Disable FIDO2 interface so that you don't get passkeys, only 2fa keys.
ykman config usb --disable FIDO2 --force
- GitHub
- GitHub (@jez)
- ~/stripe
- especially applications
- ~/.ssh/config
- ~/bin
- ~/stripe/cargo/bin
- ~/.histfile
- ~/sandbox
- ~/.config
- -a ~/
- Tabs
- History?
- less keybindings
- fonts in Font Book
- pay-server branches, including stash
- sorbet branches, including stash
- sorbet compile_commands.json
- GPG keys
- hub tokens
- remote dev hub tokens
- zoom preferences
- meetingbar
- fast git fetch (http://go/gitfetch)
- fast git log with graph (
) - Chrome profiles
- GitHub (@jez-stripe)
- log into jez-stripe in profile
- pay-server full git history
- any random ~/.config files
- ~/Desktop on old laptop
- ~/.bazelrc.local in Sorbet
- Pre-replacement checklist
- Post-replacement checklist
- vault passwords
- Run this in pay-server to get vim-rhubarb to work for Gbrowse:
git remote set-url origin git.corp.stripe.com:stripe-internal/pay-server.git
blurry fonts:
defaults -currentHost write -g AppleFontSmoothing -int 0
and then restart to take effect