Please read this before submitting your Push Requests:
- Follow the same SCSS/JavaScript coding conventions (and use TABS)
- Test and run your code through JsHint before pushing
- Comment, comment, comment. After approving the request we may remove some, but add comments everywhere so we know what's going on and why you coded it that way
- Features that are not directly related to Agile SCRUM and Trello will not be considered
- This extension is cool because it is not intrusive to its users, consider this before developing bells and whistles
- New features should be developed in a way that they don't become annoying to users without the plugin (i.e. story points become a number inside a parenthesis so you can still see what's going on when you don't have the extension installed)
- Code in jQuery or vanilla JavaScript and keep the code as readable, tiny and performant as possible