This (dump) API allows you to check the status of your passport using correct Enrollment ID, Date of Birth and Captcha Text.
It can also be done from the following address but I tried to make this scriptable.
The captcha image will be shown using ImageMagick and you have to provide the captcha text manually. :-(
- python3
- BeautifulSoup
- libxml
- python-anticaptcha
$ -e 100100000123456 -d 12/03/1994 -k ANTICAPTCHA-KEY
"EnrolmentID": "100100000123456",
"Status": "QC Succeed Ready for Dispatch",
"FullName": "FOO BAR",
"FirstName": "FOO",
"LastName": "BAR",
"DateOfBirth": "12/03/1994",
"FathersName": "FOO BAR BABA",
"MothersName": "FOO BAR MAMA",
"PermanentAddress": {
"PoliceStation": "EXAMPLE PS",
"District": "RAJSHAHI"
"PresentAddress": {
"PoliceStation": "EXAMPLE PS",
"District": "DHAKA"
You can ignore the API Key. In that case, you need to input the captcha manually. Run without -k
$ -e 100100000123456 -d 12/03/1994
Open the following URL in browser and enter the captcha text:
Captcha: QAGN8
"EnrolmentID": "100100000123456",
"Status": "QC Succeed Ready for Dispatch",
"FullName": "FOO BAR",
"FirstName": "FOO",
"LastName": "BAR",
"DateOfBirth": "12/03/1994",
"FathersName": "FOO BAR BABA",
"MothersName": "FOO BAR MAMA",
"PermanentAddress": {
"PoliceStation": "EXAMPLE PS",
"District": "RAJSHAHI"
"PresentAddress": {
"PoliceStation": "EXAMPLE PS",
"District": "DHAKA"
- Remove Captcha prompt using AntiCaptcha API
- Bugs?