Releases: layer5io/sistent
Sistent v0.14.33
What's New
- feat(components): ui bug @captain-Akshay (#611)
Thank you to our contributors for making this release possible:
@aabidsofi19 and @captain-Akshay
Sistent v0.14.32
What's New
- Revert "Update Custom tooltips to use markdown link formatter" @dragon-slayer875 (#609)
Thank you to our contributors for making this release possible:
@aabidsofi19 and @dragon-slayer875
Sistent v0.14.31
What's New
- Ui fixes in modal and chips @captain-Akshay (#584)
- Update Custom tooltips to use markdown link formatter @dragon-slayer875 (#607)
- Add correct styles in modal button for different category @sudhanshutech (#604)
- Revert "Update CustomTooltip to format markdown links" @dragon-slayer875 (#601)
- Update CustomTooltip to format markdown links @dragon-slayer875 (#600)
- Update Stepper and Modal button styles @dragon-slayer875 (#596)
- feat: create typopgraphy styled components from existing options @nebula-aac (#588)
- Remove unnecessary font from button @sudhanshutech (#594)
- Add new schemas @betelgeuse-code (#581)
Thank you to our contributors for making this release possible:
@Yashsharma1911, @betelgeuse-code, @captain-Akshay, @dragon-slayer875, @leecalcote, @nebula-aac and @sudhanshutech
Sistent v0.14.30
What's New
- fix: Add TypographyPropsVariantOverrides @nebula-aac (#578)
Thank you to our contributors for making this release possible:
Sistent v0.14.29
What's New
- feat(components): no underline @captain-Akshay (#575)
Thank you to our contributors for making this release possible:
@captain-Akshay and @leecalcote
Sistent v0.14.28
What's New
- feat(components): enchancement in learning component @captain-Akshay (#574)
Thank you to our contributors for making this release possible:
@captain-Akshay and @leecalcote
Sistent v0.14.27
What's New
- feat(components): enchancement @captain-Akshay (#573)
- Learning path resuable Components @captain-Akshay (#565)
Thank you to our contributors for making this release possible:
@captain-Akshay and @leecalcote
Sistent v0.14.26
What's New
- Enhancements in tokens and components @sudhanshutech (#572)
- Typography for Input fields @sudhanshutech (#567)
Thank you to our contributors for making this release possible:
@leecalcote and @sudhanshutech
Sistent v0.14.25
What's New
- fix: remove logs @aabidsofi19 (#571)
Thank you to our contributors for making this release possible:
Sistent v0.14.24
What's New
- fix: add theme without baseline @aabidsofi19 (#570)
- Fix scroll issue in transferlist due to unnecessary dependency @sudhanshutech (#569)
- Enhancement in transferlist component @sudhanshutech (#568)
Thank you to our contributors for making this release possible:
@aabidsofi19, @leecalcote, @nebula-aac and @sudhanshutech