This is our set of scripts to bridge two ROS distributions using mqtt messages.
The topics.yml file should be filled with information about the ros topic(s) you want to send to through mqtt. For each topic we need the topic name, the type and class of the topic. Here's an example.
Install mosquitto and mosquitto client
apt-get install mosquitto mosquitto-clients
Then install the pip requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
To see if all is working correctly you can run a test using mosquitto by publishing a topic:
mosquitto_pub -t 'test/topic' -m 'helloWorld334345' -h
And then subscribing to it:
mosquitto_sub -v -t 'test/topic' -h
topic: /tf
type: tf2_msgs/TFMessage
class: tf2_msgs.msg._TFMessage.TFMessage
topic: /tf_static
type: tf2_msgs/TFMessage
class: tf2_msgs.msg._TFMessage.TFMessage
topic: /joint_states
type: sensor_msgs/JointState
class: sensor_msgs.msg._JointState.JointState
You can get the type and class of a topic by publishing these topics in ROS and running script get_topic_class_and_type.
After configuration you need run script ros_to_mqtt indicating the ip adress of the machine you are sending the mqtt topics to:
./ros_to_mqtt -v -ip
And then run the mqtt to ros translator:
clear && ./mqtt_to_ros -ip