Vollbildmodus „nie“ ausgeblendet werden, wenn „{0}“ auf „nativ“ festgelegt ist.", + "window.customTitleBarVisibility": "Adjust when the custom title bar should be shown. The custom title bar can be hidden when in full screen mode with `windowed`. The custom title bar can only be hidden in non full screen mode with `never` when {0} is set to `native`.", "window.customTitleBarVisibility.auto": "Ändert automatisch die Sichtbarkeit der benutzerdefinierten Titelleiste.", "window.customTitleBarVisibility.never": "Benutzerdefinierte Titelleiste ausblenden, wenn „{0}“ auf „nativ“ festgelegt ist.", "window.customTitleBarVisibility.windowed": "Benutzerdefinierte Titelleiste im Vollbildmodus ausblenden. Wenn nicht im Vollbildmodus, die Sichtbarkeit der benutzerdefinierten Titelleiste automatisch ändern.", @@ -4947,7 +4944,6 @@ "downloadArmBuild": "Herunterladen", "keychainWriteError": "Fehler beim Schreiben von Anmeldeinformationen in die Keychain. Fehler: „{0}“.", "learnMore": "Weitere Informationen", - "loaderCycle": "In den AMD-Modulen gibt es einen Abhängigkeitszyklus, der aufgelöst werden muss.", "loginButton": "&&Anmelden", "macoseolmessage": "{0} auf {1} erhält bald keine Updates mehr. Erwägen Sie ein Upgrade Ihrer macOS-Version.", "password": "Kennwort", @@ -5185,7 +5181,7 @@ "openDiffEditorAnnouncement": "Diff-Editor" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/accountEntitlements/browser/accountsEntitlements.contribution": { - "workbench.accounts.showEntitlements": "Wenn diese Option aktiviert ist, werden die verfügbaren Berechtigungen für das Konto im Menü \"Konten\" angezeigt." + "workbench.accounts.showEntitlements": "When enabled, available entitlements for the account will be shown in the accounts menu." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/audioCues/browser/audioCues.contribution": { "audioCues.chatRequestSent": "Spielt einen Sound ab, wenn eine Chatanfrage gestellt wird.", @@ -5239,7 +5235,8 @@ "pickAProviderTitle": "Einstellungen für Erweiterungskonto verwalten", "placeholder": "„{0}“ Kontoeinstellungen verwalten...", "selectProvider": "Auswählen eines Authentifizierungsanbieters zum Verwalten von Kontoeinstellungen für", - "title": "„{0}“ Kontoeinstellungen für diesen Arbeitsbereich" + "title": "„{0}“ Kontoeinstellungen für diesen Arbeitsbereich", + "use new account": "Use a new account..." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/authentication/browser/actions/manageTrustedExtensionsForAccountAction": { "accountLastUsedDate": "Letzte Verwendung dieses Kontos: {0}", @@ -5378,8 +5375,7 @@ "workbench.action.chat.focus": "Um den Fokus auf die Chatanforderungs-/Antwortliste zu legen, die mit den Pfeilen nach oben und unten navigiert werden kann, rufen Sie den Befehl „Chat konzentrieren“{0} auf.", "workbench.action.chat.focusInput": "Um das Eingabefeld für Chatanfragen zu fokussieren, rufen Sie den Befehl „Chateingabe fokussieren“{0} auf.", "workbench.action.chat.newChat": "Um eine neue Chatsitzung zu erstellen, rufen Sie den Befehl \"Neuer Chat\"{0} auf.", - "workbench.action.chat.nextCodeBlock": "Um den nächsten Codeblock innerhalb einer Antwort zu fokussieren, rufen Sie den Befehl „Chat: Nächster Codeblock“{0} auf.", - "workbench.action.chat.nextFileTree": "Um den Fokus auf die nächste Dateistruktur innerhalb einer Antwort zu legen, rufen Sie den Befehl „Chat: Nächste Dateistruktur“{0} auf." + "workbench.action.chat.nextCodeBlock": "Um den nächsten Codeblock innerhalb einer Antwort zu fokussieren, rufen Sie den Befehl „Chat: Nächster Codeblock“{0} auf." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatActions": { "actions.interactiveSession.focus": "Chatliste fokussieren", @@ -5389,19 +5385,26 @@ "chat.history.rename": "Umbenennen", "chatWith": "Chatten mit Erweiterungen", "currentChatLabel": "aktuell", + "installChat": "Install {0}", + "installChatGlobalAction.justification": "AI support requires this extension.", "interactiveSession.clearHistory.label": "Eingabeverlauf löschen", "interactiveSession.focusInput.label": "Chateingabe fokussieren", "interactiveSession.history.delete": "Löschen", "interactiveSession.history.editor": "In Editor öffnen", "interactiveSession.history.pick": "Zum Chat wechseln", "interactiveSession.open": "Editor öffnen", + "learnMore": "Learn More", "more": "Mehr...", "newChatTitle": "Neuer Chattitel", "openChat": "Chat öffnen", - "title4": "Chat" + "title4": "Chat", + "toggle.chatControl": "Chat Controls", + "toggle.chatControlsDescription": "Toggle visibility of the Chat Controls in title bar" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatClearActions": { - "chat.newChat.label": "Neuer Chat" + "chat.newChat.label": "Neuer Chat", + "chat.newEdits.label": "New Edit Session", + "chat.openEdits.label": "Open Edit Session" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatCodeblockActions": { "chat.applyAll.label": "Alle Bearbeitungen anwenden", @@ -5417,8 +5420,12 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatContextActions": { "chatContext.attach.placeholder": "Anlagen suchen", + "chatContext.attachScreenshot.labelElectron.Window": "Screenshot Window", + "chatContext.attachScreenshot.labelWeb": "Screenshot", + "chatContext.editors": "Open Editors", "chatContext.notebook.kernelVariable": "Kernelvariable...", "chatContext.notebook.selectkernelVariable": "Kernelvariable auswählen und einfügen", + "chatContext.searchResults": "Search Results", "chatContext.symbol": "Symbol...", "imageFromClipboard": "Bild aus Zwischenablage", "pastedImage": "Eingefügtes Bild", @@ -5437,8 +5444,13 @@ "actions.chat.submitSecondaryAgent": "An sekundären Agent übermitteln", "chat.newChat.label": "An neuen Chat senden", "chat.pickModel.label": "Modell auswählen", + "chat.sendToChatEditing.label": "Send to Copilot Edits", + "chat.startEditing.confirmation.message": "Starting a new editing session will end your current editing session and discard edits to {0} files. Do you wish to proceed?", + "chat.startEditing.confirmation.primaryButton": "Yes", + "chat.startEditing.confirmation.title": "Start new editing session?", "interactive.cancel.label": "Abbrechen", - "interactive.submit.label": "Senden" + "interactive.submit.label": "Send and Dispatch", + "interactive.submitWithoutDispatch.label": "Send" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatFileTreeActions": { "interactive.nextFileTree.label": "Nächste Dateistruktur", @@ -5466,7 +5478,19 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatTitleActions": { "chat.remove.label": "Anforderung und Antwort entfernen", + "chat.retry.confirmation.checkbox": "Don't ask again", + "chat.retry.confirmation.message2": "This will undo edits made to {0} since this request.", + "chat.retry.confirmation.primaryButton": "Yes", "chat.retry.label": "Wiederholen", + "chat.retryLast.confirmation.message2": "This will undo edits made to {0} files in your working set since this request. Do you want to proceed?", + "chat.retryLast.confirmation.title2": "Do you want to retry your last request?", + "chat.startEditing.confirmation.acceptEdits": "Accept & Continue", + "chat.startEditing.confirmation.discardEdits": "Discard & Continue", + "chat.startEditing.confirmation.message": "Starting a new editing session will end your current editing session and discard edits to {0} files. Do you wish to proceed?", + "chat.startEditing.confirmation.pending.message": "Starting a new editing session will end your current session. Do you want to discard pending edits to {0} files?", + "chat.startEditing.confirmation.primaryButton": "Yes", + "chat.startEditing.confirmation.title": "Start new editing session?", + "chat.startEditing.label2": "Edit with Copilot", "interactive.helpful.label": "Hilfreich", "interactive.insertIntoNotebook.label": "In Notebook einfügen", "interactive.reportIssueForBug.label": "Problem melden", @@ -5483,17 +5507,25 @@ "insertCodeBlock.readonlyNotebook": "Der Codeblock kann nicht in den schreibgeschützten Notebook-Editor eingefügt werden.", "overlap": "Eine weitere Codeänderung wird in der Vorschau angezeigt. Wenden Sie die ausstehenden Änderungen zuerst an, oder verwerfen Sie sie." }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/attachments/implicitContextAttachment": { + "chat.fileAttachment": "Attached file, {0}", + "chat.fileAttachmentWithRange": "Attached file, {0}, line {1} to line {2}", + "disable": "Disable current file context", + "enable": "Enable current file context", + "enableHint": "disabled", + "openEditor": "Current file context" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chat": { "generating": "Wird generiert" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chat.contribution": { "chat": "Chat", "chat.commandCenter.enabled": "Steuert, ob im Befehlscenter ein Menü für Chataktionen angezeigt wird (erfordert {0}).", + "chat.editing.alwaysSaveWithGeneratedChanges": "Whether to always ask before saving files with changes made by chat.", + "chat.editing.confirmEditRequestRemoval": "Whether to show a confirmation before removing a request and its associated edits.", + "chat.editing.confirmEditRequestRetry": "Whether to show a confirmation before retrying a request and its associated edits.", + "chat.editing.enableRestoreFile": "Whether to show a toggle to restore an earlier version of a file that was edited in a chat editing session request.", "chat.experimental.detectParticipant.enabled": "Aktiviert die automatische Erkennung von Chatteilnehmern für Panelchat.", - "chat.experimental.implicitContext": "Steuert, ob ein Kontrollkästchen angezeigt wird, damit der Benutzer bestimmen kann, welcher implizite Kontext in der Aufforderung eines Chatteilnehmers enthalten ist.", - "chat.experimental.variables.editor": "Aktiviert Variablen für Editor-Chat.", - "chat.experimental.variables.notebook": "Aktiviert Variablen für Notebook-Chat.", - "chat.experimental.variables.terminal": "Aktiviert Variablen für Terminal-Chat.", "clear": "Neuen Chat starten", "file": "Wählen Sie eine Datei im Arbeitsbereich aus", "interactiveSession.editor.fontFamily": "Steuert die Schriftfamilie der Chatcodeblocks.", @@ -5539,8 +5571,9 @@ "dismiss": "Schließen" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatContentParts/chatReferencesContentPart": { + "addToChat": "Add File to Chat", + "chat.openEditor": "Open Editor", "chatCollapsibleList": "Reduzierbare Chatliste", - "copyReference": "Kopieren", "setting.hover": "Einstellung \"{0}\" öffnen", "usedReferencesCollapsed": "{0}, zugeklappt", "usedReferencesExpanded": "{0}, aufgeklappt", @@ -5563,52 +5596,109 @@ "file": "Datei", "image": "Bild" }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditingActions": { + "accept.allFiles": "Accept All", + "accept.file": "Accept", + "chat.openWorkingSetHistory.label": "Open File Checkpoint", + "chat.remove.confirmation.checkbox": "Don't ask again", + "chat.remove.confirmation.message2": "This will remove all subsequent requests and undo edits made to {0}. Do you want to proceed?", + "chat.remove.confirmation.multipleEdits.message": "This will remove all subsequent requests and undo edits made to {0} files in your working set. Do you want to proceed?", + "chat.remove.confirmation.primaryButton": "Yes", + "chat.remove.confirmation.title": "Do you want to undo {0} edits?", + "chat.removeLast.confirmation.message2": "This will remove your last request and undo the edits made to {0}. Do you want to proceed?", + "chat.removeLast.confirmation.multipleEdits.message": "This will remove your last request and undo edits made to {0} files in your working set. Do you want to proceed?", + "chat.removeLast.confirmation.title": "Do you want to undo your last edit?", + "chat.restoreFile.label": "Restore Previous File State", + "chat.restoreFile.shortTitle": "Restore Previous File State", + "chat.restoreFile.title": "Using Previous File State", + "chat.restoreFile.tooltip": "Toggle to use the previous state of an edited file in your next request", + "chat.undoEdits.label": "Undo Edits", + "chatEditing.checkpoint": "{0} (Checkpoint {1})", + "chatEditing.openDiffs": "Open Diffs", + "discard.allFiles": "Discard All", + "discard.file": "Discard", + "open.fileInDiff": "Open Changes in Diff Editor", + "removeFileFromWorkingSet": "Remove File", + "workbench.action.chat.addFilesToWorkingSet.label": "Add Files to Working Set" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditingService": { - "accept.allFiles": "Alle akzeptieren", - "accept.file": "Akzeptieren", - "chatEditing.openDiffs": "Diffs öffnen", - "chatEditing.startSession": "Bearbeitung der Sitzung starten", + "chat": "Chat Editing", + "chatEditing.fileSave": "{0} wants to create a file. Choose where it should be saved.", "chatEditing.startingSession": "Bearbeitungen werden generiert...", - "chatEditing.stopSession": "Bearbeitung der Sitzung beenden", - "discard.allFiles": "Alle verwerfen", - "discard.file": "Verwerfen", - "multiDiffEditorInput.name": "Vorgeschlagene Bearbeitungen", - "open.file": "Datei öffnen" + "chatEditing1": "Chat Edit: '{0}'", + "chatEditing2": "Chat Edit", + "multiDiffEditorInput.name": "Vorgeschlagene Bearbeitungen" + }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditorActions": { + "accept": "Accept Chat Edit", + "next": "Go to Next Chat Edit", + "prev": "Go to Previous Chat Edit", + "reject": "Reject Chat Edit" + }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditorController": { + "chat.hasEditorModifications": "The current editor contains chat modifications" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditorInput": { "chatEditorLabelIcon": "Symbol der Beschriftung des Chat-Editors.", "chatEditorName": "Chat" }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditorSaving": { + "chat": "chat", + "config": "Always save with AI-generated changes without asking", + "detail2": "AI-generated changes may be incorrect and should be reviewed before saving.", + "discard": "Cancel", + "message.1": "Do you want to save the changes {0} made in {1}?", + "message.2": "Do you want to save the changes {0} made to {1} files?", + "message.batched.multiFile.1": "Do you want to save the changes {0} made in {1} files?", + "message.batched.multiFile.2": "Do you want to save the changes chat made in {0} files?", + "message.batched.oneFile.1": "Do you want to save the changes {0} made in {1}?", + "message.batched.oneFile.2": "Do you want to save the changes chat made in {0}?", + "message.batched.oneFile.3": "Do you want to save the changes {0} made in 1 file?", + "message.batched.oneFile.4": "Do you want to save the changes chat made in 1 file?", + "save": "Save", + "save all": "Save All", + "save.allFiles": "Save All" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatFollowups": { "followUpAriaLabel": "Anschlussfrage: {0}" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatGettingStarted": { "chat.openPanel": "Chatbereich öffnen", - "workbench.panel.chat.view.showGettingStarted": "Wenn diese Option aktiviert ist, wird im Chatbereich ein Experiment mit den ersten Schritten angezeigt." + "workbench.panel.chat.view.showGettingStarted": "When enabled, shows a getting started experiment in the chat panel." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatImagePaste": { "pastedImage": "Eingefügtes Bild" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatInlineAnchorWidget": { "actions.attach.label": "Datei zum Chat hinzufügen", + "actions.copy.label": "Copy", "actions.goToDecl.label": "Zur Definition wechseln", + "actions.openToSide.label": "Open to the Side", + "goToImplementations.label": "Go to Implementations", "goToReferences.label": "Gehe zu Verweisen", + "goToTypeDefinitions.label": "Go to Type Definitions", "miGotoDefinition": "Gehe &&zu Definition", - "miGotoReference": "Gehe zu &&Verweisen" + "miGotoImplementations": "Go to &&Implementations", + "miGotoReference": "Gehe zu &&Verweisen", + "miGotoTypeDefinition": "Go to &&Type Definitions", + "resource": "The full value of the chat anchor resource, including scheme and path" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatInputPart": { "actions.chat.accessibiltyHelp": "Chateingabe, Eingabe zum Stellen von Fragen oder Eingabe für Themen: Drücken Sie die Eingabetaste, um die Anfrage zu senden. Verwenden Sie {0} für die Hilfe zur Barrierefreiheit des Chats.", "chat.attachment": "Angefügter Kontext, {0}", + "chat.attachment.clearButton": "Remove from context", "chat.fileAttachment": "Angefügte Datei, {0}", "chat.fileAttachmentWithRange": "Angefügte Datei, {0}, Zeile {1} an Zeile {2}", "chat.imageAttachment": "Angefügtes Bild, {0}", "chat.submitToSecondaryAgent": "Senden an @{0}", - "chatEditingSessionOverview": "{0} Dateien geändert", - "chatEditingSessionOverview.oneFileChanged": "1 Datei geändert", + "chatAddFiles": "{0} Add Files...", + "chatAttachFiles": "Search for files to add to your working set", + "chatEditingSession.manyFiles": "({0} files)", + "chatEditingSession.oneFile": "(1 file)", + "chatEditingSession.workingSet": "Working Set", "chatInput": "Chateingabe", "chatInput.accessibilityHelpNoKb": "Chateingabe, Geben Sie hier Code ein, und drücken Sie zum Ausführen die EINGABETASTE. Verwenden Sie den Befehl \"Hilfe zur Chat-Barrierefreiheit\", um weitere Informationen zu erhalten.", - "notebook.moreExecuteActionsLabel": "Mehr...", - "remove": "Entfernen" + "notebook.moreExecuteActionsLabel": "Mehr..." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatListRenderer": { "chatConfirmationAction": "\"{0}\" ausgewählt", @@ -5636,6 +5726,7 @@ "chatCommandSticky": "Gibt an, ob durch Aufrufen des Befehls der Chat in einen beständigen Modus versetzt wird, in dem der Befehl automatisch zur Chateingabe für die nächste Nachricht hinzugefügt wird.", "chatCommandWhen": "Eine Bedingung, die erfüllt sein muss, um diesen Befehl zu aktivieren.", "chatCommandsDescription": "Für diesen Chatteilnehmer verfügbare Befehle, die der Benutzer mit einem `/` aufrufen kann.", + "chatEditing.viewContainer.label": "Copilot Edits", "chatFailErrorMessage": "Fehler beim Laden des Chats, weil die installierte Version der {0}-Erweiterung nicht mit dieser Version von {1} kompatibel ist. Stellen Sie sicher, dass die GitHub Copilot-Chaterweiterung auf dem neuesten Stand ist.", "chatParticipantDescription": "Eine Beschreibung dieses Chatteilnehmers, die in der Benutzeroberfläche angezeigt wird.", "chatParticipantDisambiguation": "Metadaten, die beim automatischen Weiterleiten von Benutzerfragen an diesen Chatteilnehmer helfen.", @@ -5645,14 +5736,18 @@ "chatParticipantFullName": "Der vollständige Name dieses Chatteilnehmers, der als Bezeichnung für Antworten angezeigt wird, die von diesem Teilnehmer stammen. Sofern nicht angegeben, wird {0} verwendet.", "chatParticipantId": "Eine eindeutige ID für diesen Chatteilnehmer.", "chatParticipantName": "Benutzerseitiger Name für diesen Chatteilnehmer. Der Benutzer verwendet \"@\" mit diesem Namen, um den Teilnehmer aufzurufen. Der Name darf keine Leerzeichen enthalten.", - "chatParticipantSupportsToolReferences": "Gibt an, ob dieser Teilnehmer „{0}“ unterstützt.", "chatParticipantWhen": "Eine Bedingung, die erfüllt sein muss, um diesen Teilnehmer zu aktivieren.", "chatSampleRequest": "Wenn der Benutzer in \"/help\" auf diesen Teilnehmer klickt, wird dieser Text an den Teilnehmer übermittelt.", "showExtension": "Erweiterung anzeigen", "vscode.extension.contributes.chatParticipant": "Fügt einen Chatteilnehmer hinzu" }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatPasteProviders": { + "pastedImageName": "Pasted Image" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatWidget": { - "chatWidget.tips": "{0} zum Anfügen von Kontext\r\n\r\n{1} zum Chatten mit Erweiterungen" + "chatWidget.tips": "{0} or type {1} to attach context\r\n\r\n{2} to chat with extensions\r\n\r\nType {3} to use commands", + "chatWidget.tips.withoutParticipants": "{0} or type {1} to attach context", + "scrollDownButtonLabel": "Scroll down" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/codeBlockPart": { "chat.codeBlock.toolbar": "Codeblocksymbolleiste", @@ -5675,14 +5770,29 @@ "allFilesDescription": "Nach relevanten Dateien im Arbeitsbereich suchen und Kontext dafür bereitstellen" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/contrib/chatInputCompletions": { + "installLabel": "Install Chat Extensions...", "pickFileLabel": "Datei auswählen" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/contrib/chatInputEditorHover": { "hoverAccessibilityChatAgent": "Hier befindet sich ein Chat-Agent-Hoverteil." }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/contrib/screenshot": { + "screenshot": "Screenshot" + }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/languageModelToolsService": { + "toolInvocationMessage": "Using {0}" + }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/viewsWelcome/chatViewsWelcomeContributions": { + "chatViewsWelcome.content": "The content of the welcome message. The first command link will be rendered as a button.", + "chatViewsWelcome.icon": "The icon for the welcome message.", + "chatViewsWelcome.title": "The title of the welcome message.", + "chatViewsWelcome.when": "Condition when the welcome message is shown.", + "vscode.extension.contributes.chatViewsWelcome": "Contributes a welcome message to a chat view" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/chatColors": { "chat.avatarBackground": "Die Hintergrundfarbe eines Chatavatars.", "chat.avatarForeground": "Die Vordergrundfarbe eines Chatavatars.", + "chat.editedFileForeground": "The foreground color of a chat edited file in the edited file list.", "chat.requestBackground": "Die Hintergrundfarbe einer Chatanfrage.", "chat.requestBorder": "Die Rahmenfarbe einer Chatanfrage.", "chat.slashCommandBackground": "Die Hintergrundfarbe eines Schrägstrich-Befehls für den Chat.", @@ -5690,13 +5800,15 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/chatContextKeys": { "chatEditApplied": "TRUE, wenn die Chattextbearbeitungen angewendet wurden.", + "chatEditingParticipantRegistered": "True when a default chat participant is registered for editing.", "chatExtensionInvalid": "Wahr, wenn die installierte Chaterweiterung ungültig ist und aktualisiert werden muss.", + "chatHasFileAttachments": "True when the chat has file attachments.", + "chatInstallEntitled": "True when the user is entitled for chat installation.", "chatIsEnabled": "Wahr, wenn der Chat aktiviert ist, weil ein Standard-Chat-Teilnehmer mit einer Implementierung aktiviert ist.", "chatItemId": "Die ID des Chatelements.", "chatLastItemId": "Die ID des letzten Chatelements.", "chatModelsAreUserSelectable": "True, wenn das Chatmodell manuell von der benutzenden Person ausgewählt werden kann.", "chatParticipantRegistered": "Wahr, wenn ein Standard-Chatteilnehmer für das Panel registriert ist.", - "chatParticipantSupportsModelPicker": "True, wenn der aktuelle Chatteilnehmer die manuelle Auswahl des Modells unterstützt.", "chatRequest": "Das Chatelement ist eine Anforderung.", "chatResponse": "Das Chatelement ist eine Antwort.", "chatResponseErrored": "TRUE, wenn die Chatantwort zu einem Fehler geführt hat.", @@ -5711,6 +5823,9 @@ "interactiveSessionRequestInProgress": "Wahr, wenn die aktuelle Anforderung noch ausgeführt wird.", "interactiveSessionResponseVote": "Wenn der Antwort zugestimmt wurde, ist sie auf „up“ festgelegt. Wenn Sie abgelehnt wurden, ist „down“ festgelegt. Andernfalls eine leere Zeichenfolge." }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/chatEditingService": { + "chatEditingWidgetFileState": "The current state of the file in the chat editing widget" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/chatModel": { "codeCitation": "Ähnlicher Code mit 1 Lizenztyp gefunden", "codeCitations": "Ähnlicher Code mit {0} Lizenztypen gefunden", @@ -5732,26 +5847,20 @@ "Language Models": "Sprachmodelle", "languageModels": "Statistik zur Verwendung von Sprachmodellen für diese Erweiterung." }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/languageModelToolsService": { - "toolConfirmMessage": "{0} verwendet {1}.", - "toolConfirmTitle": "{0} verwenden?", - "toolInvocationMessage": "Mithilfe von {0}" - }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/tools/languageModelToolsContribution": { - "canBeInvokedManually": "Gibt an, ob dieses Tool vom Benutzer über die Chat-UX manuell aufgerufen werden kann.", + "canBeReferencedInPrompt": "If true, this tool shows up as an attachment that the user can add manually to their request. Chat participants will receive the tool in {0}.", "condition": "Bedingung, die wahr sein muss, damit dieses Tool aktiviert werden kann. Beachten Sie, dass ein Tool auch dann von einer anderen Erweiterung aufgerufen werden kann, wenn die when-Bedingung \"false\" ist.", - "contentTypes": "Die Liste der Inhaltstypen, die dieses Tool zurückgeben kann. Es ist erforderlich, dass Tools \"text/plain\" unterstützen und dies auch dann angenommen wird, wenn es hier nicht angegeben ist. Ein weiteres Beispiel könnte der contentType sein, der von der Bibliothek \"@vscode/prompt-tsx\" exportiert wird.", - "icon": "Ein Symbol, das dieses Tool darstellt. Entweder ein Dateipfad, ein Objekt mit Dateipfaden für dunkle und helle Designs oder ein Designsymbolverweis wie \"\\$(zap)\"", + "icon": "An icon that represents this tool. Either a file path, an object with file paths for dark and light themes, or a theme icon reference, like `$(zap)`", "icon.dark": "Symbolpfad, wenn ein dunkles Design verwendet wird", "icon.light": "Symbolpfad, wenn ein helles Design verwendet wird", - "parametersSchema": "Ein JSON-Schema für die Parameter, die von diesem Tool akzeptiert werden.", - "requiresConfirmation": "Gibt an, ob vor der Ausführung dieses Tools eine Benutzerbestätigung erforderlich ist.", + "parametersSchema": "A JSON schema for the parameters this tool accepts. The parameters must be an object at the top level. A particular language model may not support all JSON schema features. See the documentation for the language model family you are using for more information.", "toolDisplayName": "Ein visuell lesbarer Name für dieses Tool, der zur Beschreibung in der Benutzeroberfläche dient.", - "toolId": "A unique id for this tool.", - "toolModelDescription": "Eine Beschreibung dieses Tools, die an ein Sprachmodell übergeben werden kann.", - "toolName": "Wenn {0} für dieses Tool aktiviert ist, kann der Benutzer \"#\" mit diesem Namen verwenden, um das Tool in einer Abfrage aufzurufen. Andernfalls ist der Name nicht erforderlich. Der Name darf keine Leerzeichen enthalten.", + "toolModelDescription": "A description of this tool that may be used by a language model to select it.", + "toolName": "A unique name for this tool. This name must be a globally unique identifier, and is also used as a name when presenting this tool to a language model.", + "toolName2": "If {0} is enabled for this tool, the user may use '#' with this name to invoke the tool in a query. Otherwise, the name is not required. Name must not contain whitespace.", + "toolTags": "A set of tags that roughly describe the tool's capabilities. A tool user may use these to filter the set of tools to just ones that are relevant for the task at hand, or they may want to pick a tag that can be used to identify just the tools contributed by this extension.", "toolUserDescription": "Eine Beschreibung dieses Tools, die dem Benutzer angezeigt werden kann.", - "vscode.extension.contributes.tools": "Trägt ein Tool bei, das von einem Sprachmodell aufgerufen werden kann." + "vscode.extension.contributes.tools": "Contributes a tool that can be invoked by a language model in a chat session, or from a standalone command. Registered tools can be used by all extensions." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/voiceChatService": { "voiceChatInProgress": "Eine Spracherkennungssitzung wird für Chat ausgeführt." @@ -5899,7 +6008,7 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/codeEditor/browser/saveParticipants": { "codeAction.apply": "Codeaktion \"{0}\" wird angewendet.", "codeaction": "Schnelle Fixes", - "codeaction.get2": "Codeaktionen werden aus \"{0}\" abgerufen. ([Konfigurieren]({1}))", + "codeaction.get2": "Getting code actions from {0} ([configure]({1})).", "formatting2": "Der Formatierer \"{0}\" wird ausgeführt. ([Konfigurieren]({1}))" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/codeEditor/browser/toggleColumnSelection": { @@ -6387,6 +6496,7 @@ "debug.gutterMiddleClickAction.none": "Führen Sie keine Aktion aus.", "debug.gutterMiddleClickAction.triggeredBreakpoint": "Ausgelösten Haltepunkt hinzufügen", "debug.hideLauncherWhileDebugging": "Hiermit blenden Sie das Steuerelement „Debuggen starten“ in der Titelleiste der Ansicht „Ausführen und debuggen“ aus, während das Debuggen aktiv ist. Nur relevant, wenn „{0}“ nicht angedockt ist.", + "debug.hideSlowPreLaunchWarning": "Hide the warning shown when a `preLaunchTask` has been running for a while.", "debug.onTaskErrors": "Steuert die erforderlichen Schritte, wenn nach Ausführung von preLaunchTask Fehler festgestellt werden.", "debug.saveBeforeStart": "Steuert, welche Editoren vor dem Starten einer Debugsitzung gespeichert werden.", "debug.saveBeforeStart.allEditorsInActiveGroup": "Vor dem Start einer Debugsitzung alle Editoren in der aktiven Gruppe speichern", @@ -8323,8 +8433,12 @@ "startWithCurrentLine": "Im Editor mit aktueller Zeile beginnen" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/inlineChat/browser/inlineChatSavingServiceImpl": { - "inlineChat": "Es wird darauf gewartet, dass Inlinechatänderungen „akzeptiert“ oder „verworfen“ werden...", - "inlineChat.N": "Es wird darauf gewartet, dass Inlinechatänderungen in {0}-Editoren „akzeptiert“ oder „verworfen“ werden..." + "config": "Always save with AI-generated changes without asking", + "detail": "AI-generated changes may be incorect and should be reviewed before saving.", + "discard": "Cancel", + "message.1": "Do you want to save the changes {0} made in {1}?", + "message.2": "Do you want to save the changes inline chat made in {0}?", + "save": "Save" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/inlineChat/browser/inlineChatWidget": { "aria-label": "Inlinechateingabe", @@ -8335,7 +8449,6 @@ "inlineChatClosed": "Inlinechat-Widget geschlossen" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/inlineChat/common/inlineChat": { - "acceptedOrDiscardBeforeSave": "Gibt an, ob ausstehende Inlinechatsitzungen das Speichern verhindern.", "accessibleDiffView": "Gibt an, ob der Inlinechat auch einen zugänglichen Diff-Viewer für seine Änderungen rendert.", "accessibleDiffView.auto": "Der zugreifbare Diff-Viewer basiert darauf, dass der Sprachausgabemodus aktiviert ist.", "accessibleDiffView.off": "Der zugängliche Diff-Viewer ist nie aktiviert.", @@ -8875,6 +8988,10 @@ "openLogsFolder": "Protokollordner öffnen" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/markdown/browser/markdownSettingRenderer": { + "alreadysetBoolFalse": "\"{0}: {1}\" is already disabled", + "alreadysetBoolTrue": "\"{0}: {1}\" is already enabled", + "alreadysetNum": "\"{0}: {1}\" is already set to {2}", + "alreadysetString": "\"{0}: {1}\" is already set to \"{2}\"", "changeSettingTitle": "Einstellung anzeigen oder ändern", "copySettingId": "Einstellungs-ID kopieren", "falseMessage": "\"{0}: {1}\" deaktivieren", @@ -9499,6 +9616,9 @@ "runCell": "Zelle ausführen", "runCellsInSection": "Zellen im Abschnitt ausführen" }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/controller/variablesActions": { + "notebookActions.openVariablesView": "Variables" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/diff/diffComponents": { "hiddenCell": "{0} ausgeblendete Zelle", "hiddenCells": "{0} ausgeblendete Zellen", @@ -9924,7 +10044,7 @@ "name": "Startleistung" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/performance/electron-sandbox/performance.contribution": { - "experimental.rendererProfiling": "Wenn diese Option aktiviert ist, wird automatisch ein Profil für langsame Renderer erstellt." + "experimental.rendererProfiling": "When enabled, slow renderers are automatically profiled." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/performance/electron-sandbox/startupProfiler": { "prof.detail": "Erstellen Sie ein Issue, und fügen Sie die folgenden Dateien manuell an:\r\n{0}", @@ -10105,6 +10225,7 @@ "defaultOverriddenDetailsAriaLabel": "{0} überschreibt den Standardwert", "defaultOverriddenLabel": "Standardwert geändert", "defaultOverriddenLanguagesList": "Sprachabhängige Standardwerte existieren für {0}", + "experimentalLabel": "Experimental", "extensionSyncIgnoredLabel": "Nicht synchronisiert", "hasDefaultOverridesForLanguages": "Die folgenden Sprachen verfügen über Standardüberschreibungen:", "manageWorkspaceTrust": "Vertrauensstellung des Arbeitsbereichs verwalten", @@ -10117,6 +10238,7 @@ "policyDescriptionAccessible": "Verwaltet von Organisationsrichtlinie; Einstellungswert nicht angewendet", "policyFilterLink": "Anzeigen von Richtlinieneinstellungen", "policyLabelText": "Einstellungswert nicht angewendet", + "previewLabel": "Preview", "remote": "Remote", "syncIgnoredAriaLabel": "Einstellung wird während der Synchronisierung ignoriert", "syncIgnoredTitle": "Diese Einstellung wird während der Synchronisierung ignoriert", @@ -10250,6 +10372,10 @@ "groupRowAriaLabel": "{0}, Gruppe", "settingsTOC": "Inhaltsverzeichnis der Einstellungen" }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/preferences/common/preferences": { + "experimentalIndicatorDescription": "This setting controls a feature that may change or be removed in the future. Adjusting this setting may result in instability.", + "previewIndicatorDescription": "This setting controls a feature that is in active development." + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/preferences/common/preferencesContribution": { "enableNaturalLanguageSettingsSearch": "Steuert, ob der Suchmodus für natürliche Sprache für die Einstellungen aktiviert ist. Die Suche mit natürlicher Sprache wird von einem Microsoft-Onlinedienst bereitgestellt.", "settingsSearchTocBehavior": "Steuert das Verhalten des Inhaltsverzeichnisses im Einstellungs-Editor während der Suche. Wenn diese Einstellung im Einstellungs-Editor geändert wird, tritt die Einstellung in Kraft, nachdem die Suchabfrage geändert wurde.", @@ -11707,31 +11833,20 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminal.contribution": { "miToggleIntegratedTerminal": "&&Terminal", - "tasksQuickAccessHelp": "Alle geöffneten Terminals anzeigen", - "tasksQuickAccessPlaceholder": "Geben Sie den Namen eines zu öffnenden Terminals ein.", "terminal": "Terminal" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminalActions": { "emptyTerminalNameInfo": "Wenn kein Name angegeben wird, wird er auf den Standardwert zurückgesetzt.", - "goToRecentDirectory.metadata": "Wechselt zu einem zuletzt verwendeten Ordner.", "newWithProfile.location": "Erstellungsort des Terminals", "newWithProfile.location.editor": "Erstellen Sie das Terminal im Editor.", "newWithProfile.location.view": "Erstellen Sie das Terminal in der Terminalansicht.", "noUnattachedTerminals": "Für den Anfügevorgang sind keine nicht angefügten Terminals vorhanden.", - "quickAccessTerminal": "Aktives Terminal wechseln", "sendSequence": "Die Textsequenz, die an das Terminal gesendet werden soll.", "showTerminalTabs": "Registerkarten anzeigen", "terminalLaunchHelp": "Hilfe öffnen", "workbench.action.terminal.attachToSession": "An Sitzung anfügen", "workbench.action.terminal.clear": "Löschen", - "workbench.action.terminal.clearPreviousSessionHistory": "Vorherigen Sitzungsverlauf löschen", "workbench.action.terminal.clearSelection": "Auswahl löschen", - "workbench.action.terminal.copyAndClearSelection": "Auswahl kopieren und löschen", - "workbench.action.terminal.copyLastCommand": "Letzten Befehl kopieren", - "workbench.action.terminal.copyLastCommandAndOutput": "Letzten Befehl und letzte Ausgabe kopieren", - "workbench.action.terminal.copyLastCommandOutput": "Letzte Befehlsausgabe kopieren", - "workbench.action.terminal.copySelection": "Auswahl kopieren", - "workbench.action.terminal.copySelectionAsHtml": "Auswahl als HTML kopieren", "workbench.action.terminal.createTerminalEditor": "Neues Terminal im Editorbereich erstellen", "workbench.action.terminal.createTerminalEditorSide": "Neues Terminal im Editor-Bereich zur Seite erstellen", "workbench.action.terminal.detachSession": "Sitzung trennen", @@ -11740,7 +11855,6 @@ "workbench.action.terminal.focusNextPane": "Fokus im nächsten Terminal der Terminalgruppe", "workbench.action.terminal.focusPrevious": "Fokus in der vorherigen Terminalgruppe", "workbench.action.terminal.focusPreviousPane": "Fokus im vorherigen Terminal der vorherigen Terminalgruppe", - "workbench.action.terminal.goToRecentDirectory": "Zum aktuellen Verzeichnis wechseln...", "workbench.action.terminal.join": "Terminals verknüpfen...", "workbench.action.terminal.join.insufficientTerminals": "Nicht genügend Terminals für die „join“-Aktion", "workbench.action.terminal.join.onlySplits": "Alle Terminals sind bereits verknüft.", @@ -11756,8 +11870,6 @@ "workbench.action.terminal.newWorkspacePlaceholder": "Aktuelles Arbeitsverzeichnis für neues Terminal auswählen", "workbench.action.terminal.openSettings": "Terminaleinstellungen konfigurieren", "workbench.action.terminal.overriddenCwdDescription": "(AußerKraftsetzung) {0}", - "workbench.action.terminal.paste": "In aktives Terminal einfügen", - "workbench.action.terminal.pasteSelection": "Auswahl in aktives Terminal einfügen", "workbench.action.terminal.relaunch": "Aktives Terminal neu starten", "workbench.action.terminal.rename.prompt": "Terminalnamen eingeben", "workbench.action.terminal.renameWithArg.name": "Der neue Terminalname", @@ -11768,7 +11880,6 @@ "workbench.action.terminal.resizePaneUp": "Größe des Terminals oben ändern", "workbench.action.terminal.runActiveFile": "Aktive Datei im aktiven Terminal ausführen", "workbench.action.terminal.runActiveFile.noFile": "Nur Dateien auf der Festplatte können im Terminal ausgeführt werden.", - "workbench.action.terminal.runRecentCommand": "Zuletzt verwendeten Befehl ausführen...", "workbench.action.terminal.runSelectedText": "Ausgewählten Text im aktiven Terminal ausführen", "workbench.action.terminal.scrollDown": "Nach unten scrollen (Zeile)", "workbench.action.terminal.scrollDownPage": "Nach unten scrollen (Seite)", @@ -11878,20 +11989,6 @@ "unsafePathWarning": "Dieses Terminalprofil verwendet einen potenziell unsicheren Pfad, der von einem anderen Benutzer geändert werden kann: {0}. Möchten Sie es wirklich verwenden?", "yes": "Ja" }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminalQuickAccess": { - "renameTerminal": "Terminal umbenennen", - "workbench.action.terminal.newWithProfilePlus": "Neues Terminal mit Profil erstellen...", - "workbench.action.terminal.newplus": "Neuen Terminal erstellen" - }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminalRunRecentQuickPick": { - "removeCommand": "Aus Befehlsverlauf entfernen", - "selectRecentCommand": "Wählen Sie einen auszuführenden Befehl aus (halten Sie die ALT-Taste gedrückt, um den Befehl zu bearbeiten)", - "selectRecentCommandMac": "Wählen Sie einen auszuführenden Befehl aus (halten Sie die Optionstaste gedrückt, um den Befehl zu bearbeiten)", - "selectRecentDirectory": "Wählen Sie ein Verzeichnis aus, zu dem Sie wechseln möchten (halten Sie die ALT-Taste gedrückt, um den Befehl zu bearbeiten)", - "selectRecentDirectoryMac": "Wählen Sie ein Verzeichnis aus, zu dem Sie wechseln möchten (halten Sie die Optionstaste gedrückt, um den Befehl zu bearbeiten)", - "shellFileHistoryCategory": "{0}-Verlauf", - "viewCommandOutput": "Befehlsausgabe anzeigen" - }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminalService": { "localTerminalRemote": "Diese Shell wird auf Ihrem {0}lokalen{1} Computer ausgeführt, NICHT auf dem verbundenen Remotecomputer.", "localTerminalVirtualWorkspace": "Diese Shell ist für einen {0}lokalen{1} Ordner geöffnet, NICHT für den virtuellen Ordner.", @@ -11924,10 +12021,6 @@ "terminalConnectingLabel": "Wird gestartet...", "terminals": "Öffnet die Terminals." }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminalWslRecommendationContribution": { - "install": "Installieren", - "useWslExtension.title": "Die Erweiterung \"{0}\" wird zum Öffnen eines Terminals in WSL empfohlen." - }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/xterm/decorationAddon": { "gutter": "Gutter Befehl Dekorationen", "no": "Nein", @@ -11966,13 +12059,6 @@ "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.types.icon.dark": "Symbolpfad, wenn ein dunkles Design verwendet wird", "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.types.icon.light": "Symbolpfad, wenn ein helles Design verwendet wird" }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/common/terminalClipboard": { - "confirmMoveTrashMessageFilesAndDirectories": "Möchten Sie {0} Textzeilen wirklich in das Terminal einfügen?", - "doNotAskAgain": "Nicht erneut fragen", - "multiLinePasteButton": "&&Einfügen", - "multiLinePasteButton.oneLine": "Als &&eine Zeile einfügen", - "preview": "Vorschau:" - }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/common/terminalColorRegistry": { "terminal.ansiColor": "\"{0}\" ANSI-Farbe im Terminal", "terminal.background": "Die Hintergrundfarbe des Terminals, dies ermöglicht eine unterschiedliche Färbung des Terminals im Panel.", @@ -12017,8 +12103,6 @@ "terminal.integrated.allowMnemonics": "Gibt an, ob mnemonisches Zeichen in der Menüleiste (z. B. ALT+F) zum Öffnen der Menüleiste zugelassen werden. Beachten Sie Folgendes: Dies führt dazu, dass bei Festlegung auf WAHR alle ALT-Tastenkombinationen die Shell überspringen. Diese Einstellung hat unter macOS keinerlei Auswirkungen.", "terminal.integrated.allowedLinkSchemes": "Ein Array von Zeichenfolgen, die die URI-Schemas enthalten, für die das Terminal Links öffnen darf. Standardmäßig ist aus Sicherheitsgründen nur eine kleine Teilmenge der möglichen Schemas zulässig.", "terminal.integrated.altClickMovesCursor": "Wenn diese Option aktiviert ist, positioniert ALT/WAHL+KLICKEN den Eingabeaufforderungscursor unter der Maus neu, wenn {0} auf {1} festgelegt ist (Standardwert). Dies funktioniert je nach Shell möglicherweise nicht zuverlässig.", - "terminal.integrated.autoReplies": "Eine Gruppe von Nachrichten, auf die im Terminal automatisch geantwortet wird, wenn sie auftauchen. Sofern die Nachricht spezifisch genug ist, kann dies dazu beitragen, häufige Antworten zu automatisieren.\r\n\r\nHinweise:\r\n\r\n– Verwenden Sie {0}, um automatisch auf die Aufforderung zum Beenden des Batchauftrags unter Windows zu reagieren.\r\n– Die Nachricht enthält Escapesequenzen, sodass die Antwort möglicherweise nicht mit formatiertem Text erfolgt.\r\n– Jede Antwort kann nur einmal pro Sekunde erfolgen.\r\n– Verwenden Sie {1} in der Antwort, um zu zeigen, dass Sie die EINGABETASTE meinen.\r\n– Legen Sie zum Aufheben der Festlegung einer Standardtaste den Wert auf NULL fest.\r\n– Starten Sie VS Code neu, wenn keine neuen Einstellungen gelten.", - "terminal.integrated.autoReplies.reply": "Die an den Prozess zu sendende Antwort.", "terminal.integrated.bellDuration": "Die Anzahl der Millisekunden, in denen die Glocke innerhalb einer Terminal-Registerkart angezeigt wird, wenn diese ausgelöst wird.", "terminal.integrated.commandsToSkipShell": "Eine Gruppe von Befehls-IDs, deren Tastenkombinationen nicht an die Shell gesendet, sondern immer durch VS Code verarbeitet werden. Auf diese Weise funktionieren Tastenkombinationen, die normalerweise von der Shell verarbeitet werden, genauso wie in einem Terminal ohne Fokus, beispielsweise „STRG+P“ zum Starten von Quick Open.\r\n\r\n \r\n\r\nViele Befehle werden standardmäßig übersprungen. Um eine Voreinstellung außer Kraft zu setzen und stattdessen die Tastenkombination dieses Befehls an die Shell zu übergeben, fügen Sie dem Befehl das Zeichen „-“ als Präfix hinzu. Verwenden Sie beispielsweise „-workbench.action.quickOpen“, damit „STRG+P“ an die Shell gesendet wird.\r\n\r\n \r\n\r\nDie folgende Liste der standardmäßig übersprungenen Befehle wird bei der Anzeige im Einstellungseditor abgeschnitten. Um die vollständige Liste zu sehen, {1} und suchen Sie nach dem ersten Befehl aus der Liste unten.\r\n\r\n \r\n\r\nStandardmäßig übersprungene Befehle:\r\n\r\n{0}", "terminal.integrated.confirmOnExit": "Steuert, ob beim Schließen eines Fensters eine Bestätigung erfolgen soll, wenn aktive Terminalsitzungen vorhanden sind.", @@ -12107,7 +12191,6 @@ "terminal.integrated.shellIntegration.decorationsEnabled.never": "Keine Dekorationen anzeigen", "terminal.integrated.shellIntegration.decorationsEnabled.overviewRuler": "Übersichtslineal-Dekorationen rechts vom Terminal anzeigen", "terminal.integrated.shellIntegration.enabled": "Bestimmt, ob die Shellintegration automatisch eingefügt wird, um Features wie erweiterte Befehlsnachverfolgung und aktuelle Arbeitsverzeichniserkennung zu unterstützen. \r\n\r\nDie Shellintegration funktioniert, indem die Shell mit einem Startskript eingefügt wird. Das Skript bietet VS Code Einblick in die Vorgänge im Terminal.\r\n\r\nUnterstützte Shells:\r\n\r\n– Linux/macOS: Bash, Fisch, Pwsh, ZSH\r\n – Windows: pwsh, git bash\r\n\r\nDiese Einstellung gilt nur, wenn Terminals erstellt werden. Daher müssen Sie Ihre Terminals neu starten, damit sie wirksam werden.\r\n\r\n Beachten Sie, dass die Skripteinschleusung möglicherweise nicht funktioniert, wenn Sie benutzerdefinierte Argumente im Terminalprofil definiert haben, „{1}“ aktiviert haben, ein [komplexer Bash „PROMPT_COMMAND“](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/integrated-terminal#_complex-bash-promptcommand) oder ein anderes nicht unterstütztes Setup aufweisen. Informationen zum Deaktivieren von Dekorationen finden Sie unter {0}", - "terminal.integrated.shellIntegration.history": "Steuert, ob die Anzahl zuletzt verwendeter Befehle im Terminalbefehlsverlauf gespeichert wird. Legen Sie diese Option auf 0 fest, um den Terminalbefehlsverlauf zu deaktivieren.", "terminal.integrated.showExitAlert": "Steuert, ob die Warnung \"Der Terminalprozess wurde mit einem Exitcode beendet\" angezeigt wird, wenn der Exitcode nicht 0 lautet.", "terminal.integrated.smoothScrolling": "Legt fest, ob das Terminal Bildläufe animiert ausführt.", "terminal.integrated.splitCwd": "Steuert das Arbeitsverzeichnis, mit dem ein geteiltes Terminal gestartet wird.", @@ -12229,6 +12312,10 @@ "terminal.integrated.accessibleViewFocusOnCommandExecution": "Die barrierefreie Terminalansicht fokussieren, wenn ein Befehl ausgeführt wird.", "terminal.integrated.accessibleViewPreserveCursorPosition": "Die Cursorposition wird beim erneuten Öffnen der barrierefreien Terminalansicht beibehalten, anstatt sie auf das Pufferende festzulegen." }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/autoReplies/common/terminalAutoRepliesConfiguration": { + "terminal.integrated.autoReplies": "A set of messages that, when encountered in the terminal, will be automatically responded to. Provided the message is specific enough, this can help automate away common responses.\r\n\r\nRemarks:\r\n\r\n- Use {0} to automatically respond to the terminate batch job prompt on Windows.\r\n- The message includes escape sequences so the reply might not happen with styled text.\r\n- Each reply can only happen once every second.\r\n- Use {1} in the reply to mean the enter key.\r\n- To unset a default key, set the value to null.\r\n- Restart VS Code if new don't apply.", + "terminal.integrated.autoReplies.reply": "The reply to send to the process." + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/chat/browser/terminal.initialHint.contribution": { "disableHint": " Schalten Sie \"{0}\" in den Einstellungen um, um diesen Hinweis zu deaktivieren.", "disableInitialHint": "Anfänglichen Hinweis deaktivieren", @@ -12268,8 +12355,6 @@ "closeChat": "Chat schließen", "discard": "Verwerfen", "discardDescription": "Verwirft die aktuelle Chatantwort des Terminals, blendet das Chatwidget aus und löscht die Chateingabe.", - "focusTerminalInput": "Fokusterminaleingabe", - "focusTerminalResponse": "Terminalantwort fokussieren", "insert": "Einfügen", "insertCommand": "Befehl „Chat einfügen“", "insertFirst": "Zuerst einfügen", @@ -12291,6 +12376,23 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/chat/common/terminalInitialHintConfiguration": { "terminal.integrated.initialHint": "Steuert, ob das erste Terminal ohne Eingabe einen Hinweis zu verfügbaren Aktionen zeigt, wenn es sich um einen Fokus handelt." }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/clipboard/browser/terminal.clipboard.contribution": { + "workbench.action.terminal.copyAndClearSelection": "Copy and Clear Selection", + "workbench.action.terminal.copyLastCommand": "Copy Last Command", + "workbench.action.terminal.copyLastCommandAndOutput": "Copy Last Command and Output", + "workbench.action.terminal.copyLastCommandOutput": "Copy Last Command Output", + "workbench.action.terminal.copySelection": "Copy Selection", + "workbench.action.terminal.copySelectionAsHtml": "Copy Selection as HTML", + "workbench.action.terminal.paste": "Paste into Active Terminal", + "workbench.action.terminal.pasteSelection": "Paste Selection into Active Terminal" + }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/clipboard/browser/terminalClipboard": { + "confirmMoveTrashMessageFilesAndDirectories": "Are you sure you want to paste {0} lines of text into the terminal?", + "doNotAskAgain": "Do not ask me again", + "multiLinePasteButton": "&&Paste", + "multiLinePasteButton.oneLine": "Paste as &&one line", + "preview": "Preview:" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/commandGuide/browser/terminal.commandGuide.contribution": { "terminalCommandGuide.foreground": "Die Vordergrundfarbe der Terminalbefehlsführung, die links neben einem Befehl und deren Ausgabe beim Daraufzeigen angezeigt wird." }, @@ -12330,6 +12432,24 @@ "selectAll": "Alle auswählen", "undo": "Rückgängig machen" }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/history/browser/terminal.history.contribution": { + "goToRecentDirectory.metadata": "Goes to a recent folder", + "workbench.action.terminal.clearPreviousSessionHistory": "Clear Previous Session History", + "workbench.action.terminal.goToRecentDirectory": "Go to Recent Directory...", + "workbench.action.terminal.runRecentCommand": "Run Recent Command..." + }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/history/browser/terminalRunRecentQuickPick": { + "removeCommand": "Remove from Command History", + "selectRecentCommand": "Select a command to run (hold Alt-key to edit the command)", + "selectRecentCommandMac": "Select a command to run (hold Option-key to edit the command)", + "selectRecentDirectory": "Select a directory to go to (hold Alt-key to edit the command)", + "selectRecentDirectoryMac": "Select a directory to go to (hold Option-key to edit the command)", + "shellFileHistoryCategory": "{0} history", + "viewCommandOutput": "View Command Output" + }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/history/common/terminal.history": { + "terminal.integrated.shellIntegration.history": "Controls the number of recently used commands to keep in the terminal command history. Set to 0 to disable terminal command history." + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/links/browser/terminal.links.contribution": { "workbench.action.terminal.openDetectedLink": "Erkannten Link öffnen...", "workbench.action.terminal.openLastLocalFileLink": "Letzten lokalen Dateilink öffnen", @@ -12361,6 +12481,16 @@ "terminal.integrated.searchLinks": "Arbeitsbereichssuche", "terminal.integrated.urlLinks": "URL" }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/quickAccess/browser/terminal.quickAccess.contribution": { + "quickAccessTerminal": "Switch Active Terminal", + "tasksQuickAccessHelp": "Show All Opened Terminals", + "tasksQuickAccessPlaceholder": "Type the name of a terminal to open." + }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/quickAccess/browser/terminalQuickAccess": { + "renameTerminal": "Rename Terminal", + "workbench.action.terminal.newWithProfilePlus": "Create New Terminal With Profile...", + "workbench.action.terminal.newplus": "Create New Terminal" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/quickFix/browser/quickFixAddon": { "codeAction.widget.id.quickfix": "Schnelle Problembehebung", "quickFix.command": "Ausführen: {0}", @@ -12432,6 +12562,10 @@ "terminal.integrated.localEchoLatencyThreshold": "Länge der Netzwerkverzögerung in Millisekunden, mit der lokale Bearbeitungen auf dem Terminal ausgegeben werden, ohne auf Serverbestätigung zu warten. Bei \"0\" ist die lokale Ausgabe immer aktiviert, bei \"-1\" wird sie deaktiviert.", "terminal.integrated.localEchoStyle": "Endstil von lokal ausgegebenem Text, entweder ein Schriftschnitt oder eine RGB-Farbe." }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/wslRecommendation/browser/terminal.wslRecommendation.contribution": { + "install": "Install", + "useWslExtension.title": "The '{0}' extension is recommended for opening a terminal in WSL." + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/zoom/browser/terminal.zoom.contribution": { "fontZoomIn": "Schriftgrad vergrößern", "fontZoomOut": "Schriftgrad verkleinern", @@ -12688,10 +12822,12 @@ "openTestCoverage": "Testabdeckung anzeigen", "run test": "Test ausführen", "testing.cancelRun": "Testlauf abbrechen", - "testing.debugLastRun": "Testlauf debuggen", + "testing.debugLastRun": "Debug Last Run", + "testing.debugTest": "Debug Test", "testing.goToError": "Zum Fehler wechseln", "testing.goToTest": "Zu Test wechseln", - "testing.reRunLastRun": "Testlauf erneut ausführen", + "testing.reRunLastRun": "Rerun Last Run", + "testing.reRunTest": "Rerun Test", "testing.revealInExplorer": "Im Test-Explorer anzeigen", "testing.showResultOutput": "Ergebnisausgabe anzeigen", "testingPeekLabel": "Testergebnismeldungen" @@ -13005,6 +13141,7 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/userDataProfile/browser/userDataProfile": { "New Profile Window": "Neues Fenster mit Profil", + "change profile": "Switch to {0} profile", "create profile": "Neues Profil...", "current": "Aktuell", "delete profile": "Profil löschen...", @@ -13016,10 +13153,12 @@ "new window with profile": "Neues Fenster mit Profil", "newWindowWithProfile": "Neues Fenster mit Profil...", "open": "{0}-Profil öffnen", + "open profile": "Open New Window with {0} Profile", "open profiles": "Profile öffnen (Benutzeroberfläche)", "openShort": "{0}", "pick profile": "Profil auswählen", "pick profile to delete": "Zu löschende Profile auswählen", + "profiles": "Profile ({0})", "save profile as": "Aktuelles Profil speichern unter...", "selectProfile": "Profil auswählen", "switchProfile": "Profil wechseln...", @@ -13053,6 +13192,7 @@ "default profile contents description": "Inhalte dieses Profils durchsuchen\r\n", "defaultProfileIcon": "Das Symbol kann für das Standardprofil nicht geändert werden.", "defaultProfileName": "Der Name kann für das Standardprofil nicht geändert werden.", + "deleteTrustedUri": "Delete Path", "editIcon": "Symbol für das Symbol „Ordner bearbeiten“ im Profil-Editor.", "empty profile": "Keine", "enable for current window": "Dieses Profil für das aktuelle Fenster verwenden", @@ -13090,6 +13230,7 @@ "profileName": "Profilname", "profiles": "Profile", "profilesSashBorder": "Die Farbe des Rahmens der Splitview-Sash des Profil-Editors.", + "removeIcon": "Icon for the remove folder icon in the profiles editor.", "settings": "Einstellungen", "snippets": "Codeausschnitte", "tasks": "Aufgaben", @@ -13406,7 +13547,8 @@ "gettingStartedUnchecked": "Stellt die Schritte dar, die noch nicht abgeschlossen wurden" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcomeGettingStarted/browser/gettingStartedInput": { - "getStarted": "Willkommen" + "getStarted": "Willkommen", + "walkthroughPageTitle": "Walkthrough: " }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcomeGettingStarted/browser/gettingStartedService": { "builtin": "Integriert", @@ -13438,6 +13580,7 @@ "gettingStarted.accessibleView.title": "Benutzer der Sprachausgabe können die Inhalte zeilenweise und zeichenweise in der barrierefreien Ansicht überprüfen.", "gettingStarted.beginner.description": "Verschaffen Sie sich einen Überblick über die wichtigsten Funktionen.", "gettingStarted.beginner.title": "Grundlagen erlernen", + "gettingStarted.beginner.walkthroughPageTitle": "Essential Features", "gettingStarted.codeFolding.description.interpolated": "Falten oder entfalten Sie einen Codeabschnitt mit dem Befehl „Faltung umschalten“.\r\n{0}\r\n Falten oder entfalten Sie rekursiv mit dem Befehl „Faltung rekursiv umschalten“\r\n{1}\r\n", "gettingStarted.codeFolding.title": "Verwenden Sie die Codefaltung, um Codeblöcke zu reduzieren und sich auf den Code zu konzentrieren, an dem Sie interessiert sind.", "gettingStarted.commandPalette.description.interpolated": "Führen Sie Befehle aus, ohne die Maus zu erreichen, um eine Aufgabe in VS Code auszuführen.\r\n{0}", @@ -13466,6 +13609,7 @@ "gettingStarted.newFile.description": "Öffnen Sie eine neue unbenannte Textdatei, ein Nootbook oder einen benutzerdefinierten Editor.", "gettingStarted.newFile.title": "Neue Datei…", "gettingStarted.notebook.title": "Notebooks anpassen", + "gettingStarted.notebook.walkthroughPageTitle": "Notebooks", "gettingStarted.notebookProfile.description": "Richten Sie Notebooks so ein, dass sie sich genauso anfühlen, wie Sie es mögen.", "gettingStarted.notebookProfile.title": "Wählen Sie das Layout für Ihre Notebooks aus.", "gettingStarted.openFile.description": "Hiermit öffnen Sie eine Datei, um mit der Arbeit zu beginnen.", @@ -13491,10 +13635,13 @@ "gettingStarted.setup.OpenFolderWeb.description.interpolated": "Sie sind bereit, mit dem Programmieren zu beginnen. Sie können ein lokales Projekt oder ein Remote-Repository öffnen, um Ihre Dateien in VS Code zu übertragen.\r\n{0}\r\n{1}", "gettingStarted.setup.description": "Passen Sie Ihren Editor an, lernen Sie die Grundlagen kennen, und beginnen Sie mit dem Programmieren.", "gettingStarted.setup.title": "VS Code Erste Schritte", + "gettingStarted.setup.walkthroughPageTitle": "Setup VS Code", "gettingStarted.setupAccessibility.description": "Erfahren Sie mehr über die Tools und Verknüpfungen, mit denen VS Code zugänglich sind. Beachten Sie, dass einige Aktionen innerhalb des Kontexts der exemplarischen Vorgehensweise nicht ausgeführt werden können.", "gettingStarted.setupAccessibility.title": "Erste Schritte mit Barrierefreiheitsfeatures", + "gettingStarted.setupAccessibility.walkthroughPageTitle": "Setup VS Code Accessibility", "gettingStarted.setupWeb.description": "Passen Sie Ihren Editor an, lernen Sie die Grundlagen kennen, und beginnen Sie mit dem Programmieren.", "gettingStarted.setupWeb.title": "Erste Schritte mit VS Code für das Web", + "gettingStarted.setupWeb.walkthroughPageTitle": "Setup VS Code Web", "gettingStarted.shortcuts.description.interpolated": "Nachdem Sie Ihre bevorzugten Befehle entdeckt haben, erstellen Sie benutzerdefinierte Tastenkombinationen für den sofortigen Zugriff.\r\n{0}", "gettingStarted.shortcuts.title": "Anpassen Ihrer Tastenkombinationen", "gettingStarted.tasks.description.interpolated": "Erstellen Sie Aufgaben für Ihre gemeinsamen Workflows, und profitieren Sie von der integrierten Funktion Skripts auszuführen und Ergebnisse automatisch zu überprüfen.\r\n{0}", @@ -13768,7 +13915,6 @@ "editorLineNumberContext": "Das Kontextmenü für die Zeilennummer im Editor", "file.newFile": "Die Schnellauswahl \"Neue Datei...\", angezeigt auf der Begrüßungsseite und im Menü \"Datei\".", "inlineCompletions.actions": "Die Aktionen, die angezeigt werden, wenn der Mauszeiger auf einem Inlineabschluss bewegt wird.", - "inlineEdit.actions": "Die Aktionen, die angezeigt werden, wenn der Mauszeiger auf eine Inlinebearbeitung bewegt wird", "interactive.cell.title": "Das beigetragene interaktive Zellentitelmenü", "interactive.toolbar": "Das beigetragene interaktive Symbolleistenmenü", "issue.reporter": "Das beigetragene Problemberichtsmenü", @@ -14310,7 +14456,12 @@ "startBisect": "Zweiteilung von Erweiterungen starten" }, "vs/workbench/services/files/electron-sandbox/diskFileSystemProvider": { - "fileWatcher": "Dateiüberwachungselemente" + "fileWatcher": "File Watcher" + }, + "vs/workbench/services/files/electron-sandbox/elevatedFileService": { + "fileNotTrusted": "Workspace is not trusted.", + "fileNotTrustedMessagePosix": "You are about to save '{0}' as super user.", + "fileNotTrustedMessageWindows": "You are about to save '{0}' as admin." }, "vs/workbench/services/filesConfiguration/common/filesConfigurationService": { "configuredReadonly": "Der Editor ist schreibgeschützt, da die Datei über die Einstellungen als schreibgeschützt festgelegt wurde. [Klicken Sie hier](command:{0}), um zu konfigurieren, oder auf [Für diese Sitzung umschalten](command:{1}).", @@ -14602,6 +14753,10 @@ "vs/workbench/services/textfile/common/textFileEditorModelManager": { "genericSaveError": "Fehler beim Speichern von \"{0}\": {1}" }, + "vs/workbench/services/textfile/common/textFileSaveParticipant": { + "saveParticipants1": "Running Code Actions and Formatters...", + "skip": "Skip" + }, "vs/workbench/services/textfile/electron-sandbox/nativeTextFileService": { "join.textFiles": "Textdateien werden gespeichert" }, @@ -14713,7 +14868,7 @@ "schema.folderNamesExpanded": "Ordnet Ordnernamen Symbolen für aufgeklappte Ordner zu. Der Objektschlüssel ist der Ordnername ohne Pfadsegmente. Muster oder Platzhalter sind unzulässig. Bei der Zuordnung von Ordnernamen wird die Groß-/Kleinschreibung nicht berücksichtigt.", "schema.font-format": "Das Format der Schriftart.", "schema.font-path": "Der Schriftartpfad relativ zur aktuellen Dateisymbol-Designdatei.", - "schema.font-size": "Die Standardgröße der Schriftart. Gültige Werte finden Sie unter https://developer.mozilla.org/de-de/docs/Web/CSS/font-size.", + "schema.font-size": "The default size of the font. We strongly recommend using a percentage value, for example: 125%.", "schema.font-style": "Der Stil der Schriftart. Gültige Werte finden Sie unter https://developer.mozilla.org/de-DE/docs/Web/CSS/font-style.", "schema.font-weight": "Die Schriftbreite. Gültige Werte finden Sie unter https://developer.mozilla.org/de-DE/docs/Web/CSS/font-weight.", "schema.fontCharacter": "Bei Verwendung einer Glyphenschriftart: das zu verwendende Zeichen in der Schriftart.", @@ -15042,6 +15197,10 @@ "vs/workbench/services/workingCopy/common/storedFileWorkingCopyManager": { "join.fileWorkingCopyManager": "Arbeitskopien werden gespeichert" }, + "vs/workbench/services/workingCopy/common/storedFileWorkingCopySaveParticipant": { + "saveParticipants1": "Running Code Actions and Formatters...", + "skip": "Skip" + }, "vs/workbench/services/workingCopy/common/workingCopyHistoryService": { "default.source": "Datei gespeichert", "join.workingCopyHistory": "Lokaler Verlauf wird gespeichert", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-es/translations/extensions/vscode.git.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-es/translations/extensions/vscode.git.i18n.json index 83da58fb1a..a214ea613e 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-es/translations/extensions/vscode.git.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-es/translations/extensions/vscode.git.i18n.json @@ -161,6 +161,7 @@ "Open": "Abrir", "Open Commit": "Abrir confirmación", "Open Comparison": "Abrir comparación", + "Open File": "Open File", "Open Git Log": "Abrir registro de GIT", "Open Merge": "Ejecutar combinación", "Open Repositories In Parent Folders": "Abrir repositorios en carpetas principales", @@ -267,6 +268,7 @@ "There are {0} unsaved files.\n\nWould you like to save them before stashing?": "Hay {0}archivos sin guardar.\n\n¿Quiere guardarlos antes de aplicar \"stash\"?", "There are {0} untracked files which will be DELETED FROM DISK if discarded.": "Hay {0} archivos sin seguimiento que se ELIMINARÁN DEL DISCO si se descartan.", "There were merge conflicts while applying the stash.": "Hubo conflictos de fusión al aplicar el cambio provisional.", + "There were merge conflicts while cherry picking the changes. Resolve the conflicts before committing them.": "There were merge conflicts while cherry picking the changes. Resolve the conflicts before committing them.", "This action will pull and push commits from and to \"{0}/{1}\".": "Esta acción extraerá e insertará confirmaciones desde y hacia \"{0}/{1}\".", "This repository has no remotes configured to fetch from.": "El repositorio no tiene remotos configurados de los que recuperar.", "This will DELETE {0} untracked files!\nThis is IRREVERSIBLE!\nThese files will be FOREVER LOST.": "¡Esto ELIMINARÁ {0} archivos sin seguimiento!\n¡Esta acción es IRREVERSIBLE!\nEstos archivos SE PERDERÁN PARA SIEMPRE.", @@ -356,6 +358,7 @@ "command.checkoutDetached": "Extraer del repositorio en (desasociado)...", "command.checkoutRefDetached": "Restauración (desasociado)", "command.cherryPick": "Selección exclusiva...", + "command.cherryPickAbort": "Abort Cherry Pick", "command.cherryPickRef": "Selección exclusiva...", "command.clean": "Descartar cambios", "command.cleanAll": "Descartar todos los cambios", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-es/translations/extensions/vscode.github-authentication.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-es/translations/extensions/vscode.github-authentication.i18n.json index 14fa80877f..1fc653aae9 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-es/translations/extensions/vscode.github-authentication.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-es/translations/extensions/vscode.github-authentication.i18n.json @@ -16,8 +16,6 @@ "Having trouble logging in? Would you like to try a different way? ({0})": "¿Tiene problemas para iniciar sesión? ¿Desea probar de otra forma? ({0})", "No": "No", "Open [{0}]({0}) in a new tab and paste your one-time code: {1}/The [{0}]({0}) will be a url and the {1} will be a code, e.g. 123-456{Locked=\"[{0}]({0})\"}": "Abra [{0}]({0}) en una pestaña nueva y pegue el código de un solo uso: {1}", - "Please reload the window to apply the new setting.": "Vuelva a cargar la ventana para aplicar la nueva configuración.", - "Reload Window": "Volver a cargar ventana", "Sign in failed: {0}": "Error de inicio de sesión: {0}", "Sign out failed: {0}": "Error al cerrar sesión: {0}", "Signing in to {0}.../The {0} will be a url, e.g. github.com": "Iniciando sesión en {0}...", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-es/translations/extensions/vscode.ipynb.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-es/translations/extensions/vscode.ipynb.i18n.json index adbfee71e1..d612ed6404 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-es/translations/extensions/vscode.ipynb.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-es/translations/extensions/vscode.ipynb.i18n.json @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ "copyCellOutput.title": "Copiar salida de celda", "description": "Proporciona compatibilidad básica para abrir y leer los archivos .ipynb del bloc de notas de Jupyter.", "displayName": "Compatibilidad con .ipynb", - "ipynb.experimental.serialization": "Característica experimental para serializar Jupyter Notebook en un subproceso de trabajo. No se admite cuando el host de extensiones se ejecuta como un trabajo.", + "ipynb.experimental.serialization": "Experimental feature to serialize the Jupyter notebook in a worker thread.", "ipynb.pasteImagesAsAttachments.enabled": "Habilite o deshabilite el pegado de imágenes en celdas de Markdown en archivos de bloc de notas de ipynb. Las imágenes pegadas se insertan como datos adjuntos en la celda.", "markdownAttachmentRenderer.displayName": "Representador de datos adjuntos de celda ipynb de Markdown", "newUntitledIpynb.shortTitle": "Jupyter Notebook", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-es/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-es/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json index b0b3248553..702364bac7 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-es/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-es/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json @@ -87,6 +87,8 @@ "Please report an issue against Yarn PnP": "Informe de un problema con Yarn PnP", "Please update your TypeScript version": "Actualice su versión de TypeScript.", "Project Wide IntelliSense not available": "IntelliSense no está disponible para todo el proyecto", + "Related files provider failed. Copilot requested file with unsupported language mode.": "Related files provider failed. Copilot requested file with unsupported language mode.", + "Related files provider failed. No active text editor.": "Related files provider failed. No active text editor.", "Remove Unused Imports": "Quitar importaciones sin usar", "Remove all unused code": "Quitar todo el código sin utilizar", "Report Issue": "Notificar problema", @@ -196,12 +198,14 @@ "configuration.tsserver.useSyntaxServer.auto": "Generar tanto un servidor completo como uno más ligero dedicado a las operaciones de sintaxis. El servidor de sintaxis se usa para acelerar las operaciones de sintaxis y proporcionar IntelliSense mientras se cargan los proyectos.", "configuration.tsserver.useSyntaxServer.never": "No use un servidor de sintaxis dedicado. Use un único servidor para controlar todas las operaciones de IntelliSense.", "configuration.tsserver.useVsCodeWatcher": "Use los monitores de archivos de VS Code en lugar de los de TypeScript. Requiere el uso de TypeScript 5.4+ en el área de trabajo.", + "configuration.tsserver.useVsCodeWatcher.deprecation": "Please use the `#typescript.tsserver.watchOptions#` setting instead.", "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions": "Configure qué estrategias de observación se deben utilizar para realizar un seguimiento de los archivos y directorios.", "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions.fallbackPolling": "Cuando se utilizan eventos del sistema de archivos, esta opción especifica la estrategia de sondeo que se utiliza cuando el sistema se queda sin monitores de archivos nativos o no los admite.", "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions.fallbackPolling.dynamicPriorityPolling ": "Utilice una cola dinámica en la que los archivos modificados con menos frecuencia se comprueben con menos frecuencia.", "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions.fallbackPolling.fixedPollingInterval": "Compruebe cada archivo en busca de cambios varias veces por segundo en un intervalo fijo.", "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions.fallbackPolling.priorityPollingInterval": "Compruebe cada archivo en busca de cambios varias veces por segundo, pero utilice la heurística para comprobar ciertos tipos de archivos con menos frecuencia que otros.", "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions.synchronousWatchDirectory": "Deshabilite la observación diferida en directorios. La observación diferida es útil cuando pueden producirse muchos cambios en los archivos a la vez (por ejemplo, un cambio en node_modules de ejecutar npm install), pero es posible que desee deshabilitarla con esta marca para algunas configuraciones menos comunes.", + "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions.vscode": "Use VS Code's file watchers instead of TypeScript's. Requires using TypeScript 5.4+ in the workspace.", "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions.watchDirectory": "Estrategia de cómo se observan árboles de directorios completos en sistemas que carecen de funcionalidad recursiva de observación de archivos.", "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions.watchDirectory.dynamicPriorityPolling": "Utilice una cola dinámica en la que los directorios modificados con menos frecuencia se comprueben con menos frecuencia.", "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions.watchDirectory.fixedChunkSizePolling": "Sondea directorios en fragmentos a intervalos regulares.", @@ -218,7 +222,7 @@ "configuration.tsserver.web.projectWideIntellisense.suppressSemanticErrors": "Suprime los errores semánticos en la web incluso cuando IntelliSense para todo el proyecto está habilitado. Esto siempre está activado cuando IntelliSense para todo el proyecto no está habilitado o disponible. Vea `#typescript.tsserver.web.projectWideIntellisense.enabled#`", "configuration.tsserver.web.typeAcquisition.enabled": "Habilitar o deshabilitar la adquisición de paquetes en la Web. Esto habilita IntelliSense para los paquetes importados. Requiere \"#typescript.tsserver.web.projectWideIntellisense.enabled#\". Actualmente no se admite para Safari.", "configuration.typescript": "TypeScript", - "configuration.updateImportsOnPaste": "Actualizar automáticamente las importaciones al pegar código. Requiere TypeScript 5.6+.", + "configuration.updateImportsOnPaste": "Automatically update imports when pasting code. Requires TypeScript 5.7+.", "description": "Proporciona soporte de lenguaje enriquecido para JavaScript y TypeScript.", "displayName": "Características del lenguaje JavaScript y TypeScript", "format.indentSwitchCase": "Sangrar cláusulas case en las instrucciones de cambio. Requiere el uso de TypeScript 5.1+ en el espacio de trabajo.", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-es/translations/main.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-es/translations/main.i18n.json index 963d699288..4eff1771ba 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-es/translations/main.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-es/translations/main.i18n.json @@ -548,12 +548,7 @@ "inlayHints.padding": "Habilita el relleno alrededor de las sugerencias de incrustación en el editor.", "inline": "Las sugerencias rápidas se muestran como texto fantasma", "inlineCompletionsAccessibilityVerbose": "Controla si se debe proporcionar la sugerencia de accesibilidad a los usuarios del lector de pantalla cuando se muestra una finalización insertada.", - "inlineEdit.enabled": "Controla si se van a mostrar las ediciones insertadas en el editor.", - "inlineEdit.fontFamily": "Controla la familia de fuentes de la edición insertada.", - "inlineEdit.showToolbar": "Controla cuándo mostrar la barra de herramientas de edición insertada.", - "inlineEdit.showToolbar.always": "Muestra la barra de herramientas de edición insertada cada vez que se muestra una sugerencia insertada.", - "inlineEdit.showToolbar.never": "No mostrar nunca la barra de herramientas de edición insertada.", - "inlineEdit.showToolbar.onHover": "Mostrar la barra de herramientas de edición insertada al pasar el ratón por encima de una sugerencia insertada.", + "inlineSuggest.edits.experimental.enabled": "Controls whether to enable experimental edits in inline suggestions.", "inlineSuggest.enabled": "Controla si se deben mostrar automáticamente las sugerencias alineadas en el editor.", "inlineSuggest.fontFamily": "Controla la familia de fuentes de las sugerencias insertadas.", "inlineSuggest.showToolbar": "Controla cuándo mostrar la barra de herramientas de sugerencias insertadas.", @@ -602,6 +597,7 @@ "occurrencesHighlight.multiFile": "Experimental: Resalta las repeticiones en todos los archivos abiertos válidos.", "occurrencesHighlight.off": "No resalta las repeticiones.", "occurrencesHighlight.singleFile": "Resalta las repeticiones solo en el archivo actual.", + "occurrencesHighlightDelay": "Controls the delay in milliseconds after which occurrences are highlighted.", "off": "Las sugerencias rápidas están deshabilitadas", "on": "Las sugerencias rápidas se muestran dentro del widget de sugerencias", "overviewRulerBorder": "Controla si debe dibujarse un borde alrededor de la regla de información general.", @@ -1398,6 +1394,7 @@ "action.inlineSuggest.acceptNextLine": "Aceptar la siguiente línea de sugerencia insertada", "action.inlineSuggest.acceptNextWord": "Aceptar la siguiente palabra de sugerencia insertada", "action.inlineSuggest.alwaysShowToolbar": "Mostrar siempre la barra de herramientas", + "action.inlineSuggest.dev.extractRepro": "Developer: Extract Inline Suggest State", "action.inlineSuggest.hide": "Ocultar sugerencia insertada", "action.inlineSuggest.jump": "Saltar a la siguiente edición insertada", "action.inlineSuggest.showNext": "Mostrar sugerencia alineada siguiente", @@ -1429,9 +1426,6 @@ "parameterHintsPreviousIcon": "Icono para mostrar la sugerencia de parámetro anterior.", "previous": "Anterior" }, - "vs/editor/contrib/inlineEdit/browser/hoverParticipant": { - "hoverAccessibilityInlineEdits": "Hay ediciones insertadas aquí." - }, "vs/editor/contrib/inPlaceReplace/browser/inPlaceReplace": { "InPlaceReplaceAction.next.label": "Reemplazar con el valor siguiente", "InPlaceReplaceAction.previous.label": "Reemplazar con el valor anterior" @@ -2529,6 +2523,7 @@ "diffEditorRemovedLines": "Color de fondo de las líneas que se quitaron. El color no debe ser opaco para no ocultar las decoraciones subyacentes.", "diffEditorRemovedOutline": "Color de contorno para el texto quitado.", "editorBackground": "Color de fondo del editor.", + "editorCompositionBorder": "The border color for an IME composition.", "editorError.background": "Color de fondo del texto de error del editor. El color no debe ser opaco para no ocultar las decoraciones subyacentes.", "editorError.foreground": "Color de primer plano de squigglies de error en el editor.", "editorFindMatch": "Color de la coincidencia de búsqueda actual.", @@ -3932,6 +3927,8 @@ "editorCommand.activeEditorMove.arg.description": "Argument Properties:\r\n\t* \"to\": Valor de cadena que indica hacia dónde se realiza el movimiento.\r\n\t* \"by\": Valor de cadena que indica la unidad del movimiento (por pestaña o por grupo).\r\n\t* \"value\": Valor numérico que indica, con una posición absoluta o con un número de posiciones, el alcance del movimiento.", "editorCommand.activeEditorMove.arg.name": "Argumento para mover el editor activo", "editorCommand.activeEditorMove.description": "Mover el editor activo por tabulaciones o grupos", + "editorGroupLayout.horizontal": "Horizontal", + "editorGroupLayout.vertical": "Vertical", "focusLeftSideEditor": "Enfocar el primer lado en el editor activo", "focusOtherSideEditor": "Enfocar otro lado en el editor activo", "focusRightSideEditor": "Enfocar el segundo lado en el editor activo", @@ -4230,7 +4227,9 @@ "vs/workbench/browser/parts/panel/panelPart": { "align panel": "Alinear panel", "hidePanel": "Ocultar panel", - "panel position": "Posición del panel" + "panel position": "Posición del panel", + "showIcons": "Show Icons", + "showLabels": "Show Labels" }, "vs/workbench/browser/parts/sidebar/sidebarActions": { "focusSideBar": "Centrarse en la barra lateral principal" @@ -4355,9 +4354,6 @@ "shutdownErrorDetail": "El área de trabajo se eliminó inesperadamente durante la ejecución.", "unableToOpenExternal": "El explorador interrumpió la apertura de una nueva pestaña o ventana. Presione \"Abrir\" para abrirla de todos modos." }, - "vs/workbench/browser/workbench": { - "loaderErrorNative": "No se pudo cargar un archivo requerido. Reinicie la aplicación para intentarlo de nuevo. Detalles: {0}" - }, "vs/workbench/browser/workbench.contribution": { "activeEditorLong": "\"${activeEditorLong}\": la ruta de acceso completa del archivo (p. ej., /Users/Development/myFolder/myFileFolder/myFile.txt).", "activeEditorMedium": "`${activeEditorMedium}`: la ruta de acceso de archivo relativa a la carpeta de área de trabajo (p. ej. myFolder/myFileFolder/myFile.txt)", @@ -4428,7 +4424,7 @@ "openFoldersInNewWindow": "Controla si las carpetas deben abrirse en una ventana nueva o reemplazar la última ventana activa.\r\nTenga en cuenta que aún puede haber casos en los que este valor se ignore (por ejemplo, al usar la opción de la lí­nea de comandos \"--new-window\" o \"--reuse-window\"). ", "panelDefaultLocation": "Controla la ubicación predeterminada del panel (terminal, consola de depuración, salida, problemas) en un área de trabajo nueva. Puede mostrarse en la parte inferior, superior, derecha o izquierda del área del editor.", "panelOpensMaximized": "Controla si el panel se abre maximizado. Puede abrirse maximizado siempre, nunca o abrirse en el último estado en el que se encontraba antes de cerrarse.", - "panelShowLabel": "Controla si los elementos de actividad del título del panel se muestran como etiqueta o icono.", + "panelShowLabels": "Controls whether activity items in the panel title are shown as label or icon.", "perEditorGroup": "Controla si el límite del máximo de editores abiertos debe aplicarse por grupo de editores o en todos los grupos de editores.", "pinnedTabSizing": "Controla el tamaño de las pestañas del editor ancladas. Las pestañas ancladas se ordenan al principio de todas las pestañas abiertas y normalmente no se cierran hasta que se desanclan. Este valor se omite cuando {0} no se establece en {1}.", "preserveInput": "Controla si la última entrada especificada en la paleta de comandos debe restaurarse al abrir la próxima vez.", @@ -4844,6 +4840,7 @@ "configureRuntimeArguments": "Configurar argumentos en tiempo de ejecución", "openUserDataFolder": "Abrir carpeta de datos de usuario", "reloadWindowWithExtensionsDisabled": "Recargar con extensiones desactivadas", + "showGPUInfo": "Show GPU Info", "toggleDevTools": "Alternar herramientas de desarrollo" }, "vs/workbench/electron-sandbox/actions/installActions": { @@ -4909,7 +4906,7 @@ "touchbar.enabled": "Habilita los botones de macOS Touchbar en el teclado si están disponibles.", "touchbar.ignored": "Conjunto de identificadores para las entradas de la barra táctil que no deben aparecer (por ejemplo, \"workbench.action.navigateBack\").", "window.clickThroughInactive": "Si está habilitado, haciendo clic en una ventana inactiva, activará dicha ventana y disparará el elemento bajo el cursor del ratón si éste es clicable. Si está deshabilitado, haciendo clic en cualquier lugar en una ventana inactiva, solo activará la misma y será necesario un segundo clic en el elemento.", - "window.customTitleBarVisibility": "Ajustar cuándo se debe mostrar la barra de título personalizada. La barra de título personalizada se puede ocultar cuando se está en modo de pantalla completa con \"windowed\". La barra de título personalizada solo se puede ocultar en ningún modo de pantalla completa con \"nunca\" cuando {0} se establece en \"nativo\".", + "window.customTitleBarVisibility": "Adjust when the custom title bar should be shown. The custom title bar can be hidden when in full screen mode with `windowed`. The custom title bar can only be hidden in non full screen mode with `never` when {0} is set to `native`.", "window.customTitleBarVisibility.auto": "Cambia automáticamente la visibilidad de la barra de título personalizada.", "window.customTitleBarVisibility.never": "Ocultar la barra de título personalizada cuando {0} esté establecido en \"native\".", "window.customTitleBarVisibility.windowed": "Ocultar barra de título personalizada en pantalla completa. Cuando no esté en pantalla completa, cambiar automáticamente la visibilidad de la barra de título personalizada.", @@ -4947,7 +4944,6 @@ "downloadArmBuild": "Descargar", "keychainWriteError": "Error al escribir la información de inicio de sesión en la cadena de claves: '{0}'.", "learnMore": "Más información", - "loaderCycle": "Hay un ciclo de dependencias en los módulos AMD que debe resolverse.", "loginButton": "&&Iniciar sesión", "macoseolmessage": "{0} en {1} pronto dejarán de recibir actualizaciones. Considere la posibilidad de actualizar la versión de macOS.", "password": "Contraseña", @@ -5185,7 +5181,7 @@ "openDiffEditorAnnouncement": "Editor de diferencias" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/accountEntitlements/browser/accountsEntitlements.contribution": { - "workbench.accounts.showEntitlements": "Cuando se habilita, los derechos disponibles para la cuenta se mostrarán en el menú cuentas." + "workbench.accounts.showEntitlements": "When enabled, available entitlements for the account will be shown in the accounts menu." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/audioCues/browser/audioCues.contribution": { "audioCues.chatRequestSent": "Reproduce un sonido cuando se realiza una solicitud de chat.", @@ -5239,7 +5235,8 @@ "pickAProviderTitle": "Administrar preferencias de cuenta de extensión", "placeholder": "Administrar '{0}' preferencias de cuenta...", "selectProvider": "Seleccione un proveedor de autenticación para el que administrar las preferencias de cuenta", - "title": "'{0}' preferencias de la cuenta para esta área de trabajo" + "title": "'{0}' preferencias de la cuenta para esta área de trabajo", + "use new account": "Use a new account..." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/authentication/browser/actions/manageTrustedExtensionsForAccountAction": { "accountLastUsedDate": "Último uso de esta cuenta {0}", @@ -5378,8 +5375,7 @@ "workbench.action.chat.focus": "El comando Focus Chat{0} activa la lista de solicitudes y respuestas del chat, por la que se puede navegar con las flechas Arriba y Abajo.", "workbench.action.chat.focusInput": "Si desea enfocar el cuadro de entrada para las solicitudes de chat, invoque el comando Focus Chat Input{0}.", "workbench.action.chat.newChat": "Para crear una nueva sesión de chat, invoque el comando{0}Nuevo chat.", - "workbench.action.chat.nextCodeBlock": "Para enfocar el siguiente bloque de código dentro de una respuesta, invoque el comando Chat: Next Code Block{0}.", - "workbench.action.chat.nextFileTree": "Para enfocar el siguiente árbol de archivos dentro de una respuesta, invoque el comando Chat: Next File Tree command{0}." + "workbench.action.chat.nextCodeBlock": "Para enfocar el siguiente bloque de código dentro de una respuesta, invoque el comando Chat: Next Code Block{0}." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatActions": { "actions.interactiveSession.focus": "Enfocar lista de chats", @@ -5389,19 +5385,26 @@ "chat.history.rename": "Cambiar nombre", "chatWith": "Chatear con la extensión", "currentChatLabel": "actual", + "installChat": "Install {0}", + "installChatGlobalAction.justification": "AI support requires this extension.", "interactiveSession.clearHistory.label": "Borrar el historial de entradas", "interactiveSession.focusInput.label": "Enfocar entrada de chat", "interactiveSession.history.delete": "Eliminar", "interactiveSession.history.editor": "Abrir en el editor", "interactiveSession.history.pick": "Cambiar a chat", "interactiveSession.open": "Abrir Editor", + "learnMore": "Learn More", "more": "Más...", "newChatTitle": "Nuevo título del chat", "openChat": "Abrir chat", - "title4": "Chat" + "title4": "Chat", + "toggle.chatControl": "Chat Controls", + "toggle.chatControlsDescription": "Toggle visibility of the Chat Controls in title bar" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatClearActions": { - "chat.newChat.label": "Nuevo chat" + "chat.newChat.label": "Nuevo chat", + "chat.newEdits.label": "New Edit Session", + "chat.openEdits.label": "Open Edit Session" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatCodeblockActions": { "chat.applyAll.label": "Aplicar todas las ediciones", @@ -5417,8 +5420,12 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatContextActions": { "chatContext.attach.placeholder": "Buscar datos adjuntos", + "chatContext.attachScreenshot.labelElectron.Window": "Screenshot Window", + "chatContext.attachScreenshot.labelWeb": "Screenshot", + "chatContext.editors": "Open Editors", "chatContext.notebook.kernelVariable": "Variable de kernel...", "chatContext.notebook.selectkernelVariable": "Seleccionar e insertar variable de kernel", + "chatContext.searchResults": "Search Results", "chatContext.symbol": "Símbolo...", "imageFromClipboard": "Imagen del Portapapeles", "pastedImage": "Imagen pegada", @@ -5437,8 +5444,13 @@ "actions.chat.submitSecondaryAgent": "Enviar al agente secundario", "chat.newChat.label": "Enviar a nuevo chat", "chat.pickModel.label": "Elegir modelo", + "chat.sendToChatEditing.label": "Send to Copilot Edits", + "chat.startEditing.confirmation.message": "Starting a new editing session will end your current editing session and discard edits to {0} files. Do you wish to proceed?", + "chat.startEditing.confirmation.primaryButton": "Yes", + "chat.startEditing.confirmation.title": "Start new editing session?", "interactive.cancel.label": "Cancelar", - "interactive.submit.label": "Enviar" + "interactive.submit.label": "Send and Dispatch", + "interactive.submitWithoutDispatch.label": "Send" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatFileTreeActions": { "interactive.nextFileTree.label": "Siguiente árbol de archivos", @@ -5466,7 +5478,19 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatTitleActions": { "chat.remove.label": "Quitar solicitud y respuesta", + "chat.retry.confirmation.checkbox": "Don't ask again", + "chat.retry.confirmation.message2": "This will undo edits made to {0} since this request.", + "chat.retry.confirmation.primaryButton": "Yes", "chat.retry.label": "Reintentar", + "chat.retryLast.confirmation.message2": "This will undo edits made to {0} files in your working set since this request. Do you want to proceed?", + "chat.retryLast.confirmation.title2": "Do you want to retry your last request?", + "chat.startEditing.confirmation.acceptEdits": "Accept & Continue", + "chat.startEditing.confirmation.discardEdits": "Discard & Continue", + "chat.startEditing.confirmation.message": "Starting a new editing session will end your current editing session and discard edits to {0} files. Do you wish to proceed?", + "chat.startEditing.confirmation.pending.message": "Starting a new editing session will end your current session. Do you want to discard pending edits to {0} files?", + "chat.startEditing.confirmation.primaryButton": "Yes", + "chat.startEditing.confirmation.title": "Start new editing session?", + "chat.startEditing.label2": "Edit with Copilot", "interactive.helpful.label": "Útil", "interactive.insertIntoNotebook.label": "Insertar en Notebook", "interactive.reportIssueForBug.label": "Notificar incidencia", @@ -5483,17 +5507,25 @@ "insertCodeBlock.readonlyNotebook": "No se puede insertar el bloque de código en el editor de cuaderno de notas de solo lectura.", "overlap": "Otro cambio de código está en vista previa. Aplique o descarte primero los cambios pendientes." }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/attachments/implicitContextAttachment": { + "chat.fileAttachment": "Attached file, {0}", + "chat.fileAttachmentWithRange": "Attached file, {0}, line {1} to line {2}", + "disable": "Disable current file context", + "enable": "Enable current file context", + "enableHint": "disabled", + "openEditor": "Current file context" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chat": { "generating": "Generando" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chat.contribution": { "chat": "Chat", "chat.commandCenter.enabled": "Controla si el centro de comandos muestra un menú para las acciones de chat (requiere {0}).", + "chat.editing.alwaysSaveWithGeneratedChanges": "Whether to always ask before saving files with changes made by chat.", + "chat.editing.confirmEditRequestRemoval": "Whether to show a confirmation before removing a request and its associated edits.", + "chat.editing.confirmEditRequestRetry": "Whether to show a confirmation before retrying a request and its associated edits.", + "chat.editing.enableRestoreFile": "Whether to show a toggle to restore an earlier version of a file that was edited in a chat editing session request.", "chat.experimental.detectParticipant.enabled": "Habilita la detección automática del participante del chat para el chat del panel.", - "chat.experimental.implicitContext": "Controla si se muestra una casilla para permitir al usuario determinar qué contexto implícito se incluye con el mensaje de un participante del chat.", - "chat.experimental.variables.editor": "Habilita variables para el chat del editor.", - "chat.experimental.variables.notebook": "Habilita variables para el chat del bloc de notas.", - "chat.experimental.variables.terminal": "Habilita variables para el chat de terminal.", "clear": "Iniciar un nuevo chat", "file": "Elegir un archivo en el área de trabajo", "interactiveSession.editor.fontFamily": "Controla la familia de las fuentes en los bloques de código de chat.", @@ -5539,8 +5571,9 @@ "dismiss": "Descartar" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatContentParts/chatReferencesContentPart": { + "addToChat": "Add File to Chat", + "chat.openEditor": "Open Editor", "chatCollapsibleList": "Lista de chats contraíbles", - "copyReference": "Copiar", "setting.hover": "Abrir configuración ''{0}''", "usedReferencesCollapsed": "{0}, se ha contraído", "usedReferencesExpanded": "{0}, expandido", @@ -5563,52 +5596,109 @@ "file": "Archivo", "image": "Imagen" }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditingActions": { + "accept.allFiles": "Accept All", + "accept.file": "Accept", + "chat.openWorkingSetHistory.label": "Open File Checkpoint", + "chat.remove.confirmation.checkbox": "Don't ask again", + "chat.remove.confirmation.message2": "This will remove all subsequent requests and undo edits made to {0}. Do you want to proceed?", + "chat.remove.confirmation.multipleEdits.message": "This will remove all subsequent requests and undo edits made to {0} files in your working set. Do you want to proceed?", + "chat.remove.confirmation.primaryButton": "Yes", + "chat.remove.confirmation.title": "Do you want to undo {0} edits?", + "chat.removeLast.confirmation.message2": "This will remove your last request and undo the edits made to {0}. Do you want to proceed?", + "chat.removeLast.confirmation.multipleEdits.message": "This will remove your last request and undo edits made to {0} files in your working set. Do you want to proceed?", + "chat.removeLast.confirmation.title": "Do you want to undo your last edit?", + "chat.restoreFile.label": "Restore Previous File State", + "chat.restoreFile.shortTitle": "Restore Previous File State", + "chat.restoreFile.title": "Using Previous File State", + "chat.restoreFile.tooltip": "Toggle to use the previous state of an edited file in your next request", + "chat.undoEdits.label": "Undo Edits", + "chatEditing.checkpoint": "{0} (Checkpoint {1})", + "chatEditing.openDiffs": "Open Diffs", + "discard.allFiles": "Discard All", + "discard.file": "Discard", + "open.fileInDiff": "Open Changes in Diff Editor", + "removeFileFromWorkingSet": "Remove File", + "workbench.action.chat.addFilesToWorkingSet.label": "Add Files to Working Set" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditingService": { - "accept.allFiles": "Aceptar todo", - "accept.file": "Aceptar", - "chatEditing.openDiffs": "Abrir diferencias", - "chatEditing.startSession": "Iniciar edición de la sesión", + "chat": "Chat Editing", + "chatEditing.fileSave": "{0} wants to create a file. Choose where it should be saved.", "chatEditing.startingSession": "Generando ediciones...", - "chatEditing.stopSession": "Detener la edición de la sesión", - "discard.allFiles": "Descartar todo", - "discard.file": "Descartar", - "multiDiffEditorInput.name": "Ediciones sugeridas", - "open.file": "Abrir archivo" + "chatEditing1": "Chat Edit: '{0}'", + "chatEditing2": "Chat Edit", + "multiDiffEditorInput.name": "Ediciones sugeridas" + }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditorActions": { + "accept": "Accept Chat Edit", + "next": "Go to Next Chat Edit", + "prev": "Go to Previous Chat Edit", + "reject": "Reject Chat Edit" + }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditorController": { + "chat.hasEditorModifications": "The current editor contains chat modifications" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditorInput": { "chatEditorLabelIcon": "Icono de la etiqueta del editor de chats.", "chatEditorName": "Chat" }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditorSaving": { + "chat": "chat", + "config": "Always save with AI-generated changes without asking", + "detail2": "AI-generated changes may be incorrect and should be reviewed before saving.", + "discard": "Cancel", + "message.1": "Do you want to save the changes {0} made in {1}?", + "message.2": "Do you want to save the changes {0} made to {1} files?", + "message.batched.multiFile.1": "Do you want to save the changes {0} made in {1} files?", + "message.batched.multiFile.2": "Do you want to save the changes chat made in {0} files?", + "message.batched.oneFile.1": "Do you want to save the changes {0} made in {1}?", + "message.batched.oneFile.2": "Do you want to save the changes chat made in {0}?", + "message.batched.oneFile.3": "Do you want to save the changes {0} made in 1 file?", + "message.batched.oneFile.4": "Do you want to save the changes chat made in 1 file?", + "save": "Save", + "save all": "Save All", + "save.allFiles": "Save All" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatFollowups": { "followUpAriaLabel": "Pregunta de seguimiento: {0}" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatGettingStarted": { "chat.openPanel": "Abrir panel de chat", - "workbench.panel.chat.view.showGettingStarted": "Cuando está habilitada, muestra experimentos de introducción en el panel de chat." + "workbench.panel.chat.view.showGettingStarted": "When enabled, shows a getting started experiment in the chat panel." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatImagePaste": { "pastedImage": "Imagen pegada" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatInlineAnchorWidget": { "actions.attach.label": "Agregar archivo al chat", + "actions.copy.label": "Copy", "actions.goToDecl.label": "Ir a la definición", + "actions.openToSide.label": "Open to the Side", + "goToImplementations.label": "Go to Implementations", "goToReferences.label": "Ir a Referencias", + "goToTypeDefinitions.label": "Go to Type Definitions", "miGotoDefinition": "Ir a la &&Definición", - "miGotoReference": "Ir a &&Referencias" + "miGotoImplementations": "Go to &&Implementations", + "miGotoReference": "Ir a &&Referencias", + "miGotoTypeDefinition": "Go to &&Type Definitions", + "resource": "The full value of the chat anchor resource, including scheme and path" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatInputPart": { "actions.chat.accessibiltyHelp": "Entrada de chat, Escribir para hacer preguntas o escribir / para temas, presione Entrar para enviar la solicitud. Use {0} para la Ayuda de accesibilidad del chat.", "chat.attachment": "Contexto adjunto, {0}", + "chat.attachment.clearButton": "Remove from context", "chat.fileAttachment": "Archivo adjunto, {0}", "chat.fileAttachmentWithRange": "Archivo adjunto, {0}, línea {1} a la línea {2}", "chat.imageAttachment": "Imagen adjunta, {0}", "chat.submitToSecondaryAgent": "Enviar a @{0}", - "chatEditingSessionOverview": "{0} archivos cambiados", - "chatEditingSessionOverview.oneFileChanged": "1 archivo cambiado", + "chatAddFiles": "{0} Add Files...", + "chatAttachFiles": "Search for files to add to your working set", + "chatEditingSession.manyFiles": "({0} files)", + "chatEditingSession.oneFile": "(1 file)", + "chatEditingSession.workingSet": "Working Set", "chatInput": "Entrada de chat", "chatInput.accessibilityHelpNoKb": "Entrada de chat, escriba el código aquí y presione Entrar para ejecutarlo. Use el comando Ayuda de accesibilidad del chat para obtener más información.", - "notebook.moreExecuteActionsLabel": "Más...", - "remove": "Quitar" + "notebook.moreExecuteActionsLabel": "Más..." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatListRenderer": { "chatConfirmationAction": "seleccionado \"{0}\"", @@ -5636,6 +5726,7 @@ "chatCommandSticky": "Indica si la invocación del comando deja el chat en modo persistente, donde el comando se agrega automáticamente a la entrada del chat para el siguiente mensaje.", "chatCommandWhen": "Condición que debe ser verdadera para habilitar este comando.", "chatCommandsDescription": "Comandos disponibles para este participante del chat, que el usuario puede invocar con \"/\".", + "chatEditing.viewContainer.label": "Copilot Edits", "chatFailErrorMessage": "Error al cargar el chat porque la versión instalada de la extensión {0} no es compatible con esta versión de {1}. Asegúrese de que la extensión de chat de GitHub Copilot está actualizada.", "chatParticipantDescription": "Una descripción de este participante del chat, que se muestra en la interfaz de usuario.", "chatParticipantDisambiguation": "Metadatos para ayudar a enrutar automáticamente las preguntas del usuario a este participante del chat.", @@ -5645,14 +5736,18 @@ "chatParticipantFullName": "Nombre completo de este participante del chat, que se muestra como la etiqueta para las respuestas procedentes de este participante. Si no se proporciona, se usa {0}.", "chatParticipantId": "Id. único de este participante del chat.", "chatParticipantName": "Nombre orientado al usuario para este participante del chat. El usuario empleará \"@\" con este nombre para invocar al participante. El nombre no debe contener espacios en blanco.", - "chatParticipantSupportsToolReferences": "Indica si este participante admite {0}.", "chatParticipantWhen": "Condición que debe ser verdadera para habilitar este participante.", "chatSampleRequest": "Cuando el usuario hace clic en este participante en \"/help\", este texto se enviará al participante.", "showExtension": "Mostrar extensión", "vscode.extension.contributes.chatParticipant": "Contribuye a un participante del chat" }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatPasteProviders": { + "pastedImageName": "Pasted Image" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatWidget": { - "chatWidget.tips": "{0} para adjuntar el contexto\r\n\r\n{1} chatear con extensiones" + "chatWidget.tips": "{0} or type {1} to attach context\r\n\r\n{2} to chat with extensions\r\n\r\nType {3} to use commands", + "chatWidget.tips.withoutParticipants": "{0} or type {1} to attach context", + "scrollDownButtonLabel": "Scroll down" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/codeBlockPart": { "chat.codeBlock.toolbar": "Barra de herramientas de bloque de código", @@ -5675,14 +5770,29 @@ "allFilesDescription": "Buscar los archivos relevantes del área de trabajo y proporcionar contexto a partir de ellos" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/contrib/chatInputCompletions": { + "installLabel": "Install Chat Extensions...", "pickFileLabel": "Elegir un archivo" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/contrib/chatInputEditorHover": { "hoverAccessibilityChatAgent": "Aquí hay una parte activable del agente de chat." }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/contrib/screenshot": { + "screenshot": "Screenshot" + }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/languageModelToolsService": { + "toolInvocationMessage": "Using {0}" + }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/viewsWelcome/chatViewsWelcomeContributions": { + "chatViewsWelcome.content": "The content of the welcome message. The first command link will be rendered as a button.", + "chatViewsWelcome.icon": "The icon for the welcome message.", + "chatViewsWelcome.title": "The title of the welcome message.", + "chatViewsWelcome.when": "Condition when the welcome message is shown.", + "vscode.extension.contributes.chatViewsWelcome": "Contributes a welcome message to a chat view" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/chatColors": { "chat.avatarBackground": "Color de fondo de un avatar de chat.", "chat.avatarForeground": "Color de primer plano de un avatar de chat.", + "chat.editedFileForeground": "The foreground color of a chat edited file in the edited file list.", "chat.requestBackground": "Color de fondo de una solicitud de chat.", "chat.requestBorder": "Color del borde de una solicitud de chat.", "chat.slashCommandBackground": "Color de fondo de un comando de barra oblicua de chat.", @@ -5690,13 +5800,15 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/chatContextKeys": { "chatEditApplied": "True cuando se han aplicado las ediciones de texto del chat.", + "chatEditingParticipantRegistered": "True when a default chat participant is registered for editing.", "chatExtensionInvalid": "True cuando la extensión de chat instalada no es válida y debe actualizarse.", + "chatHasFileAttachments": "True when the chat has file attachments.", + "chatInstallEntitled": "True when the user is entitled for chat installation.", "chatIsEnabled": "True cuando el chat está habilitado porque se activa un participante de chat predeterminado con una implementación.", "chatItemId": "Id. del elemento de chat.", "chatLastItemId": "Id. del último elemento de chat.", "chatModelsAreUserSelectable": "True cuando el usuario puede seleccionar manualmente el modelo de chat.", "chatParticipantRegistered": "True cuando se registra un participante de chat predeterminado para el panel.", - "chatParticipantSupportsModelPicker": "True cuando el participante del chat actual admite la selección manual del modelo.", "chatRequest": "El elemento de chat es una solicitud", "chatResponse": "El elemento de chat es una respuesta.", "chatResponseErrored": "Es True cuando la respuesta del chat produjo un error.", @@ -5711,6 +5823,9 @@ "interactiveSessionRequestInProgress": "Es true cuando la solicitud actual aún está en curso.", "interactiveSessionResponseVote": "Cuando la respuesta ha sido votada a favor, se establece en \"up\". Cuando se ha votado en contra, se establece como \"down\". En caso contrario, será una cadena vacía." }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/chatEditingService": { + "chatEditingWidgetFileState": "The current state of the file in the chat editing widget" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/chatModel": { "codeCitation": "Código similar encontrado con 1 tipo de licencia", "codeCitations": "Código similar encontrado con {0} tipos de licencias", @@ -5732,26 +5847,20 @@ "Language Models": "Modelos de lenguaje", "languageModels": "El lenguaje modela las estadísticas de uso de esta extensión." }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/languageModelToolsService": { - "toolConfirmMessage": "{0} usará {1}.", - "toolConfirmTitle": "¿Usar{0}?", - "toolInvocationMessage": "Usando {0}" - }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/tools/languageModelToolsContribution": { - "canBeInvokedManually": "Indica si el usuario puede invocar manualmente esta herramienta a través de la experiencia de usuario del chat.", + "canBeReferencedInPrompt": "If true, this tool shows up as an attachment that the user can add manually to their request. Chat participants will receive the tool in {0}.", "condition": "Condición que debe ser verdadera para que esta herramienta esté habilitada. Tenga en cuenta que una herramienta aún puede ser invocada por otra extensión aunque su condición \"when\" sea false.", - "contentTypes": "Lista de tipos de contenido que esta herramienta puede devolver. Es necesario que las herramientas admitan \"text/plain\", y esto se supone incluso si no se especifica aquí. Otro ejemplo podría ser el contentType exportado por la biblioteca \"@vscode/prompt-tsx\".", - "icon": "Icono que representa esta herramienta. Una ruta de acceso de archivo, un objeto con rutas de acceso de archivo para temas oscuros y claros, o una referencia de icono de tema, como \"\\$(zap)\"", + "icon": "An icon that represents this tool. Either a file path, an object with file paths for dark and light themes, or a theme icon reference, like `$(zap)`", "icon.dark": "Ruta de icono cuando se usa un tema oscuro", "icon.light": "Ruta del icono cuando se usa un tema ligero", - "parametersSchema": "Esquema JSON para los parámetros que acepta esta herramienta.", - "requiresConfirmation": "Indica si esta herramienta requiere confirmación del usuario antes de ejecutarse.", + "parametersSchema": "A JSON schema for the parameters this tool accepts. The parameters must be an object at the top level. A particular language model may not support all JSON schema features. See the documentation for the language model family you are using for more information.", "toolDisplayName": "Nombre legible para esta herramienta que se puede usar para describirla en la interfaz de usuario.", - "toolId": "A unique id for this tool.", - "toolModelDescription": "Descripción de esta herramienta que se puede pasar a un modelo de lenguaje.", - "toolName": "Si {0} está habilitado para esta herramienta, el usuario puede usar '#' con este nombre para invocar la herramienta en una consulta. De lo contrario, no se requiere el nombre. El nombre no puede contener espacios en blanco.", + "toolModelDescription": "A description of this tool that may be used by a language model to select it.", + "toolName": "A unique name for this tool. This name must be a globally unique identifier, and is also used as a name when presenting this tool to a language model.", + "toolName2": "If {0} is enabled for this tool, the user may use '#' with this name to invoke the tool in a query. Otherwise, the name is not required. Name must not contain whitespace.", + "toolTags": "A set of tags that roughly describe the tool's capabilities. A tool user may use these to filter the set of tools to just ones that are relevant for the task at hand, or they may want to pick a tag that can be used to identify just the tools contributed by this extension.", "toolUserDescription": "Descripción de esta herramienta que se puede mostrar al usuario.", - "vscode.extension.contributes.tools": "Aporta una herramienta que un modelo de lenguaje puede invocar." + "vscode.extension.contributes.tools": "Contributes a tool that can be invoked by a language model in a chat session, or from a standalone command. Registered tools can be used by all extensions." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/voiceChatService": { "voiceChatInProgress": "Hay una sesión de conversión de voz en texto en curso para el chat." @@ -5899,7 +6008,7 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/codeEditor/browser/saveParticipants": { "codeAction.apply": "Aplicando la acción de código \"{0}\".", "codeaction": "Correcciones rápidas", - "codeaction.get2": "Obteniendo acciones de código de \"{0}\" ([configure] ({1})).", + "codeaction.get2": "Getting code actions from {0} ([configure]({1})).", "formatting2": "Se está ejecutando el formateador \"{0}\" ([configure] ({1}))." