//! pls update and/or find other solution... Noggit SDL 1.4 changelog
Add app Icon
You can now load BGs
Rework texture pallet
Add load all tileset function to texture pallet
Change rows and cols direction and count
Add big preview of selected texture
Discard the old current texture window
Fix texture pallet size to fit names
Do Rel with debug now - test do this realy work. !!!!!!
New keys and mouse functions
ALT + 1 till 5 set now the texture paint opercety to 100,75,50,25 and 0 %
Space + Mouse = Speed and Pressure
During load noggit test the config file and report common problems into the logfile. So perhaps users can fix this problems alone in the future.
Link to Manual in modcraft wiki
Load MPQs now in read only. This prevent noggit fron not running if folder rights or read only dont fit on wow folder.
Better wmo culling that the moldes dont hide all the time.
Add ground flatten/blur speed.
UID Fix. On save of an adt all UIDs get recalced now and saged in this and all surrounding adts.
Clean out test and deprecated menu functions
Auto size,tile and rotation works now also if you have copy model size and rotation activated.
In Holes mode you can now alos edit the full chunk if you hold down the ALT key during edit.
Water save
Water fix for custom added water
better Vertics Rendering ( Hanfer )
After you have saved the selection works not. Fixed.
- Maptile display on minimap << Works not in the manu now because it was jsut cleard out and not fixed.
- Water Functions Assist menu actions and basic edit UI ( Steff )
- Add the ALT Key to texture delete from chunk function. You have to hold all 3 keys. This often cause problems of unwanted deleting in past
- Hole lines. Ground editing msut set the same values for vertics an ADT borders on both adts. ELse you get a smle line on the boarder where oyu cna look trough the ground.
- Resize bug. After the load of a map and the resice of the window the selection do not work anymore.
- Some WMOs crash noggit if renderering is turned on. Perhaps some null pointer. Like in Mulgot near start area.
- If you make a model copy to clipboard, deletethe source model and then paste it, noggit crash. On delete check clipboard and free it before.
- Some models render not or wrong. Perhaps 2 side force or normals. Some mushrooms for example in front of the cave in whispering woods.
- Fish model render wrong. Spikes all over the screen.
- Bigger models (Like stormwind) should mark and load all adts they are located on after insert, move or delete.
- There is no unloading of ADTs. We should think abut and implement
- WMO culling dont work 100%. On big models you have often parts that disapeare.
- Test again that the test that an model is on an ADT works. Some people said that some models dont work. Boundingbox test.
- During the edit (move , insert, delete) of big models (wmos) test if they mark all adts as TO SAVE. Example delete stormwind It will be there after next reload.
- Alpha layer destroy during ground editing. If you edit ground the alpha layer sames to get corrupted. You get artifacts and lines on chunk borders.
- U mode usage or rework to fit more. Perhaps add here also basic alpha map editing and view.
- Auto terrain painter/generator
- DBC Save function
- If DBC save Light/skybox editor. Icon is already in. Shold show then light centers with a model and perhaps sice as circle on ground if possible.
- Add texture set function. You must select 4 textures and the full adt get cleard with this. Should replace clear texture assist
- Only one selection for all. In the moment holes and all other use different selection types. THe old selection also produce holse somewhere on the map