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File metadata and controls

94 lines (66 loc) · 2.41 KB


When something is mutating your data, and you don't know what it is, find it objectionable.

This will setup a deep proxy that will alert you whenever an object is mutated.

let objected = objectionable([{ a: [0, { b: [{ c: 1 }] }] }]);
objected[0].a[1].b[0].c = 2;
// Console.log >> "Set: /0/a/1/b/0/c to 2";

Check tests to see all covered cases. Some highlights-

  • new key added
  • editing existing value
  • deep nesting, including mixed arrays and objects
  • new value added to array
  • length changed on array (implicitly and explicitly)

Get started

  1. Install:
npm install objectionable
pnpm add objectionable
yarn add objectionable
  1. Import into your project:
import objectionable from "objectionable";
  1. Wrap any assignments to the value you want to track with objectionable.
let observed = objectionable(newValue);

Any mutations to observed will be reported.

  1. Fix the issue, and uninstall objectionable. This strategy may have unintended consequences, so it's not recommended to use it long term.


  1. No dependencies
  2. Designed for temporary troubleshooting
  3. 100% test coverage
  4. Handles deeply nested array and objects
  5. Helpful for troubleshooting React, Vue and Svelte reactivity issues.


setValue - Boolean, defaults to true

If true, object setting acts as normal. If false, the value won't change, and an error will be thrown on every set.

reporter - callback, defaults to console.log of Set: ${path} to ${value}

Callback receives the following arguments-

  • object- the entire observed object
  • prop- the specific key being set
  • path- a / separated path to the key
  • value- the value being set

Example callback, which would throw an error when a specific key is changed-

const callback: ObjectionableReporterCallback = function (
) {
  if (path === "deep/path/set") {
    throw new Error(`${path} set to ${value}`);

Other options


See for more details.