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/codeEditor/browser/toggleColumnSelection": { @@ -6387,6 +6496,7 @@ "debug.gutterMiddleClickAction.none": "No realizar ninguna acción.", "debug.gutterMiddleClickAction.triggeredBreakpoint": "Agregar punto de interrupción desencadenado.", "debug.hideLauncherWhileDebugging": "Ocultar el control \"Iniciar depuración\" en la barra de título de la vista \"Ejecutar y depurar\" mientras la depuración está activa. Solo es relevante cuando {0} no es \"docked\".", + "debug.hideSlowPreLaunchWarning": "Hide the warning shown when a `preLaunchTask` has been running for a while.", "debug.onTaskErrors": "Controla qué hacer cuando se encuentran errores después de ejecutar preLaunchTask.", "debug.saveBeforeStart": "Controla qué editores deben guardarse antes de iniciar una sesión de depuración.", "debug.saveBeforeStart.allEditorsInActiveGroup": "Guarde todos los editores del grupo activo antes de iniciar una sesión de depuración.", @@ -8323,8 +8433,12 @@ "startWithCurrentLine": "Iniciar en el Editor con la línea actual" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/inlineChat/browser/inlineChatSavingServiceImpl": { - "inlineChat": "Esperando a que se acepten o descarten los cambios del chat insertado...", - "inlineChat.N": "Esperando a que se acepten o descarten los cambios del chat insertado en editores ({0})..." + "config": "Always save with AI-generated changes without asking", + "detail": "AI-generated changes may be incorect and should be reviewed before saving.", + "discard": "Cancel", + "message.1": "Do you want to save the changes {0} made in {1}?", + "message.2": "Do you want to save the changes inline chat made in {0}?", + "save": "Save" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/inlineChat/browser/inlineChatWidget": { "aria-label": "Entrada de chat insertado", @@ -8335,7 +8449,6 @@ "inlineChatClosed": "Widget de chat en línea cerrado" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/inlineChat/common/inlineChat": { - "acceptedOrDiscardBeforeSave": "Indica si las sesiones de chat insertado pendientes impiden guardar.", "accessibleDiffView": "Si el chat en línea también representa un visor de diferencias accesible para sus cambios.", "accessibleDiffView.auto": "El visor de diferencias accesible se basa en la habilitación del modo de lector de pantalla.", "accessibleDiffView.off": "El visor de diferencias accesible nunca está habilitado.", @@ -8875,6 +8988,10 @@ "openLogsFolder": "Abrir carpeta de registros" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/markdown/browser/markdownSettingRenderer": { + "alreadysetBoolFalse": "\"{0}: {1}\" is already disabled", + "alreadysetBoolTrue": "\"{0}: {1}\" is already enabled", + "alreadysetNum": "\"{0}: {1}\" is already set to {2}", + "alreadysetString": "\"{0}: {1}\" is already set to \"{2}\"", "changeSettingTitle": "Ver o cambiar la configuración", "copySettingId": "Copiar id. de configuración", "falseMessage": "Deshabilitar \"{0}: {1}\"", @@ -9499,6 +9616,9 @@ "runCell": "Ejecutar celda", "runCellsInSection": "Ejecutar celdas en la sección" }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/controller/variablesActions": { + "notebookActions.openVariablesView": "Variables" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/diff/diffComponents": { "hiddenCell": "{0} celda oculta", "hiddenCells": "{0} celdas ocultas", @@ -9924,7 +10044,7 @@ "name": "Rendimiento de inicio" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/performance/electron-sandbox/performance.contribution": { - "experimental.rendererProfiling": "Cuando está habilitado, los representadores lentos se generan automáticamente." + "experimental.rendererProfiling": "When enabled, slow renderers are automatically profiled." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/performance/electron-sandbox/startupProfiler": { "prof.detail": "Cree una incidencia y adjunte manualmente los archivos siguientes:\r\n{0}", @@ -10105,6 +10225,7 @@ "defaultOverriddenDetailsAriaLabel": "{0} invalida el valor predeterminado", "defaultOverriddenLabel": "Valor predeterminado cambiado", "defaultOverriddenLanguagesList": "Existen valores predeterminados específicos del idioma para {0}", + "experimentalLabel": "Experimental", "extensionSyncIgnoredLabel": "No sincronizado", "hasDefaultOverridesForLanguages": "Los idiomas siguientes tienen invalidaciones predeterminadas:", "manageWorkspaceTrust": "Administrar confianza en el área de trabajo", @@ -10117,6 +10238,7 @@ "policyDescriptionAccessible": "Administrado por la directiva de la organización; valor de configuración no aplicado", "policyFilterLink": "Ver configuración de directiva", "policyLabelText": "Valor de configuración no aplicado", + "previewLabel": "Preview", "remote": "Remoto", "syncIgnoredAriaLabel": "Configuración omitida durante la sincronización", "syncIgnoredTitle": "Esta configuración se omite durante la sincronización", @@ -10250,6 +10372,10 @@ "groupRowAriaLabel": "{0}, grupo", "settingsTOC": "Tabla de contenido de configuración" }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/preferences/common/preferences": { + "experimentalIndicatorDescription": "This setting controls a feature that may change or be removed in the future. Adjusting this setting may result in instability.", + "previewIndicatorDescription": "This setting controls a feature that is in active development." + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/preferences/common/preferencesContribution": { "enableNaturalLanguageSettingsSearch": "Controla si se va a habilitar el modo de búsqueda en lenguaje natural para la configuración. Un servicio en línea de Microsoft proporciona este tipo de búsqueda.", "settingsSearchTocBehavior": "Controla el comportamiento de la tabla de contenido del editor de Configuración durante las búsquedas. Si se cambia esta configuración en el editor de configuración, la configuración surtirá efecto después de modificar la consulta de búsqueda.", @@ -11707,31 +11833,20 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminal.contribution": { "miToggleIntegratedTerminal": "&&Terminal", - "tasksQuickAccessHelp": "Mostrar todos los terminales abiertos", - "tasksQuickAccessPlaceholder": "Escriba el nombre de un terminal para abrirlo.", "terminal": "Terminal" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminalActions": { "emptyTerminalNameInfo": "Si no se proporciona ningún nombre, se restablecerá al valor predeterminado.", - "goToRecentDirectory.metadata": "Va a una carpeta reciente", "newWithProfile.location": "Dónde debe crearse el terminal", "newWithProfile.location.editor": "Crear el terminal en el editor", "newWithProfile.location.view": "Crear terminales en la vista de terminal", "noUnattachedTerminals": "No hay ningún terminal desasociado al que asociarse", - "quickAccessTerminal": "Cambiar terminal activo", "sendSequence": "Secuencia de texto que se enviará al terminal", "showTerminalTabs": "Mostrar pestañas", "terminalLaunchHelp": "Abrir la Ayuda", "workbench.action.terminal.attachToSession": "Asociar a la sesión", "workbench.action.terminal.clear": "Borrar", - "workbench.action.terminal.clearPreviousSessionHistory": "Borrar historial de sesión anterior", "workbench.action.terminal.clearSelection": "Borrar selección", - "workbench.action.terminal.copyAndClearSelection": "Copiar y borrar selección", - "workbench.action.terminal.copyLastCommand": "Copiar último comando", - "workbench.action.terminal.copyLastCommandAndOutput": "Copiar último comando y salida", - "workbench.action.terminal.copyLastCommandOutput": "Copiar la salida del último comando", - "workbench.action.terminal.copySelection": "Copiar selección", - "workbench.action.terminal.copySelectionAsHtml": "Copiar la selección como HTML", "workbench.action.terminal.createTerminalEditor": "Crear nuevo terminal en el área del editor", "workbench.action.terminal.createTerminalEditorSide": "Crear nuevo terminal a un lado en el área del editor", "workbench.action.terminal.detachSession": "Desasociar sesión", @@ -11740,7 +11855,6 @@ "workbench.action.terminal.focusNextPane": "Enfocar siguiente terminal en el grupo de terminales", "workbench.action.terminal.focusPrevious": "Enfocar grupo de terminales anterior", "workbench.action.terminal.focusPreviousPane": "Enfocar terminal anterior en el grupo de terminales", - "workbench.action.terminal.goToRecentDirectory": "Ir al directorio reciente...", "workbench.action.terminal.join": "Unirse a terminales...", "workbench.action.terminal.join.insufficientTerminals": "Terminales insuficientes para la acción de unión", "workbench.action.terminal.join.onlySplits": "Todos los terminales ya están unidos", @@ -11756,8 +11870,6 @@ "workbench.action.terminal.newWorkspacePlaceholder": "Seleccione el directorio de trabajo actual para el nuevo terminal", "workbench.action.terminal.openSettings": "Configurar valores del terminal", "workbench.action.terminal.overriddenCwdDescription": "(Invalidado) {0}", - "workbench.action.terminal.paste": "Pegar en el terminal activo", - "workbench.action.terminal.pasteSelection": "Pegar la selección en el terminal activo", "workbench.action.terminal.relaunch": "Reiniciar el terminal activo", "workbench.action.terminal.rename.prompt": "Introducir nombre del terminal", "workbench.action.terminal.renameWithArg.name": "El nuevo nombre de la terminal.", @@ -11768,7 +11880,6 @@ "workbench.action.terminal.resizePaneUp": "Aumentar tamaño de terminal", "workbench.action.terminal.runActiveFile": "Ejecutar el archivo activo en la terminal activa", "workbench.action.terminal.runActiveFile.noFile": "Solo se pueden ejecutar en la terminal los archivos en disco", - "workbench.action.terminal.runRecentCommand": "Ejecutar comando reciente...", "workbench.action.terminal.runSelectedText": "Ejecutar texto seleccionado en el terminal activo", "workbench.action.terminal.scrollDown": "Desplazar hacia abajo (línea)", "workbench.action.terminal.scrollDownPage": "Desplazar hacia abajo (página)", @@ -11878,20 +11989,6 @@ "unsafePathWarning": "Este perfil de terminal usa una ruta de acceso potencialmente no segura que otro usuario podría modificar: {0}. ¿Está seguro de que desea usarlo?", "yes": "Sí" }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminalQuickAccess": { - "renameTerminal": "Cambiar nombre del terminal", - "workbench.action.terminal.newWithProfilePlus": "Crear nuevo terminal con perfil...", - "workbench.action.terminal.newplus": "Crear nueva terminal" - }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminalRunRecentQuickPick": { - "removeCommand": "Quitar del historial de comandos", - "selectRecentCommand": "Seleccione un comando para ejecutar (mantenga presionada la tecla ALT para editar el comando)", - "selectRecentCommandMac": "Seleccione un comando para ejecutar (mantenga presionada la tecla Opción para editar el comando)", - "selectRecentDirectory": "Seleccione un directorio al que ir (mantenga presionada la tecla Alt para editar el comando).", - "selectRecentDirectoryMac": "Seleccione un directorio al que ir (mantenga presionada la tecla Opción para editar el comando).", - "shellFileHistoryCategory": "Historial de {0}", - "viewCommandOutput": "Ver salida de comando" - }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminalService": { "localTerminalRemote": "Este shell se está ejecutando en la máquina {1}local{0}, NO en la máquina remota conectada.", "localTerminalVirtualWorkspace": "Este shell está abierto en una carpeta {0}local{1}, NO en la carpeta virtual", @@ -11924,10 +12021,6 @@ "terminalConnectingLabel": "Iniciando...", "terminals": "Abrir terminales." }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminalWslRecommendationContribution": { - "install": "Instalar", - "useWslExtension.title": "Se recomienda la extensión \"{0}\" para abrir un terminal en WSL." - }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/xterm/decorationAddon": { "gutter": "Decoraciones de comandos de medianil", "no": "No", @@ -11966,13 +12059,6 @@ "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.types.icon.dark": "Ruta de icono cuando se usa un tema oscuro", "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.types.icon.light": "Ruta del icono cuando se usa un tema ligero" }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/common/terminalClipboard": { - "confirmMoveTrashMessageFilesAndDirectories": "¿Está seguro de que desea pegar {0} líneas de texto en el terminal?", - "doNotAskAgain": "No volver a hacerme esta pregunta", - "multiLinePasteButton": "&&Pegar", - "multiLinePasteButton.oneLine": "Pegar como &&una línea", - "preview": "Vista previa:" - }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/common/terminalColorRegistry": { "terminal.ansiColor": "color ANSI ' {0} ' en el terminal.", "terminal.background": "El color de fondo del terminal, esto permite colorear el terminal de forma diferente al panel.", @@ -12017,8 +12103,6 @@ "terminal.integrated.allowMnemonics": "Indica si se va a permitir que las teclas de acceso de la barra de menús (por ejemplo, Alt+F) desencadenen la apertura de dicha barra. Tenga en cuenta que esto hará que todas las pulsaciones de teclas Alt omitan el shell cuando el valor es true. Esta acción no hace nada en macOS.", "terminal.integrated.allowedLinkSchemes": "Matriz de cadenas que contiene los esquemas URI para los que el terminal puede abrir vínculos. De forma predeterminada, solo se permite un pequeño subconjunto de esquemas posibles por razones de seguridad.", "terminal.integrated.altClickMovesCursor": "Si se habilita, al hacer Alt/opción + clic se cambiará la posición del cursor de mensaje debajo del mouse cuando {0} esté establecido en {1} (valor predeterminado). En función del shell, puede que esto no funcione de forma confiable.", - "terminal.integrated.autoReplies": "Un conjunto de mensajes a los que, cuando se encuentre en el terminal, se responderá automáticamente. Siempre que el mensaje sea lo suficientemente específico, esto puede ayudar a automatizar las respuestas comunes.\r\n\r\nNotas:\r\n\r\n: use {0} para responder automáticamente al mensaje de finalización del trabajo por lotes en Windows.\r\n: el mensaje incluye secuencias de escape para que la respuesta no se produzca con texto con estilo.\r\n: cada respuesta solo puede producirse una vez cada segundo.\r\n: use {1} en la respuesta para indicar la tecla Entrar.\r\n: para anular una clave predeterminada, establezca el valor en NULL.\r\n: reinicie VS Code si no se aplican nuevos.", - "terminal.integrated.autoReplies.reply": "Respuesta que se enviará al proceso.", "terminal.integrated.bellDuration": "Número de milisegundos que se mostrará la campana en una pestaña del terminal cuando se desencadene.", "terminal.integrated.commandsToSkipShell": "Conjunto de identificadores de comando cuyos enlaces de teclado no se enviarán al shell, sino que siempre se controlarán con VS Code. Esto permite que los enlaces de teclado que normalmente consumiría el shell actúen igual que cuando el terminal no tiene el foco; por ejemplo, \"Ctrl+P\" para iniciar Quick Open.\r\n\r\n \r\n\r\n Muchos comandos se omiten de forma predeterminada. Para reemplazar un valor predeterminado y pasar mejor al shell el enlace de teclado de dicho comando, agregue el comando precedido por el carácter \"-\". Por ejemplo, agregue \"-workbench.action.quickOpen\" para que \"Ctrl+P\" llegue al shell.\r\n\r\n \r\n\r\n La siguiente lista de comandos omitidos predeterminados se trunca cuando se visualiza en el editor de configuraciones. Para ver la lista completa, {1} y busque el primer comando de la lista siguiente.\r\n\r\n \r\n\r\nComandos omitidos predeterminados:\r\n\r\n{0}", "terminal.integrated.confirmOnExit": "Controla si se debe confirmar cuándo se cierra la ventana si hay sesiones de terminal activas.", @@ -12107,7 +12191,6 @@ "terminal.integrated.shellIntegration.decorationsEnabled.never": "No mostrar decoraciones", "terminal.integrated.shellIntegration.decorationsEnabled.overviewRuler": "Mostrar decoraciones de regla general a la derecha del terminal", "terminal.integrated.shellIntegration.enabled": "Determina si la integración del shell se inserta automáticamente para admitir características como el seguimiento mejorado de comandos y la detección actual del directorio de trabajo. \r\n\r\nLa integración del shell funciona insertando el shell con un script de inicio. El script proporciona VS Code información sobre lo que sucede en el terminal.\r\n\r\nShells admitidos:\r\n\r\nLinux/macOS: bash, fish, pwsh, zsh\r\n - Windows: pwsh, git bash\r\n\r\nEsta configuración solo se aplica cuando se crean terminales, por lo que deberá reiniciar los terminales para que surtan efecto.\r\n\r\n Tenga en cuenta que es posible que la inserción de scripts no funcione si tiene argumentos personalizados definidos en el perfil de terminal, ha habilitado {1}, tiene un [bash complejo 'PROMPT_COMMAND'](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/integrated-terminal#_complex-bash-promptcommand) u otra configuración no admitida. Para deshabilitar las decoraciones, consulte {0}", - "terminal.integrated.shellIntegration.history": "Controla el número de comandos utilizados recientemente que se mantendrán en el historial de la paleta de comandos. Establezca el valor a 0 para desactivar el historial de comandos.", "terminal.integrated.showExitAlert": "Controla si se va a mostrar la alerta \"El proceso del terminal finalizó con el código de salida\" cuando el código de salida es distinto de cero.", "terminal.integrated.smoothScrolling": "Controla si el terminal se desplazará con una animación.", "terminal.integrated.splitCwd": "Controla el directorio de trabajo con el que comienza un terminal dividido.", @@ -12229,6 +12312,10 @@ "terminal.integrated.accessibleViewFocusOnCommandExecution": "Enfocar la vista accesible del terminal cuando se ejecute un comando.", "terminal.integrated.accessibleViewPreserveCursorPosition": "Conserve la posición del cursor al volver a abrir la vista accesible del terminal en lugar de establecerla en la parte inferior del búfer." }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/autoReplies/common/terminalAutoRepliesConfiguration": { + "terminal.integrated.autoReplies": "A set of messages that, when encountered in the terminal, will be automatically responded to. Provided the message is specific enough, this can help automate away common responses.\r\n\r\nRemarks:\r\n\r\n- Use {0} to automatically respond to the terminate batch job prompt on Windows.\r\n- The message includes escape sequences so the reply might not happen with styled text.\r\n- Each reply can only happen once every second.\r\n- Use {1} in the reply to mean the enter key.\r\n- To unset a default key, set the value to null.\r\n- Restart VS Code if new don't apply.", + "terminal.integrated.autoReplies.reply": "The reply to send to the process." + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/chat/browser/terminal.initialHint.contribution": { "disableHint": " Alternar {0} en la configuración para deshabilitar esta sugerencia.", "disableInitialHint": "Deshabilitar sugerencia inicial", @@ -12268,8 +12355,6 @@ "closeChat": "Cerrar el chat", "discard": "Descartar", "discardDescription": "Descarta la respuesta del chat actual del terminal, oculta el widget del chat y borra la entrada del chat.", - "focusTerminalInput": "Enfocar entrada de terminal", - "focusTerminalResponse": "Enfocar respuesta de terminal", "insert": "Insertar", "insertCommand": "Insertar comando de chat", "insertFirst": "Insertar primero", @@ -12291,6 +12376,23 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/chat/common/terminalInitialHintConfiguration": { "terminal.integrated.initialHint": "Controla si el primer terminal sin entrada mostrará una sugerencia sobre las acciones disponibles cuando se centra." }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/clipboard/browser/terminal.clipboard.contribution": { + "workbench.action.terminal.copyAndClearSelection": "Copy and Clear Selection", + "workbench.action.terminal.copyLastCommand": "Copy Last Command", + "workbench.action.terminal.copyLastCommandAndOutput": "Copy Last Command and Output", + "workbench.action.terminal.copyLastCommandOutput": "Copy Last Command Output", + "workbench.action.terminal.copySelection": "Copy Selection", + "workbench.action.terminal.copySelectionAsHtml": "Copy Selection as HTML", + "workbench.action.terminal.paste": "Paste into Active Terminal", + "workbench.action.terminal.pasteSelection": "Paste Selection into Active Terminal" + }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/clipboard/browser/terminalClipboard": { + "confirmMoveTrashMessageFilesAndDirectories": "Are you sure you want to paste {0} lines of text into the terminal?", + "doNotAskAgain": "Do not ask me again", + "multiLinePasteButton": "&&Paste", + "multiLinePasteButton.oneLine": "Paste as &&one line", + "preview": "Preview:" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/commandGuide/browser/terminal.commandGuide.contribution": { "terminalCommandGuide.foreground": "Color de primer plano de la guía de comandos del terminal que aparece a la izquierda de un comando y su salida al mantener el puntero." }, @@ -12330,6 +12432,24 @@ "selectAll": "Seleccionar todo", "undo": "Deshacer" }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/history/browser/terminal.history.contribution": { + "goToRecentDirectory.metadata": "Goes to a recent folder", + "workbench.action.terminal.clearPreviousSessionHistory": "Clear Previous Session History", + "workbench.action.terminal.goToRecentDirectory": "Go to Recent Directory...", + "workbench.action.terminal.runRecentCommand": "Run Recent Command..." + }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/history/browser/terminalRunRecentQuickPick": { + "removeCommand": "Remove from Command History", + "selectRecentCommand": "Select a command to run (hold Alt-key to edit the command)", + "selectRecentCommandMac": "Select a command to run (hold Option-key to edit the command)", + "selectRecentDirectory": "Select a directory to go to (hold Alt-key to edit the command)", + "selectRecentDirectoryMac": "Select a directory to go to (hold Option-key to edit the command)", + "shellFileHistoryCategory": "{0} history", + "viewCommandOutput": "View Command Output" + }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/history/common/terminal.history": { + "terminal.integrated.shellIntegration.history": "Controls the number of recently used commands to keep in the terminal command history. Set to 0 to disable terminal command history." + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/links/browser/terminal.links.contribution": { "workbench.action.terminal.openDetectedLink": "Abrir vínculo detectado...", "workbench.action.terminal.openLastLocalFileLink": "Abrir vínculo del último archivo local", @@ -12361,6 +12481,16 @@ "terminal.integrated.searchLinks": "Búsqueda de áreas de trabajo", "terminal.integrated.urlLinks": "Dirección URL" }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/quickAccess/browser/terminal.quickAccess.contribution": { + "quickAccessTerminal": "Switch Active Terminal", + "tasksQuickAccessHelp": "Show All Opened Terminals", + "tasksQuickAccessPlaceholder": "Type the name of a terminal to open." + }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/quickAccess/browser/terminalQuickAccess": { + "renameTerminal": "Rename Terminal", + "workbench.action.terminal.newWithProfilePlus": "Create New Terminal With Profile...", + "workbench.action.terminal.newplus": "Create New Terminal" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/quickFix/browser/quickFixAddon": { "codeAction.widget.id.quickfix": "Corrección rápida", "quickFix.command": "Ejecutar: {0}", @@ -12432,6 +12562,10 @@ "terminal.integrated.localEchoLatencyThreshold": "Duración del retraso de red, en milisegundos, donde las ediciones locales se mostrarán en el terminal sin esperar al reconocimiento del servidor. Si es \"0\", el eco local siempre estará activado y si es \"-1\" se deshabilitará.", "terminal.integrated.localEchoStyle": "Estilo del terminal del texto con eco local; es un estilo de fuente o un color RGB." }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/wslRecommendation/browser/terminal.wslRecommendation.contribution": { + "install": "Install", + "useWslExtension.title": "The '{0}' extension is recommended for opening a terminal in WSL." + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/zoom/browser/terminal.zoom.contribution": { "fontZoomIn": "Aumentar tamaño de fuente", "fontZoomOut": "Disminuir tamaño de fuente", @@ -12688,10 +12822,12 @@ "openTestCoverage": "Ver cobertura de prueba", "run test": "Ejecutar prueba", "testing.cancelRun": "Cancelar serie de pruebas", - "testing.debugLastRun": "Ejecución de la prueba de depuración", + "testing.debugLastRun": "Debug Last Run", + "testing.debugTest": "Debug Test", "testing.goToError": "Ir al error", "testing.goToTest": "Ir a la prueba", - "testing.reRunLastRun": "Volver a ejecutar la prueba", + "testing.reRunLastRun": "Rerun Last Run", + "testing.reRunTest": "Rerun Test", "testing.revealInExplorer": "Mostrar en el Explorador de pruebas", "testing.showResultOutput": "Mostrar salida de resultado", "testingPeekLabel": "Mensajes de los resultados de las pruebas" @@ -13005,6 +13141,7 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/userDataProfile/browser/userDataProfile": { "New Profile Window": "Nueva ventana con perfil", + "change profile": "Switch to {0} profile", "create profile": "Nuevo perfil...", "current": "Actual", "delete profile": "Eliminar perfil...", @@ -13016,10 +13153,12 @@ "new window with profile": "Nueva ventana con perfil", "newWindowWithProfile": "Nueva ventana con perfil...", "open": "Abrir perfil {0}", + "open profile": "Open New Window with {0} Profile", "open profiles": "Abrir perfiles (UI)", "openShort": "{0}", "pick profile": "Seleccionar perfil", "pick profile to delete": "Seleccionar perfiles para eliminar", + "profiles": "Profile ({0})", "save profile as": "Guardar perfil actual como...", "selectProfile": "Seleccionar perfil", "switchProfile": "Cambiar perfil...", @@ -13053,6 +13192,7 @@ "default profile contents description": "Examinar el contenido de este perfil\r\n", "defaultProfileIcon": "No se puede cambiar el icono del perfil predeterminado", "defaultProfileName": "No se puede cambiar el nombre del perfil predeterminado", + "deleteTrustedUri": "Delete Path", "editIcon": "Icono de editar carpeta en el editor de perfiles.", "empty profile": "Ninguno", "enable for current window": "Usar este perfil para la ventana actual", @@ -13090,6 +13230,7 @@ "profileName": "Nombre de perfil", "profiles": "Perfiles", "profilesSashBorder": "El color del borde de la vista dividida del editor de perfiles.", + "removeIcon": "Icon for the remove folder icon in the profiles editor.", "settings": "Configuración", "snippets": "Fragmentos de código", "tasks": "Tareas", @@ -13406,7 +13547,8 @@ "gettingStartedUnchecked": "Se usa para representar los pasos del tutorial que no se han completado" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcomeGettingStarted/browser/gettingStartedInput": { - "getStarted": "Bienvenido" + "getStarted": "Bienvenido", + "walkthroughPageTitle": "Walkthrough: " }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcomeGettingStarted/browser/gettingStartedService": { "builtin": "Integrado", @@ -13438,6 +13580,7 @@ "gettingStarted.accessibleView.title": "Los usuarios del lector de pantalla pueden inspeccionar el contenido línea por línea, carácter por carácter en la vista accesible.", "gettingStarted.beginner.description": "Obtenga información general sobre las características más esenciales", "gettingStarted.beginner.title": "Conozca los aspectos básicos", + "gettingStarted.beginner.walkthroughPageTitle": "Essential Features", "gettingStarted.codeFolding.description.interpolated": "Pliegue o despliegue una sección de código con el comando Alternar plegado.\r\n{0}\r\n Pliegue o despliegue recursivamente con el comando Alternar plegado de manera recursiva\r\n{1}\r\n", "gettingStarted.codeFolding.title": "Use el plegado de código para contraer bloques de código y céntrese en el código que le interesa.", "gettingStarted.commandPalette.description.interpolated": "Ejecute comandos sin tener que ponerse en contacto con el mouse para realizar ninguna tarea en VS Code.\r\n{0}", @@ -13466,6 +13609,7 @@ "gettingStarted.newFile.description": "Abra un nuevo archivo de texto sin título, un bloc de notas o un editor personalizado.", "gettingStarted.newFile.title": "Nuevo archivo...", "gettingStarted.notebook.title": "Personalizar blocs de notas", + "gettingStarted.notebook.walkthroughPageTitle": "Notebooks", "gettingStarted.notebookProfile.description": "Ajuste los blocs de notas de la forma que prefiera", "gettingStarted.notebookProfile.title": "Seleccionar el diseño de los blocs de notas", "gettingStarted.openFile.description": "Abrir un archivo para empezar a trabajar", @@ -13491,10 +13635,13 @@ "gettingStarted.setup.OpenFolderWeb.description.interpolated": "Ya está todo listo para empezar a codificar. Puede abrir un proyecto local o un repositorio remoto para obtener los archivos en VS Code.\r\n{0}\r\n{1}", "gettingStarted.setup.description": "Personalice el editor, conozca los conceptos básicos y empiece a codificar", "gettingStarted.setup.title": "Introducción a VS Code", + "gettingStarted.setup.walkthroughPageTitle": "Setup VS Code", "gettingStarted.setupAccessibility.description": "Obtenga información sobre las herramientas y los accesos directos que hacen que VS Code sean accesibles. Tenga en cuenta que algunas acciones no se pueden accionar desde el contexto del tutorial.", "gettingStarted.setupAccessibility.title": "Introducción a las características de accesibilidad", + "gettingStarted.setupAccessibility.walkthroughPageTitle": "Setup VS Code Accessibility", "gettingStarted.setupWeb.description": "Personalice el editor, conozca los conceptos básicos y empiece a codificar", "gettingStarted.setupWeb.title": "Introducción a VS Code para la Web", + "gettingStarted.setupWeb.walkthroughPageTitle": "Setup VS Code Web", "gettingStarted.shortcuts.description.interpolated": "Una vez que haya descubierto sus comandos favoritos, cree métodos abreviados de teclado personalizados para obtener acceso instantáneo.\r\n{0}", "gettingStarted.shortcuts.title": "Personalizar los accesos directos", "gettingStarted.tasks.description.interpolated": "Cree tareas para sus flujos de trabajo comunes y disfrute de la experiencia integrada en la ejecución de scripts y la comprobación automática de resultados.\r\n{0}", @@ -13768,7 +13915,6 @@ "editorLineNumberContext": "Menú contextual del número de línea del editor aportado", "file.newFile": "La selección rápida de 'Archivo nuevo...' que se muestra en la página principal y en el menú Archivo.", "inlineCompletions.actions": "Acciones que se muestran al mantener el puntero sobre una finalización insertada", - "inlineEdit.actions": "Acciones que se muestran al mantener el puntero sobre una edición insertada", "interactive.cell.title": "Menú de título de la celda interactiva aportada", "interactive.toolbar": "Menú de la barra de herramientas interactiva aportada", "issue.reporter": "Menú del informador de incidencias aportadas", @@ -14310,7 +14456,12 @@ "startBisect": "Iniciar extensión Bisect" }, "vs/workbench/services/files/electron-sandbox/diskFileSystemProvider": { - "fileWatcher": "Monitor de archivos" + "fileWatcher": "File Watcher" + }, + "vs/workbench/services/files/electron-sandbox/elevatedFileService": { + "fileNotTrusted": "Workspace is not trusted.", + "fileNotTrustedMessagePosix": "You are about to save '{0}' as super user.", + "fileNotTrustedMessageWindows": "You are about to save '{0}' as admin." }, "vs/workbench/services/filesConfiguration/common/filesConfigurationService": { "configuredReadonly": "El editor es de solo lectura porque el archivo se estableció como de solo lectura a través de la configuración. [Haga clic aquí](command:{0}) para configurar o [alternar para esta sesión](command:{1}).", @@ -14602,6 +14753,10 @@ "vs/workbench/services/textfile/common/textFileEditorModelManager": { "genericSaveError": "No se pudo guardar \"{0}\": {1}" }, + "vs/workbench/services/textfile/common/textFileSaveParticipant": { + "saveParticipants1": "Running Code Actions and Formatters...", + "skip": "Skip" + }, "vs/workbench/services/textfile/electron-sandbox/nativeTextFileService": { "join.textFiles": "Guardando archivos de texto" }, @@ -14713,7 +14868,7 @@ "schema.folderNamesExpanded": "Asocia los nombres de carpeta a iconos para las carpetas expandidas. La clave de objeto es el nombre de la carpeta, sin incluir ningún segmento de la ruta de acceso. No se permiten patrones ni comodines. La comparación de nombres de carpeta no distingue mayúsculas y minúsculas.", "schema.font-format": "El formato de la fuente.", "schema.font-path": "La ruta de acceso de la fuente, relativa al archivo actual de temas de iconos de archivos.", - "schema.font-size": "El tamaño predeterminado de la fuente. Consulte https://developer.mozilla.org/es/docs/Web/CSS/font-size para ver los valores válidos.", + "schema.font-size": "The default size of the font. We strongly recommend using a percentage value, for example: 125%.", "schema.font-style": "El estilo de la fuente. Consulte https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/font-style para ver los valores válidos.", "schema.font-weight": "El peso de la fuente. Consulte https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/font-weight para ver los valores válidos.", "schema.fontCharacter": "Cuando se usa una fuente de glifo: el carácter de la fuente que se va a usar.", @@ -15042,6 +15197,10 @@ "vs/workbench/services/workingCopy/common/storedFileWorkingCopyManager": { "join.fileWorkingCopyManager": "Guardando copias de trabajo" }, + "vs/workbench/services/workingCopy/common/storedFileWorkingCopySaveParticipant": { + "saveParticipants1": "Running Code Actions and Formatters...", + "skip": "Skip" + }, "vs/workbench/services/workingCopy/common/workingCopyHistoryService": { "default.source": "Archivo guardado", "join.workingCopyHistory": "Guardando historial local", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-fr/translations/extensions/vscode.git.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-fr/translations/extensions/vscode.git.i18n.json index 71660df0eb..51a7e907b7 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-fr/translations/extensions/vscode.git.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-fr/translations/extensions/vscode.git.i18n.json @@ -161,6 +161,7 @@ "Open": "Ouvrir ", "Open Commit": "Ouvrir la validation", "Open Comparison": "Comparaison de plans", + "Open File": "Open File", "Open Git Log": "Ouvrir le journal Git", "Open Merge": "Ouvrir la fusion", "Open Repositories In Parent Folders": "Ouvrir les référentiels dans les dossiers parents", @@ -267,6 +268,7 @@ "There are {0} unsaved files.\n\nWould you like to save them before stashing?": "{0} fichiers n’ont pas été enregistrés.\n\nVoulez-vous les enregistrer avant de faire un stash ?", "There are {0} untracked files which will be DELETED FROM DISK if discarded.": "{0} fichiers non suivis seront SUPPRIMÉS DU DISQUE s'ils sont ignorés.", "There were merge conflicts while applying the stash.": "Il y a eu des conflits de fusion en appliquant la remise (stash).", + "There were merge conflicts while cherry picking the changes. Resolve the conflicts before committing them.": "There were merge conflicts while cherry picking the changes. Resolve the conflicts before committing them.", "This action will pull and push commits from and to \"{0}/{1}\".": "Cette action permet d’extraire et d’envoyer (push) les validations à partir de et vers « {0}/{1} ».", "This repository has no remotes configured to fetch from.": "Ce dépôt n'a aucun dépôt distant configuré pour rappatrier.", "This will DELETE {0} untracked files!\nThis is IRREVERSIBLE!\nThese files will be FOREVER LOST.": "Cette action SUPPRIME {0} fichiers non suivis !\nCette action est IRRÉVERSIBLE !\nCes fichiers seront DÉFINITIVEMENT PERDUS.", @@ -356,6 +358,7 @@ "command.checkoutDetached": "Extraire vers (mode détaché)...", "command.checkoutRefDetached": "Validation (en mode détaché)", "command.cherryPick": "Faire un cherry-pick...", + "command.cherryPickAbort": "Abort Cherry Pick", "command.cherryPickRef": "Faire une sélection", "command.clean": "Ignorer les modifications", "command.cleanAll": "Ignorer toutes les modifications", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-fr/translations/extensions/vscode.github-authentication.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-fr/translations/extensions/vscode.github-authentication.i18n.json index 5223ea3879..4a2ba5032c 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-fr/translations/extensions/vscode.github-authentication.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-fr/translations/extensions/vscode.github-authentication.i18n.json @@ -16,8 +16,6 @@ "Having trouble logging in? Would you like to try a different way? ({0})": "Vous ne parvenez pas à vous connecter ? Voulez-vous essayer une autre méthode ? ({0})", "No": "Non", "Open [{0}]({0}) in a new tab and paste your one-time code: {1}/The [{0}]({0}) will be a url and the {1} will be a code, e.g. 123-456{Locked=\"[{0}]({0})\"}": "Ouvrez [{0}]({0}) dans un nouvel onglet et collez votre code à usage unique : {1}", - "Please reload the window to apply the new setting.": "Rechargez la fenêtre pour appliquer le nouveau paramètre.", - "Reload Window": "Recharger la fenêtre", "Sign in failed: {0}": "Échec de la connexion : {0}", "Sign out failed: {0}": "Échec de la déconnexion : {0}", "Signing in to {0}.../The {0} will be a url, e.g. github.com": "Connexion à {0}...", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-fr/translations/extensions/vscode.ipynb.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-fr/translations/extensions/vscode.ipynb.i18n.json index b59adee798..e41104fb85 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-fr/translations/extensions/vscode.ipynb.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-fr/translations/extensions/vscode.ipynb.i18n.json @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ "copyCellOutput.title": "Copier la sortie de cellule", "description": "Fournit une prise en charge de base pour l’ouverture et la lecture des fichiers de bloc-notes .ipynb de Jupyter", "displayName": "Prise en charge de .ipynb", - "ipynb.experimental.serialization": "Fonctionnalité expérimentale permettant de sérialiser le Jupyter Notebook dans un thread de travail. Non pris en charge lorsque l’hôte d’extension s’exécute en tant que Worker.", + "ipynb.experimental.serialization": "Experimental feature to serialize the Jupyter notebook in a worker thread.", "ipynb.pasteImagesAsAttachments.enabled": "Activez/désactivez le collage d’images dans la cellule Markdown des fichiers ipynb notebook. Les images collées sont insérées en tant que pièces jointes dans la cellule.", "markdownAttachmentRenderer.displayName": "Convertisseur de pièce jointe ipynb Markdown-It", "newUntitledIpynb.shortTitle": "Bloc-notes Jupyter", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-fr/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-fr/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json index 29d0497880..f2c7110779 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-fr/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-fr/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json @@ -87,6 +87,8 @@ "Please report an issue against Yarn PnP": "Signalez un problème avec Yarn PnP", "Please update your TypeScript version": "Veuillez mettre à jour votre version de TypeScript", "Project Wide IntelliSense not available": "IntelliSense à l’échelle du projet non disponible", + "Related files provider failed. Copilot requested file with unsupported language mode.": "Related files provider failed. Copilot requested file with unsupported language mode.", + "Related files provider failed. No active text editor.": "Related files provider failed. No active text editor.", "Remove Unused Imports": "Supprimer des importations inutilisées", "Remove all unused code": "Supprimer tout code inutilisé", "Report Issue": "Signaler un problème", @@ -196,12 +198,14 @@ "configuration.tsserver.useSyntaxServer.auto": "Générez un serveur complet et un poids plus léger dédié aux opérations de Syntaxe. Le serveur de Syntaxe est utilisé pour accélérer les opérations de syntaxe et fournir IntelliSense quand les projets sont en cours de chargement.", "configuration.tsserver.useSyntaxServer.never": "N’utilisez pas un serveur de Syntaxe dédié. Utilisez un seul serveur pour gérer toutes les opérations IntelliSense.", "configuration.tsserver.useVsCodeWatcher": "Utilisez les observateurs de fichiers de VS Code à la place de ceux de TypeScript. Nécessite l’utilisation de TypeScript 5.4+ dans l’espace de travail.", + "configuration.tsserver.useVsCodeWatcher.deprecation": "Please use the `#typescript.tsserver.watchOptions#` setting instead.", "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions": "Configurez les stratégies de surveillance qui doivent être utilisées pour effectuer le suivi des fichiers et répertoires.", "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions.fallbackPolling": "Quand vous utilisez des événements de système de fichiers, cette option spécifie la stratégie de sondage qui est utilisée quand le système n'a plus d'observateurs de fichiers natifs et/ou ne prend pas en charge les observateurs de fichiers natifs.", "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions.fallbackPolling.dynamicPriorityPolling ": "Utilisez une file d'attente dynamique où les fichiers modifiés moins souvent sont vérifiés moins souvent.", "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions.fallbackPolling.fixedPollingInterval": "Recherchez les changements dans chaque fichier plusieurs fois par seconde à intervalle fixe.", "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions.fallbackPolling.priorityPollingInterval": "Recherchez les changements dans chaque fichier plusieurs fois par seconde, mais utilisez la méthode heuristique pour vérifier certains types de fichier moins souvent que d'autres.", "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions.synchronousWatchDirectory": "Désactivez la surveillance différée sur les répertoires. La surveillance différée est utile quand de nombreux changements de fichier sont susceptibles de se produire en même temps (par ex., un changement dans node_modules lié à l'exécution de npm install), mais vous pouvez aussi la désactiver avec cet indicateur pour des configurations moins courantes.", + "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions.vscode": "Use VS Code's file watchers instead of TypeScript's. Requires using TypeScript 5.4+ in the workspace.", "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions.watchDirectory": "Stratégie de surveillance d'arborescences de répertoires complètes sous des systèmes sans fonctionnalité de surveillance récursive des fichiers.", "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions.watchDirectory.dynamicPriorityPolling": "Utilisez une file d'attente dynamique où les répertoires modifiés moins souvent sont vérifiés moins souvent.", "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions.watchDirectory.fixedChunkSizePolling": "Interroge les répertoires en blocs à intervalles réguliers.", @@ -218,7 +222,7 @@ "configuration.tsserver.web.projectWideIntellisense.suppressSemanticErrors": "Supprime les erreurs sémantiques sur le web même lorsque IntelliSense à l’échelle du projet est activé. Cette option est toujours activée lorsque IntelliSense à l’échelle du projet n’est pas activé ou disponible. Voir `#typescript.tsserver.web.projectWideIntellisense.enabled#`", "configuration.tsserver.web.typeAcquisition.enabled": "Activez/désactivez l'acquisition de packages sur le web. Cela active IntelliSense pour les packages importés. Nécessite `#typescript.tsserver.web.projectWideIntellisense.enabled#`. Actuellement non pris en charge pour Safari.", "configuration.typescript": "TypeScript", - "configuration.updateImportsOnPaste": "Mettez automatiquement à jour les importations lors du collage de code. Nécessite TypeScript 5.6+.", + "configuration.updateImportsOnPaste": "Automatically update imports when pasting code. Requires TypeScript 5.7+.", "description": "Fournit une prise en charge riche de langage pour JavaScript et TypeScript.", "displayName": "Fonctionnalités de langage TypeScript et JavaScript", "format.indentSwitchCase": "Mettre en retrait les clauses de cas dans les instructions switch. Nécessite l’utilisation de TypeScript 5.1+ dans l’espace de travail.", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-fr/translations/main.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-fr/translations/main.i18n.json index 9ba6091d8b..d81e2bcdc6 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-fr/translations/main.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-fr/translations/main.i18n.json @@ -548,12 +548,7 @@ "inlayHints.padding": "Active le remplissage autour des indicateurs d’inlay dans l’éditeur.", "inline": "Les suggestions rapides s’affichent sous forme de texte fantôme", "inlineCompletionsAccessibilityVerbose": "Contrôle si l'indicateur d'accessibilité doit être fourni aux utilisateurs du lecteur d'écran lorsqu'une complétion inline est affichée.", - "inlineEdit.enabled": "Contrôle s’il faut afficher les modifications incluses dans l’éditeur.", - "inlineEdit.fontFamily": "Contrôle la famille de polices de la modification incluse.", - "inlineEdit.showToolbar": "Contrôle quand afficher la barre d’outils d’édition incluse.", - "inlineEdit.showToolbar.always": "Afficher la barre d’outils de modification incluse chaque fois qu’une suggestion incluse est affichée.", - "inlineEdit.showToolbar.never": "Ne jamais afficher la barre d’outils de modification incluse.", - "inlineEdit.showToolbar.onHover": "Afficher la barre d’outils de modification incluse lorsque vous pointez sur une suggestion incluse.", + "inlineSuggest.edits.experimental.enabled": "Controls whether to enable experimental edits in inline suggestions.", "inlineSuggest.enabled": "Contrôle si les suggestions en ligne doivent être affichées automatiquement dans l’éditeur.", "inlineSuggest.fontFamily": "Contrôle la famille de polices des suggestions inlined.", "inlineSuggest.showToolbar": "Contrôle quand afficher la barre d’outils de suggestion incluse.", @@ -602,6 +597,7 @@ "occurrencesHighlight.multiFile": "Expérimental : met en évidence les occurrences dans tous les fichiers ouverts valides.", "occurrencesHighlight.off": "Ne met pas en surbrillance les occurrences.", "occurrencesHighlight.singleFile": "Met en surbrillance les occurrences uniquement dans le fichier actif.", + "occurrencesHighlightDelay": "Controls the delay in milliseconds after which occurrences are highlighted.", "off": "Les suggestions rapides sont désactivées", "on": "Des suggestions rapides s’affichent dans le widget de suggestion", "overviewRulerBorder": "Contrôle si une bordure doit être dessinée autour de la règle de la vue d'ensemble.", @@ -1398,6 +1394,7 @@ "action.inlineSuggest.acceptNextLine": "Accepter la ligne suivante d’une suggestion en ligne", "action.inlineSuggest.acceptNextWord": "Accepter le mot suivant de la suggestion inline", "action.inlineSuggest.alwaysShowToolbar": "Toujours afficher la barre d'outils", + "action.inlineSuggest.dev.extractRepro": "Developer: Extract Inline Suggest State", "action.inlineSuggest.hide": "Masquer la suggestion en ligne", "action.inlineSuggest.jump": "Accéder à la modification inline suivante", "action.inlineSuggest.showNext": "Afficher la suggestion en ligne suivante", @@ -1429,9 +1426,6 @@ "parameterHintsPreviousIcon": "Icône d'affichage du précédent conseil de paramètre.", "previous": "Précédent" }, - "vs/editor/contrib/inlineEdit/browser/hoverParticipant": { - "hoverAccessibilityInlineEdits": "Il y a des modifications incluses ici." - }, "vs/editor/contrib/inPlaceReplace/browser/inPlaceReplace": { "InPlaceReplaceAction.next.label": "Remplacer par la valeur suivante", "InPlaceReplaceAction.previous.label": "Remplacer par la valeur précédente" @@ -2529,6 +2523,7 @@ "diffEditorRemovedLines": "Couleur d'arrière-plan des lignes supprimées. La couleur ne doit pas être opaque pour ne pas masquer les ornements sous-jacents.", "diffEditorRemovedOutline": "Couleur de contour du texte supprimé.", "editorBackground": "Couleur d'arrière-plan de l'éditeur.", + "editorCompositionBorder": "The border color for an IME composition.", "editorError.background": "Couleur d'arrière-plan du texte d'erreur dans l'éditeur. La couleur ne doit pas être opaque pour ne pas masquer les décorations sous-jacentes.", "editorError.foreground": "Couleur de premier plan de la ligne ondulée marquant les erreurs dans l'éditeur.", "editorFindMatch": "Couleur du résultat de recherche actif.", @@ -3932,6 +3927,8 @@ "editorCommand.activeEditorMove.arg.description": "Propriétés d'argument :\r\n\t* 'to' : Valeur de chaîne indiquant la destination du déplacement.\r\n\t* 'by' : Valeur de chaîne indiquant l'unité de déplacement (par onglet ou par groupe).\r\n\t* 'value' : Valeur numérique indiquant le nombre de positions ou une position absolue pour le déplacement.", "editorCommand.activeEditorMove.arg.name": "Argument de déplacement de l'éditeur actif", "editorCommand.activeEditorMove.description": "Déplacer l'éditeur actif par onglets ou par groupes", + "editorGroupLayout.horizontal": "Horizontal", + "editorGroupLayout.vertical": "Vertical", "focusLeftSideEditor": "Focus sur le premier côté dans l’éditeur actif", "focusOtherSideEditor": "Focus sur l’autre côté dans l’éditeur actif", "focusRightSideEditor": "Focus sur le deuxième côté dans l’éditeur actif", @@ -4230,7 +4227,9 @@ "vs/workbench/browser/parts/panel/panelPart": { "align panel": "Aligner le volet", "hidePanel": "Masquer le panneau", - "panel position": "Position du volet" + "panel position": "Position du volet", + "showIcons": "Show Icons", + "showLabels": "Show Labels" }, "vs/workbench/browser/parts/sidebar/sidebarActions": { "focusSideBar": "Focus sur la barre latérale principale" @@ -4355,9 +4354,6 @@ "shutdownErrorDetail": "Le banc d’essai a été supprimé de manière inattendue lors de l’exécution.", "unableToOpenExternal": "Le navigateur a interrompu l’ouverture d’un nouvel onglet ou d’une nouvelle fenêtre. Appuyez sur 'Ouvrir' pour l’ouvrir quand même." }, - "vs/workbench/browser/workbench": { - "loaderErrorNative": "Échec du chargement d'un fichier obligatoire. Redémarrez l'application pour réessayer. Détails : {0}" - }, "vs/workbench/browser/workbench.contribution": { "activeEditorLong": "'${activeEditorLong}' : chemin complet du fichier (par ex., /Users/Development/myFolder/myFileFolder/myFile.txt).", "activeEditorMedium": "'${activeEditorMedium}' : chemin du fichier relatif au dossier d'espace de travail (par ex., myFolder/myFileFolder/myFile.txt).", @@ -4428,7 +4424,7 @@ "openFoldersInNewWindow": "Contrôle si les dossiers doivent s'ouvrir dans une nouvelle fenêtre ou remplacer la dernière fenêtre active.\r\nNotez qu’il peut encore exister des cas où ce paramètre est ignoré (par exemple lorsque vous utilisez l'option de ligne de commande `--new-window` ou `--reuse-window`).", "panelDefaultLocation": "Contrôle l’emplacement par défaut du panneau (terminal, Console de débogage, sortie, problèmes) dans un nouvel espace de travail. Il peut s’afficher en bas, en haut, à droite ou à gauche de la zone de l’éditeur.", "panelOpensMaximized": "Contrôle si le panneau s'ouvre de manière agrandie. Il peut soit toujours s'ouvrir de manière agrandie, soit ne jamais s'ouvrir de manière agrandie, soit s'ouvrir dans le dernier état dans lequel il se trouvait avant sa fermeture.", - "panelShowLabel": "Contrôle si les éléments d’activité du titre du panneau sont affichés sous forme d’étiquette ou d’icône.", + "panelShowLabels": "Controls whether activity items in the panel title are shown as label or icon.", "perEditorGroup": "Contrôle si le nombre maximal d'éditeurs ouverts s'applique par groupe d'éditeurs ou pour tous les groupes d'éditeurs.", "pinnedTabSizing": "Contrôle la taille des onglets de l’éditeur épinglés. Les onglets épinglés sont triés au début de tous les onglets ouverts et ne se ferment généralement pas tant qu’ils ne sont pas désépinglés. Cette valeur est ignorée lorsque {0} n’est pas défini sur {1}.", "preserveInput": "Contrôle si la dernière saisie tapée dans la palette de commande devrait être restaurée lors de l’ouverture la prochaine fois.", @@ -4844,6 +4840,7 @@ "configureRuntimeArguments": "Configurer les arguments de runtime", "openUserDataFolder": "Ouvrir le dossier des données utilisateur", "reloadWindowWithExtensionsDisabled": "Recharger avec les extensions désactivées", + "showGPUInfo": "Show GPU Info", "toggleDevTools": "Activer/désactiver les outils de développement" }, "vs/workbench/electron-sandbox/actions/installActions": { @@ -4909,7 +4906,7 @@ "touchbar.enabled": "Active les boutons de la touchbar macOS sur le clavier si disponible.", "touchbar.ignored": "Ensemble d'identificateurs pour les entrées de la Touch Bar qui ne doivent pas apparaître (par exemple 'workbench.action.navigateBack').", "window.clickThroughInactive": "Si activée, cliquer sur une fenêtre inactive activera la fenêtre et déclenchera l’élément sous la souris, si elle est cliquable. Si désactivé, cliquer n’importe où sur une fenêtre inactive va seulement l'activer et un second clic sur l’élément sera nécessaire.", - "window.customTitleBarVisibility": "Ajustez le moment où la barre de titre personnalisée doit s’afficher. La barre de titre personnalisée peut être masquée en mode plein écran avec en mode « fenêtré ». La barre de titre personnalisée ne peut être masquée qu’en mode plein écran sans « jamais » lorsque {0} est défini sur « natif ».", + "window.customTitleBarVisibility": "Adjust when the custom title bar should be shown. The custom title bar can be hidden when in full screen mode with `windowed`. The custom title bar can only be hidden in non full screen mode with `never` when {0} is set to `native`.", "window.customTitleBarVisibility.auto": "Modifie automatiquement la visibilité de la barre de titre personnalisée.", "window.customTitleBarVisibility.never": "Masquer la barre de titre personnalisée lorsque {0} est défini sur « native ».", "window.customTitleBarVisibility.windowed": "Masquez la barre de titre personnalisée en plein écran. Lorsque vous n’êtes pas en plein écran, modifiez automatiquement la visibilité de la barre de titre personnalisée.", @@ -4947,7 +4944,6 @@ "downloadArmBuild": "Télécharger", "keychainWriteError": "Échec de l'écriture des informations de connexion dans le trousseau. Erreur '{0}'.", "learnMore": "En savoir plus", - "loaderCycle": "Il existe un cycle de dépendance dans les modules AMD qui doit être résolu !", "loginButton": "&&Se connecter", "macoseolmessage": "{0} sur {1} ne recevront bientôt plus de mises à jour. Envisagez de mettre à niveau votre version macOS.", "password": "Mot de passe", @@ -5185,7 +5181,7 @@ "openDiffEditorAnnouncement": "Éditeur de différences" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/accountEntitlements/browser/accountsEntitlements.contribution": { - "workbench.accounts.showEntitlements": "Lorsqu'ils sont activés, les droits disponibles pour le compte seront affichés dans le menu des comptes." + "workbench.accounts.showEntitlements": "When enabled, available entitlements for the account will be shown in the accounts menu." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/audioCues/browser/audioCues.contribution": { "audioCues.chatRequestSent": "Émet un son lorsqu’une requête de conversation est effectuée.", @@ -5239,7 +5235,8 @@ "pickAProviderTitle": "Gérer les préférences du compte d’extension", "placeholder": "Gérer les préférences de compte «{0}»...", "selectProvider": "Sélectionner un fournisseur d’authentification pour lequel gérer les préférences de compte", - "title": "'{0}' Préférences de compte pour cet espace de travail" + "title": "'{0}' Préférences de compte pour cet espace de travail", + "use new account": "Use a new account..." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/authentication/browser/actions/manageTrustedExtensionsForAccountAction": { "accountLastUsedDate": "Dernière utilisation de ce compte {0}", @@ -5378,8 +5375,7 @@ "workbench.action.chat.focus": "Pour cibler la liste de demandes/réponses de conversation, qui peut être parcourue avec les flèches vers le haut et vers le bas, appelez la commande Focus Chat{0}.", "workbench.action.chat.focusInput": "Pour mettre l’accent sur la zone de saisie des demandes de conversation, appelez la commande Focus Chat Input{0}.", "workbench.action.chat.newChat": "Pour créer une nouvelle session de discussion, appelez la commande Nouvelle discussion{0}.", - "workbench.action.chat.nextCodeBlock": "Pour mettre l’accent sur le bloc de code suivant dans une réponse, invoquez la commande Chat: Next Code Block{0}.", - "workbench.action.chat.nextFileTree": "Pour cibler l’arborescence de fichiers suivante dans une réponse, appelez la commande Chat : Next File Tree{0}." + "workbench.action.chat.nextCodeBlock": "Pour mettre l’accent sur le bloc de code suivant dans une réponse, invoquez la commande Chat: Next Code Block{0}." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatActions": { "actions.interactiveSession.focus": "Focus sur la liste des conversations", @@ -5389,19 +5385,26 @@ "chat.history.rename": "Renommer", "chatWith": "Chat avec extension", "currentChatLabel": "actuel", + "installChat": "Install {0}", + "installChatGlobalAction.justification": "AI support requires this extension.", "interactiveSession.clearHistory.label": "Effacer l’historique d’entrée", "interactiveSession.focusInput.label": "Focus sur l’entrée de la conversation", "interactiveSession.history.delete": "Supprimer", "interactiveSession.history.editor": "Ouvrir dans l’Éditeur", "interactiveSession.history.pick": "Basculer vers la conversation", "interactiveSession.open": "Ouvrir l’éditeur", + "learnMore": "Learn More", "more": "Plus...", "newChatTitle": "Nouveau titre de la conversation", "openChat": "Ouvrir la conversation", - "title4": "Conversation" + "title4": "Conversation", + "toggle.chatControl": "Chat Controls", + "toggle.chatControlsDescription": "Toggle visibility of the Chat Controls in title bar" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatClearActions": { - "chat.newChat.label": "Nouvelle conversation" + "chat.newChat.label": "Nouvelle conversation", + "chat.newEdits.label": "New Edit Session", + "chat.openEdits.label": "Open Edit Session" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatCodeblockActions": { "chat.applyAll.label": "Appliquer toutes les modifications", @@ -5417,8 +5420,12 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatContextActions": { "chatContext.attach.placeholder": "Rechercher des pièces jointes", + "chatContext.attachScreenshot.labelElectron.Window": "Screenshot Window", + "chatContext.attachScreenshot.labelWeb": "Screenshot", + "chatContext.editors": "Open Editors", "chatContext.notebook.kernelVariable": "Variable noyau...", "chatContext.notebook.selectkernelVariable": "Sélectionner et insérer une variable de noyau", + "chatContext.searchResults": "Search Results", "chatContext.symbol": "Symbole...", "imageFromClipboard": "Image du Presse-papiers", "pastedImage": "Image collée", @@ -5437,8 +5444,13 @@ "actions.chat.submitSecondaryAgent": "Envoyer à l’agent secondaire", "chat.newChat.label": "Envoyer vers une nouvelle conversation", "chat.pickModel.label": "Choisir un modèle", + "chat.sendToChatEditing.label": "Send to Copilot Edits", + "chat.startEditing.confirmation.message": "Starting a new editing session will end your current editing session and discard edits to {0} files. Do you wish to proceed?", + "chat.startEditing.confirmation.primaryButton": "Yes", + "chat.startEditing.confirmation.title": "Start new editing session?", "interactive.cancel.label": "Annuler", - "interactive.submit.label": "Envoyer" + "interactive.submit.label": "Send and Dispatch", + "interactive.submitWithoutDispatch.label": "Send" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatFileTreeActions": { "interactive.nextFileTree.label": "Next File Tree", @@ -5466,7 +5478,19 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatTitleActions": { "chat.remove.label": "Suppression de la demande et de la réponse", + "chat.retry.confirmation.checkbox": "Don't ask again", + "chat.retry.confirmation.message2": "This will undo edits made to {0} since this request.", + "chat.retry.confirmation.primaryButton": "Yes", "chat.retry.label": "Réessayer", + "chat.retryLast.confirmation.message2": "This will undo edits made to {0} files in your working set since this request. Do you want to proceed?", + "chat.retryLast.confirmation.title2": "Do you want to retry your last request?", + "chat.startEditing.confirmation.acceptEdits": "Accept & Continue", + "chat.startEditing.confirmation.discardEdits": "Discard & Continue", + "chat.startEditing.confirmation.message": "Starting a new editing session will end your current editing session and discard edits to {0} files. Do you wish to proceed?", + "chat.startEditing.confirmation.pending.message": "Starting a new editing session will end your current session. Do you want to discard pending edits to {0} files?", + "chat.startEditing.confirmation.primaryButton": "Yes", + "chat.startEditing.confirmation.title": "Start new editing session?", + "chat.startEditing.label2": "Edit with Copilot", "interactive.helpful.label": "Utile", "interactive.insertIntoNotebook.label": "Insérer dans Notebook", "interactive.reportIssueForBug.label": "Problème de rapport", @@ -5483,17 +5507,25 @@ "insertCodeBlock.readonlyNotebook": "Impossible d’insérer le bloc de code dans l’éditeur de notebook en lecture seule.", "overlap": "Une autre modification du code est en cours d’aperçu. Appliquez ou ignorez d’abord les modifications en attente." }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/attachments/implicitContextAttachment": { + "chat.fileAttachment": "Attached file, {0}", + "chat.fileAttachmentWithRange": "Attached file, {0}, line {1} to line {2}", + "disable": "Disable current file context", + "enable": "Enable current file context", + "enableHint": "disabled", + "openEditor": "Current file context" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chat": { "generating": "Génération" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chat.contribution": { "chat": "Conversation", "chat.commandCenter.enabled": "Permet de contrôler l’affichage ou non par le centre de commandes d’un menu pour les actions de conversation (nécessite {0}).", + "chat.editing.alwaysSaveWithGeneratedChanges": "Whether to always ask before saving files with changes made by chat.", + "chat.editing.confirmEditRequestRemoval": "Whether to show a confirmation before removing a request and its associated edits.", + "chat.editing.confirmEditRequestRetry": "Whether to show a confirmation before retrying a request and its associated edits.", + "chat.editing.enableRestoreFile": "Whether to show a toggle to restore an earlier version of a file that was edited in a chat editing session request.", "chat.experimental.detectParticipant.enabled": "Active la détection automatique des participants à la conversation pour la conversation de panneau.", - "chat.experimental.implicitContext": "Contrôle si une case à cocher s’affiche pour permettre à l’utilisateur de déterminer le contexte implicite inclus dans l’invite d’un participant à la conversation.", - "chat.experimental.variables.editor": "Active les variables pour la conversation de l’éditeur.", - "chat.experimental.variables.notebook": "Active les variables pour la conversation de notebook.", - "chat.experimental.variables.terminal": "Active les variables pour la conversation terminale.", "clear": "Démarrer une nouvelle conversation", "file": "Choisir un fichier dans l’espace de travail", "interactiveSession.editor.fontFamily": "Contrôle l’la famille de police dans les codeblocks de la conversation.", @@ -5539,8 +5571,9 @@ "dismiss": "Ignorer" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatContentParts/chatReferencesContentPart": { + "addToChat": "Add File to Chat", + "chat.openEditor": "Open Editor", "chatCollapsibleList": "Liste de conversations réductible", - "copyReference": "Copier", "setting.hover": "Ouvrir le paramètre «{0}»", "usedReferencesCollapsed": "{0}, réduit", "usedReferencesExpanded": "{0}, développé", @@ -5563,52 +5596,109 @@ "file": "Fichier", "image": "Image" }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditingActions": { + "accept.allFiles": "Accept All", + "accept.file": "Accept", + "chat.openWorkingSetHistory.label": "Open File Checkpoint", + "chat.remove.confirmation.checkbox": "Don't ask again", + "chat.remove.confirmation.message2": "This will remove all subsequent requests and undo edits made to {0}. Do you want to proceed?", + "chat.remove.confirmation.multipleEdits.message": "This will remove all subsequent requests and undo edits made to {0} files in your working set. Do you want to proceed?", + "chat.remove.confirmation.primaryButton": "Yes", + "chat.remove.confirmation.title": "Do you want to undo {0} edits?", + "chat.removeLast.confirmation.message2": "This will remove your last request and undo the edits made to {0}. Do you want to proceed?", + "chat.removeLast.confirmation.multipleEdits.message": "This will remove your last request and undo edits made to {0} files in your working set. Do you want to proceed?", + "chat.removeLast.confirmation.title": "Do you want to undo your last edit?", + "chat.restoreFile.label": "Restore Previous File State", + "chat.restoreFile.shortTitle": "Restore Previous File State", + "chat.restoreFile.title": "Using Previous File State", + "chat.restoreFile.tooltip": "Toggle to use the previous state of an edited file in your next request", + "chat.undoEdits.label": "Undo Edits", + "chatEditing.checkpoint": "{0} (Checkpoint {1})", + "chatEditing.openDiffs": "Open Diffs", + "discard.allFiles": "Discard All", + "discard.file": "Discard", + "open.fileInDiff": "Open Changes in Diff Editor", + "removeFileFromWorkingSet": "Remove File", + "workbench.action.chat.addFilesToWorkingSet.label": "Add Files to Working Set" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditingService": { - "accept.allFiles": "Accepter Tout", - "accept.file": "Accepter", - "chatEditing.openDiffs": "Ouvrir les diffs", - "chatEditing.startSession": "Démarrer la modification de la session", + "chat": "Chat Editing", + "chatEditing.fileSave": "{0} wants to create a file. Choose where it should be saved.", "chatEditing.startingSession": "Génération des modifications en cours... Merci de patienter.", - "chatEditing.stopSession": "Arrêter la modification de la session", - "discard.allFiles": "Ignorer tout", - "discard.file": "Ignorer", - "multiDiffEditorInput.name": "Modifications suggérées", - "open.file": "Ouvrir un fichier" + "chatEditing1": "Chat Edit: '{0}'", + "chatEditing2": "Chat Edit", + "multiDiffEditorInput.name": "Modifications suggérées" + }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditorActions": { + "accept": "Accept Chat Edit", + "next": "Go to Next Chat Edit", + "prev": "Go to Previous Chat Edit", + "reject": "Reject Chat Edit" + }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditorController": { + "chat.hasEditorModifications": "The current editor contains chat modifications" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditorInput": { "chatEditorLabelIcon": "Icône de l’étiquette de l’éditeur de conversation.", "chatEditorName": "Conversation" }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditorSaving": { + "chat": "chat", + "config": "Always save with AI-generated changes without asking", + "detail2": "AI-generated changes may be incorrect and should be reviewed before saving.", + "discard": "Cancel", + "message.1": "Do you want to save the changes {0} made in {1}?", + "message.2": "Do you want to save the changes {0} made to {1} files?", + "message.batched.multiFile.1": "Do you want to save the changes {0} made in {1} files?", + "message.batched.multiFile.2": "Do you want to save the changes chat made in {0} files?", + "message.batched.oneFile.1": "Do you want to save the changes {0} made in {1}?", + "message.batched.oneFile.2": "Do you want to save the changes chat made in {0}?", + "message.batched.oneFile.3": "Do you want to save the changes {0} made in 1 file?", + "message.batched.oneFile.4": "Do you want to save the changes chat made in 1 file?", + "save": "Save", + "save all": "Save All", + "save.allFiles": "Save All" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatFollowups": { "followUpAriaLabel": "Question de suivi : {0}" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatGettingStarted": { "chat.openPanel": "Ouvrir le panneau de conversation", - "workbench.panel.chat.view.showGettingStarted": "Lorsque cette option est activée, affiche une expérience de prise en main dans le panneau de conversation." + "workbench.panel.chat.view.showGettingStarted": "When enabled, shows a getting started experiment in the chat panel." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatImagePaste": { "pastedImage": "Image collée" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatInlineAnchorWidget": { "actions.attach.label": "Ajouter un fichier à la conversation", + "actions.copy.label": "Copy", "actions.goToDecl.label": "Atteindre la définition", + "actions.openToSide.label": "Open to the Side", + "goToImplementations.label": "Go to Implementations", "goToReferences.label": "Atteindre les références", + "goToTypeDefinitions.label": "Go to Type Definitions", "miGotoDefinition": "Atteindre la &&définition", - "miGotoReference": "Atteindre les &&références" + "miGotoImplementations": "Go to &&Implementations", + "miGotoReference": "Atteindre les &&références", + "miGotoTypeDefinition": "Go to &&Type Definitions", + "resource": "The full value of the chat anchor resource, including scheme and path" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatInputPart": { "actions.chat.accessibiltyHelp": "Saisie pour la conversation, tapez pour poser des questions ou tapez / pour les sujets, appuyez sur entrée pour envoyer la demande. À utiliser {0} pour l’aide à l’accessibilité de la conversation.", "chat.attachment": "Contexte attaché, {0}", + "chat.attachment.clearButton": "Remove from context", "chat.fileAttachment": "Fichier joint, {0}", "chat.fileAttachmentWithRange": "Fichier joint, {0}, ligne {1} à la ligne {2}", "chat.imageAttachment": "Image attachée, {0}", "chat.submitToSecondaryAgent": "Envoyer à @{0}", - "chatEditingSessionOverview": "{0} fichiers ont été modifiés", - "chatEditingSessionOverview.oneFileChanged": "1 fichier a été modifié", + "chatAddFiles": "{0} Add Files...", + "chatAttachFiles": "Search for files to add to your working set", + "chatEditingSession.manyFiles": "({0} files)", + "chatEditingSession.oneFile": "(1 file)", + "chatEditingSession.workingSet": "Working Set", "chatInput": "Entrée de conversation", "chatInput.accessibilityHelpNoKb": "Entrée de conversation, tapez le code ici et appuyez sur Entrée pour l’exécuter. Pour plus d’informations, utilisez la commande d’aide sur l’accessibilité de la conversation.", - "notebook.moreExecuteActionsLabel": "Plus...", - "remove": "Supprimer" + "notebook.moreExecuteActionsLabel": "Plus..." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatListRenderer": { "chatConfirmationAction": "« {0} » sélectionné", @@ -5636,6 +5726,7 @@ "chatCommandSticky": "Indique si l’appel de la commande place la conversation dans un mode persistant dans lequel la commande est automatiquement ajoutée à l’entrée de conversation pour le message suivant.", "chatCommandWhen": "Condition qui doit avoir la valeur true pour activer cette commande.", "chatCommandsDescription": "Commandes disponibles pour ce participant à la conversation que l’utilisateur peut appeler avec un `/`.", + "chatEditing.viewContainer.label": "Copilot Edits", "chatFailErrorMessage": "Désolé... Nous n’avons pas pu charger la conversation, car la version installée de l’extension {0} n’est pas compatible avec cette version de {1}. Veuillez vérifier que l’extension Conversation GitHub Copilot est à jour.", "chatParticipantDescription": "Description de ce participant à la conversation, affichée dans l’interface utilisateur.", "chatParticipantDisambiguation": "Métadonnées pour faciliter l’acheminement automatique des questions des utilisateurs vers ce participant à la conversation.", @@ -5645,14 +5736,18 @@ "chatParticipantFullName": "Nom complet de ce participant à la conversation, qui est affiché comme étiquette pour les réponses provenant de ce participant. S’il n’est pas fourni, {0} est utilisé.", "chatParticipantId": "ID unique de ce participant à la conversation.", "chatParticipantName": "Nom d’utilisateur pour ce participant à la conversation. L’utilisateur utilisera « @ » avec ce nom pour appeler le participant. Le nom ne doit pas contenir d’espace blanc.", - "chatParticipantSupportsToolReferences": "Indique si ce(tte) participan(e)t prend en charge {0}.", "chatParticipantWhen": "Condition qui doit avoir la valeur true pour activer ce(tte) participant(e).", "chatSampleRequest": "Lorsque l’utilisateur clique sur ce participant dans « /help », ce texte est envoyé au participant.", "showExtension": "Afficher l’extension", "vscode.extension.contributes.chatParticipant": "Contribue à un participant à la conversation" }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatPasteProviders": { + "pastedImageName": "Pasted Image" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatWidget": { - "chatWidget.tips": "{0} pour attacher le contexte\r\n\r\n{1} pour discuter avec des extensions" + "chatWidget.tips": "{0} or type {1} to attach context\r\n\r\n{2} to chat with extensions\r\n\r\nType {3} to use commands", + "chatWidget.tips.withoutParticipants": "{0} or type {1} to attach context", + "scrollDownButtonLabel": "Scroll down" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/codeBlockPart": { "chat.codeBlock.toolbar": "Barre d’outils du bloc de code", @@ -5675,14 +5770,29 @@ "allFilesDescription": "Rechercher des fichiers pertinents dans l’espace de travail et fournir leur contexte" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/contrib/chatInputCompletions": { + "installLabel": "Install Chat Extensions...", "pickFileLabel": "Choisir un fichier" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/contrib/chatInputEditorHover": { "hoverAccessibilityChatAgent": "Il y a une partie de pointage de l’agent de conversation ici." }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/contrib/screenshot": { + "screenshot": "Screenshot" + }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/languageModelToolsService": { + "toolInvocationMessage": "Using {0}" + }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/viewsWelcome/chatViewsWelcomeContributions": { + "chatViewsWelcome.content": "The content of the welcome message. The first command link will be rendered as a button.", + "chatViewsWelcome.icon": "The icon for the welcome message.", + "chatViewsWelcome.title": "The title of the welcome message.", + "chatViewsWelcome.when": "Condition when the welcome message is shown.", + "vscode.extension.contributes.chatViewsWelcome": "Contributes a welcome message to a chat view" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/chatColors": { "chat.avatarBackground": "La couleur d'arrière-plan d'un avatar de chat.", "chat.avatarForeground": "Couleur de premier plan d’un avatar de conversation.", + "chat.editedFileForeground": "The foreground color of a chat edited file in the edited file list.", "chat.requestBackground": "Couleur d’arrière-plan d’une requête de la conversation.", "chat.requestBorder": "Couleur de bordure d’une requête de la conversation.", "chat.slashCommandBackground": "Couleur d’arrière-plan d’une commande à barre oblique de conversation.", @@ -5690,13 +5800,15 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/chatContextKeys": { "chatEditApplied": "La valeur est true lorsque les modifications apportées au texte de la conversation sont appliquées.", + "chatEditingParticipantRegistered": "True when a default chat participant is registered for editing.", "chatExtensionInvalid": "True lorsque l’extension de conversation installée n’est pas valide et doit être mise à jour.", + "chatHasFileAttachments": "True when the chat has file attachments.", + "chatInstallEntitled": "True when the user is entitled for chat installation.", "chatIsEnabled": "True lorsque le chat est activé, parce qu’un(e) participant(e) à la conversation par défaut est activé avec une implémentation.", "chatItemId": "ID de l’élément de conversation.", "chatLastItemId": "ID du dernier élément de conversation.", "chatModelsAreUserSelectable": "True lorsque le modèle de conversation peut être sélectionné manuellement par l’utilisateur.", "chatParticipantRegistered": "La valeur est true quand un participant à la conversation par défaut est inscrit pour le panneau.", - "chatParticipantSupportsModelPicker": "True lorsque le participant actuel à la conversation prend en charge le choix du modèle manuellement.", "chatRequest": "L’élément de conversation est une requête.", "chatResponse": "L’élément de conversation est une réponse.", "chatResponseErrored": "Vrai lorsque la réponse de conversation a généré une erreur.", @@ -5711,6 +5823,9 @@ "interactiveSessionRequestInProgress": "True lorsque la demande actuelle est toujours en cours.", "interactiveSessionResponseVote": "Lorsque la réponse a été votée, est définie sur « up ». Quand vous avez voté en bas, la valeur est 'down'. Sinon, une chaîne vide." }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/chatEditingService": { + "chatEditingWidgetFileState": "The current state of the file in the chat editing widget" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/chatModel": { "codeCitation": "Code similaire trouvé avec 1 type de licence", "codeCitations": "Code similaire trouvé avec les types de licences {0}", @@ -5732,26 +5847,20 @@ "Language Models": "Modèles de langage", "languageModels": "Statistiques d’utilisation des modèles de langage de cette extension." }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/languageModelToolsService": { - "toolConfirmMessage": "{0} utilisera {1}.", - "toolConfirmTitle": "Utiliser {0} ?", - "toolInvocationMessage": "Utilisation de {0}" - }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/tools/languageModelToolsContribution": { - "canBeInvokedManually": "Indique si cet outil peut être appelé manuellement par l’utilisateur via l’expérience utilisateur de conversation.", + "canBeReferencedInPrompt": "If true, this tool shows up as an attachment that the user can add manually to their request. Chat participants will receive the tool in {0}.", "condition": "Condition qui doit être vraie pour que cet outil soit activé. Notez qu'un outil peut toujours être invoqué par une autre extension même lorsque sa condition « quand » est fausse.", - "contentTypes": "Liste des types de contenu que cet outil peut renvoyer. Il est obligatoire que les outils prennent en charge `text/plain`, ce qui est pris en compte même s’ils ne sont pas spécifiés ici. Un autre exemple peut être le contentType exporté par la bibliothèque `@vscode/prompt-tsx`.", - "icon": "Icône qui représente cet outil. Soit un chemin de fichier, un objet avec des chemins de fichiers pour les thèmes sombres et clairs, ou une référence d'icône de thème, comme `\\$(zap)`", + "icon": "An icon that represents this tool. Either a file path, an object with file paths for dark and light themes, or a theme icon reference, like `$(zap)`", "icon.dark": "Chemin de l'icône quand un thème foncé est utilisé", "icon.light": "Chemin de l'icône quand un thème clair est utilisé", - "parametersSchema": "Schéma JSON pour les paramètres acceptés par cet outil.", - "requiresConfirmation": "Indique si cet outil nécessite une confirmation de l’utilisateur avant d’être exécuté.", + "parametersSchema": "A JSON schema for the parameters this tool accepts. The parameters must be an object at the top level. A particular language model may not support all JSON schema features. See the documentation for the language model family you are using for more information.", "toolDisplayName": "Nom lisible par l’homme pour cet outil qui peut être utilisé pour le décrire dans l’interface utilisateur.", - "toolId": "A unique id for this tool.", - "toolModelDescription": "Description de cet outil qui peut être passé à un modèle de langage.", - "toolName": "Si {0} est activé pour cet outil, l’utilisateur peut utiliser « # » avec ce nom pour appeler l’outil dans une requête. Sinon, le nom n’est pas obligatoire. Le nom ne doit pas contenir d’espace blanc.", + "toolModelDescription": "A description of this tool that may be used by a language model to select it.", + "toolName": "A unique name for this tool. This name must be a globally unique identifier, and is also used as a name when presenting this tool to a language model.", + "toolName2": "If {0} is enabled for this tool, the user may use '#' with this name to invoke the tool in a query. Otherwise, the name is not required. Name must not contain whitespace.", + "toolTags": "A set of tags that roughly describe the tool's capabilities. A tool user may use these to filter the set of tools to just ones that are relevant for the task at hand, or they may want to pick a tag that can be used to identify just the tools contributed by this extension.", "toolUserDescription": "Description de cet outil qui peut être présentée à l’utilisateur.", - "vscode.extension.contributes.tools": "Contribue à un outil qui peut être appelé par un modèle de langage." + "vscode.extension.contributes.tools": "Contributes a tool that can be invoked by a language model in a chat session, or from a standalone command. Registered tools can be used by all extensions." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/voiceChatService": { "voiceChatInProgress": "Une session de reconnaissance vocale est en cours pour la conversation." @@ -5899,7 +6008,7 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/codeEditor/browser/saveParticipants": { "codeAction.apply": "Application de l'action de code '{0}'.", "codeaction": "Correctifs rapides", - "codeaction.get2": "Obtention d’actions de code à partir de «{0}» ([configure]({1})).", + "codeaction.get2": "Getting code actions from {0} ([configure]({1})).", "formatting2": "Exécution du formateur '{0}' ([configure]({1}))." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/codeEditor/browser/toggleColumnSelection": { @@ -6387,6 +6496,7 @@ "debug.gutterMiddleClickAction.none": "N’effectuez aucune action.", "debug.gutterMiddleClickAction.triggeredBreakpoint": "Ajouter un point d’arrêt déclenché.", "debug.hideLauncherWhileDebugging": "Masquez le contrôle « Démarrer le débogage » dans la barre de titre de la vue « Exécuter et déboguer » lorsque le débogage est actif. Uniquement pertinent lorsque {0} n'est pas « docked ».", + "debug.hideSlowPreLaunchWarning": "Hide the warning shown when a `preLaunchTask` has been running for a while.", "debug.onTaskErrors": "Contrôle ce qu'il faut faire en cas d'erreurs après l'exécution d'une tâche de prélancement.", "debug.saveBeforeStart": "Contrôle les éditeurs à enregistrer avant le démarrage d'une session de débogage.", "debug.saveBeforeStart.allEditorsInActiveGroup": "Enregistre tous les éditeurs du groupe actif avant le démarrage d'une session de débogage.", @@ -8323,8 +8433,12 @@ "startWithCurrentLine": "Démarrer dans l’éditeur avec la ligne active" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/inlineChat/browser/inlineChatSavingServiceImpl": { - "inlineChat": "En attente de l’acceptation ou de l’abandon des modifications apportées aux conversations en ligne...", - "inlineChat.N": "En attente de l’acceptation ou de l’abandon des modifications apportées aux conversations en ligne dans {0} éditeurs..." + "config": "Always save with AI-generated changes without asking", + "detail": "AI-generated changes may be incorect and should be reviewed before saving.", + "discard": "Cancel", + "message.1": "Do you want to save the changes {0} made in {1}?", + "message.2": "Do you want to save the changes inline chat made in {0}?", + "save": "Save" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/inlineChat/browser/inlineChatWidget": { "aria-label": "Entrée de conversation en ligne", @@ -8335,7 +8449,6 @@ "inlineChatClosed": "Widget de conversation en ligne fermé" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/inlineChat/common/inlineChat": { - "acceptedOrDiscardBeforeSave": "Indique si les sessions de conversation en ligne en attente empêchent l’enregistrement.", "accessibleDiffView": "Indique si la conversation en ligne affiche également une visionneuse diff accessible pour ses modifications.", "accessibleDiffView.auto": "Le visualiseur de différences accessible est basé sur l'activation du mode lecteur d'écran.", "accessibleDiffView.off": "La visionneuse diff accessible n’est jamais activée.", @@ -8875,6 +8988,10 @@ "openLogsFolder": "Ouvrir le dossier des journaux" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/markdown/browser/markdownSettingRenderer": { + "alreadysetBoolFalse": "\"{0}: {1}\" is already disabled", + "alreadysetBoolTrue": "\"{0}: {1}\" is already enabled", + "alreadysetNum": "\"{0}: {1}\" is already set to {2}", + "alreadysetString": "\"{0}: {1}\" is already set to \"{2}\"", "changeSettingTitle": "Afficher ou modifier le paramètre", "copySettingId": "Copier l'ID du paramètre", "falseMessage": "Désactiver « {0} : {1} »", @@ -9499,6 +9616,9 @@ "runCell": "Exécuter la cellule", "runCellsInSection": "Exécuter les cellules dans la section" }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/controller/variablesActions": { + "notebookActions.openVariablesView": "Variables" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/diff/diffComponents": { "hiddenCell": "{0} cellule masquée", "hiddenCells": "{0} cellules masquées", @@ -9924,7 +10044,7 @@ "name": "Niveau de performance du démarrage" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/performance/electron-sandbox/performance.contribution": { - "experimental.rendererProfiling": "Si activé, les convertisseurs lents sont automatiquement profilés" + "experimental.rendererProfiling": "When enabled, slow renderers are automatically profiled." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/performance/electron-sandbox/startupProfiler": { "prof.detail": "Signalez le problème, et attachez manuellement les fichiers suivants :\r\n{0}", @@ -10105,6 +10225,7 @@ "defaultOverriddenDetailsAriaLabel": "{0} remplace la valeur par défaut", "defaultOverriddenLabel": "Valeur par défaut modifiée", "defaultOverriddenLanguagesList": "Il existe des valeurs par défaut spécifiques au langage pour {0}", + "experimentalLabel": "Experimental", "extensionSyncIgnoredLabel": "Non synchronisées", "hasDefaultOverridesForLanguages": "Les langages suivants ont des remplacements par défaut :", "manageWorkspaceTrust": "Gérer l’approbation d’espace de travail", @@ -10117,6 +10238,7 @@ "policyDescriptionAccessible": "Géré par la stratégie de l’organisation ; valeur de paramètre non appliquée", "policyFilterLink": "Afficher les paramètres de stratégie", "policyLabelText": "Valeur de paramètre non appliquée", + "previewLabel": "Preview", "remote": "Distant", "syncIgnoredAriaLabel": "Paramètre ignoré pendant la synchronisation", "syncIgnoredTitle": "Ce paramètre est ignoré lors de la synchronisation", @@ -10250,6 +10372,10 @@ "groupRowAriaLabel": "{0}, groupe", "settingsTOC": "Paramètres - Table des matières" }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/preferences/common/preferences": { + "experimentalIndicatorDescription": "This setting controls a feature that may change or be removed in the future. Adjusting this setting may result in instability.", + "previewIndicatorDescription": "This setting controls a feature that is in active development." + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/preferences/common/preferencesContribution": { "enableNaturalLanguageSettingsSearch": "Contrôle si vous voulez activer le mode de recherche de langage naturel pour les paramètres de contrôle. La recherche en langage naturel est assurée par un service Microsoft en ligne.", "settingsSearchTocBehavior": "Contrôle le comportement de la table des matières de l'éditeur de paramètres lors de la recherche. Si ce paramètre est modifié dans l'éditeur de paramètres, il prendra effet une fois la requête de recherche modifiée.", @@ -11707,31 +11833,20 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminal.contribution": { "miToggleIntegratedTerminal": "&&Terminal", - "tasksQuickAccessHelp": "Afficher tous les terminaux ouverts", - "tasksQuickAccessPlaceholder": "Tapez le nom d'un terminal à ouvrir.", "terminal": "Terminal" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminalActions": { "emptyTerminalNameInfo": "Si aucun nom n’est fourni, la valeur par défaut sera rétablie", - "goToRecentDirectory.metadata": "Accède à un dossier récent", "newWithProfile.location": "Où créer le terminal", "newWithProfile.location.editor": "Créer le terminal dans l’éditeur", "newWithProfile.location.view": "Créer le terminal dans l’affichage terminal", "noUnattachedTerminals": "Il n'existe aucun terminal non attaché à attacher", - "quickAccessTerminal": "Changer de terminal actif", "sendSequence": "La séquence de texte à envoyer au terminal", "showTerminalTabs": "Afficher les onglets", "terminalLaunchHelp": "Ouvrir l'aide", "workbench.action.terminal.attachToSession": "Attacher à la session", "workbench.action.terminal.clear": "Effacer", - "workbench.action.terminal.clearPreviousSessionHistory": "Effacer l’historique de session précédente", "workbench.action.terminal.clearSelection": "Effacer la sélection", - "workbench.action.terminal.copyAndClearSelection": "Copier et effacer la sélection", - "workbench.action.terminal.copyLastCommand": "Copier la dernière commande", - "workbench.action.terminal.copyLastCommandAndOutput": "Copier la dernière commande et la sortie", - "workbench.action.terminal.copyLastCommandOutput": "Copier la sortie de la dernière commande", - "workbench.action.terminal.copySelection": "Copier la sélection", - "workbench.action.terminal.copySelectionAsHtml": "Copier la sélection en HTML", "workbench.action.terminal.createTerminalEditor": "Créer un nouveau terminal dans la zone de l’éditeur", "workbench.action.terminal.createTerminalEditorSide": "Créer un nouveau terminal dans la zone de l’éditeur sur le côté", "workbench.action.terminal.detachSession": "Détacher la session", @@ -11740,7 +11855,6 @@ "workbench.action.terminal.focusNextPane": "Focus sur le terminal suivant dans le groupe de terminaux", "workbench.action.terminal.focusPrevious": "Focus sur le groupe de terminaux précédent", "workbench.action.terminal.focusPreviousPane": "Focus sur le terminal précédent dans le groupe de terminaux", - "workbench.action.terminal.goToRecentDirectory": "Accéder au répertoire récent...", "workbench.action.terminal.join": "Joindre des terminaux...", "workbench.action.terminal.join.insufficientTerminals": "Terminaux insuffisants pour l’action de jointure", "workbench.action.terminal.join.onlySplits": "Tous les terminaux sont déjà joints", @@ -11756,8 +11870,6 @@ "workbench.action.terminal.newWorkspacePlaceholder": "Sélectionner le répertoire de travail actuel pour le nouveau terminal", "workbench.action.terminal.openSettings": "Configurer les paramètres du terminal", "workbench.action.terminal.overriddenCwdDescription": "(Remplacé) {0}", - "workbench.action.terminal.paste": "Coller dans le terminal actif", - "workbench.action.terminal.pasteSelection": "Coller la sélection dans le terminal actif", "workbench.action.terminal.relaunch": "Relancer le terminal actif", "workbench.action.terminal.rename.prompt": "Entrer le nom du terminal", "workbench.action.terminal.renameWithArg.name": "Nouveau nom du terminal", @@ -11768,7 +11880,6 @@ "workbench.action.terminal.resizePaneUp": "Redimensionner le terminal vers le haut", "workbench.action.terminal.runActiveFile": "Exécuter le fichier actif dans le terminal actif", "workbench.action.terminal.runActiveFile.noFile": "Seuls les fichiers sur disque peuvent être exécutés dans le terminal", - "workbench.action.terminal.runRecentCommand": "Exécuter la commande récente...", "workbench.action.terminal.runSelectedText": "Exécuter le texte sélectionné dans le terminal actif", "workbench.action.terminal.scrollDown": "Faire défiler vers le bas (ligne)", "workbench.action.terminal.scrollDownPage": "Faire défiler vers le bas (page)", @@ -11878,20 +11989,6 @@ "unsafePathWarning": "Ce profil de terminal utilise un chemin potentiellement dangereux qui peut être modifié par un autre utilisateur : {0}. Voulez-vous vraiment l’utiliser ?", "yes": "Oui" }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminalQuickAccess": { - "renameTerminal": "Renommer le terminal", - "workbench.action.terminal.newWithProfilePlus": "Créer un nouveau terminal avec profil...", - "workbench.action.terminal.newplus": "Créer un nouveau terminal" - }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminalRunRecentQuickPick": { - "removeCommand": "Supprimer de l’historique des commandes", - "selectRecentCommand": "Sélectionner une commande à exécuter (maintenez la touche Alt enfoncée pour modifier la commande)", - "selectRecentCommandMac": "Sélectionner une commande à exécuter (maintenez la touche Alt enfoncée pour modifier la commande)", - "selectRecentDirectory": "Sélectionner un répertoire à atteindre (maintenez la touche Alt enfoncée pour modifier la commande)", - "selectRecentDirectoryMac": "Sélectionner un répertoire à atteindre (maintenez la touche Option enfoncée pour modifier la commande)", - "shellFileHistoryCategory": "Historique {0}", - "viewCommandOutput": "Afficher la sortie de la commande" - }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminalService": { "localTerminalRemote": "Cet interpréteur de commandes est en cours d’exécution sur votre machine {0}locale{1}, et non sur la machine distante connectée", "localTerminalVirtualWorkspace": "Cet interpréteur de commandes est ouvert sur un dossier {0}local{1}, et non sur le dossier virtuel", @@ -11924,10 +12021,6 @@ "terminalConnectingLabel": "Démarrage...", "terminals": "Ouvrez les terminaux." }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminalWslRecommendationContribution": { - "install": "Installer", - "useWslExtension.title": "L'extension '{0}' est recommandée pour ouvrir un terminal dans WSL." - }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/xterm/decorationAddon": { "gutter": "Décorations de commande de reliure", "no": "Non", @@ -11966,13 +12059,6 @@ "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.types.icon.dark": "Chemin de l'icône quand un thème foncé est utilisé", "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.types.icon.light": "Chemin de l'icône quand un thème clair est utilisé" }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/common/terminalClipboard": { - "confirmMoveTrashMessageFilesAndDirectories": "Voulez-vous vraiment coller {0} lignes de texte dans le terminal ?", - "doNotAskAgain": "Ne plus me poser la question", - "multiLinePasteButton": "&&Coller", - "multiLinePasteButton.oneLine": "Coller en sous la forme d’&&une ligne", - "preview": "Aperçu :" - }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/common/terminalColorRegistry": { "terminal.ansiColor": "Couleur ANSI '{0}' dans le terminal.", "terminal.background": "Couleur d'arrière-plan du terminal, permet d'appliquer au terminal une couleur différente de celle du panneau.", @@ -12017,8 +12103,6 @@ "terminal.integrated.allowMnemonics": "Indique si les mnémoniques de barre de menus (par exemple Alt+F) sont autorisées à déclencher l’ouverture de la barre de menus. Notez que si la valeur est true, toutes les frappes de la touche alt ignorent l’interpréteur de commandes. Cela n'a aucun effet sur macOS.", "terminal.integrated.allowedLinkSchemes": "Tableau de chaînes contenant les schémas d’URI pour lequel le terminal est autorisé à ouvrir des liens. Par défaut, seul un petit sous-ensemble de schémas possibles est autorisé pour des raisons de sécurité.", "terminal.integrated.altClickMovesCursor": "Si cette option est activée, alt/option + clic repositionne le curseur d’invite sous la souris lorsque {0} est défini sur {1} (valeur par défaut). Cela peut ne pas fonctionner de manière fiable en fonction de votre interpréteur de commandes.", - "terminal.integrated.autoReplies": "Ensemble de messages qui, lorsqu’ils sont rencontrés dans le terminal, feront l’objet d’une réponse automatique. À condition que le message soit suffisamment spécifique, cela peut aider à automatiser les réponses courantes.\r\n\r\nRemarques :\r\n\r\n– Utilisez {0} pour répondre automatiquement à l’invite de fin de traitement par lots sur Windows.\r\n– Le message inclut des séquences d’échappement afin que la réponse ne se produise pas avec du texte de style.\r\n– Chaque réponse ne peut se produire qu’une fois par seconde.\r\n– Utilisez {1} dans la réponse pour indiquer la clé Entrée.\r\n– Pour annuler la définition d’une clé par défaut, définissez la valeur sur nul.\r\n– Redémarrez VS Code si le nouveau ne s’applique pas.", - "terminal.integrated.autoReplies.reply": "La réponse à envoyer au processus.", "terminal.integrated.bellDuration": "Nombre de millisecondes d’affichage la cloche d’appel dans un onglet de terminal lors de son déclenchement.", "terminal.integrated.commandsToSkipShell": "Ensemble d’ID de commandes dont les combinaisons de touches ne sont pas envoyées à l’interpréteur de commandes mais sont toujours prises en charge par VS Code. Cela permet aux combinaisons de touches qui sont normalement consommées par l’interpréteur de commandes de produire le même résultat que dans une situation où le terminal n’a pas le focus, par exemple `Ctrl+P` pour lancer Quick Open.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nDe nombreuses commandes sont ignorées par défaut. Pour remplacer une valeur par défaut et passer la combinaison de touches de cette commande à l’interpréteur de commandes, ajoutez la commande précédée du caractère `-`. Par exemple, ajoutez `-workbench.action.quickOpen` pour autoriser la combinaison `Ctrl+P` à atteindre l’interpréteur de commandes.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nLa liste suivante des commandes ignorées par défaut est tronquée quand elle est affichée dans l’éditeur de paramètres. Pour voir la liste complète, {1} puis recherchez la première commande dans la liste ci-dessous.\r\n\r\n \r\n\r\nCommandes ignorées par défaut´:\r\n\r\n{0}", "terminal.integrated.confirmOnExit": "Détermine s'il est nécessaire de confirmer à la fermeture de la fenêtre s’il existe de sessions de terminal actives.", @@ -12107,7 +12191,6 @@ "terminal.integrated.shellIntegration.decorationsEnabled.never": "Ne pas afficher les décorations", "terminal.integrated.shellIntegration.decorationsEnabled.overviewRuler": "Afficher les décorations de règle de vue d’ensemble à droite du terminal", "terminal.integrated.shellIntegration.enabled": "Détermine si l’intégration de l’interpréteur de commandes est auto-injectée pour prendre en charge des fonctionnalités telles que le suivi amélioré des commandes et la détection du répertoire de travail actuel. \r\n\r\nL’intégration de l’interpréteur de commandes fonctionne en injectant un script de démarrage dans l’interpréteur de commandes. Le script donne à VS Code un aperçu de ce qui se passe dans le terminal.\r\n\r\nInterpréteurs de commandes pris en charge :\r\n\r\n– Linux/macOS : bash, fish, pwsh, zsh\r\n – Windows : pwsh, git bash\r\n\r\nCe paramètre ne s’applique que lors de la création des terminaux, vous devrez donc redémarrer vos terminaux pour qu’il prenne effet.\r\n\r\n Notez que l’injection de script peut ne pas fonctionner si vous avez des arguments personnalisés définis dans le profil du terminal, si vous avez activé {1}, si vous avez une [complex bash `PROMPT_COMMAND`](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/integrated-terminal#_complex-bash-promptcommand), ou si vous avez une autre configuration non supportée. Pour désactiver les décorations, consultez {0}", - "terminal.integrated.shellIntegration.history": "Contrôle le nombre de commandes récemment utilisées à conserver dans l’historique des commandes du terminal. Réglez sur 0 pour désactiver l’historique des commandes du terminal.", "terminal.integrated.showExitAlert": "Détermine s'il est nécessaire d'afficher l'alerte \"Le processus du terminal s'est achevé avec le code de sortie\" quand le code de sortie est différent de zéro.", "terminal.integrated.smoothScrolling": "Contrôle si le terminal défile en utilisant une animation.", "terminal.integrated.splitCwd": "Contrôle le répertoire de travail dans lequel un terminal divisé démarre.", @@ -12229,6 +12312,10 @@ "terminal.integrated.accessibleViewFocusOnCommandExecution": "Focus sur la vue accessible au terminal lorsqu’une commande est exécutée.", "terminal.integrated.accessibleViewPreserveCursorPosition": "Conservez la position du curseur lors de la réouverture de la vue accessible du terminal plutôt que de la placer en bas du tampon." }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/autoReplies/common/terminalAutoRepliesConfiguration": { + "terminal.integrated.autoReplies": "A set of messages that, when encountered in the terminal, will be automatically responded to. Provided the message is specific enough, this can help automate away common responses.\r\n\r\nRemarks:\r\n\r\n- Use {0} to automatically respond to the terminate batch job prompt on Windows.\r\n- The message includes escape sequences so the reply might not happen with styled text.\r\n- Each reply can only happen once every second.\r\n- Use {1} in the reply to mean the enter key.\r\n- To unset a default key, set the value to null.\r\n- Restart VS Code if new don't apply.", + "terminal.integrated.autoReplies.reply": "The reply to send to the process." + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/chat/browser/terminal.initialHint.contribution": { "disableHint": " Activez/désactivez {0} dans les paramètres pour désactiver cet indicateur.", "disableInitialHint": "Désactiver l’indicateur initial", @@ -12268,8 +12355,6 @@ "closeChat": "Fermer la conversation", "discard": "Jeter", "discardDescription": "Ignore la réponse de conversation actuelle du terminal, masque le widget de conversation et efface l’entrée de conversation.", - "focusTerminalInput": "Focus sur l’entrée du terminal", - "focusTerminalResponse": "Focus sur la réponse du terminal", "insert": "Insérer", "insertCommand": "Commande Insérer une conversation", "insertFirst": "Insérer en premier", @@ -12291,6 +12376,23 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/chat/common/terminalInitialHintConfiguration": { "terminal.integrated.initialHint": "Contrôle si le premier terminal sans entrée affiche un indicateur sur les actions disponibles lorsqu’il est ciblé." }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/clipboard/browser/terminal.clipboard.contribution": { + "workbench.action.terminal.copyAndClearSelection": "Copy and Clear Selection", + "workbench.action.terminal.copyLastCommand": "Copy Last Command", + "workbench.action.terminal.copyLastCommandAndOutput": "Copy Last Command and Output", + "workbench.action.terminal.copyLastCommandOutput": "Copy Last Command Output", + "workbench.action.terminal.copySelection": "Copy Selection", + "workbench.action.terminal.copySelectionAsHtml": "Copy Selection as HTML", + "workbench.action.terminal.paste": "Paste into Active Terminal", + "workbench.action.terminal.pasteSelection": "Paste Selection into Active Terminal" + }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/clipboard/browser/terminalClipboard": { + "confirmMoveTrashMessageFilesAndDirectories": "Are you sure you want to paste {0} lines of text into the terminal?", + "doNotAskAgain": "Do not ask me again", + "multiLinePasteButton": "&&Paste", + "multiLinePasteButton.oneLine": "Paste as &&one line", + "preview": "Preview:" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/commandGuide/browser/terminal.commandGuide.contribution": { "terminalCommandGuide.foreground": "Couleur de premier plan du guide de commande de terminal qui apparaît à gauche d’une commande et sa sortie lors d’un pointage." }, @@ -12330,6 +12432,24 @@ "selectAll": "Sélectionner tout", "undo": "Annuler" }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/history/browser/terminal.history.contribution": { + "goToRecentDirectory.metadata": "Goes to a recent folder", + "workbench.action.terminal.clearPreviousSessionHistory": "Clear Previous Session History", + "workbench.action.terminal.goToRecentDirectory": "Go to Recent Directory...", + "workbench.action.terminal.runRecentCommand": "Run Recent Command..." + }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/history/browser/terminalRunRecentQuickPick": { + "removeCommand": "Remove from Command History", + "selectRecentCommand": "Select a command to run (hold Alt-key to edit the command)", + "selectRecentCommandMac": "Select a command to run (hold Option-key to edit the command)", + "selectRecentDirectory": "Select a directory to go to (hold Alt-key to edit the command)", + "selectRecentDirectoryMac": "Select a directory to go to (hold Option-key to edit the command)", + "shellFileHistoryCategory": "{0} history", + "viewCommandOutput": "View Command Output" + }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/history/common/terminal.history": { + "terminal.integrated.shellIntegration.history": "Controls the number of recently used commands to keep in the terminal command history. Set to 0 to disable terminal command history." + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/links/browser/terminal.links.contribution": { "workbench.action.terminal.openDetectedLink": "Ouvrir le lien détecté...", "workbench.action.terminal.openLastLocalFileLink": "Ouvrir le dernier lien vers le fichier local", @@ -12361,6 +12481,16 @@ "terminal.integrated.searchLinks": "Recherche d'espace de travail", "terminal.integrated.urlLinks": "URL" }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/quickAccess/browser/terminal.quickAccess.contribution": { + "quickAccessTerminal": "Switch Active Terminal", + "tasksQuickAccessHelp": "Show All Opened Terminals", + "tasksQuickAccessPlaceholder": "Type the name of a terminal to open." + }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/quickAccess/browser/terminalQuickAccess": { + "renameTerminal": "Rename Terminal", + "workbench.action.terminal.newWithProfilePlus": "Create New Terminal With Profile...", + "workbench.action.terminal.newplus": "Create New Terminal" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/quickFix/browser/quickFixAddon": { "codeAction.widget.id.quickfix": "Correctif rapide", "quickFix.command": "Exécution : {0}", @@ -12432,6 +12562,10 @@ "terminal.integrated.localEchoLatencyThreshold": "Durée du retard réseau, en millisecondes, pendant lequel les modifications locales sont répercutées sur le terminal sans attendre la reconnaissance du serveur. Si la valeur est '0', l'écho local sera toujours activé, si la valeur est '-1', il sera désactivé.", "terminal.integrated.localEchoStyle": "Style du texte répercuté localement dans le terminal : style de police ou couleur RVB." }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/wslRecommendation/browser/terminal.wslRecommendation.contribution": { + "install": "Install", + "useWslExtension.title": "The '{0}' extension is recommended for opening a terminal in WSL." + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/zoom/browser/terminal.zoom.contribution": { "fontZoomIn": "Augmenter la taille de police", "fontZoomOut": "Diminuer la taille de police", @@ -12688,10 +12822,12 @@ "openTestCoverage": "Afficher la couverture de test", "run test": "Exécuter des tests", "testing.cancelRun": "Annuler la série de tests", - "testing.debugLastRun": "Déboguer la série de tests", + "testing.debugLastRun": "Debug Last Run", + "testing.debugTest": "Debug Test", "testing.goToError": "Accéder à l’erreur", "testing.goToTest": "Accéder au test", - "testing.reRunLastRun": "Réexécuter la série de tests", + "testing.reRunLastRun": "Rerun Last Run", + "testing.reRunTest": "Rerun Test", "testing.revealInExplorer": "Révéler dans l'Explorateur de tests", "testing.showResultOutput": "Afficher la sortie des résultats", "testingPeekLabel": "Messages de résultat de test" @@ -13005,6 +13141,7 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/userDataProfile/browser/userDataProfile": { "New Profile Window": "Nouvelle fenêtre avec profil", + "change profile": "Switch to {0} profile", "create profile": "Nouveau profil...", "current": "Actuel", "delete profile": "Supprimer le profil...", @@ -13016,10 +13153,12 @@ "new window with profile": "Nouvelle fenêtre avec profil", "newWindowWithProfile": "Nouvelle fenêtre avec profil...", "open": "Ouvrir le profil {0}", + "open profile": "Open New Window with {0} Profile", "open profiles": "Profils ouverts (IU)", "openShort": "{0}", "pick profile": "Sélectionner un profil", "pick profile to delete": "Sélectionner les profils à supprimer", + "profiles": "Profile ({0})", "save profile as": "Enregistrer le profil actuel sous...", "selectProfile": "Sélectionner un profil", "switchProfile": "Changer de profil...", @@ -13053,6 +13192,7 @@ "default profile contents description": "Parcourir le contenu de ce profil\r\n", "defaultProfileIcon": "Impossible de changer l’icône du profil par défaut", "defaultProfileName": "Impossible de modifier le nom du profil par défaut", + "deleteTrustedUri": "Delete Path", "editIcon": "Icône de l’icône de modification de dossier dans l’éditeur des profils.", "empty profile": "Aucun", "enable for current window": "Utiliser ce profil pour la fenêtre actuelle", @@ -13090,6 +13230,7 @@ "profileName": "Nom de profil", "profiles": "Profils", "profilesSashBorder": "Couleur de la bordure de l’éditeur de profils splitview sash.", + "removeIcon": "Icon for the remove folder icon in the profiles editor.", "settings": "Paramètres", "snippets": "Extraits de code", "tasks": "Tâches", @@ -13406,7 +13547,8 @@ "gettingStartedUnchecked": "Utilisé pour représenter les étapes de procédure pas à pas qui n’ont été pas effectuées" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcomeGettingStarted/browser/gettingStartedInput": { - "getStarted": "Bienvenue" + "getStarted": "Bienvenue", + "walkthroughPageTitle": "Walkthrough: " }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcomeGettingStarted/browser/gettingStartedService": { "builtin": "Intégré", @@ -13438,6 +13580,7 @@ "gettingStarted.accessibleView.title": "Les utilisateurs du lecteur d’écran peuvent inspecter le contenu ligne par ligne, caractère par caractère dans la vue accessible.", "gettingStarted.beginner.description": "Obtenez un aperçu des fonctionnalités les plus essentielles", "gettingStarted.beginner.title": "Découvrir les principes de base", + "gettingStarted.beginner.walkthroughPageTitle": "Essential Features", "gettingStarted.codeFolding.description.interpolated": "Pliez ou dépliez une section de code avec la commande Toggle Fold.