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In this demo, we showcase the initialisation of a business contract (credit grant) between a BANK and an SME (that has a TAX advisor).


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MANDAT Hackathon Demo

In this demo, we showcase the initialisation of a business contract between the SME and the BANK in form of a credit grant. An overview of the current state is provided in Figure 1, where the starting point is indicated by step 0 "create demand". You may follow the numeric ordering to get an idea of the flow.

Figure 1 Figure 1: The current state of the demo.

Currently, the following sequence is showcased:

actor Tom
participant KMU_Pod as SME_Pod
actor Lisa
participant Bank_Pod as BANK_Pod
actor Max 
participant StB_Pod as TAX_Pod

%% Anbahnung Partnerschaft

%% grant access to that resource to bank
note over Lisa,Bank_Pod: Make Demand Inbox publically available.
    Lisa->>+Bank_Pod: [HTTP PATCH /credits/demands/.acl] (grant public append)
    Bank_Pod-->>-Lisa: [HTTP 205 RESET CONTENT] location .acl

note over Tom,SME_Pod: Make data requests container available for Max.
    Tom->>+SME_Pod: [HTTP PATCH /data-requests/.acl] (grant Max read)
    SME_Pod-->>-Tom: [HTTP 205 RESET CONTENT] location .acl

note over Tom,StB_Pod: Initialising Business Contract

    %% (1) Anfrage Kreditvertrag
    note over Tom,Bank_Pod: (0) request credit grant

    %% create potential callback resource for TAX to patch data processed in
    Tom->>+KMU_Pod: [HTTP POST /data-processed/] (callback resource)
    KMU_Pod-->>-Tom: [HTTP 201 CREATED] location {uuid}

    %% grant write access to TAX and read access to bank
    Tom->>+KMU_Pod: [HTTP PATCH /data-processed/{uuid}.acl] (grant TAX write, BANK read)
    KMU_Pod-->>-Tom: [HTTP 205 RESET CONTENT] location {uuid}.acl

    %% create callback resource for bank to patch data request in
    Tom->>+KMU_Pod: [HTTP POST /data-requests/] (callback resource)
    KMU_Pod-->>-Tom: [HTTP 201 CREATED] location {uuid}

    %% grant write access to bank and read access to tax
    Tom->>+KMU_Pod: [HTTP PATCH /data-requests/{uuid}.acl] (grant BANK write, TAX read)
    KMU_Pod-->>-Tom: [HTTP 205 RESET CONTENT] location {uuid}.acl

    %% create credit demand in bank pod
    Tom->>+Bank_Pod: [HTTP POST /credits/demands/] credit demand
    Bank_Pod-->>-Tom: [HTTP 201 CREATED] location {uuid}

    note over Lisa,Bank_Pod: (1) process credit grant

    %% fetch credit demand
    Lisa->>+Bank_Pod: [HTTP GET /credits/demands/}]
    Bank_Pod-->>-Lisa: [HTTP 200 OK] credit demands
    Lisa->>+Bank_Pod: [HTTP GET /credits/demands/{uuid}]
    Bank_Pod-->>-Lisa: [HTTP 200 OK] credit demand

    %% grant access to that resource to KMU as they do not have access by default
    %% The following .acl patch is equivalent to acknowledging the demand. 
    %% Otherwise the demand may not exist at all.
    Lisa->>+Bank_Pod: [HTTP PATCH /credits/demands/{uuid}.acl] (grant SME read)
    Bank_Pod-->>-Lisa: [HTTP 205 RESET CONTENT] location {uuid}.acl

    %% process credit demand to decide what to do next
        Lisa-)Lisa: processing

    %% (2) Nachfrage aktuelle Unternehmenssituation
    note over Tom,Lisa: (2) request company data

    %% create data request, i.e., update the callback resource
    Lisa->>+KMU_Pod: [HTTP PATCH /data-requests/{uuid}] data request
    KMU_Pod-->>-Lisa: [HTTP 205 RESET CONTENT] location /data-requests/{uuid}

    %% (3) Anfrage Nachweis über Unternehmenssituation
    note over Tom,KMU_Pod: (.2) "forward" data request

    %% Notify TAX
        %% note over Lisa: This Notification does not contain the request, only a link to the request.
        Lisa->>+SME_Pod: [HTTP POST /inbox/] Linked Data Notification
        SME_Pod-->>-Lisa: [HTTP 201 Created] location /inbox/{uuid}
        Tom->>+SME_Pod: [HTTP GET /inbox/]
        SME_Pod-->>-Tom: [HTTP 200 OK] Inbox
        Tom->>+SME_Pod: [HTTP GET /inbox/{uuid}]
        SME_Pod-->>-Tom: [HTTP 200 OK] notification
        Tom->>+StB_Pod: [HTTP POST /inbox/] Linked Data Notification
        StB_Pod-->>-Tom: [HTTP 201 Created] location /inbox/{uuid}

    note over KMU_Pod,StB_Pod: (3) process data request
    %% Notice the data request
    Max->>+StB_Pod: [HTTP GET /data-requests/]
    StB_Pod-->>-Max: [HTTP 200 OK] data request container
    Max->>+StB_Pod: [HTTP GET /data-requests/{uuid}]
    StB_Pod-->>-Max: [HTTP 200 OK] data request
        Max->>Max: processing
    %% provide data as reponse to data request, patching into the callback resource
    Max->>+KMU_Pod: [HTTP PATCH /data-processed/{uuid}] data processed
    KMU_Pod-->>-Max: [HTTP 205 RESET CONTENT] location {uuid}

