本项目翻译的目标是 MIT 6.828 Fall 2018。
MIT 6.828 是世界上最好的操作系统课程,里面有大量优质的学习材料,所以我希望可以翻译成中文,让更多的人可以学习操作系统。
- Homework 13: exokernel question
- Homework 14: Biscuit question
- Homework 15: ticket lock question
- Homework 16: RCU question
- Homework 17: VM question
- Homework 18: Dune question
- Homework 19: IX question
- Lecture 1: Operating systems
- Lecture 2: slides
- Lecture 3: C and gdb
- Lecture 4: Shell & OS organization
- Lecture 5: Isolation mechanisms
- Lecture 6: Virtual memory (1)
- Lecture 7: Virtual memory (2)
- Lecture 8: System calls, interrupts, exceptions
- Lecture 9: slides
- Lecture 10: Processes and switching
- Lecture 11: sleep and wakeup
- Lecture 12: File systems
- Lecture 13: Crash recovery
- Lecture 14: File system performance and fast crash recovery
- Lecture 15: Virtual memory (2) slides
- Lecture 16: OS Organization
- Lecture 17: Kernels and HLL
- Lecture 18: slides
- Lecture 19: slides
- Lecture 20: slides
- Lecture 21: slides
- Lecture 22: High-performance networking
- Lecture 23: demos in class