\r\n{0}\r\n Pliez ou dépliez de manière récursive avec la commande Toggle Fold Recursively\r\n{1}\r\n", "gettingStarted.codeFolding.title": "Utilisez le pliage de code pour réduire les blocs de code et vous concentrer sur le code qui vous intéresse.", "gettingStarted.commandPalette.description.interpolated": "Exécutez des commandes sans utiliser votre souris pour accomplir une tâche dans VS Code.\r\n{0}", @@ -13466,6 +13609,7 @@ "gettingStarted.newFile.description": "Ouvrez un nouveau fichier texte, bloc-notes ou éditeur personnalisé sans titre.", "gettingStarted.newFile.title": "Nouveau fichier...", "gettingStarted.notebook.title": "Personnalisez les blocs-notes", + "gettingStarted.notebook.walkthroughPageTitle": "Notebooks", "gettingStarted.notebookProfile.description": "Créez des blocs-notes qui vous conviennent", "gettingStarted.notebookProfile.title": "Sélectionnez la disposition de vos blocs-notes", "gettingStarted.openFile.description": "Ouvrir un fichier et commencer à travailler", @@ -13491,10 +13635,13 @@ "gettingStarted.setup.OpenFolderWeb.description.interpolated": "Vous êtes prêt à commencer le codage. Vous pouvez ouvrir un projet local ou un dépôt distant pour obtenir vos fichiers dans VS Code.\r\n{0}\r\n{1}", "gettingStarted.setup.description": "Personnalisez votre éditeur, apprenez les bases et commencez à coder", "gettingStarted.setup.title": "Prise en main de VS Code", + "gettingStarted.setup.walkthroughPageTitle": "Setup VS Code", "gettingStarted.setupAccessibility.description": "Découvrez les outils et les raccourcis qui rendent VS Code accessibles. Notez que certaines actions ne sont pas actionnables à partir du contexte de la procédure pas à pas.", "gettingStarted.setupAccessibility.title": "Démarrer avec fonctionnalités d’accessibilité", + "gettingStarted.setupAccessibility.walkthroughPageTitle": "Setup VS Code Accessibility", "gettingStarted.setupWeb.description": "Personnalisez votre éditeur, apprenez les bases et commencez à coder", "gettingStarted.setupWeb.title": "Démarrer avec VS Code pour le web", + "gettingStarted.setupWeb.walkthroughPageTitle": "Setup VS Code Web", "gettingStarted.shortcuts.description.interpolated": "Une fois que vous avez découvert vos commandes favorites, créez des raccourcis clavier personnalisés pour un accès instantané.\r\n{0}", "gettingStarted.shortcuts.title": "Personnalisez vos raccourcis", "gettingStarted.tasks.description.interpolated": "Créez des tâches pour vos flux de travail courants et bénéficiez de l’expertise intégrée d’exécution de scripts et de vérification automatique des résultats.\r\n{0}", @@ -13768,7 +13915,6 @@ "editorLineNumberContext": "Menu contextuel du numéro de ligne de l’éditeur faisant l’objet d’une contribution", "file.newFile": "Le « nouveau fichier... » sélection rapide, présentée sur la page d’accueil et le menu fichier.", "inlineCompletions.actions": "Actions affichées lors du survol de la souris sur un complètement en ligne", - "inlineEdit.actions": "Actions affichées lors du survol de la souris sur une modification intraligne", "interactive.cell.title": "Menu du titre de cellule interactif ajouté", "interactive.toolbar": "Menu de barre d’outils de cellule interactif ajouté", "issue.reporter": "Menu du rapport de problèmes faisant l’objet d’une contribution", @@ -14310,7 +14456,12 @@ "startBisect": "Démarrer l'extension Bisect" }, "vs/workbench/services/files/electron-sandbox/diskFileSystemProvider": { - "fileWatcher": "Observateur de fichiers" + "fileWatcher": "File Watcher" + }, + "vs/workbench/services/files/electron-sandbox/elevatedFileService": { + "fileNotTrusted": "Workspace is not trusted.", + "fileNotTrustedMessagePosix": "You are about to save '{0}' as super user.", + "fileNotTrustedMessageWindows": "You are about to save '{0}' as admin." }, "vs/workbench/services/filesConfiguration/common/filesConfigurationService": { "configuredReadonly": "L’éditeur est en lecture seule, car le fichier a été défini en lecture seule via les paramètres. [Cliquez ici](command:{0}) à configurer ou [activer/désactiver pour cette session](command:{1}).", @@ -14602,6 +14753,10 @@ "vs/workbench/services/textfile/common/textFileEditorModelManager": { "genericSaveError": "Échec de l'enregistrement de '{0}' : {1}" }, + "vs/workbench/services/textfile/common/textFileSaveParticipant": { + "saveParticipants1": "Running Code Actions and Formatters...", + "skip": "Skip" + }, "vs/workbench/services/textfile/electron-sandbox/nativeTextFileService": { "join.textFiles": "Enregistrement des fichiers texte" }, @@ -14713,7 +14868,7 @@ "schema.folderNamesExpanded": "Associe des noms de dossiers à des icônes pour les dossiers développés. La clé d'objet est le nom de dossier, sans les segments de chemin. Aucun modèle ou caractère générique n'est autorisé. La correspondance de nom de dossier ne respecte pas la casse.", "schema.font-format": "Format de la police.", "schema.font-path": "Chemin de police, relatif au fichier de thème d'icônes de fichier actuel.", - "schema.font-size": "Taille par défaut de la police. Consultez https://developer.mozilla.org/fr-FR/docs/Web/CSS/font-size pour connaître les valeurs valides.", + "schema.font-size": "The default size of the font. We strongly recommend using a percentage value, for example: 125%.", "schema.font-style": "Style de la police. Consultez https://developer.mozilla.org/fr-FR/docs/Web/CSS/font-style pour connaître les valeurs valides.", "schema.font-weight": "Épaisseur de la police. Consultez https://developer.mozilla.org/fr-FR/docs/Web/CSS/font-weight pour connaître les valeurs valides.", "schema.fontCharacter": "Quand une police de type glyphe est employée : caractère de police à utiliser.", @@ -15042,6 +15197,10 @@ "vs/workbench/services/workingCopy/common/storedFileWorkingCopyManager": { "join.fileWorkingCopyManager": "Enregistrement des copies de travail" }, + "vs/workbench/services/workingCopy/common/storedFileWorkingCopySaveParticipant": { + "saveParticipants1": "Running Code Actions and Formatters...", + "skip": "Skip" + }, "vs/workbench/services/workingCopy/common/workingCopyHistoryService": { "default.source": "Fichier enregistré", "join.workingCopyHistory": "Enregistrement de l’historique local", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-it/translations/extensions/vscode.git.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-it/translations/extensions/vscode.git.i18n.json index 92b177bb21..8f46dfc59c 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-it/translations/extensions/vscode.git.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-it/translations/extensions/vscode.git.i18n.json @@ -161,6 +161,7 @@ "Open": "Apri", "Open Commit": "Apri commit", "Open Comparison": "Apri confronto", + "Open File": "Open File", "Open Git Log": "Apri log GIT", "Open Merge": "Apri merge", "Open Repositories In Parent Folders": "Apri repository nelle cartelle padre", @@ -267,6 +268,7 @@ "There are {0} unsaved files.\n\nWould you like to save them before stashing?": "Sono presenti {0} file non salvati.\n\nSalvarli prima dell'accantonamento?", "There are {0} untracked files which will be DELETED FROM DISK if discarded.": "Se rimossi, {0} file di cui non viene tenuta traccia verranno ELIMINATI DAL DISCO.", "There were merge conflicts while applying the stash.": "Si sono verificati conflitti di merge durante l'applicazione dell'accantonamento.", + "There were merge conflicts while cherry picking the changes. Resolve the conflicts before committing them.": "There were merge conflicts while cherry picking the changes. Resolve the conflicts before committing them.", "This action will pull and push commits from and to \"{0}/{1}\".": "Questa azione eseguirà il pull e il push dei commit da e verso \"{0}/{1}\".", "This repository has no remotes configured to fetch from.": "Questo repository non ha remote configurati da cui eseguire un fetch.", "This will DELETE {0} untracked files!\nThis is IRREVERSIBLE!\nThese files will be FOREVER LOST.": "{0} file non verificati verranno ELIMINATI.\nQuesta operazione è IRREVERSIBILE.\nQuesti file andranno PERSI DEFINITIVAMENTE.", @@ -356,6 +358,7 @@ "command.checkoutDetached": "Esegui checkout in (modalità scollegata)...", "command.checkoutRefDetached": "Checkout (scollegato)", "command.cherryPick": "Esegui cherry-pick...", + "command.cherryPickAbort": "Abort Cherry Pick", "command.cherryPickRef": "Esegui cherry-pick", "command.clean": "Rimuovi modifiche", "command.cleanAll": "Rimuovi tutte le modifiche", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-it/translations/extensions/vscode.github-authentication.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-it/translations/extensions/vscode.github-authentication.i18n.json index 5f2fed78aa..9455f3ba74 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-it/translations/extensions/vscode.github-authentication.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-it/translations/extensions/vscode.github-authentication.i18n.json @@ -16,8 +16,6 @@ "Having trouble logging in? Would you like to try a different way? ({0})": "Si sono verificati problemi durante l'accesso? Si vuole provare in un modo diverso? ({0})", "No": "No", "Open [{0}]({0}) in a new tab and paste your one-time code: {1}/The [{0}]({0}) will be a url and the {1} will be a code, e.g. 123-456{Locked=\"[{0}]({0})\"}": "Aprire [{0}]({0}) in una nuova scheda e incollare il time code: {1}", - "Please reload the window to apply the new setting.": "Ricaricare la finestra per applicare la nuova impostazione.", - "Reload Window": "Ricarica finestra", "Sign in failed: {0}": "Accesso non riuscito: {0}", "Sign out failed: {0}": "Disconnessione non riuscita: {0}", "Signing in to {0}.../The {0} will be a url, e.g. github.com": "Accesso in corso a {0}...", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-it/translations/extensions/vscode.ipynb.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-it/translations/extensions/vscode.ipynb.i18n.json index 88246f694e..1d4e212cfd 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-it/translations/extensions/vscode.ipynb.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-it/translations/extensions/vscode.ipynb.i18n.json @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ "copyCellOutput.title": "Copia output della cella", "description": "Fornisce il supporto di base per l'apertura e la lettura dei file di notebook di Jupyter (estensione ipynb)", "displayName": "Supporto .ipynb", - "ipynb.experimental.serialization": "Funzionalità sperimentale per serializzare Jupyter Notebook in un thread di lavoro. Non supportato quando l'host dell'estensione è in esecuzione come ruolo di lavoro.", + "ipynb.experimental.serialization": "Experimental feature to serialize the Jupyter notebook in a worker thread.", "ipynb.pasteImagesAsAttachments.enabled": "Abilitare/disabilitare l'incollamento delle immagini in celle Markdown nei file del notebook ipynb. Le immagini incollate vengono inserite come allegati alla cella.", "markdownAttachmentRenderer.displayName": "Renderer di allegati cella Markdown-It ipynb", "newUntitledIpynb.shortTitle": "Jupyter Notebook", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-it/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-it/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json index 6070305567..0fad573baa 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-it/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-it/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json @@ -87,6 +87,8 @@ "Please report an issue against Yarn PnP": "Segnalare un problema con Yarn PnP", "Please update your TypeScript version": "Aggiornare la versione di TypeScript", "Project Wide IntelliSense not available": "IntelliSense a livello di progetto non è disponibile", + "Related files provider failed. Copilot requested file with unsupported language mode.": "Related files provider failed. Copilot requested file with unsupported language mode.", + "Related files provider failed. No active text editor.": "Related files provider failed. No active text editor.", "Remove Unused Imports": "Rimuovi importazioni inutilizzate", "Remove all unused code": "Rimuovi tutto il codice inutilizzato", "Report Issue": "Segnala problema", @@ -196,12 +198,14 @@ "configuration.tsserver.useSyntaxServer.auto": "Genera un server completo e un server più leggero dedicato alle operazioni di sintassi. Il server di sintassi viene usato per velocizzare le operazioni di sintassi e fornire IntelliSense durante il caricamento dei progetti.", "configuration.tsserver.useSyntaxServer.never": "Non utilizzare un server di sintassi dedicato. Utilizza un singolo server per gestire tutte le operazioni di IntelliSense.", "configuration.tsserver.useVsCodeWatcher": "Usa watcher dei file di VS Code invece di TypeScript. Richiede l'uso di TypeScript 5.4+ nell'area di lavoro.", + "configuration.tsserver.useVsCodeWatcher.deprecation": "Please use the `#typescript.tsserver.watchOptions#` setting instead.", "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions": "Configura le strategie di controllo per tenere traccia dei file e delle directory.", "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions.fallbackPolling": "Quando si usano eventi del file system, questa opzione specifica la strategia di polling da usare se il sistema esaurisce i controlli file nativi e/o non supporta controlli file nativi.", "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions.fallbackPolling.dynamicPriorityPolling ": "Usa una coda dinamica in cui i file modificati meno frequentemente verranno controllati meno spesso.", "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions.fallbackPolling.fixedPollingInterval": "Controlla ogni file più volte al secondo per verificare la presenza di modifiche a un intervallo fisso.", "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions.fallbackPolling.priorityPollingInterval": "Controlla ogni file più volte al secondo per verificare la presenza di modifiche, ma usa l'euristica per controllare alcuni tipi di file meno frequentemente di altri.", "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions.synchronousWatchDirectory": "Disabilita il controllo differito sulle directory. Il controllo differito è utile in caso di più modifiche simultanee ai file, ad esempio una modifica in node_modules in seguito all'esecuzione di npm install, ma è opportuno disabilitarlo con questo flag per alcune configurazioni meno comuni.", + "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions.vscode": "Use VS Code's file watchers instead of TypeScript's. Requires using TypeScript 5.4+ in the workspace.", "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions.watchDirectory": "Strategia di controllo di interi alberi di directory in sistemi in cui manca la funzionalità di controllo file ricorsivi.", "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions.watchDirectory.dynamicPriorityPolling": "Usa una coda dinamica in cui le directory modificate meno frequentemente verranno controllate meno spesso.", "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions.watchDirectory.fixedChunkSizePolling": "Esegue il polling delle directory in blocchi a intervalli regolari.", @@ -218,7 +222,7 @@ "configuration.tsserver.web.projectWideIntellisense.suppressSemanticErrors": "Consente di eliminare gli errori semantici sul Web anche quando IntelliSense a livello di progetto è abilitato. Questa opzione è sempre attiva quando IntelliSense a livello di progetto non è abilitato o disponibile. Vedere '#typescript.tsserver.web.projectWideIntellisense.enabled#'", "configuration.tsserver.web.typeAcquisition.enabled": "Consente di abilitare/disabilitare l'acquisizione di pacchetti sul Web. In questo modo IntelliSense viene abilitato per i pacchetti importati. Richiede '#typescript.tsserver.web.projectWideIntellisense.enabled#'. Attualmente non supportato per Safari.", "configuration.typescript": "TypeScript", - "configuration.updateImportsOnPaste": "Aggiorna automaticamente le importazioni quando si incolla il codice. Richiede TypeScript 5.6+.", + "configuration.updateImportsOnPaste": "Automatically update imports when pasting code. Requires TypeScript 5.7+.", "description": "Fornisce un supporto avanzato per JavaScript e TypeScript", "displayName": "Funzionalità dei linguaggi TypeScript e JavaScript", "format.indentSwitchCase": "Impostare un rientro per le clausole case nelle istruzioni switch. Richiede l'uso di TypeScript 5.1+ nell'area di lavoro.", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-it/translations/main.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-it/translations/main.i18n.json index d2103d6995..4839c2d407 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-it/translations/main.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-it/translations/main.i18n.json @@ -548,12 +548,7 @@ "inlayHints.padding": "Abilita il riempimento attorno ai suggerimenti incorporati nell'editor.", "inline": "I suggerimenti rapidi vengono visualizzati come testo fantasma", "inlineCompletionsAccessibilityVerbose": "Controlla se l'hint di accessibilità deve essere fornito agli utenti dell'utilità per la lettura dello schermo quando viene visualizzato un completamento inline.", - "inlineEdit.enabled": "Controlla se visualizzare le modifiche inline nell'Editor.", - "inlineEdit.fontFamily": "Controlla la famiglia di caratteri della modifica inline.", - "inlineEdit.showToolbar": "Controlla quando mostrare la barra di modifica inline.", - "inlineEdit.showToolbar.always": "Mostra la barra degli strumenti di modifica inline ogni volta che viene visualizzato un suggerimento inline.", - "inlineEdit.showToolbar.never": "Non mostrare mai la barra di modifica inline.", - "inlineEdit.showToolbar.onHover": "Mostra la barra degli strumenti di modifica inline quando si passa il mouse su un suggerimento inline.", + "inlineSuggest.edits.experimental.enabled": "Controls whether to enable experimental edits in inline suggestions.", "inlineSuggest.enabled": "Controlla se visualizzare automaticamente i suggerimenti inline nell'Editor.", "inlineSuggest.fontFamily": "Controlla la famiglia di caratteri dei suggerimenti inline.", "inlineSuggest.showToolbar": "Controlla quando mostrare la barra dei suggerimenti in linea.", @@ -602,6 +597,7 @@ "occurrencesHighlight.multiFile": "Sperimentale: evidenzia le occorrenze in tutti i file aperti validi.", "occurrencesHighlight.off": "Non evidenzia le occorrenze.", "occurrencesHighlight.singleFile": "Evidenzia le occorrenze solo nel file corrente.", + "occurrencesHighlightDelay": "Controls the delay in milliseconds after which occurrences are highlighted.", "off": "I suggerimenti rapidi sono disabilitati", "on": "I suggerimenti rapidi vengono visualizzati all'interno del widget dei suggerimenti", "overviewRulerBorder": "Controlla se deve essere disegnato un bordo intorno al righello delle annotazioni.", @@ -1398,6 +1394,7 @@ "action.inlineSuggest.acceptNextLine": "Accetta la riga successiva del suggerimento in linea", "action.inlineSuggest.acceptNextWord": "Accettare suggerimento inline per la parola successiva", "action.inlineSuggest.alwaysShowToolbar": "Mostra sempre la barra degli strumenti", + "action.inlineSuggest.dev.extractRepro": "Developer: Extract Inline Suggest State", "action.inlineSuggest.hide": "Nascondi suggerimento inline", "action.inlineSuggest.jump": "Passa alla modifica inline successiva", "action.inlineSuggest.showNext": "Mostrare suggerimento inline successivo", @@ -1429,9 +1426,6 @@ "parameterHintsPreviousIcon": "Icona per visualizzare il suggerimento del parametro precedente.", "previous": "Indietro" }, - "vs/editor/contrib/inlineEdit/browser/hoverParticipant": { - "hoverAccessibilityInlineEdits": "Qui sono disponibili modifiche inline." - }, "vs/editor/contrib/inPlaceReplace/browser/inPlaceReplace": { "InPlaceReplaceAction.next.label": "Sostituisci con il valore successivo", "InPlaceReplaceAction.previous.label": "Sostituisci con il valore precedente" @@ -2529,6 +2523,7 @@ "diffEditorRemovedLines": "Colore di sfondo per le righe che sono state rimosse. Il colore non deve essere opaco per evitare di nascondere le decorazioni sottostanti.", "diffEditorRemovedOutline": "Colore del contorno del testo che è stato rimosso.", "editorBackground": "Colore di sfondo dell'editor.", + "editorCompositionBorder": "The border color for an IME composition.", "editorError.background": "Colore di sfondo del testo dell'errore nell'editor. Il colore non deve essere opaco per evitare di nascondere le decorazioni sottostanti.", "editorError.foreground": "Colore primo piano degli indicatori di errore nell'editor.", "editorFindMatch": "Colore della corrispondenza di ricerca corrente.", @@ -3932,6 +3927,8 @@ "editorCommand.activeEditorMove.arg.description": "Proprietà degli argomenti:\r\n\t* 'to': valore stringa che specifica dove eseguire lo spostamento.\r\n\t* 'by': valore stringa che specifica l'unità per lo spostamento, ovvero per scheda o per gruppo.\r\n\t* 'value': valore numerico che specifica il numero di posizioni o una posizione assoluta per lo spostamento.", "editorCommand.activeEditorMove.arg.name": "Argomento per spostamento editor attivo", "editorCommand.activeEditorMove.description": "Consente di spostare l'editor attivo per schede o gruppi", + "editorGroupLayout.horizontal": "Horizontal", + "editorGroupLayout.vertical": "Vertical", "focusLeftSideEditor": "Sposta lo stato attivo sul primo lato nell'editor attivo", "focusOtherSideEditor": "Sposta lo stato attivo sull'altro lato nell'editor attivo", "focusRightSideEditor": "Sposta lo stato attivo sul secondo lato nell'editor attivo", @@ -4230,7 +4227,9 @@ "vs/workbench/browser/parts/panel/panelPart": { "align panel": "Allinea pannello", "hidePanel": "Nascondi pannello", - "panel position": "Posizione pannello" + "panel position": "Posizione pannello", + "showIcons": "Show Icons", + "showLabels": "Show Labels" }, "vs/workbench/browser/parts/sidebar/sidebarActions": { "focusSideBar": "Focus su barra laterale primaria" @@ -4355,9 +4354,6 @@ "shutdownErrorDetail": "Il workbench è stato eliminato in modo imprevisto durante l'esecuzione.", "unableToOpenExternal": "Il browser ha interrotto l'apertura di una nuova scheda o finestra. Premere \"Apri\" per aprirla comunque." }, - "vs/workbench/browser/workbench": { - "loaderErrorNative": "Non è stato possibile caricare un file obbligatorio. Riavviare l'applicazione e riprovare. Dettagli: {0}" - }, "vs/workbench/browser/workbench.contribution": { "activeEditorLong": "`${activeEditorLong}`: percorso completo del file (ad esempio /Utenti/Sviluppo/Cartella/CartellaFile/File.txt).", "activeEditorMedium": "`${activeEditorMedium}`: percorso del file relativo alla cartella dell'area di lavoro (ad esempio Cartella/CartellaFile/File.txt).", @@ -4428,7 +4424,7 @@ "openFoldersInNewWindow": "Controlla se le cartelle devono essere aperte in una nuova finestra o sostituire l'ultima finestra attiva.\r\nTenere presente che in alcuni casi questa impostazione viene ignorata, ad esempio quando si usa l'opzione della riga di comando `--new-window` o `--reuse-window`.", "panelDefaultLocation": "Controlla la posizione predefinita del pannello (terminale, console di debug, output, problemi) in una nuova area di lavoro. Può essere visualizzato in basso, in alto, a destra o a sinistra dell'area dell'editor.", "panelOpensMaximized": "Controlla se il pannello viene aperto a schermo intero. Può essere sempre aperto a schermo intero, mai aperto a schermo intero oppure aperto nell'ultimo stato in cui si trovava prima di essere chiuso.", - "panelShowLabel": "Controlla se gli elementi attività nel titolo del pannello vengono visualizzati come etichetta o icona.", + "panelShowLabels": "Controls whether activity items in the panel title are shown as label or icon.", "perEditorGroup": "Controlla se applicare il limite massimo di editor aperti al singolo gruppo di editor o a tutti i gruppi di editor.", "pinnedTabSizing": "Controlla le dimensioni delle schede bloccate. Le schede bloccate sono visualizzate all'inizio di tutte le schede aperte e in genere non vengono chiuse finché non vengono rimosse. Questo valore viene ignorato quando {0} non è impostato su {1}.", "preserveInput": "Controlla se l'ultimo input digitato nel riquadro comandi deve essere ripristinato alla successiva riapertura del riquadro.", @@ -4844,6 +4840,7 @@ "configureRuntimeArguments": "Configura argomenti del runtime", "openUserDataFolder": "Apri cartella dati utente", "reloadWindowWithExtensionsDisabled": "Ricarica con le estensioni disabilitate", + "showGPUInfo": "Show GPU Info", "toggleDevTools": "Attiva/Disattiva strumenti di sviluppo" }, "vs/workbench/electron-sandbox/actions/installActions": { @@ -4909,7 +4906,7 @@ "touchbar.enabled": "Abilita i pulsanti della Touch Bar di macOS sulla tastiera se disponibili.", "touchbar.ignored": "Set di identificatori per le voci della Touch Bar che non dovrebbero essere visualizzati, ad esempio `workbench.action.navigateBack`.", "window.clickThroughInactive": "Se è abilitata, facendo clic su una finestra inattiva si attiverà non solo la finestra, ma anche l'elemento su cui è posizionato il puntatore del mouse se è selezionabile. Se è disabilitata, facendo clic in un punto qualsiasi in una finestra inattiva verrà attivata solo la finestra e sarà necessario fare di nuovo clic sull'elemento.", - "window.customTitleBarVisibility": "Consente di regolare quando visualizzare la barra del titolo personalizzata. La barra del titolo personalizzata può essere nascosta quando è in modalità schermo intero con `windowed`. La barra del titolo personalizzata può essere nascosta solo in modalità schermo intero senza 'mai' quando {0} è impostato su 'nativo'.", + "window.customTitleBarVisibility": "Adjust when the custom title bar should be shown. The custom title bar can be hidden when in full screen mode with `windowed`. The custom title bar can only be hidden in non full screen mode with `never` when {0} is set to `native`.", "window.customTitleBarVisibility.auto": "Modifica automaticamente la visibilità della barra del titolo personalizzata.", "window.customTitleBarVisibility.never": "Nascondere la barra del titolo personalizzata quando {0} è impostato su 'nativo'.", "window.customTitleBarVisibility.windowed": "Nascondi la barra del titolo personalizzata a schermo intero. Quando non è a schermo intero, modificare automaticamente la visibilità della barra del titolo personalizzata.", @@ -4947,7 +4944,6 @@ "downloadArmBuild": "Scarica", "keychainWriteError": "La scrittura delle informazioni di accesso al keychain non è riuscita. Errore: '{0}'.", "learnMore": "Altre informazioni", - "loaderCycle": "Nei moduli AMD è presente un ciclo di dipendenze che deve essere risolto.", "loginButton": "A&&ccedi", "macoseolmessage": "{0} su {1} presto interromperanno la ricezione degli aggiornamenti. Provare ad aggiornare la versione di macOS.", "password": "Password", @@ -5185,7 +5181,7 @@ "openDiffEditorAnnouncement": "Editor diff" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/accountEntitlements/browser/accountsEntitlements.contribution": { - "workbench.accounts.showEntitlements": "Se questa opzione è abilitata, i diritti disponibili per l'account verranno visualizzati nel menu Account." + "workbench.accounts.showEntitlements": "When enabled, available entitlements for the account will be shown in the accounts menu." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/audioCues/browser/audioCues.contribution": { "audioCues.chatRequestSent": "Riproduce un suono quando viene effettuata una richiesta di chat.", @@ -5239,7 +5235,8 @@ "pickAProviderTitle": "Gestisci preferenze account estensione", "placeholder": "Gestisci '{0}' preferenze account...", "selectProvider": "Selezionare un provider di autenticazione per cui gestire le preferenze degli account", - "title": "'{0}' preferenze degli account per questa area di lavoro" + "title": "'{0}' preferenze degli account per questa area di lavoro", + "use new account": "Use a new account..." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/authentication/browser/actions/manageTrustedExtensionsForAccountAction": { "accountLastUsedDate": "Ultimo utilizzo di questo account: {0}", @@ -5378,8 +5375,7 @@ "workbench.action.chat.focus": "Per spostare lo stato attivo sull'elenco di richieste/risposte della chat, che può essere esplorato con FRECCIA SU e FRECCIA GIÙ, richiamare il comando Focus Chat{0}.", "workbench.action.chat.focusInput": "Per spostare lo stato attivo sulla casella di input per le richieste della chat, richiamare il comando Focus Chat Input{0}.", "workbench.action.chat.newChat": "Per creare una nuova sessione di chat, richiamare il comando Nuova chat{0}.", - "workbench.action.chat.nextCodeBlock": "Per spostare lo stato attivo sul blocco di codice successivo all'interno di una risposta, richiamare il comando Chat: Next Code Block{0}.", - "workbench.action.chat.nextFileTree": "Per spostare lo stato attivo sull'albero dei file successivo all'interno di una risposta, richiamare il comando Chat: Albero file successivo{0}." + "workbench.action.chat.nextCodeBlock": "Per spostare lo stato attivo sul blocco di codice successivo all'interno di una risposta, richiamare il comando Chat: Next Code Block{0}." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatActions": { "actions.interactiveSession.focus": "Elenco chat con stato attivo", @@ -5389,19 +5385,26 @@ "chat.history.rename": "Rinomina", "chatWith": "Chatta con estensione", "currentChatLabel": "correnti", + "installChat": "Install {0}", + "installChatGlobalAction.justification": "AI support requires this extension.", "interactiveSession.clearHistory.label": "Cancella cronologia input", "interactiveSession.focusInput.label": "Input chat con stato attivo", "interactiveSession.history.delete": "Elimina", "interactiveSession.history.editor": "Aprire nell’editor", "interactiveSession.history.pick": "Passa alla chat", "interactiveSession.open": "Apri Editor", + "learnMore": "Learn More", "more": "Altro...", "newChatTitle": "Nuovo titolo della chat", "openChat": "Apri chat", - "title4": "Chat" + "title4": "Chat", + "toggle.chatControl": "Chat Controls", + "toggle.chatControlsDescription": "Toggle visibility of the Chat Controls in title bar" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatClearActions": { - "chat.newChat.label": "Nuova chat" + "chat.newChat.label": "Nuova chat", + "chat.newEdits.label": "New Edit Session", + "chat.openEdits.label": "Open Edit Session" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatCodeblockActions": { "chat.applyAll.label": "Applica tutte le modifiche", @@ -5417,8 +5420,12 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatContextActions": { "chatContext.attach.placeholder": "Cerca allegati", + "chatContext.attachScreenshot.labelElectron.Window": "Screenshot Window", + "chatContext.attachScreenshot.labelWeb": "Screenshot", + "chatContext.editors": "Open Editors", "chatContext.notebook.kernelVariable": "Variabile kernel...", "chatContext.notebook.selectkernelVariable": "Seleziona e inserisci variabile kernel", + "chatContext.searchResults": "Search Results", "chatContext.symbol": "Simbolo...", "imageFromClipboard": "Immagine dagli Appunti", "pastedImage": "Immagine incollata", @@ -5437,8 +5444,13 @@ "actions.chat.submitSecondaryAgent": "Invia all'agente secondario", "chat.newChat.label": "Invia a nuova chat", "chat.pickModel.label": "Seleziona modello", + "chat.sendToChatEditing.label": "Send to Copilot Edits", + "chat.startEditing.confirmation.message": "Starting a new editing session will end your current editing session and discard edits to {0} files. Do you wish to proceed?", + "chat.startEditing.confirmation.primaryButton": "Yes", + "chat.startEditing.confirmation.title": "Start new editing session?", "interactive.cancel.label": "Annulla", - "interactive.submit.label": "Invia" + "interactive.submit.label": "Send and Dispatch", + "interactive.submitWithoutDispatch.label": "Send" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatFileTreeActions": { "interactive.nextFileTree.label": "Albero file successivo", @@ -5466,7 +5478,19 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatTitleActions": { "chat.remove.label": "Rimuovere richiesta e risposta", + "chat.retry.confirmation.checkbox": "Don't ask again", + "chat.retry.confirmation.message2": "This will undo edits made to {0} since this request.", + "chat.retry.confirmation.primaryButton": "Yes", "chat.retry.label": "Riprova", + "chat.retryLast.confirmation.message2": "This will undo edits made to {0} files in your working set since this request. Do you want to proceed?", + "chat.retryLast.confirmation.title2": "Do you want to retry your last request?", + "chat.startEditing.confirmation.acceptEdits": "Accept & Continue", + "chat.startEditing.confirmation.discardEdits": "Discard & Continue", + "chat.startEditing.confirmation.message": "Starting a new editing session will end your current editing session and discard edits to {0} files. Do you wish to proceed?", + "chat.startEditing.confirmation.pending.message": "Starting a new editing session will end your current session. Do you want to discard pending edits to {0} files?", + "chat.startEditing.confirmation.primaryButton": "Yes", + "chat.startEditing.confirmation.title": "Start new editing session?", + "chat.startEditing.label2": "Edit with Copilot", "interactive.helpful.label": "Utile", "interactive.insertIntoNotebook.label": "Inserisci nel blocco appunti", "interactive.reportIssueForBug.label": "Segnala problema", @@ -5483,17 +5507,25 @@ "insertCodeBlock.readonlyNotebook": "Non è possibile inserire il blocco di codice nell'editor di notebook di sola lettura.", "overlap": "È in corso l'anteprima di un'altra modifica del codice. Applicare o rimuovere prima le modifiche in sospeso." }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/attachments/implicitContextAttachment": { + "chat.fileAttachment": "Attached file, {0}", + "chat.fileAttachmentWithRange": "Attached file, {0}, line {1} to line {2}", + "disable": "Disable current file context", + "enable": "Enable current file context", + "enableHint": "disabled", + "openEditor": "Current file context" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chat": { "generating": "Generazione in corso" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chat.contribution": { "chat": "Chat", "chat.commandCenter.enabled": "Controlla se il centro comandi mostra un menu per le azioni chat (richiede {0}).", + "chat.editing.alwaysSaveWithGeneratedChanges": "Whether to always ask before saving files with changes made by chat.", + "chat.editing.confirmEditRequestRemoval": "Whether to show a confirmation before removing a request and its associated edits.", + "chat.editing.confirmEditRequestRetry": "Whether to show a confirmation before retrying a request and its associated edits.", + "chat.editing.enableRestoreFile": "Whether to show a toggle to restore an earlier version of a file that was edited in a chat editing session request.", "chat.experimental.detectParticipant.enabled": "Abilita il rilevamento automatico dei partecipanti alla chat per la chat del pannello.", - "chat.experimental.implicitContext": "Controlla se viene visualizzata una casella di controllo per consentire all'utente di stabilire il contesto implicito incluso nella richiesta di un partecipante alla chat.", - "chat.experimental.variables.editor": "Abilita le variabili per la chat dell'editor.", - "chat.experimental.variables.notebook": "Abilita le variabili per la chat del notebook.", - "chat.experimental.variables.terminal": "Abilita le variabili per la chat del terminale.", "clear": "Avvia una nuova chat", "file": "Scegli un file nell'area di lavoro", "interactiveSession.editor.fontFamily": "Controlla la famiglia di caratteri nei blocchi di codice della chat.", @@ -5539,8 +5571,9 @@ "dismiss": "Ignora" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatContentParts/chatReferencesContentPart": { + "addToChat": "Add File to Chat", + "chat.openEditor": "Open Editor", "chatCollapsibleList": "Elenco chat comprimibile", - "copyReference": "Copia", "setting.hover": "Apri impostazione \"{0}\"", "usedReferencesCollapsed": "{0}, compresso", "usedReferencesExpanded": "{0}, espansa", @@ -5563,52 +5596,109 @@ "file": "File", "image": "Immagine" }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditingActions": { + "accept.allFiles": "Accept All", + "accept.file": "Accept", + "chat.openWorkingSetHistory.label": "Open File Checkpoint", + "chat.remove.confirmation.checkbox": "Don't ask again", + "chat.remove.confirmation.message2": "This will remove all subsequent requests and undo edits made to {0}. Do you want to proceed?", + "chat.remove.confirmation.multipleEdits.message": "This will remove all subsequent requests and undo edits made to {0} files in your working set. Do you want to proceed?", + "chat.remove.confirmation.primaryButton": "Yes", + "chat.remove.confirmation.title": "Do you want to undo {0} edits?", + "chat.removeLast.confirmation.message2": "This will remove your last request and undo the edits made to {0}. Do you want to proceed?", + "chat.removeLast.confirmation.multipleEdits.message": "This will remove your last request and undo edits made to {0} files in your working set. Do you want to proceed?", + "chat.removeLast.confirmation.title": "Do you want to undo your last edit?", + "chat.restoreFile.label": "Restore Previous File State", + "chat.restoreFile.shortTitle": "Restore Previous File State", + "chat.restoreFile.title": "Using Previous File State", + "chat.restoreFile.tooltip": "Toggle to use the previous state of an edited file in your next request", + "chat.undoEdits.label": "Undo Edits", + "chatEditing.checkpoint": "{0} (Checkpoint {1})", + "chatEditing.openDiffs": "Open Diffs", + "discard.allFiles": "Discard All", + "discard.file": "Discard", + "open.fileInDiff": "Open Changes in Diff Editor", + "removeFileFromWorkingSet": "Remove File", + "workbench.action.chat.addFilesToWorkingSet.label": "Add Files to Working Set" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditingService": { - "accept.allFiles": "Accetta tutto", - "accept.file": "Accetta", - "chatEditing.openDiffs": "Aprire diff", - "chatEditing.startSession": "Avvia sessione di modifica", + "chat": "Chat Editing", + "chatEditing.fileSave": "{0} wants to create a file. Choose where it should be saved.", "chatEditing.startingSession": "Generazione delle modifiche in corso...", - "chatEditing.stopSession": "Interrompi sessione di modifica", - "discard.allFiles": "Rimuovi tutto", - "discard.file": "Rimuovi", - "multiDiffEditorInput.name": "Modifiche suggerite", - "open.file": "Apri file" + "chatEditing1": "Chat Edit: '{0}'", + "chatEditing2": "Chat Edit", + "multiDiffEditorInput.name": "Modifiche suggerite" + }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditorActions": { + "accept": "Accept Chat Edit", + "next": "Go to Next Chat Edit", + "prev": "Go to Previous Chat Edit", + "reject": "Reject Chat Edit" + }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditorController": { + "chat.hasEditorModifications": "The current editor contains chat modifications" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditorInput": { "chatEditorLabelIcon": "Icona dell'etichetta dell'editor di chat.", "chatEditorName": "Chat" }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditorSaving": { + "chat": "chat", + "config": "Always save with AI-generated changes without asking", + "detail2": "AI-generated changes may be incorrect and should be reviewed before saving.", + "discard": "Cancel", + "message.1": "Do you want to save the changes {0} made in {1}?", + "message.2": "Do you want to save the changes {0} made to {1} files?", + "message.batched.multiFile.1": "Do you want to save the changes {0} made in {1} files?", + "message.batched.multiFile.2": "Do you want to save the changes chat made in {0} files?", + "message.batched.oneFile.1": "Do you want to save the changes {0} made in {1}?", + "message.batched.oneFile.2": "Do you want to save the changes chat made in {0}?", + "message.batched.oneFile.3": "Do you want to save the changes {0} made in 1 file?", + "message.batched.oneFile.4": "Do you want to save the changes chat made in 1 file?", + "save": "Save", + "save all": "Save All", + "save.allFiles": "Save All" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatFollowups": { "followUpAriaLabel": "Domanda di completamento: {0}" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatGettingStarted": { "chat.openPanel": "Apri pannello chat", - "workbench.panel.chat.view.showGettingStarted": "Se questa opzione è abilitata, mostra esperimenti introduttivi nel pannello della chat." + "workbench.panel.chat.view.showGettingStarted": "When enabled, shows a getting started experiment in the chat panel." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatImagePaste": { "pastedImage": "Immagine incollata" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatInlineAnchorWidget": { "actions.attach.label": "Aggiungi file alla chat", + "actions.copy.label": "Copy", "actions.goToDecl.label": "Vai alla definizione", + "actions.openToSide.label": "Open to the Side", + "goToImplementations.label": "Go to Implementations", "goToReferences.label": "Vai a Riferimenti", + "goToTypeDefinitions.label": "Go to Type Definitions", "miGotoDefinition": "Vai alla &&definizione", - "miGotoReference": "Vai a &&riferimenti" + "miGotoImplementations": "Go to &&Implementations", + "miGotoReference": "Vai a &&riferimenti", + "miGotoTypeDefinition": "Go to &&Type Definitions", + "resource": "The full value of the chat anchor resource, including scheme and path" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatInputPart": { "actions.chat.accessibiltyHelp": "Input chat, Digitare per porre domande o digitare/per gli argomenti, premere invio per inviare la richiesta. Usare {0} per la Guida sull'accessibilità della chat.", "chat.attachment": "Contesto allegato, {0}", + "chat.attachment.clearButton": "Remove from context", "chat.fileAttachment": "File allegato, {0}", "chat.fileAttachmentWithRange": "File allegato, {0}, da riga {1} a riga {2}", "chat.imageAttachment": "Immagine collegata, {0}", "chat.submitToSecondaryAgent": "Invia a @{0}", - "chatEditingSessionOverview": "{0} file cambiati", - "chatEditingSessionOverview.oneFileChanged": "1 file cambiato", + "chatAddFiles": "{0} Add Files...", + "chatAttachFiles": "Search for files to add to your working set", + "chatEditingSession.manyFiles": "({0} files)", + "chatEditingSession.oneFile": "(1 file)", + "chatEditingSession.workingSet": "Working Set", "chatInput": "Input chat", "chatInput.accessibilityHelpNoKb": "Input chat, digita qui il codice e premi INVIO per l’esecuzione. Per altre informazioni, usa il comando Guida sull'accessibilità della chat.", - "notebook.moreExecuteActionsLabel": "Altro...", - "remove": "Rimuovi" + "notebook.moreExecuteActionsLabel": "Altro..." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatListRenderer": { "chatConfirmationAction": "\"{0}\" selezionato", @@ -5636,6 +5726,7 @@ "chatCommandSticky": "Indica se richiamando il comando la chat viene attivata in modalità persistente, in cui il comando viene aggiunto automaticamente all'input della chat per il messaggio successivo.", "chatCommandWhen": "Una condizione che deve essere True per abilitare questo comando.", "chatCommandsDescription": "Comandi disponibili per questo partecipante alla chat, che l'utente può richiamare con '/'.", + "chatEditing.viewContainer.label": "Copilot Edits", "chatFailErrorMessage": "Non è stato possibile caricare la chat perché la versione installata dell'estensione {0} non è compatibile con questa versione di {1}. Assicurarsi che l'estensione Chat di GitHub Copilot sia aggiornata.", "chatParticipantDescription": "Una descrizione di questo partecipante alla chat, visualizzata nell'interfaccia utente.", "chatParticipantDisambiguation": "Metadati che consentono di instradare automaticamente le domande dell’utente a questo partecipante della chat.", @@ -5645,14 +5736,18 @@ "chatParticipantFullName": "Nome completo di questo partecipante alla chat, che viene visualizzato come etichetta per le risposte provenienti da questo partecipante. Se non viene specificato, viene usato {0}.", "chatParticipantId": "Un ID univoco per questo partecipante alla chat.", "chatParticipantName": "Nome rivolto all'utente per questo partecipante alla chat. L'utente userà '@' con questo nome per richiamare il partecipante. Il nome non deve contenere spazi vuoti.", - "chatParticipantSupportsToolReferences": "Indica se questo partecipante supporta {0}.", "chatParticipantWhen": "Una condizione che deve essere True per abilitare questo partecipante.", "chatSampleRequest": "Quando l'utente fa clic su questo partecipante in '/help', il testo viene inviato al partecipante.", "showExtension": "Mostrare estensione", "vscode.extension.contributes.chatParticipant": "Fornisce un partecipante alla chat" }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatPasteProviders": { + "pastedImageName": "Pasted Image" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatWidget": { - "chatWidget.tips": "{0} per collegare il contesto\r\n\r\n{1} per chattare con le estensioni" + "chatWidget.tips": "{0} or type {1} to attach context\r\n\r\n{2} to chat with extensions\r\n\r\nType {3} to use commands", + "chatWidget.tips.withoutParticipants": "{0} or type {1} to attach context", + "scrollDownButtonLabel": "Scroll down" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/codeBlockPart": { "chat.codeBlock.toolbar": "Barra degli strumenti blocco di codice", @@ -5675,14 +5770,29 @@ "allFilesDescription": "Cerca file pertinenti nell'area di lavoro e usali per fornire contesto" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/contrib/chatInputCompletions": { + "installLabel": "Install Chat Extensions...", "pickFileLabel": "Selezionare un file" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/contrib/chatInputEditorHover": { "hoverAccessibilityChatAgent": "Qui è presente una parte con passaggio del mouse dell'agente di chat." }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/contrib/screenshot": { + "screenshot": "Screenshot" + }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/languageModelToolsService": { + "toolInvocationMessage": "Using {0}" + }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/viewsWelcome/chatViewsWelcomeContributions": { + "chatViewsWelcome.content": "The content of the welcome message. The first command link will be rendered as a button.", + "chatViewsWelcome.icon": "The icon for the welcome message.", + "chatViewsWelcome.title": "The title of the welcome message.", + "chatViewsWelcome.when": "Condition when the welcome message is shown.", + "vscode.extension.contributes.chatViewsWelcome": "Contributes a welcome message to a chat view" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/chatColors": { "chat.avatarBackground": "Colore di sfondo di una avatar di chat.", "chat.avatarForeground": "Colore primo piano di un comando avatar.", + "chat.editedFileForeground": "The foreground color of a chat edited file in the edited file list.", "chat.requestBackground": "Colore di sfondo di una richiesta di chat.", "chat.requestBorder": "Colore del bordo di una richiesta di chat.", "chat.slashCommandBackground": "Colore di sfondo di un comando slash della chat.", @@ -5690,13 +5800,15 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/chatContextKeys": { "chatEditApplied": "True quando le modifiche sono state applicate al testo della chat.", + "chatEditingParticipantRegistered": "True when a default chat participant is registered for editing.", "chatExtensionInvalid": "True quando l’estensione della chat installata non è valida e deve essere aggiornata.", + "chatHasFileAttachments": "True when the chat has file attachments.", + "chatInstallEntitled": "True when the user is entitled for chat installation.", "chatIsEnabled": "True quando la chat è abilitata perché un partecipante della chat predefinito viene attivato con un’implementazione.", "chatItemId": "L’ID dell'elemento della chat.", "chatLastItemId": "ID dell'ultimo elemento della chat.", "chatModelsAreUserSelectable": "True quando l'utente può selezionare manualmente il modello di chat.", "chatParticipantRegistered": "True quando un partecipante della chat predefinito viene registrato per il gruppo.", - "chatParticipantSupportsModelPicker": "True quando il partecipante alla chat corrente supporta la selezione manuale del modello.", "chatRequest": "L'elemento della chat è una richiesta", "chatResponse": "L'elemento della chat è una risposta.", "chatResponseErrored": "True quando la risposta della chat ha restituito un errore.", @@ -5711,6 +5823,9 @@ "interactiveSessionRequestInProgress": "True quando la richiesta corrente è ancora in corso.", "interactiveSessionResponseVote": "Quando la risposta è stata approvata, è impostata su 'up'. Quando viene espresso un voto contrario, è impostato su 'down'. In caso contrario, è una stringa vuota." }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/chatEditingService": { + "chatEditingWidgetFileState": "The current state of the file in the chat editing widget" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/chatModel": { "codeCitation": "Codice simile trovato con 1 tipo di licenza", "codeCitations": "Codice simile trovato con i tipi di licenza {0}", @@ -5732,26 +5847,20 @@ "Language Models": "Modelli linguistici", "languageModels": "Statistiche di utilizzo dei modelli linguistici di questa estensione." }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/languageModelToolsService": { - "toolConfirmMessage": "{0} userà {1}.", - "toolConfirmTitle": "Usare {0}?", - "toolInvocationMessage": "Uso di {0}" - }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/tools/languageModelToolsContribution": { - "canBeInvokedManually": "Indica se questo strumento può essere richiamato manualmente dall'utente tramite l'esperienza utente della chat.", + "canBeReferencedInPrompt": "If true, this tool shows up as an attachment that the user can add manually to their request. Chat participants will receive the tool in {0}.", "condition": "Condizione che deve essere true perché questo strumento sia abilitato. Si noti che uno strumento può essere ancora richiamato da un'altra estensione anche quando la relativa condizione 'when' è false.", - "contentTypes": "L’elenco dei tipi di contenuto che questo strumento può restituire. È necessario che gli strumenti supportino `text/plain` e questo viene presupposto anche se non specificato qui. Un altro esempio può essere il contentType esportato dalla libreria `@vscode/prompt-tsx`.", - "icon": "Icona che rappresenta questo strumento. Un percorso di file, un oggetto con percorsi di file per i temi scuri e chiari o un riferimento all'icona del tema, ad esempio \"\\$(zap)\"", + "icon": "An icon that represents this tool. Either a file path, an object with file paths for dark and light themes, or a theme icon reference, like `$(zap)`", "icon.dark": "Percorso dell'icona quando viene usato un tema scuro", "icon.light": "Percorso dell'icona quando viene usato un tema chiaro", - "parametersSchema": "Schema JSON per i parametri accettati da questo strumento.", - "requiresConfirmation": "Indica se questo strumento richiede la conferma dell'utente prima di essere eseguito.", + "parametersSchema": "A JSON schema for the parameters this tool accepts. The parameters must be an object at the top level. A particular language model may not support all JSON schema features. See the documentation for the language model family you are using for more information.", "toolDisplayName": "Nome leggibile per questo strumento che può essere usato per descriverlo nell'interfaccia utente.", - "toolId": "A unique id for this tool.", - "toolModelDescription": "Descrizione di questo strumento che può essere passata a un modello linguistico.", - "toolName": "Se {0} è abilitato per questo strumento, l'utente può usare '#' con questo nome per richiamare lo strumento in una query. In caso contrario, il nome non è obbligatorio. Il nome non deve contenere spazi vuoti.", + "toolModelDescription": "A description of this tool that may be used by a language model to select it.", + "toolName": "A unique name for this tool. This name must be a globally unique identifier, and is also used as a name when presenting this tool to a language model.", + "toolName2": "If {0} is enabled for this tool, the user may use '#' with this name to invoke the tool in a query. Otherwise, the name is not required. Name must not contain whitespace.", + "toolTags": "A set of tags that roughly describe the tool's capabilities. A tool user may use these to filter the set of tools to just ones that are relevant for the task at hand, or they may want to pick a tag that can be used to identify just the tools contributed by this extension.", "toolUserDescription": "Una descrizione di questo strumento che può essere mostrata all'utente.", - "vscode.extension.contributes.tools": "Aggiunge un contributo a uno strumento che può essere richiamato da un modello linguistico." + "vscode.extension.contributes.tools": "Contributes a tool that can be invoked by a language model in a chat session, or from a standalone command. Registered tools can be used by all extensions." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/voiceChatService": { "voiceChatInProgress": "È in corso una sessione di riconoscimento vocale per la chat." @@ -5899,7 +6008,7 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/codeEditor/browser/saveParticipants": { "codeAction.apply": "Applicazione dell'azione codice '{0}'.", "codeaction": "Correzioni rapide", - "codeaction.get2": "Recupero delle azioni codice da '{0}' ([configura] ({1})).", + "codeaction.get2": "Getting code actions from {0} ([configure]({1})).", "formatting2": "Esecuzione del formattatore '{0}' ([configura]({1}))." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/codeEditor/browser/toggleColumnSelection": { @@ -6387,6 +6496,7 @@ "debug.gutterMiddleClickAction.none": "Non eseguire alcuna azione.", "debug.gutterMiddleClickAction.triggeredBreakpoint": "Aggiungi punto di interruzione attivato.", "debug.hideLauncherWhileDebugging": "Nasconde il controllo 'Avvia debug' nella barra del titolo della visualizzazione 'Esegui e debug' mentre il debug è attivo. Rilevante solo quando {0} non è ancorato.", + "debug.hideSlowPreLaunchWarning": "Hide the warning shown when a `preLaunchTask` has been running for a while.", "debug.onTaskErrors": "Controlla le operazioni da eseguire quando vengono rilevati errori dopo l'esecuzione di un'attività di preavvio.", "debug.saveBeforeStart": "Controlla gli editor da salvare prima di avviare una sessione di debug.", "debug.saveBeforeStart.allEditorsInActiveGroup": "Salva tutti gli editor presenti nel gruppo attivo prima di avviare una sessione di debug.", @@ -8323,8 +8433,12 @@ "startWithCurrentLine": "Inizia nell'editor con la riga attuale" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/inlineChat/browser/inlineChatSavingServiceImpl": { - "inlineChat": "In attesa che le modifiche della chat inline vengano accettate o rimosse...", - "inlineChat.N": "In attesa che le modifiche della chat inline negli editor di {0} vengano accettate o rimosse..." + "config": "Always save with AI-generated changes without asking", + "detail": "AI-generated changes may be incorect and should be reviewed before saving.", + "discard": "Cancel", + "message.1": "Do you want to save the changes {0} made in {1}?", + "message.2": "Do you want to save the changes inline chat made in {0}?", + "save": "Save" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/inlineChat/browser/inlineChatWidget": { "aria-label": "Input chat inline", @@ -8335,7 +8449,6 @@ "inlineChatClosed": "Widget chat inline chiuso" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/inlineChat/common/inlineChat": { - "acceptedOrDiscardBeforeSave": "Indica se le sessioni di chat in linea in sospeso impediscono il salvataggio.", "accessibleDiffView": "Indica se la chat inline esegue anche il rendering di un visualizzatore differenze accessibile per le modifiche.", "accessibleDiffView.auto": "Il visualizzatore differenze accessibile è basato sulla modalità di lettura dello schermo abilitata.", "accessibleDiffView.off": "Il visualizzatore differenze accessibile non è mai abilitato.", @@ -8875,6 +8988,10 @@ "openLogsFolder": "Apri cartella dei log" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/markdown/browser/markdownSettingRenderer": { + "alreadysetBoolFalse": "\"{0}: {1}\" is already disabled", + "alreadysetBoolTrue": "\"{0}: {1}\" is already enabled", + "alreadysetNum": "\"{0}: {1}\" is already set to {2}", + "alreadysetString": "\"{0}: {1}\" is already set to \"{2}\"", "changeSettingTitle": "Visualizza o modifica l'impostazione", "copySettingId": "Copia ID impostazione", "falseMessage": "Disabilita \"{0}: {1}\"", @@ -9499,6 +9616,9 @@ "runCell": "Esegui cella", "runCellsInSection": "Esegui celle nella sezione" }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/controller/variablesActions": { + "notebookActions.openVariablesView": "Variables" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/diff/diffComponents": { "hiddenCell": "{0} cella nascosta", "hiddenCells": "{0} celle nascoste", @@ -9924,7 +10044,7 @@ "name": "Prestazioni all'avvio" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/performance/electron-sandbox/performance.contribution": { - "experimental.rendererProfiling": "Se abilitati, i renderer lenti vengono profilati automaticamente" + "experimental.rendererProfiling": "When enabled, slow renderers are automatically profiled." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/performance/electron-sandbox/startupProfiler": { "prof.detail": "Creare un problema e allegare manualmente i file seguenti:\r\n{0}", @@ -10105,6 +10225,7 @@ "defaultOverriddenDetailsAriaLabel": "{0} sostituisce il valore predefinito", "defaultOverriddenLabel": "Valore predefinito modificato", "defaultOverriddenLanguagesList": "Esistono valori predefiniti specifici della lingua per {0}", + "experimentalLabel": "Experimental", "extensionSyncIgnoredLabel": "Non sincronizzato", "hasDefaultOverridesForLanguages": "Le lingue seguenti presentano override predefiniti:", "manageWorkspaceTrust": "Gestire attendibilità dell'area di lavoro", @@ -10117,6 +10238,7 @@ "policyDescriptionAccessible": "Gestito dai criteri dell'organizzazione. Valore dell'impostazione non applicato", "policyFilterLink": "Impostazioni di visualizzazione del criterio", "policyLabelText": "Valore dell'impostazione non applicato", + "previewLabel": "Preview", "remote": "Remoto", "syncIgnoredAriaLabel": "Impostazione ignorata durante la sincronizzazione", "syncIgnoredTitle": "Questa impostazione viene ignorata durante la sincronizzazione", @@ -10250,6 +10372,10 @@ "groupRowAriaLabel": "{0}, gruppo", "settingsTOC": "Sommario impostazioni" }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/preferences/common/preferences": { + "experimentalIndicatorDescription": "This setting controls a feature that may change or be removed in the future. Adjusting this setting may result in instability.", + "previewIndicatorDescription": "This setting controls a feature that is in active development." + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/preferences/common/preferencesContribution": { "enableNaturalLanguageSettingsSearch": "Controlla se abilitare la modalità di ricerca in linguaggio naturale per le impostazioni. La ricerca in linguaggio naturale è fornita da un servizio Microsoft online.", "settingsSearchTocBehavior": "Controlla il comportamento del sommario dell'editor impostazioni durante la ricerca. Se si modifica questa impostazione nell'editor impostazioni, l'impostazione avrà effetto dopo la modifica della query di ricerca.", @@ -11707,31 +11833,20 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminal.contribution": { "miToggleIntegratedTerminal": "&&Terminale", - "tasksQuickAccessHelp": "Mostra tutti i terminali aperti", - "tasksQuickAccessPlaceholder": "Digitare il nome di un terminale da aprire.", "terminal": "Terminale" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminalActions": { "emptyTerminalNameInfo": "Se non si specifica alcun nome, verrà ripristinato il valore predefinito", - "goToRecentDirectory.metadata": "Passa a una cartella recente", "newWithProfile.location": "Posizione in cui creare il terminale", "newWithProfile.location.editor": "Crea il terminale nell'editor", "newWithProfile.location.view": "Crea il terminale nella vista terminale", "noUnattachedTerminals": "Non ci sono terminali scollegati a cui collegarsi", - "quickAccessTerminal": "Cambia terminale attivo", "sendSequence": "Sequenza di testo da inviare al terminale", "showTerminalTabs": "Mostra schede", "terminalLaunchHelp": "Apri Guida", "workbench.action.terminal.attachToSession": "Associa a sessione", "workbench.action.terminal.clear": "Cancella", - "workbench.action.terminal.clearPreviousSessionHistory": "Cancella cronologia sessioni precedenti", "workbench.action.terminal.clearSelection": "Cancella selezione", - "workbench.action.terminal.copyAndClearSelection": "Copiare e cancellare selezione", - "workbench.action.terminal.copyLastCommand": "Copia ultimo comando", - "workbench.action.terminal.copyLastCommandAndOutput": "Copia ultimo comando e output", - "workbench.action.terminal.copyLastCommandOutput": "Copia l'output dell'ultimo comando", - "workbench.action.terminal.copySelection": "Copia selezione", - "workbench.action.terminal.copySelectionAsHtml": "Copia selezione come HTML", "workbench.action.terminal.createTerminalEditor": "Crea nuovo terminale nell'area dell'editor", "workbench.action.terminal.createTerminalEditorSide": "Crea nuovo terminale nell'area dell'editor lateralmente", "workbench.action.terminal.detachSession": "Scollega sessione", @@ -11740,7 +11855,6 @@ "workbench.action.terminal.focusNextPane": "Spostare lo stato attivo sul terminale successivo nel gruppo di terminale", "workbench.action.terminal.focusPrevious": "Sposta lo stato attivo sul gruppo di terminale precedente", "workbench.action.terminal.focusPreviousPane": "Spostare lo stato attivo sul terminale precedente nel gruppo di terminale", - "workbench.action.terminal.goToRecentDirectory": "Vai alla directory recente...", "workbench.action.terminal.join": "Unisci terminali...", "workbench.action.terminal.join.insufficientTerminals": "Terminali insufficienti per l'azione di partecipazione", "workbench.action.terminal.join.onlySplits": "Tutti i terminali sono già aggiunti", @@ -11756,8 +11870,6 @@ "workbench.action.terminal.newWorkspacePlaceholder": "Selezionare la cartella di lavoro corrente per un nuovo terminale.", "workbench.action.terminal.openSettings": "Configura impostazioni del terminale", "workbench.action.terminal.overriddenCwdDescription": "(Override eseguito) {0}", - "workbench.action.terminal.paste": "Incolla nel terminale attivo", - "workbench.action.terminal.pasteSelection": "Incolla selezione nel terminale attivo", "workbench.action.terminal.relaunch": "Riavvia terminale attivo", "workbench.action.terminal.rename.prompt": "Immettere il nome del terminale", "workbench.action.terminal.renameWithArg.name": "Nuovo nome del terminale", @@ -11768,7 +11880,6 @@ "workbench.action.terminal.resizePaneUp": "Ridimensiona terminale verso l’alto", "workbench.action.terminal.runActiveFile": "Esegui file attivo nel terminale attivo", "workbench.action.terminal.runActiveFile.noFile": "Nel terminale è possibile eseguire solo file su disco", - "workbench.action.terminal.runRecentCommand": "Esegui comando recente...", "workbench.action.terminal.runSelectedText": "Esegui testo selezionato nel terminale attivo", "workbench.action.terminal.scrollDown": "Scorri giù (riga)", "workbench.action.terminal.scrollDownPage": "Scorri giù (pagina)", @@ -11878,20 +11989,6 @@ "unsafePathWarning": "Questo profilo del terminale usa un percorso potenzialmente non sicuro che può essere modificato da un altro utente: {0}. Si vuole usarlo?", "yes": "Sì" }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminalQuickAccess": { - "renameTerminal": "Rinomina terminale", - "workbench.action.terminal.newWithProfilePlus": "Crea nuovo terminale con profilo...", - "workbench.action.terminal.newplus": "Crea nuovo terminale" - }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminalRunRecentQuickPick": { - "removeCommand": "Rimuovi dalla cronologia dei comandi", - "selectRecentCommand": "Selezionare un comando da eseguire (tenere premuto ALT per modificare il comando)", - "selectRecentCommandMac": "Selezionare un comando da eseguire (tenere premuto il tasto Opzione per modificare il comando)", - "selectRecentDirectory": "Selezionare una directory in cui andare (tenere premuto ALT per modificare il comando)", - "selectRecentDirectoryMac": "Selezionare una directory in cui andare (tenere premuto il tasto Opzione per modificare il comando)", - "shellFileHistoryCategory": "Cronologia di {0}", - "viewCommandOutput": "Visualizza output del comando" - }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminalService": { "localTerminalRemote": "⚠: questa shell è in esecuzione nel computer {0}locale{1}, non nel computer remoto connesso", "localTerminalVirtualWorkspace": "⚠: questa shell è aperta in una cartella {0}locale {1}, non nella cartella virtuale", @@ -11924,10 +12021,6 @@ "terminalConnectingLabel": "Avvio...", "terminals": "Apri i terminali." }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminalWslRecommendationContribution": { - "install": "Installa", - "useWslExtension.title": "Per aprire un terminale in WSL, è consigliata l'estensione '{0}'." - }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/xterm/decorationAddon": { "gutter": "Effetti del comando di navigazione", "no": "No", @@ -11966,13 +12059,6 @@ "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.types.icon.dark": "Percorso dell'icona quando viene usato un tema scuro", "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.types.icon.light": "Percorso dell'icona quando viene usato un tema chiaro" }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/common/terminalClipboard": { - "confirmMoveTrashMessageFilesAndDirectories": "Incollare {0} righe di testo nel terminale?", - "doNotAskAgain": "Non visualizzare più questo messaggio", - "multiLinePasteButton": "&&Incolla", - "multiLinePasteButton.oneLine": "Incolla come &&>una riga", - "preview": "Anteprima:" - }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/common/terminalColorRegistry": { "terminal.ansiColor": "'{0}' colori ANSI nel terminale. ", "terminal.background": "Il colore di sfondo del terminale, questo consente di colorare il terminale in modo diverso dal pannello.", @@ -12017,8 +12103,6 @@ "terminal.integrated.allowMnemonics": "Indica se consentire i tasti di scelta della barra dei menu, ad esempio ALT+F, per attivare l'apertura della barra dei menu. Se è impostata su true, tutte le sequenze di tasti con ALT ignoreranno la shell. Non ha alcun effetto in macOS.", "terminal.integrated.allowedLinkSchemes": "Una matrice di stringhe contenenti gli schemi URI per cui il terminale è autorizzato ad aprire collegamenti. Per impostazione predefinita, ai fini della sicurezza è consentito solo un piccolo sottoinsieme di possibili schemi.", "terminal.integrated.altClickMovesCursor": "Se è abilitata, la combinazione ALT/Opzione+clic consentirà di riposizionare il cursore del prompt sotto il mouse quando {0} è impostato su {1} (valore predefinito). Questa impostazione potrebbe non funzionare in modo affidabile a seconda della shell.", - "terminal.integrated.autoReplies": "Un insieme di messaggi a cui verrà automaticamente data risposta quando vengono rilevati nel terminale. Se il messaggio è sufficientemente specifico, ciò consente di automatizzare le risposte comuni.\r\n\r\nNote:\r\n\r\n- Usare {0} per rispondere automaticamente alla richiesta di terminazione del processo batch in Windows.\r\n- Il messaggio include sequenze di escape in modo che la risposta non venga eseguita con testo con stile.\r\n- Ogni risposta può essere eseguita una sola volta al secondo.\r\n- Usare {1} nella risposta per indicare il tasto INVIO.\r\n- Per annullare l'impostazione di una chiave predefinita, impostare il valore su Null.\r\n- Riavviare VS Code se non sono applicabili nuove impostazioni.", - "terminal.integrated.autoReplies.reply": "Risposta da inviare al processo.", "terminal.integrated.bellDuration": "Numero di millisecondi per visualizzare la campana all'interno di una scheda del terminale quando viene attivata.", "terminal.integrated.commandsToSkipShell": "Un set di ID comando i cui tasti di scelta rapida non verranno inviati alla shell, ma gestiti sempre da VS Code. In questo modo i tasti di scelta rapida che verrebbero normalmente utilizzati dalla shell si comportano come quando il terminale non si trova nello stato attivo, ad esempio con `CTRL+P` viene avviato Quick Open.\r\n\r\n \r\n\r\nMolti comandi vengono ignorati per impostazione predefinita. Per sostituire un'impostazione predefinita e passare il tasto di scelta rapida del comando alla shell, aggiungere prima del comando il prefisso `-`. Ad esempio, aggiungere `-workbench.action.quickOpen` per consentire a `CTRL+P` di usare la shell.\r\n\r\n \r\n\r\nL'elenco seguente di comandi ignorati predefiniti è troncato quando viene visualizzato in Editor impostazioni. Per visualizzare l'elenco completo, {1} e cercare il primo comando nell'elenco seguente.\r\n \r\n\r\nComandi ignorati predefiniti:\r\n\r\n\r\n{0}", "terminal.integrated.confirmOnExit": "Controlla se confermare la chiusura della finestra se sono presenti sessioni terminale attive.", @@ -12107,7 +12191,6 @@ "terminal.integrated.shellIntegration.decorationsEnabled.never": "Non mostrare effetti", "terminal.integrated.shellIntegration.decorationsEnabled.overviewRuler": "Mostra gli effetti del righello delle annotazioni a destra del terminale", "terminal.integrated.shellIntegration.enabled": "Determina se l'integrazione della shell viene inserita automaticamente per supportare le funzionalità come il rilevamento avanzato dei comandi e il rilevamento della directory di lavoro corrente. \r\n\r\nL'integrazione della shell consiste nell'inserirla con uno script di avvio. Lo script fornisce informazioni dettagliate di VS Code su ciò che accade all'interno del terminale.\r\n\r\nShell supportate:\r\n\r\n- Linux/macOS: bash, fish, pwsh, zsh\r\n - Windows: pwsh, git bash\r\n\r\nQuesta impostazione si applica solo quando vengono creati i terminali, quindi sarà necessario riavviare i terminali per renderla effettiva.\r\n\r\n Si noti che l'inserimento dello script potrebbe non funzionare se nel profilo del terminale sono definiti argomenti personalizzati, sono stati abilitati{1}, si dispone di un elemento [bash complesso 'PROMPT_COMMAND'](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/integrated-terminal#_complex-bash-promptcommand) o un'altra installazione non supportata. Per disabilitare gli effetti, vedere {0}", - "terminal.integrated.shellIntegration.history": "Controlla il numero di comandi utilizzati di recente da mantenere nella cronologia dei comandi del terminale. Impostare a 0 per disabilitare la cronologia dei comandi del terminale.", "terminal.integrated.showExitAlert": "Controlla se mostrare l'avviso \"Il processo del terminale è stato terminato. Codice di uscita\" quando il codice di uscita è diverso da zero.", "terminal.integrated.smoothScrolling": "Controlla se il terminale scorrerà usando un'animazione.", "terminal.integrated.splitCwd": "Controlla la directory di lavoro con cui avviare un terminale diviso.", @@ -12229,6 +12312,10 @@ "terminal.integrated.accessibleViewFocusOnCommandExecution": "Spostare lo stato attivo sulla visualizzazione accessibile del terminale quando viene eseguito un comando.", "terminal.integrated.accessibleViewPreserveCursorPosition": "Mantiene la posizione del cursore alla riapertura della visualizzazione accessibile del terminale anziché impostarla sulla parte inferiore del buffer." }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/autoReplies/common/terminalAutoRepliesConfiguration": { + "terminal.integrated.autoReplies": "A set of messages that, when encountered in the terminal, will be automatically responded to. Provided the message is specific enough, this can help automate away common responses.\r\n\r\nRemarks:\r\n\r\n- Use {0} to automatically respond to the terminate batch job prompt on Windows.\r\n- The message includes escape sequences so the reply might not happen with styled text.\r\n- Each reply can only happen once every second.\r\n- Use {1} in the reply to mean the enter key.\r\n- To unset a default key, set the value to null.\r\n- Restart VS Code if new don't apply.", + "terminal.integrated.autoReplies.reply": "The reply to send to the process." + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/chat/browser/terminal.initialHint.contribution": { "disableHint": " Attiva/disattiva {0} nelle impostazioni per disabilitare questo hint.", "disableInitialHint": "Disabilita suggerimento iniziale", @@ -12268,8 +12355,6 @@ "closeChat": "Chiudi chat", "discard": "Rimuovi", "discardDescription": "Rimuove la risposta della chat corrente del terminale, nasconde il widget della chat e cancella l'input della chat.", - "focusTerminalInput": "Input del terminale su stato attivo", - "focusTerminalResponse": "Sposta lo stato attivo sulla risposta del terminale", "insert": "Inserisci", "insertCommand": "Inserisci comando chat", "insertFirst": "Inserisci per primo", @@ -12291,6 +12376,23 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/chat/common/terminalInitialHintConfiguration": { "terminal.integrated.initialHint": "Controlla se il primo terminale senza input mostrerà un suggerimento sulle azioni disponibili quando è attivo." }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/clipboard/browser/terminal.clipboard.contribution": { + "workbench.action.terminal.copyAndClearSelection": "Copy and Clear Selection", + "workbench.action.terminal.copyLastCommand": "Copy Last Command", + "workbench.action.terminal.copyLastCommandAndOutput": "Copy Last Command and Output", + "workbench.action.terminal.copyLastCommandOutput": "Copy Last Command Output", + "workbench.action.terminal.copySelection": "Copy Selection", + "workbench.action.terminal.copySelectionAsHtml": "Copy Selection as HTML", + "workbench.action.terminal.paste": "Paste into Active Terminal", + "workbench.action.terminal.pasteSelection": "Paste Selection into Active Terminal" + }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/clipboard/browser/terminalClipboard": { + "confirmMoveTrashMessageFilesAndDirectories": "Are you sure you want to paste {0} lines of text into the terminal?", + "doNotAskAgain": "Do not ask me again", + "multiLinePasteButton": "&&Paste", + "multiLinePasteButton.oneLine": "Paste as &&one line", + "preview": "Preview:" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/commandGuide/browser/terminal.commandGuide.contribution": { "terminalCommandGuide.foreground": "Colore in primo piano nella guida dei comandi del terminale visualizzata a sinistra di un comando e relativo output al passaggio del puntatore del mouse." }, @@ -12330,6 +12432,24 @@ "selectAll": "Seleziona tutto", "undo": "Annulla" }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/history/browser/terminal.history.contribution": { + "goToRecentDirectory.metadata": "Goes to a recent folder", + "workbench.action.terminal.clearPreviousSessionHistory": "Clear Previous Session History", + "workbench.action.terminal.goToRecentDirectory": "Go to Recent Directory...", + "workbench.action.terminal.runRecentCommand": "Run Recent Command..." + }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/history/browser/terminalRunRecentQuickPick": { + "removeCommand": "Remove from Command History", + "selectRecentCommand": "Select a command to run (hold Alt-key to edit the command)", + "selectRecentCommandMac": "Select a command to run (hold Option-key to edit the command)", + "selectRecentDirectory": "Select a directory to go to (hold Alt-key to edit the command)", + "selectRecentDirectoryMac": "Select a directory to go to (hold Option-key to edit the command)", + "shellFileHistoryCategory": "{0} history", + "viewCommandOutput": "View Command Output" + }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/history/common/terminal.history": { + "terminal.integrated.shellIntegration.history": "Controls the number of recently used commands to keep in the terminal command history. Set to 0 to disable terminal command history." + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/links/browser/terminal.links.contribution": { "workbench.action.terminal.openDetectedLink": "Aprire collegamento rilevato", "workbench.action.terminal.openLastLocalFileLink": "Apri collegamento ultimo file locale", @@ -12361,6 +12481,16 @@ "terminal.integrated.searchLinks": "Ricerca area di lavoro", "terminal.integrated.urlLinks": "Url" }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/quickAccess/browser/terminal.quickAccess.contribution": { + "quickAccessTerminal": "Switch Active Terminal", + "tasksQuickAccessHelp": "Show All Opened Terminals", + "tasksQuickAccessPlaceholder": "Type the name of a terminal to open." + }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/quickAccess/browser/terminalQuickAccess": { + "renameTerminal": "Rename Terminal", + "workbench.action.terminal.newWithProfilePlus": "Create New Terminal With Profile...", + "workbench.action.terminal.newplus": "Create New Terminal" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/quickFix/browser/quickFixAddon": { "codeAction.widget.id.quickfix": "Correzione rapida", "quickFix.command": "Esegui: {0}", @@ -12432,6 +12562,10 @@ "terminal.integrated.localEchoLatencyThreshold": "Durata del ritardo di rete, in millisecondi, in cui l'eco delle modifiche locali verrà visualizzato nel terminale senza attendere la conferma del server. Se è '0', l'eco locale sarà sempre attivo, se è '-1' sarà disabilitato.", "terminal.integrated.localEchoStyle": "Stile terminale del testo con eco locale, ovvero uno stile di carattere o un colore RGB." }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/wslRecommendation/browser/terminal.wslRecommendation.contribution": { + "install": "Install", + "useWslExtension.title": "The '{0}' extension is recommended for opening a terminal in WSL." + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/zoom/browser/terminal.zoom.contribution": { "fontZoomIn": "Aumenta dimensione carattere", "fontZoomOut": "Riduci dimensione carattere", @@ -12688,10 +12822,12 @@ "openTestCoverage": "Visualizza copertura del test", "run test": "Esegui test", "testing.cancelRun": "Annulla esecuzione test", - "testing.debugLastRun": "Esecuzione test di debug", + "testing.debugLastRun": "Debug Last Run", + "testing.debugTest": "Debug Test", "testing.goToError": "Passa all'errore", "testing.goToTest": "Passa al test", - "testing.reRunLastRun": "Esegui di nuovo il test", + "testing.reRunLastRun": "Rerun Last Run", + "testing.reRunTest": "Rerun Test", "testing.revealInExplorer": "Visualizza in Esplora test", "testing.showResultOutput": "Mostra output risultati", "testingPeekLabel": "Messaggi dei risultati del test" @@ -13005,6 +13141,7 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/userDataProfile/browser/userDataProfile": { "New Profile Window": "Nuova finestra con profilo", + "change profile": "Switch to {0} profile", "create profile": "Nuovo profilo...", "current": "Corrente", "delete profile": "Elimina profilo...", @@ -13016,10 +13153,12 @@ "new window with profile": "Nuova finestra con profilo", "newWindowWithProfile": "Nuova finestra con profilo...", "open": "Apri profilo {0}", + "open profile": "Open New Window with {0} Profile", "open profiles": "Apri profili (interfaccia utente)", "openShort": "{0}", "pick profile": "Seleziona profilo", "pick profile to delete": "Selezionare i profili da eliminare", + "profiles": "Profile ({0})", "save profile as": "Salva profilo corrente con nome...", "selectProfile": "Selezionare profilo", "switchProfile": "Cambia profilo...", @@ -13053,6 +13192,7 @@ "default profile contents description": "Visualizzare il contenuto di questo profilo\r\n", "defaultProfileIcon": "Non è possibile modificare l'icona per il profilo predefinito", "defaultProfileName": "Non è possibile modificare il nome per il profilo predefinito", + "deleteTrustedUri": "Delete Path", "editIcon": "Icona per l'icona di modifica della cartella nell'editor dei profili.", "empty profile": "Nessuno", "enable for current window": "Usare questo profilo per la finestra corrente", @@ -13090,6 +13230,7 @@ "profileName": "Nome profilo", "profiles": "Profili", "profilesSashBorder": "Colore del bordo della barra di divisione dell'editor dei Profili.", + "removeIcon": "Icon for the remove folder icon in the profiles editor.", "settings": "Impostazioni", "snippets": "Frammenti di codice", "tasks": "Attività", @@ -13406,7 +13547,8 @@ "gettingStartedUnchecked": "Usata per rappresentare i passaggi della procedura dettagliata che non sono stati completati" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcomeGettingStarted/browser/gettingStartedInput": { - "getStarted": "Introduzione" + "getStarted": "Introduzione", + "walkthroughPageTitle": "Walkthrough: " }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcomeGettingStarted/browser/gettingStartedService": { "builtin": "Predefinito", @@ -13438,6 +13580,7 @@ "gettingStarted.accessibleView.title": "Gli utenti di utilità per la lettura dello schermo possono esaminare il contenuto riga per riga, carattere per carattere nella visualizzazione accessibile.", "gettingStarted.beginner.description": "Ottieni una panoramica delle funzionalità più essenziali", "gettingStarted.beginner.title": "Informazioni sulle nozioni fondamentali", + "gettingStarted.beginner.walkthroughPageTitle": "Essential Features", "gettingStarted.codeFolding.description.interpolated": "Ridurre o espandere una sezione di codice con il comando Attiva/Disattiva riduzione.\r\n{0}\r\n Ridurre o espandere ricorsivamente con il comando Attiva/Disattiva riduzione in modo ricorsivo\r\n{1}\r\n", "gettingStarted.codeFolding.title": "Usare il code folding per comprimere blocchi di codice e concentrarsi sul codice a cui si è interessati.", "gettingStarted.commandPalette.description.interpolated": "Consente di eseguire comandi senza raggiungere il mouse per eseguire alcuna attività in VS Code.\r\n{0}", @@ -13466,6 +13609,7 @@ "gettingStarted.newFile.description": "Aprire un nuovo file di testo senza titolo, un notebook o un editor personalizzato.", "gettingStarted.newFile.title": "Nuovo file...", "gettingStarted.notebook.title": "Personalizza notebook", + "gettingStarted.notebook.walkthroughPageTitle": "Notebooks", "gettingStarted.notebookProfile.description": "Consente di modificare il funzionamento dei notebook nel modo preferito", "gettingStarted.notebookProfile.title": "Seleziona il layout per i notebook", "gettingStarted.openFile.description": "Consente di aprire un file per iniziare a lavorare", @@ -13491,10 +13635,13 @@ "gettingStarted.setup.OpenFolderWeb.description.interpolated": "La configurazione è stata completata ed è possibile iniziare a scrivere codice. È possibile aprire un progetto locale o un repository remoto per aggiungere i file in VS Code.\r\n{0}\r\n{1}", "gettingStarted.setup.description": "Personalizza l'editor, scopri le nozioni di base e inizia a scrivere codice", "gettingStarted.setup.title": "Introduzione a VS Code", + "gettingStarted.setup.walkthroughPageTitle": "Setup VS Code", "gettingStarted.setupAccessibility.description": "Informazioni sugli strumenti e i collegamenti che rendono accessibile VS Code. Si noti che alcune azioni non sono utilizzabili nel contesto della procedura dettagliata.", "gettingStarted.setupAccessibility.title": "Introduzione alle funzionalità di accessibilità", + "gettingStarted.setupAccessibility.walkthroughPageTitle": "Setup VS Code Accessibility", "gettingStarted.setupWeb.description": "Personalizza l'editor, scopri le nozioni di base e inizia a scrivere codice", "gettingStarted.setupWeb.title": "Introduzione a VS Code per il Web", + "gettingStarted.setupWeb.walkthroughPageTitle": "Setup VS Code Web", "gettingStarted.shortcuts.description.interpolated": "Una volta individuati i comandi preferiti, è possibile creare scelte rapide da tastiera personalizzate per l'accesso immediato.\r\n{0}", "gettingStarted.shortcuts.title": "Personalizza i collegamenti", "gettingStarted.tasks.description.interpolated": "È possibile creare attività per i flussi di lavoro comuni e sfruttare l'esperienza integrata di esecuzione di script e controllo automatico dei risultati.\r\n{0}", @@ -13768,7 +13915,6 @@ "editorLineNumberContext": "Menu di scelta rapida del numero di riga dell'editor aggiunto come contributo", "file.newFile": "Selezione rapida 'Nuovo file' visualizzata nella pagina iniziale e nel menu File.", "inlineCompletions.actions": "Azioni visualizzate durante il passaggio del mouse su un completamento inline", - "inlineEdit.actions": "Azioni visualizzate durante il passaggio del mouse su una modifica inline", "interactive.cell.title": "Menu del titolo della cella interattiva aggiunto come contributo", "interactive.toolbar": "Menu della barra degli strumenti interattivo aggiunto come contributo", "issue.reporter": "Menu del reporter del problema aggiunto", @@ -14310,7 +14456,12 @@ "startBisect": "Avvia Bisezione estensioni" }, "vs/workbench/services/files/electron-sandbox/diskFileSystemProvider": { - "fileWatcher": "Watcher file" + "fileWatcher": "File Watcher" + }, + "vs/workbench/services/files/electron-sandbox/elevatedFileService": { + "fileNotTrusted": "Workspace is not trusted.", + "fileNotTrustedMessagePosix": "You are about to save '{0}' as super user.", + "fileNotTrustedMessageWindows": "You are about to save '{0}' as admin." }, "vs/workbench/services/filesConfiguration/common/filesConfigurationService": { "configuredReadonly": "L'editor è di sola lettura perché il file è stato impostato in sola lettura tramite le impostazioni. [Fare clic qui](command:{0}) per configurare o [attivare/disattivare per questa sessione](command:{1}).", @@ -14602,6 +14753,10 @@ "vs/workbench/services/textfile/common/textFileEditorModelManager": { "genericSaveError": "Non è stato possibile salvare '{0}': {1}" }, + "vs/workbench/services/textfile/common/textFileSaveParticipant": { + "saveParticipants1": "Running Code Actions and Formatters...", + "skip": "Skip" + }, "vs/workbench/services/textfile/electron-sandbox/nativeTextFileService": { "join.textFiles": "Salvataggio dei file di testo" }, @@ -14713,7 +14868,7 @@ "schema.folderNamesExpanded": "Associa i nomi delle cartelle alle icone per le cartelle espanse. La chiave di oggetto è il nome della cartella, segmenti di percorso esclusi. I modelli o i caratteri jolly non sono consentiti. La corrispondenza di nomi di cartella è case insensitive.", "schema.font-format": "Formato del tipo di carattere.", "schema.font-path": "Percorso del tipo di carattere, relativo al file di tema delle icone dei file corrente.", - "schema.font-size": "Dimensioni predefinite del tipo di carattere. Per i valori validi, vedere https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/font-size.", + "schema.font-size": "The default size of the font. We strongly recommend using a percentage value, for example: 125%.", "schema.font-style": "Stile del tipo di carattere. Per i valori validi, vedere https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/font-style.", "schema.font-weight": "Peso del tipo di carattere. Per i valori validi, vedere https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/font-weight.", "schema.fontCharacter": "Quando si usa un tipo di carattere glifo: carattere nel tipo di carattere da usare.", @@ -15042,6 +15197,10 @@ "vs/workbench/services/workingCopy/common/storedFileWorkingCopyManager": { "join.fileWorkingCopyManager": "Salvataggio delle copie di lavoro" }, + "vs/workbench/services/workingCopy/common/storedFileWorkingCopySaveParticipant": { + "saveParticipants1": "Running Code Actions and Formatters...", + "skip": "Skip" + }, "vs/workbench/services/workingCopy/common/workingCopyHistoryService": { "default.source": "File salvato", "join.workingCopyHistory": "Salvataggio della cronologia locale", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ja/translations/extensions/vscode.git.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ja/translations/extensions/vscode.git.i18n.json index f10ae13a0b..ac163b8e3e 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ja/translations/extensions/vscode.git.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ja/translations/extensions/vscode.git.i18n.json @@ -161,6 +161,7 @@ "Open": "開く", "Open Commit": "コミットを開く", "Open Comparison": "比較を開く", + "Open File": "Open File", "Open Git Log": "Git ログを開く", "Open Merge": "マージを開く", "Open Repositories In Parent Folders": "親フォルダーでリポジトリを開く", @@ -267,6 +268,7 @@ "There are {0} unsaved files.\n\nWould you like to save them before stashing?": "{0} 個の保存されていないファイルがあります。\n\nスタッシュする前に保存しますか?", "There are {0} untracked files which will be DELETED FROM DISK if discarded.": "破棄すると {0} 個の未追跡ファイルがディスクから削除されます。", "There were merge conflicts while applying the stash.": "スタッシュを適用している間に、マージの競合がありました。", + "There were merge conflicts while cherry picking the changes. Resolve the conflicts before committing them.": "There were merge conflicts while cherry picking the changes. Resolve the conflicts before committing them.", "This action will pull and push commits from and to \"{0}/{1}\".": "このアクションは、\"{0}/{1}\" との間でコミットをプルおよびプッシュします。", "This repository has no remotes configured to fetch from.": "リポジトリには、フェッチ元として構成されているリモートがありません。", "This will DELETE {0} untracked files!\nThis is IRREVERSIBLE!\nThese files will be FOREVER LOST.": "{0} 個の追跡されていないファイルが削除されます。\n元に戻すことはできません。\nこれらのファイルは完全に失われます。", @@ -356,6 +358,7 @@ "command.checkoutDetached": "チェックアウト先 (デタッチ済み)...", "command.checkoutRefDetached": "チェックアウト (デタッチ済み)", "command.cherryPick": "チェリーピック...", + "command.cherryPickAbort": "Abort Cherry Pick", "command.cherryPickRef": "チェリーピック", "command.clean": "変更を破棄", "command.cleanAll": "すべての変更を破棄", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ja/translations/extensions/vscode.github-authentication.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ja/translations/extensions/vscode.github-authentication.i18n.json index 524c14f2f3..cae20fd51f 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ja/translations/extensions/vscode.github-authentication.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ja/translations/extensions/vscode.github-authentication.i18n.json @@ -16,8 +16,6 @@ "Having trouble logging in? Would you like to try a different way? ({0})": "ログインでお困りですか? 別の方法を試しますか? ({0})", "No": "いいえ", "Open [{0}]({0}) in a new tab and paste your one-time code: {1}/The [{0}]({0}) will be a url and the {1} will be a code, e.g. 123-456{Locked=\"[{0}]({0})\"}": "新しいタブで [{0}]({0}) を開き、ワンタイム コードを貼り付けます: {1}", - "Please reload the window to apply the new setting.": "新しい設定を適用するには、ウィンドウを再度読み込んでください。", - "Reload Window": "ウィンドウの再度読み込み", "Sign in failed: {0}": "サインインできませんでした: {0}", "Sign out failed: {0}": "サインアウトできませんでした: {0}", "Signing in to {0}.../The {0} will be a url, e.g. github.com": "{0} にサインインしています...", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ja/translations/extensions/vscode.ipynb.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ja/translations/extensions/vscode.ipynb.i18n.json index 065e696356..2eb753b73d 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ja/translations/extensions/vscode.ipynb.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ja/translations/extensions/vscode.ipynb.i18n.json @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ "copyCellOutput.title": "セル出力のコピー", "description": "Jupyter の .ipynb ノートブック ファイルを開いて読み取るための基本サポートを提供します", "displayName": ".ipynb のサポート", - "ipynb.experimental.serialization": "ワーカー スレッドで Jupyter Notebook をシリアル化するための試験的な機能。拡張機能ホストが Web ワーカーとして実行されている場合はサポートされません。", + "ipynb.experimental.serialization": "Experimental feature to serialize the Jupyter notebook in a worker thread.", "ipynb.pasteImagesAsAttachments.enabled": "ipynb ノートブック ファイルの Markdown セルへの画像の貼り付け機能を有効または無効にします。貼り付けられた画像は、セルに添付ファイルとして挿入されます。", "markdownAttachmentRenderer.displayName": "Markdown-It ipynb Cell Attachment renderer", "newUntitledIpynb.shortTitle": "Jupyter Notebook", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ja/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ja/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json index bb435137af..e317cd84f1 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ja/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ja/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json @@ -87,6 +87,8 @@ "Please report an issue against Yarn PnP": "Yarn PnP に対する問題を報告してください", "Please update your TypeScript version": "TypeScript のバージョンを更新してください", "Project Wide IntelliSense not available": "Project Wide IntelliSense を使用できません", + "Related files provider failed. Copilot requested file with unsupported language mode.": "Related files provider failed. Copilot requested file with unsupported language mode.", + "Related files provider failed. No active text editor.": "Related files provider failed. No active text editor.", "Remove Unused Imports": "未使用のインポートの削除", "Remove all unused code": "未使用のコードをすべて削除する", "Report Issue": "問題を報告", @@ -196,12 +198,14 @@ "configuration.tsserver.useSyntaxServer.auto": "構文操作専用の完全なサーバーと、軽量化サーバーの両方を生成します。構文サーバーは、プロジェクトの読み込み中に構文操作を高速化し、IntelliSense を提供するために使用されます。", "configuration.tsserver.useSyntaxServer.never": "専用の構文サーバーを使用しないでください。単一のサーバーを使用して、すべての IntelliSense 操作を処理します。", "configuration.tsserver.useVsCodeWatcher": "TypeScript のものの代わりに VS Code のファイル ウォッチャーを使用します。ワークスペースで TypeScript 5.4+ 以降を使用する必要があります。", + "configuration.tsserver.useVsCodeWatcher.deprecation": "Please use the `#typescript.tsserver.watchOptions#` setting instead.", "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions": "ファイルとディレクトリを追跡するために使用する監視方法を構成します。", "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions.fallbackPolling": "ファイル システム イベントを使用する場合、このオプションは、システムがネイティブ ファイル ウォッチャーを使い果たし、ネイティブ ファイル ウォッチャーをサポートしていない場合に使用されるポーリング方法を指定します。", "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions.fallbackPolling.dynamicPriorityPolling ": "変更頻度の低いファイルの確認頻度が低い場合は、動的キューを使用します。", "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions.fallbackPolling.fixedPollingInterval": "すべてのファイルで、一定の間隔で 1 秒に数回変更がないか確認します。", "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions.fallbackPolling.priorityPollingInterval": "すべてのファイルで 1 秒間に数回変更を確認しますが、特定の種類のファイルを他のファイルより少ない頻度で確認する場合は、ヒューリスティックを使用してください。", "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions.synchronousWatchDirectory": "ディレクトリの遅延監視を無効にします。遅延監視は、一度に多数のファイル変更が生じる場合 (たとえば、npm install の実行からの node_modules の変更) には便利ですが、一般的ではない設定ではこのフラグを無効にすることができます。", + "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions.vscode": "Use VS Code's file watchers instead of TypeScript's. Requires using TypeScript 5.4+ in the workspace.", "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions.watchDirectory": "再帰的なファイル監視機能を持たないシステムでディレクトリ ツリー全体を監視するための方法。", "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions.watchDirectory.dynamicPriorityPolling": "変更頻度の少ないディレクトリの確認頻度が少ない動的キューを使用します。", "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions.watchDirectory.fixedChunkSizePolling": "定期的にディレクトリのチャンクをポーリングします。", @@ -218,7 +222,7 @@ "configuration.tsserver.web.projectWideIntellisense.suppressSemanticErrors": "プロジェクト全体の IntelliSense が有効になっている場合でも、Web 上のセマンティック エラーを抑制します。これは、プロジェクト全体の IntelliSense が有効になっていないか使用できない場合、常にオンです。`#typescript.tsserver.web.projectWideIntellisense.enabled#` を参照してください", "configuration.tsserver.web.typeAcquisition.enabled": "Web でパッケージの取得を有効/無効にします。これにより、インポートされたパッケージの IntelliSense が有効になります。`#typescript.tsserver.web.projectWideIntellisense.enabled#` が必要です。Ssfari では現在サポートされていません。", "configuration.typescript": "TypeScript", - "configuration.updateImportsOnPaste": "コードの貼り付け時にインポートを自動的に更新します。TypeScript 5.6 以降が必要です。", + "configuration.updateImportsOnPaste": "Automatically update imports when pasting code. Requires TypeScript 5.7+.", "description": "JavaScript と TypeScript ファイルに豊富な言語サポートを提供。", "displayName": "TypeScript と JavaScript の言語機能", "format.indentSwitchCase": "switch ステートメントの case 句をインデントします。ワークスペースで TypeScript 5.1+ を使用する必要があります。", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ja/translations/main.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ja/translations/main.i18n.json index be3f3364c6..69dc888629 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ja/translations/main.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ja/translations/main.i18n.json @@ -548,12 +548,7 @@ "inlayHints.padding": "エディターでのインレイ ヒントに関するパディングを有効にします。", "inline": "クイック候補がゴースト テキストとして表示される", "inlineCompletionsAccessibilityVerbose": "インライン入力候補が表示されたときに、スクリーン リーダー ユーザーにユーザー補助ヒントを提供するかどうかを制御します。", - "inlineEdit.enabled": "インライン編集をエディターに表示するかどうかを制御します。", - "inlineEdit.fontFamily": "インライン編集のフォント ファミリを制御します。", - "inlineEdit.showToolbar": "インライン編集ツール バーを表示するタイミングを制御します。", - "inlineEdit.showToolbar.always": "インライン編集が表示されるたびに、インライン候補ツール バーを表示します。", - "inlineEdit.showToolbar.never": "インライン編集ツール バーを表示しません。", - "inlineEdit.showToolbar.onHover": "インライン編集にカーソルを合わせるたびに、インライン候補ツール バーを表示します。", + "inlineSuggest.edits.experimental.enabled": "Controls whether to enable experimental edits in inline suggestions.", "inlineSuggest.enabled": "エディターにインライン候補を自動的に表示するかどうかを制御します。", "inlineSuggest.fontFamily": "インライン提案のフォント ファミリを制御します。", "inlineSuggest.showToolbar": "インライン候補ツール バーを表示するタイミングを制御します。", @@ -602,6 +597,7 @@ "occurrencesHighlight.multiFile": "試験段階: すべての有効な開いているファイルの発生回数を強調表示します。", "occurrencesHighlight.off": "発生回数を強調表示しません。", "occurrencesHighlight.singleFile": "現在のファイル内の発生回数のみを強調表示します。", + "occurrencesHighlightDelay": "Controls the delay in milliseconds after which occurrences are highlighted.", "off": "クイック候補が無効になっています", "on": "提案ウィジェット内にクイック候補が表示される", "overviewRulerBorder": "概要ルーラーの周囲に境界線が描画されるかどうかを制御します。", @@ -1398,6 +1394,7 @@ "action.inlineSuggest.acceptNextLine": "インライン提案の次の行を承諾する", "action.inlineSuggest.acceptNextWord": "インライン提案の次の単語を承諾する", "action.inlineSuggest.alwaysShowToolbar": "常にツール バーを表示する", + "action.inlineSuggest.dev.extractRepro": "Developer: Extract Inline Suggest State", "action.inlineSuggest.hide": "インライン候補を非表示にする", "action.inlineSuggest.jump": "次のインライン編集にジャンプ", "action.inlineSuggest.showNext": "次のインライン候補を表示する", @@ -1429,9 +1426,6 @@ "parameterHintsPreviousIcon": "前のパラメーター ヒントを表示するためのアイコン。", "previous": "前へ" }, - "vs/editor/contrib/inlineEdit/browser/hoverParticipant": { - "hoverAccessibilityInlineEdits": "ここにインライン編集があります。" - }, "vs/editor/contrib/inPlaceReplace/browser/inPlaceReplace": { "InPlaceReplaceAction.next.label": "次の値に置換", "InPlaceReplaceAction.previous.label": "前の値に置換" @@ -2529,6 +2523,7 @@ "diffEditorRemovedLines": "削除した行の背景色。この色は、基本装飾が非表示にならないよう不透明にすることはできません。", "diffEditorRemovedOutline": "削除されたテキストの輪郭の色。", "editorBackground": "エディターの背景色。", + "editorCompositionBorder": "The border color for an IME composition.", "editorError.background": "エディター内のエラー テキストの背景色。この色は、基本装飾が非表示にならないよう不透明にすることはできません。", "editorError.foreground": "エディターでエラーを示す波線の前景色。", "editorFindMatch": "現在の検索一致項目の色。", @@ -3932,6 +3927,8 @@ "editorCommand.activeEditorMove.arg.description": "引数プロパティ:\r\n\t'to': 移動先を指定する文字列値。\r\n\t'by': 移動に使用する単位を指定する文字列値 (タブまたはグループ)。\r\n\t'value': 移動する位置と絶対位置を指定する数値。", "editorCommand.activeEditorMove.arg.name": "アクティブ エディターの Move 引数", "editorCommand.activeEditorMove.description": "タブまたはグループ別にアクティブ エディターを移動する", + "editorGroupLayout.horizontal": "Horizontal", + "editorGroupLayout.vertical": "Vertical", "focusLeftSideEditor": "アクティブ エディターで表側にフォーカス", "focusOtherSideEditor": "アクティブ エディターで裏側にフォーカス", "focusRightSideEditor": "アクティブ エディターで裏面にフォーカス", @@ -4230,7 +4227,9 @@ "vs/workbench/browser/parts/panel/panelPart": { "align panel": "パネルの配置", "hidePanel": "パネルを非表示", - "panel position": "パネルの位置" + "panel position": "パネルの位置", + "showIcons": "Show Icons", + "showLabels": "Show Labels" }, "vs/workbench/browser/parts/sidebar/sidebarActions": { "focusSideBar": "プライマリ サイド バーにフォーカスする" @@ -4355,9 +4354,6 @@ "shutdownErrorDetail": "ワークベンチの実行中に予期せず破棄されました。", "unableToOpenExternal": "ブラウザーが新しいタブまたはウィンドウを開くのを中断しました。とにかく開くには、[開く] を押します。" }, - "vs/workbench/browser/workbench": { - "loaderErrorNative": "必要なファイルの読み込みに失敗しました。アプリケーションを再起動してもう一度試してください。詳細: {0}" - }, "vs/workbench/browser/workbench.contribution": { "activeEditorLong": "`${activeEditorLong}`: ファイルの完全なパス (例: /Users/Development/myFolder/myFileFolder/myFile.txt)。", "activeEditorMedium": "`${activeEditorMedium}`: ワークスペース フォルダーに対して相対的なファイルのパス (例: myFolder/myFileFolder/myFile.txt)。", @@ -4428,7 +4424,7 @@ "openFoldersInNewWindow": "フォルダーを新しいウィンドウで開くか、最後のアクティブ ウィンドウで開くかどうかを制御します。\r\nこの設定は無視される場合もあります (例: `--new-window` または `--reuse-window` コマンド ライン オプションを使用する場合など)。", "panelDefaultLocation": "新しいワークスペース内のパネル (ターミナル、デバッグ コンソール、出力、問題) の既定の場所を制御します。エディター領域の下、上、右、または左に表示できます。", "panelOpensMaximized": "パネルを開くときに最大化するかどうかを制御します。開くときに必ず最大化するか、決して最大化しないか、最後に閉じたときの状態で開くかを選択できます。", - "panelShowLabel": "パネル タイトルのアクティビティ項目をラベルまたはアイコンとして表示するかどうかを制御します。", + "panelShowLabels": "Controls whether activity items in the panel title are shown as label or icon.", "perEditorGroup": "開いているエディターの最大数をエディター グループごとに適用するか、すべてのエディター グループに適用するかを制御します。", "pinnedTabSizing": "ピン留めされたエディター タブのサイズを制御します。ピン留めされたタブは、開いているすべてのタブの先頭に並べ替えられ、通常はピン留めを外すまで閉じません。{0} が {1} に設定されていない場合、この値は無視されます。", "preserveInput": "コマンド パレットを次回開いたとき、コマンド パレットの最後の入力を復元するかどうかを制御します。", @@ -4844,6 +4840,7 @@ "configureRuntimeArguments": "ランタイム引数の構成", "openUserDataFolder": "ユーザー データ フォルダーを開く", "reloadWindowWithExtensionsDisabled": "拡張機能が無効な状態での再読み込み", + "showGPUInfo": "Show GPU Info", "toggleDevTools": "開発者ツールの切り替え" }, "vs/workbench/electron-sandbox/actions/installActions": { @@ -4909,7 +4906,7 @@ "touchbar.enabled": "利用可能であれば macOS の Touch Bar ボタンを有効にします。", "touchbar.ignored": "表示すべきではないタッチバー内のエントリの識別子のセット (たとえば、`workbench.action.navigateBack` など)。", "window.clickThroughInactive": "有効な場合、非アクティブなウィンドウをクリックするとウィンドウがアクティブになり、クリック可能な場合はマウスの下の要素がトリガーされます。無効にすると、非アクティブなウィンドウの任意の場所をクリックするとそのウィンドウがアクティブになり、要素には 2 回目のクリックが必要になります。", - "window.customTitleBarVisibility": "カスタム タイトル バーを表示するタイミングを調整します。`windowed` の状態の全画面表示モードでは、カスタム タイトル バーを非表示にすることができます。{0} が `native` に設定されている場合、カスタム タイトル バーは、`never` の状態の非全画面表示モードでのみ非表示にできます。", + "window.customTitleBarVisibility": "Adjust when the custom title bar should be shown. The custom title bar can be hidden when in full screen mode with `windowed`. The custom title bar can only be hidden in non full screen mode with `never` when {0} is set to `native`.", "window.customTitleBarVisibility.auto": "カスタム タイトル バーの可視性を自動的に変更します。", "window.customTitleBarVisibility.never": "{0} が `native` に設定されている場合は、カスタム タイトル バーを非表示にします。", "window.customTitleBarVisibility.windowed": "全画面表示で、カスタム タイトル バーを非表示にします。全画面表示でない場合は、カスタム タイトル バーの可視性を自動的に変更します。", @@ -4947,7 +4944,6 @@ "downloadArmBuild": "ダウンロード", "keychainWriteError": "ログイン情報のキーチェーンへの書き込みが、エラー '{0}' で失敗しました。", "learnMore": "詳細情報", - "loaderCycle": "解決する必要のある依存関係の循環が AMD モジュールにあります。", "loginButton": "ログイン(&&L)", "macoseolmessage": "{1} の {0} は、間もなく更新プログラムの受信を停止します。macOS バージョンのアップグレードを検討してください。", "password": "パスワード", @@ -5185,7 +5181,7 @@ "openDiffEditorAnnouncement": "差分エディター" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/accountEntitlements/browser/accountsEntitlements.contribution": { - "workbench.accounts.showEntitlements": "有効にすると、アカウントの使用可能な権利が [アカウント] メニューに表示されます。" + "workbench.accounts.showEntitlements": "When enabled, available entitlements for the account will be shown in the accounts menu." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/audioCues/browser/audioCues.contribution": { "audioCues.chatRequestSent": "チャット要求が行われたときにサウンドを再生します。", @@ -5239,7 +5235,8 @@ "pickAProviderTitle": "拡張機能アカウント設定の管理", "placeholder": "'{0}' アカウント設定を管理...", "selectProvider": "アカウント設定を管理する認証プロバイダーを選択してください", - "title": "このワークスペースのアカウント設定の '{0}'" + "title": "このワークスペースのアカウント設定の '{0}'", + "use new account": "Use a new account..." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/authentication/browser/actions/manageTrustedExtensionsForAccountAction": { "accountLastUsedDate": "このアカウントの最終使用は {0}", @@ -5378,8 +5375,7 @@ "workbench.action.chat.focus": "上矢印と下矢印で移動できるチャット要求/応答リストにフォーカスするには、Focus Chat コマンドを呼び出します{0}。", "workbench.action.chat.focusInput": "チャット要求の入力ボックスをフォーカスするには、Focus Chat Input コマンドを呼び出します{0}。", "workbench.action.chat.newChat": "新しいチャット セッションを作成するには、[新しいチャット] コマンド{0}を呼び出します。", - "workbench.action.chat.nextCodeBlock": "応答内の次のコード ブロックにフォーカスするには、Chat: Next Code Block コマンドを呼び出します{0}。", - "workbench.action.chat.nextFileTree": "応答内の次のファイル ツリーにフォーカスを合わせるには、Chat: Next File Tree コマンドを呼び出します{0}。" + "workbench.action.chat.nextCodeBlock": "応答内の次のコード ブロックにフォーカスするには、Chat: Next Code Block コマンドを呼び出します{0}。" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatActions": { "actions.interactiveSession.focus": "Focus Chat List", @@ -5389,19 +5385,26 @@ "chat.history.rename": "名前の変更", "chatWith": "拡張機能を使用してチャットする", "currentChatLabel": "現在", + "installChat": "Install {0}", + "installChatGlobalAction.justification": "AI support requires this extension.", "interactiveSession.clearHistory.label": "入力履歴のクリア", "interactiveSession.focusInput.label": "Focus Chat Input", "interactiveSession.history.delete": "削除", "interactiveSession.history.editor": "エディターで開く", "interactiveSession.history.pick": "チャットに切り替える", "interactiveSession.open": "エディターを開く", + "learnMore": "Learn More", "more": "その他...", "newChatTitle": "新しいチャットのタイトル", "openChat": "チャットを開く", - "title4": "チャット" + "title4": "チャット", + "toggle.chatControl": "Chat Controls", + "toggle.chatControlsDescription": "Toggle visibility of the Chat Controls in title bar" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatClearActions": { - "chat.newChat.label": "新しいチャット" + "chat.newChat.label": "新しいチャット", + "chat.newEdits.label": "New Edit Session", + "chat.openEdits.label": "Open Edit Session" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatCodeblockActions": { "chat.applyAll.label": "すべての編集を適用", @@ -5417,8 +5420,12 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatContextActions": { "chatContext.attach.placeholder": "添付ファイルの検索", + "chatContext.attachScreenshot.labelElectron.Window": "Screenshot Window", + "chatContext.attachScreenshot.labelWeb": "Screenshot", + "chatContext.editors": "Open Editors", "chatContext.notebook.kernelVariable": "カーネル変数...", "chatContext.notebook.selectkernelVariable": "カーネル変数を選択して挿入する", + "chatContext.searchResults": "Search Results", "chatContext.symbol": "シンボル...", "imageFromClipboard": "クリップボードからの画像", "pastedImage": "貼り付けられた画像", @@ -5437,8 +5444,13 @@ "actions.chat.submitSecondaryAgent": "セカンダリ エージェントに送信する", "chat.newChat.label": "新しいチャットに送信", "chat.pickModel.label": "モデルの選択", + "chat.sendToChatEditing.label": "Send to Copilot Edits", + "chat.startEditing.confirmation.message": "Starting a new editing session will end your current editing session and discard edits to {0} files. Do you wish to proceed?", + "chat.startEditing.confirmation.primaryButton": "Yes", + "chat.startEditing.confirmation.title": "Start new editing session?", "interactive.cancel.label": "取り消す", - "interactive.submit.label": "送信" + "interactive.submit.label": "Send and Dispatch", + "interactive.submitWithoutDispatch.label": "Send" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatFileTreeActions": { "interactive.nextFileTree.label": "次のファイル ツリー", @@ -5466,7 +5478,19 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatTitleActions": { "chat.remove.label": "要求と応答を削除する", + "chat.retry.confirmation.checkbox": "Don't ask again", + "chat.retry.confirmation.message2": "This will undo edits made to {0} since this request.", + "chat.retry.confirmation.primaryButton": "Yes", "chat.retry.label": "再試行", + "chat.retryLast.confirmation.message2": "This will undo edits made to {0} files in your working set since this request. Do you want to proceed?", + "chat.retryLast.confirmation.title2": "Do you want to retry your last request?", + "chat.startEditing.confirmation.acceptEdits": "Accept & Continue", + "chat.startEditing.confirmation.discardEdits": "Discard & Continue", + "chat.startEditing.confirmation.message": "Starting a new editing session will end your current editing session and discard edits to {0} files. Do you wish to proceed?", + "chat.startEditing.confirmation.pending.message": "Starting a new editing session will end your current session. Do you want to discard pending edits to {0} files?", + "chat.startEditing.confirmation.primaryButton": "Yes", + "chat.startEditing.confirmation.title": "Start new editing session?", + "chat.startEditing.label2": "Edit with Copilot", "interactive.helpful.label": "役に立った", "interactive.insertIntoNotebook.label": "ノートブックに挿入する", "interactive.reportIssueForBug.label": "問題を報告", @@ -5483,17 +5507,25 @@ "insertCodeBlock.readonlyNotebook": "読み取り専用ノートブック エディターにコード ブロックを挿入できません。", "overlap": "別のコード変更をプレビューしています。