A. What I did:
do layout of location list and display
- Bootstrap makes it easy
create list
, update to knockout<ul>
by knockout, map by js/jQuery
add list filter functionality
- use knockout data-bind
create map display
- should only be called once
add markers
- make markers as property of location object
add markers filter functionality
- use event listener
s click functionality to link to open infowindow- use event listener
add APIs
- get oauth signature successfully
- get results to display on page
add hamburger menu functionality
B. Problems encountered:
get Google map to display
- get API key
complete an array of locations to use
- get at least 5 locations with title, address and lat/lng values
determine how to filter the array
put markers on the map
get markers to show using lat/lng values in the array
create markers in viewmodel
determine how to filter the markers
determine how to link
s with infowindow -
get APIs to show
which API to use -- Yelp
where to include API -- infowindows
make sure there is separation of concerns in mvc style: model, view and viewmodel
how to place error catch
C. How to access my project
Visit my project: [Numismatic Guide to LA] (https://github.com/jinglebot/Neighborhood_Map)
- Download or fork the application from: [https://github.com/jinglebot/Neighborhood_Map/tree/master]
- Click the Settings button to get to Settings Page.
- Under Github Pages, click the Your site is published at [https://jinglebot.github.io/Neighborhood_Map/] .
- Use filter box to filter both the list items and the map markers.
- Select a list item or map marker to open an info window describing the marker.