- Python3
- Pip3
- Python3 Numpy
- Python3 Pandas
- Python3 Matplotlib
- Python3 SciKit-Learn
(Note: These requirements are fulfilled by following Setup)
- $ git clone https://github.com/jacobian0208/Coronavirus.git
- $ cd CoronaVirusMLPrediction
- $ bash setup.sh
Our main script with finely tuned hyperparameters that optimize the accuracy of all future CoronaVirus regional predictions.
Responsible for setting up the user space required for running corona_virus.py.
Directory filled with CSV styled data which was used to train and tune the hyperparameters of corona_virus.py. We found covid_19_data.csv to be most helpful.
All personal user space tests were ran and confirmed to work on the CloudLab profile ConTools/n-Ubuntu: https://www.cloudlab.us/p/5dcc9f6c-3f8a-11e9-910b-e4434b2381fc.
Collaborator: Nolan Ruldoph