まず、保留中の変更を適用または破棄してください。" }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/attachments/implicitContextAttachment": { + "chat.fileAttachment": "Attached file, {0}", + "chat.fileAttachmentWithRange": "Attached file, {0}, line {1} to line {2}", + "disable": "Disable current file context", + "enable": "Enable current file context", + "enableHint": "disabled", + "openEditor": "Current file context" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chat": { "generating": "生成中" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chat.contribution": { "chat": "チャット", "chat.commandCenter.enabled": "コマンド センターにチャット アクションのメニューを表示するかどうかを制御します ({0} が必要です)。", + "chat.editing.alwaysSaveWithGeneratedChanges": "Whether to always ask before saving files with changes made by chat.", + "chat.editing.confirmEditRequestRemoval": "Whether to show a confirmation before removing a request and its associated edits.", + "chat.editing.confirmEditRequestRetry": "Whether to show a confirmation before retrying a request and its associated edits.", + "chat.editing.enableRestoreFile": "Whether to show a toggle to restore an earlier version of a file that was edited in a chat editing session request.", "chat.experimental.detectParticipant.enabled": "パネル チャットのチャット参加者の自動検出を有効にします。", - "chat.experimental.implicitContext": "ユーザーがチャット参加者のプロンプトに含まれる暗黙的なコンテキストを決定できるように、チェックボックスを表示するかどうかを制御します。", - "chat.experimental.variables.editor": "エディター チャットの変数を有効にします。", - "chat.experimental.variables.notebook": "ノートブック チャットの変数を有効にします。", - "chat.experimental.variables.terminal": "ターミナル チャットの変数を有効にします。", "clear": "新しいチャットの開始", "file": "ワークスペースでファイルを選択する", "interactiveSession.editor.fontFamily": "チャット コード ブロック内のフォント ファミリを制御します。", @@ -5539,8 +5571,9 @@ "dismiss": "閉じる" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatContentParts/chatReferencesContentPart": { + "addToChat": "Add File to Chat", + "chat.openEditor": "Open Editor", "chatCollapsibleList": "折りたたみ可能なチャット リスト", - "copyReference": "コピー", "setting.hover": "設定 '{0}' を開く", "usedReferencesCollapsed": "{0}、折りたたまれています", "usedReferencesExpanded": "{0}、展開済み", @@ -5563,52 +5596,109 @@ "file": "ファイル", "image": "画像" }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditingActions": { + "accept.allFiles": "Accept All", + "accept.file": "Accept", + "chat.openWorkingSetHistory.label": "Open File Checkpoint", + "chat.remove.confirmation.checkbox": "Don't ask again", + "chat.remove.confirmation.message2": "This will remove all subsequent requests and undo edits made to {0}. Do you want to proceed?", + "chat.remove.confirmation.multipleEdits.message": "This will remove all subsequent requests and undo edits made to {0} files in your working set. Do you want to proceed?", + "chat.remove.confirmation.primaryButton": "Yes", + "chat.remove.confirmation.title": "Do you want to undo {0} edits?", + "chat.removeLast.confirmation.message2": "This will remove your last request and undo the edits made to {0}. Do you want to proceed?", + "chat.removeLast.confirmation.multipleEdits.message": "This will remove your last request and undo edits made to {0} files in your working set. Do you want to proceed?", + "chat.removeLast.confirmation.title": "Do you want to undo your last edit?", + "chat.restoreFile.label": "Restore Previous File State", + "chat.restoreFile.shortTitle": "Restore Previous File State", + "chat.restoreFile.title": "Using Previous File State", + "chat.restoreFile.tooltip": "Toggle to use the previous state of an edited file in your next request", + "chat.undoEdits.label": "Undo Edits", + "chatEditing.checkpoint": "{0} (Checkpoint {1})", + "chatEditing.openDiffs": "Open Diffs", + "discard.allFiles": "Discard All", + "discard.file": "Discard", + "open.fileInDiff": "Open Changes in Diff Editor", + "removeFileFromWorkingSet": "Remove File", + "workbench.action.chat.addFilesToWorkingSet.label": "Add Files to Working Set" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditingService": { - "accept.allFiles": "すべて同意する", - "accept.file": "承諾", - "chatEditing.openDiffs": "差分を開く", - "chatEditing.startSession": "セッションの編集を開始", + "chat": "Chat Editing", + "chatEditing.fileSave": "{0} wants to create a file. Choose where it should be saved.", "chatEditing.startingSession": "編集を生成しています...", - "chatEditing.stopSession": "セッションの編集を停止", - "discard.allFiles": "すべて破棄", - "discard.file": "破棄", - "multiDiffEditorInput.name": "推奨される編集", - "open.file": "ファイルを開く" + "chatEditing1": "Chat Edit: '{0}'", + "chatEditing2": "Chat Edit", + "multiDiffEditorInput.name": "推奨される編集" + }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditorActions": { + "accept": "Accept Chat Edit", + "next": "Go to Next Chat Edit", + "prev": "Go to Previous Chat Edit", + "reject": "Reject Chat Edit" + }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditorController": { + "chat.hasEditorModifications": "The current editor contains chat modifications" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditorInput": { "chatEditorLabelIcon": "チャット エディター ラベルのアイコン。", "chatEditorName": "チャット" }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditorSaving": { + "chat": "chat", + "config": "Always save with AI-generated changes without asking", + "detail2": "AI-generated changes may be incorrect and should be reviewed before saving.", + "discard": "Cancel", + "message.1": "Do you want to save the changes {0} made in {1}?", + "message.2": "Do you want to save the changes {0} made to {1} files?", + "message.batched.multiFile.1": "Do you want to save the changes {0} made in {1} files?", + "message.batched.multiFile.2": "Do you want to save the changes chat made in {0} files?", + "message.batched.oneFile.1": "Do you want to save the changes {0} made in {1}?", + "message.batched.oneFile.2": "Do you want to save the changes chat made in {0}?", + "message.batched.oneFile.3": "Do you want to save the changes {0} made in 1 file?", + "message.batched.oneFile.4": "Do you want to save the changes chat made in 1 file?", + "save": "Save", + "save all": "Save All", + "save.allFiles": "Save All" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatFollowups": { "followUpAriaLabel": "フォローアップの質問: {0}" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatGettingStarted": { "chat.openPanel": "チャット パネルを開く", - "workbench.panel.chat.view.showGettingStarted": "有効にすると、チャット パネルに実験の概要が表示されます。" + "workbench.panel.chat.view.showGettingStarted": "When enabled, shows a getting started experiment in the chat panel." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatImagePaste": { "pastedImage": "貼り付けられた画像" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatInlineAnchorWidget": { "actions.attach.label": "ファイルをチャットに追加", + "actions.copy.label": "Copy", "actions.goToDecl.label": "定義へ移動", + "actions.openToSide.label": "Open to the Side", + "goToImplementations.label": "Go to Implementations", "goToReferences.label": "参照へ移動", + "goToTypeDefinitions.label": "Go to Type Definitions", "miGotoDefinition": "定義に移動(&&D)", - "miGotoReference": "参照へ移動(&&R)" + "miGotoImplementations": "Go to &&Implementations", + "miGotoReference": "参照へ移動(&&R)", + "miGotoTypeDefinition": "Go to &&Type Definitions", + "resource": "The full value of the chat anchor resource, including scheme and path" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatInputPart": { "actions.chat.accessibiltyHelp": "チャット入力、入力して質問するか、トピックに対して / を入力し、Enter キーを押して要求を送信します。チャットアクセシビリティのヘルプに {0} を使用します。", "chat.attachment": "添付コンテキスト、{0}", + "chat.attachment.clearButton": "Remove from context", "chat.fileAttachment": "添付ファイル、{0}", "chat.fileAttachmentWithRange": "添付ファイル、{0}、行 {1} から行 {2}", "chat.imageAttachment": "添付画像、{0}", "chat.submitToSecondaryAgent": "@{0} に送信", - "chatEditingSessionOverview": "{0} 個のファイルが変更済み", - "chatEditingSessionOverview.oneFileChanged": "1 個のファイルが変更されました", + "chatAddFiles": "{0} Add Files...", + "chatAttachFiles": "Search for files to add to your working set", + "chatEditingSession.manyFiles": "({0} files)", + "chatEditingSession.oneFile": "(1 file)", + "chatEditingSession.workingSet": "Working Set", "chatInput": "チャット入力", "chatInput.accessibilityHelpNoKb": "チャット入力、ここにコードを入力し、Enter キーを押して実行します。詳細については、Chat Accessibility Help コマンドを使用してください。", - "notebook.moreExecuteActionsLabel": "その他...", - "remove": "削除" + "notebook.moreExecuteActionsLabel": "その他..." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatListRenderer": { "chatConfirmationAction": "選択した \"{0}\"", @@ -5636,6 +5726,7 @@ "chatCommandSticky": "コマンドを呼び出すと、チャットが永続モードにになります。ここで、コマンドは次のメッセージのチャット入力に自動的に追加されます。", "chatCommandWhen": "このコマンドを有効にするために true にする必要がある条件。", "chatCommandsDescription": "このチャット参加者が使用できるコマンド。ユーザーは '/' で呼び出すことができます。", + "chatEditing.viewContainer.label": "Copilot Edits", "chatFailErrorMessage": "インストールされている {0} 拡張機能のバージョンが、このバージョンの {1} と互換性がないため、チャットを読み込めませんでした。GitHub Copilot チャット拡張機能が最新であることを確認してください。", "chatParticipantDescription": "UI に表示される、このチャット参加者の説明。", "chatParticipantDisambiguation": "ユーザーの質問をこのチャット参加者に自動的にルーティングするのに役立つメタデータ。", @@ -5645,14 +5736,18 @@ "chatParticipantFullName": "このチャット参加者の完全な名前。この参加者からの応答のラベルとして表示されます。指定しない場合は、{0} が使用されます。", "chatParticipantId": "このチャット参加者の一意の ID。", "chatParticipantName": "このチャット参加者のユーザー向けの名前。ユーザーはこの名前と一緒に '@' を使用して参加者を呼び出します。名前には空白を含めないでください。", - "chatParticipantSupportsToolReferences": "この参加者が {0} をサポートするかどうか。", "chatParticipantWhen": "この参加者を有効にするには TRUE にする必要がある条件。", "chatSampleRequest": "ユーザーが '/help' でこの参加者をクリックすると、このテキストがこの参加者に送信されます。", "showExtension": "拡張機能の表示", "vscode.extension.contributes.chatParticipant": "チャット参加者を投稿する" }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatPasteProviders": { + "pastedImageName": "Pasted Image" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatWidget": { - "chatWidget.tips": "コンテキストにアタッチする {0}\r\n\r\n拡張機能を使用してチャットする {1}" + "chatWidget.tips": "{0} or type {1} to attach context\r\n\r\n{2} to chat with extensions\r\n\r\nType {3} to use commands", + "chatWidget.tips.withoutParticipants": "{0} or type {1} to attach context", + "scrollDownButtonLabel": "Scroll down" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/codeBlockPart": { "chat.codeBlock.toolbar": "コード ブロック ツール バー", @@ -5675,14 +5770,29 @@ "allFilesDescription": "ワークスペース内の関連ファイルを検索し、そこからコンテキストを提供します" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/contrib/chatInputCompletions": { + "installLabel": "Install Chat Extensions...", "pickFileLabel": "ファイルを選択する" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/contrib/chatInputEditorHover": { "hoverAccessibilityChatAgent": "ここにチャット エージェントのホバー部分があります。" }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/contrib/screenshot": { + "screenshot": "Screenshot" + }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/languageModelToolsService": { + "toolInvocationMessage": "Using {0}" + }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/viewsWelcome/chatViewsWelcomeContributions": { + "chatViewsWelcome.content": "The content of the welcome message. The first command link will be rendered as a button.", + "chatViewsWelcome.icon": "The icon for the welcome message.", + "chatViewsWelcome.title": "The title of the welcome message.", + "chatViewsWelcome.when": "Condition when the welcome message is shown.", + "vscode.extension.contributes.chatViewsWelcome": "Contributes a welcome message to a chat view" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/chatColors": { "chat.avatarBackground": "チャット アバターの背景色。", "chat.avatarForeground": "チャット アバターの前景色。", + "chat.editedFileForeground": "The foreground color of a chat edited file in the edited file list.", "chat.requestBackground": "チャット要求の背景色。", "chat.requestBorder": "チャット要求の境界線の色。", "chat.slashCommandBackground": "チャット スラッシュ コマンドの背景色。", @@ -5690,13 +5800,15 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/chatContextKeys": { "chatEditApplied": "チャット テキストの編集が適用されている場合は true。", + "chatEditingParticipantRegistered": "True when a default chat participant is registered for editing.", "chatExtensionInvalid": "インストールされているチャット拡張機能が無効であり、更新する必要がある場合は true です。", + "chatHasFileAttachments": "True when the chat has file attachments.", + "chatInstallEntitled": "True when the user is entitled for chat installation.", "chatIsEnabled": "既定のチャット参加者が実装でアクティブ化されるためにチャットが有効になっている場合は true です。", "chatItemId": "チャットアイテムの ID。", "chatLastItemId": "最後のチャットアイテムの ID。", "chatModelsAreUserSelectable": "ユーザーがチャット モデルを手動で選択できる場合は TRUE です。", "chatParticipantRegistered": "既定のチャット参加者がパネルに登録されている場合は true です。", - "chatParticipantSupportsModelPicker": "現在のチャット参加者がモデルの手動選択をサポートしている場合は TRUE です。", "chatRequest": "チャット アイテムは要求です", "chatResponse": "チャット アイテムは応答です。", "chatResponseErrored": "チャット応答でエラーが発生した場合は True。", @@ -5711,6 +5823,9 @@ "interactiveSessionRequestInProgress": "現在の要求がまだ進行中の場合は True です。", "interactiveSessionResponseVote": "回答が可決されると、'up' に設定されます。否決されると、'down' に設定されます。それ以外の場合は空の文字列です。" }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/chatEditingService": { + "chatEditingWidgetFileState": "The current state of the file in the chat editing widget" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/chatModel": { "codeCitation": "1 種類のライセンスで類似のコードが見つかりました", "codeCitations": "{0} 種類のライセンスで類似のコードが見つかりました", @@ -5732,26 +5847,20 @@ "Language Models": "言語モデル", "languageModels": "この拡張機能の言語モデルの使用状況の統計情報。" }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/languageModelToolsService": { - "toolConfirmMessage": "{0} は {1} を使用します。", - "toolConfirmTitle": "{0} を使用しますか?", - "toolInvocationMessage": "{0} の使用" - }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/tools/languageModelToolsContribution": { - "canBeInvokedManually": "チャット UX を使用してユーザーがこのツールを手動で呼び出すことができるかどうか。", + "canBeReferencedInPrompt": "If true, this tool shows up as an attachment that the user can add manually to their request. Chat participants will receive the tool in {0}.", "condition": "このツールを有効にするために true にする必要がある条件。'when' 条件が false であっても、ツールが別の拡張機能によって呼び出される可能性があることに注意してください。", - "contentTypes": "このツールが返すことができるコンテンツ タイプの一覧。ツールは `text/plain` をサポートしている必要があり、ここで指定しなくても想定されます。別の例として、`@vscode/prompt-tsx` ライブラリによってエクスポートされた contentType があります。", - "icon": "このツールを表すアイコン。ファイル パス、暗いテーマと明るいテーマのファイル パスを持つオブジェクト、または '\\$(zap)' などのテーマ アイコン参照のいずれかです", + "icon": "An icon that represents this tool. Either a file path, an object with file paths for dark and light themes, or a theme icon reference, like `$(zap)`", "icon.dark": "暗いテーマを使用した場合のアイコンのパス", "icon.light": "明るいテーマを使用した場合のアイコンのパス", - "parametersSchema": "このツールが受け入れるパラメーターの JSON スキーマ。", - "requiresConfirmation": "このツールを実行する前にユーザーの確認を必要とするかどうか。", + "parametersSchema": "A JSON schema for the parameters this tool accepts. The parameters must be an object at the top level. A particular language model may not support all JSON schema features. See the documentation for the language model family you are using for more information.", "toolDisplayName": "UI で説明するために使用できる、このツールの人間が判読できる名前。", - "toolId": "A unique id for this tool.", - "toolModelDescription": "言語モデルに渡される可能性があるこのツールの説明。", - "toolName": "{0} がこのツールに対して有効になっている場合、ユーザーはこの名前の '#' を使用してクエリでツールを呼び出すことができます。それ以外の場合、名前は必要ありません。名前には空白を含めないでください。", + "toolModelDescription": "A description of this tool that may be used by a language model to select it.", + "toolName": "A unique name for this tool. This name must be a globally unique identifier, and is also used as a name when presenting this tool to a language model.", + "toolName2": "If {0} is enabled for this tool, the user may use '#' with this name to invoke the tool in a query. Otherwise, the name is not required. Name must not contain whitespace.", + "toolTags": "A set of tags that roughly describe the tool's capabilities. A tool user may use these to filter the set of tools to just ones that are relevant for the task at hand, or they may want to pick a tag that can be used to identify just the tools contributed by this extension.", "toolUserDescription": "ユーザーに表示される可能性があるこのツールの説明。", - "vscode.extension.contributes.tools": "言語モデルで呼び出すことができるツールを提供します。" + "vscode.extension.contributes.tools": "Contributes a tool that can be invoked by a language model in a chat session, or from a standalone command. Registered tools can be used by all extensions." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/voiceChatService": { "voiceChatInProgress": "チャットの音声テキスト変換セッションが進行中です。" @@ -5899,7 +6008,7 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/codeEditor/browser/saveParticipants": { "codeAction.apply": "コード アクション '{0}' を適用しています。", "codeaction": "クイック修正", - "codeaction.get2": "'{0}' からコード アクション ([構成]({1})) を取得しています。", + "codeaction.get2": "Getting code actions from {0} ([configure]({1})).", "formatting2": "'{0}' フォーマッタ ([構成]({1})) を実行しています。" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/codeEditor/browser/toggleColumnSelection": { @@ -6387,6 +6496,7 @@ "debug.gutterMiddleClickAction.none": "アクションを実行しないでください。", "debug.gutterMiddleClickAction.triggeredBreakpoint": "トリガーされたブレークポイントを追加します。", "debug.hideLauncherWhileDebugging": "デバッグがアクティブな間は、[実行とデバッグ] ビューのタイトル バーで [デバッグの開始] コントロールを非表示にします。{0} が `docked` でない場合にのみ関連します。", + "debug.hideSlowPreLaunchWarning": "Hide the warning shown when a `preLaunchTask` has been running for a while.", "debug.onTaskErrors": "preLaunchTask の実行後にエラーが発生した場合の処理を制御します。", "debug.saveBeforeStart": "デバッグ セッションを開始する前にどのエディターを保存するかを制御します。", "debug.saveBeforeStart.allEditorsInActiveGroup": "デバッグ セッションを開始する前に、アクティブなグループ内のすべてのエディターを保存します。", @@ -8323,8 +8433,12 @@ "startWithCurrentLine": "現在の行でエディターを起動" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/inlineChat/browser/inlineChatSavingServiceImpl": { - "inlineChat": "インライン チャットの変更が承認または破棄されるのを待っています...", - "inlineChat.N": "{0} エディターでのインライン チャットの変更が承認または破棄されるのを待っています..." + "config": "Always save with AI-generated changes without asking", + "detail": "AI-generated changes may be incorect and should be reviewed before saving.", + "discard": "Cancel", + "message.1": "Do you want to save the changes {0} made in {1}?", + "message.2": "Do you want to save the changes inline chat made in {0}?", + "save": "Save" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/inlineChat/browser/inlineChatWidget": { "aria-label": "インライン チャット入力", @@ -8335,7 +8449,6 @@ "inlineChatClosed": "閉じたインライン チャット ウィジェット" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/inlineChat/common/inlineChat": { - "acceptedOrDiscardBeforeSave": "保留中のインライン チャット セッションで保存が禁止されるかどうか。", "accessibleDiffView": "インライン チャットが変更に対してアクセシビリティの高い差分ビューアーもレンダリングするかどうか。", "accessibleDiffView.auto": "アクセシビリティの高い差分ビューアーは、有効になっているスクリーン リーダー モードに基づいています。", "accessibleDiffView.off": "アクセシビリティの高い差分ビューアーは一度も有効になっていません。", @@ -8875,6 +8988,10 @@ "openLogsFolder": "ログ フォルダーを開く" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/markdown/browser/markdownSettingRenderer": { + "alreadysetBoolFalse": "\"{0}: {1}\" is already disabled", + "alreadysetBoolTrue": "\"{0}: {1}\" is already enabled", + "alreadysetNum": "\"{0}: {1}\" is already set to {2}", + "alreadysetString": "\"{0}: {1}\" is already set to \"{2}\"", "changeSettingTitle": "設定の表示または変更", "copySettingId": "設定 ID をコピー", "falseMessage": "\"{0}: {1}\" を無効にする", @@ -9499,6 +9616,9 @@ "runCell": "セルの実行", "runCellsInSection": "セクションでセルを実行" }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/controller/variablesActions": { + "notebookActions.openVariablesView": "Variables" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/diff/diffComponents": { "hiddenCell": "{0} 個の非表示セル", "hiddenCells": "{0} 個の非表示セル", @@ -9924,7 +10044,7 @@ "name": "スタートアップ パフォーマンス" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/performance/electron-sandbox/performance.contribution": { - "experimental.rendererProfiling": "有効にすると、低速レンダラーが自動的にプロファイルされます" + "experimental.rendererProfiling": "When enabled, slow renderers are automatically profiled." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/performance/electron-sandbox/startupProfiler": { "prof.detail": "問題点を作成し、次のファイルを手動で添付してください:\r\n{0}", @@ -10105,6 +10225,7 @@ "defaultOverriddenDetailsAriaLabel": "{0} により既定値がオーバーライドされます", "defaultOverriddenLabel": "既定値が変更済み", "defaultOverriddenLanguagesList": "{0} の言語固有の既定値が存在します", + "experimentalLabel": "Experimental", "extensionSyncIgnoredLabel": "同期されていません", "hasDefaultOverridesForLanguages": "次の言語には既定のオーバーライドがあります:", "manageWorkspaceTrust": "ワークスペースの信頼を管理", @@ -10117,6 +10238,7 @@ "policyDescriptionAccessible": "組織のポリシーによって管理されます。設定値が適用されていません", "policyFilterLink": "ポリシー設定を表示", "policyLabelText": "設定値が適用されていません", + "previewLabel": "Preview", "remote": "リモート", "syncIgnoredAriaLabel": "同期中に設定が無視されました", "syncIgnoredTitle": "この設定は同期中は無視されます", @@ -10250,6 +10372,10 @@ "groupRowAriaLabel": "{0}、グループ", "settingsTOC": "設定の目次" }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/preferences/common/preferences": { + "experimentalIndicatorDescription": "This setting controls a feature that may change or be removed in the future. Adjusting this setting may result in instability.", + "previewIndicatorDescription": "This setting controls a feature that is in active development." + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/preferences/common/preferencesContribution": { "enableNaturalLanguageSettingsSearch": "設定で自然文検索モードを有効にするかどうかを制御します。自然文検索はMicrosoft オンライン サービスによって提供されます。", "settingsSearchTocBehavior": "検索中の設定エディターの目次の動作を制御します。設定エディターでこの設定を変更すると、検索クエリが変更された後に設定が有効になります。", @@ -11707,31 +11833,20 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminal.contribution": { "miToggleIntegratedTerminal": "ターミナル(&&T)", - "tasksQuickAccessHelp": "開いているすべてのターミナルを表示", - "tasksQuickAccessPlaceholder": "開く端末名を入力します。", "terminal": "ターミナル" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminalActions": { "emptyTerminalNameInfo": "名前を指定しない場合、既定値にリセットされます", - "goToRecentDirectory.metadata": "最近使用したフォルダーに移動します", "newWithProfile.location": "ターミナルを作成する場所", "newWithProfile.location.editor": "エディターでターミナルを作成する", "newWithProfile.location.view": "ターミナル ビューでターミナルを作成する", "noUnattachedTerminals": "アタッチ先にする、アタッチされていないターミナルがありません", - "quickAccessTerminal": "アクティブなターミナルの切り替え", "sendSequence": "ターミナルに送信するテキストのシーケンス", "showTerminalTabs": "タブの表示", "terminalLaunchHelp": "ヘルプを開く", "workbench.action.terminal.attachToSession": "セッションにアタッチ", "workbench.action.terminal.clear": "クリア", - "workbench.action.terminal.clearPreviousSessionHistory": "以前のセッション履歴をクリアする", "workbench.action.terminal.clearSelection": "選択のクリア", - "workbench.action.terminal.copyAndClearSelection": "選択範囲のコピーとクリア", - "workbench.action.terminal.copyLastCommand": "直近のコマンドのコピー", - "workbench.action.terminal.copyLastCommandAndOutput": "直近のコマンドと出力をコピーする", - "workbench.action.terminal.copyLastCommandOutput": "直近のコマンド出力をコピーする", - "workbench.action.terminal.copySelection": "選択内容のコピー", - "workbench.action.terminal.copySelectionAsHtml": "選択内容を HTML としてコピー", "workbench.action.terminal.createTerminalEditor": "エディター領域で新しいターミナルを作成", "workbench.action.terminal.createTerminalEditorSide": "エディター領域の横に新しいターミナルを作成", "workbench.action.terminal.detachSession": "セッションを切断", @@ -11740,7 +11855,6 @@ "workbench.action.terminal.focusNextPane": "ターミナル グループ内の次のターミナルにフォーカス", "workbench.action.terminal.focusPrevious": "前のターミナル グループにフォーカス", "workbench.action.terminal.focusPreviousPane": "ターミナル グループ内の前のターミナルにフォーカス", - "workbench.action.terminal.goToRecentDirectory": "最近使用したディレクトリに移動する...", "workbench.action.terminal.join": "ターミナルに参加する...", "workbench.action.terminal.join.insufficientTerminals": "参加アクションに必要なターミナルが不足しています", "workbench.action.terminal.join.onlySplits": "すべてのターミナルは既に参加済みです", @@ -11756,8 +11870,6 @@ "workbench.action.terminal.newWorkspacePlaceholder": "新しいターミナルの作業ディレクトリを選択してください", "workbench.action.terminal.openSettings": "ターミナル設定の構成", "workbench.action.terminal.overriddenCwdDescription": "(オーバーライド済み) {0}", - "workbench.action.terminal.paste": "アクティブな端末に貼り付け", - "workbench.action.terminal.pasteSelection": "アクティブなターミナルへの選択範囲の張り付け", "workbench.action.terminal.relaunch": "アクティブなターミナルの再起動", "workbench.action.terminal.rename.prompt": "ターミナルの名前を入力してください", "workbench.action.terminal.renameWithArg.name": "ターミナルの新しい名前", @@ -11768,7 +11880,6 @@ "workbench.action.terminal.resizePaneUp": "ターミナルのサイズを拡大する", "workbench.action.terminal.runActiveFile": "アクティブなファイルをアクティブなターミナルで実行", "workbench.action.terminal.runActiveFile.noFile": "ターミナルで実行できるのは、ディスク上のファイルのみです", - "workbench.action.terminal.runRecentCommand": "最近使用したコマンドを実行する...", "workbench.action.terminal.runSelectedText": "アクティブなターミナルで選択したテキストを実行", "workbench.action.terminal.scrollDown": "下にスクロール (行)", "workbench.action.terminal.scrollDownPage": "スクロール ダウン (ページ)", @@ -11878,20 +11989,6 @@ "unsafePathWarning": "このプロファイルでは、別のユーザーが変更できる安全でない可能性のあるパスを使用しています: {0}。使用しますか?", "yes": "はい" }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminalQuickAccess": { - "renameTerminal": "ターミナルの名前変更", - "workbench.action.terminal.newWithProfilePlus": "(プロファイルを使用した) 新しいターミナルを作成する...", - "workbench.action.terminal.newplus": "新しいターミナルの作成" - }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminalRunRecentQuickPick": { - "removeCommand": "コマンド履歴から削除", - "selectRecentCommand": "実行するコマンドを選択する (Alt キーを押しながらコマンドを編集する)", - "selectRecentCommandMac": "実行するコマンドを選択する (Option キーを押しながらコマンドを編集する)", - "selectRecentDirectory": "移動するディレクトリを選択する (Alt キーを押しながらコマンドを編集する)", - "selectRecentDirectoryMac": "移動するディレクトリを選択する (Option キーを押しながらコマンドを編集する)", - "shellFileHistoryCategory": "{0} 履歴", - "viewCommandOutput": "View Command Output" - }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminalService": { "localTerminalRemote": "このシェルは、接続されたリモート コンピューターではなく、{0}ローカル{1} マシンで実行されます", "localTerminalVirtualWorkspace": "このシェルは、仮想フォルダーではなく、{0}ローカル{1} フォルダーに対して開かれています", @@ -11924,10 +12021,6 @@ "terminalConnectingLabel": "開始しています...", "terminals": "ターミナルを開きます。" }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminalWslRecommendationContribution": { - "install": "インストール", - "useWslExtension.title": "WSL のターミナルを開くには、'{0}' 拡張機能をお勧めします。" - }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/xterm/decorationAddon": { "gutter": "コマンド左側のアイコン", "no": "いいえ", @@ -11966,13 +12059,6 @@ "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.types.icon.dark": "暗いテーマを使用した場合のアイコンのパス", "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.types.icon.light": "明るいテーマを使用した場合のアイコンのパス" }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/common/terminalClipboard": { - "confirmMoveTrashMessageFilesAndDirectories": "{0} 行のテキストをターミナルに貼り付けますか?", - "doNotAskAgain": "今後このメッセージを表示しない", - "multiLinePasteButton": "貼り付け(&&P)", - "multiLinePasteButton.oneLine": "1 行として貼り付け(&&O)", - "preview": "プレビュー:" - }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/common/terminalColorRegistry": { "terminal.ansiColor": "ターミナルの '{0}' ANSI カラー。", "terminal.background": "ターミナルの背景色。パネルごとに異なる色を指定できます。", @@ -12017,8 +12103,6 @@ "terminal.integrated.allowMnemonics": "メニュー バー ニーモニック (Alt+F など) でメニュー バーを開くかどうかを指定します。これを true にした場合、すべての Alt キーストロークがシェルをスキップするようになることにご注意ください。これは、macOS では何の効果もありません。", "terminal.integrated.allowedLinkSchemes": "ターミナルがリンクを開くことを許可されている URI スキームを含む文字列の配列。既定では、セキュリティ上の理由から、可能なスキームの小さなサブセットのみが許可されます。", "terminal.integrated.altClickMovesCursor": "有効にすると、alt/option を押しながらクリックすると、{0} が {1} (既定値) に設定されているときに、プロンプト カーソルがマウスの下に移動します。シェルによっては、これは確実に機能しない可能性があります。", - "terminal.integrated.autoReplies": "ターミナルで検出されたときに自動的に応答されるメッセージ セットです。メッセージが十分に具体的であれば、これを使用して一般的な応答を自動化できます。\r\n\r\n注釈:\r\n\r\n- {0} を使用して、Windows でバッチ ジョブの終了プロンプトに自動的に応答します。\r\n- メッセージにはエスケープ シーケンスが含まれるため、返信はスタイル付きテキストにならない可能性があります。\r\n- 各返信は 1 秒に 1 回のみ行えます。\r\n- 返信で Enter キーを示すには、{1} を使用します。\r\n- 既定のキーの設定を解除するには、値を null 値に設定します。\r\n- 新しい VS Code が適用されない場合は、VS Code を再起動します。", - "terminal.integrated.autoReplies.reply": "プロセスに送信する返信。", "terminal.integrated.bellDuration": "トリガーされた場合に、ターミナル タブ内にベルを表示するためのミリ秒数です。", "terminal.integrated.commandsToSkipShell": "キー バインドがシェルに送信されず、代わりに常に VS Code で処理されるコマンド ID のセット。これにより、シェルによって通常使用されるキー バインドが、ターミナルがフォーカスされていない場合と同じ動作をするようにします。たとえば、'Ctrl+P' で Quick Open を起動します。\r\n\r\n \r\n\r\n既定では、多くのコマンドがスキップされます。既定値をオーバーライドし、代わりにそのコマンドのキー バインドをシェルに渡すには、先頭に '-' 文字が付いているコマンドを追加します。たとえば、'-workbench.action.quickOpen' を追加して、'Ctrl+P' でシェルにアクセスできるようにします。\r\n\r\n \r\n\r\n既定でスキップされる以下のコマンドの一覧は、設定エディターで表示したときには切り詰められます。完全な一覧を表示するには、下の一覧から最初のコマンドを {1} して検索します。\r\n\r\n \r\n\r\n既定でスキップされるコマンド:\r\n\r\n{0}", "terminal.integrated.confirmOnExit": "アクティブなターミナル セッションがある場合に、ウィンドウを閉じたときに確認を行うかどうかを制御します。", @@ -12107,7 +12191,6 @@ "terminal.integrated.shellIntegration.decorationsEnabled.never": "装飾を表示しない", "terminal.integrated.shellIntegration.decorationsEnabled.overviewRuler": "ターミナルの右側に概要ルーラー デコレーションを表示する", "terminal.integrated.shellIntegration.enabled": "強化されたコマンド追跡や現在の作業ディレクトリの検出などの機能をサポートするために、シェル統合で自動挿入するか否かを決定します。\r\n\r\nシェル統合は、シェルをスタートアップ スクリプトで導入することで機能します。そのスクリプトは、ターミナル内で何が起こっているかについて VS Code 分析情報を提供します。\r\n\r\nサポートされているシェル:\r\n\r\n- Linux/macOS: bash、fish、pwsh、zsh\r\n- Windows: pwsh、git bash\r\n\r\nこの設定はターミナルが作成されたときにのみ適用されるため、ターミナルを再起動して有効にする必要があります。\r\n\r\nターミナル プロファイルでカスタム引数が定義されていて、{1}が有効になっている場合、[complex bash `PROMPT_COMMAND`](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/integrated-terminal#_complex-bash-promptcommand)、またはその他のサポートされていないセットアップがある場合は、スクリプト挿入が機能しないことがあります。デコレーションを無効化するには、{0} をご覧ください", - "terminal.integrated.shellIntegration.history": "ターミナル コマンド履歴に保持する最近使用したコマンドの数を制御します。ターミナル コマンド履歴を無効にするには、[0] に設定します。", "terminal.integrated.showExitAlert": "終了コードがゼロ以外の場合に、\"ターミナルの処理が終了しました (終了コード: )\" という警告を表示するかどうかを制御します。", "terminal.integrated.smoothScrolling": "アニメーションでターミナルをスクロールするかどうかを制御します。", "terminal.integrated.splitCwd": "分割ターミナルの開始点となる作業ディレクトリを制御します。", @@ -12229,6 +12312,10 @@ "terminal.integrated.accessibleViewFocusOnCommandExecution": "コマンド実行時にターミナルのアクセス可能ビューをフォーカスします。", "terminal.integrated.accessibleViewPreserveCursorPosition": "バッファーの下部に設定するのではなく、ターミナルのアクセス可能なビューを再度開いたときにカーソルの位置を保持します。" }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/autoReplies/common/terminalAutoRepliesConfiguration": { + "terminal.integrated.autoReplies": "A set of messages that, when encountered in the terminal, will be automatically responded to. Provided the message is specific enough, this can help automate away common responses.\r\n\r\nRemarks:\r\n\r\n- Use {0} to automatically respond to the terminate batch job prompt on Windows.\r\n- The message includes escape sequences so the reply might not happen with styled text.\r\n- Each reply can only happen once every second.\r\n- Use {1} in the reply to mean the enter key.\r\n- To unset a default key, set the value to null.\r\n- Restart VS Code if new don't apply.", + "terminal.integrated.autoReplies.reply": "The reply to send to the process." + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/chat/browser/terminal.initialHint.contribution": { "disableHint": " このヒントを無効にするには、設定の {0} を切り替えます。", "disableInitialHint": "初期ヒントを無効にする", @@ -12268,8 +12355,6 @@ "closeChat": "チャットを閉じる", "discard": "破棄", "discardDescription": "ターミナルの現在のチャット応答を破棄し、チャット ウィジェットを非表示にして、チャット入力をクリアします。", - "focusTerminalInput": "ターミナル入力にフォーカス", - "focusTerminalResponse": "ターミナルの応答にフォーカス", "insert": "挿入", "insertCommand": "チャットの挿入コマンド", "insertFirst": "最初に挿入", @@ -12291,6 +12376,23 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/chat/common/terminalInitialHintConfiguration": { "terminal.integrated.initialHint": "入力されていない最初のターミナルがフォーカスされているときに使用可能なアクションに関するヒントを表示するかどうかを制御します。" }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/clipboard/browser/terminal.clipboard.contribution": { + "workbench.action.terminal.copyAndClearSelection": "Copy and Clear Selection", + "workbench.action.terminal.copyLastCommand": "Copy Last Command", + "workbench.action.terminal.copyLastCommandAndOutput": "Copy Last Command and Output", + "workbench.action.terminal.copyLastCommandOutput": "Copy Last Command Output", + "workbench.action.terminal.copySelection": "Copy Selection", + "workbench.action.terminal.copySelectionAsHtml": "Copy Selection as HTML", + "workbench.action.terminal.paste": "Paste into Active Terminal", + "workbench.action.terminal.pasteSelection": "Paste Selection into Active Terminal" + }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/clipboard/browser/terminalClipboard": { + "confirmMoveTrashMessageFilesAndDirectories": "Are you sure you want to paste {0} lines of text into the terminal?", + "doNotAskAgain": "Do not ask me again", + "multiLinePasteButton": "&&Paste", + "multiLinePasteButton.oneLine": "Paste as &&one line", + "preview": "Preview:" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/commandGuide/browser/terminal.commandGuide.contribution": { "terminalCommandGuide.foreground": "コマンドの左側に表示されるターミナル コマンド ガイドの前景色と、ホバー時の出力。" }, @@ -12330,6 +12432,24 @@ "selectAll": "すべて選択", "undo": "元に戻す" }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/history/browser/terminal.history.contribution": { + "goToRecentDirectory.metadata": "Goes to a recent folder", + "workbench.action.terminal.clearPreviousSessionHistory": "Clear Previous Session History", + "workbench.action.terminal.goToRecentDirectory": "Go to Recent Directory...", + "workbench.action.terminal.runRecentCommand": "Run Recent Command..." + }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/history/browser/terminalRunRecentQuickPick": { + "removeCommand": "Remove from Command History", + "selectRecentCommand": "Select a command to run (hold Alt-key to edit the command)", + "selectRecentCommandMac": "Select a command to run (hold Option-key to edit the command)", + "selectRecentDirectory": "Select a directory to go to (hold Alt-key to edit the command)", + "selectRecentDirectoryMac": "Select a directory to go to (hold Option-key to edit the command)", + "shellFileHistoryCategory": "{0} history", + "viewCommandOutput": "View Command Output" + }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/history/common/terminal.history": { + "terminal.integrated.shellIntegration.history": "Controls the number of recently used commands to keep in the terminal command history. Set to 0 to disable terminal command history." + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/links/browser/terminal.links.contribution": { "workbench.action.terminal.openDetectedLink": "検出されたリンクを開く...", "workbench.action.terminal.openLastLocalFileLink": "最新のローカル ファイル リンクを開く", @@ -12361,6 +12481,16 @@ "terminal.integrated.searchLinks": "ワークスペース検索", "terminal.integrated.urlLinks": "URL" }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/quickAccess/browser/terminal.quickAccess.contribution": { + "quickAccessTerminal": "Switch Active Terminal", + "tasksQuickAccessHelp": "Show All Opened Terminals", + "tasksQuickAccessPlaceholder": "Type the name of a terminal to open." + }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/quickAccess/browser/terminalQuickAccess": { + "renameTerminal": "Rename Terminal", + "workbench.action.terminal.newWithProfilePlus": "Create New Terminal With Profile...", + "workbench.action.terminal.newplus": "Create New Terminal" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/quickFix/browser/quickFixAddon": { "codeAction.widget.id.quickfix": "クイック修正", "quickFix.command": "実行: {0}", @@ -12432,6 +12562,10 @@ "terminal.integrated.localEchoLatencyThreshold": "ネットワーク遅延の長さ (ミリ秒単位)。ローカルの編集内容はサーバーの確認を待たずに端末にエコーされます。'0' の場合ローカル エコーは常にオンになり、'-1' の場合は無効になります。", "terminal.integrated.localEchoStyle": "ローカル エコー テキストの端末スタイル。フォント スタイルまたは RGB カラー。" }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/wslRecommendation/browser/terminal.wslRecommendation.contribution": { + "install": "Install", + "useWslExtension.title": "The '{0}' extension is recommended for opening a terminal in WSL." + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/zoom/browser/terminal.zoom.contribution": { "fontZoomIn": "フォント サイズの拡大", "fontZoomOut": "フォント サイズの縮小", @@ -12688,10 +12822,12 @@ "openTestCoverage": "テスト カバレッジの表示", "run test": "テストの実行", "testing.cancelRun": "テストの実行をキャンセル", - "testing.debugLastRun": "テスト実行のデバッグ", + "testing.debugLastRun": "Debug Last Run", + "testing.debugTest": "Debug Test", "testing.goToError": "エラーへ移動", "testing.goToTest": "テストに移動", - "testing.reRunLastRun": "テスト実行の再実行", + "testing.reRunLastRun": "Rerun Last Run", + "testing.reRunTest": "Rerun Test", "testing.revealInExplorer": "テスト エクスプローラーで表示", "testing.showResultOutput": "結果出力の表示", "testingPeekLabel": "テスト結果メッセージ" @@ -13005,6 +13141,7 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/userDataProfile/browser/userDataProfile": { "New Profile Window": "プロファイルを含む新しいウィンドウ", + "change profile": "Switch to {0} profile", "create profile": "新しいプロファイル...", "current": "現在", "delete profile": "プロファイルの削除...", @@ -13016,10 +13153,12 @@ "new window with profile": "プロファイルを含む新しいウィンドウ", "newWindowWithProfile": "プロファイルを含む新しいウィンドウ...", "open": "{0} プロファイルを開く", + "open profile": "Open New Window with {0} Profile", "open profiles": "プロファイルを開く (UI)", "openShort": "{0}", "pick profile": "プロファイルの選択", "pick profile to delete": "削除するプロファイルを選択", + "profiles": "Profile ({0})", "save profile as": "現在のプロファイルに名前を付けて保存...", "selectProfile": "プロファイルの選択", "switchProfile": "プロファイルの切り替え...", @@ -13053,6 +13192,7 @@ "default profile contents description": "このプロファイルのコンテンツを参照する\r\n", "defaultProfileIcon": "既定のプロファイルのアイコンは変更できません", "defaultProfileName": "既定のプロファイルの名前は変更できません", + "deleteTrustedUri": "Delete Path", "editIcon": "プロファイル エディターのフォルダー編集アイコンのアイコン。", "empty profile": "なし", "enable for current window": "現在のウィンドウでこのプロファイルを使用する", @@ -13090,6 +13230,7 @@ "profileName": "プロファイル名", "profiles": "プロファイル", "profilesSashBorder": "プロファイル エディターの分割ビュー サッシュの枠線の色。", + "removeIcon": "Icon for the remove folder icon in the profiles editor.", "settings": "設定", "snippets": "スニペット", "tasks": "タスク", @@ -13406,7 +13547,8 @@ "gettingStartedUnchecked": "完了していないチュートリアルのステップを表すために使用されます" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcomeGettingStarted/browser/gettingStartedInput": { - "getStarted": "ようこそ" + "getStarted": "ようこそ", + "walkthroughPageTitle": "Walkthrough: " }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcomeGettingStarted/browser/gettingStartedService": { "builtin": "ビルトイン", @@ -13438,6 +13580,7 @@ "gettingStarted.accessibleView.title": "スクリーン リーダー ユーザーは、アクセス可能なビューで、コンテンツを 1 行ずつ、文字ごとに検査できます。", "gettingStarted.beginner.description": "最も重要な機能の概要を取得する", "gettingStarted.beginner.title": "基礎の学習", + "gettingStarted.beginner.walkthroughPageTitle": "Essential Features", "gettingStarted.codeFolding.description.interpolated": "[折りたたみの切り替え] コマンドを使用してコード セクションを折りたたむか展開します。\r\n{0}\r\n [折りたたみの再帰的切り替え] コマンドを使用して再帰的に折りたたむか展開する\r\n{1}\r\n", "gettingStarted.codeFolding.title": "コードの折りたたみを使用して、コードのブロックを折りたたみ、関心のあるコードにフォーカスします。", "gettingStarted.commandPalette.description.interpolated": "マウスに接続せずにコマンドを実行して、VS Code のタスクを完了します。\r\n{0}", @@ -13466,6 +13609,7 @@ "gettingStarted.newFile.description": "無題の新しいテキスト ファイル、ノートブック、またはカスタム エディターを開きます。", "gettingStarted.newFile.title": "新しいファイル...", "gettingStarted.notebook.title": "ノートブックのカスタマイズ", + "gettingStarted.notebook.walkthroughPageTitle": "Notebooks", "gettingStarted.notebookProfile.description": "ノートブックを好みの感覚にする", "gettingStarted.notebookProfile.title": "ノートブックのレイアウトを選択します", "gettingStarted.openFile.description": "作業を開始するには、ファイルを開いてください", @@ -13491,10 +13635,13 @@ "gettingStarted.setup.OpenFolderWeb.description.interpolated": "コーディングを開始する準備が整いました。ローカル プロジェクトまたはリモート リポジトリを開いて、ファイルを VS Code に取り込むことができます。\r\n{0}\r\n{1}", "gettingStarted.setup.description": "エディターをカスタマイズし、基礎を学び、コーディングを開始する", "gettingStarted.setup.title": "VS Code を開始する", + "gettingStarted.setup.walkthroughPageTitle": "Setup VS Code", "gettingStarted.setupAccessibility.description": "VS Code をより使いやすくするツールとショートカットについて説明します。チュートリアルのコンテキスト内では実行できないアクションもありますのでご注意ください。", "gettingStarted.setupAccessibility.title": "アクセシビリティ機能を使用した開始する", + "gettingStarted.setupAccessibility.walkthroughPageTitle": "Setup VS Code Accessibility", "gettingStarted.setupWeb.description": "エディターをカスタマイズし、基礎を学び、コーディングを開始する", "gettingStarted.setupWeb.title": "Web 用の VS Code を開始する", + "gettingStarted.setupWeb.walkthroughPageTitle": "Setup VS Code Web", "gettingStarted.shortcuts.description.interpolated": "お気に入りのコマンドを見つけたら、すぐにアクセスするためのカスタム キーボード ショートカットを作成します。\r\n{0}", "gettingStarted.shortcuts.title": "ショートカットのカスタマイズ", "gettingStarted.tasks.description.interpolated": "よく使うワークフロー用にタスクを作成し、スクリプトを実行して結果を自動的に確認するという統合化されたエクスペリエンスを利用しましょう。\r\n{0}", @@ -13768,7 +13915,6 @@ "editorLineNumberContext": "提供されたエディター行番号のコンテキスト メニュー", "file.newFile": "ウェルカム ページおよび [ファイル] メニューに表示される、[新しいファイル...] クイック ピック。", "inlineCompletions.actions": "インライン入力候補にカーソルを合わせたときに表示されるアクション", - "inlineEdit.actions": "インライン編集にカーソルを合わせたときに表示されるアクション", "interactive.cell.title": "提供された対話型セルのタイトル メニュー", "interactive.toolbar": "提供された対話型セルのツールバー メニュー", "issue.reporter": "提供された問題の報告者メニュー", @@ -14312,6 +14458,11 @@ "vs/workbench/services/files/electron-sandbox/diskFileSystemProvider": { "fileWatcher": "File Watcher" }, + "vs/workbench/services/files/electron-sandbox/elevatedFileService": { + "fileNotTrusted": "Workspace is not trusted.", + "fileNotTrustedMessagePosix": "You are about to save '{0}' as super user.", + "fileNotTrustedMessageWindows": "You are about to save '{0}' as admin." + }, "vs/workbench/services/filesConfiguration/common/filesConfigurationService": { "configuredReadonly": "ファイルが設定によって読み取り専用に設定されているため、エディターは読み取り専用です。[ここをクリック](command:{0}) して構成するか、[このセッションを切り替えます](command:{1})。", "fileLocked": "ファイルのアクセス許可のため、エディターは読み取り専用です。書き込み可能に設定するには [ここをクリック](command:{0}) します。", @@ -14602,6 +14753,10 @@ "vs/workbench/services/textfile/common/textFileEditorModelManager": { "genericSaveError": "'{0}' の保存に失敗しました: {1}" }, + "vs/workbench/services/textfile/common/textFileSaveParticipant": { + "saveParticipants1": "Running Code Actions and Formatters...", + "skip": "Skip" + }, "vs/workbench/services/textfile/electron-sandbox/nativeTextFileService": { "join.textFiles": "テキスト ファイルの保存" }, @@ -14713,7 +14868,7 @@ "schema.folderNamesExpanded": "フォルダー名を展開したフォルダーのアイコンに関連付けます。オブジェクト キーはフォルダー名ですが、パスの部分は含みません。パターンやワイルドカードは使用できません。フォルダー名の一致では大文字と小文字を区別しません。", "schema.font-format": "フォントの形式。", "schema.font-path": "現在のファイル アイコン テーマ ファイルに相対的なフォント パス。", - "schema.font-size": "フォントの既定のサイズ。有効な値については、https://developer.mozilla.org/ja-jp/docs/Web/CSS/font-size をご覧ください。", + "schema.font-size": "The default size of the font. We strongly recommend using a percentage value, for example: 125%.", "schema.font-style": "フォントのスタイル。有効な値については、https://developer.mozilla.org/ja/docs/Web/CSS/font-style を参照してください。", "schema.font-weight": "フォントの太さ。有効な値については、https://developer.mozilla.org/ja/docs/Web/CSS/font-weight を参照してください。", "schema.fontCharacter": "グリフ フォントを使用する場合: 使用するフォントの文字。", @@ -15042,6 +15197,10 @@ "vs/workbench/services/workingCopy/common/storedFileWorkingCopyManager": { "join.fileWorkingCopyManager": "作業コピーを保存しています" }, + "vs/workbench/services/workingCopy/common/storedFileWorkingCopySaveParticipant": { + "saveParticipants1": "Running Code Actions and Formatters...", + "skip": "Skip" + }, "vs/workbench/services/workingCopy/common/workingCopyHistoryService": { "default.source": "ファイルが保存されました", "join.workingCopyHistory": "ローカル履歴を保存しています", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ko/translations/extensions/vscode.git.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ko/translations/extensions/vscode.git.i18n.json index 2a18ee4161..331be553cd 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ko/translations/extensions/vscode.git.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ko/translations/extensions/vscode.git.i18n.json @@ -161,6 +161,7 @@ "Open": "열기", "Open Commit": "커밋 열기", "Open Comparison": "비교 열기", + "Open File": "Open File", "Open Git Log": "Git 로그 열기", "Open Merge": "병합 열기", "Open Repositories In Parent Folders": "부모 폴더에서 리포지토리 열기", @@ -267,6 +268,7 @@ "There are {0} unsaved files.\n\nWould you like to save them before stashing?": "저장되지 않은 파일이 {0}개 있습니다.\n\n스태시하기 전에 저장하시겠습니까?", "There are {0} untracked files which will be DELETED FROM DISK if discarded.": "취소하는 경우 {0}개의 추적되지 않은 파일이 디스크에서 삭제됩니다.", "There were merge conflicts while applying the stash.": "스태시를 적용하는 중 병합 충돌이 발생했습니다.", + "There were merge conflicts while cherry picking the changes. Resolve the conflicts before committing them.": "There were merge conflicts while cherry picking the changes. Resolve the conflicts before committing them.", "This action will pull and push commits from and to \"{0}/{1}\".": "이 작업은 '{0}/{1}'을(를) 오가는 커밋을 풀/푸시합니다.", "This repository has no remotes configured to fetch from.": "이 리포지토리에 페치할 원격 항목이 구성되어 있지 않습니다.", "This will DELETE {0} untracked files!\nThis is IRREVERSIBLE!\nThese files will be FOREVER LOST.": "이렇게 하면 {0}개의 추적되지 않은 파일이 삭제됩니다!\n삭제 후에는 되돌릴 수 없습니다!\n이 파일은 영원히 손실됩니다.", @@ -356,6 +358,7 @@ "command.checkoutDetached": "체크 아웃(분리됨)...", "command.checkoutRefDetached": "체크 아웃(분리됨)", "command.cherryPick": "cherry-pick...", + "command.cherryPickAbort": "Abort Cherry Pick", "command.cherryPickRef": "Cherry Pick", "command.clean": "변경 내용 취소", "command.cleanAll": "모든 변경 내용 취소", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ko/translations/extensions/vscode.github-authentication.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ko/translations/extensions/vscode.github-authentication.i18n.json index 7e178de4ac..2b3b66cdc3 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ko/translations/extensions/vscode.github-authentication.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ko/translations/extensions/vscode.github-authentication.i18n.json @@ -16,8 +16,6 @@ "Having trouble logging in? Would you like to try a different way? ({0})": "로그인하는 데 문제가 있나요? 다른 방법을 시도해 보시겠습니까?({0})", "No": "아니요", "Open [{0}]({0}) in a new tab and paste your one-time code: {1}/The [{0}]({0}) will be a url and the {1} will be a code, e.g. 123-456{Locked=\"[{0}]({0})\"}": "새 탭에서 [{0}]({0})을 열고 일회성 코드 {1}을(를) 붙여넣습니다.", - "Please reload the window to apply the new setting.": "창을 다시 로드하여 새 설정을 적용하세요.", - "Reload Window": "창 다시 로드", "Sign in failed: {0}": "로그인 실패: {0}", "Sign out failed: {0}": "로그아웃 실패: {0}", "Signing in to {0}.../The {0} will be a url, e.g. github.com": "{0}에 로그인하는 중...", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ko/translations/extensions/vscode.ipynb.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ko/translations/extensions/vscode.ipynb.i18n.json index 46456f6a5a..a7b1dfadda 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ko/translations/extensions/vscode.ipynb.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ko/translations/extensions/vscode.ipynb.i18n.json @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ "copyCellOutput.title": "셀 출력 복사", "description": "Jupyter의 .ipynb 노트북 파일 열기 및 읽기에 대한 기본 지원을 제공합니다", "displayName": ".ipynb 지원", - "ipynb.experimental.serialization": "작업자 스레드에서 Jupyter Notebook을 직렬화하는 실험적 기능입니다. 확장 호스트가 웹 작업자로 실행되는 경우 지원되지 않습니다.", + "ipynb.experimental.serialization": "Experimental feature to serialize the Jupyter notebook in a worker thread.", "ipynb.pasteImagesAsAttachments.enabled": "ipynb 노트북 파일의 Markdown 셀에 이미지 붙여넣기를 활성화/비활성화합니다. 붙여넣은 이미지는 셀에 첨부 파일로 삽입됩니다.", "markdownAttachmentRenderer.displayName": "Markdown-It ipynb 셀 첨부 파일 렌더러", "newUntitledIpynb.shortTitle": "Jupyter Notebook", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ko/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ko/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json index 9be0e1d89c..e6bdc6da44 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ko/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ko/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json @@ -87,6 +87,8 @@ "Please report an issue against Yarn PnP": "Yarn PnP에 대해 문제를 보고하세요.", "Please update your TypeScript version": "TypeScript 버전을 업데이트하세요.", "Project Wide IntelliSense not available": "프로젝트 전체 IntelliSense를 사용할 수 없음", + "Related files provider failed. Copilot requested file with unsupported language mode.": "Related files provider failed. Copilot requested file with unsupported language mode.", + "Related files provider failed. No active text editor.": "Related files provider failed. No active text editor.", "Remove Unused Imports": "사용하지 않는 가져오기 제거", "Remove all unused code": "사용하지 않는 모든 코드 제거", "Report Issue": "문제 신고", @@ -196,12 +198,14 @@ "configuration.tsserver.useSyntaxServer.auto": "전체 서버와 구문 작업 전용의 경량 서버를 모두 생성하세요. 구문 서버는 프로젝트를 로드하는 동안 구문 작업을 가속화하고 IntelliSense를 제공하는 데 사용됩니다.", "configuration.tsserver.useSyntaxServer.never": "전용 구문 서버를 사용하지 마세요. 단일 서버를 사용하여 모든 IntelliSense 작업을 처리하세요.", "configuration.tsserver.useVsCodeWatcher": "TypeScript 대신 VS Code 파일 감시자를 사용합니다. 작업 영역에서 TypeScript 5.4 이상을 사용해야 합니다.", + "configuration.tsserver.useVsCodeWatcher.deprecation": "Please use the `#typescript.tsserver.watchOptions#` setting instead.", "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions": "파일 및 디렉터리 추적에 사용할 감시 전략을 구성합니다.", "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions.fallbackPolling": "파일 시스템 이벤트를 사용하는 경우, 이 옵션은 시스템에 기본 파일 감시자가 부족하고/부족하거나 시스템에서 기본 파일 감시자를 지원하지 않는 경우 사용되는 폴링 전략을 지정합니다.", "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions.fallbackPolling.dynamicPriorityPolling ": "자주 수정되지 않는 파일이 덜 자주 검사되는 동적 큐를 사용합니다.", "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions.fallbackPolling.fixedPollingInterval": "모든 파일의 변경 사항을 고정된 간격으로 초당 여러 번 확인합니다.", "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions.fallbackPolling.priorityPollingInterval": "모든 파일에서 1초에 여러 번 변경 내용을 확인하지만, 휴리스틱을 사용하여 특정 형식의 파일은 다른 파일보다 덜 자주 확인합니다.", "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions.synchronousWatchDirectory": "디렉터리에서 지연 감시를 사용하지 않습니다. 지연 감시는 많은 파일 변경이 한꺼번에 발생하는 경우(예: 실행 중인 npm install에서 node_modules 변경) 유용하지만, 덜 일반적인 설정의 경우 이 플래그를 사용하여 지연 감시를 사용하지 않도록 설정할 수 있습니다.", + "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions.vscode": "Use VS Code's file watchers instead of TypeScript's. Requires using TypeScript 5.4+ in the workspace.", "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions.watchDirectory": "재귀 파일 감시 기능이 없는 시스템에서 전체 디렉터리 트리를 감시하는 방법에 대한 전략입니다.", "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions.watchDirectory.dynamicPriorityPolling": "수정이 자주 발생하지 않는 디렉터리가 덜 자주 검사되는 동적 큐를 사용합니다.", "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions.watchDirectory.fixedChunkSizePolling": "정기적으로 디렉터리를 청크 단위로 폴링합니다.", @@ -218,7 +222,7 @@ "configuration.tsserver.web.projectWideIntellisense.suppressSemanticErrors": "프로젝트 전체 IntelliSense를 사용하도록 설정한 경우에도 웹에서 의미 체계 오류를 표시하지 않습니다. 프로젝트 전체 IntelliSense를 사용하도록 설정하지 않았거나 사용할 수 없는 경우 항상 켜져 있습니다. `#typescript.tsserver.web.projectWideIntellisense.enabled#`를 참조하세요.", "configuration.tsserver.web.typeAcquisition.enabled": "웹에서 패키지 취득을 사용하거나 사용하지 않도록 설정합니다. 이렇게 하면 가져온 패키지에 대해 IntelliSense가 활성화됩니다. '#typescript.tsserver.web.projectWideIntellisense.enabled#'이 필요합니다. 현재 Safari에서 지원되지 않습니다.", "configuration.typescript": "TypeScript", - "configuration.updateImportsOnPaste": "코드를 붙여넣을 때 가져오기를 자동으로 업데이트합니다. TypeScript 5.6+가 필요합니다.", + "configuration.updateImportsOnPaste": "Automatically update imports when pasting code. Requires TypeScript 5.7+.", "description": "JavaScript 및 TypeScript에 대한 다양한 언어 지원을 제공합니다.", "displayName": "TypeScript 및 JavaScript 언어 기능", "format.indentSwitchCase": "switch 문의 case 절을 들여쓰기합니다. 작업 영역에서 TypeScript 5.1+를 사용해야 합니다.", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ko/translations/main.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ko/translations/main.i18n.json index b0dadaaa8f..5b7e39d8f9 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ko/translations/main.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ko/translations/main.i18n.json @@ -548,12 +548,7 @@ "inlayHints.padding": "편집기에서 인레이 힌트 주위의 패딩을 사용하도록 설정합니다.", "inline": "빠른 제안이 유령 텍스트로 표시됨", "inlineCompletionsAccessibilityVerbose": "인라인 완성이 표시될 때 화면 읽기 프로그램 사용자에게 접근성 힌트를 제공해야 하는지 여부를 제어합니다.", - "inlineEdit.enabled": "편집기에서 인라인 편집 내용을 표시할지 여부를 제어합니다.", - "inlineEdit.fontFamily": "인라인 편집의 글꼴 패밀리를 제어합니다.", - "inlineEdit.showToolbar": "인라인 편집 도구 모음을 표시할 시기를 제어합니다.", - "inlineEdit.showToolbar.always": "인라인 추천을 표시할 때마다 인라인 편집 도구 모음을 표시합니다.", - "inlineEdit.showToolbar.never": "인라인 편집 도구 모음을 표시하지 않습니다.", - "inlineEdit.showToolbar.onHover": "인라인 추천을 마우스로 가리키면 인라인 편집 도구 모음을 표시합니다.", + "inlineSuggest.edits.experimental.enabled": "Controls whether to enable experimental edits in inline suggestions.", "inlineSuggest.enabled": "편집기에서 인라인 제안을 자동으로 표시할지 여부를 제어합니다.", "inlineSuggest.fontFamily": "인라인 제안의 글꼴 패밀리를 제어합니다.", "inlineSuggest.showToolbar": "인라인 추천 도구 모음을 표시할 시기를 제어합니다.", @@ -602,6 +597,7 @@ "occurrencesHighlight.multiFile": "실험적: 모든 유효한 열린 파일에서 발생 항목을 강조 표시합니다.", "occurrencesHighlight.off": "발생 항목을 강조 표시하지 않습니다.", "occurrencesHighlight.singleFile": "현재 파일의 발생 항목만 강조 표시합니다.", + "occurrencesHighlightDelay": "Controls the delay in milliseconds after which occurrences are highlighted.", "off": "빠른 제안이 사용 중지되었습니다.", "on": "제안 위젯 내부에 빠른 제안이 표시됩니다.", "overviewRulerBorder": "개요 눈금자 주위에 테두리를 그릴지 여부를 제어합니다.", @@ -1398,6 +1394,7 @@ "action.inlineSuggest.acceptNextLine": "인라인 제안의 다음 줄 수락", "action.inlineSuggest.acceptNextWord": "인라인 제안의 다음 단어 수락", "action.inlineSuggest.alwaysShowToolbar": "항상 도구 모음 표시", + "action.inlineSuggest.dev.extractRepro": "Developer: Extract Inline Suggest State", "action.inlineSuggest.hide": "인라인 제안 숨기기", "action.inlineSuggest.jump": "다음 인라인 편집으로 이동", "action.inlineSuggest.showNext": "다음 인라인 제안 표시", @@ -1429,9 +1426,6 @@ "parameterHintsPreviousIcon": "이전 매개 변수 힌트 표시의 아이콘입니다.", "previous": "이전" }, - "vs/editor/contrib/inlineEdit/browser/hoverParticipant": { - "hoverAccessibilityInlineEdits": "여기에 인라인 편집이 있습니다." - }, "vs/editor/contrib/inPlaceReplace/browser/inPlaceReplace": { "InPlaceReplaceAction.next.label": "다음 값으로 바꾸기", "InPlaceReplaceAction.previous.label": "이전 값으로 바꾸기" @@ -2529,6 +2523,7 @@ "diffEditorRemovedLines": "제거된 줄의 배경색입니다. 색상은 기본 장식을 숨기지 않도록 불투명하지 않아야 합니다.", "diffEditorRemovedOutline": "제거된 텍스트의 윤곽선 색입니다.", "editorBackground": "편집기 배경색입니다.", + "editorCompositionBorder": "The border color for an IME composition.", "editorError.background": "편집기에서 오류 텍스트의 배경색입니다. 기본 장식을 숨기지 않도록 색은 불투명하지 않아야 합니다.", "editorError.foreground": "편집기 내 오류 표시선의 전경색입니다.", "editorFindMatch": "현재 검색 일치 항목의 색입니다.", @@ -3932,6 +3927,8 @@ "editorCommand.activeEditorMove.arg.description": "인수 속성:\r\n* 'to': 이동할 위치를 지정하는 문자열 값입니다.\r\n* 'by': 이동할 단위를 지정하는 문자열 값입니다.(탭 단위 또는 그룹 단위).\r\n* 'value': 이동할 위치 수 또는 절대 위치를 지정하는 숫자 값입니다.", "editorCommand.activeEditorMove.arg.name": "활성 편집기 이동 인수", "editorCommand.activeEditorMove.description": "활성 편집기를 탭 또는 그룹 단위로 이동", + "editorGroupLayout.horizontal": "Horizontal", + "editorGroupLayout.vertical": "Vertical", "focusLeftSideEditor": "활성 편집기에서 첫 번째 측면 포커스", "focusOtherSideEditor": "활성 편집기에서 다른 측면 포커스", "focusRightSideEditor": "활성 편집기에서 두 번째 측면 포커스", @@ -4230,7 +4227,9 @@ "vs/workbench/browser/parts/panel/panelPart": { "align panel": "패널 맞춤", "hidePanel": "패널 숨기기", - "panel position": "패널 위치" + "panel position": "패널 위치", + "showIcons": "Show Icons", + "showLabels": "Show Labels" }, "vs/workbench/browser/parts/sidebar/sidebarActions": { "focusSideBar": "기본 사이드 바에 집중" @@ -4355,9 +4354,6 @@ "shutdownErrorDetail": "실행하는 동안 워크벤치가 예기치 않게 삭제되었습니다.", "unableToOpenExternal": "브라우저가 새 탭 또는 창의 열기를 중단했습니다. 그래도 열려면 '열기'를 누르세요." }, - "vs/workbench/browser/workbench": { - "loaderErrorNative": "필요한 파일을 로드하지 못했습니다. 애플리케이션을 다시 시작하여 다시 시도하세요. 세부 정보: {0}" - }, "vs/workbench/browser/workbench.contribution": { "activeEditorLong": "`${activeEditorLong}`: 파일 전체 경로(예: /Users/Development/myFolder/myFileFolder/myFile.txt).", "activeEditorMedium": "'${activeEditorMedium}: 작업 영역 폴더(예: myFolder/myFileFolder/myFile.txt)와 관련된 파일의 경로입니다.", @@ -4428,7 +4424,7 @@ "openFoldersInNewWindow": "폴더를 새 창에서 열거나 마지막 활성 창을 바꿀지 여부를 제어합니다.\r\n이 설정이 무시되는 경우도 있을 수 있습니다(예: '--new-window' 또는 '--reuse-window' 명령줄 옵션을 사용할 경우).", "panelDefaultLocation": "새 작업 영역에서 패널의 기본 위치(터미널, 디버그 콘솔, 출력, 문제)를 제어합니다. 편집기 영역의 아래쪽, 위쪽, 오른쪽 또는 왼쪽에 표시될 수 있습니다.", "panelOpensMaximized": "패널이 최대화되어 열리는지 여부를 제어합니다. 항상 최대화되어 열리거나, 최대화되어 열리지 않거나, 닫기 전 상태였던 마지막 상태로 열 수 있습니다.", - "panelShowLabel": "패널 제목의 활동 항목이 레이블 또는 아이콘으로 표시되는지 여부를 제어합니다.", + "panelShowLabels": "Controls whether activity items in the panel title are shown as label or icon.", "perEditorGroup": "열린 편집기의 최대 수 제한을 편집기 그룹별로 적용할지 또는 모든 편집기 그룹에 적용할지를 제어합니다.", "pinnedTabSizing": "고정된 편집기 탭의 크기를 제어합니다. 고정된 탭은 열려 있는 모든 탭의 시작 부분으로 정렬되며 일반적으로 고정 해제될 때까지 닫지 않습니다. 이 값은 {0}(이)가 {1}(으)로 설정되지 않은 경우 무시됩니다.", "preserveInput": "다음에 열 때 마지막으로 명령 팔레트에 입력한 내용을 복원할지 여부를 제어합니다.", @@ -4844,6 +4840,7 @@ "configureRuntimeArguments": "런타임 인수 구성", "openUserDataFolder": "사용자 데이터 폴더 열기", "reloadWindowWithExtensionsDisabled": "확장을 사용하지 않도록 설정한 후 다시 로드", + "showGPUInfo": "Show GPU Info", "toggleDevTools": "개발자 도구 설정/해제" }, "vs/workbench/electron-sandbox/actions/installActions": { @@ -4909,7 +4906,7 @@ "touchbar.enabled": "사용 가능한 경우 키보드의 macOS Touch Bar 단추를 사용하도록 설정합니다.", "touchbar.ignored": "표시되지 않아야 하는 터치바에 있는 항목의 식별자 세트입니다(예: 'workbench.action.navigateBack').", "window.clickThroughInactive": "사용하도록 설정한 경우 비활성 창을 클릭하면 창도 활성화되고 클릭 가능한 경우 마우스 아래의 요소도 트리거됩니다. 사용하지 않도록 설정한 경우 비활성 창에서 아무곳이나 클릭하면 창만 활성화되며 요소는 또 한번 클릭해야 합니다.", - "window.customTitleBarVisibility": "사용자 지정 제목 표시줄을 표시할 시기를 조정합니다. `windowed`를 사용하여 전체 화면 모드에 있을 때 사용자 지정 제목 표시줄을 숨길 수 있습니다. {0}이(가) `native`로 설정된 경우 `never`를 사용해야만 전체 화면이 아닌 모드에서 사용자 지정 제목 표시줄을 숨길 수 있습니다.", + "window.customTitleBarVisibility": "Adjust when the custom title bar should be shown. The custom title bar can be hidden when in full screen mode with `windowed`. The custom title bar can only be hidden in non full screen mode with `never` when {0} is set to `native`.", "window.customTitleBarVisibility.auto": "사용자 지정 제목 표시줄 표시 여부를 자동으로 변경합니다.", "window.customTitleBarVisibility.never": "{0}이(가) `native`로 설정된 경우 사용자 지정 제목 표시줄을 숨깁니다.", "window.customTitleBarVisibility.windowed": "전체 화면에서 사용자 지정 제목 표시줄을 숨깁니다. 전체 화면이 아닌 경우 사용자 지정 제목 표시줄 표시 여부를 자동으로 변경합니다.", @@ -4947,7 +4944,6 @@ "downloadArmBuild": "다운로드", "keychainWriteError": "'{0}' 오류로 인해 로그인 정보를 키 집합에 쓰지 못했습니다.", "learnMore": "자세한 정보", - "loaderCycle": "AMD 모듈에 해결해야 할 종속성 주기가 있습니다!", "loginButton": "로그인(&&L)", "macoseolmessage": "{1}의 {0}에서 곧 업데이트 수신을 중단합니다. macOS 버전 업그레이드를 고려하세요.", "password": "암호", @@ -5185,7 +5181,7 @@ "openDiffEditorAnnouncement": "Diff 편집기" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/accountEntitlements/browser/accountsEntitlements.contribution": { - "workbench.accounts.showEntitlements": "사용하도록 설정하면 계정에 대해 사용 가능한 자격이 계정 메뉴에 표시됩니다." + "workbench.accounts.showEntitlements": "When enabled, available entitlements for the account will be shown in the accounts menu." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/audioCues/browser/audioCues.contribution": { "audioCues.chatRequestSent": "채팅 요청이 있을 때 소리를 재생합니다.", @@ -5239,7 +5235,8 @@ "pickAProviderTitle": "확장 계정 기본 설정 관리", "placeholder": "'{0}' 계정 기본 설정 관리...", "selectProvider": "계정 기본 설정을 관리할 인증 공급자 선택", - "title": "이 작업 영역에 대한 '{0}' 계정 기본 설정" + "title": "이 작업 영역에 대한 '{0}' 계정 기본 설정", + "use new account": "Use a new account..." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/authentication/browser/actions/manageTrustedExtensionsForAccountAction": { "accountLastUsedDate": "이 계정을 마지막으로 사용한 날짜: {0}", @@ -5378,8 +5375,7 @@ "workbench.action.chat.focus": "위쪽 및 아래쪽 화살표로 탐색할 수 있는 채팅 요청/응답 목록에 포커스를 지정하려면 포커스 채팅 명령({0})을 호출합니다.", "workbench.action.chat.focusInput": "채팅 요청에 대한 입력 상자에 초점을 맞추려면 포커스 채팅 입력 명령({0})을 호출합니다.", "workbench.action.chat.newChat": "새 채팅 세션을 만들려면 새 채팅 명령{0}을(를) 호출합니다.", - "workbench.action.chat.nextCodeBlock": "응답 내에서 다음 코드 블록에 초점을 맞추려면 채팅: 다음 코드 블록 명령({0})을 호출합니다.", - "workbench.action.chat.nextFileTree": "응답 내에서 다음 파일 트리에 포커스를 지정하려면 채팅: 다음 파일 트리 명령({0})을 호출합니다." + "workbench.action.chat.nextCodeBlock": "응답 내에서 다음 코드 블록에 초점을 맞추려면 채팅: 다음 코드 블록 명령({0})을 호출합니다." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatActions": { "actions.interactiveSession.focus": "포커스 채팅 목록", @@ -5389,19 +5385,26 @@ "chat.history.rename": "이름 바꾸기", "chatWith": "확장과 채팅", "currentChatLabel": "현재", + "installChat": "Install {0}", + "installChatGlobalAction.justification": "AI support requires this extension.", "interactiveSession.clearHistory.label": "입력 기록 지우기", "interactiveSession.focusInput.label": "포커스 채팅 입력", "interactiveSession.history.delete": "삭제", "interactiveSession.history.editor": "편집기에서 열기", "interactiveSession.history.pick": "채팅으로 전환", "interactiveSession.open": "편집기 열기", + "learnMore": "Learn More", "more": "자세히...", "newChatTitle": "새 채팅 제목", "openChat": "채팅 열기", - "title4": "채팅" + "title4": "채팅", + "toggle.chatControl": "Chat Controls", + "toggle.chatControlsDescription": "Toggle visibility of the Chat Controls in title bar" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatClearActions": { - "chat.newChat.label": "새 채팅" + "chat.newChat.label": "새 채팅", + "chat.newEdits.label": "New Edit Session", + "chat.openEdits.label": "Open Edit Session" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatCodeblockActions": { "chat.applyAll.label": "모든 편집 내용 적용", @@ -5417,8 +5420,12 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatContextActions": { "chatContext.attach.placeholder": "첨부 파일 검색", + "chatContext.attachScreenshot.labelElectron.Window": "Screenshot Window", + "chatContext.attachScreenshot.labelWeb": "Screenshot", + "chatContext.editors": "Open Editors", "chatContext.notebook.kernelVariable": "커널 변수...", "chatContext.notebook.selectkernelVariable": "커널 변수 선택 및 삽입", + "chatContext.searchResults": "Search Results", "chatContext.symbol": "기호...", "imageFromClipboard": "클립보드의 이미지", "pastedImage": "붙여 넣은 이미지", @@ -5437,8 +5444,13 @@ "actions.chat.submitSecondaryAgent": "보조 에이전트에 제출", "chat.newChat.label": "새 채팅으로 보내기", "chat.pickModel.label": "모델 선택", + "chat.sendToChatEditing.label": "Send to Copilot Edits", + "chat.startEditing.confirmation.message": "Starting a new editing session will end your current editing session and discard edits to {0} files. Do you wish to proceed?", + "chat.startEditing.confirmation.primaryButton": "Yes", + "chat.startEditing.confirmation.title": "Start new editing session?", "interactive.cancel.label": "취소", - "interactive.submit.label": "보내기" + "interactive.submit.label": "Send and Dispatch", + "interactive.submitWithoutDispatch.label": "Send" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatFileTreeActions": { "interactive.nextFileTree.label": "다음 파일 트리", @@ -5466,7 +5478,19 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatTitleActions": { "chat.remove.label": "요청 및 응답 제거", + "chat.retry.confirmation.checkbox": "Don't ask again", + "chat.retry.confirmation.message2": "This will undo edits made to {0} since this request.", + "chat.retry.confirmation.primaryButton": "Yes", "chat.retry.label": "다시 시도", + "chat.retryLast.confirmation.message2": "This will undo edits made to {0} files in your working set since this request. Do you want to proceed?", + "chat.retryLast.confirmation.title2": "Do you want to retry your last request?", + "chat.startEditing.confirmation.acceptEdits": "Accept & Continue", + "chat.startEditing.confirmation.discardEdits": "Discard & Continue", + "chat.startEditing.confirmation.message": "Starting a new editing session will end your current editing session and discard edits to {0} files. Do you wish to proceed?", + "chat.startEditing.confirmation.pending.message": "Starting a new editing session will end your current session. Do you want to discard pending edits to {0} files?", + "chat.startEditing.confirmation.primaryButton": "Yes", + "chat.startEditing.confirmation.title": "Start new editing session?", + "chat.startEditing.label2": "Edit with Copilot", "interactive.helpful.label": "유용함", "interactive.insertIntoNotebook.label": "전자 필기장에 삽입", "interactive.reportIssueForBug.label": "이슈 보고", @@ -5483,17 +5507,25 @@ "insertCodeBlock.readonlyNotebook": "코드 블록을 읽기 전용 Notebook 편집기에 삽입할 수 없습니다.", "overlap": "다른 코드 변경 내용이 미리 보여지고 있습니다. 먼저 보류 중인 변경 내용을 적용하거나 취소하세요." }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/attachments/implicitContextAttachment": { + "chat.fileAttachment": "Attached file, {0}", + "chat.fileAttachmentWithRange": "Attached file, {0}, line {1} to line {2}", + "disable": "Disable current file context", + "enable": "Enable current file context", + "enableHint": "disabled", + "openEditor": "Current file context" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chat": { "generating": "생성 중" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chat.contribution": { "chat": "채팅", "chat.commandCenter.enabled": "명령 센터에서 채팅 작업의 메뉴를 표시할지 여부를 제어합니다({0} 필요).", + "chat.editing.alwaysSaveWithGeneratedChanges": "Whether to always ask before saving files with changes made by chat.", + "chat.editing.confirmEditRequestRemoval": "Whether to show a confirmation before removing a request and its associated edits.", + "chat.editing.confirmEditRequestRetry": "Whether to show a confirmation before retrying a request and its associated edits.", + "chat.editing.enableRestoreFile": "Whether to show a toggle to restore an earlier version of a file that was edited in a chat editing session request.", "chat.experimental.detectParticipant.enabled": "패널 채팅에서 채팅 참가자 자동 감지를 사용합니다.", - "chat.experimental.implicitContext": "사용자가 채팅 참가자의 프롬프트에 포함되는 암시적 컨텍스트를 확인할 수 있도록 확인란이 표시되는지 여부를 제어합니다.", - "chat.experimental.variables.editor": "편집기 채팅에 변수를 사용하도록 설정합니다.", - "chat.experimental.variables.notebook": "전자 필기장 채팅에 변수를 사용하도록 설정합니다.", - "chat.experimental.variables.terminal": "터미널 채팅에 변수를 사용하도록 설정합니다.", "clear": "새 채팅 시작", "file": "작업 영역에서 파일 선택", "interactiveSession.editor.fontFamily": "채팅 코드 블록에서 글꼴 모음을 제어합니다.", @@ -5539,8 +5571,9 @@ "dismiss": "해제" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatContentParts/chatReferencesContentPart": { + "addToChat": "Add File to Chat", + "chat.openEditor": "Open Editor", "chatCollapsibleList": "축소 가능한 채팅 목록", - "copyReference": "복사", "setting.hover": "'{0}' 설정 열기", "usedReferencesCollapsed": "{0}, 축소됨", "usedReferencesExpanded": "{0}, 확장됨", @@ -5563,52 +5596,109 @@ "file": "파일", "image": "이미지" }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditingActions": { + "accept.allFiles": "Accept All", + "accept.file": "Accept", + "chat.openWorkingSetHistory.label": "Open File Checkpoint", + "chat.remove.confirmation.checkbox": "Don't ask again", + "chat.remove.confirmation.message2": "This will remove all subsequent requests and undo edits made to {0}. Do you want to proceed?", + "chat.remove.confirmation.multipleEdits.message": "This will remove all subsequent requests and undo edits made to {0} files in your working set. Do you want to proceed?", + "chat.remove.confirmation.primaryButton": "Yes", + "chat.remove.confirmation.title": "Do you want to undo {0} edits?", + "chat.removeLast.confirmation.message2": "This will remove your last request and undo the edits made to {0}. Do you want to proceed?", + "chat.removeLast.confirmation.multipleEdits.message": "This will remove your last request and undo edits made to {0} files in your working set. Do you want to proceed?", + "chat.removeLast.confirmation.title": "Do you want to undo your last edit?", + "chat.restoreFile.label": "Restore Previous File State", + "chat.restoreFile.shortTitle": "Restore Previous File State", + "chat.restoreFile.title": "Using Previous File State", + "chat.restoreFile.tooltip": "Toggle to use the previous state of an edited file in your next request", + "chat.undoEdits.label": "Undo Edits", + "chatEditing.checkpoint": "{0} (Checkpoint {1})", + "chatEditing.openDiffs": "Open Diffs", + "discard.allFiles": "Discard All", + "discard.file": "Discard", + "open.fileInDiff": "Open Changes in Diff Editor", + "removeFileFromWorkingSet": "Remove File", + "workbench.action.chat.addFilesToWorkingSet.label": "Add Files to Working Set" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditingService": { - "accept.allFiles": "모두 수락", - "accept.file": "수락", - "chatEditing.openDiffs": "차이 열기", - "chatEditing.startSession": "세션 편집 시작", + "chat": "Chat Editing", + "chatEditing.fileSave": "{0} wants to create a file. Choose where it should be saved.", "chatEditing.startingSession": "편집을 생성하는 중...", - "chatEditing.stopSession": "세션 편집 중지", - "discard.allFiles": "모두 취소", - "discard.file": "취소", - "multiDiffEditorInput.name": "제안된 편집 내용", - "open.file": "파일 열기" + "chatEditing1": "Chat Edit: '{0}'", + "chatEditing2": "Chat Edit", + "multiDiffEditorInput.name": "제안된 편집 내용" + }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditorActions": { + "accept": "Accept Chat Edit", + "next": "Go to Next Chat Edit", + "prev": "Go to Previous Chat Edit", + "reject": "Reject Chat Edit" + }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditorController": { + "chat.hasEditorModifications": "The current editor contains chat modifications" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditorInput": { "chatEditorLabelIcon": "채팅 편집기 레이블의 아이콘입니다.", "chatEditorName": "채팅" }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditorSaving": { + "chat": "chat", + "config": "Always save with AI-generated changes without asking", + "detail2": "AI-generated changes may be incorrect and should be reviewed before saving.", + "discard": "Cancel", + "message.1": "Do you want to save the changes {0} made in {1}?", + "message.2": "Do you want to save the changes {0} made to {1} files?", + "message.batched.multiFile.1": "Do you want to save the changes {0} made in {1} files?", + "message.batched.multiFile.2": "Do you want to save the changes chat made in {0} files?", + "message.batched.oneFile.1": "Do you want to save the changes {0} made in {1}?", + "message.batched.oneFile.2": "Do you want to save the changes chat made in {0}?", + "message.batched.oneFile.3": "Do you want to save the changes {0} made in 1 file?", + "message.batched.oneFile.4": "Do you want to save the changes chat made in 1 file?", + "save": "Save", + "save all": "Save All", + "save.allFiles": "Save All" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatFollowups": { "followUpAriaLabel": "후속 질문: {0}" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatGettingStarted": { "chat.openPanel": "채팅 패널 열기", - "workbench.panel.chat.view.showGettingStarted": "사용하도록 설정하면 채팅 패널에 실험 시작이 표시됩니다." + "workbench.panel.chat.view.showGettingStarted": "When enabled, shows a getting started experiment in the chat panel." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatImagePaste": { "pastedImage": "붙여 넣은 이미지" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatInlineAnchorWidget": { "actions.attach.label": "채팅에 파일 추가", + "actions.copy.label": "Copy", "actions.goToDecl.label": "정의로 이동", + "actions.openToSide.label": "Open to the Side", + "goToImplementations.label": "Go to Implementations", "goToReferences.label": "참조로 이동", + "goToTypeDefinitions.label": "Go to Type Definitions", "miGotoDefinition": "정의로 이동(&&D)", - "miGotoReference": "참조로 이동(&&R)" + "miGotoImplementations": "Go to &&Implementations", + "miGotoReference": "참조로 이동(&&R)", + "miGotoTypeDefinition": "Go to &&Type Definitions", + "resource": "The full value of the chat anchor resource, including scheme and path" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatInputPart": { "actions.chat.accessibiltyHelp": "채팅 입력, 입력하여 질문하거나 주제에 대해 /를 입력하고 Enter 키를 눌러 요청을 보내세요. 채팅 접근성 도움말은 {0}을(를) 사용하세요.", "chat.attachment": "연결된 컨텍스트, {0}", + "chat.attachment.clearButton": "Remove from context", "chat.fileAttachment": "첨부된 파일, {0}", "chat.fileAttachmentWithRange": "연결된 파일, {0}, 줄 {1}부터 줄 {2}까지", "chat.imageAttachment": "첨부된 이미지, {0}", "chat.submitToSecondaryAgent": "@{0}(으)로 보내기", - "chatEditingSessionOverview": "파일 {0}개를 변경함", - "chatEditingSessionOverview.oneFileChanged": "파일 1개를 변경함", + "chatAddFiles": "{0} Add Files...", + "chatAttachFiles": "Search for files to add to your working set", + "chatEditingSession.manyFiles": "({0} files)", + "chatEditingSession.oneFile": "(1 file)", + "chatEditingSession.workingSet": "Working Set", "chatInput": "채팅 입력", "chatInput.accessibilityHelpNoKb": "채팅 입력, 여기에 코드를 입력하고 Enter 키를 눌러 실행하세요. 자세한 내용을 보려면 채팅 접근성 도움말 명령을 사용하세요.", - "notebook.moreExecuteActionsLabel": "자세히...", - "remove": "제거" + "notebook.moreExecuteActionsLabel": "자세히..." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatListRenderer": { "chatConfirmationAction": "\"{0}\" 선택됨", @@ -5636,6 +5726,7 @@ "chatCommandSticky": "명령을 호출하면 채팅이 영구 모드로 전환되는지 여부가 결정됩니다. 여기서 명령은 다음 메시지의 채팅 입력에 자동으로 추가됩니다.", "chatCommandWhen": "이 명령을 사용하려면 true여야 하는 조건입니다.", "chatCommandsDescription": "이 채팅 참가자에 사용할 수 있는 명령입니다. 사용자가 '/'를 사용하여 호출할 수 있습니다.", + "chatEditing.viewContainer.label": "Copilot Edits", "chatFailErrorMessage": "설치된 {0} 확장 버전이 이 {1} 버전과 호환되지 않아아 채팅을 로드하지 못했습니다. GitHub Copilot 채팅 확장 프로그램이 최신 버전인지 확인하세요.", "chatParticipantDescription": "UI에 표시된 이 채팅 참가자에 대한 설명입니다.", "chatParticipantDisambiguation": "사용자 질문을 이 채팅 참가자에게 자동으로 라우팅하는 데 도움이 되는 메타데이터입니다.", @@ -5645,14 +5736,18 @@ "chatParticipantFullName": "이 참가자가 보낸 응답의 레이블로 표시되는 이 채팅 참가자의 전체 이름입니다. 제공하지 않으면 {0}이(가) 사용됩니다.", "chatParticipantId": "이 채팅 참가자의 고유 ID입니다.", "chatParticipantName": "사용자에게 표시되는 이 채팅 참가자의 이름입니다. 사용자는 '@'를 이 이름과 함께 사용하여 참가자를 호출할 수 있습니다. 이름에는 공백이 포함되지 않아야 합니다.", - "chatParticipantSupportsToolReferences": "이 참가자가 {0}을(를) 지원하는지 여부입니다.", "chatParticipantWhen": "이 참가자를 활성화하기 위해 true여야 하는 조건입니다.", "chatSampleRequest": "사용자가 `/help`에서 이 참가자를 클릭하면 이 텍스트가 해당 참가자에게 제출됩니다.", "showExtension": "확장 표시", "vscode.extension.contributes.chatParticipant": "채팅 참가자 기여" }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatPasteProviders": { + "pastedImageName": "Pasted Image" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatWidget": { - "chatWidget.tips": "컨텍스트를 연결하려면 {0}\r\n\r\n내선 번호로 채팅하려면 {1}" + "chatWidget.tips": "{0} or type {1} to attach context\r\n\r\n{2} to chat with extensions\r\n\r\nType {3} to use commands", + "chatWidget.tips.withoutParticipants": "{0} or type {1} to attach context", + "scrollDownButtonLabel": "Scroll down" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/codeBlockPart": { "chat.codeBlock.toolbar": "코드 블록 도구 모음", @@ -5675,14 +5770,29 @@ "allFilesDescription": "작업 영역에서 관련 파일을 검색하고 해당 파일에서 컨텍스트 제공" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/contrib/chatInputCompletions": { + "installLabel": "Install Chat Extensions...", "pickFileLabel": "파일 선택" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/contrib/chatInputEditorHover": { "hoverAccessibilityChatAgent": "여기에 채팅 상담원 호버링 부분이 있습니다." }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/contrib/screenshot": { + "screenshot": "Screenshot" + }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/languageModelToolsService": { + "toolInvocationMessage": "Using {0}" + }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/viewsWelcome/chatViewsWelcomeContributions": { + "chatViewsWelcome.content": "The content of the welcome message. The first command link will be rendered as a button.", + "chatViewsWelcome.icon": "The icon for the welcome message.", + "chatViewsWelcome.title": "The title of the welcome message.", + "chatViewsWelcome.when": "Condition when the welcome message is shown.", + "vscode.extension.contributes.chatViewsWelcome": "Contributes a welcome message to a chat view" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/chatColors": { "chat.avatarBackground": "채팅 아바타의 배경색입니다.", "chat.avatarForeground": "채팅 아바타의 전경색입니다.", + "chat.editedFileForeground": "The foreground color of a chat edited file in the edited file list.", "chat.requestBackground": "채팅 요청의 배경색입니다.", "chat.requestBorder": "채팅 요청의 테두리 색상입니다.", "chat.slashCommandBackground": "채팅 슬래시 명령의 배경색입니다.", @@ -5690,13 +5800,15 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/chatContextKeys": { "chatEditApplied": "채팅 텍스트 편집이 적용된 경우 True입니다.", + "chatEditingParticipantRegistered": "True when a default chat participant is registered for editing.", "chatExtensionInvalid": "설치된 채팅 확장이 잘못되어 업데이트해야 하는 경우 True입니다.", + "chatHasFileAttachments": "True when the chat has file attachments.", + "chatInstallEntitled": "True when the user is entitled for chat installation.", "chatIsEnabled": "채팅이 활성화된 경우 기본 채팅 참가자가 실행에 따라 활성화되므로 True입니다.", "chatItemId": "채팅 항목의 ID입니다.", "chatLastItemId": "마지막 채팅 항목의 ID입니다.", "chatModelsAreUserSelectable": "사용자가 수동으로 채팅 모델을 선택할 수 있는 경우 True입니다.", "chatParticipantRegistered": "패널에 기본 채팅 참가자가 등록되어 있을 경우 True입니다.", - "chatParticipantSupportsModelPicker": "현재 채팅 참가자가 수동으로 모델 선택 기능을 지원하는 경우 True입니다.", "chatRequest": "채팅 항목이 요청입니다.", "chatResponse": "채팅 항목이 응답입니다.", "chatResponseErrored": "채팅 응답에서 오류가 발생한 경우 True입니다.", @@ -5711,6 +5823,9 @@ "interactiveSessionRequestInProgress": "현재 요청이 계속 진행 중인 경우 True입니다.", "interactiveSessionResponseVote": "응답이 투표되면 'up'으로 설정됩니다. 응답이 없으면 'down'으로 설정됩니다. 그렇지 않으면 빈 문자열입니다." }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/chatEditingService": { + "chatEditingWidgetFileState": "The current state of the file in the chat editing widget" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/chatModel": { "codeCitation": "라이선스 유형이 1개인 유사한 코드가 있습니다.", "codeCitations": "라이선스 유형이 {0}개인 유사한 코드가 있습니다.", @@ -5732,26 +5847,20 @@ "Language Models": "언어 모델", "languageModels": "이 확장 기능의 언어 모델 사용 통계입니다." }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/languageModelToolsService": { - "toolConfirmMessage": "{0}이(가) {1}을(를) 사용합니다.", - "toolConfirmTitle": "{0}을(를) 사용하시겠습니까?", - "toolInvocationMessage": "{0} 사용" - }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/tools/languageModelToolsContribution": { - "canBeInvokedManually": "채팅 UX를 통해 사용자가 이 도구를 수동으로 호출할 수 있는지 여부입니다.", + "canBeReferencedInPrompt": "If true, this tool shows up as an attachment that the user can add manually to their request. Chat participants will receive the tool in {0}.", "condition": "이 도구를 사용하도록 설정하려면 true여야 하는 조건입니다. 'when' 조건이 false인 경우에도 다른 확장에서 도구를 계속 호출할 수 있습니다.", - "contentTypes": "이 도구에서 반환할 수 있는 콘텐츠 형식 목록입니다. 도구가 'text/plain'을 지원해야 하며, 여기에 지정되지 않은 경우에도 그렇다고 간주합니다. 또 다른 예는 '@vscode/prompt-tsx' 라이브러리에서 내보낸 contentType입니다.", - "icon": "이 도구를 나타내는 아이콘입니다. 파일 경로, 어두운 테마와 밝은 테마를 위한 파일 경로가 있는 개체 또는 '\\$(zap)' 같은 테마 아이콘 참조입니다.", + "icon": "An icon that represents this tool. Either a file path, an object with file paths for dark and light themes, or a theme icon reference, like `$(zap)`", "icon.dark": "어두운 테마를 사용하는 경우의 아이콘 경로", "icon.light": "밝은 테마를 사용하는 경우의 아이콘 경로", - "parametersSchema": "이 도구에서 허용하는 매개 변수에 대한 JSON 스키마.", - "requiresConfirmation": "이 도구를 실행하기 전에 사용자 확인이 필요한지 여부입니다.", + "parametersSchema": "A JSON schema for the parameters this tool accepts. The parameters must be an object at the top level. A particular language model may not support all JSON schema features. See the documentation for the language model family you are using for more information.", "toolDisplayName": "UI에서 설명하는 데 사용할 수 있는 이 도구의 사람이 읽을 수 있는 이름입니다.", - "toolId": "A unique id for this tool.", - "toolModelDescription": "언어 모델에 전달될 수 있는 이 도구에 대한 설명.", - "toolName": "이 도구에 대해 {0}이(가) 활성화된 경우 사용자는 이 이름과 함께 '#'을 사용하여 쿼리에서 도구를 호출할 수 있습니다. 활성화되지 않은 경우 이름이 필요하지 않습니다. 이름에는 공백을 포함할 수 없습니다.", + "toolModelDescription": "A description of this tool that may be used by a language model to select it.", + "toolName": "A unique name for this tool. This name must be a globally unique identifier, and is also used as a name when presenting this tool to a language model.", + "toolName2": "If {0} is enabled for this tool, the user may use '#' with this name to invoke the tool in a query. Otherwise, the name is not required. Name must not contain whitespace.", + "toolTags": "A set of tags that roughly describe the tool's capabilities. A tool user may use these to filter the set of tools to just ones that are relevant for the task at hand, or they may want to pick a tag that can be used to identify just the tools contributed by this extension.", "toolUserDescription": "사용자에게 표시될 수 있는 이 도구에 대한 설명입니다.", - "vscode.extension.contributes.tools": "언어 모델에서 호출할 수 있는 도구를 제공합니다." + "vscode.extension.contributes.tools": "Contributes a tool that can be invoked by a language model in a chat session, or from a standalone command. Registered tools can be used by all extensions." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/voiceChatService": { "voiceChatInProgress": "채팅을 위해 음성 텍스트 변환 세션이 진행 중입니다." @@ -5899,7 +6008,7 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/codeEditor/browser/saveParticipants": { "codeAction.apply": "코드 작업 '{0}'을(를) 적용하는 중입니다.", "codeaction": "빠른 수정", - "codeaction.get2": "'{0}'([구성]({1}))에서 코드 동작을 가져오는 중입니다.", + "codeaction.get2": "Getting code actions from {0} ([configure]({1})).", "formatting2": "'{0}' 포맷터([구성]({1}))를 실행 중입니다." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/codeEditor/browser/toggleColumnSelection": { @@ -6387,6 +6496,7 @@ "debug.gutterMiddleClickAction.none": "아무 작업도 수행하지 마세요.", "debug.gutterMiddleClickAction.triggeredBreakpoint": "트리거된 중단점을 추가합니다.", "debug.hideLauncherWhileDebugging": "디버깅이 활성화된 동안 '실행 및 디버그' 보기의 제목 표시줄에서 '디버깅 시작' 컨트롤을 숨깁니다. {0}이(가) '도킹'되지 않은 경우에만 관련이 있습니다.", + "debug.hideSlowPreLaunchWarning": "Hide the warning shown when a `preLaunchTask` has been running for a while.", "debug.onTaskErrors": "preLaunchTask를 실행한 후 오류가 발생할 때 수행할 작업을 제어합니다.", "debug.saveBeforeStart": "디버그 세션을 시작하기 전에 저장할 편집기를 제어합니다.", "debug.saveBeforeStart.allEditorsInActiveGroup": "디버그 세션을 시작하기 전에 모든 편집기를 활성 그룹에 저장합니다.", @@ -8323,8 +8433,12 @@ "startWithCurrentLine": "편집기에서 현재 줄로 시작" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/inlineChat/browser/inlineChatSavingServiceImpl": { - "inlineChat": "인라인 채팅 변경 내용이 수락 또는 취소될 때까지 기다리는 중...", - "inlineChat.N": "{0} 편집기의 인라인 채팅 변경 내용이 수락 또는 취소될 때까지 기다리는 중..." + "config": "Always save with AI-generated changes without asking", + "detail": "AI-generated changes may be incorect and should be reviewed before saving.", + "discard": "Cancel", + "message.1": "Do you want to save the changes {0} made in {1}?", + "message.2": "Do you want to save the changes inline chat made in {0}?", + "save": "Save" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/inlineChat/browser/inlineChatWidget": { "aria-label": "인라인 채팅 입력", @@ -8335,7 +8449,6 @@ "inlineChatClosed": "닫힌 인라인 채팅 위젯" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/inlineChat/common/inlineChat": { - "acceptedOrDiscardBeforeSave": "보류 중인 인라인 채팅 세션이 저장을 방지하는지 여부입니다.", "accessibleDiffView": "인라인 채팅에서 변경 내용에 대해 액세스 가능한 차이 뷰어도 렌더링하는지 여부입니다.", "accessibleDiffView.auto": "액세스 가능한 차이 뷰어는 사용 중인 화면 읽기 프로그램 모드를 기반으로 합니다.", "accessibleDiffView.off": "액세스 가능한 diff 뷰어는 사용하도록 설정되지 않습니다.", @@ -8875,6 +8988,10 @@ "openLogsFolder": "Logs 폴더 열기" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/markdown/browser/markdownSettingRenderer": { + "alreadysetBoolFalse": "\"{0}: {1}\" is already disabled", + "alreadysetBoolTrue": "\"{0}: {1}\" is already enabled", + "alreadysetNum": "\"{0}: {1}\" is already set to {2}", + "alreadysetString": "\"{0}: {1}\" is already set to \"{2}\"", "changeSettingTitle": "설정 보기 또는 변경", "copySettingId": "설정 ID 복사", "falseMessage": "\"{0}: {1}\" 사용 안 함", @@ -9499,6 +9616,9 @@ "runCell": "셀 실행", "runCellsInSection": "구역에서 셀 실행" }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/controller/variablesActions": { + "notebookActions.openVariablesView": "Variables" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/diff/diffComponents": { "hiddenCell": "숨겨진 셀 {0}개", "hiddenCells": "숨겨진 셀 {0}개", @@ -9924,7 +10044,7 @@ "name": "시작 성능" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/performance/electron-sandbox/performance.contribution": { - "experimental.rendererProfiling": "활성화된 경우 느린 렌더러가 자동으로 프로파일링됩니다." + "experimental.rendererProfiling": "When enabled, slow renderers are automatically profiled." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/performance/electron-sandbox/startupProfiler": { "prof.detail": "문제를 만들고 다음 파일을 수동으로 연결하세요.\r\n{0}", @@ -10105,6 +10225,7 @@ "defaultOverriddenDetailsAriaLabel": "{0} 기본값을 재정의합니다.", "defaultOverriddenLabel": "기본값이 변경됨", "defaultOverriddenLanguagesList": "{0}에 대한 언어별 기본값이 있습니다.", + "experimentalLabel": "Experimental", "extensionSyncIgnoredLabel": "동기화되지 않음", "hasDefaultOverridesForLanguages": "다음 언어에는 기본 재정의가 있습니다.", "manageWorkspaceTrust": "작업 영역 신뢰 관리", @@ -10117,6 +10238,7 @@ "policyDescriptionAccessible": "조직 정책에 의해 관리됨. 설정 값이 적용되지 않음", "policyFilterLink": "정책 보기 설정", "policyLabelText": "설정 값이 적용되지 않음", + "previewLabel": "Preview", "remote": "원격", "syncIgnoredAriaLabel": "동기화하는 동안 설정이 무시됨", "syncIgnoredTitle": "동기화 중에는 이 설정이 무시됩니다.", @@ -10250,6 +10372,10 @@ "groupRowAriaLabel": "{0}, 그룹", "settingsTOC": "설정 목차" }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/preferences/common/preferences": { + "experimentalIndicatorDescription": "This setting controls a feature that may change or be removed in the future. Adjusting this setting may result in instability.", + "previewIndicatorDescription": "This setting controls a feature that is in active development." + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/preferences/common/preferencesContribution": { "enableNaturalLanguageSettingsSearch": "설정에 대한 자연어 검색 모드를 사용할지 여부를 제어합니다. 자연어 검색은 Microsoft 온라인 서비스에 의해 제공됩니다.", "settingsSearchTocBehavior": "검색하는 동안 설정 편집기 목차의 동작을 제어합니다. 설정 편집기에서 이 설정을 변경하는 경우 검색 쿼리가 수정된 후에 설정이 적용됩니다.", @@ -11707,31 +11833,20 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminal.contribution": { "miToggleIntegratedTerminal": "터미널(&&T)", - "tasksQuickAccessHelp": "모든 열려 있는 터미널 표시", - "tasksQuickAccessPlaceholder": "열려는 터미널 이름을 입력합니다.", "terminal": "터미널" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminalActions": { "emptyTerminalNameInfo": "이름을 제공하지 않으면 기본값으로 다시 설정됩니다.", - "goToRecentDirectory.metadata": "최근 폴더로 이동", "newWithProfile.location": "터미널을 만들 위치", "newWithProfile.location.editor": "편집기에서 터미널 만들기", "newWithProfile.location.view": "터미널 보기에서 터미널 만들기", "noUnattachedTerminals": "다음에 연결할 연결되지 않은 터미널이 없음", - "quickAccessTerminal": "활성 터미널 전환", "sendSequence": "터미널로 보낼 텍스트 시퀀스", "showTerminalTabs": "탭 표시", "terminalLaunchHelp": "도움말 열기", "workbench.action.terminal.attachToSession": "세션에 연결", "workbench.action.terminal.clear": "지우기", - "workbench.action.terminal.clearPreviousSessionHistory": "이전 세션 기록 지우기", "workbench.action.terminal.clearSelection": "선택 영역 지우기", - "workbench.action.terminal.copyAndClearSelection": "선택 영역 복사 및 지우기", - "workbench.action.terminal.copyLastCommand": "마지막 명령 복사", - "workbench.action.terminal.copyLastCommandAndOutput": "마지막 명령 및 출력 복사", - "workbench.action.terminal.copyLastCommandOutput": "마지막 명령 출력 복사", - "workbench.action.terminal.copySelection": "선택 영역 복사", - "workbench.action.terminal.copySelectionAsHtml": "선택 항목을 HTML로 복사", "workbench.action.terminal.createTerminalEditor": "편집기 영역에서 새 터미널 만들기", "workbench.action.terminal.createTerminalEditorSide": "편집기 영역에서 측면에 새 터미널 만들기", "workbench.action.terminal.detachSession": "세션 분리", @@ -11740,7 +11855,6 @@ "workbench.action.terminal.focusNextPane": "터미널 그룹의 다음 터미널 포커스", "workbench.action.terminal.focusPrevious": "포커스 이전 터미널 그룹", "workbench.action.terminal.focusPreviousPane": "터미널 그룹의 이전 터미널 포커스", - "workbench.action.terminal.goToRecentDirectory": "최근 디렉터리로 이동...", "workbench.action.terminal.join": "터미널 조인...", "workbench.action.terminal.join.insufficientTerminals": "조인 작업에 터미널이 부족합니다.", "workbench.action.terminal.join.onlySplits": "모든 터미널이 이미 조인되었습니다.", @@ -11756,8 +11870,6 @@ "workbench.action.terminal.newWorkspacePlaceholder": "새 터미널의 현재 작업 디렉토리를 선택합니다.", "workbench.action.terminal.openSettings": "터미널 설정 구성", "workbench.action.terminal.overriddenCwdDescription": "(재정의됨) {0}", - "workbench.action.terminal.paste": "활성 터미널에 붙여넣기", - "workbench.action.terminal.pasteSelection": "활성 터미널에 선택 영역 붙여넣기", "workbench.action.terminal.relaunch": "활성 터미널 다시 시작", "workbench.action.terminal.rename.prompt": "터미널 이름 입력", "workbench.action.terminal.renameWithArg.name": "터미널의 새 이름", @@ -11768,7 +11880,6 @@ "workbench.action.terminal.resizePaneUp": "터미널 위 크기 조정", "workbench.action.terminal.runActiveFile": "활성 터미널에서 활성 파일 실행", "workbench.action.terminal.runActiveFile.noFile": "디스크의 파일만 터미널에서 실행할 수 있습니다.", - "workbench.action.terminal.runRecentCommand": "최근 명령 실행...", "workbench.action.terminal.runSelectedText": "활성 터미널에서 선택한 텍스트 실행", "workbench.action.terminal.scrollDown": "아래로 스크롤(줄)", "workbench.action.terminal.scrollDownPage": "아래로 스크롤(페이지)", @@ -11878,20 +11989,6 @@ "unsafePathWarning": "이 터미널 프로필은 다른 사용자({0})가 수정할 수 있는 안전하지 않은 경로를 사용합니다. 사용하시겠습니까?", "yes": "예" }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminalQuickAccess": { - "renameTerminal": "터미널 이름 바꾸기", - "workbench.action.terminal.newWithProfilePlus": "프로필을 사용하여 새 터미널 만들기...", - "workbench.action.terminal.newplus": "새 터미널 만들기" - }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminalRunRecentQuickPick": { - "removeCommand": "명령 기록에서 제거", - "selectRecentCommand": "실행할 명령 선택(명령을 편집하려면 Alt 키를 누른 상태로 선택)", - "selectRecentCommandMac": "실행할 명령 선택(명령을 편집하려면 옵션 키를 누른 상태로 선택)", - "selectRecentDirectory": "이동할 디렉터리 선택(명령을 편집하려면 Alt 키를 누른 상태로 선택)", - "selectRecentDirectoryMac": "이동할 디렉터리 선택(명령을 편집하려면 옵션 키를 누른 상태로 선택)", - "shellFileHistoryCategory": "{0} 기록", - "viewCommandOutput": "명령 출력 보기" - }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminalService": { "localTerminalRemote": "이 셸은 연결된 원격 컴퓨터가 아니라 {0}로컬{1} 컴퓨터에서 실행되고 있습니다.", "localTerminalVirtualWorkspace": "이 셸은 가상 폴더가 아닌 {0}로컬{1} 폴더에 열려있습니다.", @@ -11924,10 +12021,6 @@ "terminalConnectingLabel": "시작 중...", "terminals": "터미널을 엽니다." }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminalWslRecommendationContribution": { - "install": "설치", - "useWslExtension.title": "WSL에서 터미널을 여는 경우 '{0}' 확장명을 권장합니다." - }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/xterm/decorationAddon": { "gutter": "여백 명령 장식", "no": "아니요", @@ -11966,13 +12059,6 @@ "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.types.icon.dark": "어두운 테마를 사용하는 경우의 아이콘 경로", "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.types.icon.light": "밝은 테마를 사용하는 경우의 아이콘 경로" }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/common/terminalClipboard": { - "confirmMoveTrashMessageFilesAndDirectories": "{0}줄의 텍스트를 터미널에 붙여넣으시겠습니까?", - "doNotAskAgain": "이 메시지를 다시 표시 안 함", - "multiLinePasteButton": "붙여넣기(&&P)", - "multiLinePasteButton.oneLine": "한 줄로 붙여넣기", - "preview": "미리 보기:" - }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/common/terminalColorRegistry": { "terminal.ansiColor": "터미널의 '{0}' ANSI 색상", "terminal.background": "터미널의 배경색입니다. 이 설정을 사용하면 터미널 색을 패널과 다르게 지정할 수 있습니다.", @@ -12017,8 +12103,6 @@ "terminal.integrated.allowMnemonics": "메뉴 모음 니모닉(예: Alt+F)이 메뉴 모음의 열기를 트리거하도록 허용할지입니다. 이렇게 하면 true일 때 모든 대체 키 입력이 셸을 건너뜁니다. macOS에서는 아무 작업도 수행하지 않습니다.", "terminal.integrated.allowedLinkSchemes": "터미널에서 링크를 열 수 있는 URI 체계를 포함하는 문자열 배열입니다. 기본적으로 보안상의 이유로 가능한 구성표의 작은 하위 집합만 허용됩니다.", "terminal.integrated.altClickMovesCursor": "사용하도록 설정한 경우, {0}이(가) {1}(기본값)(으)로 설정되어 있으면 Alt/option+클릭할 때 프롬프트 커서가 마우스 아래로 위치가 변경됩니다. 이 옵션은 셸에 따라 안정적으로 작동하지 않을 수 있습니다.", - "terminal.integrated.autoReplies": "터미널에서 발견되면 자동으로 응답되는 메시지 집합입니다. 메시지가 충분히 구체적인 경우 일반적인 응답을 자동화하는 데 도움이 될 수 있습니다. \r\n\r\n비고:\r\n\r\n- {0}을(를) 사용하여 Windows에서 일괄 작업 종료 프롬프트에 자동으로 응답합니다.\r\n- 메시지에는 이스케이프 시퀀스가 포함되어 있어 스타일이 지정된 텍스트에서는 응답이 발생하지 않을 수 있습니다.\r\n- 각 회신은 1초에 한 번만 발생할 수 있습니다.\r\n- Enter 키를 의미하려면 회신에 {1}을(를) 사용하세요.\r\n- 기본 키를 설정 해제하려면 값을 null로 설정하세요.\r\n- 새 항목이 적용되지 않으면 VS Code를 다시 시작합니다.", - "terminal.integrated.autoReplies.reply": "프로세스에 보낼 회신입니다.", "terminal.integrated.bellDuration": "트리거될 때 터미널 탭 내에 벨을 표시할 시간(밀리초)입니다.", "terminal.integrated.commandsToSkipShell": "키 바인딩이 셸에 전송되지 않고 항상 VS Code에서 처리되는 명령 ID 세트입니다. 따라서 보통은 셸에서 사용되어 터미널에 포커스가 없을 때와 동일하게 작동하는 키 바인딩을 사용할 수 있습니다(예: 'Ctrl+P'를 사용하여 Quick Open 시작).\r\n\r\n \r\n\r\n기본적으로 많은 명령을 건너뜁니다. 기본값을 재정의하고 명령의 키 바인딩을 셸로 대신 전달하려면 '-' 문자로 시작하는 명령을 추가합니다. 예를 들어 'Ctrl+P'를 사용하여 셸에 도달하려면 '-workbench.action.quickOpen'을 추가합니다.\r\n\r\n \r\n\r\n설정 편집기에서 볼 때 다음의 기본 건너뛴 명령 목록이 잘립니다. 전체 목록을 보려면 {1}하고 아래 목록에서 첫 번째 명령을 검색합니다.\r\n\r\n \r\n\r\n기본 건너뛴 명령:\r\n\r\n{0}", "terminal.integrated.confirmOnExit": "활성 터미널 세션이 있는 경우 창이 닫힐 때 확인할지 여부를 제어합니다.", @@ -12107,7 +12191,6 @@ "terminal.integrated.shellIntegration.decorationsEnabled.never": "장식 표시 안 함", "terminal.integrated.shellIntegration.decorationsEnabled.overviewRuler": "터미널 오른쪽에 개요 눈금자 장식 표시", "terminal.integrated.shellIntegration.enabled": "향상된 명령 추적 및 현재 작업 디렉토리 감지와 같은 기능을 지원하기 위해 셸 통합이 자동 삽입되는지 여부를 결정합니다. \r\n\r\n셸 통합은 시작 스크립트와 함께 셸을 삽입하여 작동합니다. 이 스크립트는 터미널 내에서 발생하는 일에 대한 VS Code 인사이트를 제공합니다.\r\n\r\n지원되는 셸:\r\n\r\n- Linux/macOS: bash, fish, pwsh, zsh\r\n - Windows: pwsh, git bash\r\n\r\n이 설정은 터미널이 생성될 때만 적용되므로 적용하려면 터미널을 다시 시작해야 합니다.\r\n\r\n 터미널 프로필에 정의된 사용자 지정 인수가 있거나{1}을(를) 활성화했거나 [복잡한 bash `PROMPT_COMMAND`](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/integrated-terminal#_complex-bash-promptcommand) 또는 기타 지원되지 않는 설정이 있는 경우 스크립트 삽입이 작동하지 않을 수 있습니다. 장식을 비활성화하려면 {0}을(를) 참조하세요.", - "terminal.integrated.shellIntegration.history": "터미널 명령 기록에 보관할 최근에 사용한 명령의 수를 제어합니다. 터미널 명령 기록을 사용하지 않도록 설정하려면 0으로 설정합니다.", "terminal.integrated.showExitAlert": "종료 코드가 0이 아닌 경우 \"터미널 프로세스가 다음 종료 코드로 종료되었습니다\"라는 경고를 표시할지 여부를 제어합니다.", "terminal.integrated.smoothScrolling": "터미널이 애니메이션을 사용하여 스크롤할지 여부를 제어합니다.", "terminal.integrated.splitCwd": "분할된 터미널이 시작되는 작업 디렉터리를 제어합니다.", @@ -12229,6 +12312,10 @@ "terminal.integrated.accessibleViewFocusOnCommandExecution": "명령이 실행될 때 터미널 접근성 보기에 포커스를 둡니다.", "terminal.integrated.accessibleViewPreserveCursorPosition": "버퍼의 맨 아래로 설정하는 대신 터미널의 액세스 가능 보기를 다시 열 때 커서 위치를 유지합니다." }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/autoReplies/common/terminalAutoRepliesConfiguration": { + "terminal.integrated.autoReplies": "A set of messages that, when encountered in the terminal, will be automatically responded to. Provided the message is specific enough, this can help automate away common responses.\r\n\r\nRemarks:\r\n\r\n- Use {0} to automatically respond to the terminate batch job prompt on Windows.\r\n- The message includes escape sequences so the reply might not happen with styled text.\r\n- Each reply can only happen once every second.\r\n- Use {1} in the reply to mean the enter key.\r\n- To unset a default key, set the value to null.\r\n- Restart VS Code if new don't apply.", + "terminal.integrated.autoReplies.reply": "The reply to send to the process." + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/chat/browser/terminal.initialHint.contribution": { "disableHint": "설정에서 {0}을(를) 토글하여 이 힌트를 비활성화합니다.", "disableInitialHint": "초기 힌트 사용 안 함", @@ -12268,8 +12355,6 @@ "closeChat": "채팅 닫기", "discard": "취소", "discardDescription": "터미널 현재 채팅 응답을 취소하고, 채팅 위젯을 숨기고, 채팅 입력을 지웁니다.", - "focusTerminalInput": "포커스 터미널 입력", - "focusTerminalResponse": "포커스 터미널 응답", "insert": "삽입", "insertCommand": "채팅 삽입 명령", "insertFirst": "먼저 삽입", @@ -12291,6 +12376,23 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/chat/common/terminalInitialHintConfiguration": { "terminal.integrated.initialHint": "입력이 없는 첫 번째 터미널에 포커스가 있을 때 사용 가능한 작업에 대한 힌트를 표시할지 여부를 제어합니다." }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/clipboard/browser/terminal.clipboard.contribution": { + "workbench.action.terminal.copyAndClearSelection": "Copy and Clear Selection", + "workbench.action.terminal.copyLastCommand": "Copy Last Command", + "workbench.action.terminal.copyLastCommandAndOutput": "Copy Last Command and Output", + "workbench.action.terminal.copyLastCommandOutput": "Copy Last Command Output", + "workbench.action.terminal.copySelection": "Copy Selection", + "workbench.action.terminal.copySelectionAsHtml": "Copy Selection as HTML", + "workbench.action.terminal.paste": "Paste into Active Terminal", + "workbench.action.terminal.pasteSelection": "Paste Selection into Active Terminal" + }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/clipboard/browser/terminalClipboard": { + "confirmMoveTrashMessageFilesAndDirectories": "Are you sure you want to paste {0} lines of text into the terminal?", + "doNotAskAgain": "Do not ask me again", + "multiLinePasteButton": "&&Paste", + "multiLinePasteButton.oneLine": "Paste as &&one line", + "preview": "Preview:" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/commandGuide/browser/terminal.commandGuide.contribution": { "terminalCommandGuide.foreground": "명령 왼쪽에 나타나는 터미널 명령 가이드의 전경색과 마우스로 가리킬 때의 출력입니다." }, @@ -12330,6 +12432,24 @@ "selectAll": "모두 선택", "undo": "실행 취소" }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/history/browser/terminal.history.contribution": { + "goToRecentDirectory.metadata": "Goes to a recent folder", + "workbench.action.terminal.clearPreviousSessionHistory": "Clear Previous Session History", + "workbench.action.terminal.goToRecentDirectory": "Go to Recent Directory...", + "workbench.action.terminal.runRecentCommand": "Run Recent Command..." + }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/history/browser/terminalRunRecentQuickPick": { + "removeCommand": "Remove from Command History", + "selectRecentCommand": "Select a command to run (hold Alt-key to edit the command)", + "selectRecentCommandMac": "Select a command to run (hold Option-key to edit the command)", + "selectRecentDirectory": "Select a directory to go to (hold Alt-key to edit the command)", + "selectRecentDirectoryMac": "Select a directory to go to (hold Option-key to edit the command)", + "shellFileHistoryCategory": "{0} history", + "viewCommandOutput": "View Command Output" + }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/history/common/terminal.history": { + "terminal.integrated.shellIntegration.history": "Controls the number of recently used commands to keep in the terminal command history. Set to 0 to disable terminal command history." + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/links/browser/terminal.links.contribution": { "workbench.action.terminal.openDetectedLink": "검색된 링크 열기", "workbench.action.terminal.openLastLocalFileLink": "마지막 로컬 파일 링크 열기", @@ -12361,6 +12481,16 @@ "terminal.integrated.searchLinks": "작업 영역 검색", "terminal.integrated.urlLinks": "URL" }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/quickAccess/browser/terminal.quickAccess.contribution": { + "quickAccessTerminal": "Switch Active Terminal", + "tasksQuickAccessHelp": "Show All Opened Terminals", + "tasksQuickAccessPlaceholder": "Type the name of a terminal to open." + }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/quickAccess/browser/terminalQuickAccess": { + "renameTerminal": "Rename Terminal", + "workbench.action.terminal.newWithProfilePlus": "Create New Terminal With Profile...", + "workbench.action.terminal.newplus": "Create New Terminal" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/quickFix/browser/quickFixAddon": { "codeAction.widget.id.quickfix": "빠른 수정", "quickFix.command": "실행: {0}", @@ -12432,6 +12562,10 @@ "terminal.integrated.localEchoLatencyThreshold": "서버 확인을 기다리지 않고 터미널에서 로컬 편집 내용이 에코되는 네트워크 지연 시간(밀리초)입니다. '0'이면 로컬 에코가 항상 켜지고, '-1'이면 로컬 에코가 사용하지 않도록 설정됩니다.", "terminal.integrated.localEchoStyle": "로컬로 에코되는 텍스트의 터미널 스타일(글꼴 스타일 또는 RGB 색)입니다." }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/wslRecommendation/browser/terminal.wslRecommendation.contribution": { + "install": "Install", + "useWslExtension.title": "The '{0}' extension is recommended for opening a terminal in WSL." + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/zoom/browser/terminal.zoom.contribution": { "fontZoomIn": "글꼴 크기 늘리기", "fontZoomOut": "글꼴 크기 작게", @@ -12688,10 +12822,12 @@ "openTestCoverage": "테스트 적용 범위 보기", "run test": "테스트 실행", "testing.cancelRun": "테스트 실행 취소", - "testing.debugLastRun": "디버그 테스트 실행", + "testing.debugLastRun": "Debug Last Run", + "testing.debugTest": "Debug Test", "testing.goToError": "오류로 이동", "testing.goToTest": "테스트로 이동", - "testing.reRunLastRun": "테스트 실행 다시 실행", + "testing.reRunLastRun": "Rerun Last Run", + "testing.reRunTest": "Rerun Test", "testing.revealInExplorer": "테스트 탐색기에 표시", "testing.showResultOutput": "결과 출력 표시", "testingPeekLabel": "테스트 결과 메시지" @@ -13005,6 +13141,7 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/userDataProfile/browser/userDataProfile": { "New Profile Window": "프로필이 있는 새 창", + "change profile": "Switch to {0} profile", "create profile": "새 프로필...", "current": "현재", "delete profile": "프로필 삭제...", @@ -13016,10 +13153,12 @@ "new window with profile": "프로필이 있는 새 창", "newWindowWithProfile": "프로필이 있는 새 창...", "open": "{0} 프로필 열기", + "open profile": "Open New Window with {0} Profile", "open profiles": "프로필 열기(UI)", "openShort": "{0}", "pick profile": "프로필 선택", "pick profile to delete": "삭제할 프로필 선택", + "profiles": "Profile ({0})", "save profile as": "현재 프로필을 다른 이름으로 저장...", "selectProfile": "프로필 선택", "switchProfile": "프로필 전환...", @@ -13053,6 +13192,7 @@ "default profile contents description": "이 프로필의 콘텐츠 찾아보기\r\n", "defaultProfileIcon": "기본 프로필에 대해 아이콘을 변경할 수 없습니다.", "defaultProfileName": "기본 프로필의 이름을 변경할 수 없습니다.", + "deleteTrustedUri": "Delete Path", "editIcon": "프로필 편집기의 폴더 편집 아이콘 아이콘입니다.", "empty profile": "없음", "enable for current window": "현재 창에 이 프로필 사용", @@ -13090,6 +13230,7 @@ "profileName": "프로필 이름", "profiles": "프로필", "profilesSashBorder": "프로필 편집기 분할된 보기 섀시 테두리의 색입니다.", + "removeIcon": "Icon for the remove folder icon in the profiles editor.", "settings": "설정", "snippets": "코드 조각", "tasks": "작업", @@ -13406,7 +13547,8 @@ "gettingStartedUnchecked": "완료되지 않은 연습 단계를 나타내는 데 사용됩니다." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcomeGettingStarted/browser/gettingStartedInput": { - "getStarted": "시작" + "getStarted": "시작", + "walkthroughPageTitle": "Walkthrough: " }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcomeGettingStarted/browser/gettingStartedService": { "builtin": "기본 제공", @@ -13438,6 +13580,7 @@ "gettingStarted.accessibleView.title": "화면 읽기 프로그램 사용자는 접근성 보기에서 콘텐츠를 한 줄, 문자별로 검사할 수 있습니다.", "gettingStarted.beginner.description": "가장 중요한 기능에 대한 개요 보기", "gettingStarted.beginner.title": "기본 사항 알아보기", + "gettingStarted.beginner.walkthroughPageTitle": "Essential Features", "gettingStarted.codeFolding.description.interpolated": "접기 전환 명령을 사용하여 코드 섹션을 접거나 펼칩니다.\r\n{0}\r\n 재귀적으로 접기 전환 명령을 사용하여 재귀적으로 접기 또는 펼치기\r\n{1}\r\n", "gettingStarted.codeFolding.title": "코드 폴딩을 사용해 코드 블록을 축소하여 관심 있는 코드에 포커스를 둡니다.", "gettingStarted.commandPalette.description.interpolated": "마우스를 사용하지 않고 명령을 실행하여 VS Code 작업을 수행합니다.\r\n{0}", @@ -13466,6 +13609,7 @@ "gettingStarted.newFile.description": "제목 없는 새 텍스트 파일, Notebook 또는 사용자 지정 편집기를 엽니다.", "gettingStarted.newFile.title": "새 파일...", "gettingStarted.notebook.title": "Notebook 사용자 지정", + "gettingStarted.notebook.walkthroughPageTitle": "Notebooks", "gettingStarted.notebookProfile.description": "원하는 방식으로 느낄 수 있도록 Notebook을 가져옵니다.", "gettingStarted.notebookProfile.title": "Notebook의 레이아웃을 선택합니다.", "gettingStarted.openFile.description": "파일을 열어 작업을 시작합니다.", @@ -13491,10 +13635,13 @@ "gettingStarted.setup.OpenFolderWeb.description.interpolated": "코딩을 시작할 준비가 되었습니다. 로컬 프로젝트 또는 원격 리포지토리를 열어 파일을 VS Code로 가져올 수 있습니다.\r\n{0}\r\n{1}", "gettingStarted.setup.description": "편집기 사용자 지정, 기본 사항 알아보기 및 코딩 시작", "gettingStarted.setup.title": "VS Code 시작", + "gettingStarted.setup.walkthroughPageTitle": "Setup VS Code", "gettingStarted.setupAccessibility.description": "VS Code에 액세스할 수 있는 도구와 바로 가기를 알아봅니다. 일부 작업은 연습 컨텍스트 내에서 수행할 수 없습니다.", "gettingStarted.setupAccessibility.title": "접근성 기능 시작", + "gettingStarted.setupAccessibility.walkthroughPageTitle": "Setup VS Code Accessibility", "gettingStarted.setupWeb.description": "편집기 사용자 지정, 기본 사항 알아보기 및 코딩 시작", "gettingStarted.setupWeb.title": "웹용 VS Code 시작", + "gettingStarted.setupWeb.walkthroughPageTitle": "Setup VS Code Web", "gettingStarted.shortcuts.description.interpolated": "즐겨 찾는 명령을 검색한 후에는 즉시 액세스할 수 있는 사용자 지정 바로 가기 키를 만드세요.\r\n{0}", "gettingStarted.shortcuts.title": "바로 가기 사용자 지정", "gettingStarted.tasks.description.interpolated": "일반적인 워크 플로에 대한 작업을 만들고 스크립트 실행 및 자동 결과 확인의 통합 경험을 즐기세요.\r\n{0}", @@ -13768,7 +13915,6 @@ "editorLineNumberContext": "제공된 편집기 줄 번호 상황에 맞는 메뉴", "file.newFile": "'새 파일...' 시작 페이지 및 파일 메뉴에 표시되는 빠른 선택입니다.", "inlineCompletions.actions": "인라인 완성을 마우스로 가리킬 때 표시되는 작업", - "inlineEdit.actions": "인라인 편집을 마우스로 가리킬 때 표시되는 작업", "interactive.cell.title": "제공된 대화형 셀 제목 메뉴", "interactive.toolbar": "제공된 대화형 도구 모음 메뉴", "issue.reporter": "제공된 문제 보고자 메뉴", @@ -14310,7 +14456,12 @@ "startBisect": "확장 이등분 시작" }, "vs/workbench/services/files/electron-sandbox/diskFileSystemProvider": { - "fileWatcher": "파일 감시자" + "fileWatcher": "File Watcher" + }, + "vs/workbench/services/files/electron-sandbox/elevatedFileService": { + "fileNotTrusted": "Workspace is not trusted.", + "fileNotTrustedMessagePosix": "You are about to save '{0}' as super user.", + "fileNotTrustedMessageWindows": "You are about to save '{0}' as admin." }, "vs/workbench/services/filesConfiguration/common/filesConfigurationService": { "configuredReadonly": "파일이 설정을 통해 읽기 전용으로 설정되었기 때문에 편집기는 읽기 전용입니다. [여기를 클릭](command:{0})하여 구성하거나 [이 세션에 대해 토글](command:{1})합니다.", @@ -14602,6 +14753,10 @@ "vs/workbench/services/textfile/common/textFileEditorModelManager": { "genericSaveError": "'{0}'을(를) 저장하지 못함: {1}" }, + "vs/workbench/services/textfile/common/textFileSaveParticipant": { + "saveParticipants1": "Running Code Actions and Formatters...", + "skip": "Skip" + }, "vs/workbench/services/textfile/electron-sandbox/nativeTextFileService": { "join.textFiles": "텍스트 파일 저장 중" }, @@ -14713,7 +14868,7 @@ "schema.folderNamesExpanded": "폴더 이름을 확장된 폴더의 아이콘과 연결합니다. 개체 키는 경로 세그먼트를 제외한 폴더 이름입니다. 패턴이나 와일드카드는 허용되지 않습니다. 폴더 이름 일치는 대/소문자를 구분하지 않습니다.", "schema.font-format": "글꼴의 형식입니다.", "schema.font-path": "현재 파일 아이콘 테마 파일에 상대적인 글꼴 경로입니다.", - "schema.font-size": "글꼴의 기본 크기입니다. 유효한 값은 https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/font-size를 참조하세요.", + "schema.font-size": "The default size of the font. We strongly recommend using a percentage value, for example: 125%.", "schema.font-style": "글꼴의 스타일입니다. 유효한 값은 https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/font-style을 참조하세요.", "schema.font-weight": "글꼴의 두께입니다. 유효한 값은 https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/font-weight를 참조하세요.", "schema.fontCharacter": "문자 모양 글꼴을 사용하는 경우: 사용할 글꼴의 문자입니다.", @@ -15042,6 +15197,10 @@ "vs/workbench/services/workingCopy/common/storedFileWorkingCopyManager": { "join.fileWorkingCopyManager": "작업 복사본 저장 중" }, + "vs/workbench/services/workingCopy/common/storedFileWorkingCopySaveParticipant": { + "saveParticipants1": "Running Code Actions and Formatters...", + "skip": "Skip" + }, "vs/workbench/services/workingCopy/common/workingCopyHistoryService": { "default.source": "파일 저장됨", "join.workingCopyHistory": "로컬 기록 저장 중", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pl/translations/extensions/vscode.git.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pl/translations/extensions/vscode.git.i18n.json index 80472944e5..68387e9943 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pl/translations/extensions/vscode.git.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pl/translations/extensions/vscode.git.i18n.json @@ -161,6 +161,7 @@ "Open": "Otwórz", "Open Commit": "Otwórz zatwierdzenie", "Open Comparison": "Otwórz porównanie", + "Open File": "Open File", "Open Git Log": "Otwórz dziennik Git", "Open Merge": "Otwórz scalanie", "Open Repositories In Parent Folders": "Otwórz repozytoria w folderach nadrzędnych", @@ -267,6 +268,7 @@ "There are {0} unsaved files.\n\nWould you like to save them before stashing?": "Istnieją {0} niezapisane pliki.\n\nCzy chciałbyś je zapisać przed schowaniem?", "There are {0} untracked files which will be DELETED FROM DISK if discarded.": "Istnieją nieśledzone pliki ({0}), które zostaną USUNIĘTE Z DYSKU w przypadku odrzucenia.", "There were merge conflicts while applying the stash.": "Wystąpiły konflikty scalania podczas stosowania przechowalni.", + "There were merge conflicts while cherry picking the changes. Resolve the conflicts before committing them.": "There were merge conflicts while cherry picking the changes. Resolve the conflicts before committing them.", "This action will pull and push commits from and to \"{0}/{1}\".": "Ta akcja spowoduje ściąganie i wypychanie zatwierdzeń z i do elementu „{0}/{1}“.", "This repository has no remotes configured to fetch from.": "Dla tego repozytorium nie skonfigurowano żadnych elementów zdalnych, z których można pobrać.", "This will DELETE {0} untracked files!\nThis is IRREVERSIBLE!\nThese files will be FOREVER LOST.": "This will DELETE {0} untracked files!\nThis is IRREVERSIBLE!\nThese files will be FOREVER LOST.", @@ -356,6 +358,7 @@ "command.checkoutDetached": "Wyewidencjonowanie do (odłączone)...", "command.checkoutRefDetached": "Wyewidencjonuj (odłączone)", "command.cherryPick": "Selekcjonowanie...", + "command.cherryPickAbort": "Abort Cherry Pick", "command.cherryPickRef": "Wyselekcjonuj", "command.clean": "Odrzuć zmiany", "command.cleanAll": "Odrzuć wszystkie zmiany", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pl/translations/extensions/vscode.github-authentication.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pl/translations/extensions/vscode.github-authentication.i18n.json index c1d882dbb4..fc9b81eb25 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pl/translations/extensions/vscode.github-authentication.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pl/translations/extensions/vscode.github-authentication.i18n.json @@ -16,8 +16,6 @@ "Having trouble logging in? Would you like to try a different way? ({0})": "Masz problemy z zalogowaniem? Czy chcesz wypróbować inną metodę? ({0})", "No": "Nie", "Open [{0}]({0}) in a new tab and paste your one-time code: {1}/The [{0}]({0}) will be a url and the {1} will be a code, e.g. 123-456{Locked=\"[{0}]({0})\"}": "Otwórz [{0}]({0}) na nowej karcie i wklej jednorazowy kod: {1}", - "Please reload the window to apply the new setting.": "Załaduj ponownie okno, aby zastosować nowe ustawienie.", - "Reload Window": "Ponownie załaduj okno", "Sign in failed: {0}": "Logowanie nie powiodło się: {0}", "Sign out failed: {0}": "Wylogowanie nie powiodło się: {0}", "Signing in to {0}.../The {0} will be a url, e.g. github.com": "Trwa logowanie do {0}...", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pl/translations/extensions/vscode.ipynb.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pl/translations/extensions/vscode.ipynb.i18n.json index 615724ba91..d831b2bebf 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pl/translations/extensions/vscode.ipynb.