All significant changes to the software will be documented here.
- Fixed analyte ordering in stat export.
Fixing minor bugs introduced in 0.3.10.
- Fixed broken meta_regex parsing when key was numeric instead of str.
- Fixed default behaviour of mass fraction calculation
- Removed extrapolation from interp1d background calculation to avoid negative backgrounds/stderrs.
- Fully functional long-file splitting, with documentation
- Ability to calculate mass fraction (i.e. ppm)
- Configurations for GEOMAR Atom and FIN2.
- Improved dataformat description flexibility
- Improved handling of missing SRMs
- clear_calibration now works as intended
- Minor bug fixes throughout
- Parsed out io functions
- Modified read_data function to properly identify and remove non-analyte columns.
- Calibration now treats blocks of sequentially measured SRMs as single calibration points in drift correction.
- Re-wrote calibration function to allow flexible inclusion of multiple SRMS, which need not contain data for all measured analytes.
- Improved scaling in calibration_plot to better highlight spurious values (e.g. counts/count less than 0)
- Calibration plot shows individual SRMs in different symbols.
- Calibration plot can show individual calibration groups.
- Modified calibration process to cope with mismatches between measured analytes and those in the SRM database.
- Changelog!
- Beta file-splitting capabilities in
- Minor improvements and fixes.
The complete working version associated with the published manuscript:
- Ability to correct for spectral interferences.
- Extensive filtering documentation.
- Improved saving/loading .zip files.
A complete working version of LATools.