    %% (4) Lieferung Nachweis
    note over Tom,KMU_Pod: (.access control) "forward" provided data
    %% Notify TAX
        %% note over Lisa: This Notification does not contain the data, only a link to the data.
        Max->>+SME_Pod: [HTTP POST /inbox/] Linked Data Notification
        SME_Pod-->>-Max: [HTTP 201 Created] location /inbox/{uuid}
        Tom->>+SME_Pod: [HTTP GET /inbox/]
        SME_Pod-->>-Tom: [HTTP 200 OK] Inbox
        Tom->>+SME_Pod: [HTTP GET /inbox/{uuid}]
        SME_Pod-->>-Tom: [HTTP 200 OK] notification
        Tom->>+Bank_Pod: [HTTP POST /inbox/] Linked Data Notification
        Bank_Pod-->>-Tom: [HTTP 201 Created] location /inbox/{uuid}
    note over KMU_Pod,Lisa: (4,5) access and process provided data
    %% Notice the data provided
    Lisa->>+KMU_Pod: [HTTP GET /data-processed/{uuid}]
    KMU_Pod-->>-Lisa: [HTTP 200 OK] data processed
        Lisa-)Lisa: processing
    note over Lisa: Omitting the case where no offer is made.

    %% (5) Lieferung Kreditangebot
    note over Tom,Bank_Pod: (6) make an offer
    %% create credit offer in bank pod
    Lisa->>+Bank_Pod: [HTTP POST /credits/offers/] credit offer
    Bank_Pod-->>-Lisa: [HTTP 201 CREATED] location {uuid}
    %% patch DEMAND to point to Offer
    %% may be semantically be iffy, but technically it works :)
    Lisa->>+Bank_Pod: [HTTP PATCH /credits/demands/{uuid}] (include offer {uuid})
    Bank_Pod-->>-Lisa: [HTTP 205 RESET CONTENT] location {uuid}
    %% end
    %% somehow word of the offer needs to reach the KMU either by patching the demand or notification
        %% Notify KMU
        %% note over KMU_Pod,Lisa: This Notification does not contain the request, only a link to the request.
        Lisa->>+KMU_Pod: [HTTP POST /inbox/] Linked Data Notification
        KMU_Pod-->>-Lisa: [HTTP 201 Created] location /inbox/{uuid}
    %% Lookup demand update 
    Tom->>+KMU_Pod: [HTTP GET /credits/demands/{uuid}]
    KMU_Pod-->>-Tom: [HTTP 200 OK] credit demand
    %% Lookkup offer
    Tom->>+KMU_Pod: [HTTP GET /credits/offers/{uuid}]
    KMU_Pod-->>-Tom: [HTTP 200 OK] credit offer
    %% process offer
        Tom-)Tom: processing
        %% ((6)) Akzeptiert Kreditangebot
    note over Tom,Bank_Pod: (7) make an order
    %% create credit order in bank pod
    Tom->>+Bank_Pod: [HTTP POST /credits/orders/] credit order
    Bank_Pod-->>-Tom: [HTTP 201 CREATED] location {uuid}


Allgemeine Infos

  • mit Lerna einen Task ausführen: npx lerna run TASK
    • führt den Task für alle Apps/Libs aus, die den Task in ihrer package.json als Script aufgeführt haben
    • mit dem Parameter --scope kann die Auswahl der Apps/Libs anhand ihres Package-Namen beschränkt werden

Ein neues NPM-Package installieren

Sämtliche Pakete sollten stets in der package.json im Root installiert werden.
Dementsprechend ist ein npm install auch zwingend im Root Verzeichnis auszuführen und nicht in einem der app Unterordner.

Eine neue Lib erstellen

  1. Ordner unter /libs anlegen
  2. package.json anlegen 2. Name gem. Format @shared/NAME_DER_LIB
  3. tsconfig.json anlegen 3. TS-Baseconfig im Root extenden 3. include mit den entsprechenden Dateien ergänzen
  4. index.ts anlegen (zur Steuerung, was exportiert wird)
  5. In der TS-Base-Config ts.base-config.json unter paths den Package-Namen mit Pfad zur Index-Datei ergänzen (ermöglicht Auto-Import)

Eine neue App erstellen

  1. Ordner entsprechend dem App-Namen unter /apps anlegen
  2. Im Ordner mit der Vue-Cli die App erstellen: npx @vue/cli create . (Alternativ: global installierte Vue-Cli nutzen)
    • zu aktivierende Features: Babel, TS, Linter
    • Vue-Version: 3.x
    • Linter/Formatter: Standard
    • Configs: In dedicated config files
  3. App-spezifische package.json anpassen
    • alle (Dev-)Dependencies entfernen
    • folgende Config ergänzen:
        "vuePlugins": {
            "resolveFrom": "../../"
  4. npm install im Root des Monorepos ausführen
  5. vue.config.js wie folgt überschreiben:
    module.exports = defineConfig({
         outputDir: '../../dist/%NAME_DER_APP%',
         devServer: {
             port: %PORT_FUER_APP_SERVE%

    Die Platzhalter %...% sind entsprechend zu ersetzen.

  6. Änderungen an der im Root zurücksetzen
  7. .eslintrc.js wie folgt überschreiben:
    module.exports = {
      extends: [
  8. babel.config.js wie folgt überschreiben:
    module.exports = {
      extends: '../../babel.base-config.js',
  9. (optional) in app-spezifischer tsconfig.json die ts.base-config.json extenden
  10. (optional) in der package.json im Root lerna-Skripte für die App ergänzen

Getestet mit folgenden node-Versionen

  • v16.19.0


In this demo, we showcase the initialisation of a business contract (credit grant) between a BANK and an SME (that has a TAX advisor).







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