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pl/translations/extensions/vscode.ipynb.i18n.json @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ "copyCellOutput.title": "Kopiuj dane wyjściowe komórki", "description": "Zapewnia podstawową obsługę w przypadku otwierania i odczytywania plików .ipynb Jupyter Notebook", "displayName": "Obsługa plików .ipynb", - "ipynb.experimental.serialization": "Funkcja eksperymentalna umożliwiająca serializowanie notesu Jupyter w wątku roboczym. Nieobsługiwane, gdy host rozszerzeń jest uruchomiony jako internetowy proces roboczy.", + "ipynb.experimental.serialization": "Experimental feature to serialize the Jupyter notebook in a worker thread.", "ipynb.pasteImagesAsAttachments.enabled": "Włącz/wyłącz wklejanie obrazów do komórek języka Markdown w plikach notesu ipynb. Wklejone obrazy są wstawiane jako załączniki do komórki.", "markdownAttachmentRenderer.displayName": "Oznacz językiem Markdown w programie renderującym załącznik komórki IPYNB", "newUntitledIpynb.shortTitle": "Jupyter Notebook", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pl/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pl/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json index fda83e09a4..ce9b5bc934 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pl/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pl/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json @@ -87,6 +87,8 @@ "Please report an issue against Yarn PnP": "Zgłoś problem dotyczący usługi YARN PnP", "Please update your TypeScript version": "Zaktualizuj wersję języka TypeScript", "Project Wide IntelliSense not available": "Funkcja IntelliSense dla całego projektu jest niedostępna", + "Related files provider failed. Copilot requested file with unsupported language mode.": "Related files provider failed. Copilot requested file with unsupported language mode.", + "Related files provider failed. No active text editor.": "Related files provider failed. No active text editor.", "Remove Unused Imports": "Usuń nieużywane importy", "Remove all unused code": "Usuń cały nieużywany kod", "Report Issue": "Zgłoś problem", @@ -196,12 +198,14 @@ "configuration.tsserver.useSyntaxServer.auto": "Zduplikuj zarówno pełny serwer, jak i lżejszy serwer przeznaczony do wykonywania operacji składniowych. Serwer składni służy do przyspieszania operacji składniowych i zapewniania funkcji IntelliSense podczas ładowania projektów.", "configuration.tsserver.useSyntaxServer.never": "Nie używaj dedykowanego serwera składni. Użyj pojedynczego serwera do obsługi wszystkich operacji funkcji IntelliSense.", "configuration.tsserver.useVsCodeWatcher": "Użyj obserwatorów plików w oprogramowaniu VS Code zamiast tych w języku TypeScript. Wymaga użycia języka TypeScript w wersji 5.4 lub nowszej w obszarze roboczym.", + "configuration.tsserver.useVsCodeWatcher.deprecation": "Please use the `#typescript.tsserver.watchOptions#` setting instead.", "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions": "Skonfiguruj strategie obserwowania, które mają być używane do śledzenia plików i katalogów.", "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions.fallbackPolling": "W przypadku korzystania ze zdarzeń systemu plików ta opcja określa strategię sondowania, która jest używana, gdy w systemie zabraknie natywnych obserwatorów plików i/lub gdy system nie obsługuje natywnych obserwatorów plików.", "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions.fallbackPolling.dynamicPriorityPolling ": "Korzystaj z kolejek dynamicznych, aby rzadziej modyfikowane pliki nie były tak często sprawdzane.", "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions.fallbackPolling.fixedPollingInterval": "Sprawdzaj każdy plik pod kątem zmian kilka razy na sekundę w ustalonych odstępach czasu.", "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions.fallbackPolling.priorityPollingInterval": "Sprawdzaj każdy plik pod kątem zmian kilka razy na sekundę, ale użyj heurystyki, aby sprawdzać niektóre typy plików rzadziej niż inne.", "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions.synchronousWatchDirectory": "Wyłącz odroczone monitorowanie katalogów. Odroczone monitorowanie jest przydatne, gdy wiele zmian plików może wystąpić jednocześnie (np. zmiana w node_modules z uruchamiania instalacji menedżera npm), ale można je wyłączyć przy użyciu tej flagi dla niektórych mniej popularnych konfiguracji.", + "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions.vscode": "Use VS Code's file watchers instead of TypeScript's. Requires using TypeScript 5.4+ in the workspace.", "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions.watchDirectory": "Strategia określająca sposób monitorowania całych drzew katalogów w systemach, które nie mają funkcji cyklicznego monitorowania plików.", "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions.watchDirectory.dynamicPriorityPolling": "Użyj kolejki dynamicznej, w której rzadziej modyfikowane katalogi będą rzadziej sprawdzane.", "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions.watchDirectory.fixedChunkSizePolling": "Sonduje katalogi we fragmentach w regularnych odstępach czasu.", @@ -218,7 +222,7 @@ "configuration.tsserver.web.projectWideIntellisense.suppressSemanticErrors": "Eliminuje błędy semantyczne w sieci, nawet jeśli włączona jest funkcja IntelliSense dla całego projektu. Ta opcja jest zawsze włączona, gdy funkcja IntelliSense dla całego projektu nie jest włączona lub dostępna. Zobacz `#typescript.tsserver.web.projectWideIntellisense.enabled#`", "configuration.tsserver.web.typeAcquisition.enabled": "Włącz/wyłącz nabywanie pakietów w sieci Web. Spowoduje to włączenie funkcji IntelliSense dla zaimportowanych pakietów. Wymaga elementu `#typescript.tsserver.web.projectWideIntellisense.enabled#`. Obecnie nie jest obsługiwany w przeglądarce Safari.", "configuration.typescript": "TypeScript", - "configuration.updateImportsOnPaste": "Automatycznie aktualizuj importy podczas wklejania kodu. Wymaga języka TypeScript 5.6+.", + "configuration.updateImportsOnPaste": "Automatically update imports when pasting code. Requires TypeScript 5.7+.", "description": "Zapewnia bogatą obsługę języków JavaScript i TypeScript.", "displayName": "Funkcje języków TypeScript i JavaScript", "format.indentSwitchCase": "Wcięcie klauzul sprawy w instrukcjach zmiany. Wymaga użycia języka TypeScript 5.1+ w obszarze roboczym.", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pl/translations/main.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pl/translations/main.i18n.json index ee44cfae01..8f0386d5f7 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pl/translations/main.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pl/translations/main.i18n.json @@ -548,12 +548,7 @@ "inlayHints.padding": "Włącza wypełnienie wokół wskazówek dotyczących nakładki w edytorze.", "inline": "Szybkie sugestie są wyświetlane jako tekst widmo", "inlineCompletionsAccessibilityVerbose": "Określa, czy wskazówka ułatwień dostępu ma być dostarczana użytkownikom czytnika zawartości ekranu, gdy jest pokazywane uzupełnianie w tekście.", - "inlineEdit.enabled": "Określa, czy w edytorze mają być wyświetlane edycje w tekście.", - "inlineEdit.fontFamily": "Kontroluje rodzinę czcionki edycji w tekście.", - "inlineEdit.showToolbar": "Określa, kiedy ma być wyświetlany pasek narzędzi edycji w tekście.", - "inlineEdit.showToolbar.always": "Pokazuje pasek narzędzi edycji w tekście, gdy wyświetlana jest sugestia w tekście.", - "inlineEdit.showToolbar.never": "Nigdy nie pokazuj paska narzędzi edycji w tekście.", - "inlineEdit.showToolbar.onHover": "Pokazuje pasek narzędzi edycji wbudowanej po najechaniu kursorem na sugestię w tekście.", + "inlineSuggest.edits.experimental.enabled": "Controls whether to enable experimental edits in inline suggestions.", "inlineSuggest.enabled": "Określa, czy automatycznie wyświetlać wbudowane sugestie w edytorze.", "inlineSuggest.fontFamily": "Określa rodzinę czcionek dla wbudowanych sugestii.", "inlineSuggest.showToolbar": "Określa, kiedy ma być wyświetlany wbudowany pasek narzędzi sugestii.", @@ -602,6 +597,7 @@ "occurrencesHighlight.multiFile": "Eksperymentalne: wyróżnia wystąpienia we wszystkich prawidłowych otwartych plikach.", "occurrencesHighlight.off": "Nie wyróżnia wystąpień.", "occurrencesHighlight.singleFile": "Wyróżnia wystąpienia tylko w bieżącym pliku.", + "occurrencesHighlightDelay": "Controls the delay in milliseconds after which occurrences are highlighted.", "off": "Szybkie sugestie są wyłączone", "on": "Szybkie sugestie są wyświetlane wewnątrz widżetu sugestii", "overviewRulerBorder": "Określa, czy wokół linijki przeglądu ma być rysowane obramowanie.", @@ -1398,6 +1394,7 @@ "action.inlineSuggest.acceptNextLine": "Zaakceptuj następny wiersz sugestii wbudowanej", "action.inlineSuggest.acceptNextWord": "Zaakceptuj następny wyraz sugestii wbudowanej", "action.inlineSuggest.alwaysShowToolbar": "Zawsze pokazuj pasek narzędzi", + "action.inlineSuggest.dev.extractRepro": "Developer: Extract Inline Suggest State", "action.inlineSuggest.hide": "Ukryj sugestię wbudowaną", "action.inlineSuggest.jump": "Przejdź do następnej edycji śródwierszowej", "action.inlineSuggest.showNext": "Pokaż następną wbudowaną sugestię", @@ -1429,9 +1426,6 @@ "parameterHintsPreviousIcon": "Ikona do pokazywania poprzedniej wskazówki dotyczącej parametru.", "previous": "Wstecz" }, - "vs/editor/contrib/inlineEdit/browser/hoverParticipant": { - "hoverAccessibilityInlineEdits": "W tym miejscu znajdują się śródwierszowe zmiany." - }, "vs/editor/contrib/inPlaceReplace/browser/inPlaceReplace": { "InPlaceReplaceAction.next.label": "Zamień na następną wartość", "InPlaceReplaceAction.previous.label": "Zamień na poprzednią wartość" @@ -2529,6 +2523,7 @@ "diffEditorRemovedLines": "Kolor tła wierszy, które zostały usunięte. Kolor musi być przezroczysty, aby nie ukrywać dekoracji pod spodem.", "diffEditorRemovedOutline": "Kolor konturu tekstu, który został usunięty.", "editorBackground": "Kolor tła edytora.", + "editorCompositionBorder": "The border color for an IME composition.", "editorError.background": "Kolor tła dla tekstu błędu w edytorze. Kolor nie może być nieprzezroczysty, aby nie ukrywać dekoracji pod spodem.", "editorError.foreground": "Kolor pierwszego planu dla zygzaków błędu w edytorze.", "editorFindMatch": "Kolor bieżącego dopasowania wyszukiwania.", @@ -3932,6 +3927,8 @@ "editorCommand.activeEditorMove.arg.description": "Argument Properties:\r\n\t* 'to': String value providing where to move.\r\n\t* 'by': String value providing the unit for move (by tab or by group).\r\n\t* 'value': Number value providing how many positions or an absolute position to move.", "editorCommand.activeEditorMove.arg.name": "Argument przenoszenia aktywnego edytora", "editorCommand.activeEditorMove.description": "Przenieś aktywny edytor według kart lub grup", + "editorGroupLayout.horizontal": "Horizontal", + "editorGroupLayout.vertical": "Vertical", "focusLeftSideEditor": "Przenieś fokus na pierwszą stronę w aktywnym edytorze", "focusOtherSideEditor": "Przenieś fokus na inną stronę w aktywnym edytorze", "focusRightSideEditor": "Przenieś fokus na drugą stronę w aktywnym edytorze", @@ -4230,7 +4227,9 @@ "vs/workbench/browser/parts/panel/panelPart": { "align panel": "Wyrównaj panel", "hidePanel": "Ukryj panel", - "panel position": "Położenie panelu" + "panel position": "Położenie panelu", + "showIcons": "Show Icons", + "showLabels": "Show Labels" }, "vs/workbench/browser/parts/sidebar/sidebarActions": { "focusSideBar": "Ustaw fokus na podstawowym pasku bocznym" @@ -4355,9 +4354,6 @@ "shutdownErrorDetail": "Środowisko robocze zostało nieoczekiwanie usunięte podczas działania.", "unableToOpenExternal": "Przeglądarka przerwała otwieranie nowej karty lub okna. Naciśnij przycisk „Otwórz”, aby otworzyć mimo to." }, - "vs/workbench/browser/workbench": { - "loaderErrorNative": "Nie można załadować wymaganego pliku. Uruchom ponownie aplikację, aby spróbować ponownie. Szczegóły: {0}" - }, "vs/workbench/browser/workbench.contribution": { "activeEditorLong": "„${activeEditorLong}”: Pełna ścieżka pliku (np./Users/Development/myFolder/myFileFolder/myFile.txt).", "activeEditorMedium": "„${activeEditorMedium}”: Ścieżka pliku względem folderu obszaru roboczego (np. myFolder/myFileFolder/myFile.txt).", @@ -4428,7 +4424,7 @@ "openFoldersInNewWindow": "Controls whether folders should open in a new window or replace the last active window.\r\nNote that there can still be cases where this setting is ignored (e.g. when using the `--new-window` or `--reuse-window` command line option).", "panelDefaultLocation": "Określa lokalizację domyślną panelu (terminalu, konsoli debugowania, danych wyjściowych, problemów) w nowym obszarze roboczym. Może to być widoczne u dołu, u góry, z prawej lub lewej strony obszaru edytora.", "panelOpensMaximized": "Określa, czy panel jest otwierany jako zmaksymalizowany. Panel może być zawsze otwierany jako zmaksymalizowany, nigdy nie być otwierany jako zmaksymalizowany lub być otwierany w takim samym stanie, w jakim go ostatnio zamknięto.", - "panelShowLabel": "Określa, czy elementy działań w tytule panelu są wyświetlane jako etykieta lub ikona.", + "panelShowLabels": "Controls whether activity items in the panel title are shown as label or icon.", "perEditorGroup": "Określa, czy limit maksymalnej liczby otwartych edytorów powinien być stosowany do każdej grupy edytorów, czy wszystkich grup edytorów.", "pinnedTabSizing": "Określa rozmiar przypiętych kart edytora. Przypięte karty są umieszczane na początku wszystkich otwartych kart i zazwyczaj nie zamykają się, dopóki nie zostaną odpięte. Ta wartość jest ignorowana, gdy ustawienie {0} nie ma ustawionej wartości {1}.", "preserveInput": "Określa, czy ostatnie wpisane dane wejściowe do palety poleceń powinny zostać przywrócone podczas następnego otwarcia.", @@ -4844,6 +4840,7 @@ "configureRuntimeArguments": "Konfigurowanie argumentów środowiska uruchomieniowego", "openUserDataFolder": "Otwórz folder danych użytkownika", "reloadWindowWithExtensionsDisabled": "Załaduj ponownie z wyłączonymi rozszerzeniami", + "showGPUInfo": "Show GPU Info", "toggleDevTools": "Przełącz narzędzia deweloperskie" }, "vs/workbench/electron-sandbox/actions/installActions": { @@ -4909,7 +4906,7 @@ "touchbar.enabled": "Włącza przyciski paska dotykowego systemu macOS na klawiaturze, jeśli są dostępne.", "touchbar.ignored": "Zestaw identyfikatorów dla wpisów na pasku dotykowym, które nie powinny być pokazywane (na przykład „workbench.action.navigateBack”).", "window.clickThroughInactive": "Jeśli ta opcja jest włączona, kliknięcie nieaktywnego okna spowoduje uaktywnienie okna i wyzwolenie elementu pod myszą, jeśli można go kliknąć. Jeśli ta opcja jest wyłączona, kliknięcie dowolnego miejsca w nieaktywnym oknie spowoduje tylko jego uaktywnienie i wymagane będzie drugie kliknięcie na elemencie.", - "window.customTitleBarVisibility": "Dostosuj, kiedy ma być wyświetlany niestandardowy pasek tytułu. Niestandardowy pasek tytułu może być ukryty w trybie pełnoekranowym przy użyciu wartości „windowed”. Niestandardowy pasek tytułu może być ukryty tylko w trybie pełnoekranowym za pomocą wartości „never”, gdy ustawienie {0} ma wartość „native”.", + "window.customTitleBarVisibility": "Adjust when the custom title bar should be shown. The custom title bar can be hidden when in full screen mode with `windowed`. The custom title bar can only be hidden in non full screen mode with `never` when {0} is set to `native`.", "window.customTitleBarVisibility.auto": "Automatycznie zmienia widoczność niestandardowego paska tytułu.", "window.customTitleBarVisibility.never": "Ukryj niestandardowy pasek tytułu, gdy ustawienie {0} ma wartość „native”.", "window.customTitleBarVisibility.windowed": "Ukryj niestandardowy pasek tytułu w trybie pełnoekranowym. Gdy nie jest w trybie pełnoekranowym, automatycznie zmieniaj widoczność niestandardowego paska tytułu.", @@ -4947,7 +4944,6 @@ "downloadArmBuild": "Pobierz", "keychainWriteError": "Nie można zapisać informacji o logowaniu do łańcucha kluczy z powodu błędu „{0}”.", "learnMore": "Dowiedz się więcej", - "loaderCycle": "W modułach AMD istnieje cykl zależności, który musi zostać rozwiązany.", "loginButton": "&&Zaloguj", "macoseolmessage": "{0} w {1} wkrótce przestanie otrzymywać aktualizacje. Rozważ uaktualnienie wersji systemu macOS.", "password": "Hasło", @@ -5185,7 +5181,7 @@ "openDiffEditorAnnouncement": "Edytor różnic" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/accountEntitlements/browser/accountsEntitlements.contribution": { - "workbench.accounts.showEntitlements": "Gdy ta opcja jest włączona, dostępne uprawnienia dla konta będą wyświetlane w menu konta." + "workbench.accounts.showEntitlements": "When enabled, available entitlements for the account will be shown in the accounts menu." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/audioCues/browser/audioCues.contribution": { "audioCues.chatRequestSent": "Odtwarza dźwięk po wysłaniu żądania czatu.", @@ -5239,7 +5235,8 @@ "pickAProviderTitle": "Zarządzaj preferencjami konta rozszerzenia", "placeholder": "Zarządzaj preferencjami konta „{0}”...", "selectProvider": "Wybierz dostawcę uwierzytelniania, dla których chcesz zarządzać preferencjami konta", - "title": "Preferencje konta „{0}” dla tego obszaru roboczego" + "title": "Preferencje konta „{0}” dla tego obszaru roboczego", + "use new account": "Use a new account..." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/authentication/browser/actions/manageTrustedExtensionsForAccountAction": { "accountLastUsedDate": "Ostatnio używano tego konta {0}", @@ -5378,8 +5375,7 @@ "workbench.action.chat.focus": "Aby ustawić fokus na liście żądań/odpowiedzi czatu, po której można poruszać się za pomocą strzałek w górę i w dół, należy wywołać polecenie Focus Chat{0}.", "workbench.action.chat.focusInput": "Aby przenieść fokus na pole danych wejściowych dla żądań czatu, wywołaj polecenie Focus Chat Input{0}.", "workbench.action.chat.newChat": "Aby utworzyć nową sesję czatu, wywołaj polecenie Nowy czat{0}.", - "workbench.action.chat.nextCodeBlock": "Aby ustawić fokus na następnym bloku kodu w ramach odpowiedzi, wywołaj polecenie Chat: Next Code Block{0}.", - "workbench.action.chat.nextFileTree": "Aby ustawić fokus na następnym drzewie plików w ramach odpowiedzi, wywołaj polecenie Chat: Next File Tree command{0}." + "workbench.action.chat.nextCodeBlock": "Aby ustawić fokus na następnym bloku kodu w ramach odpowiedzi, wywołaj polecenie Chat: Next Code Block{0}." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatActions": { "actions.interactiveSession.focus": "Lista czatów fokusu", @@ -5389,19 +5385,26 @@ "chat.history.rename": "Zmień nazwę", "chatWith": "Czat z rozszerzeniem", "currentChatLabel": "bieżące", + "installChat": "Install {0}", + "installChatGlobalAction.justification": "AI support requires this extension.", "interactiveSession.clearHistory.label": "Wyczyść historię wprowadzania", "interactiveSession.focusInput.label": "Fokus — dane wejściowe czatu", "interactiveSession.history.delete": "Usuń", "interactiveSession.history.editor": "Otwórz w edytorze", "interactiveSession.history.pick": "Przełącz do czatu", "interactiveSession.open": "Otwórz edytor", + "learnMore": "Learn More", "more": "Więcej...", "newChatTitle": "Tytuł nowego czatu", "openChat": "Otwórz czat", - "title4": "Czat" + "title4": "Czat", + "toggle.chatControl": "Chat Controls", + "toggle.chatControlsDescription": "Toggle visibility of the Chat Controls in title bar" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatClearActions": { - "chat.newChat.label": "Nowy czat" + "chat.newChat.label": "Nowy czat", + "chat.newEdits.label": "New Edit Session", + "chat.openEdits.label": "Open Edit Session" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatCodeblockActions": { "chat.applyAll.label": "Zastosuj wszystkie zmiany", @@ -5417,8 +5420,12 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatContextActions": { "chatContext.attach.placeholder": "Wyszukaj załączniki", + "chatContext.attachScreenshot.labelElectron.Window": "Screenshot Window", + "chatContext.attachScreenshot.labelWeb": "Screenshot", + "chatContext.editors": "Open Editors", "chatContext.notebook.kernelVariable": "Zmienna jądra...", "chatContext.notebook.selectkernelVariable": "Wybierz i wstaw zmienną jądra", + "chatContext.searchResults": "Search Results", "chatContext.symbol": "Symbol...", "imageFromClipboard": "Obraz ze schowka", "pastedImage": "Wklejony obraz", @@ -5437,8 +5444,13 @@ "actions.chat.submitSecondaryAgent": "Prześlij do agenta pomocniczego", "chat.newChat.label": "Wyślij do nowego czatu", "chat.pickModel.label": "Wybierz model", + "chat.sendToChatEditing.label": "Send to Copilot Edits", + "chat.startEditing.confirmation.message": "Starting a new editing session will end your current editing session and discard edits to {0} files. Do you wish to proceed?", + "chat.startEditing.confirmation.primaryButton": "Yes", + "chat.startEditing.confirmation.title": "Start new editing session?", "interactive.cancel.label": "Anuluj", - "interactive.submit.label": "Wyślij" + "interactive.submit.label": "Send and Dispatch", + "interactive.submitWithoutDispatch.label": "Send" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatFileTreeActions": { "interactive.nextFileTree.label": "Następne drzewo plików", @@ -5466,7 +5478,19 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatTitleActions": { "chat.remove.label": "Usuń żądanie i odpowiedź", + "chat.retry.confirmation.checkbox": "Don't ask again", + "chat.retry.confirmation.message2": "This will undo edits made to {0} since this request.", + "chat.retry.confirmation.primaryButton": "Yes", "chat.retry.label": "Ponów próbę", + "chat.retryLast.confirmation.message2": "This will undo edits made to {0} files in your working set since this request. Do you want to proceed?", + "chat.retryLast.confirmation.title2": "Do you want to retry your last request?", + "chat.startEditing.confirmation.acceptEdits": "Accept & Continue", + "chat.startEditing.confirmation.discardEdits": "Discard & Continue", + "chat.startEditing.confirmation.message": "Starting a new editing session will end your current editing session and discard edits to {0} files. Do you wish to proceed?", + "chat.startEditing.confirmation.pending.message": "Starting a new editing session will end your current session. Do you want to discard pending edits to {0} files?", + "chat.startEditing.confirmation.primaryButton": "Yes", + "chat.startEditing.confirmation.title": "Start new editing session?", + "chat.startEditing.label2": "Edit with Copilot", "interactive.helpful.label": "Przydatne", "interactive.insertIntoNotebook.label": "Wstaw do notesu", "interactive.reportIssueForBug.label": "Zgłoś problem", @@ -5483,17 +5507,25 @@ "insertCodeBlock.readonlyNotebook": "Nie można wstawić bloku kodu do edytora notesów tylko do odczytu.", "overlap": "Trwa wyświetlanie podglądu kolejnej zmiany kodu. Najpierw zastosuj lub odrzuć oczekujące zmiany." }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/attachments/implicitContextAttachment": { + "chat.fileAttachment": "Attached file, {0}", + "chat.fileAttachmentWithRange": "Attached file, {0}, line {1} to line {2}", + "disable": "Disable current file context", + "enable": "Enable current file context", + "enableHint": "disabled", + "openEditor": "Current file context" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chat": { "generating": "Generowanie" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chat.contribution": { "chat": "Czat", "chat.commandCenter.enabled": "Określa, czy w centrum poleceń jest wyświetlane menu akcji czatu (wymagane: {0}).", + "chat.editing.alwaysSaveWithGeneratedChanges": "Whether to always ask before saving files with changes made by chat.", + "chat.editing.confirmEditRequestRemoval": "Whether to show a confirmation before removing a request and its associated edits.", + "chat.editing.confirmEditRequestRetry": "Whether to show a confirmation before retrying a request and its associated edits.", + "chat.editing.enableRestoreFile": "Whether to show a toggle to restore an earlier version of a file that was edited in a chat editing session request.", "chat.experimental.detectParticipant.enabled": "Włącza automatyczne wykrywanie uczestnika czatu na potrzeby czatu panelowego.", - "chat.experimental.implicitContext": "Kontroluje, czy pole wyboru jest wyświetlane, aby umożliwić użytkownikowi określenie, który niejawny kontekst jest dołączony do polecenia uczestnika czatu.", - "chat.experimental.variables.editor": "Włącza zmienne dla czatu edytora.", - "chat.experimental.variables.notebook": "Włącza zmienne dla czatu notesu.", - "chat.experimental.variables.terminal": "Włącza zmienne dla czatu terminalu.", "clear": "Rozpocznij nowy czat", "file": "Wybierz plik w obszarze roboczym", "interactiveSession.editor.fontFamily": "Określa rodzinę czcionek w blokach kodu czatu.", @@ -5539,8 +5571,9 @@ "dismiss": "Odrzuć" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatContentParts/chatReferencesContentPart": { + "addToChat": "Add File to Chat", + "chat.openEditor": "Open Editor", "chatCollapsibleList": "Zwijana lista czatów", - "copyReference": "Kopiuj", "setting.hover": "Otwórz ustawienie „{0}”", "usedReferencesCollapsed": "{0}, zwinięto", "usedReferencesExpanded": "{0}, rozwinięto", @@ -5563,52 +5596,109 @@ "file": "Plik", "image": "Obraz" }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditingActions": { + "accept.allFiles": "Accept All", + "accept.file": "Accept", + "chat.openWorkingSetHistory.label": "Open File Checkpoint", + "chat.remove.confirmation.checkbox": "Don't ask again", + "chat.remove.confirmation.message2": "This will remove all subsequent requests and undo edits made to {0}. Do you want to proceed?", + "chat.remove.confirmation.multipleEdits.message": "This will remove all subsequent requests and undo edits made to {0} files in your working set. Do you want to proceed?", + "chat.remove.confirmation.primaryButton": "Yes", + "chat.remove.confirmation.title": "Do you want to undo {0} edits?", + "chat.removeLast.confirmation.message2": "This will remove your last request and undo the edits made to {0}. Do you want to proceed?", + "chat.removeLast.confirmation.multipleEdits.message": "This will remove your last request and undo edits made to {0} files in your working set. Do you want to proceed?", + "chat.removeLast.confirmation.title": "Do you want to undo your last edit?", + "chat.restoreFile.label": "Restore Previous File State", + "chat.restoreFile.shortTitle": "Restore Previous File State", + "chat.restoreFile.title": "Using Previous File State", + "chat.restoreFile.tooltip": "Toggle to use the previous state of an edited file in your next request", + "chat.undoEdits.label": "Undo Edits", + "chatEditing.checkpoint": "{0} (Checkpoint {1})", + "chatEditing.openDiffs": "Open Diffs", + "discard.allFiles": "Discard All", + "discard.file": "Discard", + "open.fileInDiff": "Open Changes in Diff Editor", + "removeFileFromWorkingSet": "Remove File", + "workbench.action.chat.addFilesToWorkingSet.label": "Add Files to Working Set" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditingService": { - "accept.allFiles": "Akceptuj wszystko", - "accept.file": "Akceptuj", - "chatEditing.openDiffs": "Otwieranie różnic", - "chatEditing.startSession": "Rozpocznij sesję edycji", + "chat": "Chat Editing", + "chatEditing.fileSave": "{0} wants to create a file. Choose where it should be saved.", "chatEditing.startingSession": "Trwa generowanie edycji...", - "chatEditing.stopSession": "Zatrzymaj sesję edycji", - "discard.allFiles": "Odrzuć wszystko", - "discard.file": "Odrzuć", - "multiDiffEditorInput.name": "Sugerowane zmiany", - "open.file": "Otwórz plik" + "chatEditing1": "Chat Edit: '{0}'", + "chatEditing2": "Chat Edit", + "multiDiffEditorInput.name": "Sugerowane zmiany" + }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditorActions": { + "accept": "Accept Chat Edit", + "next": "Go to Next Chat Edit", + "prev": "Go to Previous Chat Edit", + "reject": "Reject Chat Edit" + }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditorController": { + "chat.hasEditorModifications": "The current editor contains chat modifications" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditorInput": { "chatEditorLabelIcon": "Ikona etykiety edytora czatu.", "chatEditorName": "Czat" }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditorSaving": { + "chat": "chat", + "config": "Always save with AI-generated changes without asking", + "detail2": "AI-generated changes may be incorrect and should be reviewed before saving.", + "discard": "Cancel", + "message.1": "Do you want to save the changes {0} made in {1}?", + "message.2": "Do you want to save the changes {0} made to {1} files?", + "message.batched.multiFile.1": "Do you want to save the changes {0} made in {1} files?", + "message.batched.multiFile.2": "Do you want to save the changes chat made in {0} files?", + "message.batched.oneFile.1": "Do you want to save the changes {0} made in {1}?", + "message.batched.oneFile.2": "Do you want to save the changes chat made in {0}?", + "message.batched.oneFile.3": "Do you want to save the changes {0} made in 1 file?", + "message.batched.oneFile.4": "Do you want to save the changes chat made in 1 file?", + "save": "Save", + "save all": "Save All", + "save.allFiles": "Save All" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatFollowups": { "followUpAriaLabel": "Pytanie uzupełniające: {0}" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatGettingStarted": { "chat.openPanel": "Otwórz panel czatu", - "workbench.panel.chat.view.showGettingStarted": "Po włączeniu tej opcji na panelu czatu są wyświetlane eksperymenty wprowadzające." + "workbench.panel.chat.view.showGettingStarted": "When enabled, shows a getting started experiment in the chat panel." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatImagePaste": { "pastedImage": "Wklejony obraz" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatInlineAnchorWidget": { "actions.attach.label": "Dodaj plik do czatu", + "actions.copy.label": "Copy", "actions.goToDecl.label": "Przejdź do definicji", + "actions.openToSide.label": "Open to the Side", + "goToImplementations.label": "Go to Implementations", "goToReferences.label": "Przejdź do odwołań", + "goToTypeDefinitions.label": "Go to Type Definitions", "miGotoDefinition": "Przejdź do &&Definicje", - "miGotoReference": "Przejdź do &&Odwołania" + "miGotoImplementations": "Go to &&Implementations", + "miGotoReference": "Przejdź do &&Odwołania", + "miGotoTypeDefinition": "Go to &&Type Definitions", + "resource": "The full value of the chat anchor resource, including scheme and path" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatInputPart": { "actions.chat.accessibiltyHelp": "Wprowadzanie danych do czatu: wpisz, aby zadać pytanie lub wpisz / dla tematów, naciśnij klawisz Enter, aby wysłać żądanie. Użyj {0} do pomocy dotyczącej ułatwień dostępu.", "chat.attachment": "Dołączony kontekst, {0}", + "chat.attachment.clearButton": "Remove from context", "chat.fileAttachment": "Dołączony plik, {0}", "chat.fileAttachmentWithRange": "Dołączony plik, {0}, wiersz {1} do wiersza {2}", "chat.imageAttachment": "Dołączony obraz, {0}", "chat.submitToSecondaryAgent": "Wyślij do @{0}", - "chatEditingSessionOverview": "Liczba zmienionych plików: {0}", - "chatEditingSessionOverview.oneFileChanged": "Zmieniono 1 plik", + "chatAddFiles": "{0} Add Files...", + "chatAttachFiles": "Search for files to add to your working set", + "chatEditingSession.manyFiles": "({0} files)", + "chatEditingSession.oneFile": "(1 file)", + "chatEditingSession.workingSet": "Working Set", "chatInput": "Dane wejściowe czatu", "chatInput.accessibilityHelpNoKb": "Dane wejściowe czatu, wpisz tutaj kod i naciśnij klawisz Enter, aby uruchomić. Aby uzyskać więcej informacji, użyj polecenia Pomoc ułatwień dostępu czatu.", - "notebook.moreExecuteActionsLabel": "Więcej...", - "remove": "Usuń" + "notebook.moreExecuteActionsLabel": "Więcej..." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatListRenderer": { "chatConfirmationAction": "zaznaczono „{0}”", @@ -5636,6 +5726,7 @@ "chatCommandSticky": "To, czy wywołanie polecenia powoduje przejście czatu w tryb trwały, w którym polecenie jest automatycznie dodawane do danych wejściowych czatu dla następnej wiadomości.", "chatCommandWhen": "Warunek, który musi mieć wartość True (Prawda), aby włączyć to polecenie.", "chatCommandsDescription": "Polecenia dostępne dla tego uczestnika czatu, które użytkownik może wywołać za pomocą znaku `/`.", + "chatEditing.viewContainer.label": "Copilot Edits", "chatFailErrorMessage": "Nie można załadować czatu, ponieważ zainstalowana wersja rozszerzenia {0} jest niezgodna z tą wersją {1}. Upewnij się, że rozszerzenie Czat GitHub Copilot jest aktualne.", "chatParticipantDescription": "Opis tego uczestnika czatu wyświetlany w interfejsie użytkownika.", "chatParticipantDisambiguation": "Metadane, które ułatwiają automatyczny routing pytań użytkowników do tego uczestnika czatu.", @@ -5645,14 +5736,18 @@ "chatParticipantFullName": "Pełna nazwa tego uczestnika czatu, która jest wyświetlana jako etykieta odpowiedzi pochodzących od tego uczestnika. Jeśli nie zostanie podana, {0} zostanie użyta.", "chatParticipantId": "Unikatowy identyfikator tego uczestnika czatu.", "chatParticipantName": "Nazwa użytkownika dla tego uczestnika czatu. Użytkownik użyje znaku „@” z tą nazwą, aby wywołać uczestnika. Nazwa nie może zawierać odstępów.", - "chatParticipantSupportsToolReferences": "Określa, czy ten uczestnik obsługuje {0}.", "chatParticipantWhen": "Warunek, który musi mieć wartość Prawda, aby włączyć tego uczestnika.", "chatSampleRequest": "Gdy użytkownik kliknie tego uczestnika w `/help`, tekst ten zostanie przesłany do uczestnika.", "showExtension": "Pokaż rozszerzenie", "vscode.extension.contributes.chatParticipant": "Współtworzy uczestnika czatu" }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatPasteProviders": { + "pastedImageName": "Pasted Image" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatWidget": { - "chatWidget.tips": "{0}, aby dołączyć kontekst\r\n\r\n{1}, aby rozmawiać na czacie z rozszerzeniami" + "chatWidget.tips": "{0} or type {1} to attach context\r\n\r\n{2} to chat with extensions\r\n\r\nType {3} to use commands", + "chatWidget.tips.withoutParticipants": "{0} or type {1} to attach context", + "scrollDownButtonLabel": "Scroll down" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/codeBlockPart": { "chat.codeBlock.toolbar": "Pasek narzędzi bloku kodu", @@ -5675,14 +5770,29 @@ "allFilesDescription": "Wyszukaj odpowiednie pliki w obszarze roboczym i podaj kontekst z nich" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/contrib/chatInputCompletions": { + "installLabel": "Install Chat Extensions...", "pickFileLabel": "Wybierz plik" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/contrib/chatInputEditorHover": { "hoverAccessibilityChatAgent": "Tutaj znajduje się część aktywowania agenta czatu." }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/contrib/screenshot": { + "screenshot": "Screenshot" + }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/languageModelToolsService": { + "toolInvocationMessage": "Using {0}" + }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/viewsWelcome/chatViewsWelcomeContributions": { + "chatViewsWelcome.content": "The content of the welcome message. The first command link will be rendered as a button.", + "chatViewsWelcome.icon": "The icon for the welcome message.", + "chatViewsWelcome.title": "The title of the welcome message.", + "chatViewsWelcome.when": "Condition when the welcome message is shown.", + "vscode.extension.contributes.chatViewsWelcome": "Contributes a welcome message to a chat view" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/chatColors": { "chat.avatarBackground": "Kolor tła awatara czatu.", "chat.avatarForeground": "Kolor pierwszego planu awatara czatu.", + "chat.editedFileForeground": "The foreground color of a chat edited file in the edited file list.", "chat.requestBackground": "Kolor tła żądania czatu.", "chat.requestBorder": "Kolor obramowania żądania czatu.", "chat.slashCommandBackground": "Kolor tła polecenia poprzedzonego ukośnikiem czatu.", @@ -5690,13 +5800,15 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/chatContextKeys": { "chatEditApplied": "Wartość True (Prawda) po zastosowaniu edycji tekstu czatu.", + "chatEditingParticipantRegistered": "True when a default chat participant is registered for editing.", "chatExtensionInvalid": "Wartość True (Prawda), jeśli zainstalowane rozszerzenie czatu jest nieprawidłowe i wymaga aktualizacji.", + "chatHasFileAttachments": "True when the chat has file attachments.", + "chatInstallEntitled": "True when the user is entitled for chat installation.", "chatIsEnabled": "Wartość True (Prawda), gdy czat jest włączony, ponieważ domyślny uczestnik czatu jest aktywowany za pomocą implementacji.", "chatItemId": "Identyfikator elementu czatu.", "chatLastItemId": "Identyfikator ostatniego elementu czatu.", "chatModelsAreUserSelectable": "Wartość true, jeśli model czatu może zostać wybrany ręcznie przez użytkownika.", "chatParticipantRegistered": "Wartość True (Prawda),, gdy domyślny uczestnik czatu jest zarejestrowany w panelu.", - "chatParticipantSupportsModelPicker": "Wartość true, gdy bieżący uczestnik czatu obsługuje ręczne wybieranie modelu.", "chatRequest": "Element czatu jest żądaniem", "chatResponse": "Element czatu jest odpowiedzią.", "chatResponseErrored": "Wartość true, gdy odpowiedź czatu spowodowała wystąpienie błędu.", @@ -5711,6 +5823,9 @@ "interactiveSessionRequestInProgress": "Wartość true w przypadku, gdy bieżące żądanie jest nadal w toku.", "interactiveSessionResponseVote": "Gdy odpowiedź zostanie przegłosowana w górę, zostanie ustawiona wartość „up”. Po przegłosowaniu w dół jest ustawiona na wartość „down”. W przeciwnym razie pusty ciąg." }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/chatEditingService": { + "chatEditingWidgetFileState": "The current state of the file in the chat editing widget" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/chatModel": { "codeCitation": "Znaleziono podobny kod z 1 typem licencji", "codeCitations": "Znaleziono podobny kod z {0} typami licencji", @@ -5732,26 +5847,20 @@ "Language Models": "Modele językowe", "languageModels": "Statystyki użycia modeli językowych tego rozszerzenia." }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/languageModelToolsService": { - "toolConfirmMessage": "{0} będzie używać {1}.", - "toolConfirmTitle": "Użyć {0}?", - "toolInvocationMessage": "Korzystanie z {0}" - }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/tools/languageModelToolsContribution": { - "canBeInvokedManually": "Określa, czy to narzędzie może być wywoływane ręcznie przez użytkownika za pomocą środowiska użytkownika czatu.", + "canBeReferencedInPrompt": "If true, this tool shows up as an attachment that the user can add manually to their request. Chat participants will receive the tool in {0}.", "condition": "Warunek, który musi mieć wartość true, aby włączyć to narzędzie. Pamiętaj, że narzędzie może być nadal wywoływane przez inne rozszerzenie, nawet jeśli jego warunek „when” ma wartość false.", - "contentTypes": "Lista typów zawartości, które może zwrócić to narzędzie. Wymagane jest, aby narzędzia obsługiwały element `text/plain`. To założenie obowiązuje, nawet jeśli nie zostało tu wyszczególnione. Innym przykładem może być element contentType wyeksportowany przez bibliotekę `@vscode/prompt-tsx`.", - "icon": "Ikona reprezentująca to narzędzie. Ścieżka pliku, obiekt ze ścieżkami plików dla motywów ciemnych i jasnych lub odwołanie do ikony motywu, takie jak „\\$(zap)”", + "icon": "An icon that represents this tool. Either a file path, an object with file paths for dark and light themes, or a theme icon reference, like `$(zap)`", "icon.dark": "Ścieżka ikony, gdy jest używany motyw ciemny", "icon.light": "Ścieżka ikony, gdy jest używany motyw jasny", - "parametersSchema": "Schemat plików JSON dla parametrów akceptowanych przez to narzędzie.", - "requiresConfirmation": "Określa, czy to narzędzie wymaga potwierdzenia przez użytkownika przed wykonaniem.", + "parametersSchema": "A JSON schema for the parameters this tool accepts. The parameters must be an object at the top level. A particular language model may not support all JSON schema features. See the documentation for the language model family you are using for more information.", "toolDisplayName": "Czytelna dla człowieka nazwa tego narzędzia, która może być użyta do opisania go w interfejsie użytkownika.", - "toolId": "A unique id for this tool.", - "toolModelDescription": "Opis tego narzędzia, który może zostać przekazany do modelu językowego.", - "toolName": "Jeśli opcja {0} jest włączona dla tego narzędzia, użytkownik może używać znaku „#” o tej nazwie do wywoływania narzędzia w zapytaniu. W przeciwnym razie nazwa nie będzie wymagana. Nazwa nie może zawierać odstępów.", + "toolModelDescription": "A description of this tool that may be used by a language model to select it.", + "toolName": "A unique name for this tool. This name must be a globally unique identifier, and is also used as a name when presenting this tool to a language model.", + "toolName2": "If {0} is enabled for this tool, the user may use '#' with this name to invoke the tool in a query. Otherwise, the name is not required. Name must not contain whitespace.", + "toolTags": "A set of tags that roughly describe the tool's capabilities. A tool user may use these to filter the set of tools to just ones that are relevant for the task at hand, or they may want to pick a tag that can be used to identify just the tools contributed by this extension.", "toolUserDescription": "Opis tego narzędzia, który może być wyświetlany użytkownikowi.", - "vscode.extension.contributes.tools": "Dostarcza narzędzie, które może być wywołane przez model językowy." + "vscode.extension.contributes.tools": "Contributes a tool that can be invoked by a language model in a chat session, or from a standalone command. Registered tools can be used by all extensions." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/voiceChatService": { "voiceChatInProgress": "Trwa sesja zamiany mowy na tekst dla czatu." @@ -5899,7 +6008,7 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/codeEditor/browser/saveParticipants": { "codeAction.apply": "Stosowanie akcji kodu „{0}”.", "codeaction": "Szybkie poprawki", - "codeaction.get2": "Uzyskiwanie akcji kodu z \"{0}\" ([configure] ({1})).", + "codeaction.get2": "Getting code actions from {0} ([configure]({1})).", "formatting2": "Uruchamianie programu formatującego \"{0}\" ([configure] ({1}))." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/codeEditor/browser/toggleColumnSelection": { @@ -6387,6 +6496,7 @@ "debug.gutterMiddleClickAction.none": "Nie wykonuj żadnej akcji.", "debug.gutterMiddleClickAction.triggeredBreakpoint": "Dodaj wyzwolony punkt przerwania.", "debug.hideLauncherWhileDebugging": "Ukryj kontrolkę „Rozpocznij debugowanie” na pasku tytułu widoku „Uruchom i debuguj” podczas aktywnego debugowania. Istotne tylko wtedy, gdy element {0} nie jest `docked`.", + "debug.hideSlowPreLaunchWarning": "Hide the warning shown when a `preLaunchTask` has been running for a while.", "debug.onTaskErrors": "Określa, co zrobić w przypadku napotkania błędów po uruchomieniu elementu preLaunchTask.", "debug.saveBeforeStart": "Kontroluje, które edytory mają zostać zapisane przed rozpoczęciem sesji debugowania.", "debug.saveBeforeStart.allEditorsInActiveGroup": "Przed rozpoczęciem sesji debugowania zapisz wszystkie edytory w aktywnej grupie.", @@ -8323,8 +8433,12 @@ "startWithCurrentLine": "Rozpocznij w Redaktorze z bieżącym wierszem" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/inlineChat/browser/inlineChatSavingServiceImpl": { - "inlineChat": "Trwa oczekiwanie na zaakceptowanie lub odrzucenie zmian w śródwierszowym czacie...", - "inlineChat.N": "Trwa oczekiwanie na zaakceptowanie lub odrzucenie zmian w śródwierszowym czacie w edytorach {0}..." + "config": "Always save with AI-generated changes without asking", + "detail": "AI-generated changes may be incorect and should be reviewed before saving.", + "discard": "Cancel", + "message.1": "Do you want to save the changes {0} made in {1}?", + "message.2": "Do you want to save the changes inline chat made in {0}?", + "save": "Save" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/inlineChat/browser/inlineChatWidget": { "aria-label": "Śródwierszowe dane wejściowe czatu", @@ -8335,7 +8449,6 @@ "inlineChatClosed": "Zamknięty widżet czatu śródwierszowego" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/inlineChat/common/inlineChat": { - "acceptedOrDiscardBeforeSave": "Określa, czy oczekujące sesje środwierszowego czatu uniemożliwiają zapisywanie.", "accessibleDiffView": "Określa, czy czat wbudowany renderuje również podgląd różnic z ułatwieniami dostępu dla swoich zmian.", "accessibleDiffView.auto": "Przeglądarka różnic z ułatwieniami dostępu jest oparta na włączonym trybie czytnika zawartości ekranu.", "accessibleDiffView.off": "Przeglądarka różnic z ułatwieniami dostępu nigdy nie jest włączona.", @@ -8875,6 +8988,10 @@ "openLogsFolder": "Otwórz folder dzienników" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/markdown/browser/markdownSettingRenderer": { + "alreadysetBoolFalse": "\"{0}: {1}\" is already disabled", + "alreadysetBoolTrue": "\"{0}: {1}\" is already enabled", + "alreadysetNum": "\"{0}: {1}\" is already set to {2}", + "alreadysetString": "\"{0}: {1}\" is already set to \"{2}\"", "changeSettingTitle": "Wyświetl lub zmień ustawienie", "copySettingId": "Kopiuj identyfikator ustawienia", "falseMessage": "Wyłącz „{0}: {1}”", @@ -9499,6 +9616,9 @@ "runCell": "Uruchom komórkę", "runCellsInSection": "Uruchom komórki w sekcji" }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/controller/variablesActions": { + "notebookActions.openVariablesView": "Variables" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/diff/diffComponents": { "hiddenCell": "{0} ukryta komórka", "hiddenCells": "{0} ukryte komórki", @@ -9924,7 +10044,7 @@ "name": "Wydajność uruchamiania" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/performance/electron-sandbox/performance.contribution": { - "experimental.rendererProfiling": "Gdy ta opcja jest włączona, wolne programy renderowania są automatycznie profilowane" + "experimental.rendererProfiling": "When enabled, slow renderers are automatically profiled." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/performance/electron-sandbox/startupProfiler": { "prof.detail": "Utwórz zgłoszenie problemu i ręcznie dołącz następujące pliki:\r\n{0}", @@ -10105,6 +10225,7 @@ "defaultOverriddenDetailsAriaLabel": "{0} zastępuje wartość domyślną", "defaultOverriddenLabel": "Wartość domyślna została zmieniona", "defaultOverriddenLanguagesList": "Istnieją wartości domyślne specyficzne dla języka dla {0}", + "experimentalLabel": "Experimental", "extensionSyncIgnoredLabel": "Nie zsynchronizowano", "hasDefaultOverridesForLanguages": "Następujące języki mają domyślne zastąpienia:", "manageWorkspaceTrust": "Zarządzaj zaufaniem obszaru roboczego", @@ -10117,6 +10238,7 @@ "policyDescriptionAccessible": "Zarządzane przez zasady organizacji; wartość ustawienia nie została zastosowana", "policyFilterLink": "Wyświetl ustawienia zasad", "policyLabelText": "Wartość ustawienia nie została zastosowana", + "previewLabel": "Preview", "remote": "Zdalne", "syncIgnoredAriaLabel": "Ustawienie zignorowane podczas synchronizacji", "syncIgnoredTitle": "To ustawienie jest ignorowane podczas synchronizacji", @@ -10250,6 +10372,10 @@ "groupRowAriaLabel": "{0}, grupa", "settingsTOC": "Spis treści ustawień" }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/preferences/common/preferences": { + "experimentalIndicatorDescription": "This setting controls a feature that may change or be removed in the future. Adjusting this setting may result in instability.", + "previewIndicatorDescription": "This setting controls a feature that is in active development." + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/preferences/common/preferencesContribution": { "enableNaturalLanguageSettingsSearch": "Określa, czy włączyć tryb wyszukiwania w języku naturalnym dla ustawień. Wyszukiwanie w języku naturalnym jest udostępniane przez usługę online firmy Microsoft.", "settingsSearchTocBehavior": "Steruje zachowaniem spisu treści edytora ustawień podczas wyszukiwania. Jeśli to ustawienie jest zmieniane w edytorze ustawień, ustawienie zostanie zastosowane po zmodyfikowaniu zapytania wyszukiwania.", @@ -11707,31 +11833,20 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminal.contribution": { "miToggleIntegratedTerminal": "&&Terminal", - "tasksQuickAccessHelp": "Pokaż wszystkie otwarte terminale", - "tasksQuickAccessPlaceholder": "Wpisz nazwę terminalu do otwarcia.", "terminal": "Terminal" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminalActions": { "emptyTerminalNameInfo": "Nie podanie nazwy spowoduje zresetowania jej do wartości domyślnej", - "goToRecentDirectory.metadata": "Przechodzi do ostatnio używanego folderu", "newWithProfile.location": "Gdzie utworzyć terminal", "newWithProfile.location.editor": "Utwórz terminal w edytorze", "newWithProfile.location.view": "Utwórz terminal w widoku terminalu", "noUnattachedTerminals": "Brak niedołączonych terminali do dołączenia", - "quickAccessTerminal": "Przełącz aktywny Terminal", "sendSequence": "Sekwencja tekstu do wysłania do terminalu", "showTerminalTabs": "Pokaż karty", "terminalLaunchHelp": "Otwórz Pomoc", "workbench.action.terminal.attachToSession": "Dołącz do sesji", "workbench.action.terminal.clear": "Wyczyść", - "workbench.action.terminal.clearPreviousSessionHistory": "Wyczyść historię poprzedniej sesji", "workbench.action.terminal.clearSelection": "Wyczyść zaznaczenie", - "workbench.action.terminal.copyAndClearSelection": "Kopiuj i wyczyść zaznaczenie", - "workbench.action.terminal.copyLastCommand": "Polecenie Kopiuj ostatnie", - "workbench.action.terminal.copyLastCommandAndOutput": "Kopiuj ostatnie polecenie i dane wyjściowe", - "workbench.action.terminal.copyLastCommandOutput": "Kopiuj dane wyjściowe ostatniego polecenia", - "workbench.action.terminal.copySelection": "Kopiuj zaznaczenie", - "workbench.action.terminal.copySelectionAsHtml": "Kopiuj zaznaczenie jako kod HTML", "workbench.action.terminal.createTerminalEditor": "Utwórz nowy terminal w obszarze edytora", "workbench.action.terminal.createTerminalEditorSide": "Utwórz nowy terminal w obszarze edytora z boku", "workbench.action.terminal.detachSession": "Odłącz sesję", @@ -11740,7 +11855,6 @@ "workbench.action.terminal.focusNextPane": "Ustaw fokus na następnym terminalu w grupie terminali", "workbench.action.terminal.focusPrevious": "Ustaw fokus na poprzedniej grupie terminali", "workbench.action.terminal.focusPreviousPane": "Ustaw fokus na poprzednim terminalu w grupie terminali", - "workbench.action.terminal.goToRecentDirectory": "Przejdź do ostatnio używanego katalogu...", "workbench.action.terminal.join": "Dołącz terminale...", "workbench.action.terminal.join.insufficientTerminals": "Niewystarczające terminale dla akcji dołączania", "workbench.action.terminal.join.onlySplits": "Wszystkie terminale są już połączone", @@ -11756,8 +11870,6 @@ "workbench.action.terminal.newWorkspacePlaceholder": "Wybierz bieżący katalog roboczy dla nowego terminalu", "workbench.action.terminal.openSettings": "Konfiguruj ustawienia terminalu", "workbench.action.terminal.overriddenCwdDescription": "(Zastąpienie) {0}", - "workbench.action.terminal.paste": "Wklej do aktywnego terminalu", - "workbench.action.terminal.pasteSelection": "Wklej zaznaczenie do aktywnego terminalu", "workbench.action.terminal.relaunch": "Uruchom ponownie aktywny terminal", "workbench.action.terminal.rename.prompt": "Podaj nazwę terminalu", "workbench.action.terminal.renameWithArg.name": "Nowa nazwa terminalu", @@ -11768,7 +11880,6 @@ "workbench.action.terminal.resizePaneUp": "Zmień rozmiar terminalu w górę", "workbench.action.terminal.runActiveFile": "Uruchom aktywny plik w aktywnym terminalu", "workbench.action.terminal.runActiveFile.noFile": "W terminalu można uruchamiać tylko pliki na dysku", - "workbench.action.terminal.runRecentCommand": "Uruchom ostatnio używane polecenie...", "workbench.action.terminal.runSelectedText": "Uruchom zaznaczony tekst w aktywnym terminalu", "workbench.action.terminal.scrollDown": "Przewiń w dół (wiersz)", "workbench.action.terminal.scrollDownPage": "Przewiń w dół (strona)", @@ -11878,20 +11989,6 @@ "unsafePathWarning": "Ten profil używa potencjalnie niebezpiecznej ścieżki, którą może zmodyfikować inny użytkownik: {0}. Czy chcesz go użyć?", "yes": "Tak" }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminalQuickAccess": { - "renameTerminal": "Zmień nazwę terminalu", - "workbench.action.terminal.newWithProfilePlus": "Utwórz nowy terminal z profilem...", - "workbench.action.terminal.newplus": "Utwórz Nowy terminal" - }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminalRunRecentQuickPick": { - "removeCommand": "Usuń z historii poleceń", - "selectRecentCommand": "Wybierz polecenie do uruchomienia (przytrzymaj klawisz Alt, aby edytować polecenie)", - "selectRecentCommandMac": "Wybierz polecenie do uruchomienia (przytrzymaj klawisz Opcja, aby edytować polecenie)", - "selectRecentDirectory": "Wybierz katalog, do który chcesz przejść (przytrzymaj klawisz Alt, aby edytować polecenie)", - "selectRecentDirectoryMac": "Wybierz katalog, do który chcesz przejść (przytrzymaj klawisz Opcja, aby edytować polecenie)", - "shellFileHistoryCategory": "Historia {0}", - "viewCommandOutput": "Wyświetl dane wyjściowe polecenia" - }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminalService": { "localTerminalRemote": "Ta powłoka jest uruchomiona na {0}lokalnym{1} komputerze, a NIE na podłączonym komputerze zdalnym.", "localTerminalVirtualWorkspace": "Ta powłoka jest otwarta do {0}lokalnego{1} folderu, a NIE do folderu wirtualnego", @@ -11924,10 +12021,6 @@ "terminalConnectingLabel": "Trwa uruchamianie...", "terminals": "Otwórz terminale." }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminalWslRecommendationContribution": { - "install": "Zainstaluj", - "useWslExtension.title": "Rozszerzenie „{0}” jest zalecane do otwierania terminalu w systemie WSL." - }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/xterm/decorationAddon": { "gutter": "Ozdobniki poleceń odstępu", "no": "Nie", @@ -11966,13 +12059,6 @@ "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.types.icon.dark": "Ścieżka ikony, gdy jest używany motyw ciemny", "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.types.icon.light": "Ścieżka ikony, gdy jest używany motyw jasny" }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/common/terminalClipboard": { - "confirmMoveTrashMessageFilesAndDirectories": "Czy na pewno chcesz wkleić wiersze tekstu {0} do terminalu?", - "doNotAskAgain": "Nie pytaj mnie ponownie", - "multiLinePasteButton": "&&Wklej", - "multiLinePasteButton.oneLine": "Wklej jako &&jeden wiersz", - "preview": "Podgląd:" - }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/common/terminalColorRegistry": { "terminal.ansiColor": "Kolor ANSI „{0}” w terminalu.", "terminal.background": "Kolor tła terminalu umożliwiający kolorowanie terminalu w inny sposób niż panel.", @@ -12017,8 +12103,6 @@ "terminal.integrated.allowMnemonics": "Określa, czy zezwalać na wyświetlanie mnemoników na pasku menu (np. ALT+F) w celu wyzwolenia otwarcia paska menu. Pamiętaj, że spowoduje to pomijanie w powłoce wszystkich naciśnięć klawiszy z klawiszem ALT, gdy wartość zostanie ustawiona na true. Nie ma zastosowania w przypadku systemu macOS.", "terminal.integrated.allowedLinkSchemes": "Tablica ciągów zawierająca schematy identyfikatorów URI, dla których terminal może otwierać linki. Domyślnie ze względów bezpieczeństwa dozwolony jest tylko niewielki podzestaw możliwych schematów.", "terminal.integrated.altClickMovesCursor": "Jeśli ta opcja jest włączona, naciśnięcie klawisza Alt/Option + kliknięcie spowoduje zmianę położenia kursora poniżej wskaźnika myszy, gdy właściwość {0} jest ustawiona na wartość {1} (wartość domyślną). Może to działać niemiarodajnie zależnie od powłoki.", - "terminal.integrated.autoReplies": "Zestaw wiadomości, na które będzie automatycznie wysyłana odpowiedź po wystąpieniu ich w terminalu. Może to pomóc zautomatyzować typowe odpowiedzi pod warunkiem, że wiadomość jest wystarczająco konkretna. \r\n\r\nUwagi:\r\n\r\n— użyj {0}, aby automatycznie odpowiedzieć na monit o zakończenie zadania wsadowego w systemie Windows.\r\n— wiadomość zawiera sekwencje ucieczki, więc odpowiedź może nie być napisana w odpowiednim stylu.\r\n— każda odpowiedź może zdarzyć się tylko raz na sekundę.\r\n— użyj {1} w odpowiedzi, aby oznaczać klawisz Enter.\r\n— aby cofnąć ustawienie klucza domyślnego, ustaw wartość na null.\r\n— ponownie uruchom program VS Code, jeśli nowe nie zostaną zastosowane.", - "terminal.integrated.autoReplies.reply": "Odpowiedź do wysłania do procesu.", "terminal.integrated.bellDuration": "Liczba milisekund na wyświetlenie dzwonka na karcie terminalu po wyzwoleniu.", "terminal.integrated.commandsToSkipShell": "Zestaw identyfikatorów komend, których przypisania klawiszowe nie będą wysyłane do powłoki, lecz będą zawsze obsługiwane przez program VS Code. Pozwala to na przypisania klawiszy, które normalnie zostałyby wykorzystane przez powłokę, aby działały tak samo jak wtedy, gdy terminal nie jest skupiony, na przykład „klawisze Ctrl+P” do uruchomienia szybkiego otwierania.\r\n\r\n \r\n\r\nWiele komend jest domyślnie pomijanych. Aby unieważnić domyślne i przekazać przypisanie klawisza tej komendy do powłoki, dodaj polecenie poprzedzone znakiem „-”. Na przykład dodaj komendę „-workbench.action.quickOpen” aby pozwolić „ klawiszom Ctrl+P” na dotarcie do powłoki.\r\n\r\n \r\n\r\nPoniższa lista domyślnych pomijanych komend jest skrócona, gdy jest wyświetlana w edytorze ustawień. Aby zobaczyć pełną listę, {1} i wyszukaj pierwszą komendę z poniższej listy.\r\n\r\n \r\n\r\nDomyślne pominięte komendy:\r\n\r\n{0}", "terminal.integrated.confirmOnExit": "Kontroluje, czy potwierdzać zamknięcie okna, jeśli są aktywne sesje terminala.", @@ -12107,7 +12191,6 @@ "terminal.integrated.shellIntegration.decorationsEnabled.never": "Nie pokazuj ozdobników", "terminal.integrated.shellIntegration.decorationsEnabled.overviewRuler": "Pokaż ozdobniki linijki przeglądu po prawej stronie terminalu", "terminal.integrated.shellIntegration.enabled": "Określa, czy integracja powłoki jest automatycznie wstrzykiwana, aby obsługiwać funkcje, takie jak rozszerzone śledzenie poleceń i bieżące wykrywanie katalogu roboczego. \r\n\r\nIntegracja powłoki polega na wstrzykiwaniu powłoki ze skryptem uruchamiania. Skrypt daje edytorowi VS Code wgląd w to, co się dzieje w terminalu.\r\n\r\nObsługiwane powłoki:\r\n\r\n— Linux/macOS: bash, fish, pwsh, zsh\r\n — Windows: pwsh, git bash\r\n\r\nTo ustawienie ma zastosowanie tylko w przypadku tworzenia terminali, dlatego należy ponownie uruchomić terminale, aby odniosło to skutek.\r\n\r\n Zauważ, że wstrzyknięcie skryptu może nie działać, jeśli masz niestandardowe argumenty zdefiniowane w profilu terminala, włączono {1}, masz [złożony bash `PROMPT_COMMAND`](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/integrated-terminal#_complex-bash-promptcommand) lub inną nieobsługiwaną konfigurację. Aby wyłączyć ozdobniki, zobacz {0}", - "terminal.integrated.shellIntegration.history": "Określa liczbę ostatnio używanych poleceń do zachowania w historii poleceń terminalu. Ustaw wartość 0, aby wyłączyć historię poleceń terminalu.", "terminal.integrated.showExitAlert": "Określa, czy w przypadku kodu zakończenia innego niż zero wyświetlić alert „Proces terminalu zakończył się kodem zakończenia”.", "terminal.integrated.smoothScrolling": "Określa, czy edytor będzie przewijany przy użyciu animacji.", "terminal.integrated.splitCwd": "Określa katalog roboczy, za pomocą którego jest uruchamiany podzielony terminal.", @@ -12229,6 +12312,10 @@ "terminal.integrated.accessibleViewFocusOnCommandExecution": "Ustaw fokus na widoku terminalu z ułatwieniami dostępu po wykonaniu polecenia.", "terminal.integrated.accessibleViewPreserveCursorPosition": "Zachowaj położenie kursora po ponownym otwarciu widoku z ułatwieniami dostępu terminalu, zamiast ustawiać go na dole buforu." }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/autoReplies/common/terminalAutoRepliesConfiguration": { + "terminal.integrated.autoReplies": "A set of messages that, when encountered in the terminal, will be automatically responded to. Provided the message is specific enough, this can help automate away common responses.\r\n\r\nRemarks:\r\n\r\n- Use {0} to automatically respond to the terminate batch job prompt on Windows.\r\n- The message includes escape sequences so the reply might not happen with styled text.\r\n- Each reply can only happen once every second.\r\n- Use {1} in the reply to mean the enter key.\r\n- To unset a default key, set the value to null.\r\n- Restart VS Code if new don't apply.", + "terminal.integrated.autoReplies.reply": "The reply to send to the process." + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/chat/browser/terminal.initialHint.contribution": { "disableHint": " Przełącz {0} w ustawieniach, aby wyłączyć tę wskazówkę.", "disableInitialHint": "Wyłącz wskazówkę początkową", @@ -12268,8 +12355,6 @@ "closeChat": "Zamknij czat", "discard": "Odrzuć", "discardDescription": "Odrzuca bieżącą odpowiedź czatu terminalu, ukrywa widżet czatu i czyści dane wejściowe czatu.", - "focusTerminalInput": "Dane wejściowe terminalu fokusu", - "focusTerminalResponse": "Ustaw fokus na odpowiedzi terminalu", "insert": "Wstaw", "insertCommand": "Wstaw polecenie czatu", "insertFirst": "Wstaw najpierw", @@ -12291,6 +12376,23 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/chat/common/terminalInitialHintConfiguration": { "terminal.integrated.initialHint": "Określa, czy w pierwszym terminalu bez danych wejściowych będzie wyświetlana wskazówka dotycząca dostępnych akcji, gdy jest ona skoncentrowana." }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/clipboard/browser/terminal.clipboard.contribution": { + "workbench.action.terminal.copyAndClearSelection": "Copy and Clear Selection", + "workbench.action.terminal.copyLastCommand": "Copy Last Command", + "workbench.action.terminal.copyLastCommandAndOutput": "Copy Last Command and Output", + "workbench.action.terminal.copyLastCommandOutput": "Copy Last Command Output", + "workbench.action.terminal.copySelection": "Copy Selection", + "workbench.action.terminal.copySelectionAsHtml": "Copy Selection as HTML", + "workbench.action.terminal.paste": "Paste into Active Terminal", + "workbench.action.terminal.pasteSelection": "Paste Selection into Active Terminal" + }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/clipboard/browser/terminalClipboard": { + "confirmMoveTrashMessageFilesAndDirectories": "Are you sure you want to paste {0} lines of text into the terminal?", + "doNotAskAgain": "Do not ask me again", + "multiLinePasteButton": "&&Paste", + "multiLinePasteButton.oneLine": "Paste as &&one line", + "preview": "Preview:" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/commandGuide/browser/terminal.commandGuide.contribution": { "terminalCommandGuide.foreground": "Kolor pierwszego planu przewodnika poleceń terminalu wyświetlany po lewej stronie polecenia i jego dane wyjściowe po najechaniu kursorem." }, @@ -12330,6 +12432,24 @@ "selectAll": "Zaznacz wszystko", "undo": "Cofnij" }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/history/browser/terminal.history.contribution": { + "goToRecentDirectory.metadata": "Goes to a recent folder", + "workbench.action.terminal.clearPreviousSessionHistory": "Clear Previous Session History", + "workbench.action.terminal.goToRecentDirectory": "Go to Recent Directory...", + "workbench.action.terminal.runRecentCommand": "Run Recent Command..." + }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/history/browser/terminalRunRecentQuickPick": { + "removeCommand": "Remove from Command History", + "selectRecentCommand": "Select a command to run (hold Alt-key to edit the command)", + "selectRecentCommandMac": "Select a command to run (hold Option-key to edit the command)", + "selectRecentDirectory": "Select a directory to go to (hold Alt-key to edit the command)", + "selectRecentDirectoryMac": "Select a directory to go to (hold Option-key to edit the command)", + "shellFileHistoryCategory": "{0} history", + "viewCommandOutput": "View Command Output" + }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/history/common/terminal.history": { + "terminal.integrated.shellIntegration.history": "Controls the number of recently used commands to keep in the terminal command history. Set to 0 to disable terminal command history." + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/links/browser/terminal.links.contribution": { "workbench.action.terminal.openDetectedLink": "Otwórz wykryty link...", "workbench.action.terminal.openLastLocalFileLink": "Otwórz link ostatniego pliku lokalnego", @@ -12361,6 +12481,16 @@ "terminal.integrated.searchLinks": "Wyszukiwanie obszaru roboczego", "terminal.integrated.urlLinks": "Adres URL" }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/quickAccess/browser/terminal.quickAccess.contribution": { + "quickAccessTerminal": "Switch Active Terminal", + "tasksQuickAccessHelp": "Show All Opened Terminals", + "tasksQuickAccessPlaceholder": "Type the name of a terminal to open." + }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/quickAccess/browser/terminalQuickAccess": { + "renameTerminal": "Rename Terminal", + "workbench.action.terminal.newWithProfilePlus": "Create New Terminal With Profile...", + "workbench.action.terminal.newplus": "Create New Terminal" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/quickFix/browser/quickFixAddon": { "codeAction.widget.id.quickfix": "Szybka poprawka", "quickFix.command": "Uruchom: {0}", @@ -12432,6 +12562,10 @@ "terminal.integrated.localEchoLatencyThreshold": "Długość opóźnienia sieci (w milisekundach), gdy echo edycji lokalnych będzie wyświetlane na terminalu bez oczekiwania na potwierdzenie serwera. W przypadku wartości „0” echo lokalne będzie zawsze włączone, a w przypadku wartości „-1” będzie wyłączone.", "terminal.integrated.localEchoStyle": "Styl terminalu tekstu z echem lokalnym — styl czcionki lub kolor RGB." }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/wslRecommendation/browser/terminal.wslRecommendation.contribution": { + "install": "Install", + "useWslExtension.title": "The '{0}' extension is recommended for opening a terminal in WSL." + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/zoom/browser/terminal.zoom.contribution": { "fontZoomIn": "Zwiększ rozmiar czcionki", "fontZoomOut": "Zmniejsz rozmiar czcionki", @@ -12688,10 +12822,12 @@ "openTestCoverage": "Wyświetl pokrycie testu", "run test": "Wykonaj test", "testing.cancelRun": "Anuluj przebieg testu", - "testing.debugLastRun": "Przebieg testu debugowania", + "testing.debugLastRun": "Debug Last Run", + "testing.debugTest": "Debug Test", "testing.goToError": "Przejdź do błędu", "testing.goToTest": "Przejdź do testu", - "testing.reRunLastRun": "Ponownie uruchom przebieg testu", + "testing.reRunLastRun": "Rerun Last Run", + "testing.reRunTest": "Rerun Test", "testing.revealInExplorer": "Odsłoń w Eksploratorze testów", "testing.showResultOutput": "Pokaż dane wyjściowe wyników", "testingPeekLabel": "Wiadomości dotyczące wyników testu" @@ -13005,6 +13141,7 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/userDataProfile/browser/userDataProfile": { "New Profile Window": "Nowe okno z profilem", + "change profile": "Switch to {0} profile", "create profile": "Nowy profil...", "current": "Bieżące", "delete profile": "Usuń profil...", @@ -13016,10 +13153,12 @@ "new window with profile": "Nowe okno z profilem", "newWindowWithProfile": "Nowe okno z profilem...", "open": "Otwórz profil {0}", + "open profile": "Open New Window with {0} Profile", "open profiles": "Otwórz profile (interfejs użytkownika)", "openShort": "{0}", "pick profile": "Wybierz profil", "pick profile to delete": "Wybierz profile do usunięcia", + "profiles": "Profile ({0})", "save profile as": "Zapisz bieżący profil jako...", "selectProfile": "Wybierz profil", "switchProfile": "Przełącz profil...", @@ -13053,6 +13192,7 @@ "default profile contents description": "Skonfiguruj zawartość tego profilu\r\n", "defaultProfileIcon": "Nie można zmienić ikony dla profilu domyślnego", "defaultProfileName": "Nie można zmienić nazwy profilu domyślnego", + "deleteTrustedUri": "Delete Path", "editIcon": "Ikona dla ikony edytowania folderu w edytorze profilów.", "empty profile": "Brak", "enable for current window": "Użyj tego profilu dla bieżącego okna", @@ -13090,6 +13230,7 @@ "profileName": "Nazwa profilu", "profiles": "Profile", "profilesSashBorder": "Kolor obramowania wstążki widoku podziału Edytora profilów.", + "removeIcon": "Icon for the remove folder icon in the profiles editor.", "settings": "Ustawienia", "snippets": "Fragmenty kodu", "tasks": "Zadania", @@ -13406,7 +13547,8 @@ "gettingStartedUnchecked": "Służy do reprezentowania kroków instruktażowych, które nie zostały ukończone" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcomeGettingStarted/browser/gettingStartedInput": { - "getStarted": "Witamy" + "getStarted": "Witamy", + "walkthroughPageTitle": "Walkthrough: " }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcomeGettingStarted/browser/gettingStartedService": { "builtin": "Wbudowane", @@ -13438,6 +13580,7 @@ "gettingStarted.accessibleView.title": "Użytkownicy czytnika zawartości ekranu mogą sprawdzać zawartość wiersz po wierszu, znak po znaku w widoku z ułatwieniami dostępu.", "gettingStarted.beginner.description": "Zapoznaj się z omówieniem najważniejszych funkcji", "gettingStarted.beginner.title": "Poznaj podstawy", + "gettingStarted.beginner.walkthroughPageTitle": "Essential Features", "gettingStarted.codeFolding.description.interpolated": "Złóż lub rozłóż sekcję kodu za pomocą polecenia Przełącz składanie.\r\n{0}\r\n Rekursywne składanie lub rozkładanie za pomocą polecenia Przełączanie składania rekursywnego\r\n{1}\r\n", "gettingStarted.codeFolding.title": "Użyj składania kodu, aby zwinąć bloki kodu i skupić się na kodzie, który Cię interesuje.", "gettingStarted.commandPalette.description.interpolated": "Uruchamiaj polecenia bez sięgania po mysz, aby wykonać dowolne zadanie w programie VS Code.\r\n{0}", @@ -13466,6 +13609,7 @@ "gettingStarted.newFile.description": "Otwórz nowy plik tekstowy bez tytułu, notes lub edytor niestandardowy.", "gettingStarted.newFile.title": "Nowy plik...", "gettingStarted.notebook.title": "Dostosowywanie notesów", + "gettingStarted.notebook.walkthroughPageTitle": "Notebooks", "gettingStarted.notebookProfile.description": "Korzystaj z notesów, aby doświadczać w sposób odpowiadający Twoim preferencjom", "gettingStarted.notebookProfile.title": "Wybieranie układ notesów", "gettingStarted.openFile.description": "Otwórz plik, aby rozpocząć pracę", @@ -13491,10 +13635,13 @@ "gettingStarted.setup.OpenFolderWeb.description.interpolated": "Wszystko gotowe do rozpoczęcia kodowania. Aby pobrać pliki do programu VS Code, możesz otworzyć projekt lokalny lub repozytorium zdalne.\r\n{0}\r\n{1}", "gettingStarted.setup.description": "Dostosuj edytor, poznaj podstawy i rozpocznij kodowanie", "gettingStarted.setup.title": "Rozpoczynanie pracy za pomocą programu VS Code", + "gettingStarted.setup.walkthroughPageTitle": "Setup VS Code", "gettingStarted.setupAccessibility.description": "Zapoznaj się z narzędziami i skrótami, które ułatwiają dostęp do edytora VS Code. Pamiętaj, że niektórych akcji nie można wykonać z poziomu kontekstu przewodnika.", "gettingStarted.setupAccessibility.title": "Rozpocznij z funkcjami ułatwień dostępu", + "gettingStarted.setupAccessibility.walkthroughPageTitle": "Setup VS Code Accessibility", "gettingStarted.setupWeb.description": "Dostosuj edytor, poznaj podstawy i rozpocznij kodowanie", "gettingStarted.setupWeb.title": "Wprowadzenie do programu VS Code dla sieci Web", + "gettingStarted.setupWeb.walkthroughPageTitle": "Setup VS Code Web", "gettingStarted.shortcuts.description.interpolated": "Po odnalezieniu swoich ulubionych poleceń możesz utworzyć niestandardowe skróty klawiaturowe w celu uzyskania błyskawicznego dostępu.\r\n{0}", "gettingStarted.shortcuts.title": "Dostosowywanie własnych skrótów", "gettingStarted.tasks.description.interpolated": "Utwórz zadania dla typowych przepływów pracy i korzystaj ze zintegrowanego środowiska uruchamiania skryptów oraz automatycznie sprawdzaj wyniki.\r\n{0}", @@ -13768,7 +13915,6 @@ "editorLineNumberContext": "Menu kontekstowe numeru wiersza edytora", "file.newFile": "„Nowy plik...”. szybkie wybieranie, wyświetlane na stronie powitalnej i w menu Plik.", "inlineCompletions.actions": "Akcje, które są wyświetlane podczas ustawienia wskaźnika myszy na zakończenie w tekście", - "inlineEdit.actions": "Akcje wyświetlane po umieszczeniu wskaźnika myszy na edycji w tekście", "interactive.cell.title": "Współtworzone menu tytułu komórki interaktywnej", "interactive.toolbar": "Współtworzone menu interaktywnego paska narzędzi", "issue.reporter": "Menu współautora problemu", @@ -14310,7 +14456,12 @@ "startBisect": "Rozpocznij operację bisect dla rozszerzenia" }, "vs/workbench/services/files/electron-sandbox/diskFileSystemProvider": { - "fileWatcher": "Obserwator plików" + "fileWatcher": "File Watcher" + }, + "vs/workbench/services/files/electron-sandbox/elevatedFileService": { + "fileNotTrusted": "Workspace is not trusted.", + "fileNotTrustedMessagePosix": "You are about to save '{0}' as super user.", + "fileNotTrustedMessageWindows": "You are about to save '{0}' as admin." }, "vs/workbench/services/filesConfiguration/common/filesConfigurationService": { "configuredReadonly": "Edytor jest tylko do odczytu, ponieważ plik został ustawiony w trybie tylko do odczytu za pomocą ustawień. [Kliknij tutaj](command:{0}) na potrzeby skonfigurowania lub [przełącz dla tej sesji](command:{1}).", @@ -14602,6 +14753,10 @@ "vs/workbench/services/textfile/common/textFileEditorModelManager": { "genericSaveError": "Nie można zapisać elementu „{0}”: {1}" }, + "vs/workbench/services/textfile/common/textFileSaveParticipant": { + "saveParticipants1": "Running Code Actions and Formatters...", + "skip": "Skip" + }, "vs/workbench/services/textfile/electron-sandbox/nativeTextFileService": { "join.textFiles": "Zapisywanie plików tekstowych" }, @@ -14713,7 +14868,7 @@ "schema.folderNamesExpanded": "Kojarzy nazwy folderów z ikonami dla folderów rozszerzonych. Klucz obiektu to nazwa folderu, lecz bez żadnych segmentów ścieżki. Nie można używać wzorców ani symboli wieloznacznych. Dopasowywanie nazw folderów odbywa się bez rozróżniana wielkości liter.", "schema.font-format": "Format czcionki.", "schema.font-path": "Ścieżka czcionki względna wobec bieżącego pliku motywu ikony pliku.", - "schema.font-size": "Domyślny rozmiar czcionki. Zobacz https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/font-size, aby uzyskać informacje o prawidłowych wartościach.", + "schema.font-size": "The default size of the font. We strongly recommend using a percentage value, for example: 125%.", "schema.font-style": "Styl czcionki. Prawidłowe wartości można znaleźć na stronie https://developer.mozilla.org/pl-pl/docs/Web/CSS/font-style.", "schema.font-weight": "Grubość czcionki. Prawidłowe wartości można znaleźć na stronie https://developer.mozilla.org/pl-pl/docs/Web/CSS/font-weight.", "schema.fontCharacter": "W przypadku używania czcionki symboli: znak czcionki, który ma zostać użyty.", @@ -15042,6 +15197,10 @@ "vs/workbench/services/workingCopy/common/storedFileWorkingCopyManager": { "join.fileWorkingCopyManager": "Zapisywanie kopii roboczych" }, + "vs/workbench/services/workingCopy/common/storedFileWorkingCopySaveParticipant": { + "saveParticipants1": "Running Code Actions and Formatters...", + "skip": "Skip" + }, "vs/workbench/services/workingCopy/common/workingCopyHistoryService": { "default.source": "Zapisano plik", "join.workingCopyHistory": "Zapisywanie historii lokalnej", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pt-BR/translations/extensions/vscode.git.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pt-BR/translations/extensions/vscode.git.i18n.json index aadac6c732..420af5cce2 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pt-BR/translations/extensions/vscode.git.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pt-BR/translations/extensions/vscode.git.i18n.json @@ -161,6 +161,7 @@ "Open": "Abrir", "Open Commit": "Abrir Commit", "Open Comparison": "Abrir Comparação", + "Open File": "Open File", "Open Git Log": "Abrir Log do Git", "Open Merge": "Abrir Mesclagem", "Open Repositories In Parent Folders": "Abrir Repositórios em Pastas Pai", @@ -267,6 +268,7 @@ "There are {0} unsaved files.\n\nWould you like to save them before stashing?": "Há {0} arquivos não salvos.\n\nDeseja salvá-los antes de fazer stash?", "There are {0} untracked files which will be DELETED FROM DISK if discarded.": "Há {0} arquivos não controlados que serão EXCLUÍDOS DO disco, se descartados.", "There were merge conflicts while applying the stash.": "Ocorreram conflitos de mesclagem ao aplicar o stash.", + "There were merge conflicts while cherry picking the changes. Resolve the conflicts before committing them.": "There were merge conflicts while cherry picking the changes. Resolve the conflicts before committing them.", "This action will pull and push commits from and to \"{0}/{1}\".": "Esta ação efetuará pull e push das confirmações de e para ''{0}/{1}''.", "This repository has no remotes configured to fetch from.": "Este repositório não tem remotos configurados para buscar.", "This will DELETE {0} untracked files!\nThis is IRREVERSIBLE!\nThese files will be FOREVER LOST.": "Isso excluirá {0} arquivos não rastreados!\nIsto é irreversível!\nEsses arquivos serão perdidos para sempre.", @@ -356,6 +358,7 @@ "command.checkoutDetached": "Check-out para (Desanexado)...", "command.checkoutRefDetached": "Check-out (Desanexado)", "command.cherryPick": "Cherry-pick...", + "command.cherryPickAbort": "Abort Cherry Pick", "command.cherryPickRef": "Escolher", "command.clean": "Descartar as Alterações", "command.cleanAll": "Descartar Todas as Alterações", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pt-BR/translations/extensions/vscode.github-authentication.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pt-BR/translations/extensions/vscode.github-authentication.i18n.json index 7bf4ef35b4..e9f13826eb 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pt-BR/translations/extensions/vscode.github-authentication.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pt-BR/translations/extensions/vscode.github-authentication.i18n.json @@ -16,8 +16,6 @@ "Having trouble logging in? Would you like to try a different way? ({0})": "Está com problemas para fazer logon? Você gostaria de tentar de outra maneira? ({0})", "No": "Não", "Open [{0}]({0}) in a new tab and paste your one-time code: {1}/The [{0}]({0}) will be a url and the {1} will be a code, e.g. 123-456{Locked=\"[{0}]({0})\"}": "Abra [{0}]({0}) em uma nova guia e cole seu código avulso: {1}", - "Please reload the window to apply the new setting.": "Recarregue a janela para aplicar a nova configuração.", - "Reload Window": "Recarregar a Janela", "Sign in failed: {0}": "Falha ao entrar: {0}", "Sign out failed: {0}": "Falha ao sair: {0}", "Signing in to {0}.../The {0} will be a url, e.g. github.com": "Entre para {0}...", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pt-BR/translations/extensions/vscode.ipynb.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pt-BR/translations/extensions/vscode.ipynb.i18n.json index a51b63fc28..068e2f3108 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pt-BR/translations/extensions/vscode.ipynb.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pt-BR/translations/extensions/vscode.ipynb.i18n.json @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ "copyCellOutput.title": "Copiar Saída da Célula", "description": "Fornece suporte básico para abrir e ler os arquivos de notebook .ipynb do Jupyter", "displayName": "Suporte a .ipynb", - "ipynb.experimental.serialization": "Recurso experimental para serializar o Jupyter notebook em um thread de trabalho. Não há suporte quando o host de extensão está sendo executado como um web worker.", + "ipynb.experimental.serialization": "Experimental feature to serialize the Jupyter notebook in a worker thread.", "ipynb.pasteImagesAsAttachments.enabled": "Habilite/desabilite a colagem de imagens em células Markdown em arquivos de bloco de anotações ipynb. As imagens coladas são inseridas como anexos na célula.", "markdownAttachmentRenderer.displayName": "Renderizador Markdown-It ipynb Cell Attachment", "newUntitledIpynb.shortTitle": "Jupyter Notebook", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pt-BR/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pt-BR/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json index 7ae0743963..f7011175c4 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pt-BR/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pt-BR/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json @@ -87,6 +87,8 @@ "Please report an issue against Yarn PnP": "Relate um problema com o Yarn PnP", "Please update your TypeScript version": "Atualize sua versão do TypeScript", "Project Wide IntelliSense not available": "O IntelliSense não está disponível em Todo o Projeto", + "Related files provider failed. Copilot requested file with unsupported language mode.": "Related files provider failed. Copilot requested file with unsupported language mode.", + "Related files provider failed. No active text editor.": "Related files provider failed. No active text editor.", "Remove Unused Imports": "Remover Importações Não Utilizadas", "Remove all unused code": "Remover todo o código não usado", "Report Issue": "Relatar Problema", @@ -196,12 +198,14 @@ "configuration.tsserver.useSyntaxServer.auto": "Gere um servidor completo e um servidor mais leve dedicado às operações de sintaxe. O servidor de sintaxe é usado para acelerar as operações de sintaxe e fornecer IntelliSense durante o carregamento de projetos.", "configuration.tsserver.useSyntaxServer.never": "Não use um servidor de sintaxe dedicado. Use um único servidor para lidar com todas as operações do IntelliSense.", "configuration.tsserver.useVsCodeWatcher": "Use os observadores de arquivos do VS Code em vez dos do TypeScript. Requer o uso do TypeScript 5.4+ no workspace.", + "configuration.tsserver.useVsCodeWatcher.deprecation": "Please use the `#typescript.tsserver.watchOptions#` setting instead.", "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions": "Configurar as estratégias de monitoramento que devem ser usadas para manter o controle de arquivos e diretórios.", "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions.fallbackPolling": "Ao usar eventos do sistema de arquivos, esta opção especifica a estratégia de sondagem usada quando o sistema é executado sem inspetores de arquivo nativos e/ou não dá suporte a inspetores de arquivo nativos.", "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions.fallbackPolling.dynamicPriorityPolling ": "Usar uma fila dinâmica na qual os arquivos modificados menos frequentemente serão verificados com uma frequência menor.", "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions.fallbackPolling.fixedPollingInterval": "Verificar todos os arquivos várias vezes por segundo a um intervalo fixo para ver se há alterações.", "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions.fallbackPolling.priorityPollingInterval": "Verificar todos os arquivos várias vezes por segundo para ver se há alterações, mas usar heurística para verificar determinados tipos de arquivos com uma frequência inferior à dos outros.", "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions.synchronousWatchDirectory": "Desabilitar a observação adiada nos diretórios. A observação adiada é útil quando muitas alterações de arquivo podem ocorrer ao mesmo tempo (por exemplo, uma alteração em node_modules por causa da execução da instalação do npm), mas você pode desabilitá-la com esse sinalizador para algumas configurações menos comuns.", + "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions.vscode": "Use VS Code's file watchers instead of TypeScript's. Requires using TypeScript 5.4+ in the workspace.", "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions.watchDirectory": "Estratégia para como árvores de diretório inteiras são observadas em sistemas que não têm funcionalidade recursiva de observação de arquivo.", "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions.watchDirectory.dynamicPriorityPolling": "Usar uma fila dinâmica na qual os diretórios modificados com menos frequência serão verificados com menos frequência.", "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions.watchDirectory.fixedChunkSizePolling": "Pesquisa diretórios em partes a intervalos regulares.", @@ -218,7 +222,7 @@ "configuration.tsserver.web.projectWideIntellisense.suppressSemanticErrors": "Suprime erros semânticos na Web, mesmo quando o IntelliSense de todo o projeto está habilitado. Isso está sempre ativado quando o IntelliSense em todo o projeto não está habilitado ou disponível. Consulte `#typescript.tsserver.web.projectWideIntellisense.enabled#`", "configuration.tsserver.web.typeAcquisition.enabled": "Habilitar/desabilitar a aquisição de pacote na Web. Isso habilita o IntelliSense para pacotes importados. Requer '#typescript.tsserver.web.projectWideIntellisense.enabled#'. No momento, não há suporte para o Safari.", "configuration.typescript": "TypeScript", - "configuration.updateImportsOnPaste": "Atualize automaticamente as importações ao colar o código. Requer o TypeScript 5.6+.", + "configuration.updateImportsOnPaste": "Automatically update imports when pasting code. Requires TypeScript 5.7+.", "description": "Fornece suporte de linguagem avançada para JavaScript e TypeScript.", "displayName": "Recursos de Linguagem TypeScript e JavaScript", "format.indentSwitchCase": "Recuar cláusulas de caso em instruções alternadas. Requer o uso do TypeScript 5.1+ no espaço de trabalho.", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pt-BR/translations/main.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pt-BR/translations/main.i18n.json index 2e08264c5d..e54a72eea7 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pt-BR/translations/main.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pt-BR/translations/main.i18n.json @@ -548,12 +548,7 @@ "inlayHints.padding": "Habilita o preenchimento em torno das sugestões embutidas no editor.", "inline": "As Sugestões rápidas são mostradas como texto fantasma", "inlineCompletionsAccessibilityVerbose": "Controla se a dica de acessibilidade deve ser fornecida aos usuários do leitor de tela quando uma conclusão embutida é mostrada.", - "inlineEdit.enabled": "Controla se as edições embutidas devem ser mostradas no editor.", - "inlineEdit.fontFamily": "Controla a família de fontes da edição embutida.", - "inlineEdit.showToolbar": "Controla quando mostrar a barra de ferramentas de edição embutida.", - "inlineEdit.showToolbar.always": "Mostre a barra de ferramentas de edição embutida sempre que uma sugestão embutida for mostrada.", - "inlineEdit.showToolbar.never": "Nunca mostre a barra de ferramentas de edição embutida.", - "inlineEdit.showToolbar.onHover": "Mostre a barra de ferramentas de edição embutida ao passar o mouse sobre uma sugestão embutida.", + "inlineSuggest.edits.experimental.enabled": "Controls whether to enable experimental edits in inline suggestions.", "inlineSuggest.enabled": "Controla se quer mostrar automaticamente sugestões em linha no editor.", "inlineSuggest.fontFamily": "Controla a família de fontes das sugestões embutidas.", "inlineSuggest.showToolbar": "Controla quando mostrar a barra de ferramentas de sugestão embutida.", @@ -602,6 +597,7 @@ "occurrencesHighlight.multiFile": "Experimental: realça ocorrências em todos os arquivos abertos válidos.", "occurrencesHighlight.off": "Não realça ocorrências.", "occurrencesHighlight.singleFile": "Realça as ocorrências somente no arquivo atual.", + "occurrencesHighlightDelay": "Controls the delay in milliseconds after which occurrences are highlighted.", "off": "As Sugestões rápidas estão desabilitadas", "on": "As Sugestões rápidas são mostradas dentro do widget de sugestão", "overviewRulerBorder": "Controla se uma borda deve ser desenhada ao redor da régua de visão geral.", @@ -1398,6 +1394,7 @@ "action.inlineSuggest.acceptNextLine": "Aceitar próxima linha de sugestão embutida", "action.inlineSuggest.acceptNextWord": "Aceitar a Próxima Palavra de Sugestão Embutida", "action.inlineSuggest.alwaysShowToolbar": "Sempre Mostrar Barra de Ferramentas", + "action.inlineSuggest.dev.extractRepro": "Developer: Extract Inline Suggest State", "action.inlineSuggest.hide": "Ocultar a Sugestão Embutida", "action.inlineSuggest.jump": "Pular para a próxima edição em linha", "action.inlineSuggest.showNext": "Mostrar próxima sugestão em linha", @@ -1429,9 +1426,6 @@ "parameterHintsPreviousIcon": "Ícone para mostrar a dica de parâmetro anterior.", "previous": "Anterior" }, - "vs/editor/contrib/inlineEdit/browser/hoverParticipant": { - "hoverAccessibilityInlineEdits": "Existem edições embutidas aqui." - }, "vs/editor/contrib/inPlaceReplace/browser/inPlaceReplace": { "InPlaceReplaceAction.next.label": "Substituir pelo Próximo Valor", "InPlaceReplaceAction.previous.label": "Substituir pelo Valor Anterior" @@ -2529,6 +2523,7 @@ "diffEditorRemovedLines": "Cor de fundo para linhas que foram removidas. A cor não deve ser opaca para não esconder as decorações subjacentes.", "diffEditorRemovedOutline": "Cor da estrutura de tópicos do texto que foi removido.", "editorBackground": "Cor da tela de fundo do editor.", + "editorCompositionBorder": "The border color for an IME composition.", "editorError.background": "A cor da tela de fundo do texto do erro no editor. A cor não pode ser opaca para não ocultar as decorações subjacentes.", "editorError.foreground": "Cor de primeiro plano das linhas sinuosas de erro no editor.", "editorFindMatch": "Cor da correspondência de pesquisa atual.", @@ -3932,6 +3927,8 @@ "editorCommand.activeEditorMove.arg.description": "Propriedades do argumento: * 'para': sequência de valor fornecendo onde se mover.\r\n\t* ' por': sequência de valor fornecendo a unidade para mover (por guia ou por grupo).\r\n\t* ' valor': valor numérico, fornecendo quantas posições ou uma posição absoluta, para mover.", "editorCommand.activeEditorMove.arg.name": "Argumento ativo de movimento do editor", "editorCommand.activeEditorMove.description": "Mover o editor ativo por meio de guias ou grupos", + "editorGroupLayout.horizontal": "Horizontal", + "editorGroupLayout.vertical": "Vertical", "focusLeftSideEditor": "Foco no Primeiro Lado no Editor Ativo", "focusOtherSideEditor": "Foco no Outro Lado no Editor Ativo", "focusRightSideEditor": "Foco no Segundo Lado no Editor Ativo", @@ -4230,7 +4227,9 @@ "vs/workbench/browser/parts/panel/panelPart": { "align panel": "Alinhar Painel", "hidePanel": "Ocultar Painel", - "panel position": "Posição do Painel" + "panel position": "Posição do Painel", + "showIcons": "Show Icons", + "showLabels": "Show Labels" }, "vs/workbench/browser/parts/sidebar/sidebarActions": { "focusSideBar": "Foco na Barra Lateral Primária" @@ -4355,9 +4354,6 @@ "shutdownErrorDetail": "O workbench foi descartado inesperadamente durante a execução.", "unableToOpenExternal": "O navegador interrompeu a abertura de uma nova guia ou janela. Pressione “Abrir” para abri-lo mesmo assim." }, - "vs/workbench/browser/workbench": { - "loaderErrorNative": "Falha ao carregar um arquivo necessário. Reinicie o aplicativo para fazer uma nova tentativa. Detalhes: {0}" - }, "vs/workbench/browser/workbench.contribution": { "activeEditorLong": "`${activeEditorLong}`: o caminho completo do arquivo (por exemplo, /Users/Development/myFolder/myFileFolder/myFile.txt).", "activeEditorMedium": "`${activeEditorMedium}`: o caminho do arquivo relativo à pasta do workspace (por exemplo, myFolder/myFileFolder/myFile.txt).", @@ -4428,7 +4424,7 @@ "openFoldersInNewWindow": "Controla se as pastas devem abrir em uma nova janela ou substituir a última janela ativa.\r\nObserve que ainda podem haver casos em que essa configuração é ignorada (por exemplo, quando usar a opção de linha de comando '--new-windows' ou '--reuse-window').", "panelDefaultLocation": "Controla o local padrão do painel (Terminal, Console de Depuração, Saída, Problemas) em um novo workspace. Ele poderá ser mostrado na parte inferior, superior, direita ou esquerda da área do editor.", "panelOpensMaximized": "Controla se o painel é aberto maximizado. Ele pode ser sempre aberto maximizado, nunca aberto maximizado ou aberto no último estado em que estava antes de ser fechado.", - "panelShowLabel": "Controla se os itens de atividade no título do painel são mostrados como rótulo ou ícone.", + "panelShowLabels": "Controls whether activity items in the panel title are shown as label or icon.", "perEditorGroup": "Controla se o limite de editores abertos máximos deve ser aplicado por grupo de editor ou por todos os grupos de editor.", "pinnedTabSizing": "Controla o dimensionamento das guias fixadas do editor. As guias fixadas são classificadas para o início de todas as guias abertas e normalmente não fecham até que sejam desafixadas. Esse valor é ignorado quando {0} não está definido como {1}.", "preserveInput": "Controla se a última entrada digitada na paleta de comandos deverá ser restaurada ao ser aberta na próxima vez.", @@ -4844,6 +4840,7 @@ "configureRuntimeArguments": "Configurar Argumentos de Runtime", "openUserDataFolder": "Abrir Pasta de Dados do Usuário", "reloadWindowWithExtensionsDisabled": "Recarregar com Extensões Desabilitadas", + "showGPUInfo": "Show GPU Info", "toggleDevTools": "Ativar/Desativar Ferramentas para Desenvolvedores" }, "vs/workbench/electron-sandbox/actions/installActions": { @@ -4909,7 +4906,7 @@ "touchbar.enabled": "Habilita os botões do touchbar do macOS no teclado se disponível.", "touchbar.ignored": "Um conjunto de identificadores das entradas na barra de toque que não devem aparecer (por exemplo `workbench.action.navigateBack`).", "window.clickThroughInactive": "Se habilitado, clicar em uma janela inativa ativará a janela e disparará o elemento sob o mouse, se for clicável. Se desabilitado, clicar em qualquer lugar em uma janela inativa fará com que ela seja apenas ativada e um segundo clique será necessário no elemento.", - "window.customTitleBarVisibility": "Ajuste quando a barra de título personalizada deve ser mostrada. A barra de título personalizada pode ser ocultada quando estiver no modo de tela cheia com `windowed`. A barra de título personalizada só pode ser ocultada no modo de tela cheia com `nunca` quando {0} estiver definido como `nativo`.", + "window.customTitleBarVisibility": "Adjust when the custom title bar should be shown. The custom title bar can be hidden when in full screen mode with `windowed`. The custom title bar can only be hidden in non full screen mode with `never` when {0} is set to `native`.", "window.customTitleBarVisibility.auto": "Altera automaticamente a visibilidade da barra de título personalizada.", "window.customTitleBarVisibility.never": "Ocultar a barra de título personalizada quando {0} estiver definido como `nativa`.", "window.customTitleBarVisibility.windowed": "Oculte a barra de título personalizada em tela inteira. Quando não estiver em tela cheia, altere automaticamente a visibilidade da barra de título personalizada.", @@ -4947,7 +4944,6 @@ "downloadArmBuild": "Baixar", "keychainWriteError": "Falha ao gravar informações de logon no conjunto de chaves com o erro '{0}'.", "learnMore": "Saiba mais", - "loaderCycle": "Há um ciclo de dependência nos módulos AMD que precisa ser resolvido!", "loginButton": "&&Fazer Logon", "macoseolmessage": "{0} em {1} em breve deixará de receber atualizações. Considere atualizar sua versão do macOS.", "password": "Senha", @@ -5185,7 +5181,7 @@ "openDiffEditorAnnouncement": "Editor de comparação" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/accountEntitlements/browser/accountsEntitlements.contribution": { - "workbench.accounts.showEntitlements": "Quando habilitados, os direitos disponíveis para a conta serão mostrados no menu de contas." + "workbench.accounts.showEntitlements": "When enabled, available entitlements for the account will be shown in the accounts menu." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/audioCues/browser/audioCues.contribution": { "audioCues.chatRequestSent": "Toca um som quando uma solicitação de chat é feita.", @@ -5239,7 +5235,8 @@ "pickAProviderTitle": "Gerenciar Preferências de Conta de Extensão", "placeholder": "Gerenciar preferências de conta '{0}'...", "selectProvider": "Selecione um provedor de autenticação para gerenciar as preferências de conta para", - "title": "Preferências de conta '{0}' para esse workspace" + "title": "Preferências de conta '{0}' para esse workspace", + "use new account": "Use a new account..." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/authentication/browser/actions/manageTrustedExtensionsForAccountAction": { "accountLastUsedDate": "Último uso desta conta {0}", @@ -5378,8 +5375,7 @@ "workbench.action.chat.focus": "Para focar a lista de solicitação/resposta do chat, que pode ser navegada com as setas para cima e para baixo, invoque o comando Foco no Chat{0}.", "workbench.action.chat.focusInput": "Para focar a caixa de entrada para solicitações de chat, invoque o comando Entrada do Foco no Chat{0}.", "workbench.action.chat.newChat": "Para criar outra sessão de chat, invoque o comando Novo chat{0}.", - "workbench.action.chat.nextCodeBlock": "Para focar o próximo bloco de código em uma resposta, invoque o comando Chat: Próximo Bloco de código{0}.", - "workbench.action.chat.nextFileTree": "Para focar a próxima árvore de arquivo em uma resposta, invoque o comando Chat: Próxima Árvore de arquivo{0}." + "workbench.action.chat.nextCodeBlock": "Para focar o próximo bloco de código em uma resposta, invoque o comando Chat: Próximo Bloco de código{0}." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatActions": { "actions.interactiveSession.focus": "Foco na Lista de Chats", @@ -5389,19 +5385,26 @@ "chat.history.rename": "Renomear", "chatWith": "Conversa com Extensão", "currentChatLabel": "atual", + "installChat": "Install {0}", + "installChatGlobalAction.justification": "AI support requires this extension.", "interactiveSession.clearHistory.label": "Limpar Histórico de Entrada", "interactiveSession.focusInput.label": "Foco na Entrada do Chat", "interactiveSession.history.delete": "Excluir", "interactiveSession.history.editor": "Abrir no Editor", "interactiveSession.history.pick": "Alternar para o chat", "interactiveSession.open": "Abrir Editor", + "learnMore": "Learn More", "more": "Mais...", "newChatTitle": "Título do novo chat", "openChat": "Abrir Chat", - "title4": "Chat" + "title4": "Chat", + "toggle.chatControl": "Chat Controls", + "toggle.chatControlsDescription": "Toggle visibility of the Chat Controls in title bar" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatClearActions": { - "chat.newChat.label": "Novo chat" + "chat.newChat.label": "Novo chat", + "chat.newEdits.label": "New Edit Session", + "chat.openEdits.label": "Open Edit Session" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatCodeblockActions": { "chat.applyAll.label": "Aplicar Todas as Edições", @@ -5417,8 +5420,12 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatContextActions": { "chatContext.attach.placeholder": "Pesquisar anexos", + "chatContext.attachScreenshot.labelElectron.Window": "Screenshot Window", + "chatContext.attachScreenshot.labelWeb": "Screenshot", + "chatContext.editors": "Open Editors", "chatContext.notebook.kernelVariable": "Variável de Kernel...", "chatContext.notebook.selectkernelVariable": "Selecionar e Inserir Variável de Kernel", + "chatContext.searchResults": "Search Results", "chatContext.symbol": "Símbolo...", "imageFromClipboard": "Imagem da Área de Transferência", "pastedImage": "Imagem Colada", @@ -5437,8 +5444,13 @@ "actions.chat.submitSecondaryAgent": "Enviar para o Agente Secundário", "chat.newChat.label": "Enviar para Novo Chat", "chat.pickModel.label": "Escolher Modelo", + "chat.sendToChatEditing.label": "Send to Copilot Edits", + "chat.startEditing.confirmation.message": "Starting a new editing session will end your current editing session and discard edits to {0} files. Do you wish to proceed?", + "chat.startEditing.confirmation.primaryButton": "Yes", + "chat.startEditing.confirmation.title": "Start new editing session?", "interactive.cancel.label": "Cancelar", - "interactive.submit.label": "Enviar" + "interactive.submit.label": "Send and Dispatch", + "interactive.submitWithoutDispatch.label": "Send" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatFileTreeActions": { "interactive.nextFileTree.label": "Próxima Árvore de Arquivos", @@ -5466,7 +5478,19 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatTitleActions": { "chat.remove.label": "Remover Solicitação e Resposta", + "chat.retry.confirmation.checkbox": "Don't ask again", + "chat.retry.confirmation.message2": "This will undo edits made to {0} since this request.", + "chat.retry.confirmation.primaryButton": "Yes", "chat.retry.label": "Tentar novamente", + "chat.retryLast.confirmation.message2": "This will undo edits made to {0} files in your working set since this request. Do you want to proceed?", + "chat.retryLast.confirmation.title2": "Do you want to retry your last request?", + "chat.startEditing.confirmation.acceptEdits": "Accept & Continue", + "chat.startEditing.confirmation.discardEdits": "Discard & Continue", + "chat.startEditing.confirmation.message": "Starting a new editing session will end your current editing session and discard edits to {0} files. Do you wish to proceed?", + "chat.startEditing.confirmation.pending.message": "Starting a new editing session will end your current session. Do you want to discard pending edits to {0} files?", + "chat.startEditing.confirmation.primaryButton": "Yes", + "chat.startEditing.confirmation.title": "Start new editing session?", + "chat.startEditing.label2": "Edit with Copilot", "interactive.helpful.label": "Útil", "interactive.insertIntoNotebook.label": "Inserir no Bloco de Anotações", "interactive.reportIssueForBug.label": "Emissão de relatório", @@ -5483,17 +5507,25 @@ "insertCodeBlock.readonlyNotebook": "Não é possível inserir o bloco de código no editor de notebook somente leitura.", "overlap": "Outra alteração de código está sendo visualizada. Aplique ou descarte as alterações pendentes primeiro." }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/attachments/implicitContextAttachment": { + "chat.fileAttachment": "Attached file, {0}", + "chat.fileAttachmentWithRange": "Attached file, {0}, line {1} to line {2}", + "disable": "Disable current file context", + "enable": "Enable current file context", + "enableHint": "disabled", + "openEditor": "Current file context" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chat": { "generating": "Gerando" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chat.contribution": { "chat": "Chat", "chat.commandCenter.enabled": "Controla se o centro de comandos mostra um menu para ações de chat (requer {0}).", + "chat.editing.alwaysSaveWithGeneratedChanges": "Whether to always ask before saving files with changes made by chat.", + "chat.editing.confirmEditRequestRemoval": "Whether to show a confirmation before removing a request and its associated edits.", + "chat.editing.confirmEditRequestRetry": "Whether to show a confirmation before retrying a request and its associated edits.", + "chat.editing.enableRestoreFile": "Whether to show a toggle to restore an earlier version of a file that was edited in a chat editing session request.", "chat.experimental.detectParticipant.enabled": "Habilita a detecção automática do participante do chat para o chat do painel.", - "chat.experimental.implicitContext": "Controla se uma caixa de seleção é mostrada para permitir que o usuário determine qual contexto implícito está incluído no prompt de um participante do chat.", - "chat.experimental.variables.editor": "Habilita variáveis para o chat do editor.", - "chat.experimental.variables.notebook": "Habilita variáveis para o chat do bloco de anotações.", - "chat.experimental.variables.terminal": "Habilita variáveis para o chat de terminal.", "clear": "Iniciar um novo chat", "file": "Escolha um arquivo no espaço de trabalho", "interactiveSession.editor.fontFamily": "Controla a família de fontes nos blocos de código do chat.", @@ -5539,8 +5571,9 @@ "dismiss": "Ignorar" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatContentParts/chatReferencesContentPart": { + "addToChat": "Add File to Chat", + "chat.openEditor": "Open Editor", "chatCollapsibleList": "Lista de Chats Recolhíveis", - "copyReference": "Copiar", "setting.hover": "Abrir configuração \"{0}\"", "usedReferencesCollapsed": "{0}, recolhido", "usedReferencesExpanded": "{0}, expandido", @@ -5563,52 +5596,109 @@ "file": "Arquivo", "image": "Imagem" }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditingActions": { + "accept.allFiles": "Accept All", + "accept.file": "Accept", + "chat.openWorkingSetHistory.label": "Open File Checkpoint", + "chat.remove.confirmation.checkbox": "Don't ask again", + "chat.remove.confirmation.message2": "This will remove all subsequent requests and undo edits made to {0}. Do you want to proceed?", + "chat.remove.confirmation.multipleEdits.message": "This will remove all subsequent requests and undo edits made to {0} files in your working set. Do you want to proceed?", + "chat.remove.confirmation.primaryButton": "Yes", + "chat.remove.confirmation.title": "Do you want to undo {0} edits?", + "chat.removeLast.confirmation.message2": "This will remove your last request and undo the edits made to {0}. Do you want to proceed?", + "chat.removeLast.confirmation.multipleEdits.message": "This will remove your last request and undo edits made to {0} files in your working set. Do you want to proceed?", + "chat.removeLast.confirmation.title": "Do you want to undo your last edit?", + "chat.restoreFile.label": "Restore Previous File State", + "chat.restoreFile.shortTitle": "Restore Previous File State", + "chat.restoreFile.title": "Using Previous File State", + "chat.restoreFile.tooltip": "Toggle to use the previous state of an edited file in your next request", + "chat.undoEdits.label": "Undo Edits", + "chatEditing.checkpoint": "{0} (Checkpoint {1})", + "chatEditing.openDiffs": "Open Diffs", + "discard.allFiles": "Discard All", + "discard.file": "Discard", + "open.fileInDiff": "Open Changes in Diff Editor", + "removeFileFromWorkingSet": "Remove File", + "workbench.action.chat.addFilesToWorkingSet.label": "Add Files to Working Set" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditingService": { - "accept.allFiles": "Aceitar Tudo", - "accept.file": "Aceitar", - "chatEditing.openDiffs": "Abrir Diferenças", - "chatEditing.startSession": "Iniciar Sessão de Edição", + "chat": "Chat Editing", + "chatEditing.fileSave": "{0} wants to create a file. Choose where it should be saved.", "chatEditing.startingSession": "Gerando edições...", - "chatEditing.stopSession": "Interromper a Sessão de Edição", - "discard.allFiles": "Descartar Tudo", - "discard.file": "Descartar", - "multiDiffEditorInput.name": "Edições Sugeridas", - "open.file": "Abrir arquivo" + "chatEditing1": "Chat Edit: '{0}'", + "chatEditing2": "Chat Edit", + "multiDiffEditorInput.name": "Edições Sugeridas" + }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditorActions": { + "accept": "Accept Chat Edit", + "next": "Go to Next Chat Edit", + "prev": "Go to Previous Chat Edit", + "reject": "Reject Chat Edit" + }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditorController": { + "chat.hasEditorModifications": "The current editor contains chat modifications" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditorInput": { "chatEditorLabelIcon": "Ícone do rótulo do editor de chat.", "chatEditorName": "Chat" }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditorSaving": { + "chat": "chat", + "config": "Always save with AI-generated changes without asking", + "detail2": "AI-generated changes may be incorrect and should be reviewed before saving.", + "discard": "Cancel", + "message.1": "Do you want to save the changes {0} made in {1}?", + "message.2": "Do you want to save the changes {0} made to {1} files?", + "message.batched.multiFile.1": "Do you want to save the changes {0} made in {1} files?", + "message.batched.multiFile.2": "Do you want to save the changes chat made in {0} files?", + "message.batched.oneFile.1": "Do you want to save the changes {0} made in {1}?", + "message.batched.oneFile.2": "Do you want to save the changes chat made in {0}?", + "message.batched.oneFile.3": "Do you want to save the changes {0} made in 1 file?", + "message.batched.oneFile.4": "Do you want to save the changes chat made in 1 file?", + "save": "Save", + "save all": "Save All", + "save.allFiles": "Save All" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatFollowups": { "followUpAriaLabel": "Pergunta de acompanhamento: {0}" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatGettingStarted": { "chat.openPanel": "Abrir Painel de Chat", - "workbench.panel.chat.view.showGettingStarted": "Quando habilitado, mostra experimentos de introdução no painel de chat." + "workbench.panel.chat.view.showGettingStarted": "When enabled, shows a getting started experiment in the chat panel." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatImagePaste": { "pastedImage": "Imagem Colada" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatInlineAnchorWidget": { "actions.attach.label": "Adicionar Arquivo ao Chat", + "actions.copy.label": "Copy", "actions.goToDecl.label": "Ir para Definição", + "actions.openToSide.label": "Open to the Side", + "goToImplementations.label": "Go to Implementations", "goToReferences.label": "Ir para Referências", + "goToTypeDefinitions.label": "Go to Type Definitions", "miGotoDefinition": "Ir para &&Definição", - "miGotoReference": "Ir para &&Referências" + "miGotoImplementations": "Go to &&Implementations", + "miGotoReference": "Ir para &&Referências", + "miGotoTypeDefinition": "Go to &&Type Definitions", + "resource": "The full value of the chat anchor resource, including scheme and path" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatInputPart": { "actions.chat.accessibiltyHelp": "Entrada de Chat, Digite para fazer perguntas ou digite / para tópicos, pressione Enter para enviar a solicitação. Use {0} para a Ajuda de Acessibilidade de Chat.", "chat.attachment": "Contexto anexado, {0}", + "chat.attachment.clearButton": "Remove from context", "chat.fileAttachment": "Arquivo anexado, {0}", "chat.fileAttachmentWithRange": "Arquivo anexado, {0}, linha {1} até a linha {2}", "chat.imageAttachment": "Imagem anexada, {0}", "chat.submitToSecondaryAgent": "Enviar para @{0}", - "chatEditingSessionOverview": "{0} arquivos alterados", - "chatEditingSessionOverview.oneFileChanged": "1 arquivo alterado", + "chatAddFiles": "{0} Add Files...", + "chatAttachFiles": "Search for files to add to your working set", + "chatEditingSession.manyFiles": "({0} files)", + "chatEditingSession.oneFile": "(1 file)", + "chatEditingSession.workingSet": "Working Set", "chatInput": "Entrada de Chat", "chatInput.accessibilityHelpNoKb": "Entrada de bate-papo, digite o código aqui e pressione Enter para executar. Use o comando Chat Accessibility Help para obter mais informações.", - "notebook.moreExecuteActionsLabel": "Mais...", - "remove": "Remover" + "notebook.moreExecuteActionsLabel": "Mais..." