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Ansible Role: IntelliJ

Tests Ansible Galaxy License

Role to download, install and configure the IntelliJ IDEA IDE

While this role can install IntelliJ plugins, if you want to conditionally install particular plugins take a look at our companion role: gantsign.intellij-plugins.


  • Ansible >= 2.9

  • Linux Distribution

    • Debian Family

      • Ubuntu

        • Bionic (18.04)
        • Focal (20.04)
    • RedHat Family

      • Rocky Linux

        • 8
    • Note: other versions are likely to work but have not been tested.

  • Java JDK

    • You need to install the JDK src as well as the JDK.
    • When using Java > 9 you also need to install the jmods.

    e.g. the following is required if using OpenJDK 11 with CentOS:

    - name: Install OpenJDK 11
      become: true
          - java-11-openjdk-devel
          - java-11-openjdk-jmods
          - java-11-openjdk-src
        state: present
  • Apache Maven

Role Variables

The following variables will change the behavior of this role (default values are shown below):

# IntelliJ IDEA version number
intellij_version: '2022.2.2'

# Mirror where to dowload IntelliJ IDEA redistributable package from
# Using HTTP because of
intellij_mirror: ''

# Edition to install (community or ultimate)
intellij_edition: community

# Base installation directory for any IntelliJ IDEA distribution
intellij_install_dir: /opt/idea/idea-{{ intellij_edition }}-{{ intellij_version }}

# Location of the default Apache Maven installation for IntelliJ IDEA projects
# Defaults to value of ansible_local.maven.general.home (see gantsign.maven role)
intellij_default_maven_home: '{{ ((((ansible_local | default(dict())).maven | default(dict())).general | default(dict())).home | default(None)) }}'

# URL for IntelliJ IDEA plugin manager web service
intellij_plugin_manager_url: ''

# List of users to configure IntelliJ IDEA for
users: []

# Directory to store files downloaded for IntelliJ IDEA installation
intellij_download_dir: "{{ x_ansible_download_dir | default(ansible_env.HOME + '~/.ansible/tmp/downloads') }}"

# Timeout for IntelliJ IDEA download response in seconds
intellij_idea_download_timeout_seconds: 600

Users are configured as follows:

  - username: # Unix user name
    intellij_group: # Unix group for the user's files/directories (optional - defaults to username)
      - name: # The name use want to use for this JDK
        home: # The path to the JDK home.
    # The name of the JDK you want to be the default for new projects.
    # Required if you specify `intellij_jdks`.
    # Must match the name given to one of the `intellij_jdks`.
    intellij_disabled_plugins: # see ~/.config/JetBrains/*Idea*/disabled_plugins.txt
      - # Plugin ID
      - name: # Name (must match the value in the XML file /code_scheme/@name)
        url: # URL to download the codestyles XML from
    intellij_default_codestyle: # Name (must match the value in the XML file /code_scheme/@name)
      - name: # Name (must match the value in the XML file /profile/option[@name='myName']/@value)
        url: # URL to download the inspection profile XML from
    intellij_default_inspection_profile: # Name (must match the value in the XML file /profile/option[@name='myName']/@value)
      - # Plugin ID of plugin to install
    # Ultimate Edition only: location of the IntelliJ license key on the Ansible master.
    # Your license key can be found at ~/.config/JetBrains/*Idea*/idea.key
    intellij_license_key_path: # e.g. '/vagrant/idea.key'

Warning: the feature for installing additional plugins relies on internal IntelliJ IDEA APIs and should be considered experimental at this time.

Supported IntelliJ IDEA Versions

The following versions of IntelliJ IDEA are supported without any additional configuration (for other versions follow the Advanced Configuration instructions):

  • 2022.2.2
  • 2022.2.1
  • 2022.2
  • 2022.1.4
  • 2022.1.3
  • 2022.1.2
  • 2022.1.1
  • 2022.1
  • 2021.3.3
  • 2021.3.2
  • 2021.3.1
  • 2021.3
  • 2021.2.3
  • 2021.2.2
  • 2021.2.1
  • 2021.2
  • 2021.1.3
  • 2021.1.2
  • 2021.1.1
  • 2021.1
  • 2020.3.3
  • 2020.3.2
  • 2020.3.1
  • 2020.3
  • 2020.2.4
  • 2020.2.3
  • 2020.2.2
  • 2020.2.1
  • 2020.2
  • 2020.1.2
  • 2020.1.1
  • 2020.1
  • 2019.3.4
  • 2019.3.3
  • 2019.3.2
  • 2019.3.1
  • 2019.3
  • 2019.2.4
  • 2019.2.3
  • 2019.2.2
  • 2019.2.1
  • 2019.2
  • 2019.1.3
  • 2019.1.2
  • 2019.1.1
  • 2019.1
  • 2018.3.6
  • 2018.3.5
  • 2018.3.4
  • 2018.3.3
  • 2018.3.2
  • 2018.3.1
  • 2018.3
  • 2018.2.5
  • 2018.2.4
  • 2018.2.3
  • 2018.2.2
  • 2018.2.1
  • 2018.2
  • 2018.1.6
  • 2018.1.5
  • 2018.1.4
  • 2018.1.3
  • 2018.1.2
  • 2018.1.1
  • 2018.1
  • 2017.3.5
  • 2017.3.4
  • 2017.3.3
  • 2017.3.2
  • 2017.3.1
  • 2017.3
  • 2017.2.6
  • 2017.2.5
  • 2017.2.4
  • 2017.2.3
  • 2017.2.2
  • 2017.2.1
  • 2017.2
  • 2017.1.5
  • 2017.1.4
  • 2017.1.3
  • 2017.1.2
  • 2017.1.1
  • 2017.1
  • 2016.3.5
  • 2016.3.4
  • 2016.3.3
  • 2016.3.2
  • 2016.3.1
  • 2016.3
  • 2016.2.5
  • 2016.2.4
  • 2016.2.3
  • 2016.2.2
  • 2016.2.1
  • 2016.2
  • 2016.1.3
  • 2016.1.1

