Presentations/talks I have given.
2012-09-28: Knowledge Discovery in Databases through Complex Networks: application to phylodynamics. Given at the "Workshop at Fiocruz in September". [Slides].
2012-11-26: Playing dumb: the misuse of Statistics in Biology. Given at the IMPG. [Slides].
- 2014-03-11: Bayesian inference of deterministic population growth models. Given at the XII Brazilian Meeting on Bayesian Statistics (EBEB). [Slides]. [Video]. [Code].
- 2015-07-29: Phylodynamics: how Genetics and Mathematics are changing our understanding of infectious diseases. Given at the XXX Brazilian Mathematics Colloquium. [Slides]. [Video (Portuguese)]. [repo].
- 2015-11-23: BEAST guts: how does Bayesian Evolutionary Analyses by Sampling Trees work? Given at the Ashworth Code Monkeys. [markdown].
- 2016-02-23: On the choice of weights for logarithimc pooling of probability distributions. Given at the XIII Brazilian Bayesian Statistics Meeting (EBEB). [Slides]. [Video].
- 2019-05-14: Phylodynamics of infectious diseases: recent advances. Given at the IMPG Seminar. [Slides]
2020-06-18: Modelling COVID-19: making the best of bad data. Given at the EMAp/FGV webinar. [Slides] [Video (Portuguese)] .
2020-08-13: Efficient brute-force marginalisation of discrete variables in an epidemic model of sub-critical transmission. Given at StanCon2020. [Poster]. [Repo].
2020-08-14: Adaptive Markov chain Monte Carlo on the space of time-calibrated trees. Given at the DEST/UFMG webinar. [Slides] [Video (Portuguese)]. [Repo for a slightly different version]. Same talk at MCQMC202, but in English: [Video].
2020-10-30: Proper Scoring Rules. Given at the MRP reading group. [Slides].
2021-05-25: Logarithmic pooling of probability distributions: advances and prospects. Given at the Open University's Mathematics Department Seminar. [Slides].
2021-08-04: A proposal for the standardisation of epidemic modelling reporting in Brazil. Given at the Third Brazilian Meeting in Data Science (EBDS). [Video (Portuguese)] . [Repo].
2021-08-12: Adaptive truncation of Infinite Series: Applications to Statistics. Given at the Joint Statistical Meetings 2021. [Slides]. [Video].
2021-08-31: Simulation-based calibration for phylogenetics. Given at SBC StanConnect. [Slides] [Video (English].
2021-08-21: FGV Day: an introduction to Applied Mathematics for prospective (high school) students. [Slides] in Portuguese.
2021-09-16: FGV/EMAp Postgraduate Day: my main topics of research (as of September 2021) [Slides].
2021-10-14: Measuring mixing for MCMC in phylogenetics: The (strange) case of clade indicators . Given at the BayesComp-ISBA Workshop "Measuring the quality of MCMC output". [Slides]. [Video].
- 2022-06-02: Al buio non si trova: Biostatistics in the 21st century. Given at the EMAp Seminar series. [Slides].
- 2022-06-21: Evaluating Markov chain Monte Carlo for phylogenetics: the case of exchangeable distributions. Given at the PPGE-UFRGS seminar. [Slides].
- 2022-07-04: Pandemic preparedness in Brazil: the role of statisticians and our models. Given at the 19th Brazilian School of Time Series and Econometrics (ESTE 2022). [Slides].
- 2022-11-16: Markov Chain Monte Carlo for phylogenetics: a helicopter ride. Given at COLMEA. [Slides].
- 2023-02-02: Fitting deterministic epidemic models to data: shenanigans and ideas. Given at the Latin American Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics (LACIAM). [Slides].
- 2023-06-15: Al buio non si trova: principled phylodynamics for pandemic preparation. Given at the International Colloquium on Mathematical Modelling in Epidemiology. [Slides] [Video (English)].
- 2023-09-19: Bayesian inference for deterministic epidemic models. Given at the National Congress on Applied and Computational Mathematics (CNMAC 2023) . [Slides].
- 2023-11-13: Evaluating Markov chain Monte Carlo for phylogenetics. Given at BAYSM. [Slides]
- 2024-05-22: Principled phylodynamics for pandemic preparation. Given at DME UFRJ. [Slides]. This is slightly different from the ICMME presentation.