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatListRenderer": { "chatConfirmationAction": "selecionado “{0}”", @@ -5636,6 +5726,7 @@ "chatCommandSticky": "Se a invocação do comando coloca o chat em um modo persistente, no qual o comando é adicionado automaticamente à entrada do chat para a próxima mensagem.", "chatCommandWhen": "Uma condição que deve ser verdadeira para habilitar esse comando.", "chatCommandsDescription": "Comandos disponíveis para este participante do chat, que o usuário pode invocar com um `/`.", + "chatEditing.viewContainer.label": "Copilot Edits", "chatFailErrorMessage": "O chat falhou ao carregar porque a versão instalada da extensão {0} não é compatível com esta versão do {1}. Certifique-se de que a extensão GitHub Copilot Chat esteja atualizada.", "chatParticipantDescription": "Uma descrição deste participante do chat, mostrada na interface do usuário.", "chatParticipantDisambiguation": "Metadados para ajudar a rotear automaticamente as perguntas dos usuários para este participante do chat.", @@ -5645,14 +5736,18 @@ "chatParticipantFullName": "O nome completo do participante do chat, que é mostrado como o rótulo das respostas provenientes desse participante. Se não for fornecido, será usado {0}.", "chatParticipantId": "Uma ID exclusiva para este participante do chat.", "chatParticipantName": "Nome voltado para o usuário para esse participante do chat. O usuário usará \"@\" com esse nome para invocar o participante. O nome não deve conter espaços em branco.", - "chatParticipantSupportsToolReferences": "Se este participante dá suporte a {0}.", "chatParticipantWhen": "Uma condição que deve ser verdadeira para habilitar esse participante.", "chatSampleRequest": "Quando o usuário clicar nesse participante em `/help`, esse texto será enviado ao participante.", "showExtension": "Mostrar Extensão", "vscode.extension.contributes.chatParticipant": "Contribui com um participante do chat" }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatPasteProviders": { + "pastedImageName": "Pasted Image" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatWidget": { - "chatWidget.tips": "{0} para anexar contexto\r\n\r\n{1} para conversar com extensões" + "chatWidget.tips": "{0} or type {1} to attach context\r\n\r\n{2} to chat with extensions\r\n\r\nType {3} to use commands", + "chatWidget.tips.withoutParticipants": "{0} or type {1} to attach context", + "scrollDownButtonLabel": "Scroll down" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/codeBlockPart": { "chat.codeBlock.toolbar": "Barra de ferramentas do bloco de código", @@ -5675,14 +5770,29 @@ "allFilesDescription": "Pesquisar arquivos relevantes no espaço de trabalho e fornecer contexto a partir deles" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/contrib/chatInputCompletions": { + "installLabel": "Install Chat Extensions...", "pickFileLabel": "Escolher um arquivo" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/contrib/chatInputEditorHover": { "hoverAccessibilityChatAgent": "Há uma parte de foco do agente de chat aqui." }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/contrib/screenshot": { + "screenshot": "Screenshot" + }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/languageModelToolsService": { + "toolInvocationMessage": "Using {0}" + }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/viewsWelcome/chatViewsWelcomeContributions": { + "chatViewsWelcome.content": "The content of the welcome message. The first command link will be rendered as a button.", + "chatViewsWelcome.icon": "The icon for the welcome message.", + "chatViewsWelcome.title": "The title of the welcome message.", + "chatViewsWelcome.when": "Condition when the welcome message is shown.", + "vscode.extension.contributes.chatViewsWelcome": "Contributes a welcome message to a chat view" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/chatColors": { "chat.avatarBackground": "A cor da tela de fundo de um avatar de chat.", "chat.avatarForeground": "A cor de primeiro plano de um avatar de chat.", + "chat.editedFileForeground": "The foreground color of a chat edited file in the edited file list.", "chat.requestBackground": "A cor da tela de fundo de uma solicitação do chat.", "chat.requestBorder": "A cor da borda de uma solicitação do chat.", "chat.slashCommandBackground": "A cor da tela de fundo de um comando barra \"/\" de chat.", @@ -5690,13 +5800,15 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/chatContextKeys": { "chatEditApplied": "Verdadeiro quando as edições de texto do chat foram aplicadas.", + "chatEditingParticipantRegistered": "True when a default chat participant is registered for editing.", "chatExtensionInvalid": "True quando a extensão de chat instalada é inválida e precisa ser atualizada.", + "chatHasFileAttachments": "True when the chat has file attachments.", + "chatInstallEntitled": "True when the user is entitled for chat installation.", "chatIsEnabled": "True quando o chat está habilitado porque um participante padrão de chat padrão está ativado com uma implementação.", "chatItemId": "A ID do item de chat.", "chatLastItemId": "A ID do último item de chat.", "chatModelsAreUserSelectable": "Verdadeiro quando o modelo de chat pode ser selecionado manualmente pelo usuário.", "chatParticipantRegistered": "True quando um participante padrão de chat estiver registrado no painel.", - "chatParticipantSupportsModelPicker": "Verdadeiro quando o participante do chat atual dá suporte para escolher o modelo manualmente.", "chatRequest": "O item de chat é uma solicitação", "chatResponse": "O item de chat é uma resposta.", "chatResponseErrored": "Verdadeiro quando a resposta do chat resultou em um erro.", @@ -5711,6 +5823,9 @@ "interactiveSessionRequestInProgress": "Verdadeiro quando a solicitação atual ainda está em andamento.", "interactiveSessionResponseVote": "Quando a resposta tiver sido votada a favor, ela será definida como \"up\". Quando votada contra, será definida como \"down\". Caso contrário, uma cadeia de caracteres vazia." }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/chatEditingService": { + "chatEditingWidgetFileState": "The current state of the file in the chat editing widget" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/chatModel": { "codeCitation": "Código semelhante encontrado com 1 tipo de licença", "codeCitations": "Código semelhante encontrado com {0} tipos de licença", @@ -5732,26 +5847,20 @@ "Language Models": "Modelos de Linguagem", "languageModels": "Estatísticas de uso de modelos de linguagem desta extensão." }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/languageModelToolsService": { - "toolConfirmMessage": "{0} usará {1}.", - "toolConfirmTitle": "Usar {0}?", - "toolInvocationMessage": "Usando {0}" - }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/tools/languageModelToolsContribution": { - "canBeInvokedManually": "Se essa ferramenta pode ser invocada manualmente pelo usuário por meio da experiência do usuário de chat.", + "canBeReferencedInPrompt": "If true, this tool shows up as an attachment that the user can add manually to their request. Chat participants will receive the tool in {0}.", "condition": "Condição que deve ser verdadeira para que essa ferramenta seja habilitada. Observe que uma ferramenta ainda pode ser invocada por outra extensão mesmo quando sua condição `when` for falsa.", - "contentTypes": "A lista de tipos de conteúdo que esta ferramenta pode retornar. É necessário que as ferramentas deem suporte a `text/plain`, e isso é presumido mesmo que não seja especificado aqui. Outro exemplo pode ser o contentType exportado pela biblioteca `@vscode/prompt-tsx`.", - "icon": "Um ícone que representa essa ferramenta. Um caminho de arquivo, um objeto com caminhos de arquivo para temas escuros e claros ou uma referência de ícone de tema, como `\\$(zap)`", + "icon": "An icon that represents this tool. Either a file path, an object with file paths for dark and light themes, or a theme icon reference, like `$(zap)`", "icon.dark": "Caminho de ícone quando um tema escuro é usado", "icon.light": "Caminho do ícone quando um tema leve é usado", - "parametersSchema": "Um esquema JSON para os parâmetros aceitos por essa ferramenta.", - "requiresConfirmation": "Se essa ferramenta requer a confirmação do usuário antes de ser executada.", + "parametersSchema": "A JSON schema for the parameters this tool accepts. The parameters must be an object at the top level. A particular language model may not support all JSON schema features. See the documentation for the language model family you are using for more information.", "toolDisplayName": "Um nome legível para essa ferramenta que pode ser usado para descrevê-lo na interface do usuário.", - "toolId": "A unique id for this tool.", - "toolModelDescription": "Uma descrição dessa ferramenta que pode ser passada para um modelo de linguagem.", - "toolName": "Se {0} estiver habilitado para essa ferramenta, o usuário poderá usar '#' com esse nome para invocar a ferramenta em uma consulta. Caso contrário, o nome não é obrigatório. O nome não deve conter espaços em branco.", + "toolModelDescription": "A description of this tool that may be used by a language model to select it.", + "toolName": "A unique name for this tool. This name must be a globally unique identifier, and is also used as a name when presenting this tool to a language model.", + "toolName2": "If {0} is enabled for this tool, the user may use '#' with this name to invoke the tool in a query. Otherwise, the name is not required. Name must not contain whitespace.", + "toolTags": "A set of tags that roughly describe the tool's capabilities. A tool user may use these to filter the set of tools to just ones that are relevant for the task at hand, or they may want to pick a tag that can be used to identify just the tools contributed by this extension.", "toolUserDescription": "Uma descrição dessa ferramenta que pode ser mostrada ao usuário.", - "vscode.extension.contributes.tools": "Contribui com uma ferramenta que pode ser invocada por um modelo de linguagem." + "vscode.extension.contributes.tools": "Contributes a tool that can be invoked by a language model in a chat session, or from a standalone command. Registered tools can be used by all extensions." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/voiceChatService": { "voiceChatInProgress": "Uma sessão de conversão de fala em texto está em andamento para o chat." @@ -5899,7 +6008,7 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/codeEditor/browser/saveParticipants": { "codeAction.apply": "Aplicando ação de código '{0}'.", "codeaction": "Correções Rápidas", - "codeaction.get2": "Obtendo ações de código de '{0}' ([configurar]({1})).", + "codeaction.get2": "Getting code actions from {0} ([configure]({1})).", "formatting2": "Executando '{0}' Formatador ([configurar]({1}))." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/codeEditor/browser/toggleColumnSelection": { @@ -6387,6 +6496,7 @@ "debug.gutterMiddleClickAction.none": "Não execute nenhuma ação.", "debug.gutterMiddleClickAction.triggeredBreakpoint": "Adicionar ponto de interrupção disparado.", "debug.hideLauncherWhileDebugging": "Oculta o controle 'Iniciar Depuração' na barra de título da exibição 'Executar e Depurar enquanto a depuração estiver ativa. Relevante apenas quando {0} não está \"encaixado\".", + "debug.hideSlowPreLaunchWarning": "Hide the warning shown when a `preLaunchTask` has been running for a while.", "debug.onTaskErrors": "Controla o que fazer quando forem encontrados erros após a execução de um preLaunchTask.", "debug.saveBeforeStart": "Controla quais editores devem ser salvos antes do início de uma sessão de depuração.", "debug.saveBeforeStart.allEditorsInActiveGroup": "Salvar todos os editores no grupo ativo antes de iniciar uma sessão de depuração.", @@ -8323,8 +8433,12 @@ "startWithCurrentLine": "Iniciar no Editor com a Linha Atual" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/inlineChat/browser/inlineChatSavingServiceImpl": { - "inlineChat": "Aguardando que as alterações do chat embutido sejam Aceitas ou Descartadas...", - "inlineChat.N": "Aguardando que as alterações do chat embutido em {0} editores sejam Aceitas ou Descartadas..." + "config": "Always save with AI-generated changes without asking", + "detail": "AI-generated changes may be incorect and should be reviewed before saving.", + "discard": "Cancel", + "message.1": "Do you want to save the changes {0} made in {1}?", + "message.2": "Do you want to save the changes inline chat made in {0}?", + "save": "Save" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/inlineChat/browser/inlineChatWidget": { "aria-label": "Entrada de chat embutida", @@ -8335,7 +8449,6 @@ "inlineChatClosed": "Widget de chat embutido fechado" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/inlineChat/common/inlineChat": { - "acceptedOrDiscardBeforeSave": "Se as sessões de chat embutido pendentes impedem o salvamento.", "accessibleDiffView": "Se o chat embutido também renderiza um visualizador de comparação acessível para suas alterações.", "accessibleDiffView.auto": "O visualizador de comparação acessível é baseado no modo de leitor de tela que está sendo habilitado.", "accessibleDiffView.off": "O visualizador de comparação acessível nunca está habilitado.", @@ -8875,6 +8988,10 @@ "openLogsFolder": "Abrir Pasta de Logs" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/markdown/browser/markdownSettingRenderer": { + "alreadysetBoolFalse": "\"{0}: {1}\" is already disabled", + "alreadysetBoolTrue": "\"{0}: {1}\" is already enabled", + "alreadysetNum": "\"{0}: {1}\" is already set to {2}", + "alreadysetString": "\"{0}: {1}\" is already set to \"{2}\"", "changeSettingTitle": "Exibir ou alterar a configuração", "copySettingId": "Copiar ID da Configuração", "falseMessage": "Desabilitar \"{0}: {1}\"", @@ -9499,6 +9616,9 @@ "runCell": "Executar célula", "runCellsInSection": "Executar células na seção" }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/controller/variablesActions": { + "notebookActions.openVariablesView": "Variables" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/diff/diffComponents": { "hiddenCell": "{0} célula oculta", "hiddenCells": "{0} células ocultas", @@ -9924,7 +10044,7 @@ "name": "Desempenho de Inicialização" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/performance/electron-sandbox/performance.contribution": { - "experimental.rendererProfiling": "Quando ativados, os renderizadores lentos são perfilados automaticamente" + "experimental.rendererProfiling": "When enabled, slow renderers are automatically profiled." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/performance/electron-sandbox/startupProfiler": { "prof.detail": "Crie um problema e anexe manualmente os seguintes arquivos:\r\n{0}", @@ -10105,6 +10225,7 @@ "defaultOverriddenDetailsAriaLabel": "{0} substitui o valor padrão", "defaultOverriddenLabel": "Valor padrão alterado", "defaultOverriddenLanguagesList": "Existem valores padrão específicos de idioma para {0}", + "experimentalLabel": "Experimental", "extensionSyncIgnoredLabel": "Não sincronizado", "hasDefaultOverridesForLanguages": "Os seguintes idiomas têm substituições padrão:", "manageWorkspaceTrust": "Gerenciar a confiança do espaço de trabalho", @@ -10117,6 +10238,7 @@ "policyDescriptionAccessible": "Gerenciado pela política da organização; definição de valor não aplicada", "policyFilterLink": "Exibir configurações de política", "policyLabelText": "Valor de configuração não aplicado", + "previewLabel": "Preview", "remote": "Remoto", "syncIgnoredAriaLabel": "Configuração ignorada durante a sincronização", "syncIgnoredTitle": "Esta configuração é ignorada durante a sincronização", @@ -10250,6 +10372,10 @@ "groupRowAriaLabel": "{0}, grupo", "settingsTOC": "Sumário das Configurações" }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/preferences/common/preferences": { + "experimentalIndicatorDescription": "This setting controls a feature that may change or be removed in the future. Adjusting this setting may result in instability.", + "previewIndicatorDescription": "This setting controls a feature that is in active development." + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/preferences/common/preferencesContribution": { "enableNaturalLanguageSettingsSearch": "Controla se o modo de pesquisa de linguagem natural deve ser habilitado para configurações. A pesquisa de linguagem natural é fornecida por um serviço online da Microsoft.", "settingsSearchTocBehavior": "Controla o comportamento do Sumário do Editor de configurações durante a pesquisa. Se essa configuração estiver sendo alterada no Editor de configurações, a configuração entrará em vigor após a modificação da consulta de pesquisa.", @@ -11707,31 +11833,20 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminal.contribution": { "miToggleIntegratedTerminal": "&&Terminal", - "tasksQuickAccessHelp": "Mostrar Todos os Terminais Abertos", - "tasksQuickAccessPlaceholder": "Digite o nome de um terminal a ser aberto.", "terminal": "Terminal" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminalActions": { "emptyTerminalNameInfo": "Fornecer nenhum nome o redefinirá para o valor padrão", - "goToRecentDirectory.metadata": "Acessa uma pasta recente", "newWithProfile.location": "Onde o terminal será criado", "newWithProfile.location.editor": "Criar o terminal no editor", "newWithProfile.location.view": "Criar o terminal na exibição do terminal", "noUnattachedTerminals": "Não há nenhum terminal desanexado para fazer a anexação", - "quickAccessTerminal": "Alternar Terminal Ativo", "sendSequence": "A sequência de texto a enviar para o terminal", "showTerminalTabs": "Mostrar Guias", "terminalLaunchHelp": "Abrir Ajuda", "workbench.action.terminal.attachToSession": "Anexar à Sessão", "workbench.action.terminal.clear": "Limpar", - "workbench.action.terminal.clearPreviousSessionHistory": "Limpar o Histórico da Sessão Anterior", "workbench.action.terminal.clearSelection": "Limpar Seleção", - "workbench.action.terminal.copyAndClearSelection": "Copiar e Limpar Seleção", - "workbench.action.terminal.copyLastCommand": "Copiar Último Comando", - "workbench.action.terminal.copyLastCommandAndOutput": "Copiar Último Comando e Saída", - "workbench.action.terminal.copyLastCommandOutput": "Copiar Último Comando de Saída", - "workbench.action.terminal.copySelection": "Copiar Seleção", - "workbench.action.terminal.copySelectionAsHtml": "Copiar Seleção como HTML", "workbench.action.terminal.createTerminalEditor": "Criar Novo Terminal na Área de Editor", "workbench.action.terminal.createTerminalEditorSide": "Criar Novo Terminal na Área de Editor ao Lado", "workbench.action.terminal.detachSession": "Desanexar Sessão", @@ -11740,7 +11855,6 @@ "workbench.action.terminal.focusNextPane": "Foco no Próximo Terminal no Grupo de Terminais", "workbench.action.terminal.focusPrevious": "Foco no Grupo do Terminal Anterior", "workbench.action.terminal.focusPreviousPane": "Foco no Terminal Anterior no Grupo de Terminais", - "workbench.action.terminal.goToRecentDirectory": "Vá para o Diretório Recente...", "workbench.action.terminal.join": "Ingressar nos Terminais...", "workbench.action.terminal.join.insufficientTerminals": "Terminais insuficientes para a ação de ingresso", "workbench.action.terminal.join.onlySplits": "Todos os terminais já ingressaram", @@ -11756,8 +11870,6 @@ "workbench.action.terminal.newWorkspacePlaceholder": "Selecionar diretório de trabalho atual para o novo terminal", "workbench.action.terminal.openSettings": "Definir as Configurações do Terminal", "workbench.action.terminal.overriddenCwdDescription": "(Substituído) {0}", - "workbench.action.terminal.paste": "Colar no Terminal Ativo", - "workbench.action.terminal.pasteSelection": "Colar a Seleção no Terminal Ativo", "workbench.action.terminal.relaunch": "Reiniciar Terminal Ativo", "workbench.action.terminal.rename.prompt": "Inserir nome do terminal", "workbench.action.terminal.renameWithArg.name": "O novo nome para o terminal", @@ -11768,7 +11880,6 @@ "workbench.action.terminal.resizePaneUp": "Redimensionar o Terminal para Cima", "workbench.action.terminal.runActiveFile": "Executar Arquivo Ativo no Terminal Ativo", "workbench.action.terminal.runActiveFile.noFile": "Somente arquivos em disco podem ser executados no terminal", - "workbench.action.terminal.runRecentCommand": "Executar Comando Recente...", "workbench.action.terminal.runSelectedText": "Executar Texto Selecionado no Terminal Ativo", "workbench.action.terminal.scrollDown": "Rolar para Baixo (Linha)", "workbench.action.terminal.scrollDownPage": "Rolar para Baixo (Página)", @@ -11878,20 +11989,6 @@ "unsafePathWarning": "Este perfil de terminal usa um caminho potencialmente inseguro que pode ser modificado por outro usuário: {0}. Tem certeza de que deseja usá-lo?", "yes": "Sim" }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminalQuickAccess": { - "renameTerminal": "Renomear Terminal", - "workbench.action.terminal.newWithProfilePlus": "Criar Novo Terminal com Perfil...", - "workbench.action.terminal.newplus": "Criar Novo Terminal" - }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminalRunRecentQuickPick": { - "removeCommand": "Remover do Histórico de Comandos", - "selectRecentCommand": "Selecione um comando para executar (mantenha pressionada a tecla Alt para editar o comando)", - "selectRecentCommandMac": "Selecione um comando para executar (mantenha pressionada a tecla Option para editar o comando)", - "selectRecentDirectory": "Selecione um diretório para ir (segure a tecla Alt para editar o comando)", - "selectRecentDirectoryMac": "Selecione um diretório para ir (mantenha pressionada a tecla Option para editar o comando)", - "shellFileHistoryCategory": "{0} histórico", - "viewCommandOutput": "Exibir a Saída do Comando" - }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminalService": { "localTerminalRemote": "Este shell está sendo executado em sua máquina {0}local{1}, NÃO na máquina remota conectada", "localTerminalVirtualWorkspace": "Este shell está aberto para uma pasta {0}local{1}, NÃO para a pasta virtual", @@ -11924,10 +12021,6 @@ "terminalConnectingLabel": "Iniciando...", "terminals": "Abrir Terminais." }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminalWslRecommendationContribution": { - "install": "Instalar", - "useWslExtension.title": "A extensão '{0}' é recomendada para abrir um terminal no WSL." - }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/xterm/decorationAddon": { "gutter": "Decorações de comando de calha", "no": "Não", @@ -11966,13 +12059,6 @@ "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.types.icon.dark": "Caminho de ícone quando um tema escuro é usado", "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.types.icon.light": "Caminho do ícone quando um tema leve é usado" }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/common/terminalClipboard": { - "confirmMoveTrashMessageFilesAndDirectories": "Tem certeza de que deseja colar {0} linhas de texto no terminal?", - "doNotAskAgain": "Não perguntar novamente", - "multiLinePasteButton": "&&Colar", - "multiLinePasteButton.oneLine": "Colar como &&uma linha", - "preview": "Visualização:" - }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/common/terminalColorRegistry": { "terminal.ansiColor": "'{0}' cor ANSI no terminal.", "terminal.background": "A cor da tela de fundo do terminal. Isso permite colorir o terminal de modo diferente para o painel.", @@ -12017,8 +12103,6 @@ "terminal.integrated.allowMnemonics": "Se desejar permitir que mnemônicos da barra de menus (por exemplo, Alt+F) disparem a abertura da barra de menus. Observe que isso fará com que todos os pressionamentos de tecla Alt ignorem o shell quando verdadeiro. Isso não faz nada no macOS.", "terminal.integrated.allowedLinkSchemes": "Uma matriz de cadeias de caracteres contendo os esquemas de URI para os quais o terminal pode abrir links. Por padrão, apenas um pequeno subconjunto de esquemas possíveis é permitido por motivos de segurança.", "terminal.integrated.altClickMovesCursor": "Se ativado, alt/option + click reposicionará o cursor do prompt para baixo do mouse quando {0} estiver definido como {1} (o valor padrão). Isso pode não funcionar de forma confiável dependendo do seu shell.", - "terminal.integrated.autoReplies": "Um conjunto de mensagens que, quando encontradas no terminal, serão respondidas automaticamente. Desde que a mensagem seja específica o suficiente, isso pode ajudar a automatizar respostas comuns.\r\n\r\nObservações:\r\n\r\n- Use {0} para responder automaticamente ao prompt de encerramento do trabalho em lote no Windows.\r\n- A mensagem inclui sequências de escape para que a resposta não aconteça com texto estilizado.\r\n- Cada resposta só pode acontecer uma vez a cada segundo.\r\n- Use {1} na resposta para representar a tecla Enter.\r\n- Para cancelar a definição de uma tecla padrão, defina o valor como nulo.\r\n - Reinicie o VS Code se novas não se aplicarem.", - "terminal.integrated.autoReplies.reply": "A resposta a ser enviada para o processo.", "terminal.integrated.bellDuration": "O número de milissegundos para mostrar a campainha dentro de uma guia de terminal quando disparada.", "terminal.integrated.commandsToSkipShell": "Um conjunto de IDs de comando cujas combinações de teclas não serão enviadas ao shell, mas sempre tratadas pelo VS Code. Isso permite que as combinações de teclas que normalmente seriam consumidas pelo shell atuem da mesma forma que quando o terminal não está focado, por exemplo, `Ctrl+P` para iniciar a Abertura Rápida\r\n\r\n \r\n\r\nMuitos comandos são ignorados por padrão. Para substituir um padrão e passar a combinação de teclas desse comando para o shell, adicione o comando prefixado com o caractere `-`. Por exemplo, adicione `-workbench.action.quickOpen` para permitir que`Ctrl+P` alcance o shell.\r\n\r\n \r\n\r\nA seguinte lista de comandos padrão ignorados é truncada quando exibida em Editor de Configurações. Para ver a lista completa, {1} e pesquise o primeiro comando na lista abaixo.\r\n\r\n \r\n\r\nComandos Padrão Ignorados:\r\n\r\n{0}", "terminal.integrated.confirmOnExit": "Controla se é necessário confirmar quando a janela fecha se houver sessões de terminal ativas.", @@ -12107,7 +12191,6 @@ "terminal.integrated.shellIntegration.decorationsEnabled.never": "Não mostrar decorações", "terminal.integrated.shellIntegration.decorationsEnabled.overviewRuler": "Mostrar as decorações da régua de visão geral à direita do terminal", "terminal.integrated.shellIntegration.enabled": "Determina se a integração do shell é ou não injetada automaticamente para oferecer suporte a recursos como rastreamento de comando aprimorado e detecção de diretório de trabalho atual. \r\n\r\nA integração do shell funciona injetando o shell com um script de inicialização. O script fornece uma visão do VS Code sobre o que está acontecendo no terminal.\r\n\r\nShells com suporte:\r\n\r\n- Linux/macOS: bash, fish, pwsh, zsh\r\n - Windows: pwsh, git bash\r\n\r\nEsta configuração se aplica somente quando os terminais são criados, portanto, você precisará reiniciar seus terminais para que ela entre em vigor.\r\n\r\n Observe que a injeção de script pode não funcionar se você tiver argumentos personalizados definidos no perfil do terminal, tiver habilitando {1}, ter um [bash complexo `PROMPT_COMMAND`](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/integrated-terminal#_complex-bash-promptcommand) ou outra configuração sem suporte. Para desabilitar as decorações, confira {0}", - "terminal.integrated.shellIntegration.history": "Controla o número de comandos usados recentemente para manter no histórico de comandos do terminal. Defina como 0 para desabilitar o histórico de comandos do terminal.", "terminal.integrated.showExitAlert": "Controla se o alerta \"O processo do terminal terminou com o código de saída\" é mostrado quando o código de saída é diferente de zero.", "terminal.integrated.smoothScrolling": "Controla se o terminal rolará usando uma animação.", "terminal.integrated.splitCwd": "Controla o diretório de trabalho com o qual um terminal dividido começa.", @@ -12229,6 +12312,10 @@ "terminal.integrated.accessibleViewFocusOnCommandExecution": "Concentre na exibição acessível do terminal quando um comando for executado.", "terminal.integrated.accessibleViewPreserveCursorPosition": "Preserve a posição do cursor na reabertura da exibição acessível do terminal em vez de configurá-la na parte inferior do buffer." }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/autoReplies/common/terminalAutoRepliesConfiguration": { + "terminal.integrated.autoReplies": "A set of messages that, when encountered in the terminal, will be automatically responded to. Provided the message is specific enough, this can help automate away common responses.\r\n\r\nRemarks:\r\n\r\n- Use {0} to automatically respond to the terminate batch job prompt on Windows.\r\n- The message includes escape sequences so the reply might not happen with styled text.\r\n- Each reply can only happen once every second.\r\n- Use {1} in the reply to mean the enter key.\r\n- To unset a default key, set the value to null.\r\n- Restart VS Code if new don't apply.", + "terminal.integrated.autoReplies.reply": "The reply to send to the process." + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/chat/browser/terminal.initialHint.contribution": { "disableHint": " Alterne {0} nas configurações para desabilitar essa dica.", "disableInitialHint": "Desabilitar dica inicial", @@ -12268,8 +12355,6 @@ "closeChat": "Fechar chat", "discard": "Descartar", "discardDescription": "Descarta a resposta de chat atual do terminal, oculta o widget de chat e limpa a entrada do chat.", - "focusTerminalInput": "Entrada do terminal de foco", - "focusTerminalResponse": "Resposta do terminal de foco", "insert": "Inserir", "insertCommand": "Comando Inserir chat", "insertFirst": "Inserir primeiro", @@ -12291,6 +12376,23 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/chat/common/terminalInitialHintConfiguration": { "terminal.integrated.initialHint": "Controla se o primeiro terminal sem entrada mostrará uma dica sobre as ações disponíveis quando ele estiver focalizado." }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/clipboard/browser/terminal.clipboard.contribution": { + "workbench.action.terminal.copyAndClearSelection": "Copy and Clear Selection", + "workbench.action.terminal.copyLastCommand": "Copy Last Command", + "workbench.action.terminal.copyLastCommandAndOutput": "Copy Last Command and Output", + "workbench.action.terminal.copyLastCommandOutput": "Copy Last Command Output", + "workbench.action.terminal.copySelection": "Copy Selection", + "workbench.action.terminal.copySelectionAsHtml": "Copy Selection as HTML", + "workbench.action.terminal.paste": "Paste into Active Terminal", + "workbench.action.terminal.pasteSelection": "Paste Selection into Active Terminal" + }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/clipboard/browser/terminalClipboard": { + "confirmMoveTrashMessageFilesAndDirectories": "Are you sure you want to paste {0} lines of text into the terminal?", + "doNotAskAgain": "Do not ask me again", + "multiLinePasteButton": "&&Paste", + "multiLinePasteButton.oneLine": "Paste as &&one line", + "preview": "Preview:" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/commandGuide/browser/terminal.commandGuide.contribution": { "terminalCommandGuide.foreground": "A cor de primeiro plano do guia de comandos do terminal que aparece à esquerda de um comando e sua saída ao passar o mouse." }, @@ -12330,6 +12432,24 @@ "selectAll": "Selecionar Tudo", "undo": "Desfazer" }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/history/browser/terminal.history.contribution": { + "goToRecentDirectory.metadata": "Goes to a recent folder", + "workbench.action.terminal.clearPreviousSessionHistory": "Clear Previous Session History", + "workbench.action.terminal.goToRecentDirectory": "Go to Recent Directory...", + "workbench.action.terminal.runRecentCommand": "Run Recent Command..." + }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/history/browser/terminalRunRecentQuickPick": { + "removeCommand": "Remove from Command History", + "selectRecentCommand": "Select a command to run (hold Alt-key to edit the command)", + "selectRecentCommandMac": "Select a command to run (hold Option-key to edit the command)", + "selectRecentDirectory": "Select a directory to go to (hold Alt-key to edit the command)", + "selectRecentDirectoryMac": "Select a directory to go to (hold Option-key to edit the command)", + "shellFileHistoryCategory": "{0} history", + "viewCommandOutput": "View Command Output" + }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/history/common/terminal.history": { + "terminal.integrated.shellIntegration.history": "Controls the number of recently used commands to keep in the terminal command history. Set to 0 to disable terminal command history." + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/links/browser/terminal.links.contribution": { "workbench.action.terminal.openDetectedLink": "Abrir Link Detectado", "workbench.action.terminal.openLastLocalFileLink": "Abrir Último Link de Arquivo Local", @@ -12361,6 +12481,16 @@ "terminal.integrated.searchLinks": "Pesquisa de workspace", "terminal.integrated.urlLinks": "URL" }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/quickAccess/browser/terminal.quickAccess.contribution": { + "quickAccessTerminal": "Switch Active Terminal", + "tasksQuickAccessHelp": "Show All Opened Terminals", + "tasksQuickAccessPlaceholder": "Type the name of a terminal to open." + }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/quickAccess/browser/terminalQuickAccess": { + "renameTerminal": "Rename Terminal", + "workbench.action.terminal.newWithProfilePlus": "Create New Terminal With Profile...", + "workbench.action.terminal.newplus": "Create New Terminal" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/quickFix/browser/quickFixAddon": { "codeAction.widget.id.quickfix": "Correção Rápida", "quickFix.command": "Executar: {0}", @@ -12432,6 +12562,10 @@ "terminal.integrated.localEchoLatencyThreshold": "Duração do atraso da rede, em milissegundos, em que as edições locais serão ecoadas no terminal sem esperar pela confirmação do servidor. Se for '0', o eco local estará sempre ativado, e se for '-1', ele será desabilitado.", "terminal.integrated.localEchoStyle": "Estilo do terminal de texto ecoado localmente; um estilo da fonte ou uma cor RGB." }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/wslRecommendation/browser/terminal.wslRecommendation.contribution": { + "install": "Install", + "useWslExtension.title": "The '{0}' extension is recommended for opening a terminal in WSL." + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/zoom/browser/terminal.zoom.contribution": { "fontZoomIn": "Aumentar Tamanho da Fonte", "fontZoomOut": "Diminuir Tamanho da Fonte", @@ -12688,10 +12822,12 @@ "openTestCoverage": "Ver a cobertura de teste", "run test": "Executar o Teste", "testing.cancelRun": "Cancelar Execução de Teste", - "testing.debugLastRun": "Executar o Teste de Depuração", + "testing.debugLastRun": "Debug Last Run", + "testing.debugTest": "Debug Test", "testing.goToError": "Ir para o erro", "testing.goToTest": "Ir para o Teste", - "testing.reRunLastRun": "Executar o Teste de Repetição", + "testing.reRunLastRun": "Rerun Last Run", + "testing.reRunTest": "Rerun Test", "testing.revealInExplorer": "Fazer a revelação no Gerenciador de Testes", "testing.showResultOutput": "Mostrar Saída do Resultado", "testingPeekLabel": "Testar Mensagens de Resultado" @@ -13005,6 +13141,7 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/userDataProfile/browser/userDataProfile": { "New Profile Window": "Nova Janela com Perfil", + "change profile": "Switch to {0} profile", "create profile": "Novo Perfil...", "current": "Atual", "delete profile": "Excluir Perfil...", @@ -13016,10 +13153,12 @@ "new window with profile": "Nova Janela com Perfil", "newWindowWithProfile": "Nova Janela com Perfil...", "open": "Abrir Perfil {0}", + "open profile": "Open New Window with {0} Profile", "open profiles": "Abrir Perfis (interface do usuário)", "openShort": "{0}", "pick profile": "Selecionar o perfil", "pick profile to delete": "Selecionar Perfis para Excluir", + "profiles": "Profile ({0})", "save profile as": "Salvar Perfil Atual como...", "selectProfile": "Selecionar Perfil", "switchProfile": "Alternar o Perfil...", @@ -13053,6 +13192,7 @@ "default profile contents description": "Procurar conteúdo deste perfil\r\n", "defaultProfileIcon": "O ícone não pode ser alterado para o perfil padrão", "defaultProfileName": "O nome não pode ser alterado para o perfil padrão", + "deleteTrustedUri": "Delete Path", "editIcon": "Ícone do ícone editar pasta no editor de perfis.", "empty profile": "Nenhum", "enable for current window": "Use esse perfil para a janela atual", @@ -13090,6 +13230,7 @@ "profileName": "Nome do Perfil", "profiles": "Perfis", "profilesSashBorder": "A cor da borda da faixa de exibição dividida do editor de Perfis.", + "removeIcon": "Icon for the remove folder icon in the profiles editor.", "settings": "Configurações", "snippets": "Snippets", "tasks": "Tarefas", @@ -13406,7 +13547,8 @@ "gettingStartedUnchecked": "Usado para representar etapas passo a passo que não foram concluídas" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcomeGettingStarted/browser/gettingStartedInput": { - "getStarted": "Bem-vindo" + "getStarted": "Bem-vindo", + "walkthroughPageTitle": "Walkthrough: " }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcomeGettingStarted/browser/gettingStartedService": { "builtin": "Construídas em", @@ -13438,6 +13580,7 @@ "gettingStarted.accessibleView.title": "Os usuários do leitor de tela podem inspecionar o conteúdo linha por linha, caractere por caractere na exibição acessível.", "gettingStarted.beginner.description": "Obtenha uma visão geral dos recursos mais essenciais", "gettingStarted.beginner.title": "Aprender os Conceitos Básicos", + "gettingStarted.beginner.walkthroughPageTitle": "Essential Features", "gettingStarted.codeFolding.description.interpolated": "Dobre ou desdobre uma seção de código com o comando Toggle Fold.\r\n{0}\r\n Dobre ou desdobre recursivamente com o comando Toggle Fold Recursively\r\n{1}\r\n", "gettingStarted.codeFolding.title": "Use a dobragem de código para recolher blocos de código e se concentrar no código do seu interesse.", "gettingStarted.commandPalette.description.interpolated": "Execute comandos sem alcançar o mouse para realizar qualquer tarefa no VS Code.\r\n{0}", @@ -13466,6 +13609,7 @@ "gettingStarted.newFile.description": "Abra um novo arquivo de texto sem título, notebook ou editor personalizado.", "gettingStarted.newFile.title": "Novo Arquivo...", "gettingStarted.notebook.title": "Personalizar Blocos de Anotações", + "gettingStarted.notebook.walkthroughPageTitle": "Notebooks", "gettingStarted.notebookProfile.description": "Personalize os blocos de anotações da forma que preferir", "gettingStarted.notebookProfile.title": "Selecionar o layout dos seus blocos de anotações", "gettingStarted.openFile.description": "Abra um arquivo para começar a trabalhar", @@ -13491,10 +13635,13 @@ "gettingStarted.setup.OpenFolderWeb.description.interpolated": "Está tudo pronto para começar a codificação. Você pode abrir um projeto local ou um repositório remoto para colocar seus arquivos no VS Code.\r\n{0}\r\n{1}", "gettingStarted.setup.description": "Personalize seu editor, aprenda o básico e comece a codificar", "gettingStarted.setup.title": "Começar a trabalhar com VS Code", + "gettingStarted.setup.walkthroughPageTitle": "Setup VS Code", "gettingStarted.setupAccessibility.description": "Conheça as ferramentas e os atalhos que tornam o VS Code acessível. Observe que algumas ações não são acionáveis no contexto do passo a passo.", "gettingStarted.setupAccessibility.title": "Introdução aos recursos de acessibilidade", + "gettingStarted.setupAccessibility.walkthroughPageTitle": "Setup VS Code Accessibility", "gettingStarted.setupWeb.description": "Personalize seu editor, aprenda o básico e comece a codificar", "gettingStarted.setupWeb.title": "Introdução ao VS Code para a Web", + "gettingStarted.setupWeb.walkthroughPageTitle": "Setup VS Code Web", "gettingStarted.shortcuts.description.interpolated": "Depois de descobrir seus comandos favoritos, crie atalhos de teclado personalizados para acesso instantâneo.\r\n{0}", "gettingStarted.shortcuts.title": "Personalizar seus atalhos", "gettingStarted.tasks.description.interpolated": "Crie tarefas para seus fluxos de trabalho comuns e aproveite a experiência integrada de execução de scripts e a verificação automática dos resultados.\r\n{0}", @@ -13768,7 +13915,6 @@ "editorLineNumberContext": "O menu de contexto do número de linha do editor contribuído", "file.newFile": "A seleção rápida do “Arquivo Novo...” mostrada na página inicial e no menu Arquivo.", "inlineCompletions.actions": "As ações mostradas ao passar o mouse sobre uma conclusão embutida", - "inlineEdit.actions": "As ações mostradas ao passar o mouse sobre uma edição embutida", "interactive.cell.title": "O menu de título da célula interativa contribuída", "interactive.toolbar": "O menu da barra de ferramentas interativa contribuída", "issue.reporter": "O menu do relator do problema contribuído", @@ -14310,7 +14456,12 @@ "startBisect": "Iniciar a Bifurcação de Extensão" }, "vs/workbench/services/files/electron-sandbox/diskFileSystemProvider": { - "fileWatcher": "Observador de arquivos" + "fileWatcher": "File Watcher" + }, + "vs/workbench/services/files/electron-sandbox/elevatedFileService": { + "fileNotTrusted": "Workspace is not trusted.", + "fileNotTrustedMessagePosix": "You are about to save '{0}' as super user.", + "fileNotTrustedMessageWindows": "You are about to save '{0}' as admin." }, "vs/workbench/services/filesConfiguration/common/filesConfigurationService": { "configuredReadonly": "O editor é somente leitura porque o arquivo foi definido como somente leitura por meio de configurações. [Clique aqui](command:{0}) para configurar ou [alternar para esta sessão](command:{1}).", @@ -14602,6 +14753,10 @@ "vs/workbench/services/textfile/common/textFileEditorModelManager": { "genericSaveError": "Falha ao salvar '{0}': {1}" }, + "vs/workbench/services/textfile/common/textFileSaveParticipant": { + "saveParticipants1": "Running Code Actions and Formatters...", + "skip": "Skip" + }, "vs/workbench/services/textfile/electron-sandbox/nativeTextFileService": { "join.textFiles": "Salvando arquivos de texto" }, @@ -14713,7 +14868,7 @@ "schema.folderNamesExpanded": "Associa nomes de pasta a ícones para pastas expandidas. A chave de objeto é o nome da pasta, não incluindo nenhum segmento de caminho. Não são permitidos padrões ou curingas. A correspondência de nome de pasta não diferencia maiúsculas de minúsculas.", "schema.font-format": "O formato da fonte.", "schema.font-path": "O caminho da fonte, relativo ao arquivo de tema do ícone do arquivo atual.", - "schema.font-size": "O tamanho padrão da fonte. Confira https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/font-size para obter os valores válidos.", + "schema.font-size": "The default size of the font. We strongly recommend using a percentage value, for example: 125%.", "schema.font-style": "O estilo da fonte. Confira https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/font-style para obter os valores válidos.", "schema.font-weight": "A espessura da fonte. Confira https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/font-weight para obter os valores válidos.", "schema.fontCharacter": "Ao usar uma fonte de glifo: o caractere na fonte a ser usada.", @@ -15042,6 +15197,10 @@ "vs/workbench/services/workingCopy/common/storedFileWorkingCopyManager": { "join.fileWorkingCopyManager": "Salvando cópias de trabalho" }, + "vs/workbench/services/workingCopy/common/storedFileWorkingCopySaveParticipant": { + "saveParticipants1": "Running Code Actions and Formatters...", + "skip": "Skip" + }, "vs/workbench/services/workingCopy/common/workingCopyHistoryService": { "default.source": "Arquivo Salvo", "join.workingCopyHistory": "Salvando o histórico local", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-qps-ploc/translations/extensions/vscode.git.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-qps-ploc/translations/extensions/vscode.git.i18n.json index 14790b0ca7..ef58e6043a 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-qps-ploc/translations/extensions/vscode.git.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-qps-ploc/translations/extensions/vscode.git.i18n.json @@ -161,6 +161,7 @@ "Open": "Øpëñ", "Open Commit": "Øpëñ Çømmït", "Open Comparison": "Øpëñ Çømpærïsøñ", + "Open File": "Øpëñ Fïlë", "Open Git Log": "Øpëñ Gït £øg", "Open Merge": "Øpëñ Mërgë", "Open Repositories In Parent Folders": "Øpëñ Rëpøsïtørïës Ïñ Pærëñt Følðërs", @@ -267,6 +268,7 @@ "There are {0} unsaved files.\n\nWould you like to save them before stashing?": "Thërë ærë {0} µñsævëð fïlës.\n\nWøµlð ÿøµ lïkë tø sævë thëm þëførë stæshïñg?", "There are {0} untracked files which will be DELETED FROM DISK if discarded.": "Thërë ærë {0} µñtræçkëð fïlës whïçh wïll þë ÐË£ËTËÐ FRØM ÐϧK ïf ðïsçærðëð.", "There were merge conflicts while applying the stash.": "Thërë wërë mërgë çøñflïçts whïlë æpplÿïñg thë stæsh.", + "There were merge conflicts while cherry picking the changes. Resolve the conflicts before committing them.": "Thërë wërë mërgë çøñflïçts whïlë çhërrÿ pïçkïñg thë çhæñgës. Rësølvë thë çøñflïçts þëførë çømmïttïñg thëm.", "This action will pull and push commits from and to \"{0}/{1}\".": "Thïs æçtïøñ wïll pµll æñð pµsh çømmïts frøm æñð tø \"{0}/{1}\".", "This repository has no remotes configured to fetch from.": "Thïs rëpøsïtørÿ hæs ñø rëmøtës çøñfïgµrëð tø fëtçh frøm.", "This will DELETE {0} untracked files!\nThis is IRREVERSIBLE!\nThese files will be FOREVER LOST.": "Thïs wïll ÐË£ËTË {0} µñtræçkëð fïlës!\nThïs ïs ÏRRËVËR§ÏߣË!\nThësë fïlës wïll þë FØRËVËR £Ø§T.", @@ -356,6 +358,7 @@ "command.checkoutDetached": "Çhëçkøµt tø (Ðëtæçhëð)...", "command.checkoutRefDetached": "Çhëçkøµt (Ðëtæçhëð)", "command.cherryPick": "Çhërrÿ Pïçk...", + "command.cherryPickAbort": "Æþørt Çhërrÿ Pïçk", "command.cherryPickRef": "Çhërrÿ Pïçk", "command.clean": "Ðïsçærð Çhæñgës", "command.cleanAll": "Ðïsçærð Æll Çhæñgës", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-qps-ploc/translations/extensions/vscode.github-authentication.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-qps-ploc/translations/extensions/vscode.github-authentication.i18n.json index d77bd7744c..9199acd54b 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-qps-ploc/translations/extensions/vscode.github-authentication.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-qps-ploc/translations/extensions/vscode.github-authentication.i18n.json @@ -16,8 +16,6 @@ "Having trouble logging in? Would you like to try a different way? ({0})": "Hævïñg trøµþlë løggïñg ïñ? Wøµlð ÿøµ lïkë tø trÿ æ ðïffërëñt wæÿ? ({0})", "No": "Ñø", "Open [{0}]({0}) in a new tab and paste your one-time code: {1}/The [{0}]({0}) will be a url and the {1} will be a code, e.g. 123-456{Locked=\"[{0}]({0})\"}": "Øpëñ [{0}]({0}) ïñ æ ñëw tæþ æñð pæstë ÿøµr øñë-tïmë çøðë: {1}", - "Please reload the window to apply the new setting.": "Plëæsë rëløæð thë wïñðøw tø æpplÿ thë ñëw sëttïñg.", - "Reload Window": "Rëløæð Wïñðøw", "Sign in failed: {0}": "§ïgñ ïñ fæïlëð: {0}", "Sign out failed: {0}": "§ïgñ øµt fæïlëð: {0}", "Signing in to {0}.../The {0} will be a url, e.g. github.com": "§ïgñïñg ïñ tø {0}...", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-qps-ploc/translations/extensions/vscode.ipynb.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-qps-ploc/translations/extensions/vscode.ipynb.i18n.json index d4f35b885f..6a24bf1a7d 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-qps-ploc/translations/extensions/vscode.ipynb.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-qps-ploc/translations/extensions/vscode.ipynb.i18n.json @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ "copyCellOutput.title": "Çøpÿ Çëll صtpµt", "description": "Prøvïðës þæsïç sµppørt før øpëñïñg æñð rëæðïñg Jµpÿtër's .ïpÿñþ ñøtëþøøk fïlës", "displayName": ".ïpÿñþ §µppørt", - "ipynb.experimental.serialization": "Ëxpërïmëñtæl fëætµrë tø sërïælïzë thë Jµpÿtër ñøtëþøøk ïñ æ wørkër thrëæð. Ñøt sµppørtëð whëñ thë Ëxtëñsïøñ høst ïs rµññïñg æs æ wëþ wørkër.", + "ipynb.experimental.serialization": "Ëxpërïmëñtæl fëætµrë tø sërïælïzë thë Jµpÿtër ñøtëþøøk ïñ æ wørkër thrëæð.", "ipynb.pasteImagesAsAttachments.enabled": "Ëñæþlë/ðïsæþlë pæstïñg øf ïmægës ïñtø Mærkðøwñ çëlls ïñ ïpÿñþ ñøtëþøøk fïlës. Pæstëð ïmægës ærë ïñsërtëð æs ættæçhmëñts tø thë çëll.", "markdownAttachmentRenderer.displayName": "Mærkðøwñ-Ït ïpÿñþ Çëll Ættæçhmëñt rëñðërër", "newUntitledIpynb.shortTitle": "Jµpÿtër Ñøtëþøøk", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-qps-ploc/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-qps-ploc/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json index bf8dc4109e..e1c5c34ddf 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-qps-ploc/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-qps-ploc/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json @@ -87,6 +87,8 @@ "Please report an issue against Yarn PnP": "Plëæsë rëpørt æñ ïssµë ægæïñst Ýærñ PñP", "Please update your TypeScript version": "Plëæsë µpðætë ÿøµr Tÿpë§çrïpt vërsïøñ", "Project Wide IntelliSense not available": "Prøjëçt Wïðë Ïñtëllï§ëñsë ñøt ævæïlæþlë", + "Related files provider failed. Copilot requested file with unsupported language mode.": "Rëlætëð fïlës prøvïðër fæïlëð. Çøpïløt rëqµëstëð fïlë wïth µñsµppørtëð læñgµægë møðë.", + "Related files provider failed. No active text editor.": "Rëlætëð fïlës prøvïðër fæïlëð. Ñø æçtïvë tëxt ëðïtør.", "Remove Unused Imports": "Rëmøvë Üñµsëð Ïmpørts", "Remove all unused code": "Rëmøvë æll µñµsëð çøðë", "Report Issue": "Rëpørt Ïssµë", @@ -196,12 +198,14 @@ "configuration.tsserver.useSyntaxServer.auto": "§pæwñ þøth æ fµll sërvër æñð æ lïghtër wëïght sërvër ðëðïçætëð tø sÿñtæx øpërætïøñs. Thë sÿñtæx sërvër ïs µsëð tø spëëð µp sÿñtæx øpërætïøñs æñð prøvïðë Ïñtëllï§ëñsë whïlë prøjëçts ærë løæðïñg.", "configuration.tsserver.useSyntaxServer.never": "Ðøñ't µsë æ ðëðïçætëð sÿñtæx sërvër. Üsë æ sïñglë sërvër tø hæñðlë æll Ïñtëllï§ëñsë øpërætïøñs.", "configuration.tsserver.useVsCodeWatcher": "Üsë V§ Çøðë's fïlë wætçhërs ïñstëæð øf Tÿpë§çrïpt's. Rëqµïrës µsïñg Tÿpë§çrïpt 5.4+ ïñ thë wørkspæçë.", + "configuration.tsserver.useVsCodeWatcher.deprecation": "Plëæsë µsë thë `#tÿpësçrïpt.tssërvër.wætçhØptïøñs#` sëttïñg ïñstëæð.", "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions": "Çøñfïgµrë whïçh wætçhïñg strætëgïës shøµlð þë µsëð tø këëp træçk øf fïlës æñð ðïrëçtørïës.", "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions.fallbackPolling": "Whëñ µsïñg fïlë sÿstëm ëvëñts, thïs øptïøñ spëçïfïës thë pøllïñg strætëgÿ thæt gëts µsëð whëñ thë sÿstëm rµñs øµt øf ñætïvë fïlë wætçhërs æñð/ør ðøësñ't sµppørt ñætïvë fïlë wætçhërs.", "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions.fallbackPolling.dynamicPriorityPolling ": "Üsë æ ðÿñæmïç qµëµë whërë lëss-frëqµëñtlÿ møðïfïëð fïlës wïll þë çhëçkëð lëss øftëñ.", "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions.fallbackPolling.fixedPollingInterval": "Çhëçk ëvërÿ fïlë før çhæñgës sëvëræl tïmës æ sëçøñð æt æ fïxëð ïñtërvæl.", "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions.fallbackPolling.priorityPollingInterval": "Çhëçk ëvërÿ fïlë før çhæñgës sëvëræl tïmës æ sëçøñð, þµt µsë hëµrïstïçs tø çhëçk çërtæïñ tÿpës øf fïlës lëss frëqµëñtlÿ thæñ øthërs.", "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions.synchronousWatchDirectory": "Ðïsæþlë ðëfërrëð wætçhïñg øñ ðïrëçtørïës. Ðëfërrëð wætçhïñg ïs µsëfµl whëñ løts øf fïlë çhæñgës mïght øççµr æt øñçë (ë.g. æ çhæñgë ïñ ñøðë_møðµlës frøm rµññïñg ñpm ïñstæll), þµt ÿøµ mïght wæñt tø ðïsæþlë ït wïth thïs flæg før sømë lëss-çømmøñ sëtµps.", + "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions.vscode": "Üsë V§ Çøðë's fïlë wætçhërs ïñstëæð øf Tÿpë§çrïpt's. Rëqµïrës µsïñg Tÿpë§çrïpt 5.4+ ïñ thë wørkspæçë.", "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions.watchDirectory": "§trætëgÿ før høw ëñtïrë ðïrëçtørÿ trëës ærë wætçhëð µñðër sÿstëms thæt læçk rëçµrsïvë fïlë-wætçhïñg fµñçtïøñælïtÿ.", "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions.watchDirectory.dynamicPriorityPolling": "Üsë æ ðÿñæmïç qµëµë whërë lëss-frëqµëñtlÿ møðïfïëð ðïrëçtørïës wïll þë çhëçkëð lëss øftëñ.", "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions.watchDirectory.fixedChunkSizePolling": "Pølls ðïrëçtørïës ïñ çhµñks æt rëgµlær ïñtërvæl.", @@ -218,7 +222,7 @@ "configuration.tsserver.web.projectWideIntellisense.suppressSemanticErrors": "§µpprëssës sëmæñtïç ërrørs øñ wëþ ëvëñ whëñ prøjëçt wïðë Ïñtëllï§ëñsë ïs ëñæþlëð. Thïs ïs ælwæÿs øñ whëñ prøjëçt wïðë Ïñtëllï§ëñsë ïs ñøt ëñæþlëð ør ævæïlæþlë. §ëë `#tÿpësçrïpt.tssërvër.wëþ.prøjëçtWïðëÏñtëllïsëñsë.ëñæþlëð#`", "configuration.tsserver.web.typeAcquisition.enabled": "Ëñæþlë/ðïsæþlë pæçkægë æçqµïsïtïøñ øñ thë wëþ. Thïs ëñæþlës Ïñtëllï§ëñsë før ïmpørtëð pæçkægës. Rëqµïrës `#tÿpësçrïpt.tssërvër.wëþ.prøjëçtWïðëÏñtëllïsëñsë.ëñæþlëð#`. ǵrrëñtlÿ ñøt sµppørtëð før §æfærï.", "configuration.typescript": "Tÿpë§çrïpt", - "configuration.updateImportsOnPaste": "Ƶtømætïçællÿ µpðætë ïmpørts whëñ pæstïñg çøðë. Rëqµïrës Tÿpë§çrïpt 5.6+.", + "configuration.updateImportsOnPaste": "Ƶtømætïçællÿ µpðætë ïmpørts whëñ pæstïñg çøðë. Rëqµïrës Tÿpë§çrïpt 5.7+.", "description": "Prøvïðës rïçh læñgµægë sµppørt før Jævæ§çrïpt æñð Tÿpë§çrïpt.", "displayName": "Tÿpë§çrïpt æñð Jævæ§çrïpt £æñgµægë Fëætµrës", "format.indentSwitchCase": "Ïñðëñt çæsë çlæµsës ïñ swïtçh stætëmëñts. 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Ñøtë thæt thïs wïll çæµsë æll ælt këÿstrøkës tø skïp thë shëll whëñ trµë. Thïs ðøës ñøthïñg øñ mæçا.", "terminal.integrated.allowedLinkSchemes": "Æñ ærræÿ øf strïñgs çøñtæïñïñg thë ÜRÏ sçhëmës thæt thë tërmïñæl ïs ælløwëð tø øpëñ lïñks før. ßÿ ðëfæµlt, øñlÿ æ smæll sµþsët øf pøssïþlë sçhëmës ærë ælløwëð før sëçµrïtÿ rëæsøñs.", "terminal.integrated.altClickMovesCursor": "Ïf ëñæþlëð, ælt/øptïøñ + çlïçk wïll rëpøsïtïøñ thë prømpt çµrsør tø µñðërñëæth thë møµsë whëñ {0} ïs sët tø {1} (thë ðëfæµlt vælµë). Thïs mæÿ ñøt wørk rëlïæþlÿ ðëpëñðïñg øñ ÿøµr shëll.", - "terminal.integrated.autoReplies": "Æ sët øf mëssægës thæt, whëñ ëñçøµñtërëð ïñ thë tërmïñæl, wïll þë æµtømætïçællÿ rëspøñðëð tø. 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Thïs ælløws këÿþïñðïñgs thæt wøµlð ñørmællÿ þë çøñsµmëð þÿ thë shëll tø æçt ïñstëæð thë sæmë æs whëñ thë tërmïñæl ïs ñøt føçµsëð, før ëxæmplë `Çtrl+P` tø læµñçh Qµïçk Øpëñ.\r\n\r\n&ñþsp;\r\n\r\nMæñÿ çømmæñðs ærë skïppëð þÿ ðëfæµlt. Tø øvërrïðë æ ðëfæµlt æñð pæss thæt çømmæñð's këÿþïñðïñg tø thë shëll ïñstëæð, æðð thë çømmæñð prëfïxëð wïth thë `-` çhæræçtër. Før ëxæmplë æðð `-wørkþëñçh.æçtïøñ.qµïçkØpëñ` tø ælløw `Çtrl+P` tø rëæçh thë shëll.\r\n\r\n&ñþsp;\r\n\r\nThë følløwïñg lïst øf ðëfæµlt skïppëð çømmæñðs ïs trµñçætëð whëñ vïëwëð ïñ §ëttïñgs Ëðïtør. Tø sëë thë fµll lïst, {1} æñð sëærçh før thë fïrst çømmæñð frøm thë lïst þëløw.\r\n\r\n&ñþsp;\r\n\r\nÐëfæµlt §kïppëð Çømmæñðs:\r\n\r\n{0}", "terminal.integrated.confirmOnExit": "Çøñtrøls whëthër tø çøñfïrm whëñ thë wïñðøw çløsës ïf thërë ærë æçtïvë tërmïñæl sëssïøñs.", @@ -12107,7 +12191,6 @@ "terminal.integrated.shellIntegration.decorationsEnabled.never": "Ðø ñøt shøw ðëçørætïøñs", "terminal.integrated.shellIntegration.decorationsEnabled.overviewRuler": "§høw øvërvïëw rµlër ðëçørætïøñs tø thë rïght øf thë tërmïñæl", "terminal.integrated.shellIntegration.enabled": "Ðëtërmïñës whëthër ør ñøt shëll ïñtëgrætïøñ ïs æµtø-ïñjëçtëð tø sµppørt fëætµrës lïkë ëñhæñçëð çømmæñð træçkïñg æñð çµrrëñt wørkïñg ðïrëçtørÿ ðëtëçtïøñ. \r\n\r\n§hëll ïñtëgrætïøñ wørks þÿ ïñjëçtïñg thë shëll wïth æ stærtµp sçrïpt. Thë sçrïpt gïvës V§ Çøðë ïñsïght ïñtø whæt ïs hæppëñïñg wïthïñ thë tërmïñæl.\r\n\r\n§µppørtëð shëlls:\r\n\r\n- £ïñµx/mæçا: þæsh, fïsh, pwsh, zsh\r\n - Wïñðøws: pwsh, gït þæsh\r\n\r\nThïs sëttïñg æpplïës øñlÿ whëñ tërmïñæls ærë çrëætëð, sø ÿøµ wïll ñëëð tø rëstært ÿøµr tërmïñæls før ït tø tækë ëffëçt.\r\n\r\n Ñøtë thæt thë sçrïpt ïñjëçtïøñ mæÿ ñøt wørk ïf ÿøµ hævë çµstøm ærgµmëñts ðëfïñëð ïñ thë tërmïñæl prøfïlë, hævë ëñæþlëð {1}, hævë æ [çømplëx þæsh `PRØMPT_ÇØMMÆÑÐ`](https://çøðë.vïsµælstµðïø.çøm/ðøçs/ëðïtør/ïñtëgrætëð-tërmïñæl#_çømplëx-þæsh-prømptçømmæñð), ør øthër µñsµppørtëð sëtµp. 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[Çlïçk hërë](command:{0}) tø çøñfïgµrë ør [tøgglë før thïs sëssïøñ](çømmæñð:{1}).", "fileLocked": "Ëðïtør ïs rëæð-øñlÿ þëçæµsë øf fïlë përmïssïøñs. [Çlïçk hërë](command:{0}) tø sët wrïtëæþlë æñÿwæÿ.", @@ -14602,6 +14753,10 @@ "vs/workbench/services/textfile/common/textFileEditorModelManager": { "genericSaveError": "Fæïlëð tø sævë '{0}': {1}" }, + "vs/workbench/services/textfile/common/textFileSaveParticipant": { + "saveParticipants1": "Rµññïñg Çøðë Æçtïøñs æñð Førmættërs...", + "skip": "§kïp" + }, "vs/workbench/services/textfile/electron-sandbox/nativeTextFileService": { "join.textFiles": "§ævïñg tëxt fïlës" }, @@ -14713,7 +14868,7 @@ "schema.folderNamesExpanded": "Æssøçïætës følðër ñæmës tø ïçøñs før ëxpæñðëð følðërs. Thë øþjëçt këÿ ïs thë følðër ñæmë, ñøt ïñçlµðïñg æñÿ pæth sëgmëñts. Ñø pættërñs ør wïlðçærðs ærë ælløwëð. Følðër ñæmë mætçhïñg ïs çæsë ïñsëñsïtïvë.", "schema.font-format": "Thë førmæt øf thë føñt.", "schema.font-path": "Thë føñt pæth, rëlætïvë tø thë çµrrëñt fïlë ïçøñ thëmë fïlë.", - "schema.font-size": "Thë ðëfæµlt sïzë øf thë føñt. §ëë https://ðëvëløpër.møzïllæ.ørg/ëñ-ܧ/ðøçs/Wëþ/ǧ§/føñt-sïzë før vælïð vælµës.", + "schema.font-size": "Thë ðëfæµlt sïzë øf thë føñt. Wë strøñglÿ rëçømmëñð µsïñg æ përçëñtægë vælµë, før ëxæmplë: 125%.", "schema.font-style": "Thë stÿlë øf thë føñt. §ëë https://ðëvëløpër.møzïllæ.ørg/ëñ-ܧ/ðøçs/Wëþ/ǧ§/føñt-stÿlë før vælïð vælµës.", "schema.font-weight": "Thë wëïght øf thë føñt. §ëë https://ðëvëløpër.møzïllæ.ørg/ëñ-ܧ/ðøçs/Wëþ/ǧ§/føñt-wëïght før vælïð vælµës.", "schema.fontCharacter": "Whëñ µsïñg æ glÿph føñt: Thë çhæræçtër ïñ thë føñt tø µsë.", @@ -15042,6 +15197,10 @@ "vs/workbench/services/workingCopy/common/storedFileWorkingCopyManager": { "join.fileWorkingCopyManager": "§ævïñg wørkïñg çøpïës" }, + "vs/workbench/services/workingCopy/common/storedFileWorkingCopySaveParticipant": { + "saveParticipants1": "Rµññïñg Çøðë Æçtïøñs æñð Førmættërs...", + "skip": "§kïp" + }, "vs/workbench/services/workingCopy/common/workingCopyHistoryService": { "default.source": "Fïlë §ævëð", "join.workingCopyHistory": "§ævïñg løçæl hïstørÿ", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ru/translations/extensions/vscode.git.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ru/translations/extensions/vscode.git.i18n.json index 548074a954..55bc7a0bd9 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ru/translations/extensions/vscode.git.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ru/translations/extensions/vscode.git.i18n.json @@ -161,6 +161,7 @@ "Open": "Открыть", "Open Commit": "Открыть фиксацию", "Open Comparison": "Открыть сравнение", + "Open File": "Open File", "Open Git Log": "Открыть журнал GIT", "Open Merge": "Открыть слияние", "Open Repositories In Parent Folders": "Открывать репозитории в родительских папках", @@ -267,6 +268,7 @@ "There are {0} unsaved files.\n\nWould you like to save them before stashing?": "Некоторые файлы ({0}) не сохранены.\n\nВы хотите сохранить их, прежде чем спрятать?", "There are {0} untracked files which will be DELETED FROM DISK if discarded.": "Существует {0} неотслеживаемых файлов, которые будут удалены с диска в случае отмены изменений.", "There were merge conflicts while applying the stash.": "Обнаружены конфликты слияния при применении скрытых изменений.", + "There were merge conflicts while cherry picking the changes. Resolve the conflicts before committing them.": "There were merge conflicts while cherry picking the changes. Resolve the conflicts before committing them.", "This action will pull and push commits from and to \"{0}/{1}\".": "Это действие получает и отправляет фиксации от и к \"{0}/{1}\".", "This repository has no remotes configured to fetch from.": "Для этого репозитория не настроены удаленные репозитории для забора изменений.", "This will DELETE {0} untracked files!\nThis is IRREVERSIBLE!\nThese files will be FOREVER LOST.": "Это приведет к УДАЛЕНИЮ неотслеживаемых файлов ({0})!\nЭта операция является НЕОБРАТИМОЙ!\nВосстановить эти файлы будет НЕВОЗМОЖНО.", @@ -356,6 +358,7 @@ "command.checkoutDetached": "Извлечь в (отключено)...", "command.checkoutRefDetached": "Извлечение (в отключенном режиме)", "command.cherryPick": "Выборочный отбор...", + "command.cherryPickAbort": "Abort Cherry Pick", "command.cherryPickRef": "Выборочный отбор", "command.clean": "Отменить изменения", "command.cleanAll": "Отменить все изменения", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ru/translations/extensions/vscode.github-authentication.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ru/translations/extensions/vscode.github-authentication.i18n.json index 4ba687a325..d630eab0f8 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ru/translations/extensions/vscode.github-authentication.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ru/translations/extensions/vscode.github-authentication.i18n.json @@ -16,8 +16,6 @@ "Having trouble logging in? Would you like to try a different way? ({0})": "Проблемы со входом? Хотите попробовать другой способ? ({0})", "No": "Нет", "Open [{0}]({0}) in a new tab and paste your one-time code: {1}/The [{0}]({0}) will be a url and the {1} will be a code, e.g. 123-456{Locked=\"[{0}]({0})\"}": "Откройте [{0}]({0}) на новой вкладке и вставьте одноразовый код: {1}", - "Please reload the window to apply the new setting.": "Перезагрузите окно, чтобы применить новый параметр.", - "Reload Window": "Перезагрузить окно", "Sign in failed: {0}": "Не удалось войти: {0}", "Sign out failed: {0}": "Не удалось выйти: {0}", "Signing in to {0}.../The {0} will be a url, e.g. github.com": "Выполняется вход в {0}...", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ru/translations/extensions/vscode.ipynb.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ru/translations/extensions/vscode.ipynb.i18n.json index b5e2481fb4..cf982e733f 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ru/translations/extensions/vscode.ipynb.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ru/translations/extensions/vscode.ipynb.i18n.json @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ "copyCellOutput.title": "Копировать выходные данные ячейки", "description": "Обеспечивает базовую поддержку открытия и чтения IPYNB-файлов записной книжки Jupyter", "displayName": "Поддержка IPYNB", - "ipynb.experimental.serialization": "Экспериментальная функция сериализации блокнота Jupyter в рабочем потоке. Не поддерживается, если узел расширения работает как рабочая роль.", + "ipynb.experimental.serialization": "Experimental feature to serialize the Jupyter notebook in a worker thread.", "ipynb.pasteImagesAsAttachments.enabled": "Включите или отключите вставку изображений в ячейки Markdown в файлах записных книжек IPYNB. Изображения вставляется в ячейку как вложения.", "markdownAttachmentRenderer.displayName": "Отрисовщик вложений ячеек Markdown-It ipynb", "newUntitledIpynb.shortTitle": "Jupyter Notebook", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ru/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ru/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json index 7dd1f4c1e3..afcb2bb175 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ru/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ru/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json @@ -87,6 +87,8 @@ "Please report an issue against Yarn PnP": "Сообщите о проблеме, связанной с Yarn PnP", "Please update your TypeScript version": "Обновите версию TypeScript", "Project Wide IntelliSense not available": "IntelliSense для всего проекта недоступен", + "Related files provider failed. Copilot requested file with unsupported language mode.": "Related files provider failed. Copilot requested file with unsupported language mode.", + "Related files provider failed. No active text editor.": "Related files provider failed. No active text editor.", "Remove Unused Imports": "Удаление неиспользованных импортированных данных", "Remove all unused code": "Удалить весь неиспользуемый код", "Report Issue": "Сообщить об ошибке", @@ -196,12 +198,14 @@ "configuration.tsserver.useSyntaxServer.auto": "Создайте как полноценный, так и более легкий сервер, предназначенный для операций с синтаксисом. Сервер синтаксиса используется для ускорения операций с синтаксисом и обеспечения IntelliSense во время загрузки проектов.", "configuration.tsserver.useSyntaxServer.never": "Не используйте выделенный сервер синтаксиса. Используйте один сервер для обработки всех операций IntelliSense.", "configuration.tsserver.useVsCodeWatcher": "Используйте наблюдатели за файлами VS Code вместо TypeScript. Требуется использование TypeScript 5.4+ в рабочей области.", + "configuration.tsserver.useVsCodeWatcher.deprecation": "Please use the `#typescript.tsserver.watchOptions#` setting instead.", "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions": "Настройка стратегий наблюдения для отслеживания файлов и каталогов.", "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions.fallbackPolling": "При использовании событий файловой системы этот параметр указывает стратегию опроса, которая используется, когда система исчерпывает запас собственных наблюдателей файлов или не поддерживает собственные наблюдатели файлов.", "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions.fallbackPolling.dynamicPriorityPolling ": "Используйте динамическую очередь, где чем реже изменяются файлы, тем реже они проверяются.", "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions.fallbackPolling.fixedPollingInterval": "Проверка каждого файла на наличие изменений несколько раз в секунду с фиксированным интервалом.", "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions.fallbackPolling.priorityPollingInterval": "Проверка каждого файла на наличие изменений несколько раз в секунду, но с использованием эвристики, чтобы проверять определенные типы файлов реже, чем другие.", "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions.synchronousWatchDirectory": "Отключение отложенного наблюдения за каталогами. Отложенное наблюдение удобно, когда одновременно может иметь место множество изменений (например, изменение node_modules из запущенной установки npm), однако для некоторых менее распространенных вариантов настройки этот флаг может потребоваться отключить.", + "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions.vscode": "Use VS Code's file watchers instead of TypeScript's. Requires using TypeScript 5.4+ in the workspace.", "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions.watchDirectory": "Стратегия того, как все деревья каталога отображаются в системах, где нет рекурсивной функции просмотра файлов.", "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions.watchDirectory.dynamicPriorityPolling": "Используйте динамическую очередь, где чем реже изменяются каталоги, тем реже они проверяются.", "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions.watchDirectory.fixedChunkSizePolling": "Регулярно опрашивает каталоги по блокам.", @@ -218,7 +222,7 @@ "configuration.tsserver.web.projectWideIntellisense.suppressSemanticErrors": "Подавляет семантические ошибки в Интернете, даже если включен IntelliSense для всего проекта. Этот параметр включен всегда, если IntelliSense для всего проекта не включен или недоступен. См. \"#typescript.tsserver.web.projectWideIntellisense.enabled#\"", "configuration.tsserver.web.typeAcquisition.enabled": "Включить или отключить получение пакетов через Интернет. Это включает IntelliSense для импортируемых пакетов. Требуется \"#typescript.tsserver.web.projectWideIntellisense.enabled#\". Сейчас не поддерживается для Safari.", "configuration.typescript": "TypeScript", - "configuration.updateImportsOnPaste": "Автоматически обновлять импорт при вставке кода. Требуется TypeScript 5.6 или более поздней версии.", + "configuration.updateImportsOnPaste": "Automatically update imports when pasting code. Requires TypeScript 5.7+.", "description": "Предоставляет широкую поддержку языка для JavaScript и TypeScript.", "displayName": "Возможности языков TypeScript и JavaScript", "format.indentSwitchCase": "Делайте отступ для предложений case в операторах switch. Требуется использование TypeScript 5.1+ в рабочей области.", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ru/translations/main.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ru/translations/main.i18n.json index 38fb60225c..a02a5b4c77 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ru/translations/main.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ru/translations/main.i18n.json @@ -548,12 +548,7 @@ "inlayHints.padding": "Включает поля вокруг встроенных указаний в редакторе.", "inline": "Экспресс-предложения отображаются как едва различимый текст", "inlineCompletionsAccessibilityVerbose": "Определяет, следует ли предоставлять указание о специальных возможностях пользователям средства чтения с экрана при отображении встроенного завершения.", - "inlineEdit.enabled": "Определяет, отображаются ли встроенные правки в редакторе.", - "inlineEdit.fontFamily": "Управляет семейством шрифтов встроенного редактирования.", - "inlineEdit.showToolbar": "Определяет, когда отображать встроенную панель инструментов редактирования.", - "inlineEdit.showToolbar.always": "Отображать встроенную панель инструментов редактирования при каждом отображении встроенного предложения.", - "inlineEdit.showToolbar.never": "Никогда не отображать встроенную панель инструментов редактирования.", - "inlineEdit.showToolbar.onHover": "Отображать встроенную панель инструментов редактирования при наведении курсора на встроенное предложение.", + "inlineSuggest.edits.experimental.enabled": "Controls whether to enable experimental edits in inline suggestions.", "inlineSuggest.enabled": "Определяет, следует ли автоматически показывать встроенные предложения в редакторе.", "inlineSuggest.fontFamily": "Управляет семейством шрифтов встроенных предложений.", "inlineSuggest.showToolbar": "Определяет, когда отображать встроенную панель инструментов предложений.", @@ -602,6 +597,7 @@ "occurrencesHighlight.multiFile": "Экспериментальная функция: выделяет вхождения во всех допустимых открытых файлах.", "occurrencesHighlight.off": "Не выделяет вхождения.", "occurrencesHighlight.singleFile": "Выделяет вхождения только в текущем файле.", + "occurrencesHighlightDelay": "Controls the delay in milliseconds after which occurrences are highlighted.", "off": "Экспресс-предложения отключены", "on": "Экспресс-предложения отображаются в мини-приложении рекомендаций", "overviewRulerBorder": "Определяет, должна ли отображаться граница на обзорной линейке.", @@ -1398,6 +1394,7 @@ "action.inlineSuggest.acceptNextLine": "Принять следующую строку встроенного предложения", "action.inlineSuggest.acceptNextWord": "Принять следующее слово встроенного предложения", "action.inlineSuggest.alwaysShowToolbar": "Всегда отображать панель инструментов", + "action.inlineSuggest.dev.extractRepro": "Developer: Extract Inline Suggest State", "action.inlineSuggest.hide": "Скрыть встроенное предложение", "action.inlineSuggest.jump": "Перейти к следующей встроенной правке", "action.inlineSuggest.showNext": "Показывать следующее встроенное предложение", @@ -1429,9 +1426,6 @@ "parameterHintsPreviousIcon": "Значок для отображения подсказки предыдущего параметра.", "previous": "Назад" }, - "vs/editor/contrib/inlineEdit/browser/hoverParticipant": { - "hoverAccessibilityInlineEdits": "Здесь есть встроенные изменения." - }, "vs/editor/contrib/inPlaceReplace/browser/inPlaceReplace": { "InPlaceReplaceAction.next.label": "Заменить следующим значением", "InPlaceReplaceAction.previous.label": "Заменить предыдущим значением" @@ -2529,6 +2523,7 @@ "diffEditorRemovedLines": "Цвет фона для удаленных строк. Цвет не должен быть непрозрачным, чтобы не скрыть расположенные ниже элементы оформления.", "diffEditorRemovedOutline": "Цвет контура для удаленных строк.", "editorBackground": "Цвет фона редактора.", + "editorCompositionBorder": "The border color for an IME composition.", "editorError.background": "Цвет фона для текста ошибки в редакторе. Цвет не должен быть непрозрачным, чтобы не скрыть расположенные ниже элементы оформления.", "editorError.foreground": "Цвет волнистой линии для выделения ошибок в редакторе.", "editorFindMatch": "Цвет текущего поиска совпадений.", @@ -3932,6 +3927,8 @@ "editorCommand.activeEditorMove.arg.description": "Свойства аргумента:\r\n\t* 'to': строковое значение, указывающее направление перемещения.\r\n\t* 'by': строковое значение, указывающее единицу перемещения (вкладка или группа).\r\n\t* 'value': числовое значение, указывающее количество позиций перемещения или абсолютную позицию для перемещения.", "editorCommand.activeEditorMove.arg.name": "Аргумент перемещения активного редактора", "editorCommand.activeEditorMove.description": "Перемещение активного редактора по вкладкам или группам", + "editorGroupLayout.horizontal": "Horizontal", + "editorGroupLayout.vertical": "Vertical", "focusLeftSideEditor": "Фокус на левой стороне в активном редакторе", "focusOtherSideEditor": "Фокус на другой стороне в активном редакторе", "focusRightSideEditor": "Фокус на второй стороне в активном редакторе", @@ -4230,7 +4227,9 @@ "vs/workbench/browser/parts/panel/panelPart": { "align panel": "Выровнять панель", "hidePanel": "Скрыть панель", - "panel position": "Положение панели" + "panel position": "Положение панели", + "showIcons": "Show Icons", + "showLabels": "Show Labels" }, "vs/workbench/browser/parts/sidebar/sidebarActions": { "focusSideBar": "Фокус на основной боковой панели" @@ -4355,9 +4354,6 @@ "shutdownErrorDetail": "Среда Workbench была неожиданно удалена во время выполнения.", "unableToOpenExternal": "Браузер прервал открытие новой вкладки или окна. Нажмите \"Открыть\" для открытия." }, - "vs/workbench/browser/workbench": { - "loaderErrorNative": "Не удалось загрузить требуемый файл. Перезапустите приложение, чтобы повторить попытку. Дополнительные сведения: {0}." - }, "vs/workbench/browser/workbench.contribution": { "activeEditorLong": "\"${activeEditorLong}\": полный путь к файлу (например, /Users/Development/myFolder/myFileFolder/myFile.txt).", "activeEditorMedium": "\"${activeEditorMedium}\": путь к файлу относительно папки рабочей области (например, myFolder/myFileFolder/myFile.txt).", @@ -4428,7 +4424,7 @@ "openFoldersInNewWindow": "Управляет тем, должны ли папки открываться в новом окне или заменять последнее активное окно.\r\nОбратите внимание, что в некоторых случаях этот параметр игнорируется (например, при использовании параметров \"--new-window\" или \"--reuse-window\"). ", "panelDefaultLocation": "Определяет расположение по умолчанию для панели (терминал, консоль отладки, выходные данные, проблемы) в новой рабочей области. Может отображаться в нижней, верхней, правой или левой части области редактора.", "panelOpensMaximized": "Определяет, открывается ли панель в развернутом состоянии. Панель может всегда открываться в развернутом состоянии, никогда не открываться в развернутом состоянии или открываться в состоянии, предшествовавшем закрытию.", - "panelShowLabel": "Определяет, отображаются ли элементы действий в заголовке панели в виде метки или значка.", + "panelShowLabels": "Controls whether activity items in the panel title are shown as label or icon.", "perEditorGroup": "Определяет, должен ли лимит максимального числа открытых редакторов применяться для отдельной группы редакторов или для всех групп редакторов.", "pinnedTabSizing": "Определяет размер закрепленных вкладок редактора. Они располагаются первыми среди всех открытых вкладок и обычно не закрываются, пока не будут откреплены. Это значение игнорируется, если для {0} не установлено значение {1}.", "preserveInput": "Определяет, следует ли восстановить последнюю введенную команду в палитре команд при следующем открытии палитры.", @@ -4844,6 +4840,7 @@ "configureRuntimeArguments": "Настройка аргументов среды выполнения", "openUserDataFolder": "Открыть папку данных пользователя", "reloadWindowWithExtensionsDisabled": "Перезагрузить с отключенными расширениями", + "showGPUInfo": "Show GPU Info", "toggleDevTools": "Переключить средства разработчика" }, "vs/workbench/electron-sandbox/actions/installActions": { @@ -4909,7 +4906,7 @@ "touchbar.enabled": "Включает кнопки сенсорной панели macOS на клавиатуре, если они доступны.", "touchbar.ignored": "Набор идентификаторов для записей на сенсорной панели, которые не должны отображаться (например, workbench.action.navigateBack).", "window.clickThroughInactive": "Если этот параметр включен, то при щелчке в неактивном окне будут активированы как оно, так и элемент управления, на котором находился курсор мыши в момент щелчка, если этот элемент управления должен активироваться по щелчку мыши. Если этот параметр отключен, то при щелчке в любом месте неактивного окна будет активировано только окно, и для активации элемента управления на нем будет нужно щелкнуть еще раз.", - "window.customTitleBarVisibility": "Корректировка времени отображения настраиваемого заголовка окна. Настраиваемый заголовок окна может быть скрыт в полноэкранном режиме с помощью значения \"windowed\". Настраиваемый заголовок окна можно скрыть только в полноэкранном режиме с помощью значения \"never\", если для параметра {0} установлено значение \"native\".", + "window.customTitleBarVisibility": "Adjust when the custom title bar should be shown. The custom title bar can be hidden when in full screen mode with `windowed`. The custom title bar can only be hidden in non full screen mode with `never` when {0} is set to `native`.", "window.customTitleBarVisibility.auto": "Автоматически изменяет видимость настраиваемого заголовка окна.", "window.customTitleBarVisibility.never": "Скрывать настраиваемый заголовок окна, если для {0} установлено значение \"native\".", "window.customTitleBarVisibility.windowed": "Скрыть настраиваемый заголовок окна в полноэкранном режиме. Когда не используется полноэкранный режим, автоматически изменять видимость заголовка окна.", @@ -4947,7 +4944,6 @@ "downloadArmBuild": "Скачать", "keychainWriteError": "Не удалось записать сведения о входе в цепочку ключей. Ошибка: \"{0}\".", "learnMore": "Дополнительные сведения", - "loaderCycle": "В модулях AMD существует циклическая зависимость, которую необходимо разрешить!", "loginButton": "&&Вход", "macoseolmessage": "{0} в {1} скоро прекратит получать обновления. Рассмотрите возможность обновления версии macOS.", "password": "Пароль", @@ -5185,7 +5181,7 @@ "openDiffEditorAnnouncement": "Редактор несовпадений" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/accountEntitlements/browser/accountsEntitlements.contribution": { - "workbench.accounts.showEntitlements": "Если этот параметр включен, доступные права для учетной записи будут отображаться в меню учетных записей." + "workbench.accounts.showEntitlements": "When enabled, available entitlements for the account will be shown in the accounts menu." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/audioCues/browser/audioCues.contribution": { "audioCues.chatRequestSent": "Воспроизводит звук при выполнении запроса чата.", @@ -5239,7 +5235,8 @@ "pickAProviderTitle": "Управление настройками учетной записи расширения", "placeholder": "Управление настройками учетной записи {0}...", "selectProvider": "Выберите поставщика проверки подлинности для управления настройками учетной записи для", - "title": "Настройки учетной записи {0} для этого рабочего пространства" + "title": "Настройки учетной записи {0} для этого рабочего пространства", + "use new account": "Use a new account..." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/authentication/browser/actions/manageTrustedExtensionsForAccountAction": { "accountLastUsedDate": "Последнее использование этой учетной записи: {0}.", @@ -5378,8 +5375,7 @@ "workbench.action.chat.focus": "Чтобы перевести фокус на список запросов/ответов чата, по которому можно переходить с помощью клавиш СТРЕЛКА ВВЕРХ и СТРЕЛКА ВНИЗ, выполните команду \"Фокус на чате\"{0}.", "workbench.action.chat.focusInput": "Чтобы перевести фокус на поле ввода для запросов чата, выполните команду \"Фокус на поле ввода чата\"{0}.", "workbench.action.chat.newChat": "Чтобы создать новый сеанс чата, выполните команду \"Создать чат\"{0}.", - "workbench.action.chat.nextCodeBlock": "Чтобы перевести фокус на следующий блок кода в ответе, выполните команду \"Чат: следующий блок кода\"{0}.", - "workbench.action.chat.nextFileTree": "Чтобы перевести фокус на следующее дерево файлов в ответе, выполните команду \"Чат: следующее дерево файлов\"{0}." + "workbench.action.chat.nextCodeBlock": "Чтобы перевести фокус на следующий блок кода в ответе, выполните команду \"Чат: следующий блок кода\"{0}." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatActions": { "actions.interactiveSession.focus": "Фокус на списке чатов", @@ -5389,19 +5385,26 @@ "chat.history.rename": "Переименовать", "chatWith": "Общаться в чате с использованием расширений", "currentChatLabel": "текущий", + "installChat": "Install {0}", + "installChatGlobalAction.justification": "AI support requires this extension.", "interactiveSession.clearHistory.label": "Очистить журнал входных данных", "interactiveSession.focusInput.label": "Фокус на вводе текста чата", "interactiveSession.history.delete": "Удалить", "interactiveSession.history.editor": "Открыть в редакторе", "interactiveSession.history.pick": "Переключиться в чат", "interactiveSession.open": "Открыть редактор", + "learnMore": "Learn More", "more": "Дополнительно...", "newChatTitle": "Название нового чата", "openChat": "Открыть чат", - "title4": "Чат" + "title4": "Чат", + "toggle.chatControl": "Chat Controls", + "toggle.chatControlsDescription": "Toggle visibility of the Chat Controls in title bar" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatClearActions": { - "chat.newChat.label": "Новый чат" + "chat.newChat.label": "Новый чат", + "chat.newEdits.label": "New Edit Session", + "chat.openEdits.label": "Open Edit Session" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatCodeblockActions": { "chat.applyAll.label": "Применить все изменения", @@ -5417,8 +5420,12 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatContextActions": { "chatContext.attach.placeholder": "Поиск вложений", + "chatContext.attachScreenshot.labelElectron.Window": "Screenshot Window", + "chatContext.attachScreenshot.labelWeb": "Screenshot", + "chatContext.editors": "Open Editors", "chatContext.notebook.kernelVariable": "Переменная ядра...", "chatContext.notebook.selectkernelVariable": "Выбрать и вставить переменную ядра", + "chatContext.searchResults": "Search Results", "chatContext.symbol": "Символ...", "imageFromClipboard": "Вставить из буфера обмена", "pastedImage": "Вставленное изображение", @@ -5437,8 +5444,13 @@ "actions.chat.submitSecondaryAgent": "Отправить на дополнительный агент", "chat.newChat.label": "Отправить в новый чат", "chat.pickModel.label": "Выбор модели", + "chat.sendToChatEditing.label": "Send to Copilot Edits", + "chat.startEditing.confirmation.message": "Starting a new editing session will end your current editing session and discard edits to {0} files. Do you wish to proceed?", + "chat.startEditing.confirmation.primaryButton": "Yes", + "chat.startEditing.confirmation.title": "Start new editing session?", "interactive.cancel.label": "Отмена", - "interactive.submit.label": "Отправить" + "interactive.submit.label": "Send and Dispatch", + "interactive.submitWithoutDispatch.label": "Send" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatFileTreeActions": { "interactive.nextFileTree.label": "Следующее дерево файлов", @@ -5466,7 +5478,19 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatTitleActions": { "chat.remove.label": "Удалить запрос и ответ", + "chat.retry.confirmation.checkbox": "Don't ask again", + "chat.retry.confirmation.message2": "This will undo edits made to {0} since this request.", + "chat.retry.confirmation.primaryButton": "Yes", "chat.retry.label": "Повторить", + "chat.retryLast.confirmation.message2": "This will undo edits made to {0} files in your working set since this request. Do you want to proceed?", + "chat.retryLast.confirmation.title2": "Do you want to retry your last request?", + "chat.startEditing.confirmation.acceptEdits": "Accept & Continue", + "chat.startEditing.confirmation.discardEdits": "Discard & Continue", + "chat.startEditing.confirmation.message": "Starting a new editing session will end your current editing session and discard edits to {0} files. Do you wish to proceed?", + "chat.startEditing.confirmation.pending.message": "Starting a new editing session will end your current session. Do you want to discard pending edits to {0} files?", + "chat.startEditing.confirmation.primaryButton": "Yes", + "chat.startEditing.confirmation.title": "Start new editing session?", + "chat.startEditing.label2": "Edit with Copilot", "interactive.helpful.label": "Полезное", "interactive.insertIntoNotebook.label": "Вставить в записную книжку", "interactive.reportIssueForBug.label": "Сообщить о проблеме", @@ -5483,17 +5507,25 @@ "insertCodeBlock.readonlyNotebook": "Не удается вставить блок кода в редактор записных книжек, доступный только для чтения.", "overlap": "Еще одно изменение кода находится на стадии предварительного просмотра. Сначала примените или отмените ожидающие изменения." }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/attachments/implicitContextAttachment": { + "chat.fileAttachment": "Attached file, {0}", + "chat.fileAttachmentWithRange": "Attached file, {0}, line {1} to line {2}", + "disable": "Disable current file context", + "enable": "Enable current file context", + "enableHint": "disabled", + "openEditor": "Current file context" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chat": { "generating": "Идет создание" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chat.contribution": { "chat": "Чат", "chat.commandCenter.enabled": "Управляет отображением в командном центре меню для действий в чате (требуется {0}).", + "chat.editing.alwaysSaveWithGeneratedChanges": "Whether to always ask before saving files with changes made by chat.", + "chat.editing.confirmEditRequestRemoval": "Whether to show a confirmation before removing a request and its associated edits.", + "chat.editing.confirmEditRequestRetry": "Whether to show a confirmation before retrying a request and its associated edits.", + "chat.editing.enableRestoreFile": "Whether to show a toggle to restore an earlier version of a file that was edited in a chat editing session request.", "chat.experimental.detectParticipant.enabled": "Включает автоматическое определение участников чата для чата панели.", - "chat.experimental.implicitContext": "Управляет тем, отображается ли флажок, позволяющий пользователю определить, какой неявный контекст включен в запрос участника чата.", - "chat.experimental.variables.editor": "Включает переменные для чата редактора.", - "chat.experimental.variables.notebook": "Включает переменные для чата записной книжки.", - "chat.experimental.variables.terminal": "Включает переменные для чата терминала.", "clear": "Начать новый чат", "file": "Выберите файл в рабочей области", "interactiveSession.editor.fontFamily": "Определяет семейство шрифтов в блоках кода чата.", @@ -5539,8 +5571,9 @@ "dismiss": "Закрыть" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatContentParts/chatReferencesContentPart": { + "addToChat": "Add File to Chat", + "chat.openEditor": "Open Editor", "chatCollapsibleList": "Свертываемый список чатов", - "copyReference": "Копировать", "setting.hover": "Открыть параметр \"{0}\"", "usedReferencesCollapsed": "{0}, свернуто", "usedReferencesExpanded": "{0}, развернуто", @@ -5563,52 +5596,109 @@ "file": "Файл", "image": "Изображение" }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditingActions": { + "accept.allFiles": "Accept All", + "accept.file": "Accept", + "chat.openWorkingSetHistory.label": "Open File Checkpoint", + "chat.remove.confirmation.checkbox": "Don't ask again", + "chat.remove.confirmation.message2": "This will remove all subsequent requests and undo edits made to {0}. Do you want to proceed?", + "chat.remove.confirmation.multipleEdits.message": "This will remove all subsequent requests and undo edits made to {0} files in your working set. Do you want to proceed?", + "chat.remove.confirmation.primaryButton": "Yes", + "chat.remove.confirmation.title": "Do you want to undo {0} edits?", + "chat.removeLast.confirmation.message2": "This will remove your last request and undo the edits made to {0}. Do you want to proceed?", + "chat.removeLast.confirmation.multipleEdits.message": "This will remove your last request and undo edits made to {0} files in your working set. Do you want to proceed?", + "chat.removeLast.confirmation.title": "Do you want to undo your last edit?", + "chat.restoreFile.label": "Restore Previous File State", + "chat.restoreFile.shortTitle": "Restore Previous File State", + "chat.restoreFile.title": "Using Previous File State", + "chat.restoreFile.tooltip": "Toggle to use the previous state of an edited file in your next request", + "chat.undoEdits.label": "Undo Edits", + "chatEditing.checkpoint": "{0} (Checkpoint {1})", + "chatEditing.openDiffs": "Open Diffs", + "discard.allFiles": "Discard All", + "discard.file": "Discard", + "open.fileInDiff": "Open Changes in Diff Editor", + "removeFileFromWorkingSet": "Remove File", + "workbench.action.chat.addFilesToWorkingSet.label": "Add Files to Working Set" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditingService": { - "accept.allFiles": "Принять все", - "accept.file": "Принять", - "chatEditing.openDiffs": "Открыть инструмент сравнения", - "chatEditing.startSession": "Начать сеанс редактирования", + "chat": "Chat Editing", + "chatEditing.fileSave": "{0} wants to create a file. Choose where it should be saved.", "chatEditing.startingSession": "Создание изменений...", - "chatEditing.stopSession": "Остановить сеанс редактирования", - "discard.allFiles": "Отменить все", - "discard.file": "Отменить", - "multiDiffEditorInput.name": "Рекомендуемые изменения", - "open.file": "Открыть файл" + "chatEditing1": "Chat Edit: '{0}'", + "chatEditing2": "Chat Edit", + "multiDiffEditorInput.name": "Рекомендуемые изменения" + }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditorActions": { + "accept": "Accept Chat Edit", + "next": "Go to Next Chat Edit", + "prev": "Go to Previous Chat Edit", + "reject": "Reject Chat Edit" + }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditorController": { + "chat.hasEditorModifications": "The current editor contains chat modifications" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditorInput": { "chatEditorLabelIcon": "Значок метки редактора чата.", "chatEditorName": "Чат" }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditorSaving": { + "chat": "chat", + "config": "Always save with AI-generated changes without asking", + "detail2": "AI-generated changes may be incorrect and should be reviewed before saving.", + "discard": "Cancel", + "message.1": "Do you want to save the changes {0} made in {1}?", + "message.2": "Do you want to save the changes {0} made to {1} files?", + "message.batched.multiFile.1": "Do you want to save the changes {0} made in {1} files?", + "message.batched.multiFile.2": "Do you want to save the changes chat made in {0} files?", + "message.batched.oneFile.1": "Do you want to save the changes {0} made in {1}?", + "message.batched.oneFile.2": "Do you want to save the changes chat made in {0}?", + "message.batched.oneFile.3": "Do you want to save the changes {0} made in 1 file?", + "message.batched.oneFile.4": "Do you want to save the changes chat made in 1 file?", + "save": "Save", + "save all": "Save All", + "save.allFiles": "Save All" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatFollowups": { "followUpAriaLabel": "Последующий вопрос: {0}" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatGettingStarted": { "chat.openPanel": "Открыть панель чата", - "workbench.panel.chat.view.showGettingStarted": "Если этот параметр включен, на панели чата отображаются эксперименты по началу работы." + "workbench.panel.chat.view.showGettingStarted": "When enabled, shows a getting started experiment in the chat panel." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatImagePaste": { "pastedImage": "Вставленное изображение" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatInlineAnchorWidget": { "actions.attach.label": "Добавить файл в чат", + "actions.copy.label": "Copy", "actions.goToDecl.label": "Перейти к определению", + "actions.openToSide.label": "Open to the Side", + "goToImplementations.label": "Go to Implementations", "goToReferences.label": "Перейти к ссылкам", + "goToTypeDefinitions.label": "Go to Type Definitions", "miGotoDefinition": "Перейти к &&определению", - "miGotoReference": "Перейти к &&ссылкам" + "miGotoImplementations": "Go to &&Implementations", + "miGotoReference": "Перейти к &&ссылкам", + "miGotoTypeDefinition": "Go to &&Type Definitions", + "resource": "The full value of the chat anchor resource, including scheme and path" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatInputPart": { "actions.chat.accessibiltyHelp": "Входные данные чата. Введите текст, чтобы задать вопрос, или введите \"/\", чтобы открыть разделы, нажмите клавишу ВВОД, чтобы отправить запрос. Используйте {0}, чтобы открыть справку по специальным возможностям чата.", "chat.attachment": "Подключенный контекст, {0}", + "chat.attachment.clearButton": "Remove from context", "chat.fileAttachment": "Вложенный файл, {0}", "chat.fileAttachmentWithRange": "Вложенный файл, {0}, строка {1} до строки {2}", "chat.imageAttachment": "Прикрепленное изображение, {0}", "chat.submitToSecondaryAgent": "Отправить в @{0}", - "chatEditingSessionOverview": "Файлов изменено: {0}", - "chatEditingSessionOverview.oneFileChanged": "1 файл изменен", + "chatAddFiles": "{0} Add Files...", + "chatAttachFiles": "Search for files to add to your working set", + "chatEditingSession.manyFiles": "({0} files)", + "chatEditingSession.oneFile": "(1 file)", + "chatEditingSession.workingSet": "Working Set", "chatInput": "Ввод чата", "chatInput.accessibilityHelpNoKb": "Ввод чата, введите здесь код и нажмите клавишу ВВОД для запуска. Для получения дополнительных сведений воспользуйтесь командой получения справки по специальным возможностям чата.", - "notebook.moreExecuteActionsLabel": "Дополнительно...", - "remove": "Удалить" + "notebook.moreExecuteActionsLabel": "Дополнительно..." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatListRenderer": { "chatConfirmationAction": "выбрано \"{0}\"", @@ -5636,6 +5726,7 @@ "chatCommandSticky": "Выполняет ли вызов команды перевод чата в постоянный режим, в котором команда автоматически добавляется во входные данные чата для следующего сообщения.", "chatCommandWhen": "Условие, которое должно иметь значение true, чтобы включить эту команду.", "chatCommandsDescription": "Доступные команды для этого участника чата, которые пользователь может вызывать с помощью \"/\".", + "chatEditing.viewContainer.label": "Copilot Edits", "chatFailErrorMessage": "Не удалось загрузить чат, поскольку установленная версия расширения {0} несовместима с этой версией {1}. Убедитесь, что расширение чата GitHub Copilot обновлено до последней версии.", "chatParticipantDescription": "Описание этого участника чата, отображаемое в пользовательском интерфейсе.", "chatParticipantDisambiguation": "Метаданные для помощи с автоматической маршрутизацией вопросов пользователей к этому участнику чата.", @@ -5645,14 +5736,18 @@ "chatParticipantFullName": "Полное имя участника чата, отображаемое в качестве метки для ответов, поступающих от этого участника. Если не предоставлено, используется {0}.", "chatParticipantId": "Уникальный идентификатор этого участника чата.", "chatParticipantName": "Имя этого участника чата, демонстрируемое пользователю. Пользователь будет использовать \"@\" с этим именем для вызова участника. Имя не должно содержать пробелы.", - "chatParticipantSupportsToolReferences": "Поддерживает ли этот участник {0}.", "chatParticipantWhen": "Условие, которое должно иметь значение true, чтобы включить этого участника.", "chatSampleRequest": "Когда пользователь щелкает этого участника в \"/help\", этот текст отправляется участнику.", "showExtension": "Показать расширение", "vscode.extension.contributes.chatParticipant": "Добавляет участника чата" }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatPasteProviders": { + "pastedImageName": "Pasted Image" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatWidget": { - "chatWidget.tips": "{0}, чтобы вложить контекст\r\n\r\n{1}, чтобы общаться в чате с расширениями" + "chatWidget.tips": "{0} or type {1} to attach context\r\n\r\n{2} to chat with extensions\r\n\r\nType {3} to use commands", + "chatWidget.tips.withoutParticipants": "{0} or type {1} to attach context", + "scrollDownButtonLabel": "Scroll down" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/codeBlockPart": { "chat.codeBlock.toolbar": "Панель инструментов блока кода", @@ -5675,14 +5770,29 @@ "allFilesDescription": "Поиск релевантных файлов в рабочей области и предоставление контекста на их основе" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/contrib/chatInputCompletions": { + "installLabel": "Install Chat Extensions...", "pickFileLabel": "Выберите файл" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/contrib/chatInputEditorHover": { "hoverAccessibilityChatAgent": "Здесь есть часть наведения агента чата." }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/contrib/screenshot": { + "screenshot": "Screenshot" + }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/languageModelToolsService": { + "toolInvocationMessage": "Using {0}" + }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/viewsWelcome/chatViewsWelcomeContributions": { + "chatViewsWelcome.content": "The content of the welcome message. The first command link will be rendered as a button.", + "chatViewsWelcome.icon": "The icon for the welcome message.", + "chatViewsWelcome.title": "The title of the welcome message.", + "chatViewsWelcome.when": "Condition when the welcome message is shown.", + "vscode.extension.contributes.chatViewsWelcome": "Contributes a welcome message to a chat view" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/chatColors": { "chat.avatarBackground": "Цвет фона аватара чата.", "chat.avatarForeground": "Цвет переднего плана аватара чата.", + "chat.editedFileForeground": "The foreground color of a chat edited file in the edited file list.", "chat.requestBackground": "Цвет фона в запросе на чат.", "chat.requestBorder": "Цвет границы в запросе на чат.", "chat.slashCommandBackground": "Цвет фона команды с косой чертой чата.", @@ -5690,13 +5800,15 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/chatContextKeys": { "chatEditApplied": "ИСТИНА, если применены изменения текста чата.", + "chatEditingParticipantRegistered": "True when a default chat participant is registered for editing.", "chatExtensionInvalid": "ИСТИНА, когда установленное расширение чата недействительно и его необходимо обновить.", + "chatHasFileAttachments": "True when the chat has file attachments.", + "chatInstallEntitled": "True when the user is entitled for chat installation.", "chatIsEnabled": "ИСТИНА, когда чат включен, поскольку участник чата по умолчанию активирован с помощью реализации.", "chatItemId": "Идентификатор элемента чата.", "chatLastItemId": "Идентификатор последнего элемента чата.", "chatModelsAreUserSelectable": "Значение true, если пользователь может выбрать модель чата вручную.", "chatParticipantRegistered": "ИСТИНА, когда для панели зарегистрирован участник чата по умолчанию.", - "chatParticipantSupportsModelPicker": "Значение true, если текущий участник чата поддерживает выбор модели вручную.", "chatRequest": "Элемент чата является запросом", "chatResponse": "Элемент чата является ответом.", "chatResponseErrored": "Значение true, если ответ чата привел к ошибке.", @@ -5711,6 +5823,9 @@ "interactiveSessionRequestInProgress": "Значение true, если текущий запрос все еще выполняется.", "interactiveSessionResponseVote": "Если для ответа получен голос \"за\", настроено значение \"up\". Если получен голос \"против\", настроено значение \"down\". В противном случае — пустая строка." }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/chatEditingService": { + "chatEditingWidgetFileState": "The current state of the file in the chat editing widget" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/chatModel": { "codeCitation": "Обнаружен похожий код с 1 типом лицензии", "codeCitations": "Обнаружен похожий код с {0} типами лицензий", @@ -5732,26 +5847,20 @@ "Language Models": "Языковые модели", "languageModels": "Статистика использования языковых моделей этого расширения." }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/languageModelToolsService": { - "toolConfirmMessage": "{0} будет использовать {1}.", - "toolConfirmTitle": "Использовать {0}?", - "toolInvocationMessage": "Использование {0}" - }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/tools/languageModelToolsContribution": { - "canBeInvokedManually": "Может ли пользователь вызвать это средство вручную с помощью пользовательского интерфейса чата.", + "canBeReferencedInPrompt": "If true, this tool shows up as an attachment that the user can add manually to their request. Chat participants will receive the tool in {0}.", "condition": "Условие, которое должно быть выполнено для включения этого инструмента. Обратите внимание, что инструмент может быть вызван другим расширением, даже если его условие \"when\" ложно.", - "contentTypes": "Список типов контента, которые может вернуть этот инструмент. Необходимо, чтобы средства поддерживают \"text/plain\", что предполагается, даже если здесь не указано иное. Другим примером может служить contentType, экспортируемый библиотекой \"@vscode/prompt-tsx\".", - "icon": "Значок, представляющий это средство. Путь к файлу, объект с путями к файлам для темных и светлых тем или ссылка на значок темы, например \"\\$(zap)\"", + "icon": "An icon that represents this tool. Either a file path, an object with file paths for dark and light themes, or a theme icon reference, like `$(zap)`", "icon.dark": "Путь к значку, когда используется темная тема", "icon.light": "Путь к значку, когда используется светлая тема", - "parametersSchema": "Схема JSON для параметров, принимаемых этим средством.", - "requiresConfirmation": "Требуется ли этому инструменту подтверждение пользователя перед выполнением.", + "parametersSchema": "A JSON schema for the parameters this tool accepts. The parameters must be an object at the top level. A particular language model may not support all JSON schema features. See the documentation for the language model family you are using for more information.", "toolDisplayName": "Понятное человеку имя этого средства, которое можно использовать для описания в пользовательском интерфейсе.", - "toolId": "A unique id for this tool.", - "toolModelDescription": "Описание этого средства, которое может быть передано в языковую модель.", - "toolName": "Если {0} включено для этого инструмента, пользователь может использовать \"#\" с этим именем для вызова инструмента в запросе. В противном случае имя не требуется. Имя не должно содержать пробелы.", + "toolModelDescription": "A description of this tool that may be used by a language model to select it.", + "toolName": "A unique name for this tool. This name must be a globally unique identifier, and is also used as a name when presenting this tool to a language model.", + "toolName2": "If {0} is enabled for this tool, the user may use '#' with this name to invoke the tool in a query. Otherwise, the name is not required. Name must not contain whitespace.", + "toolTags": "A set of tags that roughly describe the tool's capabilities. A tool user may use these to filter the set of tools to just ones that are relevant for the task at hand, or they may want to pick a tag that can be used to identify just the tools contributed by this extension.", "toolUserDescription": "Описание этого инструмента, которое может демонстрироваться пользователю.", - "vscode.extension.contributes.tools": "Добавляет средство, которое может быть вызвано языковой моделью." + "vscode.extension.contributes.tools": "Contributes a tool that can be invoked by a language model in a chat session, or from a standalone command. Registered tools can be used by all extensions." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/voiceChatService": { "voiceChatInProgress": "Выполняется сеанс преобразования речи в текст для чата." @@ -5899,7 +6008,7 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/codeEditor/browser/saveParticipants": { "codeAction.apply": "Применение действия кода \"{0}\".", "codeaction": "Быстрые исправления", - "codeaction.get2": "Получение действий кода из \"{0}\" ([configure] ({1})).", + "codeaction.get2": "Getting code actions from {0} ([configure]({1})).", "formatting2": "Работает форматировщик \"{0}\" ([configure] ({1}))." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/codeEditor/browser/toggleColumnSelection": { @@ -6387,6 +6496,7 @@ "debug.gutterMiddleClickAction.none": "Не выполнять никаких действий.", "debug.gutterMiddleClickAction.triggeredBreakpoint": "Добавить триггерную точку останова.", "debug.hideLauncherWhileDebugging": "Скрывать элемент управления \"Начать отладку\" в заголовке в представлении \"Запуск и отладка\", когда отладка активна. Релевантно, только если элемент {0} не закреплен.", + "debug.hideSlowPreLaunchWarning": "Hide the warning shown when a `preLaunchTask` has been running for a while.", "debug.onTaskErrors": "Указывает действия, выполняемые при обнаружении ошибок после запуска preLaunchTask.", "debug.saveBeforeStart": "Управляет тем, какие редакторы необходимо сохранить перед началом сеанса отладки.", "debug.saveBeforeStart.allEditorsInActiveGroup": "Сохранить все редакторы в активной группе перед началом сеанса отладки.", @@ -8323,8 +8433,12 @@ "startWithCurrentLine": "Начать в редакторе с текущей строкой" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/inlineChat/browser/inlineChatSavingServiceImpl": { - "inlineChat": "Ожидание принятия или отмены изменений встроенного чата...", - "inlineChat.N": "Ожидание принятия или отмены изменений встроенного чата в редакторах ({0})..." + "config": "Always save with AI-generated changes without asking", + "detail": "AI-generated changes may be incorect and should be reviewed before saving.", + "discard": "Cancel", + "message.1": "Do you want to save the changes {0} made in {1}?", + "message.2": "Do you want to save the changes inline chat made in {0}?", + "save": "Save" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/inlineChat/browser/inlineChatWidget": { "aria-label": "Входные данные встроенного чата", @@ -8335,7 +8449,6 @@ "inlineChatClosed": "Закрытое мини-приложение встроенного чата" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/inlineChat/common/inlineChat": { - "acceptedOrDiscardBeforeSave": "Препятствуют ли сохранению ожидающие сеансы встроенного чата.", "accessibleDiffView": "Отображается ли средство просмотра различий для лиц с ограниченными возможностями для изменений во встроенном чате.", "accessibleDiffView.auto": "Средство просмотра различий для лиц с ограниченными возможностями поддерживает режим чтения с экрана.", "accessibleDiffView.off": "Средство просмотра различий для лиц с ограниченными возможностями всегда отключено.", @@ -8875,6 +8988,10 @@ "openLogsFolder": "Открыть папку журналов" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/markdown/browser/markdownSettingRenderer": { + "alreadysetBoolFalse": "\"{0}: {1}\" is already disabled", + "alreadysetBoolTrue": "\"{0}: {1}\" is already enabled", + "alreadysetNum": "\"{0}: {1}\" is already set to {2}", + "alreadysetString": "\"{0}: {1}\" is already set to \"{2}\"", "changeSettingTitle": "Просмотреть или изменить параметр", "copySettingId": "Копировать идентификатор параметра", "falseMessage": "Отключить \"{0}: {1}\"", @@ -9499,6 +9616,9 @@ "runCell": "Выполнить ячейку", "runCellsInSection": "Выполнить ячейки в выделенном фрагменте" }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/controller/variablesActions": { + "notebookActions.openVariablesView": "Variables" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/diff/diffComponents": { "hiddenCell": "{0} скрытая ячейка", "hiddenCells": "{0} скрытых ячеек", @@ -9924,7 +10044,7 @@ "name": "Производительность при запуске" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/performance/electron-sandbox/performance.contribution": { - "experimental.rendererProfiling": "Когда этот параметр включен, для медленных отрисовщиков автоматически применяется профилирование" + "experimental.rendererProfiling": "When enabled, slow renderers are automatically profiled." