To start the development (server and database) environment run:
docker-compose up -d --remove-orphans
To start the development server run:
bun run dev
npm install --prefix ./drizzle/runner drizzle-orm drizzle-kit pg
causeserror: unknown option '--config'
, that is why we use docker for the database updates :/. (tried with npm, pnpm or yarn (--cwd))
TODO: add postgres.yml to docker-compose.yml and add drizzle.yml, for schema:push, schema:pull, drizzle:studio
To push the database schema to the database run (NOTE: NPM needed, because bun doesn't support async_hooks.createHook):
npm run schema:push
To pull the database schema from the database run (NOTE: NPM needed, because bun doesn't support async_hooks.createHook):
npm run schema:pull
To see the tables in a web-ui, called drizzle studio (NOTE: NPM needed, because bun doesn't support async_hooks.createHook):
npm run drizzle:studio