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Test infrastructure

The tests are built on top of The Intern. See the tutorial and some examples to get started. Also see Chai BDD for asserting stuff and leadfoot for interacting with browsers.

:::note Unlike ally.js, the tests are not written in ES6, but follow Intern's ES5 and AMD scheme. :::

The test infrastructure is located in the test directory. Note that the tests directory is occupied by manual browser support tests.

Intern handles both unit and functional tests. Unit tests are the ones that verify a function's integrity without user interaction (like clicking on things or pressing keys). Functional tests are the ones that use leadfoot to simulate a human being using the browser. Both types of tests are executed in the browser, there is no point testing things in Node.

For local development the command npm run test can be used to run tests in local Google Chrome. To run tests against a whole battery of browsers in the cloud we use BrowserStack and SauceLabs. To run those locally, you'll need the secret access keys (which you'll only get if you're a core contributor, sorry).

Coverage reports are made available in the directory reports/coverage.

Tests are run by TravisCI on every push and every pull request.

Locally running unit tests in the browser

You can run the unit tests in any browser by starting the server using npm run test:server and navigating to the following URL:


:::note The tests run off dist/amd and require the reports directory to exist. Before running running the tests, you need to have run npm run clean and npm run build:amd at least once. :::

Locally running all tests in the browser

Both unit and functional tests can be executed in Google Chrome locally via npm run test. This requires Java, as the SeleniumTunnel simply spawns a Selenium Standalone Server.

# run all tests locally in Google Chrome
npm run test

:::note The tests run off dist/amd and require the reports directory to exist. Before running running the tests, you need to have run npm run clean and npm run build:amd at least once. :::

Remotely running all tests in all browsers

You can register your own SauceLabs account (there is a free tier) and provide your own credentials if you don't have access to the project's account. The same is true for BrowserStack.

Running tests on BrowserStack

# make BrowserStack credentials available to Intern
# obtainable at
export BROWSERSTACK_USERNAME=rodneyrehm1

# run all tests
npm run test:browserstack

# run all tests (without npm)
./node_modules/.bin/intern-runner \

# run selected suites
./node_modules/.bin/intern-runner \
  config=test/browserstack \
  suites=test/unit/selected-test \

Running tests on SauceLaubs

# make SauceLabs credentials available to Intern
# obtainable at
export SAUCE_USERNAME=allyjs
export SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY=nope

# run all tests
npm run test:sauce

# run all tests (without npm)
./node_modules/.bin/intern-runner \

# run selected suites
./node_modules/.bin/intern-runner \
  config=test/sauce \
  suites=test/unit/selected-test \


After running the automated tests, the reports directory will contain several files:

├── coverage
│   ├── …
│   └── index.html  - test coverage in human readable format
├── junit.xml       - test status non-human readable format
└──       - test coverage non-human readable format

When the tests executed, code coverage results can be uploaded to Code Climate and Coveralls by running npm run publish:lcov.

:::note The coverage measured by npm run test is (dramatically) lower than for npm run test-ci, because the former only runs in a single browser, and ally.js has code paths that only run in specific browsers. :::

Analyzing bundle size

Before a release the structure of the UMD bundle should be analyzed to make sure we didn't accidentally blow it up. Since rollupify reduces all ES6 code to a single bundle, bundles need to be analyzed on a bundle that was built without rollupify. The interactive bundle size report is generated by source-map-explorer.

# run surce-map-explorer
npm run analyze:bundle

The report will be available in reports/bundle-size.html.