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/performance/electron-sandbox/startupProfiler": { "prof.detail": "Создайте вопрос и вручную прикрепите следующие файлы:\r\n{0}", @@ -10105,6 +10225,7 @@ "defaultOverriddenDetailsAriaLabel": "{0} переопределяет значение по умолчанию", "defaultOverriddenLabel": "Значение по умолчанию изменено", "defaultOverriddenLanguagesList": "Для {0} существуют значения по умолчанию для конкретного языка", + "experimentalLabel": "Experimental", "extensionSyncIgnoredLabel": "Не синхронизировано", "hasDefaultOverridesForLanguages": "Следующие языки содержат стандартные переопределения:", "manageWorkspaceTrust": "Управление доверием рабочей области", @@ -10117,6 +10238,7 @@ "policyDescriptionAccessible": "Управляется политикой организации. Значение параметра не применено", "policyFilterLink": "Просмотр параметров политики", "policyLabelText": "Значение параметра не применено", + "previewLabel": "Preview", "remote": "Удаленный", "syncIgnoredAriaLabel": "Параметр пропущен во время синхронизации", "syncIgnoredTitle": "Этот параметр игнорируется во время синхронизации", @@ -10250,6 +10372,10 @@ "groupRowAriaLabel": "{0}, группа", "settingsTOC": "Содержание по параметрам" }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/preferences/common/preferences": { + "experimentalIndicatorDescription": "This setting controls a feature that may change or be removed in the future. Adjusting this setting may result in instability.", + "previewIndicatorDescription": "This setting controls a feature that is in active development." + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/preferences/common/preferencesContribution": { "enableNaturalLanguageSettingsSearch": "Определяет, следует ли включить режим поиска естественного языка для параметров. Поиск на естественном языке обеспечивается веб-службой Майкрософт.", "settingsSearchTocBehavior": "Управляет поведением содержания редактора параметров при поиске. Если изменить этот параметр в редакторе настроек, он вступит в силу после изменения поискового запроса.", @@ -11707,31 +11833,20 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminal.contribution": { "miToggleIntegratedTerminal": "&&Терминал", - "tasksQuickAccessHelp": "Показать все открытые терминалы", - "tasksQuickAccessPlaceholder": "Введите имя терминала для открытия.", "terminal": "Терминал" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminalActions": { "emptyTerminalNameInfo": "Если имя не указано, оно будет сброшено до значения по умолчанию", - "goToRecentDirectory.metadata": "Переход к последней папке", "newWithProfile.location": "Место создания терминала", "newWithProfile.location.editor": "Создать терминал в редакторе", "newWithProfile.location.view": "Создать терминал в представлении терминала", "noUnattachedTerminals": "Нет неподключенных терминалов для подключения", - "quickAccessTerminal": "Переключить активный терминал", "sendSequence": "Последовательность текста для отправки в терминал", "showTerminalTabs": "Показать вкладки", "terminalLaunchHelp": "Открыть справку", "workbench.action.terminal.attachToSession": "Присоединение к сеансу", "workbench.action.terminal.clear": "Сброс", - "workbench.action.terminal.clearPreviousSessionHistory": "Очистить журнал предыдущего сеанса", "workbench.action.terminal.clearSelection": "Очистить выбранное", - "workbench.action.terminal.copyAndClearSelection": "Копировать и очистить выделенный фрагмент", - "workbench.action.terminal.copyLastCommand": "Копировать последнюю команду", - "workbench.action.terminal.copyLastCommandAndOutput": "Копировать последнюю команду и вывод", - "workbench.action.terminal.copyLastCommandOutput": "Копировать последний вывод команды", - "workbench.action.terminal.copySelection": "Скопировать выделение", - "workbench.action.terminal.copySelectionAsHtml": "Скопировать выделение как HTML", "workbench.action.terminal.createTerminalEditor": "Создать терминал в области редактора", "workbench.action.terminal.createTerminalEditorSide": "Создать терминал в области редактора сбоку", "workbench.action.terminal.detachSession": "Отключить сеанс", @@ -11740,7 +11855,6 @@ "workbench.action.terminal.focusNextPane": "Фокус Следующий терминал в группе терминалов", "workbench.action.terminal.focusPrevious": "Фокус Предыдущая группа терминалов", "workbench.action.terminal.focusPreviousPane": "Фокус Предыдущий терминал в группе терминалов", - "workbench.action.terminal.goToRecentDirectory": "Перейти к недавнему каталогу...", "workbench.action.terminal.join": "Присоединиться к терминалам...", "workbench.action.terminal.join.insufficientTerminals": "Недостаточно терминалов для действия присоединения", "workbench.action.terminal.join.onlySplits": "Все терминалы уже присоединены", @@ -11756,8 +11870,6 @@ "workbench.action.terminal.newWorkspacePlaceholder": "Выбрать текущий рабочий каталог для нового терминала", "workbench.action.terminal.openSettings": "Настроить параметры терминала", "workbench.action.terminal.overriddenCwdDescription": "(Переопределение) {0}", - "workbench.action.terminal.paste": "Вставить в активный терминал", - "workbench.action.terminal.pasteSelection": "Вставить выделение в активный терминал", "workbench.action.terminal.relaunch": "Перезапустить активный терминал", "workbench.action.terminal.rename.prompt": "Введите название терминала", "workbench.action.terminal.renameWithArg.name": "Новое название терминала", @@ -11768,7 +11880,6 @@ "workbench.action.terminal.resizePaneUp": "Изменить размер терминала вверх", "workbench.action.terminal.runActiveFile": "Запуск активного файла в активном терминале", "workbench.action.terminal.runActiveFile.noFile": "Только файлы на диске можно запустить в терминале", - "workbench.action.terminal.runRecentCommand": "Запустить недавнюю команду...", "workbench.action.terminal.runSelectedText": "Запуск выбранного текста в активном терминале", "workbench.action.terminal.scrollDown": "Прокрутить вниз (построчно)", "workbench.action.terminal.scrollDownPage": "Прокрутить вниз (на страницу)", @@ -11878,20 +11989,6 @@ "unsafePathWarning": "Этот профиль терминала использует потенциально небезопасный путь, который может быть изменен другим пользователем: {0}. Вы действительно хотите его использовать?", "yes": "Да" }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminalQuickAccess": { - "renameTerminal": "Переименовать терминал", - "workbench.action.terminal.newWithProfilePlus": "Создать терминал с профилем...", - "workbench.action.terminal.newplus": "Создать терминал" - }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminalRunRecentQuickPick": { - "removeCommand": "Удалить из журнала команд", - "selectRecentCommand": "Выберите команду для выполнения (для изменения команды удерживайте клавишу ALT)", - "selectRecentCommandMac": "Выберите команду для выполнения (для изменения команды удерживайте клавишу OPTION)", - "selectRecentDirectory": "Выберите каталог для перехода (удерживайте клавишу ALT, чтобы изменить команду)", - "selectRecentDirectoryMac": "Выберите каталог для перехода (удерживайте клавишу OPTION, чтобы изменить команду)", - "shellFileHistoryCategory": "Журнал {0}", - "viewCommandOutput": "Просмотреть выходные данные команды" - }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminalService": { "localTerminalRemote": "Эта оболочка запущена на {0}локальном{1} компьютере, а не на подключенном удаленном компьютере", "localTerminalVirtualWorkspace": "Эта оболочка открыта в {0}локальной{1} папке, а не в виртуальной папке.", @@ -11924,10 +12021,6 @@ "terminalConnectingLabel": "Выполняется запуск…", "terminals": "Открыть терминалы." }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminalWslRecommendationContribution": { - "install": "Установить", - "useWslExtension.title": "Для открытия терминала в WSL рекомендуется использовать расширение \"{0}\"." - }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/xterm/decorationAddon": { "gutter": "Оформление команд переплета", "no": "Нет", @@ -11966,13 +12059,6 @@ "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.types.icon.dark": "Путь к значку, когда используется темная тема", "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.types.icon.light": "Путь к значку, когда используется светлая тема" }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/common/terminalClipboard": { - "confirmMoveTrashMessageFilesAndDirectories": "Действительно вставить строки текста ({0}) в терминал?", - "doNotAskAgain": "Не спрашивать снова", - "multiLinePasteButton": "&&Вставить", - "multiLinePasteButton.oneLine": "Вставить как &&одну строку", - "preview": "Предварительный просмотр:" - }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/common/terminalColorRegistry": { "terminal.ansiColor": "Цвет ANSI \"{0}\" в терминале.", "terminal.background": "Цвет фона терминала. С его помощью можно указать цвет терминала, отличный от цвета панели.", @@ -12017,8 +12103,6 @@ "terminal.integrated.allowMnemonics": "Указывает, разрешено ли использовать назначенные клавиши строки меню (например, ALT+F) для активации открытия строки меню. Обратите внимание, что при указании значения \"true\" все сочетания клавиш с ALT будут пропускать оболочку. Этот параметр не применяется в macOS.", "terminal.integrated.allowedLinkSchemes": "Массив строк, содержащих схемы URI, для которых терминалу разрешено открывать ссылки. По умолчанию разрешено лишь небольшое подмножество возможных схем. Это обусловлено соображениями безопасности.", "terminal.integrated.altClickMovesCursor": "Если включено, сочетание клавиш ALT/OPTION + щелчок перемещает курсор подсказки под мышь, когда для {0} установлено значение {1} (значение по умолчанию). В некоторых оболочках функция может работать ненадежно.", - "terminal.integrated.autoReplies": "Набор сообщений, при обнаружении которых в терминале будет отправляться автоматический ответ. Если сообщение достаточно конкретное, это поможет автоматизировать обработку типичных ответов.\r\n\r\nПримечания:\r\n\r\n– Используйте {0} для автоматического ответа на запрос завершения пакетного задания в Windows.\r\n– Сообщение содержит escape-последовательности, поэтому ответ может не работать для стилизованного текста.\r\n– Каждый ответ отправляется не более одного раза в секунду.\r\n– Используйте {1} в ответе для обозначения клавиши ВВОД.\r\n– Чтобы удалить клавишу по умолчанию, задайте значение NULL.\r\n– Перезапустите VS Code, если новые параметры не применены.", - "terminal.integrated.autoReplies.reply": "Ответ для отправки в процесс.", "terminal.integrated.bellDuration": "Количество миллисекунд, в течение которого на вкладке терминала отображается колокольчик при ее запуске.", "terminal.integrated.commandsToSkipShell": "Набор идентификаторов команд, настраиваемые сочетания клавиш которых не будут передаваться в оболочку, а вместо этого будут всегда обрабатываться VS Code. Это позволяет использовать настраиваемые сочетания клавиш, которые при обычных условиях были бы использованы оболочкой и работали бы также, как если бы терминал не имел фокуса, например, клавиши \"CTRL+P\" запускали бы Quick Open.\r\n\r\n \r\n\r\nМногие команды по умолчанию пропускаются. Чтобы переопределить значение по умолчанию и передать настраиваемое сочетание клавиш этой команды в оболочку, добавьте команду с префиксом \"-\". Например, добавьте \"-workbench.action.quickOpen\", чтобы сочетание клавиш \"CTRL+P\" было направлено в оболочку.\r\n\r\n \r\n\r\nСледующий список команд, пропускаемых по умолчанию, обрезается при просмотре в Редакторе параметров. Чтобы просмотреть полный список, {1} и выполните поиск первой команды из списка ниже.\r\n\r\n \r\n\r\nКоманды, пропускаемые по умолчанию:\r\n\r\n{0}", "terminal.integrated.confirmOnExit": "Определяет, следует ли подтверждать закрытие окна, если есть активные сеансы терминала.", @@ -12107,7 +12191,6 @@ "terminal.integrated.shellIntegration.decorationsEnabled.never": "Не показывать оформление", "terminal.integrated.shellIntegration.decorationsEnabled.overviewRuler": "Показать оформление обзорной линейки справа от терминала", "terminal.integrated.shellIntegration.enabled": "Определяет, будет ли автоматически внедрена интеграция с оболочкой для поддержки таких функций, как расширенное отслеживание команд и обнаружение текущего рабочего каталога. \r\n\r\nИнтеграция с оболочкой работает путем внедрения в оболочку сценария запуска. Сценарий передает VS Code сведения о том, что происходит в терминале.\r\n\r\nПоддерживаемые оболочки:\r\n\r\n– Linux/macOS: bash, fish, pwsh, zsh\r\n - Windows: pwsh, git bash\r\n\r\nЭтот параметр применяется только при создании терминалов, поэтому потребуется перезапустить терминалы, чтобы он вступил в силу.\r\n\r\n Обратите внимание, что внедрение сценария может не работать, если вы определили пользовательские аргументы в профиле терминала, включили{1}, используете [complex bash `PROMPT_COMMAND`](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/integrated-terminal#_complex-bash- promptcommand) или другие неподдерживаемые параметры. Чтобы отключить оформление, см.{0}", - "terminal.integrated.shellIntegration.history": "Управляет количеством недавно использованных команд, которые следует хранить в журнале команд терминала. Установите значение 0, чтобы отключить журнал команд.", "terminal.integrated.showExitAlert": "Определяет, следует ли показывать предупреждение \"Процесс терминала завершен с кодом выхода\", если код выхода не равен нулю.", "terminal.integrated.smoothScrolling": "Определяет, будет ли использоваться анимация при прокрутке содержимого терминала", "terminal.integrated.splitCwd": "Управляет рабочим каталогом, с которого начинает работу разделенный терминал.", @@ -12229,6 +12312,10 @@ "terminal.integrated.accessibleViewFocusOnCommandExecution": "Фокус на представлении терминала, доступном при выполнении команды.", "terminal.integrated.accessibleViewPreserveCursorPosition": "Сохранять положение курсора при повторном открытии доступного представления терминала, а не устанавливать его в нижнюю часть буфера." }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/autoReplies/common/terminalAutoRepliesConfiguration": { + "terminal.integrated.autoReplies": "A set of messages that, when encountered in the terminal, will be automatically responded to. Provided the message is specific enough, this can help automate away common responses.\r\n\r\nRemarks:\r\n\r\n- Use {0} to automatically respond to the terminate batch job prompt on Windows.\r\n- The message includes escape sequences so the reply might not happen with styled text.\r\n- Each reply can only happen once every second.\r\n- Use {1} in the reply to mean the enter key.\r\n- To unset a default key, set the value to null.\r\n- Restart VS Code if new don't apply.", + "terminal.integrated.autoReplies.reply": "The reply to send to the process." + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/chat/browser/terminal.initialHint.contribution": { "disableHint": " Переключите {0} в параметрах, чтобы отключить это указание.", "disableInitialHint": "Отключить начальное указание", @@ -12268,8 +12355,6 @@ "closeChat": "Закрыть чат", "discard": "Удалить", "discardDescription": "Отмена текущего ответа в чате терминала, скрытие мини-приложения чата и очистка входных данных чата.", - "focusTerminalInput": "Ввод терминала фокуса", - "focusTerminalResponse": "Фокус на ответе терминала", "insert": "Вставить", "insertCommand": "Вставить команду чата", "insertFirst": "Вставить первым", @@ -12291,6 +12376,23 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/chat/common/terminalInitialHintConfiguration": { "terminal.integrated.initialHint": "Определяет, будет ли первый терминал без ввода отображать указание о доступных действиях, когда он находится в фокусе." }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/clipboard/browser/terminal.clipboard.contribution": { + "workbench.action.terminal.copyAndClearSelection": "Copy and Clear Selection", + "workbench.action.terminal.copyLastCommand": "Copy Last Command", + "workbench.action.terminal.copyLastCommandAndOutput": "Copy Last Command and Output", + "workbench.action.terminal.copyLastCommandOutput": "Copy Last Command Output", + "workbench.action.terminal.copySelection": "Copy Selection", + "workbench.action.terminal.copySelectionAsHtml": "Copy Selection as HTML", + "workbench.action.terminal.paste": "Paste into Active Terminal", + "workbench.action.terminal.pasteSelection": "Paste Selection into Active Terminal" + }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/clipboard/browser/terminalClipboard": { + "confirmMoveTrashMessageFilesAndDirectories": "Are you sure you want to paste {0} lines of text into the terminal?", + "doNotAskAgain": "Do not ask me again", + "multiLinePasteButton": "&&Paste", + "multiLinePasteButton.oneLine": "Paste as &&one line", + "preview": "Preview:" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/commandGuide/browser/terminal.commandGuide.contribution": { "terminalCommandGuide.foreground": "Цвет переднего плана руководства по командам терминала, которое отображается слева от команды, а его выходные данные — при наведении курсора." }, @@ -12330,6 +12432,24 @@ "selectAll": "Выбрать все", "undo": "Отменить" }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/history/browser/terminal.history.contribution": { + "goToRecentDirectory.metadata": "Goes to a recent folder", + "workbench.action.terminal.clearPreviousSessionHistory": "Clear Previous Session History", + "workbench.action.terminal.goToRecentDirectory": "Go to Recent Directory...", + "workbench.action.terminal.runRecentCommand": "Run Recent Command..." + }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/history/browser/terminalRunRecentQuickPick": { + "removeCommand": "Remove from Command History", + "selectRecentCommand": "Select a command to run (hold Alt-key to edit the command)", + "selectRecentCommandMac": "Select a command to run (hold Option-key to edit the command)", + "selectRecentDirectory": "Select a directory to go to (hold Alt-key to edit the command)", + "selectRecentDirectoryMac": "Select a directory to go to (hold Option-key to edit the command)", + "shellFileHistoryCategory": "{0} history", + "viewCommandOutput": "View Command Output" + }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/history/common/terminal.history": { + "terminal.integrated.shellIntegration.history": "Controls the number of recently used commands to keep in the terminal command history. Set to 0 to disable terminal command history." + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/links/browser/terminal.links.contribution": { "workbench.action.terminal.openDetectedLink": "Открыть обнаруженную ссылку…", "workbench.action.terminal.openLastLocalFileLink": "Открыть последнюю ссылку на локальный файл", @@ -12361,6 +12481,16 @@ "terminal.integrated.searchLinks": "Поиск рабочей области", "terminal.integrated.urlLinks": "URL-адрес" }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/quickAccess/browser/terminal.quickAccess.contribution": { + "quickAccessTerminal": "Switch Active Terminal", + "tasksQuickAccessHelp": "Show All Opened Terminals", + "tasksQuickAccessPlaceholder": "Type the name of a terminal to open." + }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/quickAccess/browser/terminalQuickAccess": { + "renameTerminal": "Rename Terminal", + "workbench.action.terminal.newWithProfilePlus": "Create New Terminal With Profile...", + "workbench.action.terminal.newplus": "Create New Terminal" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/quickFix/browser/quickFixAddon": { "codeAction.widget.id.quickfix": "Быстрое исправление", "quickFix.command": "Запустить: {0}", @@ -12432,6 +12562,10 @@ "terminal.integrated.localEchoLatencyThreshold": "Задержка сети в миллисекундах, при которой локальные изменения будут выводиться в терминале, не дожидаясь подтверждения сервера. При значении \"0\" локальный вывод всегда включен, при \"-1\" — отключен.", "terminal.integrated.localEchoStyle": "Стиль локального вывода текста в терминале: начертание шрифта или цвет RGB." }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/wslRecommendation/browser/terminal.wslRecommendation.contribution": { + "install": "Install", + "useWslExtension.title": "The '{0}' extension is recommended for opening a terminal in WSL." + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/zoom/browser/terminal.zoom.contribution": { "fontZoomIn": "Увеличить размер шрифта", "fontZoomOut": "Уменьшить размер шрифта", @@ -12688,10 +12822,12 @@ "openTestCoverage": "Просмотреть охват теста", "run test": "Запуск теста", "testing.cancelRun": "Отменить тестовый запуск", - "testing.debugLastRun": "Отладка тестового запуска", + "testing.debugLastRun": "Debug Last Run", + "testing.debugTest": "Debug Test", "testing.goToError": "Перейти к ошибке", "testing.goToTest": "Перейти к тесту", - "testing.reRunLastRun": "Повторно выполнить тестовый запуск", + "testing.reRunLastRun": "Rerun Last Run", + "testing.reRunTest": "Rerun Test", "testing.revealInExplorer": "Открыть в Обозревателе тестов", "testing.showResultOutput": "Показать выходные данные результатов", "testingPeekLabel": "Сообщения результатов теста" @@ -13005,6 +13141,7 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/userDataProfile/browser/userDataProfile": { "New Profile Window": "Новое окно с профилем", + "change profile": "Switch to {0} profile", "create profile": "Создать профиль...", "current": "Текущий", "delete profile": "Удалить профиль…", @@ -13016,10 +13153,12 @@ "new window with profile": "Новое окно с профилем", "newWindowWithProfile": "Новое окно с профилем...", "open": "Открыть профиль {0}", + "open profile": "Open New Window with {0} Profile", "open profiles": "Открыть профили (пользовательский интерфейс)", "openShort": "{0}", "pick profile": "Выберите профиль", "pick profile to delete": "Выберите профили для удаления", + "profiles": "Profile ({0})", "save profile as": "Сохранить текущий профиль как...", "selectProfile": "Выберите профиль", "switchProfile": "Переключить профиль…", @@ -13053,6 +13192,7 @@ "default profile contents description": "Просмотр содержимого этого профиля\r\n", "defaultProfileIcon": "Невозможно изменить значок профиля по умолчанию", "defaultProfileName": "Невозможно изменить имя профиля по умолчанию", + "deleteTrustedUri": "Delete Path", "editIcon": "Значок для значка изменения папки в редакторе профилей.", "empty profile": "Нет", "enable for current window": "Использовать этот профиль для текущего окна", @@ -13090,6 +13230,7 @@ "profileName": "Имя профиля", "profiles": "Профили", "profilesSashBorder": "Цвет границы sash раздельного представления в редакторе профилей.", + "removeIcon": "Icon for the remove folder icon in the profiles editor.", "settings": "Параметры", "snippets": "Фрагменты", "tasks": "Задачи", @@ -13406,7 +13547,8 @@ "gettingStartedUnchecked": "Используется для представления пошаговых действий, которые не были выполнены" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcomeGettingStarted/browser/gettingStartedInput": { - "getStarted": "Приветствие" + "getStarted": "Приветствие", + "walkthroughPageTitle": "Walkthrough: " }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcomeGettingStarted/browser/gettingStartedService": { "builtin": "Встроенный", @@ -13438,6 +13580,7 @@ "gettingStarted.accessibleView.title": "Пользователи средства чтения с экрана могут просматривать контент строка за строкой, символ за символом в доступном виде.", "gettingStarted.beginner.description": "Получите обзор наиболее важных функций", "gettingStarted.beginner.title": "Изучение основ", + "gettingStarted.beginner.walkthroughPageTitle": "Essential Features", "gettingStarted.codeFolding.description.interpolated": "Сверните или разверните блок кода с помощью команды переключения свертывания.\r\n{0}\r\n Выполняйте свертывание или развертывание рекурсивно с помощью команды рекурсивного переключения свертывания.\r\n{1}\r\n", "gettingStarted.codeFolding.title": "Используйте свертывание кода, чтобы свернуть блоки кода и сосредоточиться на интересующем вас коде.", "gettingStarted.commandPalette.description.interpolated": "Выполняйте команды, не касаясь мыши, чтобы выполнить любую задачу в VS Code.\r\n{0}", @@ -13466,6 +13609,7 @@ "gettingStarted.newFile.description": "Открытие нового текстового файла без названия, записной книжки или специализированного редактора.", "gettingStarted.newFile.title": "Создать файл…", "gettingStarted.notebook.title": "Настройка записных книг", + "gettingStarted.notebook.walkthroughPageTitle": "Notebooks", "gettingStarted.notebookProfile.description": "Вы можете получить доступ к записным книжкам, как вы предпочитаете", "gettingStarted.notebookProfile.title": "Выбор макета для записных книжек", "gettingStarted.openFile.description": "Открыть файл, чтобы начать работу", @@ -13491,10 +13635,13 @@ "gettingStarted.setup.OpenFolderWeb.description.interpolated": "Все готово к написанию кода. Вы можете открыть локальный проект или удаленный репозиторий, чтобы получить файлы в VS Code.\r\n{0}\r\n{1}", "gettingStarted.setup.description": "Настройте свой редактор, изучите основы и начните программировать", "gettingStarted.setup.title": "Начало работы с VS Code", + "gettingStarted.setup.walkthroughPageTitle": "Setup VS Code", "gettingStarted.setupAccessibility.description": "Узнайте об инструментах и сочетаниях клавиш для поддержки специальных возможностей в VS Code. Обратите внимание, что некоторые действия невозможно выполнить в контексте пошагового руководства.", "gettingStarted.setupAccessibility.title": "Начало работы с функциями специальных возможностей", + "gettingStarted.setupAccessibility.walkthroughPageTitle": "Setup VS Code Accessibility", "gettingStarted.setupWeb.description": "Настройте свой редактор, изучите основы и начните программировать", "gettingStarted.setupWeb.title": "Начало работы с VS Code в Интернете", + "gettingStarted.setupWeb.walkthroughPageTitle": "Setup VS Code Web", "gettingStarted.shortcuts.description.interpolated": "Обнаружив свои любимые команды, создайте настраиваемые сочетания клавиш для быстрого доступа.\r\n{0}", "gettingStarted.shortcuts.title": "Настройка сочетания клавиш", "gettingStarted.tasks.description.interpolated": "Создавайте задачи для общих рабочих процессов и пользуйтесь интегрированными возможностями запуска сценариев и автоматической проверкой результатов.\r\n{0}", @@ -13768,7 +13915,6 @@ "editorLineNumberContext": "Контекстное меню номера строки внесшего вклад редактора", "file.newFile": "Параметр быстрого выбора \"Создать файл…\", показанный на странице приветствия и в меню \"Файл\".", "inlineCompletions.actions": "Действия, отображаемые при наведении указателя на встроенное завершение", - "inlineEdit.actions": "Действия, отображаемые при наведении курсора на встроенную правку", "interactive.cell.title": "Меню заголовка добавленной интерактивной ячейки", "interactive.toolbar": "Меню добавленной интерактивной панели инструментов", "issue.reporter": "Меню \"Сообщить о проблеме\"", @@ -14310,7 +14456,12 @@ "startBisect": "Начать разделение расширения пополам" }, "vs/workbench/services/files/electron-sandbox/diskFileSystemProvider": { - "fileWatcher": "Наблюдатель файлов" + "fileWatcher": "File Watcher" + }, + "vs/workbench/services/files/electron-sandbox/elevatedFileService": { + "fileNotTrusted": "Workspace is not trusted.", + "fileNotTrustedMessagePosix": "You are about to save '{0}' as super user.", + "fileNotTrustedMessageWindows": "You are about to save '{0}' as admin." }, "vs/workbench/services/filesConfiguration/common/filesConfigurationService": { "configuredReadonly": "Редактор доступен только для чтения, поскольку в параметрах для файла установлен режим только для чтения. [Нажмите здесь](command:{0}), чтобы настроить или [переключить этот сеанс](command:{1}).", @@ -14602,6 +14753,10 @@ "vs/workbench/services/textfile/common/textFileEditorModelManager": { "genericSaveError": "Не удалось сохранить ресурс \"{0}\": {1}" }, + "vs/workbench/services/textfile/common/textFileSaveParticipant": { + "saveParticipants1": "Running Code Actions and Formatters...", + "skip": "Skip" + }, "vs/workbench/services/textfile/electron-sandbox/nativeTextFileService": { "join.textFiles": "Сохранение текстовых файлов" }, @@ -14713,7 +14868,7 @@ "schema.folderNamesExpanded": "Сопоставляет имена папок со значками для развернутых папок. Ключ объекта — имя папки, не включая сегменты пути. Не допускается использование шаблонов или подстановочных знаков. Имена папок сопоставляются без учета регистра.", "schema.font-format": "Формат шрифта.", "schema.font-path": "Путь к шрифту, задаваемый относительно текущего файла с темами значков файлов.", - "schema.font-size": "Размер шрифта по умолчанию. Допустимые значения см. на странице https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/font-size.", + "schema.font-size": "The default size of the font. We strongly recommend using a percentage value, for example: 125%.", "schema.font-style": "Стиль шрифта. Допустимые значения см. на странице https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/font-style.", "schema.font-weight": "Насыщенность шрифта. Допустимые значения см. на странице https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/font-weight.", "schema.fontCharacter": "При использовании шрифта с глифами: используемый символ в шрифте.", @@ -15042,6 +15197,10 @@ "vs/workbench/services/workingCopy/common/storedFileWorkingCopyManager": { "join.fileWorkingCopyManager": "Сохранение рабочих копий" }, + "vs/workbench/services/workingCopy/common/storedFileWorkingCopySaveParticipant": { + "saveParticipants1": "Running Code Actions and Formatters...", + "skip": "Skip" + }, "vs/workbench/services/workingCopy/common/workingCopyHistoryService": { "default.source": "Файл сохранен", "join.workingCopyHistory": "Сохранение локального журнала", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-tr/translations/extensions/vscode.git.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-tr/translations/extensions/vscode.git.i18n.json index 7f39f86634..252106206b 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-tr/translations/extensions/vscode.git.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-tr/translations/extensions/vscode.git.i18n.json @@ -161,6 +161,7 @@ "Open": "Aç", "Open Commit": "Commit İşlemini Aç", "Open Comparison": "Karşılaştırmayı Aç", + "Open File": "Open File", "Open Git Log": "Git Günlüğünü Aç", "Open Merge": "Birleştirmeyi Aç", "Open Repositories In Parent Folders": "Depoları Üst Klasörlerde Açma", @@ -267,6 +268,7 @@ "There are {0} unsaved files.\n\nWould you like to save them before stashing?": "{0} kaydedilmemiş dosya var.\n\nGeçici olarak kaydetmeden önce dosyaları kaydetmek ister misiniz?", "There are {0} untracked files which will be DELETED FROM DISK if discarded.": "Atılması halinde DİSKTEN SİLİNECEK {0} izlenmeyen dosya var.", "There were merge conflicts while applying the stash.": "Geçici kayıt uygulanırken birleştirme çakışmaları vardı.", + "There were merge conflicts while cherry picking the changes. Resolve the conflicts before committing them.": "There were merge conflicts while cherry picking the changes. Resolve the conflicts before committing them.", "This action will pull and push commits from and to \"{0}/{1}\".": "Bu eylem, işlemeleri \"{0}/{1}\" öğesinden çeker ve geri gönderir.", "This repository has no remotes configured to fetch from.": "Bu depoda getirilecek şekilde yapılandırılmış uzak depo yok.", "This will DELETE {0} untracked files!\nThis is IRREVERSIBLE!\nThese files will be FOREVER LOST.": "This will DELETE {0} untracked files!\nThis is IRREVERSIBLE!\nThese files will be FOREVER LOST.", @@ -356,6 +358,7 @@ "command.checkoutDetached": "Şurada kullanıma al (Ayrıldı)...", "command.checkoutRefDetached": "Kullanıma Alma (Ayrıldı)", "command.cherryPick": "Tek Tek Seç...", + "command.cherryPickAbort": "Abort Cherry Pick", "command.cherryPickRef": "Tek Tek Seç", "command.clean": "Değişiklikleri At", "command.cleanAll": "Tüm Değişiklikleri At", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-tr/translations/extensions/vscode.github-authentication.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-tr/translations/extensions/vscode.github-authentication.i18n.json index 6fd885e82d..39436c63fe 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-tr/translations/extensions/vscode.github-authentication.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-tr/translations/extensions/vscode.github-authentication.i18n.json @@ -16,8 +16,6 @@ "Having trouble logging in? Would you like to try a different way? ({0})": "Oturum açarken sorun mu yaşıyorsunuz? Farklı bir yöntem denemek ister misiniz? ({0})", "No": "Hayır", "Open [{0}]({0}) in a new tab and paste your one-time code: {1}/The [{0}]({0}) will be a url and the {1} will be a code, e.g. 123-456{Locked=\"[{0}]({0})\"}": "[{0}]({0}) öğesini yeni bir sekmede açın ve bir kerelik kodunuzu yapıştırın: {1}", - "Please reload the window to apply the new setting.": "Yeni ayarı uygulamak için lütfen pencereyi yeniden yükleyin.", - "Reload Window": "Pencereyi Yeniden Yükle", "Sign in failed: {0}": "Oturum açılamadı: {0}", "Sign out failed: {0}": "Oturum kapatılamadı: {0}", "Signing in to {0}.../The {0} will be a url, e.g. github.com": "{0} üzerinde oturum açılıyor...", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-tr/translations/extensions/vscode.ipynb.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-tr/translations/extensions/vscode.ipynb.i18n.json index 499a53afd7..e290c2bebe 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-tr/translations/extensions/vscode.ipynb.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-tr/translations/extensions/vscode.ipynb.i18n.json @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ "copyCellOutput.title": "Hücre Çıktısını Kopyala", "description": "Jupyter'in .ipynb not defteri dosyalarını açmak ve okumak için temel desteği sağlar", "displayName": ".ipynb Desteği", - "ipynb.experimental.serialization": "Jupyter not defterini bir çalışan iş parçacığında serileştirmeye yönelik deneysel özellik. Uzantı ana bilgisayarı bir web çalışanı olarak çalışırken desteklenmez.", + "ipynb.experimental.serialization": "Experimental feature to serialize the Jupyter notebook in a worker thread.", "ipynb.pasteImagesAsAttachments.enabled": "ipynb not defteri dosyalarında Markdown hücrelerine resim yapıştırmayı etkinleştirin/devre dışı bırakın. Yapıştırılan resimler hücreye ek olarak eklenir.", "markdownAttachmentRenderer.displayName": "Markdown-It ipynb Hücre Eki işleyicisi", "newUntitledIpynb.shortTitle": "Jupyter Notebook", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-tr/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-tr/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json index cfede70159..3a02480ee4 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-tr/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-tr/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json @@ -87,6 +87,8 @@ "Please report an issue against Yarn PnP": "Lütfen sorunu Yarn PnP’ye bildirin", "Please update your TypeScript version": "Lütfen TypeScript sürümünüzü güncelleştirin", "Project Wide IntelliSense not available": "Project Wide IntelliSense kullanılamıyor", + "Related files provider failed. Copilot requested file with unsupported language mode.": "Related files provider failed. Copilot requested file with unsupported language mode.", + "Related files provider failed. No active text editor.": "Related files provider failed. No active text editor.", "Remove Unused Imports": "Kullanılmayan İçeri Aktarmaları Kaldır", "Remove all unused code": "Tüm kullanılmayan kodları kaldır", "Report Issue": "Sorun Raporla", @@ -196,12 +198,14 @@ "configuration.tsserver.useSyntaxServer.auto": "Hem tam bir sunucu hem de sözdizimi işlemlerine ayrılmış daha hafif bir sunucu oluşturun. Sözdizimi sunucusu, sözdizimi işlemlerini hızlandırmak ve projeler yüklenirken IntelliSense sağlamak için kullanılır.", "configuration.tsserver.useSyntaxServer.never": "Ayrılmış bir sözdizimi sunucusu kullanmayın. Tüm IntelliSense işlemlerini yürütmek için tek sunucu kullanın.", "configuration.tsserver.useVsCodeWatcher": "TypeScript'in yerine VS Code'un dosya izleyicilerini kullanın. Çalışma alanında TypeScript 5.4+ kullanmayı gerektirir.", + "configuration.tsserver.useVsCodeWatcher.deprecation": "Please use the `#typescript.tsserver.watchOptions#` setting instead.", "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions": "Dosyaları ve dizinleri takip etmek için hangi izleme stratejilerinin kullanılması gerektiğini yapılandırın.", "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions.fallbackPolling": "Bu seçenek, dosya sistemi olayları kullanılırken, sistemde yerel dosya izleyicileri tükendiğinde ve/veya sistem yerel dosya izleyicilerini desteklemediğinde kullanılan yoklama stratejisini belirtir.", "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions.fallbackPolling.dynamicPriorityPolling ": "Daha az değiştirilen dosyaların daha az sıklıkta denetlendiği bir dinamik kuyruk kullanın.", "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions.fallbackPolling.fixedPollingInterval": "Her dosyayı sabit bir zaman aralığında saniyede birkaç kez değişiklikler için denetleyin.", "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions.fallbackPolling.priorityPollingInterval": "Her dosyayı saniyede birkaç kez değişiklikler için denetleyin, ancak bazı dosya türlerini diğerlerine göre daha az sıklıkla denetlemek için buluşsal yöntemleri kullanın.", "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions.synchronousWatchDirectory": "Dizinlerde ertelenmiş izlemeyi devre dışı bırakın. Çok sayıda dosya değişikliği aynı anda gerçekleşebildiğinde ertelenmiş izleme yararlıdır (örneğin npm yüklemesinden node_modules içindeki bir değişiklik), ancak daha az yaygın kurulumlar için bu bayrağı devre dışı bırakmak isteyebilirsiniz.", + "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions.vscode": "Use VS Code's file watchers instead of TypeScript's. Requires using TypeScript 5.4+ in the workspace.", "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions.watchDirectory": "Özyinelemeli dosya izleme işlevi olmayan sistemler altında tüm dizin ağaçlarının izlenmesine yönelik strateji.", "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions.watchDirectory.dynamicPriorityPolling": "Daha az değiştirilen dizinlerin daha az sıklıkta denetlendiği dinamik bir kuyruk kullanın.", "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions.watchDirectory.fixedChunkSizePolling": "Düzenli aralıklarla parçalar halinde anketler dizinleri.", @@ -218,7 +222,7 @@ "configuration.tsserver.web.projectWideIntellisense.suppressSemanticErrors": "Proje genelinde IntelliSense etkinleştirildiğinde bile webde semantik hataları gizler. Proje genelinde IntelliSense etkinleştirilmediğinde veya kullanılabilir olduğunda bu her zaman açıktır. Bkz. `#typescript.tsserver.web.projectWideIntellisense.enabled#`", "configuration.tsserver.web.typeAcquisition.enabled": "Web'de paket alımını etkinleştirin/devre dışı bırakın. Bu, içeri aktarılan paketler için IntelliSense'i etkinleştirir. `#typescript.tsserver.web.projectWideIntellisense.enabled#` gerektirir. Şu anda Safari için desteklenmiyor.", "configuration.typescript": "TypeScript", - "configuration.updateImportsOnPaste": "Kodu yapıştırırken içeri aktarmaları otomatik olarak güncelleştirin. TypeScript 5.6+ gerektirir.", + "configuration.updateImportsOnPaste": "Automatically update imports when pasting code. Requires TypeScript 5.7+.", "description": "JavaScript ve TypeScript için zengin dil desteği sağlar.", "displayName": "TypeScript ve JavaScript Dil Özellikleri", "format.indentSwitchCase": "Geçiş deyimlerinde durum yan tümcelerini girintileyin. Çalışma alanında TypeScript 5.1+ kullanılması gerekir.", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-tr/translations/main.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-tr/translations/main.i18n.json index 864968a033..f4937cd354 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-tr/translations/main.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-tr/translations/main.i18n.json @@ -548,12 +548,7 @@ "inlayHints.padding": "Düzenleyicideki yerleşik ipuçları çevresindeki doldurmayı etkinleştirir.", "inline": "Hızlı öneriler hayalet metin olarak görünür", "inlineCompletionsAccessibilityVerbose": "Bir satır içi tamamlama gösterildiğinde ekran okuyucu kullanıcılarına erişilebilirlik ipucunun sağlanmasının gerekip gerek olmadığını kontrol eder.", - "inlineEdit.enabled": "Düzenleyicide satır içi düzenlemelerin gösterilip gösterilmeyeceğini denetler.", - "inlineEdit.fontFamily": "Satır içi düzenlemenin yazı tipi ailesini denetler.", - "inlineEdit.showToolbar": "Satır içi düzenleme araç çubuğunun ne zaman gösterileceğini denetler.", - "inlineEdit.showToolbar.always": "Ne zaman bir satır içi öneri gösterilirse satır içi düzenleme araç çubuğunu göster.", - "inlineEdit.showToolbar.never": "Satır içi düzenleme araç çubuğunu hiçbir zaman gösterme.", - "inlineEdit.showToolbar.onHover": "Bir satır içi önerinin üzerine gelindiğinde satır içi düzenleme araç çubuğunu göster.", + "inlineSuggest.edits.experimental.enabled": "Controls whether to enable experimental edits in inline suggestions.", "inlineSuggest.enabled": "Satır içi önerilerin düzenleyicide otomatik olarak gösterilip gösterilmeyeceğini denetler.", "inlineSuggest.fontFamily": "Satır içi önerilerin yazı tipi ailesini denetler.", "inlineSuggest.showToolbar": "Satır içi öneri araç çubuğunun ne zaman gösterileceğini denetler.", @@ -602,6 +597,7 @@ "occurrencesHighlight.multiFile": "Deneysel: Tüm geçerli açık dosyalardaki oluşumları vurgular.", "occurrencesHighlight.off": "Oluşumları vurgulamaz.", "occurrencesHighlight.singleFile": "Yalnızca geçerli dosyadaki oluşumları vurgular.", + "occurrencesHighlightDelay": "Controls the delay in milliseconds after which occurrences are highlighted.", "off": "Hızlı öneriler devre dışı bırakıldı", "on": "Hızlı öneriler, öner pencere öğesinin içinde görünür", "overviewRulerBorder": "Genel bakış cetveli etrafına kenarlık çizilip çizilmeyeceğini denetler.", @@ -1398,6 +1394,7 @@ "action.inlineSuggest.acceptNextLine": "Sonraki Satır İçi Öneri Satırını Kabul Et", "action.inlineSuggest.acceptNextWord": "Sonraki Satır İçi Öneri Kelimesini Kabul Et", "action.inlineSuggest.alwaysShowToolbar": "Araç Çubuğunu Her Zaman Göster", + "action.inlineSuggest.dev.extractRepro": "Developer: Extract Inline Suggest State", "action.inlineSuggest.hide": "Satır İçi Öneriyi Gizle", "action.inlineSuggest.jump": "Sonraki satır içi düzenlemeye atla", "action.inlineSuggest.showNext": "Sonraki Satır İçi Öneriyi Göster", @@ -1429,9 +1426,6 @@ "parameterHintsPreviousIcon": "Önceki parametre ipucunu göster simgesi.", "previous": "Önceki" }, - "vs/editor/contrib/inlineEdit/browser/hoverParticipant": { - "hoverAccessibilityInlineEdits": "Burada satır içi düzenlemeler var." - }, "vs/editor/contrib/inPlaceReplace/browser/inPlaceReplace": { "InPlaceReplaceAction.next.label": "Sonraki Değerle Değiştir", "InPlaceReplaceAction.previous.label": "Önceki Değerle Değiştir" @@ -2529,6 +2523,7 @@ "diffEditorRemovedLines": "Kaldırılan satırlar için arka plan rengi. Alttaki süslemeleri gizlememesi için rengin opak olmaması gerekir.", "diffEditorRemovedOutline": "Kaldırılan metin için ana hat rengi.", "editorBackground": "Düzenleyici arka plan rengi.", + "editorCompositionBorder": "The border color for an IME composition.", "editorError.background": "Düzenleyicide hata metninin arka plan rengi. Alttaki süslemeleri gizlememesi için rengin opak olmaması gerekir.", "editorError.foreground": "Düzenleyicideki hata dalgalı çizgilerinin ön plan rengi.", "editorFindMatch": "Geçerli arama eşleşmesinin rengi.", @@ -3932,6 +3927,8 @@ "editorCommand.activeEditorMove.arg.description": "Argument Properties:\r\n\t* 'to': String value providing where to move.\r\n\t* 'by': String value providing the unit for move (by tab or by group).\r\n\t* 'value': Number value providing how many positions or an absolute position to move.", "editorCommand.activeEditorMove.arg.name": "Etkin düzenleyici taşıma bağımsız değişkeni", "editorCommand.activeEditorMove.description": "Etkin düzenleyiciyi sekmelere veya gruplara göre taşı", + "editorGroupLayout.horizontal": "Horizontal", + "editorGroupLayout.vertical": "Vertical", "focusLeftSideEditor": "Etkin Düzenleyicide İlk Tarafı Odakla", "focusOtherSideEditor": "Etkin Düzenleyicide Diğer Tarafı Odakla", "focusRightSideEditor": "Etkin Düzenleyicide İkinci Tarafı Odakla", @@ -4230,7 +4227,9 @@ "vs/workbench/browser/parts/panel/panelPart": { "align panel": "Paneli Hizala", "hidePanel": "Paneli Gizle", - "panel position": "Panel Konumu" + "panel position": "Panel Konumu", + "showIcons": "Show Icons", + "showLabels": "Show Labels" }, "vs/workbench/browser/parts/sidebar/sidebarActions": { "focusSideBar": "Birincil Kenar Çubuğuna Odaklan" @@ -4355,9 +4354,6 @@ "shutdownErrorDetail": "Workbench çalışırken beklenmedik şekilde atıldı.", "unableToOpenExternal": "Tarayıcı yeni bir sekme veya pencere açmayı kesti. Yine de açmak için 'Aç' düğmesine basın." }, - "vs/workbench/browser/workbench": { - "loaderErrorNative": "Gerekli bir dosya yüklenemedi. Yeniden denemek için lütfen uygulamayı yeniden başlatın. Ayrıntılar: {0}" - }, "vs/workbench/browser/workbench.contribution": { "activeEditorLong": "`${activeEditorLong}`: dosyanın tam yolu (örneğin, /Users/Development/klasörüm/dosyaKlasörüm/dosyam.txt).", "activeEditorMedium": "`${activeEditorMedium}`: dosyanın çalışma alanı klasörüne göreli yolu (örneğin, klasörüm/dosyaKlasörüm/dosyam.txt).", @@ -4428,7 +4424,7 @@ "openFoldersInNewWindow": "Controls whether folders should open in a new window or replace the last active window.\r\nNote that there can still be cases where this setting is ignored (e.g. when using the `--new-window` or `--reuse-window` command line option).", "panelDefaultLocation": "Yeni bir çalışma alanında panelin varsayılan konumunu (Terminal, Hata Ayıklama Konsolu, Çıktı, Sorunlar) kontrol eder. Düzenleyici alanının altında, üstünde, sağında veya solunda gösterilebilir.", "panelOpensMaximized": "Panelin ekranı kaplayacak şekilde açılıp açılmayacağını denetler. Ekranı kaplamış olarak açabilir, hiçbir zaman ekranı kaplayacak şekilde açılmayabilir veya kapatılmadan önceki son durumunda açılabilir.", - "panelShowLabel": "Panel başlığındaki etkinlik öğelerinin etiket veya simge olarak gösterilip gösterilmediğini denetler.", + "panelShowLabels": "Controls whether activity items in the panel title are shown as label or icon.", "perEditorGroup": "Açık düzenleyici sayısı üst sınırının düzenleyici grubu başına veya tüm düzenleyici gruplarına uygulanıp uygulanmayacağını denetler.", "pinnedTabSizing": "Sabitlenmiş düzenleyici sekmelerinin yüksekliğini denetler. Sabitlenmiş sekmeler tüm açık sekmelerin başında sıralanmıştır ve genellikle sabitlemeleri kaldırılana kadar kapanmaz. {0}, {1} olarak ayarlanmadığında bu değer yok sayılır.", "preserveInput": "Komut paletine son yazılan girişin, paletin bir sonraki açılışında geri yüklenip yüklenmeyeceğini denetler.", @@ -4844,6 +4840,7 @@ "configureRuntimeArguments": "Çalışma Zamanı Bağımsız Değişkenlerini Yapılandır", "openUserDataFolder": "Kullanıcı Verileri Klasörünü Aç", "reloadWindowWithExtensionsDisabled": "Devre Dışı Uzantılarla Yeniden Yükle", + "showGPUInfo": "Show GPU Info", "toggleDevTools": "Geliştirici Araçlarını Aç/Kapat" }, "vs/workbench/electron-sandbox/actions/installActions": { @@ -4909,7 +4906,7 @@ "touchbar.enabled": "Varsa macOS dokunmatik çubuk düğmelerini etkinleştirir.", "touchbar.ignored": "Dokunmatik çubukta görünmemesi gereken girişler için bir dizi tanımlayıcı (ör. `workbench.action.navigateBack`).", "window.clickThroughInactive": "Etkinleştirilirse, etkin olmayan bir pencereye tıkladığınızda hem pencere etkinleştirilir hem de farenin altındaki öğe tıklanabilir ise tetiklenir. Devre dışı bırakılırsa, etkin olmayan bir pencerede herhangi bir yere tıkladığınızda pencere etkinleştirilir ve öğede ikinci bir tıklama gerekir.", - "window.customTitleBarVisibility": "Özel başlık çubuğunun ne zaman gösterileceğini ayarlayın. 'Pencereli' tam ekran modundayken özel başlık çubuğu gizlenebilir. Özel başlık çubuğu {0} 'native' olarak ayarlandığında hiçbiri tam ekran modunda yalnızca 'never' ile gizlenebilir.", + "window.customTitleBarVisibility": "Adjust when the custom title bar should be shown. The custom title bar can be hidden when in full screen mode with `windowed`. The custom title bar can only be hidden in non full screen mode with `never` when {0} is set to `native`.", "window.customTitleBarVisibility.auto": "Özel başlık çubuğu görünürlüğünü otomatik olarak değiştirir.", "window.customTitleBarVisibility.never": "{0} 'native' olarak ayarlandığında özel başlık çubuğunu gizle.", "window.customTitleBarVisibility.windowed": "Tam ekranda özel başlık çubuğunu gizle. Tam ekranda değilken, özel başlık çubuğunun görünürlüğünü otomatik olarak değiştir.", @@ -4947,7 +4944,6 @@ "downloadArmBuild": "İndir", "keychainWriteError": "Oturum açma bilgilerini anahtarlığa yazma işlemi '{0}' hatasıyla başarısız oldu.", "learnMore": "Daha Fazla Bilgi", - "loaderCycle": "AMD modüllerinde çözümlenmesi gereken bir bağımlılık döngüsü var!", "loginButton": "&&Oturum Açın", "macoseolmessage": "{1} üzerindeki {0} yakında güncelleştirme almayı durduracak. macOS sürümünüzü yükseltmeyi düşünün.", "password": "Parola", @@ -5185,7 +5181,7 @@ "openDiffEditorAnnouncement": "Fark düzenleyicisi" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/accountEntitlements/browser/accountsEntitlements.contribution": { - "workbench.accounts.showEntitlements": "Etkinleştirildiğinde, hesap için mevcut yetkiler hesaplar menüsünde gösterilecektir." + "workbench.accounts.showEntitlements": "When enabled, available entitlements for the account will be shown in the accounts menu." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/audioCues/browser/audioCues.contribution": { "audioCues.chatRequestSent": "Bir sohbet isteğinde bulunulduğunda ses çalar.", @@ -5239,7 +5235,8 @@ "pickAProviderTitle": "Uzantı Hesabı Tercihlerini Yönet", "placeholder": "'{0}' hesabı tercihlerini yönet...", "selectProvider": "Şunun için hesap tercihlerini yönetmek üzere bir kimlik doğrulama sağlayıcısı seçin", - "title": "Bu Çalışma Alanı için '{0}' Hesabı Tercihleri" + "title": "Bu Çalışma Alanı için '{0}' Hesabı Tercihleri", + "use new account": "Use a new account..." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/authentication/browser/actions/manageTrustedExtensionsForAccountAction": { "accountLastUsedDate": "Bu hesap en son {0} kullanıldı", @@ -5378,8 +5375,7 @@ "workbench.action.chat.focus": "Yukarı ve aşağı ok tuşları ile gezinilebilen sohbet isteği/yanıt listesine odaklanmak için Sohbete Odaklan komutunu{0} çağırın.", "workbench.action.chat.focusInput": "Sohbet isteklerinde giriş kutusuna odaklanmak için Sohbet Girişine Odaklan komutunu{0} çağırın.", "workbench.action.chat.newChat": "Yeni bir sohbet oturumu oluşturmak için Yeni Sohbet komutunu ({0}) çağırın.", - "workbench.action.chat.nextCodeBlock": "Bir yanıt içinde sonraki kod bloğuna odaklanmak için Sohbet: Sonraki Kod Bloğu komutunu{0} çağırın.", - "workbench.action.chat.nextFileTree": "Yanıtta sonraki dosya ağacına odaklanmak için Sohbet: Sonraki Dosya Ağacı komutunu{0} çağırın." + "workbench.action.chat.nextCodeBlock": "Bir yanıt içinde sonraki kod bloğuna odaklanmak için Sohbet: Sonraki Kod Bloğu komutunu{0} çağırın." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatActions": { "actions.interactiveSession.focus": "Odak Sohbet Listesi", @@ -5389,19 +5385,26 @@ "chat.history.rename": "Yeniden adlandır", "chatWith": "Uzantı ile Sohbet Et", "currentChatLabel": "geçerli", + "installChat": "Install {0}", + "installChatGlobalAction.justification": "AI support requires this extension.", "interactiveSession.clearHistory.label": "Giriş Geçmişini Temizle", "interactiveSession.focusInput.label": "Odak Sohbet Girişi", "interactiveSession.history.delete": "Sil", "interactiveSession.history.editor": "Düzenleyici'de Aç", "interactiveSession.history.pick": "Sohbete geç", "interactiveSession.open": "Düzenleyiciyi Aç", + "learnMore": "Learn More", "more": "Diğer...", "newChatTitle": "Yeni sohbet başlığı", "openChat": "Sohbeti Aç", - "title4": "Sohbet" + "title4": "Sohbet", + "toggle.chatControl": "Chat Controls", + "toggle.chatControlsDescription": "Toggle visibility of the Chat Controls in title bar" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatClearActions": { - "chat.newChat.label": "Yeni Sohbet" + "chat.newChat.label": "Yeni Sohbet", + "chat.newEdits.label": "New Edit Session", + "chat.openEdits.label": "Open Edit Session" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatCodeblockActions": { "chat.applyAll.label": "Tüm Düzenlemeleri Uygula", @@ -5417,8 +5420,12 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatContextActions": { "chatContext.attach.placeholder": "Ekleri ara", + "chatContext.attachScreenshot.labelElectron.Window": "Screenshot Window", + "chatContext.attachScreenshot.labelWeb": "Screenshot", + "chatContext.editors": "Open Editors", "chatContext.notebook.kernelVariable": "Çekirdek Değişkeni...", "chatContext.notebook.selectkernelVariable": "Çekirdek Değişkenini Seç ve Ekle", + "chatContext.searchResults": "Search Results", "chatContext.symbol": "Sembol...", "imageFromClipboard": "Panodan Resim", "pastedImage": "Yapıştırılan Resim", @@ -5437,8 +5444,13 @@ "actions.chat.submitSecondaryAgent": "İkincil Aracıya Gönder", "chat.newChat.label": "Yeni Sohbete Gönder", "chat.pickModel.label": "Model Seç", + "chat.sendToChatEditing.label": "Send to Copilot Edits", + "chat.startEditing.confirmation.message": "Starting a new editing session will end your current editing session and discard edits to {0} files. Do you wish to proceed?", + "chat.startEditing.confirmation.primaryButton": "Yes", + "chat.startEditing.confirmation.title": "Start new editing session?", "interactive.cancel.label": "İptal", - "interactive.submit.label": "Gönder" + "interactive.submit.label": "Send and Dispatch", + "interactive.submitWithoutDispatch.label": "Send" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatFileTreeActions": { "interactive.nextFileTree.label": "Sonraki Dosya Ağacı", @@ -5466,7 +5478,19 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatTitleActions": { "chat.remove.label": "İsteği Kaldır ve Yanıtla", + "chat.retry.confirmation.checkbox": "Don't ask again", + "chat.retry.confirmation.message2": "This will undo edits made to {0} since this request.", + "chat.retry.confirmation.primaryButton": "Yes", "chat.retry.label": "Yeniden dene", + "chat.retryLast.confirmation.message2": "This will undo edits made to {0} files in your working set since this request. Do you want to proceed?", + "chat.retryLast.confirmation.title2": "Do you want to retry your last request?", + "chat.startEditing.confirmation.acceptEdits": "Accept & Continue", + "chat.startEditing.confirmation.discardEdits": "Discard & Continue", + "chat.startEditing.confirmation.message": "Starting a new editing session will end your current editing session and discard edits to {0} files. Do you wish to proceed?", + "chat.startEditing.confirmation.pending.message": "Starting a new editing session will end your current session. Do you want to discard pending edits to {0} files?", + "chat.startEditing.confirmation.primaryButton": "Yes", + "chat.startEditing.confirmation.title": "Start new editing session?", + "chat.startEditing.label2": "Edit with Copilot", "interactive.helpful.label": "Yardımcı oldu", "interactive.insertIntoNotebook.label": "Not Defterine Ekle", "interactive.reportIssueForBug.label": "Sorun Raporla", @@ -5483,17 +5507,25 @@ "insertCodeBlock.readonlyNotebook": "Kod bloğu salt okunur not defteri düzenleyicisine eklenemiyor.", "overlap": "Şu anda başka bir kod değişikliği önizleniyor. Lütfen önce bekleyen değişiklikleri uygulayın veya atın." }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/attachments/implicitContextAttachment": { + "chat.fileAttachment": "Attached file, {0}", + "chat.fileAttachmentWithRange": "Attached file, {0}, line {1} to line {2}", + "disable": "Disable current file context", + "enable": "Enable current file context", + "enableHint": "disabled", + "openEditor": "Current file context" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chat": { "generating": "Oluşturuluyor" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chat.contribution": { "chat": "Sohbet", "chat.commandCenter.enabled": "Komuta merkezinin sohbet eylemleri için bir menü gösterip göstermediğini kontrol eder ({0} gerekli).", + "chat.editing.alwaysSaveWithGeneratedChanges": "Whether to always ask before saving files with changes made by chat.", + "chat.editing.confirmEditRequestRemoval": "Whether to show a confirmation before removing a request and its associated edits.", + "chat.editing.confirmEditRequestRetry": "Whether to show a confirmation before retrying a request and its associated edits.", + "chat.editing.enableRestoreFile": "Whether to show a toggle to restore an earlier version of a file that was edited in a chat editing session request.", "chat.experimental.detectParticipant.enabled": "Panel sohbeti için sohbet katılımcısını otomatik algılamayı etkinleştirir.", - "chat.experimental.implicitContext": "Kullanıcının, sohbet katılımcısının istemine hangi örtülü bağlamın dahil edildiğini belirlemesine olanak tanıyan bir onay kutusunun gösterilip gösterilmeyeceğini kontrol eder.", - "chat.experimental.variables.editor": "Düzenleyici sohbeti değişkenlerini sağlar.", - "chat.experimental.variables.notebook": "Not defteri sohbeti için değişkenleri etkinleştirir.", - "chat.experimental.variables.terminal": "Terminal sohbeti için değişkenleri etkinleştirir.", "clear": "Yeni sohbet başlat", "file": "Çalışma alanında bir dosya seçin", "interactiveSession.editor.fontFamily": "Sohbet kod bloklarındaki yazı tipi ailesini kontrol eder.", @@ -5539,8 +5571,9 @@ "dismiss": "Kapat" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatContentParts/chatReferencesContentPart": { + "addToChat": "Add File to Chat", + "chat.openEditor": "Open Editor", "chatCollapsibleList": "Daraltılabilir Sohbet Listesi", - "copyReference": "Kopyala", "setting.hover": "'{0}' ayarını aç", "usedReferencesCollapsed": "{0}, daraltıldı", "usedReferencesExpanded": "{0}, genişletildi", @@ -5563,52 +5596,109 @@ "file": "Dosya", "image": "Görüntü" }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditingActions": { + "accept.allFiles": "Accept All", + "accept.file": "Accept", + "chat.openWorkingSetHistory.label": "Open File Checkpoint", + "chat.remove.confirmation.checkbox": "Don't ask again", + "chat.remove.confirmation.message2": "This will remove all subsequent requests and undo edits made to {0}. Do you want to proceed?", + "chat.remove.confirmation.multipleEdits.message": "This will remove all subsequent requests and undo edits made to {0} files in your working set. Do you want to proceed?", + "chat.remove.confirmation.primaryButton": "Yes", + "chat.remove.confirmation.title": "Do you want to undo {0} edits?", + "chat.removeLast.confirmation.message2": "This will remove your last request and undo the edits made to {0}. Do you want to proceed?", + "chat.removeLast.confirmation.multipleEdits.message": "This will remove your last request and undo edits made to {0} files in your working set. Do you want to proceed?", + "chat.removeLast.confirmation.title": "Do you want to undo your last edit?", + "chat.restoreFile.label": "Restore Previous File State", + "chat.restoreFile.shortTitle": "Restore Previous File State", + "chat.restoreFile.title": "Using Previous File State", + "chat.restoreFile.tooltip": "Toggle to use the previous state of an edited file in your next request", + "chat.undoEdits.label": "Undo Edits", + "chatEditing.checkpoint": "{0} (Checkpoint {1})", + "chatEditing.openDiffs": "Open Diffs", + "discard.allFiles": "Discard All", + "discard.file": "Discard", + "open.fileInDiff": "Open Changes in Diff Editor", + "removeFileFromWorkingSet": "Remove File", + "workbench.action.chat.addFilesToWorkingSet.label": "Add Files to Working Set" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditingService": { - "accept.allFiles": "Tümünü Kabul Et", - "accept.file": "Kabul Et", - "chatEditing.openDiffs": "Farkları Aç", - "chatEditing.startSession": "Oturumu Düzenlemeyi Başlat", + "chat": "Chat Editing", + "chatEditing.fileSave": "{0} wants to create a file. Choose where it should be saved.", "chatEditing.startingSession": "Düzenlemeler oluşturuluyor...", - "chatEditing.stopSession": "Oturumu Düzenlemeyi Durdur", - "discard.allFiles": "Tümünü At", - "discard.file": "At", - "multiDiffEditorInput.name": "Önerilen Düzenlemeler", - "open.file": "Dosyayı Aç" + "chatEditing1": "Chat Edit: '{0}'", + "chatEditing2": "Chat Edit", + "multiDiffEditorInput.name": "Önerilen Düzenlemeler" + }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditorActions": { + "accept": "Accept Chat Edit", + "next": "Go to Next Chat Edit", + "prev": "Go to Previous Chat Edit", + "reject": "Reject Chat Edit" + }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditorController": { + "chat.hasEditorModifications": "The current editor contains chat modifications" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditorInput": { "chatEditorLabelIcon": "Sohbet düzenleyicisi etiketinin simgesi.", "chatEditorName": "Sohbet" }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditorSaving": { + "chat": "chat", + "config": "Always save with AI-generated changes without asking", + "detail2": "AI-generated changes may be incorrect and should be reviewed before saving.", + "discard": "Cancel", + "message.1": "Do you want to save the changes {0} made in {1}?", + "message.2": "Do you want to save the changes {0} made to {1} files?", + "message.batched.multiFile.1": "Do you want to save the changes {0} made in {1} files?", + "message.batched.multiFile.2": "Do you want to save the changes chat made in {0} files?", + "message.batched.oneFile.1": "Do you want to save the changes {0} made in {1}?", + "message.batched.oneFile.2": "Do you want to save the changes chat made in {0}?", + "message.batched.oneFile.3": "Do you want to save the changes {0} made in 1 file?", + "message.batched.oneFile.4": "Do you want to save the changes chat made in 1 file?", + "save": "Save", + "save all": "Save All", + "save.allFiles": "Save All" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatFollowups": { "followUpAriaLabel": "Takip sorusu: {0}" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatGettingStarted": { "chat.openPanel": "Sohbet Panelini Aç", - "workbench.panel.chat.view.showGettingStarted": "Etkin durumdayken, sohbet panelinde bir kullanmaya başlama denemesi gösterir." + "workbench.panel.chat.view.showGettingStarted": "When enabled, shows a getting started experiment in the chat panel." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatImagePaste": { "pastedImage": "Yapıştırılan Resim" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatInlineAnchorWidget": { "actions.attach.label": "Dosyayı Sohbete Ekle", + "actions.copy.label": "Copy", "actions.goToDecl.label": "Tanıma Git", + "actions.openToSide.label": "Open to the Side", + "goToImplementations.label": "Go to Implementations", "goToReferences.label": "Başvurulara Git", + "goToTypeDefinitions.label": "Go to Type Definitions", "miGotoDefinition": "&&Tanıma Git", - "miGotoReference": "&&Başvurulara Git" + "miGotoImplementations": "Go to &&Implementations", + "miGotoReference": "&&Başvurulara Git", + "miGotoTypeDefinition": "Go to &&Type Definitions", + "resource": "The full value of the chat anchor resource, including scheme and path" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatInputPart": { "actions.chat.accessibiltyHelp": "Sohbet Girişi, Soru sormak için yazın veya konular için / yazın, isteği göndermek için Enter tuşuna basın. Sohbet Erişilebilirlik Yardımı için {0} kullanın.", "chat.attachment": "Ekli bağlam, {0}", + "chat.attachment.clearButton": "Remove from context", "chat.fileAttachment": "Ekli dosya, {0}", "chat.fileAttachmentWithRange": "Ekli dosya, {0}, satır {1} - satır {2}", "chat.imageAttachment": "Eklenen resim, {0}", "chat.submitToSecondaryAgent": "@{0} kullanıcısına gönder", - "chatEditingSessionOverview": "{0} dosya değiştirildi", - "chatEditingSessionOverview.oneFileChanged": "1 dosya değiştirildi", + "chatAddFiles": "{0} Add Files...", + "chatAttachFiles": "Search for files to add to your working set", + "chatEditingSession.manyFiles": "({0} files)", + "chatEditingSession.oneFile": "(1 file)", + "chatEditingSession.workingSet": "Working Set", "chatInput": "Sohbet Girişi", "chatInput.accessibilityHelpNoKb": "Sohbet Girişi, Kodu buraya yazın ve çalıştırmak için Enter tuşuna basın. Daha fazla bilgi için Sohbet Erişilebilirlik Yardımı komutunu kullanın.", - "notebook.moreExecuteActionsLabel": "Diğer...", - "remove": "Kaldır" + "notebook.moreExecuteActionsLabel": "Diğer..." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatListRenderer": { "chatConfirmationAction": "\"{0}\" seçildi", @@ -5636,6 +5726,7 @@ "chatCommandSticky": "Komutun çağrılmasının sohbeti, bir sonraki mesaj için komutun otomatik olarak sohbet girişine eklendiği kalıcı moda geçirip geçirmediği.", "chatCommandWhen": "Bu komutu etkinleştirmek için doğru olması gereken bir koşul.", "chatCommandsDescription": "Bu sohbet katılımcısı için mevcut olan ve kullanıcının `/` işaretiyle çağırabileceği komutlar.", + "chatEditing.viewContainer.label": "Copilot Edits", "chatFailErrorMessage": "{0} uzantısının yüklü sürümü bu {1} sürümüyle uyumlu olmadığından sohbet yüklenemedi. Lütfen GitHub Copilot Sohbet uzantısının güncel olduğundan emin olun.", "chatParticipantDescription": "Bu sohbet katılımcısının kullanıcı arayüzünde gösterilen açıklaması.", "chatParticipantDisambiguation": "Kullanıcı sorularını otomatik olarak bu sohbet katılımcısına yönlendirmeye yardımcı olan meta veriler.", @@ -5645,14 +5736,18 @@ "chatParticipantFullName": "Bu sohbet katılımcısının, yanıtlarının etiketi olarak gösterilen tam adı. Belirtilmemişse, {0} kullanılır.", "chatParticipantId": "Bu sohbet katılımcısı için benzersiz bir kimlik.", "chatParticipantName": "Bu sohbet katılımcısının kullanıcıya görünen adı. Kullanıcı, katılımcıyı çağırmak için bu adla '@' karakterini kullanır. Ad boşluk içermemelidir.", - "chatParticipantSupportsToolReferences": "Bu katılımcının şunu destekleyip desteklemediği: {0}.", "chatParticipantWhen": "Bu katılımcıyı etkinleştirmek için doğru olması gereken bir koşul.", "chatSampleRequest": "Kullanıcı `/help`'te bu katılımcıya tıkladığında bu metin katılımcıya gönderilir.", "showExtension": "Uzantıyı Göster", "vscode.extension.contributes.chatParticipant": "Bir sohbet katılımcısına katkıda bulunur" }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatPasteProviders": { + "pastedImageName": "Pasted Image" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatWidget": { - "chatWidget.tips": "bağlam eklemek için {0}\r\n\r\nuzantılarla sohbet etmek için {1}" + "chatWidget.tips": "{0} or type {1} to attach context\r\n\r\n{2} to chat with extensions\r\n\r\nType {3} to use commands", + "chatWidget.tips.withoutParticipants": "{0} or type {1} to attach context", + "scrollDownButtonLabel": "Scroll down" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/codeBlockPart": { "chat.codeBlock.toolbar": "Kod bloğu araç çubuğu", @@ -5675,14 +5770,29 @@ "allFilesDescription": "Çalışma alanında ilgili dosyaları arayın ve onlardan bağlam sağlayın" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/contrib/chatInputCompletions": { + "installLabel": "Install Chat Extensions...", "pickFileLabel": "Dosya seç" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/contrib/chatInputEditorHover": { "hoverAccessibilityChatAgent": "Burada bir sohbet aracısı üzerine gelme bölümü var." }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/contrib/screenshot": { + "screenshot": "Screenshot" + }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/languageModelToolsService": { + "toolInvocationMessage": "Using {0}" + }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/viewsWelcome/chatViewsWelcomeContributions": { + "chatViewsWelcome.content": "The content of the welcome message. The first command link will be rendered as a button.", + "chatViewsWelcome.icon": "The icon for the welcome message.", + "chatViewsWelcome.title": "The title of the welcome message.", + "chatViewsWelcome.when": "Condition when the welcome message is shown.", + "vscode.extension.contributes.chatViewsWelcome": "Contributes a welcome message to a chat view" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/chatColors": { "chat.avatarBackground": "Sohbet avatarı arka plan rengi.", "chat.avatarForeground": "Sohbet avatarı ön plan rengi.", + "chat.editedFileForeground": "The foreground color of a chat edited file in the edited file list.", "chat.requestBackground": "Bir sohbet isteğinin arka plan rengi.", "chat.requestBorder": "Bir sohbet isteğinin kenarlık rengi.", "chat.slashCommandBackground": "Sohbet eğik çizgi komutunun arka plan rengi.", @@ -5690,13 +5800,15 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/chatContextKeys": { "chatEditApplied": "Sohbet metni düzenlemeleri uygulandığında true olur.", + "chatEditingParticipantRegistered": "True when a default chat participant is registered for editing.", "chatExtensionInvalid": "Yüklü sohbet uzantısı geçersiz olduğunda ve güncelleştirilmesi gerektiğinde true.", + "chatHasFileAttachments": "True when the chat has file attachments.", + "chatInstallEntitled": "True when the user is entitled for chat installation.", "chatIsEnabled": "Bir uygulama ile varsayılan bir sohbet katılımcısı etkinleştirildiği için sohbet etkinleştirildiğinde true.", "chatItemId": "Sohbet öğesinin kimliği.", "chatLastItemId": "Son sohbet öğesinin kimliği.", "chatModelsAreUserSelectable": "Sohbet modeli kullanıcı tarafından el ile seçilebiliyorsa doğru.", "chatParticipantRegistered": "Panel için varsayılan bir sohbet katılımcısı kaydedildiğinde true.", - "chatParticipantSupportsModelPicker": "Geçerli sohbet katılımcısı modeli el ile seçmeyi destekliyorsa doğru.", "chatRequest": "Sohbet öğesi bir istek.", "chatResponse": "Sohbet öğesi bir yanıt.", "chatResponseErrored": "Sohbet yanıtı bir hatayla sonuçlandığında true olur.", @@ -5711,6 +5823,9 @@ "interactiveSessionRequestInProgress": "Geçerli istek devam ediyorsa true olur.", "interactiveSessionResponseVote": "Yanıta olumlu oy verildiğinde 'up', olumsuz oy verildiğinde 'down' olarak ayarlanır. Aksi takdirde boş dize olur." }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/chatEditingService": { + "chatEditingWidgetFileState": "The current state of the file in the chat editing widget" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/chatModel": { "codeCitation": "1 lisans türüne sahip benzer kod bulundu", "codeCitations": "{0} lisans türüne sahip benzer kod bulundu", @@ -5732,26 +5847,20 @@ "Language Models": "Dil Modelleri", "languageModels": "Bu uzantının dil modelleri kullanım istatistikleri." }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/languageModelToolsService": { - "toolConfirmMessage": "{0}, {1} kullanacak.", - "toolConfirmTitle": "{0} kullanılsın mı?", - "toolInvocationMessage": "{0} kullanılıyor" - }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/tools/languageModelToolsContribution": { - "canBeInvokedManually": "Bu aracın kullanıcı tarafından sohbet UX'i aracılığıyla el ile çağrılıp çağrılamayacağı.", + "canBeReferencedInPrompt": "If true, this tool shows up as an attachment that the user can add manually to their request. Chat participants will receive the tool in {0}.", "condition": "Bu aracın etkinleştirilmesi için true olması gereken koşul. Bir aracın `when` koşulu yanlış olsa bile başka bir uzantı tarafından çağrılabileceğini unutmayın.", - "contentTypes": "Bu aracın döndürebileceği içerik türlerinin listesi. Araçların `text/plain`i desteklemesi gerekir ve burada belirtilmese bile bu varsayılır. Başka bir örnek, `@vscode/prompt-tsx` kitaplığı tarafından dışa aktarılan contentType olabilir.", - "icon": "Bu aracı temsil eden bir simge. Ya bir dosya yolu, koyu ve açık temalar için dosya yollarına sahip bir nesne ya da `\\$(zap)` gibi bir tema simgesi başvurusu", + "icon": "An icon that represents this tool. Either a file path, an object with file paths for dark and light themes, or a theme icon reference, like `$(zap)`", "icon.dark": "Koyu bir tema kullanıldığında simge yolu", "icon.light": "Açık bir tema kullanıldığında simge yolu", - "parametersSchema": "Bu aracın aldığı parametreler ile ilgili JSON şeması.", - "requiresConfirmation": "Bu aracın yürütülmeden önce kullanıcı onayı gerektirip gerektirmediğini belirtir.", + "parametersSchema": "A JSON schema for the parameters this tool accepts. The parameters must be an object at the top level. A particular language model may not support all JSON schema features. See the documentation for the language model family you are using for more information.", "toolDisplayName": "Kullanıcı arabiriminde bu aracı tanımlamak için kullanabileceğiniz insan tarafından okunabilir ad.", - "toolId": "A unique id for this tool.", - "toolModelDescription": "Bir dil modeline geçirebileceğiniz bu araçla ilgili açıklama.", - "toolName": "Bu araç için {0} etkinleştirilirse, kullanıcı sorguda aracı çağırmak için bu adla '#' öğesini kullanılabilir. Aksi takdirde ad gerekli değildir. Ad boşluk içermemelidir.", + "toolModelDescription": "A description of this tool that may be used by a language model to select it.", + "toolName": "A unique name for this tool. This name must be a globally unique identifier, and is also used as a name when presenting this tool to a language model.", + "toolName2": "If {0} is enabled for this tool, the user may use '#' with this name to invoke the tool in a query. Otherwise, the name is not required. Name must not contain whitespace.", + "toolTags": "A set of tags that roughly describe the tool's capabilities. A tool user may use these to filter the set of tools to just ones that are relevant for the task at hand, or they may want to pick a tag that can be used to identify just the tools contributed by this extension.", "toolUserDescription": "Bu aracın kullanıcıya gösterilebilecek açıklaması.", - "vscode.extension.contributes.tools": "Bir dil modeli tarafından çağrılabilecek bir araç sağlar." + "vscode.extension.contributes.tools": "Contributes a tool that can be invoked by a language model in a chat session, or from a standalone command. Registered tools can be used by all extensions." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/voiceChatService": { "voiceChatInProgress": "Sohbet için konuşmayı metne dönüştürme oturumu devam ediyor." @@ -5899,7 +6008,7 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/codeEditor/browser/saveParticipants": { "codeAction.apply": "'{0}' kod eylemi uygulanıyor.", "codeaction": "Hızlı Düzeltmeler", - "codeaction.get2": "'{0}' öğesinden kod eylemleri alınıyor ([yapılandır] ({1})).", + "codeaction.get2": "Getting code actions from {0} ([configure]({1})).", "formatting2": "'{0}' Biçimlendiricisi çalıştırılıyor ([yapılandır] ({1}))." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/codeEditor/browser/toggleColumnSelection": { @@ -6387,6 +6496,7 @@ "debug.gutterMiddleClickAction.none": "Hiçbir eylem gerçekleştirme.", "debug.gutterMiddleClickAction.triggeredBreakpoint": "Tetiklenen Kesme Noktası ekleyin.", "debug.hideLauncherWhileDebugging": "Hata ayıklama etkinken 'Çalıştır ve Hata Ayıkla' görünümünün başlık çubuğundaki 'Hata Ayıklamayı Başlat' denetimini gizle. Yalnızca {0}, `docked` durumunda değilken ilgilidir.", + "debug.hideSlowPreLaunchWarning": "Hide the warning shown when a `preLaunchTask` has been running for a while.", "debug.onTaskErrors": "preLaunchTask çalıştırıldıktan sonra hatalarla karşılaşıldığında ne yapılacağını denetler.", "debug.saveBeforeStart": "Hata ayıklama oturumu başlatılmadan önce hangi düzenleyicilerin kaydedileceğini denetler.", "debug.saveBeforeStart.allEditorsInActiveGroup": "Hata ayıklama oturumu başlatılmadan önce etkin gruptaki tüm düzenleyicileri kaydedin.", @@ -8323,8 +8433,12 @@ "startWithCurrentLine": "Düzenleyicide Geçerli Satırla Başlat" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/inlineChat/browser/inlineChatSavingServiceImpl": { - "inlineChat": "Satır İçi Sohbet değişikliklerinin Kabul Edilmesi veya Atılması bekleniyor...", - "inlineChat.N": "{0} düzenleyicide Satır İçi Sohbet değişikliklerinin Kabul Edilmesi veya Atılması bekleniyor..." + "config": "Always save with AI-generated changes without asking", + "detail": "AI-generated changes may be incorect and should be reviewed before saving.", + "discard": "Cancel", + "message.1": "Do you want to save the changes {0} made in {1}?", + "message.2": "Do you want to save the changes inline chat made in {0}?", + "save": "Save" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/inlineChat/browser/inlineChatWidget": { "aria-label": "Satır İçi Sohbet Girişi", @@ -8335,7 +8449,6 @@ "inlineChatClosed": "Kapalı satır içi sohbet pencere öğesi" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/inlineChat/common/inlineChat": { - "acceptedOrDiscardBeforeSave": "Bekleyen satır içi sohbet oturumlarının kaydetmeyi engelleyip engellemediği.", "accessibleDiffView": "Satır içi sohbetin, değişiklikleri için bir erişilebilir fark görüntüleyicisini de işleyip işlemeyeceğini belirtir.", "accessibleDiffView.auto": "Erişilebilir fark görüntüleyici, etkinleştirilen ekran okuyucu modunu temel alır.", "accessibleDiffView.off": "Erişilebilir fark görüntüleyicisi hiçbir zaman etkin değildir.", @@ -8875,6 +8988,10 @@ "openLogsFolder": "Günlükler Klasörünü Aç" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/markdown/browser/markdownSettingRenderer": { + "alreadysetBoolFalse": "\"{0}: {1}\" is already disabled", + "alreadysetBoolTrue": "\"{0}: {1}\" is already enabled", + "alreadysetNum": "\"{0}: {1}\" is already set to {2}", + "alreadysetString": "\"{0}: {1}\" is already set to \"{2}\"", "changeSettingTitle": "Ayarı görüntüle veya değiştir", "copySettingId": "Ayar Kimliğini Kopyala", "falseMessage": "\"{0}: {1}\" öğesini devre dışı bırak", @@ -9499,6 +9616,9 @@ "runCell": "Hücreyi Çalıştır", "runCellsInSection": "Bölümdeki Hücreleri Çalıştır" }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/controller/variablesActions": { + "notebookActions.openVariablesView": "Variables" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/diff/diffComponents": { "hiddenCell": "{0} gizli hücre", "hiddenCells": "{0} gizli hücre", @@ -9924,7 +10044,7 @@ "name": "Başlangıç Performansı" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/performance/electron-sandbox/performance.contribution": { - "experimental.rendererProfiling": "Etkinleştirildiğinde yavaş işleyicilerin profili otomatik olarak oluşturulur" + "experimental.rendererProfiling": "When enabled, slow renderers are automatically profiled." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/performance/electron-sandbox/startupProfiler": { "prof.detail": "Lütfen bir sorun oluşturun ve aşağıdaki dosyaları el ile ekleyin:\r\n{0}", @@ -10105,6 +10225,7 @@ "defaultOverriddenDetailsAriaLabel": "{0} varsayılan değeri geçersiz kılıyor", "defaultOverriddenLabel": "Varsayılan değer değiştirildi", "defaultOverriddenLanguagesList": "{0} için dile özgü varsayılan değerler mevcut", + "experimentalLabel": "Experimental", "extensionSyncIgnoredLabel": "Eşitlenmedi", "hasDefaultOverridesForLanguages": "Aşağıdaki dillerde varsayılan geçersiz kılmalar vardır:", "manageWorkspaceTrust": "Çalışma Alanına Güveni Yönet", @@ -10117,6 +10238,7 @@ "policyDescriptionAccessible": "Organizasyon ilkesi tarafından yönetilir; ayar değeri uygulanmadı", "policyFilterLink": "İlke ayarlarını görüntüleme", "policyLabelText": "Ayar değeri uygulanmadı", + "previewLabel": "Preview", "remote": "Uzak", "syncIgnoredAriaLabel": "Eşitleme sırasında ayar yok sayıldı", "syncIgnoredTitle": "Bu ayar, eşitleme sırasında yoksayılır", @@ -10250,6 +10372,10 @@ "groupRowAriaLabel": "{0} grup", "settingsTOC": "Ayarlar İçindekiler Tablosu" }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/preferences/common/preferences": { + "experimentalIndicatorDescription": "This setting controls a feature that may change or be removed in the future. Adjusting this setting may result in instability.", + "previewIndicatorDescription": "This setting controls a feature that is in active development." + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/preferences/common/preferencesContribution": { "enableNaturalLanguageSettingsSearch": "Ayarlar için doğal dil araması modunun etkinleştirilip etkinleştirilmeyeceğini denetler. Doğal dil araması, bir Microsoft çevrimiçi hizmeti tarafından sağlanır.", "settingsSearchTocBehavior": "Arama sırasında Ayarlar düzenleyicisi İçindekiler Tablosunun davranışını kontrol eder. Bu ayar Ayarlar düzenleyicisinde değiştiriliyorsa, arama sorgusu değiştirildikten sonra etkili olur.", @@ -11707,31 +11833,20 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminal.contribution": { "miToggleIntegratedTerminal": "&&Terminal", - "tasksQuickAccessHelp": "Açılan Tüm Terminalleri Göster", - "tasksQuickAccessPlaceholder": "Açılacak terminalin adını yazın.", "terminal": "Terminal" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminalActions": { "emptyTerminalNameInfo": "İsim vermemek, onu varsayılan değere sıfırlayacaktır", - "goToRecentDirectory.metadata": "Son kullanılan bir klasöre gider", "newWithProfile.location": "Terminalin oluşturulup oluşturulmayacağı", "newWithProfile.location.editor": "Terminali düzenleyicide oluşturun", "newWithProfile.location.view": "Terminal görünümünde terminali oluşturma", "noUnattachedTerminals": "Eklenecek kaldırılmış terminal yok", - "quickAccessTerminal": "Etkin Terminali Değiştir", "sendSequence": "Terminale göndermek için metin sırası", "showTerminalTabs": "Sekmeleri Göster", "terminalLaunchHelp": "Yardımı Aç", "workbench.action.terminal.attachToSession": "Oturuma İliştir", "workbench.action.terminal.clear": "Temizle", - "workbench.action.terminal.clearPreviousSessionHistory": "Önceki Oturum Geçmişini Temizle", "workbench.action.terminal.clearSelection": "Seçimi Temizle", - "workbench.action.terminal.copyAndClearSelection": "Seçimi Kopyala ve Temizle", - "workbench.action.terminal.copyLastCommand": "Son Komutu Kopyala", - "workbench.action.terminal.copyLastCommandAndOutput": "Son Komutu ve Çıkışı Kopyala", - "workbench.action.terminal.copyLastCommandOutput": "Son Komut Çıkışını Kopyala", - "workbench.action.terminal.copySelection": "Seçimi Kopyala", - "workbench.action.terminal.copySelectionAsHtml": "Seçimi HTML Olarak Kopyala", "workbench.action.terminal.createTerminalEditor": "Düzenleyici Alanında Yeni Terminal Oluştur", "workbench.action.terminal.createTerminalEditorSide": "Kenardaki Düzenleyici Alanında Yanda Terminal Oluştur", "workbench.action.terminal.detachSession": "Oturumu Ayır", @@ -11740,7 +11855,6 @@ "workbench.action.terminal.focusNextPane": "Terminal Grubunda Sonraki Terminale Odaklan", "workbench.action.terminal.focusPrevious": "Önceki Terminal Grubuna Odaklan", "workbench.action.terminal.focusPreviousPane": "Terminal Grubunda Önceki Terminale Odaklan", - "workbench.action.terminal.goToRecentDirectory": "Son Dizine Git...", "workbench.action.terminal.join": "Terminallere Katıl...", "workbench.action.terminal.join.insufficientTerminals": "Birleştirme eylemi için terminaller yetersiz", "workbench.action.terminal.join.onlySplits": "Tüm terminaller zaten birleştirildi", @@ -11756,8 +11870,6 @@ "workbench.action.terminal.newWorkspacePlaceholder": "Yeni terminal için geçerli çalışma dizinini seçin", "workbench.action.terminal.openSettings": "Terminal Ayarlarını Yapılandır", "workbench.action.terminal.overriddenCwdDescription": "(Geçersiz kılındı) {0}", - "workbench.action.terminal.paste": "Etkin Terminale Yapıştır", - "workbench.action.terminal.pasteSelection": "Seçimi Etkin Terminale Yapıştır", "workbench.action.terminal.relaunch": "Etkin Terminali Yeniden Başlat", "workbench.action.terminal.rename.prompt": "Terminal adını girin", "workbench.action.terminal.renameWithArg.name": "Terminalin yeni adı", @@ -11768,7 +11880,6 @@ "workbench.action.terminal.resizePaneUp": "Terminalin Boyutunu Yukarı Doğru Değiştir", "workbench.action.terminal.runActiveFile": "Etkin Dosyayı Etkin Terminalde Çalıştır", "workbench.action.terminal.runActiveFile.noFile": "Yalnızca diskteki dosyalar terminalde çalıştırılabilir", - "workbench.action.terminal.runRecentCommand": "Son Komutu Çalıştır...", "workbench.action.terminal.runSelectedText": "Seçili Metni Etkin Terminalde Çalıştır", "workbench.action.terminal.scrollDown": "Aşağı Kaydır (Satır)", "workbench.action.terminal.scrollDownPage": "Aşağı Kaydır (Sayfa)", @@ -11878,20 +11989,6 @@ "unsafePathWarning": "Bu terminal profili, başka bir kullanıcı tarafından değiştirilebilecek, güvenli olmayan bir yol kullanıyor: {0}. Profili kullanmak istediğinizden emin misiniz?", "yes": "Evet" }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminalQuickAccess": { - "renameTerminal": "Terminali Yeniden Adlandır", - "workbench.action.terminal.newWithProfilePlus": "Profille Yeni Terminal Oluştur...", - "workbench.action.terminal.newplus": "Yeni Terminal Oluşturun" - }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminalRunRecentQuickPick": { - "removeCommand": "Komut Geçmişinden Kaldır", - "selectRecentCommand": "Çalıştırılacak bir komut seçin (komutu düzenlemek için Alt tuşunu basılı tutun)", - "selectRecentCommandMac": "Çalıştırılacak bir komut seçin (komutu düzenlemek için Option tuşunu basılı tutun)", - "selectRecentDirectory": "Gidilecek bir dizin seçin (komutu düzenlemek için Alt tuşunu basılı tutun)", - "selectRecentDirectoryMac": "Gidilecek bir dizin seçin (komutu düzenlemek için Option tuşunu basılı tutun)", - "shellFileHistoryCategory": "{0} geçmişi", - "viewCommandOutput": "Komut Çıkışını Görüntüle" - }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminalService": { "localTerminalRemote": "Bu kabuk, bağlı uzak makinede DEĞİL, {0}yerel{1} makinenizde çalışıyor", "localTerminalVirtualWorkspace": "Bu kabuk sanal klasöre DEĞİL, {0}yerel{1} bir klasöre açık", @@ -11924,10 +12021,6 @@ "terminalConnectingLabel": "Başlatılıyor...", "terminals": "Terminalleri açın." }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminalWslRecommendationContribution": { - "install": "Yükle", - "useWslExtension.title": "WSL'de bir terminal açmak için '{0}' uzantısı önerilir." - }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/xterm/decorationAddon": { "gutter": "Cilt payı komutu süslemeleri", "no": "Hayır", @@ -11966,13 +12059,6 @@ "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.types.icon.dark": "Koyu bir tema kullanıldığında simge yolu", "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.types.icon.light": "Açık bir tema kullanıldığında simge yolu" }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/common/terminalClipboard": { - "confirmMoveTrashMessageFilesAndDirectories": "Terminale {0} metin satırı yapıştırmak istediğinizden emin misiniz?", - "doNotAskAgain": "Bir daha sorma", - "multiLinePasteButton": "&&Yapıştır", - "multiLinePasteButton.oneLine": "&&bir satır olarak yapıştır", - "preview": "Önizleme:" - }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/common/terminalColorRegistry": { "terminal.ansiColor": "Terminalde '{0}' ANSI rengi.", "terminal.background": "Terminalin arka plan rengi. Bu terminalin panelden farklı bir şekilde renklendirmesini sağlar.", @@ -12017,8 +12103,6 @@ "terminal.integrated.allowMnemonics": "Menü çubuğu anımsatıcılarının (örneğin Alt+F) menü çubuğunun açılmasını tetiklemesine izin verilip verilmeyeceği. Bunun, doğru olduğunda tüm alt tuş vuruşlarının kabuğu atlamasına neden olacağını unutmayın. Bu, macOS'ta hiçbir şey yapmaz.", "terminal.integrated.allowedLinkSchemes": "Terminalin bağlantı açmasına izin verilen URI düzenlerini içeren dizeler dizisi. Varsayılan olarak, güvenlik nedeniyle olası planların yalnızca küçük bir alt kümesine izin verilir.", "terminal.integrated.altClickMovesCursor": "Etkinleştirildiğinde alt/option + tıklama, {0} seçeneği {1} (varsayılan değer) olarak ayarlandığında istem imlecini farenin altına yeniden konumlandırır. Bu, kabuğunuza bağlı olarak güvenilir şekilde çalışmayabilir.", - "terminal.integrated.autoReplies": "Terminalde karşılaşıldığında otomatik olarak yanıtlanan bir ileti kümesi. İleti yeterince belirgin olduğunda bu, genel yanıtları otomatikleştirmeye yardımcı olabilir.\r\n\r\nAçıklamalar:\r\n\r\n- Windows'ta toplu işi sonlandır istemine otomatik olarak yanıt vermek için {0} kullanın.\r\n- İleti, kaçış dizileri içerdiğinden yanıt biçimlendirilmiş metin ile gerçekleşmeyebilir.\r\n- Her yanıt yalnızca saniyede bir kez gerçekleşebilir.\r\n- Enter tuşunu kastetmek için yanıtta {1} kullanın.\r\n- Varsayılan tuşun ayarını kaldırmak için değeri null olarak ayarlayın.\r\n- Yenisi geçerli değilse VS Kodunu yeniden başlatın.", - "terminal.integrated.autoReplies.reply": "İşleme gönderilecek yanıt.", "terminal.integrated.bellDuration": "Tetiklendiğinde bir terminal sekmesi içindeki zili gösteren milisaniye sayısı.", "terminal.integrated.commandsToSkipShell": "Tuş bağlamaları kabuğa gönderilmeyen ancak bunun yerine her zaman VS Code tarafından işlenen bir dizi komut kimliği. Bu, normalde kabuk tarafından tüketilen tuş bağlamalarının (örneğin Quick Open'ı başlatmak için `Ctrl+P`), terminale odaklanılmadığında olduğu gibi hareket etmesini sağlar.\r\n\r\n \r\n\r\nBirçok komut varsayılan olarak atlanır. Varsayılanı geçersiz kılmak ve bu komutun tuş bağlamasını kabuğa geçirmek için başında `-` karakteriyle komutu ekleyin. Örneğin, `Ctrl+P`nin kabuğa ulaşmasına izin vermek için `-workbench.action.quickOpen` komutunu ekleyin.\r\n\r\n \r\n\r\nVarsayılan atlanan komutların aşağıdaki listesi Ayarlar Düzenleyicisi'nde görüntülendiğinde kesilir. Tam listeyi görmek için, {1} ve aşağıdaki listedeki ilk komutu arayın.\r\n\r\n \r\n\r\nVarsayılan Atlanan Komutlar:\r\n\r\n{0}", "terminal.integrated.confirmOnExit": "Etkin terminal oturumları varsa pencere kapatılırken onay istenip istenmeyeceğini denetler.", @@ -12107,7 +12191,6 @@ "terminal.integrated.shellIntegration.decorationsEnabled.never": "Süslemeleri gösterme", "terminal.integrated.shellIntegration.decorationsEnabled.overviewRuler": "Terminalin sağ tarafında genel bakış cetveli süslemelerini göster", "terminal.integrated.shellIntegration.enabled": "Kabuk tümleştirmenin gelişmiş komut izleme ve geçerli çalışma dizini algılama gibi özellikleri desteklemek için otomatik olarak ekli olup olmadığını belirtir. \r\n\r\nKabuk tümleştirmesi, kabuğu bir başlangıç betiğine ekleyerek çalışır. Betik, VS Code’a terminalde ne olduğu hakkında içgörü sağlar.\r\n\r\nDesteklenen kabuklar:\r\n\r\n- Linux/macOS: bash, pwsh, zsh\r\n - Windows: pwsh, git bash\r\n\r\nBu ayar yalnızca terminaller oluşturulduğunda uygulanır, bu nedenle etkili olması için terminallerinizi yeniden başlatmanız gerekir.\r\n\r\n Terminal profilinde özel bağımsız değişkenleriniz varsa,{1} etkinse, [karmaşık bash `PROMPT_COMMAND`](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/integrated-terminal#_complex-bash-promptcommand) veya desteklenmeyen başka bir kurulum varsa, betik eklemenin çalışmayabileceğine dikkat edin. Süslemeleri devre dışı bırakmak için bkz.{0}", - "terminal.integrated.shellIntegration.history": "Terminalin komut geçmişinde tutulacak son kullanılan komutların sayısını denetler. Terminalin komut geçmişini devre dışı bırakmak için 0 olarak ayarlayın.", "terminal.integrated.showExitAlert": "Çıkış kodu sıfırdan farklı olduğunda \"Terminal işlemi çıkış koduyla sonlandırıldı\" uyarısının gösterilip gösterilmeyeceğini denetler.", "terminal.integrated.smoothScrolling": "Terminalin bir animasyon kullanılarak mı kaydırılacağını denetler.", "terminal.integrated.splitCwd": "Bölünmüş terminalin başladığı çalışma dizinini denetler.", @@ -12229,6 +12312,10 @@ "terminal.integrated.accessibleViewFocusOnCommandExecution": "Bir komut yürütüldüğünde terminal erişilebilir görünümüne odaklan.", "terminal.integrated.accessibleViewPreserveCursorPosition": "İmleç konumunu, arabelleğin en altına ayarlamak yerine terminalin erişilebilir görünümü yeniden açıldığında koruyabilirsiniz." }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/autoReplies/common/terminalAutoRepliesConfiguration": { + "terminal.integrated.autoReplies": "A set of messages that, when encountered in the terminal, will be automatically responded to. Provided the message is specific enough, this can help automate away common responses.\r\n\r\nRemarks:\r\n\r\n- Use {0} to automatically respond to the terminate batch job prompt on Windows.\r\n- The message includes escape sequences so the reply might not happen with styled text.\r\n- Each reply can only happen once every second.\r\n- Use {1} in the reply to mean the enter key.\r\n- To unset a default key, set the value to null.\r\n- Restart VS Code if new don't apply.", + "terminal.integrated.autoReplies.reply": "The reply to send to the process." + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/chat/browser/terminal.initialHint.contribution": { "disableHint": " Bu ipucunu devre dışı bırakmak için ayarlarda {0} durumunu değiştirin.", "disableInitialHint": "İlk İpucunu Devre Dışı Bırak", @@ -12268,8 +12355,6 @@ "closeChat": "Sohbeti Kapat", "discard": "At", "discardDescription": "Terminaldeki geçerli sohbet yanıtını iptal eder, sohbet pencere öğesini gizler ve sohbet girişini temizler.", - "focusTerminalInput": "Terminal Girişine Odaklan", - "focusTerminalResponse": "Terminal Yanıtına Odakla", "insert": "Ekle", "insertCommand": "Sohbet Komutu Ekle", "insertFirst": "Önce Ekle", @@ -12291,6 +12376,23 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/chat/common/terminalInitialHintConfiguration": { "terminal.integrated.initialHint": "Giriş içermeyen ilk terminalin, odaklanıldığında kullanılabilir eylemler hakkında ipucu gösterip göstermeyeceğini denetler." }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/clipboard/browser/terminal.clipboard.contribution": { + "workbench.action.terminal.copyAndClearSelection": "Copy and Clear Selection", + "workbench.action.terminal.copyLastCommand": "Copy Last Command", + "workbench.action.terminal.copyLastCommandAndOutput": "Copy Last Command and Output", + "workbench.action.terminal.copyLastCommandOutput": "Copy Last Command Output", + "workbench.action.terminal.copySelection": "Copy Selection", + "workbench.action.terminal.copySelectionAsHtml": "Copy Selection as HTML", + "workbench.action.terminal.paste": "Paste into Active Terminal", + "workbench.action.terminal.pasteSelection": "Paste Selection into Active Terminal" + }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/clipboard/browser/terminalClipboard": { + "confirmMoveTrashMessageFilesAndDirectories": "Are you sure you want to paste {0} lines of text into the terminal?", + "doNotAskAgain": "Do not ask me again", + "multiLinePasteButton": "&&Paste", + "multiLinePasteButton.oneLine": "Paste as &&one line", + "preview": "Preview:" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/commandGuide/browser/terminal.commandGuide.contribution": { "terminalCommandGuide.foreground": "Üzerine gelindiğinde bir komutun solunda ve çıktısında görünen terminal komut kılavuzunun ön plan rengi." }, @@ -12330,6 +12432,24 @@ "selectAll": "Tümünü Seç", "undo": "Geri al" }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/history/browser/terminal.history.contribution": { + "goToRecentDirectory.metadata": "Goes to a recent folder", + "workbench.action.terminal.clearPreviousSessionHistory": "Clear Previous Session History", + "workbench.action.terminal.goToRecentDirectory": "Go to Recent Directory...", + "workbench.action.terminal.runRecentCommand": "Run Recent Command..." + }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/history/browser/terminalRunRecentQuickPick": { + "removeCommand": "Remove from Command History", + "selectRecentCommand": "Select a command to run (hold Alt-key to edit the command)", + "selectRecentCommandMac": "Select a command to run (hold Option-key to edit the command)", + "selectRecentDirectory": "Select a directory to go to (hold Alt-key to edit the command)", + "selectRecentDirectoryMac": "Select a directory to go to (hold Option-key to edit the command)", + "shellFileHistoryCategory": "{0} history", + "viewCommandOutput": "View Command Output" + }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/history/common/terminal.history": { + "terminal.integrated.shellIntegration.history": "Controls the number of recently used commands to keep in the terminal command history. Set to 0 to disable terminal command history." + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/links/browser/terminal.links.contribution": { "workbench.action.terminal.openDetectedLink": "Algılanan Bağlantıyı Aç...", "workbench.action.terminal.openLastLocalFileLink": "Son Yerel Dosya Bağlantısını Aç", @@ -12361,6 +12481,16 @@ "terminal.integrated.searchLinks": "Çalışma Alanı Araması", "terminal.integrated.urlLinks": "URL" }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/quickAccess/browser/terminal.quickAccess.contribution": { + "quickAccessTerminal": "Switch Active Terminal", + "tasksQuickAccessHelp": "Show All Opened Terminals", + "tasksQuickAccessPlaceholder": "Type the name of a terminal to open." + }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/quickAccess/browser/terminalQuickAccess": { + "renameTerminal": "Rename Terminal", + "workbench.action.terminal.newWithProfilePlus": "Create New Terminal With Profile...", + "workbench.action.terminal.newplus": "Create New Terminal" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/quickFix/browser/quickFixAddon": { "codeAction.widget.id.quickfix": "Hızlı Düzeltme", "quickFix.command": "Çalıştır: {0}", @@ -12432,6 +12562,10 @@ "terminal.integrated.localEchoLatencyThreshold": "Yerel düzenlemelerin sunucu onayı beklemeden terminalde yineleneceği milisaniye cinsinden ağ gecikmesi uzunluğu. '0' ise yerel yankı her zaman etkin olur ve '-1 ' ise devre dışı bırakılır.", "terminal.integrated.localEchoStyle": "Yerel olarak yinelenen metnin yazı tipi stili veya RGB rengi olan terminal stili." }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/wslRecommendation/browser/terminal.wslRecommendation.contribution": { + "install": "Install", + "useWslExtension.title": "The '{0}' extension is recommended for opening a terminal in WSL." + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/zoom/browser/terminal.zoom.contribution": { "fontZoomIn": "Yazı Tipi Boyutunu Büyüt", "fontZoomOut": "Yazı Tipi Boyutunu Küçült", @@ -12688,10 +12822,12 @@ "openTestCoverage": "Test Kapsamını Görüntüle", "run test": "Testi Çalıştır", "testing.cancelRun": "Test Çalıştırmasını İptal Et", - "testing.debugLastRun": "Test Çalıştırmasındaki hataları ayıkla", + "testing.debugLastRun": "Debug Last Run", + "testing.debugTest": "Debug Test", "testing.goToError": "Hataya Git", "testing.goToTest": "Teste Git", - "testing.reRunLastRun": "Test Çalıştırmasını yeniden çalıştır", + "testing.reRunLastRun": "Rerun Last Run", + "testing.reRunTest": "Rerun Test", "testing.revealInExplorer": "Test Gezgini'nde Göster", "testing.showResultOutput": "Sonuç Çıkışını Göster", "testingPeekLabel": "Test Sonucu İletileri" @@ -13005,6 +13141,7 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/userDataProfile/browser/userDataProfile": { "New Profile Window": "Yeni Profil Penceresi", + "change profile": "Switch to {0} profile", "create profile": "Yeni Profil...", "current": "Geçerli", "delete profile": "Profili Sil...", @@ -13016,10 +13153,12 @@ "new window with profile": "Yeni Profil Penceresi", "newWindowWithProfile": "Profilli Yeni Pencere...", "open": "{0} Profilini Aç", + "open profile": "Open New Window with {0} Profile", "open profiles": "Profilleri Aç (UI)", "openShort": "{0}", "pick profile": "Profil Seç", "pick profile to delete": "Silinecek Profilleri Seçin", + "profiles": "Profile ({0})", "save profile as": "Geçerli Profili Farklı Kaydet...", "selectProfile": "Profil Seçin", "switchProfile": "Profil Değiştir...", @@ -13053,6 +13192,7 @@ "default profile contents description": "Bu profilin içeriklerine göz at\r\n", "defaultProfileIcon": "Varsayılan profil için simge değiştirilemez", "defaultProfileName": "Varsayılan profil için ad değiştirilemez", + "deleteTrustedUri": "Delete Path", "editIcon": "Profil düzenleyicisindeki klasör düzenleme simgesinin simgesi.", "empty profile": "Yok", "enable for current window": "Geçerli pencere için bu profili kullan", @@ -13090,6 +13230,7 @@ "profileName": "Profil Adı", "profiles": "Profiller", "profilesSashBorder": "Profil düzenleyicisi bölünmüş görünüm kanat kenarlığı rengi.", + "removeIcon": "Icon for the remove folder icon in the profiles editor.", "settings": "Ayarlar", "snippets": "Kod parçacıkları", "tasks": "Görevler", @@ -13406,7 +13547,8 @@ "gettingStartedUnchecked": "Tamamlanmamış adım adım uygulama adımlarını göstermek için kullanılır" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcomeGettingStarted/browser/gettingStartedInput": { - "getStarted": "Hoş Geldiniz" + "getStarted": "Hoş Geldiniz", + "walkthroughPageTitle": "Walkthrough: " }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcomeGettingStarted/browser/gettingStartedService": { "builtin": "Yerleşik", @@ -13438,6 +13580,7 @@ "gettingStarted.accessibleView.title": "Ekran okuyucu kullanıcıları, erişilebilir görünümde içeriği satır satır, karakter karakter inceleyebilir.", "gettingStarted.beginner.description": "En temel özelliklere ilişkin genel bakış edinin", "gettingStarted.beginner.title": "Temelleri Öğrenin", + "gettingStarted.beginner.walkthroughPageTitle": "Essential Features", "gettingStarted.codeFolding.description.interpolated": "Katlamayı Aç/Kapat komutuyla bir kod bölümünü katlayabilir veya o kod bölümünün katlamasını açabilirsiniz.\r\n{0}\r\n Katlamayı Aç/Kapat Komutuyla özyinelemeli katlama veya katlama açma gerçekleştirin\r\n{1}\r\n", "gettingStarted.codeFolding.title": "Kod bloklarını daraltmak ve ilgilendiğiniz koda odaklanmak için kod katlamayı kullanın.", "gettingStarted.commandPalette.description.interpolated": "VS Code'da herhangi bir görevi gerçekleştirmek için farenize uzanmadan komutları çalıştırın.\r\n{0}", @@ -13466,6 +13609,7 @@ "gettingStarted.newFile.description": "Yeni bir adsız metin dosyası, not defteri veya özel düzenleyici açın.", "gettingStarted.newFile.title": "Yeni Dosya...", "gettingStarted.notebook.title": "Not Defterlerini Özelleştirin", + "gettingStarted.notebook.walkthroughPageTitle": "Notebooks", "gettingStarted.notebookProfile.description": "Tam da istediğiniz gibi hissetmek için not defterlerleri alın", "gettingStarted.notebookProfile.title": "Not defterleriniz için düzeni seçin", "gettingStarted.openFile.description": "Çalışmaya başlamak için bir dosya açın", @@ -13491,10 +13635,13 @@ "gettingStarted.setup.OpenFolderWeb.description.interpolated": "Kodlamaya başlamaya hazırsınız. Dosyalarınızı VS Code’a almak için yerel bir proje veya uzak bir depo açabilirsiniz.\r\n{0}\r\n{1}", "gettingStarted.setup.description": "Düzenleyicinizi özelleştirin, temel bilgileri öğrenin ve kodlamaya başlayın", "gettingStarted.setup.title": "VS Code Kullanmaya Başlayın", + "gettingStarted.setup.walkthroughPageTitle": "Setup VS Code", "gettingStarted.setupAccessibility.description": "VS Code uygulamasını erişilebilir kılan araçları ve kısa yolları öğrenin. Bazı eylemlerin kılavuz bağlamından gerçekleştirilemeyeceğini unutmayın.", "gettingStarted.setupAccessibility.title": "Erişilebilirlik Özelliklerini Kullanmaya Başlayın", + "gettingStarted.setupAccessibility.walkthroughPageTitle": "Setup VS Code Accessibility", "gettingStarted.setupWeb.description": "Düzenleyicinizi özelleştirin, temel bilgileri öğrenin ve kodlamaya başlayın", "gettingStarted.setupWeb.title": "Web için VS Code Kullanmaya Başlayın", + "gettingStarted.setupWeb.walkthroughPageTitle": "Setup VS Code Web", "gettingStarted.shortcuts.description.interpolated": "Sık kullandığınız komutları keşfettikten sonra, anında erişim için özel klavye kısayolları oluşturun.\r\n{0}", "gettingStarted.shortcuts.title": "Kısayollarınızı özelleştirme", "gettingStarted.tasks.description.interpolated": "Ortak iş akışlarınız için görevler oluşturun ve betikleri çalıştırma ile sonuçları otomatik olarak denetlemeye ilişkin tümleşik deneyimin keyfini çıkarın. \r\n{0}", @@ -13768,7 +13915,6 @@ "editorLineNumberContext": "Katkıda bulunulan düzenleyici satır numarası bağlam menüsü", "file.newFile": "Giriş sayfasında ve Dosya menüsünde gösterilen 'Yeni Dosya...' hızlı seçim seçeneği.", "inlineCompletions.actions": "Satır içi tamamlama üzerinde bekleyince görüntülenen eylemler", - "inlineEdit.actions": "Satır içi düzenleme üzerine gelince gösterilen eylemler", "interactive.cell.title": "Katkıda bulunulan etkileşimli hücre başlığı menüsü", "interactive.toolbar": "Katkıda bulunulan etkileşimli araç çubuğu menüsü", "issue.reporter": "Katkıda bulunulan sorun raporlayıcısı menüsü", @@ -14310,7 +14456,12 @@ "startBisect": "Uzantıyı İkiye Bölmeyi Başlat" }, "vs/workbench/services/files/electron-sandbox/diskFileSystemProvider": { - "fileWatcher": "Dosya Otomasyon İzleyicisi" + "fileWatcher": "File Watcher" + }, + "vs/workbench/services/files/electron-sandbox/elevatedFileService": { + "fileNotTrusted": "Workspace is not trusted.", + "fileNotTrustedMessagePosix": "You are about to save '{0}' as super user.", + "fileNotTrustedMessageWindows": "You are about to save '{0}' as admin." }, "vs/workbench/services/filesConfiguration/common/filesConfigurationService": { "configuredReadonly": "Dosya, ayarlar aracılığıyla salt okunur olarak ayarlandığından düzenleyici salt okunur. Yapılandırmak için [buraya tıklayın](command:{0}) veya [bu oturum için iki durumlu düğme](command:{1}).", @@ -14602,6 +14753,10 @@ "vs/workbench/services/textfile/common/textFileEditorModelManager": { "genericSaveError": "'{0}' kaydedilemedi. {1}" }, + "vs/workbench/services/textfile/common/textFileSaveParticipant": { + "saveParticipants1": "Running Code Actions and Formatters...", + "skip": "Skip" + }, "vs/workbench/services/textfile/electron-sandbox/nativeTextFileService": { "join.textFiles": "Metin dosyaları kaydediliyor" }, @@ -14713,7 +14868,7 @@ "schema.folderNamesExpanded": "Genişletilmiş klasörler için klasör adlarını simgelere ilişkilendirir. Nesne anahtarı, herhangi bir yol kesimi hariç klasör adıdır. Desen veya joker karakterlere izin verilmez. Klasör adı eşleştirme işlemi büyük/küçük harfe duyarlı değildir.", "schema.font-format": "Yazı tipinin biçimi.", "schema.font-path": "Geçerli dosya simgesi tema dosyasına göre yazı tipi yolu.", - "schema.font-size": "Yazı tipinin varsayılan boyutu. Geçerli değerler için bkz. https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/font-size.", + "schema.font-size": "The default size of the font. We strongly recommend using a percentage value, for example: 125%.", "schema.font-style": "Yazı tipinin stili. Geçerli değerler için bkz. https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/font-style.", "schema.font-weight": "Yazı tipinin kalınlığı. Geçerli değerler için bkz. https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/font-weight.", "schema.fontCharacter": "Karakter yazı tipi kullanırken: Kullanılacak yazı tipindeki karakter.", @@ -15042,6 +15197,10 @@ "vs/workbench/services/workingCopy/common/storedFileWorkingCopyManager": { "join.fileWorkingCopyManager": "Çalışma kopyaları kaydediliyor" }, + "vs/workbench/services/workingCopy/common/storedFileWorkingCopySaveParticipant": { + "saveParticipants1": "Running Code Actions and Formatters...", + "skip": "Skip" + }, "vs/workbench/services/workingCopy/common/workingCopyHistoryService": { "default.source": "Kaydedilen Dosya", "join.workingCopyHistory": "Yerel geçmiş kaydediliyor", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hans/translations/extensions/vscode.git.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hans/translations/extensions/vscode.git.i18n.json index aee30b1bb7..3aa75931b5 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hans/translations/extensions/vscode.git.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hans/translations/extensions/vscode.git.i18n.json @@ -161,6 +161,7 @@ "Open": "打开", "Open Commit": "打开提交", "Open Comparison": "打开比较", + "Open File": "Open File", "Open Git Log": "打开 GIT 日志", "Open Merge": "打开合并", "Open Repositories In Parent Folders": "在父文件夹中打开存储库", @@ -267,6 +268,7 @@ "There are {0} unsaved files.\n\nWould you like to save them before stashing?": "有 {0} 个文件尚未保存。\n\n要在储藏之前保存吗?", "There are {0} untracked files which will be DELETED FROM DISK if discarded.": "若放弃 {0} 个未跟踪的文件,其将被从硬盘上删除。", "There were merge conflicts while applying the stash.": "在应用储藏时存在合并冲突。", + "There were merge conflicts while cherry picking the changes. Resolve the conflicts before committing them.": "There were merge conflicts while cherry picking the changes. Resolve the conflicts before committing them.", "This action will pull and push commits from and to \"{0}/{1}\".": "此操作将从“{0}/{1}”中拉取并向其推送提交。", "This repository has no remotes configured to fetch from.": "此仓库未配置可以从中抓取的远程仓库。", "This will DELETE {0} untracked files!\nThis is IRREVERSIBLE!\nThese files will be FOREVER LOST.": "这将删除 {0} 个未跟踪的文件!\n此操作不可撤消!\n这些文件将被永久删除。", @@ -356,6 +358,7 @@ "command.checkoutDetached": "签出到(已分离)…", "command.checkoutRefDetached": "签出(已分离)", "command.cherryPick": "挑拣…", + "command.cherryPickAbort": "Abort Cherry Pick", "command.cherryPickRef": "挑拣", "command.clean": "放弃更改", "command.cleanAll": "放弃所有更改", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hans/translations/extensions/vscode.github-authentication.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hans/translations/extensions/vscode.github-authentication.i18n.json index 510f23c987..479db1083f 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hans/translations/extensions/vscode.github-authentication.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hans/translations/extensions/vscode.github-authentication.i18n.json @@ -16,8 +16,6 @@ "Having trouble logging in? Would you like to try a different way? ({0})": "登录时遇到问题? 是否要尝试其他方式? ({0})", "No": "否", "Open [{0}]({0}) in a new tab and paste your one-time code: {1}/The [{0}]({0}) will be a url and the {1} will be a code, e.g. 123-456{Locked=\"[{0}]({0})\"}": "在新选项卡中打开 [{0}]({0}),并粘贴一次性代码: {1}", - "Please reload the window to apply the new setting.": "请重新加载窗口以应用新设置。", - "Reload Window": "重新加载窗口", "Sign in failed: {0}": "登录失败: {0}", "Sign out failed: {0}": "注销失败: {0}", "Signing in to {0}.../The {0} will be a url, e.g. github.com": "正在登录到 {0}...", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hans/translations/extensions/vscode.ipynb.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hans/translations/extensions/vscode.ipynb.i18n.json index d13912060a..2077fcf9bc 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hans/translations/extensions/vscode.ipynb.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hans/translations/extensions/vscode.ipynb.i18n.json @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ "copyCellOutput.title": "复制单元格输出", "description": "为打开和读取 Jupyter 的 .ipynb 笔记本文件提供基本支持", "displayName": ".ipynb 支持", - "ipynb.experimental.serialization": "用于在工作线程中序列化 Jupyter 笔记本的试验性功能。当扩展主机作为辅助角色运行时不受支持。", + "ipynb.experimental.serialization": "Experimental feature to serialize the Jupyter notebook in a worker thread.", "ipynb.pasteImagesAsAttachments.enabled": "启用/禁用将图像粘贴到 ipynb 笔记本文件中的 Markdown 单元格中。粘贴的图像会作为附件插入到单元格。", "markdownAttachmentRenderer.displayName": "Markdown-It ipynb 单元格附件呈现器", "newUntitledIpynb.shortTitle": "Jupyter Notebook", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hans/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hans/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json index d9c0d81376..a42b09e9ad 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hans/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hans/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json @@ -87,6 +87,8 @@ "Please report an issue against Yarn PnP": "请针对 Yarn PnP 报告问题", "Please update your TypeScript version": "请更新 TypeScript 版本", "Project Wide IntelliSense not available": "Project Wide IntelliSense 不可用", + "Related files provider failed. Copilot requested file with unsupported language mode.": "Related files provider failed. Copilot requested file with unsupported language mode.", + "Related files provider failed. No active text editor.": "Related files provider failed. No active text editor.", "Remove Unused Imports": "删除未使用的导入", "Remove all unused code": "删除所有未使用的代码", "Report Issue": "报告问题", @@ -196,12 +198,14 @@ "configuration.tsserver.useSyntaxServer.auto": "生成一个完整的服务器和一个专用于语法运算的轻量级服务器。语法服务器用于加快语法运算并在加载项目时提供 IntelliSense。", "configuration.tsserver.useSyntaxServer.never": "请不要使用专用的语法服务器。使用单个服务器来处理所有 IntelliSense 运算。", "configuration.tsserver.useVsCodeWatcher": "使用 VS Code 而不是 TypeScript 的文件观察程序。要求在工作区中使用 TypeScript 5.4+。", + "configuration.tsserver.useVsCodeWatcher.deprecation": "Please use the `#typescript.tsserver.watchOptions#` setting instead.", "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions": "配置应使用哪些监视策略来跟踪文件和目录。", "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions.fallbackPolling": "使用文件系统事件时,此选项指定当系统用完本机文件观察程序和/或不支持本机文件观察程序时使用的轮询策略。", "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions.fallbackPolling.dynamicPriorityPolling ": "使用动态队列,在该队列中,较少检查不经常修改的文件。", "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions.fallbackPolling.fixedPollingInterval": "以固定间隔每秒多次检查每个文件的更改。", "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions.fallbackPolling.priorityPollingInterval": "每秒检查每个文件有无多次更改,但使用启发式方法检查某些类型的文件的频率低于其他文件类型。", "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions.synchronousWatchDirectory": "禁用目录上的延迟监视。当可能同时发生大量文件更改(例如,运行 npm install 导致的 node_modules 更改)时,延迟监视非常有用,但是对于一些不太常见的设置,可能需要使用此标志将其禁用。", + "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions.vscode": "Use VS Code's file watchers instead of TypeScript's. Requires using TypeScript 5.4+ in the workspace.", "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions.watchDirectory": "在缺乏递归文件监视功能的系统中监视整个目录树的策略。", "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions.watchDirectory.dynamicPriorityPolling": "使用动态队列,其中较少修改的目录将较少检查。", "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions.watchDirectory.fixedChunkSizePolling": "定期轮询区块中的目录。", @@ -218,7 +222,7 @@ "configuration.tsserver.web.projectWideIntellisense.suppressSemanticErrors": "即使启用了项目范围的 IntelliSense,仍会抑制 Web 上出现语义错误。