Advanced Configuration

The following role variable is dependent on the IntelliJ IDEA version; to use a IntelliJ IDEA version not pre-configured by this role you must configure the variable below:

# SHA256 sum for the redistributable package
# i.e. ideaIC-{{ intellij_version }}.tar.gz for the Community Edition
# or ideaIU-{{ intellij_version }}.tar.gz for the Ultimate Edition
intellij_redis_sha256sum: d1cd3f9fd650c00ba85181da6d66b4b80b8e48ce5f4f15b5f4dc67453e96a179

IntelliJ Plugin IDs

JetBrains doesn't make the IntelliJ Plugin IDs visible on their marketplace website ( But it's relatively easy to get the ID with a little JavaScript.

  1. Search JetBrains Marketplace for a plugin you want to install and navigate to it's overview page (e.g.

  2. Type javascript: into your browser address bar (don't press enter yet).

    Note: for security reasons you can't paste javascript: into the address bar (the browser won't let you), you have to type it.

  3. Paste the following after javascript: followed by enter/return:

    fetch(window.location.pathname.replace(/\/plugin\/(\d+).*/, "/api/plugins/$1"))
        .then((response) => response.json())
        .then((data) => alert(`Plugin ID: "${data.xmlId}"`));

    This uses a RegEx to alter the path of the URL, and the fetch API to make a request to the JetBrains plugins REST API. It then displays an alert showing the Plugin ID (xmlId from the JSON response).

Example Playbooks

Minimal playbook:

- hosts: servers
    - role: gantsign.intellij

Playbook with user specific configuration (Default JDK, Maven, disabled plugins and code style):

- hosts: servers
    - role: gantsign.intellij
      intellij_default_maven_home: '/opt/maven/apache-maven-3.3.9'
        - username: vagrant
            - name: '1.8'
              home: '/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64'
            - name: '1.7'
              home: '/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64'
            - name: '1.6'
              home: '/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk-amd64'
          intellij_default_jdk: '1.8'
            - org.jetbrains.plugins.gradle
            - CVS
            - com.intellij.uiDesigner
            - TestNG-J
            - hg4idea
            - Subversion
            - AntSupport
            - DevKit
            - name: GoogleStyle
              url: ''
          intellij_default_codestyle: GoogleStyle
            - name: GantSign
              url: ''
          intellij_default_inspection_profile: GantSign
            - CheckStyle-IDEA

Role Facts

This role exports the following Ansible facts for use by other roles:

  • ansible_local.intellij.general.home

    • e.g. /opt/idea/idea-community-2022.2.2
  • ansible_local.intellij.general.desktop_filename

    • e.g. jetbrains-idea-ce.desktop
  • ansible_local.intellij.general.desktop_file

    • e.g. /usr/share/applications/jetbrains-idea-ce.desktop
  • ansible_local.intellij.general.user_config_dir

    • e.g. .config/JetBrains/IntelliJIdea2022.2
  • ansible_local.intellij.general.user_plugins_dir

    • e.g. .local/share/JetBrains/IntelliJIdea2022.2

More Roles From GantSign

You can find more roles from GantSign on Ansible Galaxy.

Development & Testing

This project uses Molecule to aid in the development and testing; the role is unit tested using Testinfra and pytest.

To develop or test you'll need to have installed the following:

Because the above can be tricky to install, this project includes Molecule Wrapper. Molecule Wrapper is a shell script that installs Molecule and it's dependencies (apart from Linux) and then executes Molecule with the command you pass it.

To test this role using Molecule Wrapper run the following command from the project root:

./moleculew test

Note: some of the dependencies need sudo permission to install.



Author Information

John Freeman

GantSign Ltd. Company No. 06109112 (registered in England)