当项目范围的 IntelliSense 未启用或不可用时,此功能将始终可用。请参阅 `#typescript.tsserver.web.projectWideIntellisense.enabled#`", "configuration.tsserver.web.typeAcquisition.enabled": "在 Web 上启用/禁用包获取。这会为导入的包启用 IntelliSense。需要 `#typescript.tsserver.web.projectWideIntellisense.enabled#`。目前不支持 Safari。", "configuration.typescript": "TypeScript", - "configuration.updateImportsOnPaste": "粘贴代码时自动更新导入项。需要 TypeScript 5.6+。", + "configuration.updateImportsOnPaste": "Automatically update imports when pasting code. Requires TypeScript 5.7+.", "description": "为 JavaScript 和 TypeScript 提供丰富的语言支持。", "displayName": "JavaScript 和 TypeScript 的语言功能", "format.indentSwitchCase": "switch 语句中的缩进 case 子句。需要在工作区中使用 TypeScript 5.1+。", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hans/translations/main.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hans/translations/main.i18n.json index bca49d101a..104dd72325 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hans/translations/main.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hans/translations/main.i18n.json @@ -548,12 +548,7 @@ "inlayHints.padding": "在编辑器中启用叠加提示周围的填充。", "inline": "快速建议显示为虚影文本", "inlineCompletionsAccessibilityVerbose": "控制在显示内联完成时是否应向屏幕阅读器用户提供辅助功能提示。", - "inlineEdit.enabled": "控制是否在编辑器中显示内联编辑。", - "inlineEdit.fontFamily": "控制内联编辑的字体系列。", - "inlineEdit.showToolbar": "控制何时显示内联编辑工具栏。", - "inlineEdit.showToolbar.always": "每当显示内联建议时,显示内联编辑工具栏。", - "inlineEdit.showToolbar.never": "切勿显示内联编辑工具栏。", - "inlineEdit.showToolbar.onHover": "将鼠标悬停在内联建议上时显示内联编辑工具栏。", + "inlineSuggest.edits.experimental.enabled": "Controls whether to enable experimental edits in inline suggestions.", "inlineSuggest.enabled": "控制是否在编辑器中自动显示内联建议。", "inlineSuggest.fontFamily": "控制内联建议的字体系列。", "inlineSuggest.showToolbar": "控制何时显示内联建议工具栏。", @@ -602,6 +597,7 @@ "occurrencesHighlight.multiFile": "实验性: 突出显示所有有效打开文件的出现次数。", "occurrencesHighlight.off": "不突出显示出现次数。", "occurrencesHighlight.singleFile": "仅突出显示当前文件中的出现次数。", + "occurrencesHighlightDelay": "Controls the delay in milliseconds after which occurrences are highlighted.", "off": "已禁用快速建议", "on": "快速建议显示在建议小组件内", "overviewRulerBorder": "控制是否在概览标尺周围绘制边框。", @@ -1398,6 +1394,7 @@ "action.inlineSuggest.acceptNextLine": "接受内联建议的下一行", "action.inlineSuggest.acceptNextWord": "接受内联建议的下一个字", "action.inlineSuggest.alwaysShowToolbar": "始终显示工具栏", + "action.inlineSuggest.dev.extractRepro": "Developer: Extract Inline Suggest State", "action.inlineSuggest.hide": "隐藏内联建议", "action.inlineSuggest.jump": "跳转到下一个内联编辑", "action.inlineSuggest.showNext": "显示下一个内联建议", @@ -1429,9 +1426,6 @@ "parameterHintsPreviousIcon": "“显示上一个参数”提示的图标。", "previous": "上一步" }, - "vs/editor/contrib/inlineEdit/browser/hoverParticipant": { - "hoverAccessibilityInlineEdits": "此处有内联编辑。" - }, "vs/editor/contrib/inPlaceReplace/browser/inPlaceReplace": { "InPlaceReplaceAction.next.label": "替换为下一个值", "InPlaceReplaceAction.previous.label": "替换为上一个值" @@ -2529,6 +2523,7 @@ "diffEditorRemovedLines": "已删除的行的背景色。颜色必须透明,以免隐藏下面的修饰效果。", "diffEditorRemovedOutline": "被删除文本的轮廓颜色。", "editorBackground": "编辑器背景色。", + "editorCompositionBorder": "The border color for an IME composition.", "editorError.background": "编辑器中错误文本的背景色。颜色必须透明,以免隐藏下面的修饰效果。", "editorError.foreground": "编辑器中错误波浪线的前景色。", "editorFindMatch": "当前搜索匹配项的颜色。", @@ -3932,6 +3927,8 @@ "editorCommand.activeEditorMove.arg.description": "参数属性:\r\n\t* \"to\": 表示向何处移动的字符串值。\r\n\t* \"by\": 表示移动单位的字符串值 (按选项卡或按组)。\r\n\t* \"value\": 表示移动的位置数量或移动到的绝对位置的数字型值。", "editorCommand.activeEditorMove.arg.name": "活动编辑器移动参数", "editorCommand.activeEditorMove.description": "按标签或按组移动活动编辑器", + "editorGroupLayout.horizontal": "Horizontal", + "editorGroupLayout.vertical": "Vertical", "focusLeftSideEditor": "在活动编辑器中专注第一侧", "focusOtherSideEditor": "在活动编辑器中专注其他侧", "focusRightSideEditor": "在活动编辑器中专注第二侧", @@ -4230,7 +4227,9 @@ "vs/workbench/browser/parts/panel/panelPart": { "align panel": "对齐面板", "hidePanel": "\"隐藏\" 面板", - "panel position": "面板位置" + "panel position": "面板位置", + "showIcons": "Show Icons", + "showLabels": "Show Labels" }, "vs/workbench/browser/parts/sidebar/sidebarActions": { "focusSideBar": "将焦点置于主侧栏" @@ -4355,9 +4354,6 @@ "shutdownErrorDetail": "工作台在运行时被意外释放。", "unableToOpenExternal": "浏览器已中断新选项卡或窗口的打开。仍然按“打开”以将其打开。" }, - "vs/workbench/browser/workbench": { - "loaderErrorNative": "未能加载所需文件。请重启应用程序重试。详细信息: {0}" - }, "vs/workbench/browser/workbench.contribution": { "activeEditorLong": "\"${activeEditorLong}\": 文件的完整路径 (例如 /Users/Development/myFolder/myFileFolder/myFile.txt)。", "activeEditorMedium": "\"${activeEditorMedium}\": 相对于工作区文件夹的文件路径 (例如, myFolder/myFileFolder/myFile.txt)。", @@ -4428,7 +4424,7 @@ "openFoldersInNewWindow": "控制打开文件夹时是在新窗口打开还是替换上一个活动窗口。\r\n注意,此设置可能会被忽略 (例如,在使用 `--new-window` 或 `--reuse-window` 命令行选项时)。", "panelDefaultLocation": "控制新工作区中面板(终端、调试控制台、输出、问题)的默认位置。它可以显示在编辑器区域的底部、顶部、右侧或左侧。", "panelOpensMaximized": "控制面板是否以最大化方式打开。它可以始终以最大化方式打开、永不以最大化方式打开或以关闭前的最后一个状态打开。", - "panelShowLabel": "控制面板标题中的活动项是显示为标签还是图标。", + "panelShowLabels": "Controls whether activity items in the panel title are shown as label or icon.", "perEditorGroup": "控制最大打开的编辑器的限制是否应应用于每个编辑器组或所有编辑器组。", "pinnedTabSizing": "控制固定的编辑器选项卡的大小。固定的选项卡排在所有打开的选项卡的开头,并且在取消固定之前,通常不会关闭。如果未将 {0} 设置为 {1},则会忽略此值。", "preserveInput": "当再次打开命令面板时,控制是否恢复上一次输入的内容。", @@ -4844,6 +4840,7 @@ "configureRuntimeArguments": "配置运行时参数", "openUserDataFolder": "打开用户数据文件夹", "reloadWindowWithExtensionsDisabled": "在禁用扩展的情况下重新加载", + "showGPUInfo": "Show GPU Info", "toggleDevTools": "切换开发人员工具" }, "vs/workbench/electron-sandbox/actions/installActions": { @@ -4909,7 +4906,7 @@ "touchbar.enabled": "启用键盘上的 macOS 触控栏按钮 (若可用)。", "touchbar.ignored": "触摸栏中不应显示的条目的一组标识符(例如 \"workbench.action.navigateBack\")。", "window.clickThroughInactive": "启用后,点击非活动窗口后将在激活窗口的同时触发光标之下的元素 (若可点击)。禁用后,点击非活动窗口仅能激活窗口,再次点击才能触发元素。", - "window.customTitleBarVisibility": "调整何时应自定义标题栏。在全屏模式下使用 `windowed` 时,可隐藏自定义标题栏。当 {0} 设置为 `native` 时,自定义标题栏只能在设置为 `never` 的非全屏模式下隐藏。", + "window.customTitleBarVisibility": "Adjust when the custom title bar should be shown. The custom title bar can be hidden when in full screen mode with `windowed`. The custom title bar can only be hidden in non full screen mode with `never` when {0} is set to `native`.", "window.customTitleBarVisibility.auto": "自动更改自定义标题栏可见性。", "window.customTitleBarVisibility.never": "当 {0} 设置为 `native` 时隐藏自定义标题栏。", "window.customTitleBarVisibility.windowed": "在全屏模式下隐藏自定义标题栏。在非全屏模式下,自动更改自定义标题栏可见性。", @@ -4947,7 +4944,6 @@ "downloadArmBuild": "下载", "keychainWriteError": "将登录信息写入密钥链失败,出现错误“{0}”。", "learnMore": "了解详细信息", - "loaderCycle": "AMD 模块中存在一个依赖项循环需要解决!", "loginButton": "登录(&&L)", "macoseolmessage": "{1} 上的 {0} 将很快停止接收更新。请考虑升级 macOS 版本。", "password": "密码", @@ -5185,7 +5181,7 @@ "openDiffEditorAnnouncement": "差异编辑器" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/accountEntitlements/browser/accountsEntitlements.contribution": { - "workbench.accounts.showEntitlements": "启用后,帐户的可用权利将显示在帐户菜单中。" + "workbench.accounts.showEntitlements": "When enabled, available entitlements for the account will be shown in the accounts menu." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/audioCues/browser/audioCues.contribution": { "audioCues.chatRequestSent": "发出聊天请求时播放声音。", @@ -5239,7 +5235,8 @@ "pickAProviderTitle": "管理扩展帐户首选项", "placeholder": "管理“{0}”帐户首选项...", "selectProvider": "选择要管理其帐户首选项的身份验证提供商", - "title": "此工作区的“{0}”帐户首选项" + "title": "此工作区的“{0}”帐户首选项", + "use new account": "Use a new account..." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/authentication/browser/actions/manageTrustedExtensionsForAccountAction": { "accountLastUsedDate": "上次使用此帐户的时间: {0}", @@ -5378,8 +5375,7 @@ "workbench.action.chat.focus": "如果要将焦点放在聊天请求/响应列表上(可使用向上和向下箭头进行导航),请调用“将焦点放在聊天上”命令 ({0})。", "workbench.action.chat.focusInput": "若要将焦点放在聊天请求的输入框上,请调用“将焦点放在聊天输入上”命令 ({0})。", "workbench.action.chat.newChat": "若要创建新的聊天会话,请调用“新建聊天”命令{0}。", - "workbench.action.chat.nextCodeBlock": "若要将焦点放在响应中的下一个代码块上,请调用“聊天: 下一个代码块”命令 ({0})。", - "workbench.action.chat.nextFileTree": "如果要将焦点放在响应中的下一个文件树上,请调用“聊天: 下一个文件树”命令 ({0})。" + "workbench.action.chat.nextCodeBlock": "若要将焦点放在响应中的下一个代码块上,请调用“聊天: 下一个代码块”命令 ({0})。" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatActions": { "actions.interactiveSession.focus": "焦点聊天列表", @@ -5389,19 +5385,26 @@ "chat.history.rename": "重命名", "chatWith": "使用扩展聊天", "currentChatLabel": "当前", + "installChat": "Install {0}", + "installChatGlobalAction.justification": "AI support requires this extension.", "interactiveSession.clearHistory.label": "清除输入历史记录", "interactiveSession.focusInput.label": "焦点聊天输入", "interactiveSession.history.delete": "删除", "interactiveSession.history.editor": "在编辑器中打开", "interactiveSession.history.pick": "切换到聊天", "interactiveSession.open": "打开编辑器", + "learnMore": "Learn More", "more": "更多...", "newChatTitle": "新聊天标题", "openChat": "打开聊天", - "title4": "聊天" + "title4": "聊天", + "toggle.chatControl": "Chat Controls", + "toggle.chatControlsDescription": "Toggle visibility of the Chat Controls in title bar" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatClearActions": { - "chat.newChat.label": "新建聊天" + "chat.newChat.label": "新建聊天", + "chat.newEdits.label": "New Edit Session", + "chat.openEdits.label": "Open Edit Session" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatCodeblockActions": { "chat.applyAll.label": "应用所有编辑", @@ -5417,8 +5420,12 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatContextActions": { "chatContext.attach.placeholder": "搜索附件", + "chatContext.attachScreenshot.labelElectron.Window": "Screenshot Window", + "chatContext.attachScreenshot.labelWeb": "Screenshot", + "chatContext.editors": "Open Editors", "chatContext.notebook.kernelVariable": "内核变量...", "chatContext.notebook.selectkernelVariable": "选择并插入内核变量", + "chatContext.searchResults": "Search Results", "chatContext.symbol": "符号...", "imageFromClipboard": "来自剪贴板的图像", "pastedImage": "粘贴的图像", @@ -5437,8 +5444,13 @@ "actions.chat.submitSecondaryAgent": "提交到辅助代理", "chat.newChat.label": "发送到新聊天", "chat.pickModel.label": "选取模型", + "chat.sendToChatEditing.label": "Send to Copilot Edits", + "chat.startEditing.confirmation.message": "Starting a new editing session will end your current editing session and discard edits to {0} files. Do you wish to proceed?", + "chat.startEditing.confirmation.primaryButton": "Yes", + "chat.startEditing.confirmation.title": "Start new editing session?", "interactive.cancel.label": "取消", - "interactive.submit.label": "发送" + "interactive.submit.label": "Send and Dispatch", + "interactive.submitWithoutDispatch.label": "Send" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatFileTreeActions": { "interactive.nextFileTree.label": "下一文件树", @@ -5466,7 +5478,19 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatTitleActions": { "chat.remove.label": "移除请求和响应", + "chat.retry.confirmation.checkbox": "Don't ask again", + "chat.retry.confirmation.message2": "This will undo edits made to {0} since this request.", + "chat.retry.confirmation.primaryButton": "Yes", "chat.retry.label": "重试", + "chat.retryLast.confirmation.message2": "This will undo edits made to {0} files in your working set since this request. Do you want to proceed?", + "chat.retryLast.confirmation.title2": "Do you want to retry your last request?", + "chat.startEditing.confirmation.acceptEdits": "Accept & Continue", + "chat.startEditing.confirmation.discardEdits": "Discard & Continue", + "chat.startEditing.confirmation.message": "Starting a new editing session will end your current editing session and discard edits to {0} files. Do you wish to proceed?", + "chat.startEditing.confirmation.pending.message": "Starting a new editing session will end your current session. Do you want to discard pending edits to {0} files?", + "chat.startEditing.confirmation.primaryButton": "Yes", + "chat.startEditing.confirmation.title": "Start new editing session?", + "chat.startEditing.label2": "Edit with Copilot", "interactive.helpful.label": "有用", "interactive.insertIntoNotebook.label": "插入笔记本", "interactive.reportIssueForBug.label": "报告问题", @@ -5483,17 +5507,25 @@ "insertCodeBlock.readonlyNotebook": "无法将代码块插入只读笔记本编辑器。", "overlap": "正在预览另一个代码更改。请先应用或放弃挂起的更改。" }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/attachments/implicitContextAttachment": { + "chat.fileAttachment": "Attached file, {0}", + "chat.fileAttachmentWithRange": "Attached file, {0}, line {1} to line {2}", + "disable": "Disable current file context", + "enable": "Enable current file context", + "enableHint": "disabled", + "openEditor": "Current file context" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chat": { "generating": "正在生成" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chat.contribution": { "chat": "聊天", "chat.commandCenter.enabled": "控制命令中心是否显示聊天操作的菜单(需要 {0})。", + "chat.editing.alwaysSaveWithGeneratedChanges": "Whether to always ask before saving files with changes made by chat.", + "chat.editing.confirmEditRequestRemoval": "Whether to show a confirmation before removing a request and its associated edits.", + "chat.editing.confirmEditRequestRetry": "Whether to show a confirmation before retrying a request and its associated edits.", + "chat.editing.enableRestoreFile": "Whether to show a toggle to restore an earlier version of a file that was edited in a chat editing session request.", "chat.experimental.detectParticipant.enabled": "为 panel 聊天启用聊天参与者自动删除功能。", - "chat.experimental.implicitContext": "控制是否显示复选框以允许用户确定聊天参与者提示中包含哪些隐式上下文。", - "chat.experimental.variables.editor": "为编辑器聊天启用变量。", - "chat.experimental.variables.notebook": "为笔记本聊天启用变量。", - "chat.experimental.variables.terminal": "为终端聊天启用变量。", "clear": "启动新聊天", "file": "选择工作区中的文件", "interactiveSession.editor.fontFamily": "控制聊天代码块中的字体系列。", @@ -5539,8 +5571,9 @@ "dismiss": "关闭" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatContentParts/chatReferencesContentPart": { + "addToChat": "Add File to Chat", + "chat.openEditor": "Open Editor", "chatCollapsibleList": "可折叠聊天列表", - "copyReference": "复制", "setting.hover": "打开设置“{0}”", "usedReferencesCollapsed": "{0},已折叠", "usedReferencesExpanded": "{0},已展开", @@ -5563,52 +5596,109 @@ "file": "文件", "image": "图像" }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditingActions": { + "accept.allFiles": "Accept All", + "accept.file": "Accept", + "chat.openWorkingSetHistory.label": "Open File Checkpoint", + "chat.remove.confirmation.checkbox": "Don't ask again", + "chat.remove.confirmation.message2": "This will remove all subsequent requests and undo edits made to {0}. Do you want to proceed?", + "chat.remove.confirmation.multipleEdits.message": "This will remove all subsequent requests and undo edits made to {0} files in your working set. Do you want to proceed?", + "chat.remove.confirmation.primaryButton": "Yes", + "chat.remove.confirmation.title": "Do you want to undo {0} edits?", + "chat.removeLast.confirmation.message2": "This will remove your last request and undo the edits made to {0}. Do you want to proceed?", + "chat.removeLast.confirmation.multipleEdits.message": "This will remove your last request and undo edits made to {0} files in your working set. Do you want to proceed?", + "chat.removeLast.confirmation.title": "Do you want to undo your last edit?", + "chat.restoreFile.label": "Restore Previous File State", + "chat.restoreFile.shortTitle": "Restore Previous File State", + "chat.restoreFile.title": "Using Previous File State", + "chat.restoreFile.tooltip": "Toggle to use the previous state of an edited file in your next request", + "chat.undoEdits.label": "Undo Edits", + "chatEditing.checkpoint": "{0} (Checkpoint {1})", + "chatEditing.openDiffs": "Open Diffs", + "discard.allFiles": "Discard All", + "discard.file": "Discard", + "open.fileInDiff": "Open Changes in Diff Editor", + "removeFileFromWorkingSet": "Remove File", + "workbench.action.chat.addFilesToWorkingSet.label": "Add Files to Working Set" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditingService": { - "accept.allFiles": "全部接受", - "accept.file": "接受", - "chatEditing.openDiffs": "打开差异", - "chatEditing.startSession": "开始编辑会话", + "chat": "Chat Editing", + "chatEditing.fileSave": "{0} wants to create a file. Choose where it should be saved.", "chatEditing.startingSession": "正在生成编辑...", - "chatEditing.stopSession": "停止编辑会话", - "discard.allFiles": "全部放弃", - "discard.file": "放弃", - "multiDiffEditorInput.name": "建议的编辑", - "open.file": "打开文件" + "chatEditing1": "Chat Edit: '{0}'", + "chatEditing2": "Chat Edit", + "multiDiffEditorInput.name": "建议的编辑" + }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditorActions": { + "accept": "Accept Chat Edit", + "next": "Go to Next Chat Edit", + "prev": "Go to Previous Chat Edit", + "reject": "Reject Chat Edit" + }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditorController": { + "chat.hasEditorModifications": "The current editor contains chat modifications" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditorInput": { "chatEditorLabelIcon": "聊天编辑器标签的图标。", "chatEditorName": "聊天" }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditorSaving": { + "chat": "chat", + "config": "Always save with AI-generated changes without asking", + "detail2": "AI-generated changes may be incorrect and should be reviewed before saving.", + "discard": "Cancel", + "message.1": "Do you want to save the changes {0} made in {1}?", + "message.2": "Do you want to save the changes {0} made to {1} files?", + "message.batched.multiFile.1": "Do you want to save the changes {0} made in {1} files?", + "message.batched.multiFile.2": "Do you want to save the changes chat made in {0} files?", + "message.batched.oneFile.1": "Do you want to save the changes {0} made in {1}?", + "message.batched.oneFile.2": "Do you want to save the changes chat made in {0}?", + "message.batched.oneFile.3": "Do you want to save the changes {0} made in 1 file?", + "message.batched.oneFile.4": "Do you want to save the changes chat made in 1 file?", + "save": "Save", + "save all": "Save All", + "save.allFiles": "Save All" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatFollowups": { "followUpAriaLabel": "跟进问题:{0}" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatGettingStarted": { "chat.openPanel": "打开聊天面板", - "workbench.panel.chat.view.showGettingStarted": "启用后,在聊天面板中显示入门试验。" + "workbench.panel.chat.view.showGettingStarted": "When enabled, shows a getting started experiment in the chat panel." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatImagePaste": { "pastedImage": "粘贴的图像" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatInlineAnchorWidget": { "actions.attach.label": "将文件添加到聊天", + "actions.copy.label": "Copy", "actions.goToDecl.label": "转到定义", + "actions.openToSide.label": "Open to the Side", + "goToImplementations.label": "Go to Implementations", "goToReferences.label": "转到引用", + "goToTypeDefinitions.label": "Go to Type Definitions", "miGotoDefinition": "转到定义(&&D)", - "miGotoReference": "转到引用(&&R)" + "miGotoImplementations": "Go to &&Implementations", + "miGotoReference": "转到引用(&&R)", + "miGotoTypeDefinition": "Go to &&Type Definitions", + "resource": "The full value of the chat anchor resource, including scheme and path" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatInputPart": { "actions.chat.accessibiltyHelp": "聊天输入,键入内容进行提问或者键入 / 来查找主题,按 Enter 可发送请求。使用 {0} 查看聊天辅助功能帮助。", "chat.attachment": "附加上下文,{0}", + "chat.attachment.clearButton": "Remove from context", "chat.fileAttachment": "附加文件,{0}", "chat.fileAttachmentWithRange": "附加文件,{0},行 {1} 到行 {2}", "chat.imageAttachment": "附加的图像,{0}", "chat.submitToSecondaryAgent": "发送到 @{0}", - "chatEditingSessionOverview": "已更改 {0} 个文件", - "chatEditingSessionOverview.oneFileChanged": "已更改 1 个文件", + "chatAddFiles": "{0} Add Files...", + "chatAttachFiles": "Search for files to add to your working set", + "chatEditingSession.manyFiles": "({0} files)", + "chatEditingSession.oneFile": "(1 file)", + "chatEditingSession.workingSet": "Working Set", "chatInput": "聊天输入", "chatInput.accessibilityHelpNoKb": "聊天输入,在此处键入代码,然后按 Enter 运行。有关详细信息,请使用“聊天辅助功能帮助”命令。", - "notebook.moreExecuteActionsLabel": "更多...", - "remove": "移除" + "notebook.moreExecuteActionsLabel": "更多..." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatListRenderer": { "chatConfirmationAction": "已选择“{0}”", @@ -5636,6 +5726,7 @@ "chatCommandSticky": "调用命令是否将聊天置于持久模式,其中该命令会自动添加到下一条消息的聊天输入中。", "chatCommandWhen": "启用命令时必须为 true 的条件。", "chatCommandsDescription": "可用于此聊天参与者的命令,用户可使用 `/` 进行调用。", + "chatEditing.viewContainer.label": "Copilot Edits", "chatFailErrorMessage": "无法加载 Chat,因为安装的 {0} 扩展版本与此版本的 {1} 不兼容。请确保 GitHub Copilot Chat 扩展是最新版本。", "chatParticipantDescription": "此聊天参与者的说明,显示在 UI 中。", "chatParticipantDisambiguation": "用于帮助自动将用户问题路由到此聊天参与者的元数据。", @@ -5645,14 +5736,18 @@ "chatParticipantFullName": "此聊天参与者的全名,显示为来自此参与者的响应的标签。如果未提供,则使用 {0}。", "chatParticipantId": "此聊天参与者的唯一 ID。", "chatParticipantName": "此聊天参与者面向用户的名称。用户将使用 \"@\" 与此名称来调用参与者。名词不能包含空格。", - "chatParticipantSupportsToolReferences": "此参与者是否支持 {0}。", "chatParticipantWhen": "启用此参与者时必须为 true 的条件。", "chatSampleRequest": "当用户在 `/help` 中单击此参与者时,此文本将提交给参与者。", "showExtension": "显示扩展", "vscode.extension.contributes.chatParticipant": "提供聊天参与者" }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatPasteProviders": { + "pastedImageName": "Pasted Image" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatWidget": { - "chatWidget.tips": "{0} 可附加上下文\r\n\r\n{1} 可与扩展聊天" + "chatWidget.tips": "{0} or type {1} to attach context\r\n\r\n{2} to chat with extensions\r\n\r\nType {3} to use commands", + "chatWidget.tips.withoutParticipants": "{0} or type {1} to attach context", + "scrollDownButtonLabel": "Scroll down" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/codeBlockPart": { "chat.codeBlock.toolbar": "代码块工具栏", @@ -5675,14 +5770,29 @@ "allFilesDescription": "在工作区中搜索相关文件,并提供其中的上下文" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/contrib/chatInputCompletions": { + "installLabel": "Install Chat Extensions...", "pickFileLabel": "选择文件" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/contrib/chatInputEditorHover": { "hoverAccessibilityChatAgent": "此处有一个聊天代理悬停部件。" }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/contrib/screenshot": { + "screenshot": "Screenshot" + }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/languageModelToolsService": { + "toolInvocationMessage": "Using {0}" + }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/viewsWelcome/chatViewsWelcomeContributions": { + "chatViewsWelcome.content": "The content of the welcome message. The first command link will be rendered as a button.", + "chatViewsWelcome.icon": "The icon for the welcome message.", + "chatViewsWelcome.title": "The title of the welcome message.", + "chatViewsWelcome.when": "Condition when the welcome message is shown.", + "vscode.extension.contributes.chatViewsWelcome": "Contributes a welcome message to a chat view" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/chatColors": { "chat.avatarBackground": "聊天头像的背景色。", "chat.avatarForeground": "聊天头像的前景色。", + "chat.editedFileForeground": "The foreground color of a chat edited file in the edited file list.", "chat.requestBackground": "聊天请求的背景色。", "chat.requestBorder": "聊天请求的边框颜色。", "chat.slashCommandBackground": "聊天斜线命令的背景色。", @@ -5690,13 +5800,15 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/chatContextKeys": { "chatEditApplied": "应用聊天文本编辑后为 True。", + "chatEditingParticipantRegistered": "True when a default chat participant is registered for editing.", "chatExtensionInvalid": "已安装的聊天扩展无效且需要更新时为 True。", + "chatHasFileAttachments": "True when the chat has file attachments.", + "chatInstallEntitled": "True when the user is entitled for chat installation.", "chatIsEnabled": "启用聊天时为 True,因为默认聊天参与者是使用实现激活的。", "chatItemId": "聊天项的 ID。", "chatLastItemId": "最后一个聊天项的 ID。", "chatModelsAreUserSelectable": "如果用户可以手动选择聊天模型,则为 True。", "chatParticipantRegistered": "为面板注册默认聊天参与者时为 True。", - "chatParticipantSupportsModelPicker": "如果当前聊天参与者支持手动选取模型,则为 True。", "chatRequest": "聊天项是一个请求", "chatResponse": "聊天项是一个响应。", "chatResponseErrored": "当聊天响应导致错误时为 True。", @@ -5711,6 +5823,9 @@ "interactiveSessionRequestInProgress": "当前请求仍在进行时为 True。", "interactiveSessionResponseVote": "对响应投赞成票后,其设置为 \"up\"。投反对票时,设置为 \"down\"。否则为空字符串。" }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/chatEditingService": { + "chatEditingWidgetFileState": "The current state of the file in the chat editing widget" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/chatModel": { "codeCitation": "找到具有 1 个许可证类型的类似代码", "codeCitations": "找到具有 {0} 个许可证类型的类似代码", @@ -5732,26 +5847,20 @@ "Language Models": "语言模型", "languageModels": "此扩展的语言模型使用情况统计信息。" }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/languageModelToolsService": { - "toolConfirmMessage": "{0} 将使用 {1}。", - "toolConfirmTitle": "使用 {0}?", - "toolInvocationMessage": "正在使用 {0}" - }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/tools/languageModelToolsContribution": { - "canBeInvokedManually": "用户是否可以通过聊天 UX 手动调用此工具。", + "canBeReferencedInPrompt": "If true, this tool shows up as an attachment that the user can add manually to their request. Chat participants will receive the tool in {0}.", "condition": "要启用此工具时必须为 true 的条件。请注意,即使工具的 `when` 条件为 false,该工具仍可能由另一个扩展调用。", - "contentTypes": "此工具可以返回的内容类型的列表。工具必须支持 `text/plain`,即使此处未指定,也假定其成立。另一个例子可能是 `@vscode/prompt-tsx` 库导出的 contentType。", - "icon": "表示此工具的图标。文件路径、具有深色和浅色主题的文件路径的对象,或主题图标引用(如 `\\$(zap)`)", + "icon": "An icon that represents this tool. Either a file path, an object with file paths for dark and light themes, or a theme icon reference, like `$(zap)`", "icon.dark": "使用深色主题时的图标路径", "icon.light": "使用浅色主题时的图标路径", - "parametersSchema": "此工具接受的参数的 JSON 架构。", - "requiresConfirmation": "此工具在执行之前是否需要用户确认。", + "parametersSchema": "A JSON schema for the parameters this tool accepts. The parameters must be an object at the top level. A particular language model may not support all JSON schema features. See the documentation for the language model family you are using for more information.", "toolDisplayName": "此工具的易读名称,可用于在 UI 中描述此工具。", - "toolId": "A unique id for this tool.", - "toolModelDescription": "此工具的说明,可传递给语言模型。", - "toolName": "如果为此工具启用了 {0},用户可将 \"#\" 与此名称一起使用,以在查询中调用此工具。否则,不需要该名称。名称不能包含空格。", + "toolModelDescription": "A description of this tool that may be used by a language model to select it.", + "toolName": "A unique name for this tool. This name must be a globally unique identifier, and is also used as a name when presenting this tool to a language model.", + "toolName2": "If {0} is enabled for this tool, the user may use '#' with this name to invoke the tool in a query. Otherwise, the name is not required. Name must not contain whitespace.", + "toolTags": "A set of tags that roughly describe the tool's capabilities. A tool user may use these to filter the set of tools to just ones that are relevant for the task at hand, or they may want to pick a tag that can be used to identify just the tools contributed by this extension.", "toolUserDescription": "可向用户显示的此工具的说明。", - "vscode.extension.contributes.tools": "提供可由语言模型调用的工具。" + "vscode.extension.contributes.tools": "Contributes a tool that can be invoked by a language model in a chat session, or from a standalone command. Registered tools can be used by all extensions." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/voiceChatService": { "voiceChatInProgress": "正在进行语音转文本会话以进行聊天。" @@ -5899,7 +6008,7 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/codeEditor/browser/saveParticipants": { "codeAction.apply": "正在应用代码操作“{0}”。", "codeaction": "快速修复", - "codeaction.get2": "从 \"{0}\" ([configure]({1}))中获取代码操作。", + "codeaction.get2": "Getting code actions from {0} ([configure]({1})).", "formatting2": "正在运行 \"{0}\" 格式化程序([configure]({1}))。" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/codeEditor/browser/toggleColumnSelection": { @@ -6387,6 +6496,7 @@ "debug.gutterMiddleClickAction.none": "不要执行任何操作。", "debug.gutterMiddleClickAction.triggeredBreakpoint": "添加触发的断点。", "debug.hideLauncherWhileDebugging": "调试处于活动状态时,在“运行和调试”视图的标题栏中隐藏“启动调试”控件。仅当 {0} 未“停靠”时才相关。", + "debug.hideSlowPreLaunchWarning": "Hide the warning shown when a `preLaunchTask` has been running for a while.", "debug.onTaskErrors": "控制在运行预启动任务后遇到错误时应该怎么做。", "debug.saveBeforeStart": "控制在启动调试会话前要保存哪些编辑器。", "debug.saveBeforeStart.allEditorsInActiveGroup": "在启动调试会话之前,保存活动组中的所有编辑器。", @@ -8323,8 +8433,12 @@ "startWithCurrentLine": "在编辑器中从当前行开始" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/inlineChat/browser/inlineChatSavingServiceImpl": { - "inlineChat": "正在等待接受或放弃内联聊天更改...", - "inlineChat.N": "正在等待接受或放弃 {0} 编辑器中的内联聊天更改..." + "config": "Always save with AI-generated changes without asking", + "detail": "AI-generated changes may be incorect and should be reviewed before saving.", + "discard": "Cancel", + "message.1": "Do you want to save the changes {0} made in {1}?", + "message.2": "Do you want to save the changes inline chat made in {0}?", + "save": "Save" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/inlineChat/browser/inlineChatWidget": { "aria-label": "内联聊天输入", @@ -8335,7 +8449,6 @@ "inlineChatClosed": "已关闭内联聊天小组件" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/inlineChat/common/inlineChat": { - "acceptedOrDiscardBeforeSave": "挂起的内联聊天会话是否会阻止保存。", "accessibleDiffView": "内联聊天是否还会呈现一个可访问的差异查看器以显示其更改。", "accessibleDiffView.auto": "可访问的差异查看器基于所启用的屏幕阅读器模式。", "accessibleDiffView.off": "从未启用可访问的差异查看器。", @@ -8720,7 +8833,7 @@ "undefinedPlaceholder": "请输入标题。" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/issue/electron-sandbox/process.contribution": { - "miOpenProcessExplorerer": "打开(&&P)流程资源管理器", + "miOpenProcessExplorerer": "打开进程资源管理器(&&P)", "openProcessExplorer": "打开进程资源管理器", "stopTracing": "停止跟踪", "stopTracing.button": "重新启动并启用跟踪(&&R)", @@ -8875,6 +8988,10 @@ "openLogsFolder": "打开日志文件夹" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/markdown/browser/markdownSettingRenderer": { + "alreadysetBoolFalse": "\"{0}: {1}\" is already disabled", + "alreadysetBoolTrue": "\"{0}: {1}\" is already enabled", + "alreadysetNum": "\"{0}: {1}\" is already set to {2}", + "alreadysetString": "\"{0}: {1}\" is already set to \"{2}\"", "changeSettingTitle": "查看或更改设置", "copySettingId": "复制设置 ID", "falseMessage": "禁用“{0}: {1}”", @@ -9499,6 +9616,9 @@ "runCell": "运行单元", "runCellsInSection": "运行分区中的单元" }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/controller/variablesActions": { + "notebookActions.openVariablesView": "Variables" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/diff/diffComponents": { "hiddenCell": "{0} 个隐藏单元格", "hiddenCells": "{0} 个隐藏单元格", @@ -9924,7 +10044,7 @@ "name": "启动性能" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/performance/electron-sandbox/performance.contribution": { - "experimental.rendererProfiling": "启用时,将自动分析慢速呈现器" + "experimental.rendererProfiling": "When enabled, slow renderers are automatically profiled." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/performance/electron-sandbox/startupProfiler": { "prof.detail": "请创建问题并手动附加以下文件:\r\n{0}", @@ -10105,6 +10225,7 @@ "defaultOverriddenDetailsAriaLabel": "{0} 替代了默认值", "defaultOverriddenLabel": "默认值已更改", "defaultOverriddenLanguagesList": "存在适用于 {0} 的特定于语言的默认值", + "experimentalLabel": "Experimental", "extensionSyncIgnoredLabel": "未同步", "hasDefaultOverridesForLanguages": "以下语言具有默认替代:", "manageWorkspaceTrust": "管理工作区信任", @@ -10117,6 +10238,7 @@ "policyDescriptionAccessible": "由组织策略管理;未应用设置值", "policyFilterLink": "查看策略设置", "policyLabelText": "未应用设置值", + "previewLabel": "Preview", "remote": "远程", "syncIgnoredAriaLabel": "同步期间忽略的设置", "syncIgnoredTitle": "同步期间忽略此设置", @@ -10250,6 +10372,10 @@ "groupRowAriaLabel": "{0},组", "settingsTOC": "设置目录" }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/preferences/common/preferences": { + "experimentalIndicatorDescription": "This setting controls a feature that may change or be removed in the future. Adjusting this setting may result in instability.", + "previewIndicatorDescription": "This setting controls a feature that is in active development." + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/preferences/common/preferencesContribution": { "enableNaturalLanguageSettingsSearch": "控制是否在设置中启用自然语言搜索。自然语言搜索由 Microsoft 联机服务提供。", "settingsSearchTocBehavior": "控制设置编辑器的目录在搜索时的行为。如果在“设置”编辑器中更改此设置,则更改后的设置将在修改搜索查询后生效。", @@ -11707,31 +11833,20 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminal.contribution": { "miToggleIntegratedTerminal": "终端(&&T)", - "tasksQuickAccessHelp": "显示所有已打开的终端", - "tasksQuickAccessPlaceholder": "键入要打开的终端的名称。", "terminal": "终端" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminalActions": { "emptyTerminalNameInfo": "不提供名称会将其重置为默认值", - "goToRecentDirectory.metadata": "转到最近使用的文件夹", "newWithProfile.location": "创建终端的位置", "newWithProfile.location.editor": "在编辑器中创建终端", "newWithProfile.location.view": "在终端视图中创建终端", "noUnattachedTerminals": "没有未附加但要附加到的终端", - "quickAccessTerminal": "切换活动终端", "sendSequence": "要发送到终端的文本序列", "showTerminalTabs": "显示选项卡", "terminalLaunchHelp": "打开帮助", "workbench.action.terminal.attachToSession": "附加到会话", "workbench.action.terminal.clear": "清除", - "workbench.action.terminal.clearPreviousSessionHistory": "清除上一会话历史记录", "workbench.action.terminal.clearSelection": "取消选择", - "workbench.action.terminal.copyAndClearSelection": "复制和清除选择", - "workbench.action.terminal.copyLastCommand": "复制最后一个命令", - "workbench.action.terminal.copyLastCommandAndOutput": "复制最后一个命令和输出", - "workbench.action.terminal.copyLastCommandOutput": "复制最后一个命令输出", - "workbench.action.terminal.copySelection": "复制所选内容", - "workbench.action.terminal.copySelectionAsHtml": "将所选内容复制为 HTML", "workbench.action.terminal.createTerminalEditor": "在编辑器区域内创建新终端", "workbench.action.terminal.createTerminalEditorSide": "在一侧的编辑器区域内创建新终端", "workbench.action.terminal.detachSession": "拆离会话", @@ -11740,7 +11855,6 @@ "workbench.action.terminal.focusNextPane": "在终端组中聚焦下一终端", "workbench.action.terminal.focusPrevious": "聚焦上一终端组", "workbench.action.terminal.focusPreviousPane": "在终端组中聚焦上一终端", - "workbench.action.terminal.goToRecentDirectory": "转到“最近使用的目录”...", "workbench.action.terminal.join": "联接终端...", "workbench.action.terminal.join.insufficientTerminals": "终端不足,无法执行联接操作", "workbench.action.terminal.join.onlySplits": "所有终端已联接", @@ -11756,8 +11870,6 @@ "workbench.action.terminal.newWorkspacePlaceholder": "选择当前工作目录新建终端", "workbench.action.terminal.openSettings": "配置终端设置", "workbench.action.terminal.overriddenCwdDescription": "(已替代) {0}", - "workbench.action.terminal.paste": "粘贴到活动终端中", - "workbench.action.terminal.pasteSelection": "将所选内容粘贴到活动终端", "workbench.action.terminal.relaunch": "重新启动活动终端", "workbench.action.terminal.rename.prompt": "输入终端名称", "workbench.action.terminal.renameWithArg.name": "终端的新名称", @@ -11768,7 +11880,6 @@ "workbench.action.terminal.resizePaneUp": "向上重设终端大小", "workbench.action.terminal.runActiveFile": "在活动终端中运行活动文件", "workbench.action.terminal.runActiveFile.noFile": "只有磁盘上的文件可在终端上运行", - "workbench.action.terminal.runRecentCommand": "运行最近使用的命令...", "workbench.action.terminal.runSelectedText": "在活动终端运行所选文本", "workbench.action.terminal.scrollDown": "向下滚动(行)", "workbench.action.terminal.scrollDownPage": "向下滚动(页)", @@ -11878,20 +11989,6 @@ "unsafePathWarning": "此终端配置使用了可由其他用户({0})修改的潜在不安全路径。是否确定要使用它?", "yes": "是" }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminalQuickAccess": { - "renameTerminal": "重命名终端", - "workbench.action.terminal.newWithProfilePlus": "创建具有配置文件的新终端...", - "workbench.action.terminal.newplus": "创建新的终端" - }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminalRunRecentQuickPick": { - "removeCommand": "从命令历史记录中删除", - "selectRecentCommand": "选择要运行的命令(按 Alt-key 编辑命令)", - "selectRecentCommandMac": "选择要运行的命令(按 Option-key 编辑命令)", - "selectRecentDirectory": "选择要转到的目录(按 Alt-key 编辑命令)", - "selectRecentDirectoryMac": "选择要转到的目录(按 Option-key 编辑命令)", - "shellFileHistoryCategory": "{0} 历史记录", - "viewCommandOutput": "查看命令输出" - }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminalService": { "localTerminalRemote": "此 shell 正在{0}本地{1}计算机上运行,而不是在连接的远程计算机上运行", "localTerminalVirtualWorkspace": "此 shell 对{0}本地{1}文件夹开放,而不是虚拟文件夹", @@ -11924,10 +12021,6 @@ "terminalConnectingLabel": "正在启动...", "terminals": "打开终端。" }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminalWslRecommendationContribution": { - "install": "安装", - "useWslExtension.title": "建议使用“{0}”扩展在 WSL 中打开终端。" - }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/xterm/decorationAddon": { "gutter": "装订线命令修饰", "no": "否", @@ -11966,13 +12059,6 @@ "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.types.icon.dark": "使用深色主题时的图标路径", "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.types.icon.light": "使用浅色主题时的图标路径" }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/common/terminalClipboard": { - "confirmMoveTrashMessageFilesAndDirectories": "是否确实要将 {0} 行文本粘贴到终端?", - "doNotAskAgain": "不再询问", - "multiLinePasteButton": "粘贴(&&P)", - "multiLinePasteButton.oneLine": "粘贴为 &&one 行", - "preview": "预览:" - }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/common/terminalColorRegistry": { "terminal.ansiColor": "终端中的 ANSI 颜色“{0}”。", "terminal.background": "终端的背景颜色,允许终端的颜色与面板不同。", @@ -12017,8 +12103,6 @@ "terminal.integrated.allowMnemonics": "是否允许使用菜单栏助记键(如 Alt+F)来触发打开菜单栏。请注意,这将导致在设为 true 时,所有 Alt 击键跳过 shell。此设置在 macOS 不起作用。", "terminal.integrated.allowedLinkSchemes": "包含终端可打开其链接的 URI 方案的字符串数组。出于安全原因,默认情况下只允许一小部分可能的方案。", "terminal.integrated.altClickMovesCursor": "如果启用,则当 {0} 设置为 {1} (默认值)时,alt/option+单击会将提示光标重置于鼠标下方。此功能的有效性取决于 shell。", - "terminal.integrated.autoReplies": "在终端中遇到一组消息时,将自动响应这组消息。如果消息足够具体,这可能有助于自动执行常见响应。\r\n\r\n备注:\r\n\r\n- 使用 {0} 自动响应 Windows 上的终止批处理作业提示。\r\n- 消息包括转义序列,因此可能无法使用带样式的文本进行回复。\r\n- 每秒只能进行一次回复。\r\n- 在回复中使用 {1} 来表示 Enter 键。\r\n- 要取消设置默认键,请将该值设置为 null。\r\n- 如果新的不适用,请重启 VS Code。", - "terminal.integrated.autoReplies.reply": "要发送到流程的回复。", "terminal.integrated.bellDuration": "触发时在终端选项卡中显示响铃的毫秒数。", "terminal.integrated.commandsToSkipShell": "一组命令 ID,其键绑定将不发送至 shell,而是始终由 VS Code 进行处理。这样的话,通常由 shell 使用的键绑定的行为可如同焦点未在终端上时的行为一样,例如按 “Ctrl+P” 来启动“快速打开”。\r\n\r\n \r\n\r\n默认跳过多项命令。要替代默认值并转而将相关命令的键绑定传递给 shell,请添加以 “-” 字符为前缀的命令。例如,添加“-workbench.action.quickOpen” 可使 “Ctrl+P”到达 shell。\r\n\r\n \r\n\r\n在设置编辑器中查看时,下面的默认跳过命令列表会被截断。要查看完整列表,请执行 {1},然后从下面的列表中搜索第一个命令。\r\n\r\n \r\n\r\n默认跳过的命令:\r\n\r\n{0}", "terminal.integrated.confirmOnExit": "如果存在活动终端会话,控制是否确认窗口关闭的时间。", @@ -12107,7 +12191,6 @@ "terminal.integrated.shellIntegration.decorationsEnabled.never": "不显示修饰", "terminal.integrated.shellIntegration.decorationsEnabled.overviewRuler": "在终端右侧显示概述标尺修饰", "terminal.integrated.shellIntegration.enabled": "确定是否自动注入 shell 集成以支持增强型命令跟踪和当前工作目录检测等功能。\r\n\r\nshell 集成通过使用启动脚本注入 shell 来工作。该脚本使 VS Code 能够了解终端中发生的情况。\r\n\r\n支持的 shell:\r\n\r\n- Linux/macOS: bash、fish、pwsh、zsh\r\n- Windows: pwsh、git bash\r\n\r\n此设置仅在创建终端时适用,因此需要重启终端才能生效。\r\n\r\n请注意,如果在终端配置文件中定义了自定义参数、已启用 {1}、具有[复杂 bash `PROMPT_COMMAND`](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/integrated-terminal#_complex-bash-promptcommand) 或其他不受支持的设置,则脚本注入可能不起作用。若要禁用修饰,请参阅 {0}", - "terminal.integrated.shellIntegration.history": "控制要保留在终端命令历史记录中的最近使用的命令数。设置为 0 可禁用终端命令历史记录。", "terminal.integrated.showExitAlert": "控制在退出代码为非零时是否显示“终端进程已终止且显示退出代码”警报。", "terminal.integrated.smoothScrolling": "控制终端是否将使用动画滚动。", "terminal.integrated.splitCwd": "控制拆分终端开始时使用的工作目录。", @@ -12229,6 +12312,10 @@ "terminal.integrated.accessibleViewFocusOnCommandExecution": "执行命令时,将焦点放在终端可访问视图上。", "terminal.integrated.accessibleViewPreserveCursorPosition": "重新打开终端的可访问视图时保留光标位置,而不是将其设置到缓冲区的底部。" }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/autoReplies/common/terminalAutoRepliesConfiguration": { + "terminal.integrated.autoReplies": "A set of messages that, when encountered in the terminal, will be automatically responded to. Provided the message is specific enough, this can help automate away common responses.\r\n\r\nRemarks:\r\n\r\n- Use {0} to automatically respond to the terminate batch job prompt on Windows.\r\n- The message includes escape sequences so the reply might not happen with styled text.\r\n- Each reply can only happen once every second.\r\n- Use {1} in the reply to mean the enter key.\r\n- To unset a default key, set the value to null.\r\n- Restart VS Code if new don't apply.", + "terminal.integrated.autoReplies.reply": "The reply to send to the process." + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/chat/browser/terminal.initialHint.contribution": { "disableHint": " 在设置中切换 {0} 以禁用此提示。", "disableInitialHint": "禁用初始提示", @@ -12268,8 +12355,6 @@ "closeChat": "关闭聊天", "discard": "放弃", "discardDescription": "放弃终端当前聊天响应,隐藏聊天小组件并清除聊天输入。", - "focusTerminalInput": "焦点终端输入", - "focusTerminalResponse": "焦点终端响应", "insert": "插入", "insertCommand": "插入聊天命令", "insertFirst": "首次插入", @@ -12291,6 +12376,23 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/chat/common/terminalInitialHintConfiguration": { "terminal.integrated.initialHint": "控制第一个没有输入的终端是否在聚焦时显示有关可用操作的提示。" }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/clipboard/browser/terminal.clipboard.contribution": { + "workbench.action.terminal.copyAndClearSelection": "Copy and Clear Selection", + "workbench.action.terminal.copyLastCommand": "Copy Last Command", + "workbench.action.terminal.copyLastCommandAndOutput": "Copy Last Command and Output", + "workbench.action.terminal.copyLastCommandOutput": "Copy Last Command Output", + "workbench.action.terminal.copySelection": "Copy Selection", + "workbench.action.terminal.copySelectionAsHtml": "Copy Selection as HTML", + "workbench.action.terminal.paste": "Paste into Active Terminal", + "workbench.action.terminal.pasteSelection": "Paste Selection into Active Terminal" + }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/clipboard/browser/terminalClipboard": { + "confirmMoveTrashMessageFilesAndDirectories": "Are you sure you want to paste {0} lines of text into the terminal?", + "doNotAskAgain": "Do not ask me again", + "multiLinePasteButton": "&&Paste", + "multiLinePasteButton.oneLine": "Paste as &&one line", + "preview": "Preview:" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/commandGuide/browser/terminal.commandGuide.contribution": { "terminalCommandGuide.foreground": "鼠标悬停在命令及其输出上时,显示在其左侧的终端命令指南的前景色。" }, @@ -12330,6 +12432,24 @@ "selectAll": "全选", "undo": "撤消" }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/history/browser/terminal.history.contribution": { + "goToRecentDirectory.metadata": "Goes to a recent folder", + "workbench.action.terminal.clearPreviousSessionHistory": "Clear Previous Session History", + "workbench.action.terminal.goToRecentDirectory": "Go to Recent Directory...", + "workbench.action.terminal.runRecentCommand": "Run Recent Command..." + }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/history/browser/terminalRunRecentQuickPick": { + "removeCommand": "Remove from Command History", + "selectRecentCommand": "Select a command to run (hold Alt-key to edit the command)", + "selectRecentCommandMac": "Select a command to run (hold Option-key to edit the command)", + "selectRecentDirectory": "Select a directory to go to (hold Alt-key to edit the command)", + "selectRecentDirectoryMac": "Select a directory to go to (hold Option-key to edit the command)", + "shellFileHistoryCategory": "{0} history", + "viewCommandOutput": "View Command Output" + }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/history/common/terminal.history": { + "terminal.integrated.shellIntegration.history": "Controls the number of recently used commands to keep in the terminal command history. Set to 0 to disable terminal command history." + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/links/browser/terminal.links.contribution": { "workbench.action.terminal.openDetectedLink": "打开检测到的链接...", "workbench.action.terminal.openLastLocalFileLink": "打开最后一个本地文件链接", @@ -12361,6 +12481,16 @@ "terminal.integrated.searchLinks": "工作区搜索", "terminal.integrated.urlLinks": "URL" }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/quickAccess/browser/terminal.quickAccess.contribution": { + "quickAccessTerminal": "Switch Active Terminal", + "tasksQuickAccessHelp": "Show All Opened Terminals", + "tasksQuickAccessPlaceholder": "Type the name of a terminal to open." + }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/quickAccess/browser/terminalQuickAccess": { + "renameTerminal": "Rename Terminal", + "workbench.action.terminal.newWithProfilePlus": "Create New Terminal With Profile...", + "workbench.action.terminal.newplus": "Create New Terminal" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/quickFix/browser/quickFixAddon": { "codeAction.widget.id.quickfix": "快速修复", "quickFix.command": "运行: {0}", @@ -12432,6 +12562,10 @@ "terminal.integrated.localEchoLatencyThreshold": "网络延迟的长度(以毫秒为单位),其中本地编辑将在终端上回显,无需等待服务器承认。如果为 '0',则本地回显将始终开启,如果为 '-1',则将禁用。", "terminal.integrated.localEchoStyle": "本地回显文本的终端样式;字体样式或 RGB 颜色。" }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/wslRecommendation/browser/terminal.wslRecommendation.contribution": { + "install": "Install", + "useWslExtension.title": "The '{0}' extension is recommended for opening a terminal in WSL." + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/zoom/browser/terminal.zoom.contribution": { "fontZoomIn": "增大字号", "fontZoomOut": "减小字体号", @@ -12688,10 +12822,12 @@ "openTestCoverage": "查看测试覆盖", "run test": "运行测试", "testing.cancelRun": "取消测试运行", - "testing.debugLastRun": "调试测试运行", + "testing.debugLastRun": "Debug Last Run", + "testing.debugTest": "Debug Test", "testing.goToError": "转到错误", "testing.goToTest": "转到测试", - "testing.reRunLastRun": "重新运行测试", + "testing.reRunLastRun": "Rerun Last Run", + "testing.reRunTest": "Rerun Test", "testing.revealInExplorer": "在测试资源管理器中显示", "testing.showResultOutput": "显示结果输出", "testingPeekLabel": "测试结果消息" @@ -13005,6 +13141,7 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/userDataProfile/browser/userDataProfile": { "New Profile Window": "使用配置文件新建窗口", + "change profile": "Switch to {0} profile", "create profile": "新建配置文件...", "current": "当前", "delete profile": "删除配置文件...", @@ -13016,10 +13153,12 @@ "new window with profile": "使用配置文件新建窗口", "newWindowWithProfile": "使用配置文件新建窗口...", "open": "打开 {0} 配置文件", + "open profile": "Open New Window with {0} Profile", "open profiles": "打开配置文件(UI)", "openShort": "{0}", "pick profile": "选择配置文件", "pick profile to delete": "选择要删除的配置文件", + "profiles": "Profile ({0})", "save profile as": "将当前配置文件另存为……", "selectProfile": "选择配置文件", "switchProfile": "Switch 配置文件...", @@ -13053,6 +13192,7 @@ "default profile contents description": "浏览此配置文件的内容\r\n", "defaultProfileIcon": "无法更改默认配置文件的图标", "defaultProfileName": "无法更改默认配置文件的名称", + "deleteTrustedUri": "Delete Path", "editIcon": "配置文件编辑器中的“编辑文件夹”图标。", "empty profile": "无", "enable for current window": "将此配置文件用于当前窗口", @@ -13090,6 +13230,7 @@ "profileName": "配置文件名称", "profiles": "配置文件", "profilesSashBorder": "配置文件编辑器拆分视图窗体边框的颜色。", + "removeIcon": "Icon for the remove folder icon in the profiles editor.", "settings": "设置", "snippets": "片段", "tasks": "任务", @@ -13406,7 +13547,8 @@ "gettingStartedUnchecked": "用于表示尚未完成的演练步骤" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcomeGettingStarted/browser/gettingStartedInput": { - "getStarted": "欢迎" + "getStarted": "欢迎", + "walkthroughPageTitle": "Walkthrough: " }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcomeGettingStarted/browser/gettingStartedService": { "builtin": "内置", @@ -13438,6 +13580,7 @@ "gettingStarted.accessibleView.title": "屏幕阅读器用户可以在无障碍视图中逐行、逐字检查内容。", "gettingStarted.beginner.description": "获取最基本功能的概述", "gettingStarted.beginner.title": "了解基础知识", + "gettingStarted.beginner.walkthroughPageTitle": "Essential Features", "gettingStarted.codeFolding.description.interpolated": "使用“切换折叠”命令折叠或展开代码部分。\r\n{0}\r\n 使用“切换折叠递归”命令以递归方式折叠或展开\r\n{1}\r\n", "gettingStarted.codeFolding.title": "使用代码折叠可折叠代码块,并关注你感兴趣的代码。", "gettingStarted.commandPalette.description.interpolated": "在 VS Code 中运行命令,无需动用鼠标即可完成任何任务。\r\n{0}", @@ -13466,6 +13609,7 @@ "gettingStarted.newFile.description": "打开新的无标题文本文件、笔记本或自定义编辑器。", "gettingStarted.newFile.title": "新建文件...", "gettingStarted.notebook.title": "自定义笔记", + "gettingStarted.notebook.walkthroughPageTitle": "Notebooks", "gettingStarted.notebookProfile.description": "获取笔记,以你喜欢的方式体验", "gettingStarted.notebookProfile.title": "选择笔记的布局", "gettingStarted.openFile.description": "打开文件以开始工作", @@ -13491,10 +13635,13 @@ "gettingStarted.setup.OpenFolderWeb.description.interpolated": "你已准备好开始编码。可以打开本地项目或远程仓库,以将文件置于 VS Code。\r\n{0}\r\n{1}", "gettingStarted.setup.description": "自定义编辑器、了解基础知识并开始编码", "gettingStarted.setup.title": "开始使用 VS Code", + "gettingStarted.setup.walkthroughPageTitle": "Setup VS Code", "gettingStarted.setupAccessibility.description": "了解可用于访问 VS Code 的工具和快捷方式。请注意,某些操作在演练的上下文中不可操作。", "gettingStarted.setupAccessibility.title": "辅助功能入门", + "gettingStarted.setupAccessibility.walkthroughPageTitle": "Setup VS Code Accessibility", "gettingStarted.setupWeb.description": "自定义编辑器、了解基础知识并开始编码", "gettingStarted.setupWeb.title": "面向 Web 的 VS Code 入门", + "gettingStarted.setupWeb.walkthroughPageTitle": "Setup VS Code Web", "gettingStarted.shortcuts.description.interpolated": "发现喜欢的命令后,创建自定义键盘快捷方式以进行即时访问。\r\n{0}", "gettingStarted.shortcuts.title": "自定义快捷方式", "gettingStarted.tasks.description.interpolated": "为常见工作流创建任务,并享受运行脚本和自动检查结果的集成体验。\r\n{0}", @@ -13768,7 +13915,6 @@ "editorLineNumberContext": "贡献的编辑器行号上下文菜单", "file.newFile": "“新建文件...”快速选取,显示在欢迎页面和文件菜单上。", "inlineCompletions.actions": "悬停在内联完成项上时显示的操作", - "inlineEdit.actions": "鼠标悬停在内联编辑上时显示的操作", "interactive.cell.title": "贡献的交互式单元格标题菜单", "interactive.toolbar": "贡献的交互式工具栏菜单", "issue.reporter": "提供的问题报告器菜单", @@ -14310,7 +14456,12 @@ "startBisect": "开始扩展二等分" }, "vs/workbench/services/files/electron-sandbox/diskFileSystemProvider": { - "fileWatcher": "文件观察程序" + "fileWatcher": "File Watcher" + }, + "vs/workbench/services/files/electron-sandbox/elevatedFileService": { + "fileNotTrusted": "Workspace is not trusted.", + "fileNotTrustedMessagePosix": "You are about to save '{0}' as super user.", + "fileNotTrustedMessageWindows": "You are about to save '{0}' as admin." }, "vs/workbench/services/filesConfiguration/common/filesConfigurationService": { "configuredReadonly": "编辑器处于只读状态,因为该文件已通过设置设为只读。[单击此处](command:{0})以配置或 [切换此会话](command:{1})。", @@ -14602,6 +14753,10 @@ "vs/workbench/services/textfile/common/textFileEditorModelManager": { "genericSaveError": "未能保存“{0}”: {1}" }, + "vs/workbench/services/textfile/common/textFileSaveParticipant": { + "saveParticipants1": "Running Code Actions and Formatters...", + "skip": "Skip" + }, "vs/workbench/services/textfile/electron-sandbox/nativeTextFileService": { "join.textFiles": "正在保存文本文件" }, @@ -14713,7 +14868,7 @@ "schema.folderNamesExpanded": "将文件夹名关联到展开文件夹的图标。对象中的键是文件夹名,其中不含任何路径字段。不允许使用模式或通配符。文件夹名匹配不区分大小写。", "schema.font-format": "字体的格式。", "schema.font-path": "相对于当前文件图标主题文件的字体路径。", - "schema.font-size": "字体的默认大小。请参阅 https://developer.mozilla.org/zh-CN/docs/Web/CSS/font-size 查看有效的值。", + "schema.font-size": "The default size of the font. We strongly recommend using a percentage value, for example: 125%.", "schema.font-style": "字体的样式。要了解有效值,请参阅 https://developer.mozilla.org/zh-cn/docs/Web/CSS/font-style。", "schema.font-weight": "字体的粗细。要了解有效值,请参阅 https://developer.mozilla.org/zh-cn/docs/Web/CSS/font-weight。", "schema.fontCharacter": "使用字形字体时: 要使用的字体中的字符。", @@ -15042,6 +15197,10 @@ "vs/workbench/services/workingCopy/common/storedFileWorkingCopyManager": { "join.fileWorkingCopyManager": "正在保存工作副本" }, + "vs/workbench/services/workingCopy/common/storedFileWorkingCopySaveParticipant": { + "saveParticipants1": "Running Code Actions and Formatters...", + "skip": "Skip" + }, "vs/workbench/services/workingCopy/common/workingCopyHistoryService": { "default.source": "已保存文件", "join.workingCopyHistory": "正在保存本地历史记录", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hant/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hant/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json index 6cc0dd3ce2..0e6b7b4294 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hant/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hant/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json @@ -327,7 +327,7 @@ "No npm scripts found in your package.json": "未在您的 package.json 找到 npm 指令碼", "No package.json files found in your workspace.": "在您的工作區中找不到 package.json 檔案。", "No workspace folder open.": "未開啟工作區資料夾。", - "Node Attributes": "Node Attributes", + "Node Attributes": "節點屬性", "Node.js version '{0}' not installed using version manager {1}.": "未使用版本管理員 {1} 安裝 Node.js '{0}' 版。", "Not Now": "現在不要", "Only objects can be queried": "只能查詢物件", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hant/translations/extensions/vscode.git.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hant/translations/extensions/vscode.git.i18n.json index 65ea293ad4..f82160a904 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hant/translations/extensions/vscode.git.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hant/translations/extensions/vscode.git.i18n.json @@ -161,6 +161,7 @@ "Open": "開啟", "Open Commit": "開啟認可", "Open Comparison": "開啟比較", + "Open File": "Open File", "Open Git Log": "開啟 Git 記錄", "Open Merge": "開啟合併", "Open Repositories In Parent Folders": "開啟上層資料夾中的存放庫", @@ -267,6 +268,7 @@ "There are {0} unsaved files.\n\nWould you like to save them before stashing?": "有 {0} 個未儲存的檔案。\n\n要先儲存檔案再隱藏嗎?", "There are {0} untracked files which will be DELETED FROM DISK if discarded.": "有 {0} 個未追蹤檔案若被捨棄,將會從磁碟中刪除。", "There were merge conflicts while applying the stash.": "套用隱藏時發生合併衝突。", + "There were merge conflicts while cherry picking the changes. Resolve the conflicts before committing them.": "There were merge conflicts while cherry picking the changes. Resolve the conflicts before committing them.", "This action will pull and push commits from and to \"{0}/{1}\".": "此動作會從 \"{0}/{1}\" 提取和推送提交。", "This repository has no remotes configured to fetch from.": "您的儲存庫未設定要擷取的遠端來源。", "This will DELETE {0} untracked files!\nThis is IRREVERSIBLE!\nThese files will be FOREVER LOST.": "這會刪除 {0} 已取消追蹤的檔案!\n此動作無法復原!\n將會永久遺失這些檔案。", @@ -356,6 +358,7 @@ "command.checkoutDetached": "簽出至 (已中斷連結)...", "command.checkoutRefDetached": "簽出 (已中斷連結)", "command.cherryPick": "揀選...", + "command.cherryPickAbort": "Abort Cherry Pick", "command.cherryPickRef": "揀選", "command.clean": "捨棄變更", "command.cleanAll": "捨棄所有變更", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hant/translations/extensions/vscode.github-authentication.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hant/translations/extensions/vscode.github-authentication.i18n.json index 573e12f21c..78b4a267e8 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hant/translations/extensions/vscode.github-authentication.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hant/translations/extensions/vscode.github-authentication.i18n.json @@ -16,8 +16,6 @@ "Having trouble logging in? Would you like to try a different way? ({0})": "登入時遇到問題嗎? 要嘗試其他方式嗎? ({0})", "No": "否", "Open [{0}]({0}) in a new tab and paste your one-time code: {1}/The [{0}]({0}) will be a url and the {1} will be a code, e.g. 123-456{Locked=\"[{0}]({0})\"}": "在新索引標籤中開啟 [{0}]({0}) 並貼上您的一次性代碼: {1}", - "Please reload the window to apply the new setting.": "請重新載入視窗以套用新設定。", - "Reload Window": "重新載入視窗", "Sign in failed: {0}": "登入失敗: {0}", "Sign out failed: {0}": "登出失敗: {0}", "Signing in to {0}.../The {0} will be a url, e.g. github.com": "正在登入 {0}...", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hant/translations/extensions/vscode.ipynb.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hant/translations/extensions/vscode.ipynb.i18n.json index 579c63b8be..c64a227d5c 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hant/translations/extensions/vscode.ipynb.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hant/translations/extensions/vscode.ipynb.i18n.json @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ "copyCellOutput.title": "複製儲存格輸出", "description": "提供開啟和讀取 Jupyter .ipynb 筆記本檔案的基本支援", "displayName": ".ipynb 支援", - "ipynb.experimental.serialization": "將背景工作執行緒中的 Jupyter 筆記本序列化的實驗性功能。當延伸模組主機以 Web 背景工作身分執行時不支援。", + "ipynb.experimental.serialization": "Experimental feature to serialize the Jupyter notebook in a worker thread.", "ipynb.pasteImagesAsAttachments.enabled": "啟用/停用將影像貼到 IPYNB Notebook 檔案中的 Markdown 儲存格。貼上的影像會插入為儲存格的附件。", "markdownAttachmentRenderer.displayName": "Markdown-It ipynb 資料格附件轉譯器", "newUntitledIpynb.shortTitle": "Jupyter Notebook", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hant/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hant/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json index ea7945bd9a..56449f8922 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hant/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hant/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json @@ -87,6 +87,8 @@ "Please report an issue against Yarn PnP": "請針對 Yarn PnP 回報問題", "Please update your TypeScript version": "請更新您的 TypeScript 版本", "Project Wide IntelliSense not available": "無法使用 Project Wide IntelliSense", + "Related files provider failed. Copilot requested file with unsupported language mode.": "Related files provider failed. Copilot requested file with unsupported language mode.", + "Related files provider failed. No active text editor.": "Related files provider failed. No active text editor.", "Remove Unused Imports": "移除未使用的匯入", "Remove all unused code": "移除所有未使用的程式碼", "Report Issue": "回報問題", @@ -196,12 +198,14 @@ "configuration.tsserver.useSyntaxServer.auto": "同時繁衍專用於語法作業的完整伺服器和輕量化伺服器。語法伺服器可用來加快語法作業,並在載入專案時提供 IntelliSense。", "configuration.tsserver.useSyntaxServer.never": "不要使用專用的語法伺服器。使用單一伺服器來處理所有 IntelliSense 作業。", "configuration.tsserver.useVsCodeWatcher": "使用 VS Code 的檔案監看員,而非 TypeScript 的。需要在工作區中使用 TypeScript 5.4+。", + "configuration.tsserver.useVsCodeWatcher.deprecation": "Please use the `#typescript.tsserver.watchOptions#` setting instead.", "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions": "設定要用來追蹤檔案與目錄的監視策略。", "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions.fallbackPolling": "使用檔案系統事件時,此選項會指定當系統用完原生檔案監控程式且 (或) 不支援原生檔案監控程式時,所要使用的輪詢策略。", "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions.fallbackPolling.dynamicPriorityPolling ": "使用動態佇列,使較少修改的檔案檢查頻率較低。", "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions.fallbackPolling.fixedPollingInterval": "以固定間隔每秒檢查所有檔案的變更數次。", "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions.fallbackPolling.priorityPollingInterval": "每秒檢查所有檔案的變更數次,但使用啟發學習法檢查特定類型的檔案 (頻率較其他類型低)。", "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions.synchronousWatchDirectory": "停用目錄的延遲監視。如果有大量檔案變更可能同時發生時 (例如執行 npm install 的 node_modules 變更),延遲監視相當實用,但建議您使用此旗標予以停用以執行某些不太常見的設定。", + "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions.vscode": "Use VS Code's file watchers instead of TypeScript's. Requires using TypeScript 5.4+ in the workspace.", "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions.watchDirectory": "在缺乏遞迴檔案監視功能的系統下,監視整個目錄樹狀的策略。", "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions.watchDirectory.dynamicPriorityPolling": "使用動態佇列,使較少修改的目錄檢查頻率較低。", "configuration.tsserver.watchOptions.watchDirectory.fixedChunkSizePolling": "定期輪詢區塊中的目錄。", @@ -218,7 +222,7 @@ "configuration.tsserver.web.projectWideIntellisense.suppressSemanticErrors": "即使已啟用全專案 IntelliSense,也抑制網頁語意錯誤。全專案 IntelliSense 未啟用或無法使用時,一律會啟用此項目。請參閱 `#typescript.tsserver.web.projectWideIntellisense.enabled#`", "configuration.tsserver.web.typeAcquisition.enabled": "啟用/停用網路上的套件擷取。這會為匯入的套件啟用 IntelliSense。需要 `#typescript.tsserver.web.projectWideIntellisense.enabled#`。目前不支援 Safari。", "configuration.typescript": "TypeScript", - "configuration.updateImportsOnPaste": "貼上程式碼時自動更新匯入。需要 TypeScript 5.6+。", + "configuration.updateImportsOnPaste": "Automatically update imports when pasting code. Requires TypeScript 5.7+.", "description": "為 JavaScript 和 TypeScript 提供豐富的語言支援。", "displayName": "TypeScript 和 JavaScript 語言功能", "format.indentSwitchCase": "將 switch 陳述式中的大小寫子句縮排。需要在工作區中使用 TypeScript 5.1+。", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hant/translations/main.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hant/translations/main.i18n.json index 68c585b5c6..058e054aa6 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hant/translations/main.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hant/translations/main.i18n.json @@ -548,12 +548,7 @@ "inlayHints.padding": "在編輯器中啟用的內嵌提示周圍的填補。", "inline": "快速建議會顯示為浮水印文字", "inlineCompletionsAccessibilityVerbose": "控制當顯示內嵌完成時,是否應提供協助工具提示給螢幕助讀程式使用者。", - "inlineEdit.enabled": "控制是否在編輯器中顯示內嵌編輯。", - "inlineEdit.fontFamily": "控制內嵌編輯的字體系列。", - "inlineEdit.showToolbar": "控制何時顯示內嵌編輯工具列。", - "inlineEdit.showToolbar.always": "每當顯示內嵌建議時,顯示內嵌編輯工具列。", - "inlineEdit.showToolbar.never": "永不顯示內嵌編輯工具列。", - "inlineEdit.showToolbar.onHover": "將滑鼠懸停在內嵌建議上時顯示內嵌編輯工具列。", + "inlineSuggest.edits.experimental.enabled": "Controls whether to enable experimental edits in inline suggestions.", "inlineSuggest.enabled": "控制是否要在編輯器中自動顯示內嵌建議。", "inlineSuggest.fontFamily": "控制內嵌建議的字體系列。", "inlineSuggest.showToolbar": "控制何時顯示內嵌建議工具列。", @@ -602,6 +597,7 @@ "occurrencesHighlight.multiFile": "實驗: 跨所有有效的開啟檔案強調顯示出現項目。", "occurrencesHighlight.off": "不強調顯示出現項目。", "occurrencesHighlight.singleFile": "僅強調顯示目前檔案中的出現項目。", + "occurrencesHighlightDelay": "Controls the delay in milliseconds after which occurrences are highlighted.", "off": "已停用快速建議", "on": "快速建議會顯示在建議小工具內", "overviewRulerBorder": "控制是否應在概觀尺規周圍繪製框線。", @@ -1398,6 +1394,7 @@ "action.inlineSuggest.acceptNextLine": "接受下一個內嵌建議行", "action.inlineSuggest.acceptNextWord": "接受下一個內嵌建議字組", "action.inlineSuggest.alwaysShowToolbar": "永遠顯示工具列", + "action.inlineSuggest.dev.extractRepro": "Developer: Extract Inline Suggest State", "action.inlineSuggest.hide": "隱藏內嵌建議", "action.inlineSuggest.jump": "跳到下一個內嵌編輯", "action.inlineSuggest.showNext": "顯示下一個內嵌建議", @@ -1429,9 +1426,6 @@ "parameterHintsPreviousIcon": "[顯示上一個參數提示] 的圖示。", "previous": "上一個" }, - "vs/editor/contrib/inlineEdit/browser/hoverParticipant": { - "hoverAccessibilityInlineEdits": "這裡有內嵌編輯。" - }, "vs/editor/contrib/inPlaceReplace/browser/inPlaceReplace": { "InPlaceReplaceAction.next.label": "以下一個值取代", "InPlaceReplaceAction.previous.label": "以上一個值取代" @@ -2529,6 +2523,7 @@ "diffEditorRemovedLines": "已移除程式行的背景色彩。其不得為不透明色彩,以免隱藏底層裝飾。", "diffEditorRemovedOutline": "移除的文字外框色彩。", "editorBackground": "編輯器的背景色彩。", + "editorCompositionBorder": "The border color for an IME composition.", "editorError.background": "編輯器中錯誤文字的背景色彩。其不得為不透明色彩,以免隱藏底層裝飾。", "editorError.foreground": "編輯器內錯誤提示線的前景色彩.", "editorFindMatch": "符合目前搜尋的色彩。", @@ -3932,6 +3927,8 @@ "editorCommand.activeEditorMove.arg.description": "引數屬性:\r\n* 'to': 字串值,提供向何處移動。\r\n* 'by': 字串值,提供移動的單位 (依索引標籤或群組)。\r\n* 'value': 數值,提供要移動多少位置或絕對位置。", "editorCommand.activeEditorMove.arg.name": "使用中編輯器的移動引數", "editorCommand.activeEditorMove.description": "以 tab 或群組為單位移動使用中的編輯器", + "editorGroupLayout.horizontal": "Horizontal", + "editorGroupLayout.vertical": "Vertical", "focusLeftSideEditor": "將焦點放在使用中編輯器的第一面", "focusOtherSideEditor": "將焦點放在使用中編輯器的其他面", "focusRightSideEditor": "將焦點放在使用中編輯器的第二面", @@ -4230,7 +4227,9 @@ "vs/workbench/browser/parts/panel/panelPart": { "align panel": "對齊面板", "hidePanel": "隱藏面板", - "panel position": "面板位置" + "panel position": "面板位置", + "showIcons": "Show Icons", + "showLabels": "Show Labels" }, "vs/workbench/browser/parts/sidebar/sidebarActions": { "focusSideBar": "將焦點放入主要提要欄位" @@ -4355,9 +4354,6 @@ "shutdownErrorDetail": "Workbench 在執行時意外處置。", "unableToOpenExternal": "瀏覽器已中斷新索引標籤或視窗的開啟。按 [開啟] 來開啟。" }, - "vs/workbench/browser/workbench": { - "loaderErrorNative": "無法載入必要的檔案。請重新啟動該應用程式,然後再試一次。詳細資料: {0}" - }, "vs/workbench/browser/workbench.contribution": { "activeEditorLong": "`${activeEditorLong}`: 檔案的完整路徑 (如 /Users/Development/myFolder/myFileFolder/myFile.txt)。", "activeEditorMedium": "`${activeEditorMedium}`: 相對於工作區資料夾的檔案路徑 (如 myFolder/myFileFolder/myFile.txt)。", @@ -4428,7 +4424,7 @@ "openFoldersInNewWindow": "控制資料夾應在新視窗中開啟或取代上次使用中的視窗。\r\n請注意,仍可能發生忽略此設定的情況 (例如當使用 `--new-window` 或 `--reuse-window` 命令列選項時)。", "panelDefaultLocation": "在新工作區控制面板的預設位置 (終端機、偵錯主控台、輸出、問題)。可顯示在編輯器區域的底部、頂部、右側或左側。", "panelOpensMaximized": "控制是否以最大化方式開啟面板。面板可以總是以最大化方式開啟、永不以最大化方式開啟,或以關閉前的最後狀態開啟。", - "panelShowLabel": "控制面板標題中的活動項目是否顯示為標籤或圖示。", + "panelShowLabels": "Controls whether activity items in the panel title are shown as label or icon.", "perEditorGroup": "控制要將已開啟編輯器的上限逐一套用到編輯器群組,或是套用到所有編輯器群組。", "pinnedTabSizing": "控制釘選的編輯器索引標籤大小。釘選的索引標籤會排序在所有開啟的索引標籤前面,且通常在取消釘選前不會關閉。當未設為 {1} 時,會忽略 {0}。", "preserveInput": "控制上次鍵入命令選擇區的輸入是否應在下次將其開啟時還原。", @@ -4844,6 +4840,7 @@ "configureRuntimeArguments": "設定執行階段引數", "openUserDataFolder": "開啟使用者資料資料夾", "reloadWindowWithExtensionsDisabled": "已停用延伸模組的重新載入", + "showGPUInfo": "Show GPU Info", "toggleDevTools": "切換開發人員工具" }, "vs/workbench/electron-sandbox/actions/installActions": { @@ -4909,7 +4906,7 @@ "touchbar.enabled": "啟用鍵盤上的 macOS 觸摸板按鈕 (如果可用)。", "touchbar.ignored": "觸控列中一組不應顯示的項目識別碼 (例如 `workbench.action.navigateBack`)。", "window.clickThroughInactive": "若已啟用,按一下非使用中的視窗將會啟動該視窗並觸發其下的元素 (如果可以案的話)。若已停用,按一下非使用中視窗的任一處則只會啟動該視窗,必須再按一下才會觸發元素。", - "window.customTitleBarVisibility": "調整應顯示自訂標題列的時機。在全螢幕模式中使用 [視窗型] 時,可以隱藏自訂標題列。當 {0} 設定為 'native' 時,自訂標題列只能以 'never' 的全螢幕模式隱藏。", + "window.customTitleBarVisibility": "Adjust when the custom title bar should be shown. The custom title bar can be hidden when in full screen mode with `windowed`. The custom title bar can only be hidden in non full screen mode with `never` when {0} is set to `native`.", "window.customTitleBarVisibility.auto": "自動變更自訂標題列可見度。", "window.customTitleBarVisibility.never": "當 {0} 設定為 'native' 時,隱藏自訂標題列。", "window.customTitleBarVisibility.windowed": "以全螢幕隱藏自訂標題列。非全螢幕時,自動變更自訂標題列可見度。", @@ -4947,7 +4944,6 @@ "downloadArmBuild": "下載", "keychainWriteError": "將登入資訊寫入 Keychain 失敗。錯誤: '{0}'。", "learnMore": "深入了解", - "loaderCycle": "AMD 模組中有必須解決的相依性迴圈!", "loginButton": "登入(&&L)", "macoseolmessage": "{1} 的 {0} 即將停止接收更新。請考慮升級您的 macOS 版本。", "password": "密碼", @@ -5185,7 +5181,7 @@ "openDiffEditorAnnouncement": "Diff 編輯器" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/accountEntitlements/browser/accountsEntitlements.contribution": { - "workbench.accounts.showEntitlements": "啟用時,帳戶的可用權利將會顯示在帳戶功能表中。" + "workbench.accounts.showEntitlements": "When enabled, available entitlements for the account will be shown in the accounts menu." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/audioCues/browser/audioCues.contribution": { "audioCues.chatRequestSent": "提出聊天要求時播放音效。", @@ -5239,7 +5235,8 @@ "pickAProviderTitle": "管理延伸模組帳戶喜好設定", "placeholder": "管理 '{0}' 帳戶喜好設定...", "selectProvider": "選取要管理帳戶喜好設定的驗證提供者", - "title": "此工作區的 '{0}' 帳戶喜好設定" + "title": "此工作區的 '{0}' 帳戶喜好設定", + "use new account": "Use a new account..." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/authentication/browser/actions/manageTrustedExtensionsForAccountAction": { "accountLastUsedDate": "上次使用此帳戶是 {0}", @@ -5378,8 +5375,7 @@ "workbench.action.chat.focus": "若要聚焦於聊天要求/回應清單 (可使用向上/向下鍵瀏覽),請叫用 Focus Chat 命令{0}。", "workbench.action.chat.focusInput": "若要聚焦於聊天要求的輸入方塊,請叫用 Focus Chat Input 命令{0}。", "workbench.action.chat.newChat": "若要建立新的聊天工作階段,請叫用 [新增聊天] 命令{0}。", - "workbench.action.chat.nextCodeBlock": "若要聚焦於回應内的下一個程式碼區塊,請叫用 Chat: Next Code Block 命令{0}。", - "workbench.action.chat.nextFileTree": "若要聚焦於回應内的下一個檔案樹狀結構,請叫用 Chat: Next File Tree 命令{0}。" + "workbench.action.chat.nextCodeBlock": "若要聚焦於回應内的下一個程式碼區塊,請叫用 Chat: Next Code Block 命令{0}。" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatActions": { "actions.interactiveSession.focus": "聚焦聊天清單", @@ -5389,19 +5385,26 @@ "chat.history.rename": "重新命名", "chatWith": "使用延伸模組聊天", "currentChatLabel": "目前", + "installChat": "Install {0}", + "installChatGlobalAction.justification": "AI support requires this extension.", "interactiveSession.clearHistory.label": "清除輸入歷程記錄", "interactiveSession.focusInput.label": "聚焦聊天輸入", "interactiveSession.history.delete": "刪除", "interactiveSession.history.editor": "在編輯器中開啟", "interactiveSession.history.pick": "切換至聊天", "interactiveSession.open": "開啟編輯器", + "learnMore": "Learn More", "more": "其他...", "newChatTitle": "新增聊天標題", "openChat": "開啟聊天", - "title4": "聊天" + "title4": "聊天", + "toggle.chatControl": "Chat Controls", + "toggle.chatControlsDescription": "Toggle visibility of the Chat Controls in title bar" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatClearActions": { - "chat.newChat.label": "新增聊天" + "chat.newChat.label": "新增聊天", + "chat.newEdits.label": "New Edit Session", + "chat.openEdits.label": "Open Edit Session" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatCodeblockActions": { "chat.applyAll.label": "套用所有編輯", @@ -5417,8 +5420,12 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatContextActions": { "chatContext.attach.placeholder": "搜尋附件", + "chatContext.attachScreenshot.labelElectron.Window": "Screenshot Window", + "chatContext.attachScreenshot.labelWeb": "Screenshot", + "chatContext.editors": "Open Editors", "chatContext.notebook.kernelVariable": "核心變數...", "chatContext.notebook.selectkernelVariable": "選取並插入核心變數", + "chatContext.searchResults": "Search Results", "chatContext.symbol": "符號...", "imageFromClipboard": "剪貼簿中的影像", "pastedImage": "貼上影像", @@ -5437,8 +5444,13 @@ "actions.chat.submitSecondaryAgent": "提交給次要代理程式", "chat.newChat.label": "傳送至新聊天", "chat.pickModel.label": "挑選模型", + "chat.sendToChatEditing.label": "Send to Copilot Edits", + "chat.startEditing.confirmation.message": "Starting a new editing session will end your current editing session and discard edits to {0} files. Do you wish to proceed?", + "chat.startEditing.confirmation.primaryButton": "Yes", + "chat.startEditing.confirmation.title": "Start new editing session?", "interactive.cancel.label": "取消", - "interactive.submit.label": "傳送" + "interactive.submit.label": "Send and Dispatch", + "interactive.submitWithoutDispatch.label": "Send" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatFileTreeActions": { "interactive.nextFileTree.label": "下一個檔案樹狀結構", @@ -5466,7 +5478,19 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatTitleActions": { "chat.remove.label": "移除要求與回應", + "chat.retry.confirmation.checkbox": "Don't ask again", + "chat.retry.confirmation.message2": "This will undo edits made to {0} since this request.", + "chat.retry.confirmation.primaryButton": "Yes", "chat.retry.label": "重試", + "chat.retryLast.confirmation.message2": "This will undo edits made to {0} files in your working set since this request. Do you want to proceed?", + "chat.retryLast.confirmation.title2": "Do you want to retry your last request?", + "chat.startEditing.confirmation.acceptEdits": "Accept & Continue", + "chat.startEditing.confirmation.discardEdits": "Discard & Continue", + "chat.startEditing.confirmation.message": "Starting a new editing session will end your current editing session and discard edits to {0} files. Do you wish to proceed?", + "chat.startEditing.confirmation.pending.message": "Starting a new editing session will end your current session. Do you want to discard pending edits to {0} files?", + "chat.startEditing.confirmation.primaryButton": "Yes", + "chat.startEditing.confirmation.title": "Start new editing session?", + "chat.startEditing.label2": "Edit with Copilot", "interactive.helpful.label": "實用", "interactive.insertIntoNotebook.label": "插入至筆記本", "interactive.reportIssueForBug.label": "回報問題", @@ -5483,17 +5507,25 @@ "insertCodeBlock.readonlyNotebook": "無法將程式碼區塊插入唯讀筆記本編輯器。", "overlap": "正在預覽另一個程式碼變更。請先套用或捨棄擱置中的變更。" }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/attachments/implicitContextAttachment": { + "chat.fileAttachment": "Attached file, {0}", + "chat.fileAttachmentWithRange": "Attached file, {0}, line {1} to line {2}", + "disable": "Disable current file context", + "enable": "Enable current file context", + "enableHint": "disabled", + "openEditor": "Current file context" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chat": { "generating": "正在產生" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chat.contribution": { "chat": "聊天", "chat.commandCenter.enabled": "控制命令中心是否顯示聊天動作的功能表,(需要 {0})。", + "chat.editing.alwaysSaveWithGeneratedChanges": "Whether to always ask before saving files with changes made by chat.", + "chat.editing.confirmEditRequestRemoval": "Whether to show a confirmation before removing a request and its associated edits.", + "chat.editing.confirmEditRequestRetry": "Whether to show a confirmation before retrying a request and its associated edits.", + "chat.editing.enableRestoreFile": "Whether to show a toggle to restore an earlier version of a file that was edited in a chat editing session request.", "chat.experimental.detectParticipant.enabled": "為小組聊天啟用聊天參與者自動偵測。", - "chat.experimental.implicitContext": "控制是否顯示核取方塊,讓使用者判斷要隨著聊天參與者的提示包含的隱含內容。", - "chat.experimental.variables.editor": "啟用編輯器聊天的變數。", - "chat.experimental.variables.notebook": "啟用筆記本聊天的變數。", - "chat.experimental.variables.terminal": "啟用終端機聊天的變數。", "clear": "開始新的聊天", "file": "選擇工作區中的檔案", "interactiveSession.editor.fontFamily": "控制聊天程式碼區塊中的字型家族。", @@ -5539,8 +5571,9 @@ "dismiss": "關閉" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatContentParts/chatReferencesContentPart": { + "addToChat": "Add File to Chat", + "chat.openEditor": "Open Editor", "chatCollapsibleList": "可摺疊的聊天清單", - "copyReference": "複製", "setting.hover": "開啟設定 '{0}'", "usedReferencesCollapsed": "{0},已摺疊", "usedReferencesExpanded": "{0},已展開", @@ -5563,52 +5596,109 @@ "file": "檔案", "image": "影像" }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditingActions": { + "accept.allFiles": "Accept All", + "accept.file": "Accept", + "chat.openWorkingSetHistory.label": "Open File Checkpoint", + "chat.remove.confirmation.checkbox": "Don't ask again", + "chat.remove.confirmation.message2": "This will remove all subsequent requests and undo edits made to {0}. Do you want to proceed?", + "chat.remove.confirmation.multipleEdits.message": "This will remove all subsequent requests and undo edits made to {0} files in your working set. Do you want to proceed?", + "chat.remove.confirmation.primaryButton": "Yes", + "chat.remove.confirmation.title": "Do you want to undo {0} edits?", + "chat.removeLast.confirmation.message2": "This will remove your last request and undo the edits made to {0}. Do you want to proceed?", + "chat.removeLast.confirmation.multipleEdits.message": "This will remove your last request and undo edits made to {0} files in your working set. Do you want to proceed?", + "chat.removeLast.confirmation.title": "Do you want to undo your last edit?", + "chat.restoreFile.label": "Restore Previous File State", + "chat.restoreFile.shortTitle": "Restore Previous File State", + "chat.restoreFile.title": "Using Previous File State", + "chat.restoreFile.tooltip": "Toggle to use the previous state of an edited file in your next request", + "chat.undoEdits.label": "Undo Edits", + "chatEditing.checkpoint": "{0} (Checkpoint {1})", + "chatEditing.openDiffs": "Open Diffs", + "discard.allFiles": "Discard All", + "discard.file": "Discard", + "open.fileInDiff": "Open Changes in Diff Editor", + "removeFileFromWorkingSet": "Remove File", + "workbench.action.chat.addFilesToWorkingSet.label": "Add Files to Working Set" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditingService": { - "accept.allFiles": "全部接受", - "accept.file": "接受", - "chatEditing.openDiffs": "開啟差異", - "chatEditing.startSession": "開始編輯工作階段", + "chat": "Chat Editing", + "chatEditing.fileSave": "{0} wants to create a file. Choose where it should be saved.", "chatEditing.startingSession": "正在產生編輯...", - "chatEditing.stopSession": "停止編輯工作階段", - "discard.allFiles": "全部捨棄", - "discard.file": "捨棄", - "multiDiffEditorInput.name": "建議的編輯", - "open.file": "開啟檔案" + "chatEditing1": "Chat Edit: '{0}'", + "chatEditing2": "Chat Edit", + "multiDiffEditorInput.name": "建議的編輯" + }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditorActions": { + "accept": "Accept Chat Edit", + "next": "Go to Next Chat Edit", + "prev": "Go to Previous Chat Edit", + "reject": "Reject Chat Edit" + }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditorController": { + "chat.hasEditorModifications": "The current editor contains chat modifications" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditorInput": { "chatEditorLabelIcon": "聊天編輯器標籤的圖示。", "chatEditorName": "聊天" }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditorSaving": { + "chat": "chat", + "config": "Always save with AI-generated changes without asking", + "detail2": "AI-generated changes may be incorrect and should be reviewed before saving.", + "discard": "Cancel", + "message.1": "Do you want to save the changes {0} made in {1}?", + "message.2": "Do you want to save the changes {0} made to {1} files?", + "message.batched.multiFile.1": "Do you want to save the changes {0} made in {1} files?", + "message.batched.multiFile.2": "Do you want to save the changes chat made in {0} files?", + "message.batched.oneFile.1": "Do you want to save the changes {0} made in {1}?", + "message.batched.oneFile.2": "Do you want to save the changes chat made in {0}?", + "message.batched.oneFile.3": "Do you want to save the changes {0} made in 1 file?", + "message.batched.oneFile.4": "Do you want to save the changes chat made in 1 file?", + "save": "Save", + "save all": "Save All", + "save.allFiles": "Save All" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatFollowups": { "followUpAriaLabel": "後續追蹤問題: {0}" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatGettingStarted": { "chat.openPanel": "開啟聊天面板", - "workbench.panel.chat.view.showGettingStarted": "啟用時,會在聊天面板中顯示快速入門實驗。" + "workbench.panel.chat.view.showGettingStarted": "When enabled, shows a getting started experiment in the chat panel." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatImagePaste": { "pastedImage": "貼上影像" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatInlineAnchorWidget": { "actions.attach.label": "將檔案新增至聊天", + "actions.copy.label": "Copy", "actions.goToDecl.label": "移至 [定義]", + "actions.openToSide.label": "Open to the Side", + "goToImplementations.label": "Go to Implementations", "goToReferences.label": "移至 [參考]", + "goToTypeDefinitions.label": "Go to Type Definitions", "miGotoDefinition": "移至 [定義](&&D)", - "miGotoReference": "移至 [參考](&&R)" + "miGotoImplementations": "Go to &&Implementations", + "miGotoReference": "移至 [參考](&&R)", + "miGotoTypeDefinition": "Go to &&Type Definitions", + "resource": "The full value of the chat anchor resource, including scheme and path" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatInputPart": { "actions.chat.accessibiltyHelp": "聊天輸入,輸入以提出問題或輸入以取得主題,按 Enter 以送出要求。使用 {0} 以取得聊天協助工具說明。", "chat.attachment": "附加的內容,{0}", + "chat.attachment.clearButton": "Remove from context", "chat.fileAttachment": "附加的檔案,{0}", "chat.fileAttachmentWithRange": "附加的檔案,{0},行 {1} 至行 {2}", "chat.imageAttachment": "已附加影像,{0}", "chat.submitToSecondaryAgent": "傳送至 @{0}", - "chatEditingSessionOverview": "{0} 個檔案已變更", - "chatEditingSessionOverview.oneFileChanged": "已變更 1 個檔案", + "chatAddFiles": "{0} Add Files...", + "chatAttachFiles": "Search for files to add to your working set", + "chatEditingSession.manyFiles": "({0} files)", + "chatEditingSession.oneFile": "(1 file)", + "chatEditingSession.workingSet": "Working Set", "chatInput": "聊天輸入", "chatInput.accessibilityHelpNoKb": "聊天輸入,在這裡輸入代碼,然後按 Enter 以執行。如需詳細資訊,請使用聊天協助工具說明命令。", - "notebook.moreExecuteActionsLabel": "其他...", - "remove": "移除" + "notebook.moreExecuteActionsLabel": "其他..." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatListRenderer": { "chatConfirmationAction": "已選取 \"{0}\"", @@ -5636,6 +5726,7 @@ "chatCommandSticky": "叫用命令是否會將聊天置於持續性模式,其中命令會自動新增至下一個訊息的聊天輸入。", "chatCommandWhen": "必須為 True 才能啟用此命令的條件。", "chatCommandsDescription": "可供此聊天參與者使用的命令,使用者可以使用 `/` 來叫用。", + "chatEditing.viewContainer.label": "Copilot Edits", "chatFailErrorMessage": "無法載入聊天,因為安裝的 {0} 延伸模組版本與此版本的 {1} 不相容。請確保 GitHub Copilot 聊天延伸模組是最新的。", "chatParticipantDescription": "此聊天參與者的描述,顯示在 UI 中。", "chatParticipantDisambiguation": "中繼資料,可協助將使用者問題自動路由傳送至此聊天參與者。", @@ -5645,14 +5736,18 @@ "chatParticipantFullName": "此聊天參與者的全名,顯示為來自此參與者的回應標籤。如果未提供,則會使用 {0}。", "chatParticipantId": "此聊天參與者的唯一識別碼。", "chatParticipantName": "此聊天參與者的使用者對向名稱。使用者將使用 '@' 搭配此名稱來叫用參與者。名稱不能包含空格。", - "chatParticipantSupportsToolReferences": "此參與者是否支援 {0}。", "chatParticipantWhen": "必須為 True 才能啟用此參與者的條件。", "chatSampleRequest": "當使用者在 `/help` 中按一下此參與者時,此文字會提交給參與者。", "showExtension": "顯示擴充功能", "vscode.extension.contributes.chatParticipant": "參與聊天參與者" }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatPasteProviders": { + "pastedImageName": "Pasted Image" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatWidget": { - "chatWidget.tips": "{0} 可附加內容\r\n\r\n{1} 可使用延伸模組聊天" + "chatWidget.tips": "{0} or type {1} to attach context\r\n\r\n{2} to chat with extensions\r\n\r\nType {3} to use commands", + "chatWidget.tips.withoutParticipants": "{0} or type {1} to attach context", + "scrollDownButtonLabel": "Scroll down" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/codeBlockPart": { "chat.codeBlock.toolbar": "程式碼區塊工具列", @@ -5675,14 +5770,29 @@ "allFilesDescription": "在工作區中搜尋相關檔案並從中提供內容" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/contrib/chatInputCompletions": { + "installLabel": "Install Chat Extensions...", "pickFileLabel": "挑選檔案。" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/contrib/chatInputEditorHover": { "hoverAccessibilityChatAgent": "此處有聊天專員懸停部分。" }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/contrib/screenshot": { + "screenshot": "Screenshot" + }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/languageModelToolsService": { + "toolInvocationMessage": "Using {0}" + }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/viewsWelcome/chatViewsWelcomeContributions": { + "chatViewsWelcome.content": "The content of the welcome message. The first command link will be rendered as a button.", + "chatViewsWelcome.icon": "The icon for the welcome message.", + "chatViewsWelcome.title": "The title of the welcome message.", + "chatViewsWelcome.when": "Condition when the welcome message is shown.", + "vscode.extension.contributes.chatViewsWelcome": "Contributes a welcome message to a chat view" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/chatColors": { "chat.avatarBackground": "聊天虛擬人偶的背景色彩。", "chat.avatarForeground": "聊天虛擬人偶的前景色彩。", + "chat.editedFileForeground": "The foreground color of a chat edited file in the edited file list.", "chat.requestBackground": "聊天要求的背景色彩。", "chat.requestBorder": "聊天要求的框線色彩。", "chat.slashCommandBackground": "聊天斜線命令的背景色彩。", @@ -5690,13 +5800,15 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/chatContextKeys": { "chatEditApplied": "已套用聊天文字編輯時為 True。", + "chatEditingParticipantRegistered": "True when a default chat participant is registered for editing.", "chatExtensionInvalid": "當安裝的聊天擴充功能無效且需要更新時為 True。", + "chatHasFileAttachments": "True when the chat has file attachments.", + "chatInstallEntitled": "True when the user is entitled for chat installation.", "chatIsEnabled": "啟用聊天時為 True,因為預設聊天參與者已使用實作來啟用。", "chatItemId": "聊天項目的識別碼。", "chatLastItemId": "最後一個聊天項目的識別碼。", "chatModelsAreUserSelectable": "當使用者可手動選取聊天模型時為 True。", "chatParticipantRegistered": "當預設聊天參與者註冊面板時為 True。", - "chatParticipantSupportsModelPicker": "當目前的聊天參與者支援手動挑選模型時為 True。", "chatRequest": "聊天項目是要求", "chatResponse": "聊天項目是回應。", "chatResponseErrored": "當聊天回應導致錯誤時為 True。", @@ -5711,6 +5823,9 @@ "interactiveSessionRequestInProgress": "當目前的要求仍在進行中時為 True。", "interactiveSessionResponseVote": "當對回應投票向上時,設定為 'up'。當投票向下時,設定為 'down'。否則為空字串。" }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/chatEditingService": { + "chatEditingWidgetFileState": "The current state of the file in the chat editing widget" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/chatModel": { "codeCitation": "找到 1 種授權類型的類似代碼", "codeCitations": "找到 {0} 種授權類型的類似代碼", @@ -5732,26 +5847,20 @@ "Language Models": "語言模型", "languageModels": "此延伸模組的語言模型使用統計資料。" }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/languageModelToolsService": { - "toolConfirmMessage": "{0} 會使用 {1}。", - "toolConfirmTitle": "使用 {0}?", - "toolInvocationMessage": "使用 {0}" - }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/tools/languageModelToolsContribution": { - "canBeInvokedManually": "使用者是否可以透過聊天 UX 手動叫用此工具。", + "canBeReferencedInPrompt": "If true, this tool shows up as an attachment that the user can add manually to their request. Chat participants will receive the tool in {0}.", "condition": "必須為 True 才能啟用此工具的條件。請注意,即使工具的 'when' 條件為 false,工具仍可能由另一個延伸模組叫用。", - "contentTypes": "此工具可傳回的內容類型清單。工具必須支援 `text/plain`,即使此處未指定,也會假設此項。另一個範例可能是 `@vscode/prompt-tsx` 連結庫導出的 contentType。", - "icon": "代表此工具的圖示。檔案路徑、具有深色和淺色主題檔案路徑的物件,或主題圖示參照,例如 '\\$(zap)'", + "icon": "An icon that represents this tool. Either a file path, an object with file paths for dark and light themes, or a theme icon reference, like `$(zap)`", "icon.dark": "使用暗色主題時的圖像路徑", "icon.light": "使用亮色主題時的圖示路徑", - "parametersSchema": "此工具接受之參數的 JSON 結構描述。", - "requiresConfirmation": "此工具在執行前是否需要使用者確認。", + "parametersSchema": "A JSON schema for the parameters this tool accepts. The parameters must be an object at the top level. A particular language model may not support all JSON schema features. See the documentation for the language model family you are using for more information.", "toolDisplayName": "這個工具的人類可讀名稱,可用來在 UI 中描述它。", - "toolId": "A unique id for this tool.", - "toolModelDescription": "此工具的描述,可傳遞至語言模型。", - "toolName": "如果已為此工具啟用 {0},使用者可能會使用 '#' 搭配此名稱,以在查詢中叫用工具。否則不需要名稱。名稱不能包含空格。", + "toolModelDescription": "A description of this tool that may be used by a language model to select it.", + "toolName": "A unique name for this tool. This name must be a globally unique identifier, and is also used as a name when presenting this tool to a language model.", + "toolName2": "If {0} is enabled for this tool, the user may use '#' with this name to invoke the tool in a query. Otherwise, the name is not required. Name must not contain whitespace.", + "toolTags": "A set of tags that roughly describe the tool's capabilities. A tool user may use these to filter the set of tools to just ones that are relevant for the task at hand, or they may want to pick a tag that can be used to identify just the tools contributed by this extension.", "toolUserDescription": "可向使用者顯示的此工具的描述。", - "vscode.extension.contributes.tools": "提供可由語言模型叫用的工具。" + "vscode.extension.contributes.tools": "Contributes a tool that can be invoked by a language model in a chat session, or from a standalone command. Registered tools can be used by all extensions." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/voiceChatService": { "voiceChatInProgress": "聊天的語音轉換文字工作階段進行中。" @@ -5899,7 +6008,7 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/codeEditor/browser/saveParticipants": { "codeAction.apply": "正在套用程式碼動作 '{0}'。", "codeaction": "快速修正", - "codeaction.get2": "正在從 '{0}' ([設定]({1})) 取得程式碼動作。", + "codeaction.get2": "Getting code actions from {0} ([configure]({1})).", "formatting2": "正在執行 '{0}' 格式器 ([設定]({1}))。" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/codeEditor/browser/toggleColumnSelection": { @@ -6387,6 +6496,7 @@ "debug.gutterMiddleClickAction.none": "不要執行任何動作。", "debug.gutterMiddleClickAction.triggeredBreakpoint": "新增觸發的中斷點。", "debug.hideLauncherWhileDebugging": "偵錯作用中時,隱藏 [執行及偵錯] 檢視標題列中的 [開始偵錯] 控制項。只有當 {0} 不是 'docked' 時才相關。", + "debug.hideSlowPreLaunchWarning": "Hide the warning shown when a `preLaunchTask` has been running for a while.", "debug.onTaskErrors": "控制執行 preLaunchTask 後發生錯誤時該如何。", "debug.saveBeforeStart": "控制要在啟動偵錯工作階段前儲存的編輯器。", "debug.saveBeforeStart.allEditorsInActiveGroup": "啟動偵錯工作階段之前,先儲存現用群組中的所有編輯器。", @@ -8323,8 +8433,12 @@ "startWithCurrentLine": "在編輯器中從目前行開始" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/inlineChat/browser/inlineChatSavingServiceImpl": { - "inlineChat": "等候內嵌聊天變更被接受或捨棄...", - "inlineChat.N": "等候 {0} 編輯器中的內嵌聊天變更被接受或捨棄..." + "config": "Always save with AI-generated changes without asking", + "detail": "AI-generated changes may be incorect and should be reviewed before saving.", + "discard": "Cancel", + "message.1": "Do you want to save the changes {0} made in {1}?", + "message.2": "Do you want to save the changes inline chat made in {0}?", + "save": "Save" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/inlineChat/browser/inlineChatWidget": { "aria-label": "內嵌聊天輸入", @@ -8335,7 +8449,6 @@ "inlineChatClosed": "已關閉內嵌聊天小工具" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/inlineChat/common/inlineChat": { - "acceptedOrDiscardBeforeSave": "擱置中的內嵌聊天會話是否防止儲存。", "accessibleDiffView": "內嵌聊天是否也會為其變更轉譯具有協助工具功能的 Diff 檢視器。", "accessibleDiffView.auto": "具有協助工具功能的 Diff 檢視器是以正在啟用的螢幕助讀程式模式為基礎。", "accessibleDiffView.off": "永遠部會啟用具有協助工具功能的 Diff 檢視器。", @@ -8875,6 +8988,10 @@ "openLogsFolder": "開啟記錄資料夾" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/markdown/browser/markdownSettingRenderer": { + "alreadysetBoolFalse": "\"{0}: {1}\" is already disabled", + "alreadysetBoolTrue": "\"{0}: {1}\" is already enabled", + "alreadysetNum": "\"{0}: {1}\" is already set to {2}", + "alreadysetString": "\"{0}: {1}\" is already set to \"{2}\"", "changeSettingTitle": "檢視或變更設定", "copySettingId": "複製設定識別碼", "falseMessage": "停用 \"{0}: {1}\"", @@ -9499,6 +9616,9 @@ "runCell": "執行儲存格", "runCellsInSection": "在區段中執行儲存格" }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/controller/variablesActions": { + "notebookActions.openVariablesView": "Variables" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/diff/diffComponents": { "hiddenCell": "{0} 隱藏儲存格", "hiddenCells": "{0} 隱藏儲存格", @@ -9924,7 +10044,7 @@ "name": "啟動效能" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/performance/electron-sandbox/performance.contribution": { - "experimental.rendererProfiling": "啟用時,會自動分析慢速轉譯器" + "experimental.rendererProfiling": "When enabled, slow renderers are automatically profiled." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/performance/electron-sandbox/startupProfiler": { "prof.detail": "請建立問題並手動附加下列檔案:\r\n{0}", @@ -10105,6 +10225,7 @@ "defaultOverriddenDetailsAriaLabel": "{0} 覆寫預設值", "defaultOverriddenLabel": "預設值已變更", "defaultOverriddenLanguagesList": "{0} 有特定語言的預設值", + "experimentalLabel": "Experimental", "extensionSyncIgnoredLabel": "未同步", "hasDefaultOverridesForLanguages": "下列語言有預設覆寫:", "manageWorkspaceTrust": "管理工作區信任", @@ -10117,6 +10238,7 @@ "policyDescriptionAccessible": "由組織原則管理; 未套用設定值", "policyFilterLink": "檢視原則設定", "policyLabelText": "未套用設定值", + "previewLabel": "Preview", "remote": "遠端", "syncIgnoredAriaLabel": "在同步處理期間略過設定", "syncIgnoredTitle": "同步期間會忽略此設定", @@ -10250,6 +10372,10 @@ "groupRowAriaLabel": "{0}, 群組 ", "settingsTOC": "設定目錄" }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/preferences/common/preferences": { + "experimentalIndicatorDescription": "This setting controls a feature that may change or be removed in the future. Adjusting this setting may result in instability.", + "previewIndicatorDescription": "This setting controls a feature that is in active development." + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/preferences/common/preferencesContribution": { "enableNaturalLanguageSettingsSearch": "控制是否啟用設定的自然語言搜尋模式。自然語言搜尋由 Microsoft 線上服務提供。", "settingsSearchTocBehavior": "控制搜尋時設定編輯器目錄的行為。如果在設定編輯器中變更此設定,則設定將在修改搜尋查詢後生效。", @@ -11707,31 +11833,20 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminal.contribution": { "miToggleIntegratedTerminal": "終端(&&T)", - "tasksQuickAccessHelp": "顯示所有已開啟的終端機", - "tasksQuickAccessPlaceholder": "鍵入要開啟的終端機名稱。", "terminal": "終端機" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminalActions": { "emptyTerminalNameInfo": "未提供名稱會將其重設為預設值", - "goToRecentDirectory.metadata": "前往最近使用的資料夾", "newWithProfile.location": "建立終端機的位置", "newWithProfile.location.editor": "在編輯器中建立終端機", "newWithProfile.location.view": "在終端機檢視中建立終端機", "noUnattachedTerminals": "沒有任何要附加的未附加終端機", - "quickAccessTerminal": "切換使用中的終端機 ", "sendSequence": "要傳送到終端的文字序列", "showTerminalTabs": "顯示索引標籤", "terminalLaunchHelp": "開啟說明", "workbench.action.terminal.attachToSession": "附加到工作階段", "workbench.action.terminal.clear": "清除", - "workbench.action.terminal.clearPreviousSessionHistory": "清除上一個工作階段歷程記錄", "workbench.action.terminal.clearSelection": "清除選取項目", - "workbench.action.terminal.copyAndClearSelection": "複製並清除選取範圍", - "workbench.action.terminal.copyLastCommand": "複製上一個命令", - "workbench.action.terminal.copyLastCommandAndOutput": "複製最後一個命令並輸出", - "workbench.action.terminal.copyLastCommandOutput": "複製最後一個命令輸出", - "workbench.action.terminal.copySelection": "複製選取項目", - "workbench.action.terminal.copySelectionAsHtml": "將選取項目複製為 HTML", "workbench.action.terminal.createTerminalEditor": "在編輯器區域建立新終端", "workbench.action.terminal.createTerminalEditorSide": "在右側的 [編輯器] 區域建立新終端", "workbench.action.terminal.detachSession": "中斷連結工作階段", @@ -11740,7 +11855,6 @@ "workbench.action.terminal.focusNextPane": "聚焦終端群組中的下一個終端", "workbench.action.terminal.focusPrevious": "聚焦上一個終端群組", "workbench.action.terminal.focusPreviousPane": "聚焦終端群組中的上一個終端", - "workbench.action.terminal.goToRecentDirectory": "移至最近使用的目錄...", "workbench.action.terminal.join": "加入終端...", "workbench.action.terminal.join.insufficientTerminals": "終端不足,無法執行加入動作", "workbench.action.terminal.join.onlySplits": "所有終端都已加入", @@ -11756,8 +11870,6 @@ "workbench.action.terminal.newWorkspacePlaceholder": "為新的終端機選擇目前的工作目錄", "workbench.action.terminal.openSettings": "設定終端設定", "workbench.action.terminal.overriddenCwdDescription": "(覆寫) {0}", - "workbench.action.terminal.paste": "貼入使用中的終端機", - "workbench.action.terminal.pasteSelection": "將選取項目貼入使用中的終端機", "workbench.action.terminal.relaunch": "重新啟動使用中的終端", "workbench.action.terminal.rename.prompt": "輸入終端機名稱", "workbench.action.terminal.renameWithArg.name": "終端機的新名稱", @@ -11768,7 +11880,6 @@ "workbench.action.terminal.resizePaneUp": "向上調整終端大小", "workbench.action.terminal.runActiveFile": "在使用中的終端機執行使用中的檔案", "workbench.action.terminal.runActiveFile.noFile": "只有磁碟上的檔案可在終端機執行", - "workbench.action.terminal.runRecentCommand": "執行最近使用的命令...", "workbench.action.terminal.runSelectedText": "在使用中的終端機執行選取的文字", "workbench.action.terminal.scrollDown": "向下捲動 (行)", "workbench.action.terminal.scrollDownPage": "向下捲動 (頁)", @@ -11878,20 +11989,6 @@ "unsafePathWarning": "此終端設定檔使用可由另一位使用者修改的潛在不安全路徑: {0}。確定要使用它?", "yes": "是" }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminalQuickAccess": { - "renameTerminal": "將終端重新命名", - "workbench.action.terminal.newWithProfilePlus": "建立具有設定檔的新終端...", - "workbench.action.terminal.newplus": "建立新終端機" - }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminalRunRecentQuickPick": { - "removeCommand": "從命令歷程記錄中移除", - "selectRecentCommand": "選取要執行的命令 (按住 ALT 鍵以編輯命令)", - "selectRecentCommandMac": "選取要執行的命令 (按住 Option 鍵以編輯命令)", - "selectRecentDirectory": "選取要前往的目錄 (按住 ALT 鍵以編輯命令)", - "selectRecentDirectoryMac": "選取要前往的目錄 (按住 Option 鍵以編輯命令)", - "shellFileHistoryCategory": "{0} 歷程記錄", - "viewCommandOutput": "檢視命令輸出" - }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminalService": { "localTerminalRemote": "此殼層正在您的{0}本機{1}電腦上執行,而非在連接的遠端電腦上執行", "localTerminalVirtualWorkspace": "此殼層向{0}本機{1}資料夾開啟,而非虛擬資料夾", @@ -11924,10 +12021,6 @@ "terminalConnectingLabel": "正在啟動...", "terminals": "開啟終端機。" }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminalWslRecommendationContribution": { - "install": "安裝", - "useWslExtension.title": "建議使用 ‘{0}’ 延伸模組開啟 WSL 中的終端機。" - }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/xterm/decorationAddon": { "gutter": "裝訂邊命令裝飾", "no": "否", @@ -11966,13 +12059,6 @@ "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.types.icon.dark": "使用暗色主題時的圖像路徑", "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.types.icon.light": "使用亮色主題時的圖示路徑" }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/common/terminalClipboard": { - "confirmMoveTrashMessageFilesAndDirectories": "是否確實要將 {0} 行文本貼至終端?", - "doNotAskAgain": "不用再詢問", - "multiLinePasteButton": "貼上(&&P)", - "multiLinePasteButton.oneLine": "貼上作為一行(&&O)", - "preview": "預覽:" - }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/common/terminalColorRegistry": { "terminal.ansiColor": "終端機中的 '{0}' ANSI 色彩。", "terminal.background": "終端機的背景色彩,允許終端機和面板的色彩不同。", @@ -12017,8 +12103,6 @@ "terminal.integrated.allowMnemonics": "是否允許功能表列助憶鍵 (例如 Alt+F) 觸發開啟功能表列的動作。請注意,若為 true,此設定會導致所有 alt 按鍵輸入都跳過殼層。這不適用於 macOS。", "terminal.integrated.allowedLinkSchemes": "包含允許終端機開啟連結的 URI 配置的字串陣列。依預設,基於安全性考量,只會允許一小部分的可能配置。", "terminal.integrated.altClickMovesCursor": "若啟用,當 {0} 設定為 {1} (預設值) 時,同時按下 alt/option 鍵加滑鼠按鈕會將提示游標重新置於至滑鼠下,但其穩定性取決於您您的殼層。", - "terminal.integrated.autoReplies": "在終端中遇到這一組訊息時,系統將會自動回覆。如果訊息夠具體,有助於自動處理常見的回覆。\r\n\r\n備註:\r\n\r\n- 使用 {0} 自動回應 Windows 上的終端批次工作提示。\r\n- 該訊息包含逸出序列,因此可能不會使用樣式文字進行回覆。\r\n- 每個回覆每秒只能發生一次。\r\n- 在回覆中使用 {1} 表示輸入索引鍵。\r\n- 若要取消設定預設索引鍵,請將值設定為 Null。\r\n- 若新的不適用,請重新啟動 VS Code。", - "terminal.integrated.autoReplies.reply": "要傳送至程序的回覆。", "terminal.integrated.bellDuration": "觸發時,在終端機索引標籤內顯示鈴鐺的毫秒數。", "terminal.integrated.commandsToSkipShell": "一組命令識別碼,其按鍵繫結關係一律由 VS Code 處理,而不會傳送到殼層。如此一來,通常由殼層取用的按鍵繫結關係,將能像焦點不在終端機時般地運作。例如 `Ctrl+P` 會啟動 Quick Open。\r\n\r\n \r\n\r\n根據預設,會跳過許多命令。若要覆寫預設,並將命令的按鍵繫結關係改為傳遞給殼層,請新增命令,並在其字首加上 `-` 字元。例如,新增 `-workbench.action.quickOpen` 可讓 `Ctrl+P` 傳送到殼層。\r\n\r\n \r\n\r\n在設定編輯器中檢視下列預設會跳過的命令清單時,會有截斷情形。若要查看完整的清單,{1},然後從下面的清單中搜尋第一個命令。\r\n \r\n\r\n\r\n預設會跳過的命令:\r\n\r\n{0}", "terminal.integrated.confirmOnExit": "如有使用中的終端工作階段,控制視窗關閉時是否要進行確認。", @@ -12107,7 +12191,6 @@ "terminal.integrated.shellIntegration.decorationsEnabled.never": "不要顯示裝飾", "terminal.integrated.shellIntegration.decorationsEnabled.overviewRuler": "在終端機右側顯示概觀尺規裝飾", "terminal.integrated.shellIntegration.enabled": "決定是否自動插入殼層整合以支援像是增強的命令追蹤和目前工作目錄偵測等功能。\r\n\r\n殼層整合的運作方式是透過使用啟動指令碼插入殼層。指令碼讓 VS Code 了解終端內部發生的狀況。\r\n\r\n支援的殼層:\r\n\r\n- Linux/macOS: bash、fish、pwsh、zsh\r\n- Windows: pwsh, git bash\r\n\r\n此設定僅在終端建立時適用,因此您需要重新啟動終端,設定才會生效。\r\n\r\n請注意,如果您在終端設定檔中定義了自訂引數、已啟用 {1}、具有[複雜 Bash `PROMPT_COMMAND`](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/integrated-terminal#_complex-bash-promptcommand) 或其他未受支援的設定,則指令碼插入可能無法運作。若要停用裝飾項目,請參閱 {0}", - "terminal.integrated.shellIntegration.history": "控制最近使用之命令的數量,以保留終端命令歷程記錄。設為 0 可停用終端命令歷程記錄。", "terminal.integrated.showExitAlert": "當結束代碼不為零時,控制是否要顯示「終端處理序已終止。結束代碼:」警示。", "terminal.integrated.smoothScrolling": "控制終端是否會使用動畫捲動。", "terminal.integrated.splitCwd": "控制分割終端開始的工作目錄。", @@ -12229,6 +12312,10 @@ "terminal.integrated.accessibleViewFocusOnCommandExecution": "命令執行時聚焦終端機可存取的檢視。", "terminal.integrated.accessibleViewPreserveCursorPosition": "在重新開啟終端機的可存取檢視時保留游標位置,而非將其設定為緩衝區的底部。" }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/autoReplies/common/terminalAutoRepliesConfiguration": { + "terminal.integrated.autoReplies": "A set of messages that, when encountered in the terminal, will be automatically responded to. Provided the message is specific enough, this can help automate away common responses.\r\n\r\nRemarks:\r\n\r\n- Use {0} to automatically respond to the terminate batch job prompt on Windows.\r\n- The message includes escape sequences so the reply might not happen with styled text.\r\n- Each reply can only happen once every second.\r\n- Use {1} in the reply to mean the enter key.\r\n- To unset a default key, set the value to null.\r\n- Restart VS Code if new don't apply.", + "terminal.integrated.autoReplies.reply": "The reply to send to the process." + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/chat/browser/terminal.initialHint.contribution": { "disableHint": "在設定中切換 {0} 以停用此提示。", "disableInitialHint": "停用初始提示", @@ -12268,8 +12355,6 @@ "closeChat": "關閉聊天", "discard": "捨棄", "discardDescription": "捨棄終端機目前的聊天回應、隱藏聊天小工具,並清除聊天輸入。", - "focusTerminalInput": "焦點終端輸入", - "focusTerminalResponse": "聚焦終端機回應", "insert": "插入", "insertCommand": "插入聊天命令", "insertFirst": "插入第一個", @@ -12291,6 +12376,23 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/chat/common/terminalInitialHintConfiguration": { "terminal.integrated.initialHint": "控制沒有輸入的第一個終端機在聚焦時是否顯示相關可用動作的提示。" }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/clipboard/browser/terminal.clipboard.contribution": { + "workbench.action.terminal.copyAndClearSelection": "Copy and Clear Selection", + "workbench.action.terminal.copyLastCommand": "Copy Last Command", + "workbench.action.terminal.copyLastCommandAndOutput": "Copy Last Command and Output", + "workbench.action.terminal.copyLastCommandOutput": "Copy Last Command Output", + "workbench.action.terminal.copySelection": "Copy Selection", + "workbench.action.terminal.copySelectionAsHtml": "Copy Selection as HTML", + "workbench.action.terminal.paste": "Paste into Active Terminal", + "workbench.action.terminal.pasteSelection": "Paste Selection into Active Terminal" + }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/clipboard/browser/terminalClipboard": { + "confirmMoveTrashMessageFilesAndDirectories": "Are you sure you want to paste {0} lines of text into the terminal?", + "doNotAskAgain": "Do not ask me again", + "multiLinePasteButton": "&&Paste", + "multiLinePasteButton.oneLine": "Paste as &&one line", + "preview": "Preview:" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/commandGuide/browser/terminal.commandGuide.contribution": { "terminalCommandGuide.foreground": "暫留時,在命令及其輸出的左側顯示的終端命令指南的前景色彩。" }, @@ -12330,6 +12432,24 @@ "selectAll": "全選", "undo": "復原" }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/history/browser/terminal.history.contribution": { + "goToRecentDirectory.metadata": "Goes to a recent folder", + "workbench.action.terminal.clearPreviousSessionHistory": "Clear Previous Session History", + "workbench.action.terminal.goToRecentDirectory": "Go to Recent Directory...", + "workbench.action.terminal.runRecentCommand": "Run Recent Command..." + }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/history/browser/terminalRunRecentQuickPick": { + "removeCommand": "Remove from Command History", + "selectRecentCommand": "Select a command to run (hold Alt-key to edit the command)", + "selectRecentCommandMac": "Select a command to run (hold Option-key to edit the command)", + "selectRecentDirectory": "Select a directory to go to (hold Alt-key to edit the command)", + "selectRecentDirectoryMac": "Select a directory to go to (hold Option-key to edit the command)", + "shellFileHistoryCategory": "{0} history", + "viewCommandOutput": "View Command Output" + }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/history/common/terminal.history": { + "terminal.integrated.shellIntegration.history": "Controls the number of recently used commands to keep in the terminal command history. Set to 0 to disable terminal command history." + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/links/browser/terminal.links.contribution": { "workbench.action.terminal.openDetectedLink": "開啟偵測到的連結...", "workbench.action.terminal.openLastLocalFileLink": "開啟最後一個本機檔案連結", @@ -12361,6 +12481,16 @@ "terminal.integrated.searchLinks": "工作區搜尋", "terminal.integrated.urlLinks": "URL" }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/quickAccess/browser/terminal.quickAccess.contribution": { + "quickAccessTerminal": "Switch Active Terminal", + "tasksQuickAccessHelp": "Show All Opened Terminals", + "tasksQuickAccessPlaceholder": "Type the name of a terminal to open." + }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/quickAccess/browser/terminalQuickAccess": { + "renameTerminal": "Rename Terminal", + "workbench.action.terminal.newWithProfilePlus": "Create New Terminal With Profile...", + "workbench.action.terminal.newplus": "Create New Terminal" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/quickFix/browser/quickFixAddon": { "codeAction.widget.id.quickfix": "快速修正", "quickFix.command": "執行: {0}", @@ -12432,6 +12562,10 @@ "terminal.integrated.localEchoLatencyThreshold": "網路延遲的長度 (毫秒),本機編輯將在終端上回應,而不等待伺服器認知。如果是 '0',本機回應將一律開啟,如果是 '-1' 則將會停用。", "terminal.integrated.localEchoStyle": "本機回應文字的終端樣式; 可以是字型樣式或 RGB 色彩。" }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/wslRecommendation/browser/terminal.wslRecommendation.contribution": { + "install": "Install", + "useWslExtension.title": "The '{0}' extension is recommended for opening a terminal in WSL." + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/zoom/browser/terminal.zoom.contribution": { "fontZoomIn": "放大字型大小", "fontZoomOut": "縮小字型大小", @@ -12688,10 +12822,12 @@ "openTestCoverage": "檢視測試涵蓋範圍", "run test": "執行測試", "testing.cancelRun": "取消測試執行", - "testing.debugLastRun": "偵錯測試回合", + "testing.debugLastRun": "Debug Last Run", + "testing.debugTest": "Debug Test", "testing.goToError": "前往 [錯誤]", "testing.goToTest": "前往 [測試]", - "testing.reRunLastRun": "重新執行測試回合", + "testing.reRunLastRun": "Rerun Last Run", + "testing.reRunTest": "Rerun Test", "testing.revealInExplorer": "在測試總管中顯示", "testing.showResultOutput": "顯示結果輸出", "testingPeekLabel": "測試結果訊息" @@ -13005,6 +13141,7 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/userDataProfile/browser/userDataProfile": { "New Profile Window": "具有設定檔的新視窗", + "change profile": "Switch to {0} profile", "create profile": "新增設定檔...", "current": "目前", "delete profile": "刪除設定檔...", @@ -13016,10 +13153,12 @@ "new window with profile": "具有設定檔的新視窗", "newWindowWithProfile": "具有設定檔的新視窗...", "open": "開啟 {0} 設定檔", + "open profile": "Open New Window with {0} Profile", "open profiles": "開啟設定檔 (UI)", "openShort": "{0}", "pick profile": "選取設定檔", "pick profile to delete": "選取要刪除的設定檔", + "profiles": "Profile ({0})", "save profile as": "另存目前的設定檔為...", "selectProfile": "選取設定檔", "switchProfile": "切換設定檔...", @@ -13053,6 +13192,7 @@ "default profile contents description": "瀏覽此設定檔的內容\r\n", "defaultProfileIcon": "無法變更預設設定檔的圖示", "defaultProfileName": "無法變更預設設定檔的名稱", + "deleteTrustedUri": "Delete Path", "editIcon": "設定檔編輯器中編輯資料夾圖示的圖示。", "empty profile": "無", "enable for current window": "將此設定檔用於目前的視窗", @@ -13090,6 +13230,7 @@ "profileName": "設定檔名稱", "profiles": "設定檔", "profilesSashBorder": "設定檔編輯器分割檢視窗扇框線的色彩。", + "removeIcon": "Icon for the remove folder icon in the profiles editor.", "settings": "設定", "snippets": "程式碼片段", "tasks": "工作​​", @@ -13406,7 +13547,8 @@ "gettingStartedUnchecked": "用來代表尚未完成的逐步解說步驟" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcomeGettingStarted/browser/gettingStartedInput": { - "getStarted": "歡迎" + "getStarted": "歡迎", + "walkthroughPageTitle": "Walkthrough: " }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcomeGettingStarted/browser/gettingStartedService": { "builtin": "內建", @@ -13438,6 +13580,7 @@ "gettingStarted.accessibleView.title": "螢幕助讀程式使用者能在可存取的檢視中,逐行及逐字元檢查內容。", "gettingStarted.beginner.description": "取得最重要功能的概觀", "gettingStarted.beginner.title": "了解基礎", + "gettingStarted.beginner.walkthroughPageTitle": "Essential Features", "gettingStarted.codeFolding.description.interpolated": "使用 [切換摺疊] 命令來摺疊或展開程式碼區段。\r\n{0}\r\n 使用 [以遞迴方式切換摺疊] 命令,以遞迴方式摺疊或展開\r\n{1}\r\n", "gettingStarted.codeFolding.title": "使用程式碼摺疊來摺疊程式碼區塊,並將焦點放在您感興趣的程式碼上。", "gettingStarted.commandPalette.description.interpolated": "在 VS Code 中執行命令而不需使用滑鼠來完成任何工作。\r\n{0}", @@ -13466,6 +13609,7 @@ "gettingStarted.newFile.description": "開啟新的無標題文字檔、筆記本或自訂編輯器。", "gettingStarted.newFile.title": "新增檔案...", "gettingStarted.notebook.title": "自訂筆記本", + "gettingStarted.notebook.walkthroughPageTitle": "Notebooks", "gettingStarted.notebookProfile.description": "讓筆記本成為您喜歡的方式", "gettingStarted.notebookProfile.title": "選取筆記本的版面配置", "gettingStarted.openFile.description": "開啟檔案以開始工作", @@ -13491,10 +13635,13 @@ "gettingStarted.setup.OpenFolderWeb.description.interpolated": "您已準備開始撰寫程式碼。您可以開啟本機專案或遠端存放庫,將您的檔案放入 VS Code。\r\n{0}\r\n{1}", "gettingStarted.setup.description": "自訂您的編輯器、了解基本知識,並開始編寫程式碼", "gettingStarted.setup.title": "開始使用 VS Code", + "gettingStarted.setup.walkthroughPageTitle": "Setup VS Code", "gettingStarted.setupAccessibility.description": "了解讓 VS Code 可存取的工具和快速鍵。請注意,有些動作無法從逐步解說內容中執行。", "gettingStarted.setupAccessibility.title": "開始使用協助工具功能", + "gettingStarted.setupAccessibility.walkthroughPageTitle": "Setup VS Code Accessibility", "gettingStarted.setupWeb.description": "自訂您的編輯器、了解基本知識,並開始編寫程式碼", "gettingStarted.setupWeb.title": "開始使用 VS Code 網頁版", + "gettingStarted.setupWeb.walkthroughPageTitle": "Setup VS Code Web", "gettingStarted.shortcuts.description.interpolated": "一旦找到您最愛的命令,請建立自訂鍵盤快速鍵以立即存取。\r\n{0}", "gettingStarted.shortcuts.title": "自訂您的快速鍵", "gettingStarted.tasks.description.interpolated": "為一般工作流程建立工作,並享受執行指令碼和自動檢查結果的整合體驗。\r\n{0}", @@ -13768,7 +13915,6 @@ "editorLineNumberContext": "貢獻的編輯器行號操作功能表", "file.newFile": "[新增檔案...] 快選,顯示在歡迎頁面和 [檔案] 功能表上。", "inlineCompletions.actions": "將游標停留在內嵌完成時所顯示的動作", - "inlineEdit.actions": "將游標停留在內嵌編輯時所顯示的動作", "interactive.cell.title": "所提供的互動式儲存格標題功能表", "interactive.toolbar": "所提供的互動式工具列功能表", "issue.reporter": "提供的議題報告者功能表", @@ -14310,7 +14456,12 @@ "startBisect": "開始延伸模組平分" }, "vs/workbench/services/files/electron-sandbox/diskFileSystemProvider": { - "fileWatcher": "檔案監看程式" + "fileWatcher": "File Watcher" + }, + "vs/workbench/services/files/electron-sandbox/elevatedFileService": { + "fileNotTrusted": "Workspace is not trusted.", + "fileNotTrustedMessagePosix": "You are about to save '{0}' as super user.", + "fileNotTrustedMessageWindows": "You are about to save '{0}' as admin." }, "vs/workbench/services/filesConfiguration/common/filesConfigurationService": { "configuredReadonly": "因為檔案已透過設定設為唯讀,編輯器為唯讀。[按一下這裡](command:{0}) 以設定或 [切換此工作階段](command:{1})。", @@ -14602,6 +14753,10 @@ "vs/workbench/services/textfile/common/textFileEditorModelManager": { "genericSaveError": "無法儲存 '{0}': {1}" }, + "vs/workbench/services/textfile/common/textFileSaveParticipant": { + "saveParticipants1": "Running Code Actions and Formatters...", + "skip": "Skip" + }, "vs/workbench/services/textfile/electron-sandbox/nativeTextFileService": { "join.textFiles": "正在儲存文字檔" }, @@ -14713,7 +14868,7 @@ "schema.folderNamesExpanded": "為展開的資料夾建立資料夾名稱與圖示的關聯。物件索引鍵為資料夾名稱,但不包括任何路徑區段。不允許任何模式或萬用字元。資料夾名稱比對不區分大小寫。", "schema.font-format": "字型的格式。", "schema.font-path": "相對於目前檔案圖示佈景主題檔案的字型路徑。", - "schema.font-size": "預設的字型大小。如需了解有效的值,請參閱 https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/font-size。", + "schema.font-size": "The default size of the font. We strongly recommend using a percentage value, for example: 125%.", "schema.font-style": "字型的樣式。若要了解有效的值,請參閱 https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/font-style。", "schema.font-weight": "字型的粗細。若要了解有效的值,請參閱 https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/font-weight。", "schema.fontCharacter": "使用字元字型時: 字型中要使用的字元。", @@ -15042,6 +15197,10 @@ "vs/workbench/services/workingCopy/common/storedFileWorkingCopyManager": { "join.fileWorkingCopyManager": "正在儲存工作複本" }, + "vs/workbench/services/workingCopy/common/storedFileWorkingCopySaveParticipant": { + "saveParticipants1": "Running Code Actions and Formatters...", + "skip": "Skip" + }, "vs/workbench/services/workingCopy/common/workingCopyHistoryService": { "default.source": "已儲存檔案", "join.workingCopyHistory": "正在儲存本機歷程記錄",