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Wasm Extension C++ Unit Test Dev Guide

NOTE: This guide requires familiarity with GoogleTest framework. Please go through its getting started guide first.


In addition to integration test, it is also recommended to write unit test for your extension. Unlike integration test, which executes the extension code as Wasm binary with Envoy runtime, unit test is compiled with local C++ toolchains and run natively.

In proxy-wasm-cpp-host, along with V8, wasmtime, WAVM runtimes that execute Wasm binaries, a nullVM runtime is also included, which runs natively compiled-in modules. The unit test will utilize nullVm runtime. Specifically, all host implementation of proxy-wasm-cpp-host (such as Envoy) needs to implements a Context interface class, which has many unimplemented host specific methods. In the unit test, a mock implementation of the Context class will be created using GoogleTest framework, and compiled with your extension code. Within the mock implementation, we could inject desired host behavior and check if the extension interacts with host as expected.

the following guide will walk through how to write unit test based on an example test for basic auth filter.

Step 1: Add nullVM directives to extension code

The nullVM implementation in proxy-wasm-cpp-host is wrapped in proxy_wasm::null_plugin namespace. To make it convenient to build your extension code with nullVM, the extension code is also wrapped by the same namespace. Here is how to add nullVM directives to basic auth code:



#include "proxy_wasm_intrinsics.h"


#include "include/proxy-wasm/null_plugin.h"

namespace proxy_wasm {
namespace null_plugin {
namespace basic_auth {




}  // namespace basic_auth
}  // namespace null_plugin
}  // namespace proxy_wasm



namespace proxy_wasm {
namespace null_plugin {
namespace basic_auth {





}  // namespace basic_auth
}  // namespace null_plugin
}  // namespace proxy_wasm


Then to build the extension under nullVM mode, the following target is added to the BUILD file. The target is similiar to the one generated Wasm binary, except that it uses cc_binary and defines NULL_PLUGIN macro in copts.


    name = "basic_auth",
    srcs = [
    hdrs = [
    copts = ["-DNULL_PLUGIN"],
    deps = [

Step 2: Create a scaffold for unit tests

Before implementing test, the scaffold needs to be created, which imports necessary library, adds the namespace wrapper, registers the extension with nullVM runtime, and creates a test class which initializes the nullVM runtime. Unlike extension code, the unit test is always compiled with nullVM mode, so there is no need to wrap the namespace with NULL_PLUGIN directive.

// necessary library imports for 
#include "gmock/gmock.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#include "include/proxy-wasm/context.h"
#include "include/proxy-wasm/null.h"

namespace proxy_wasm {
namespace null_plugin {
namespace basic_auth {

NullPluginRegistry* context_registry_;
RegisterNullVmPluginFactory register_basic_auth_plugin("basic_auth", []() {
  return std::make_unique<NullPlugin>(basic_auth::context_registry_);

class BasicAuthTest : public ::testing::Test {
  BasicAuthTest() {
    // Initialize test VM
    test_vm_ = createNullVm();
    wasm_base_ =std::make_unique<WasmBase>(
        std::move(test_vm_), "test-vm", "", "",
        std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string>{},

  ~BasicAuthTest() override {}

  std::unique_ptr<WasmBase> wasm_base_;
  std::unique_ptr<WasmVm> test_vm_;

  std::unique_ptr<PluginRootContext> root_context_;
  std::unique_ptr<PluginContext> context_;


}  // namespace basic_auth
}  // namespace null_plugin
}  // namespace proxy_wasm

The test target is also added to the BUILD file, which imports :basic_auth library built in the first step as a dependency.

    name = "basic_auth_test",
    srcs = [
    copts = ["-DNULL_PLUGIN"],
    deps = [

Step 3: Implement mock context

Next step is to implement the host mock by creating a MockContext class, which inherits the base class from proxy-wasm-cpp-host repo. For basic auth filter, the interactions it has with the host environment are:

  • Read configuration via getBuffer.
  • Log warning message when things go wrong via log.
  • Get authorization headers from the host env via getHeaderMapValue.
  • Send local access denial if the auth header fails the check.
class MockContext : public proxy_wasm::ContextBase {
  MockContext(WasmBase* wasm) : ContextBase(wasm) {}

  MOCK_METHOD(BufferInterface*, getBuffer, (WasmBufferType));
  MOCK_METHOD(WasmResult, log, (uint32_t, std::string_view));
  MOCK_METHOD(WasmResult, getHeaderMapValue,
              (WasmHeaderMapType /* type */, std::string_view /* key */,
               std::string_view* /*result */));
  MOCK_METHOD(WasmResult, sendLocalResponse,
              (uint32_t /* response_code */, std::string_view /* body */,
               Pairs /* additional_headers */, uint32_t /* grpc_status */,
               std::string_view /* details */));

Then in the test class, inject implementation for the mock methods.

BasicAuthTest() {
  // Initialize test VM

  // Initialize host side context
  mock_context_ = std::make_unique<MockContext>(wasm_base_.get());
  current_context_ = mock_context_.get();

  ON_CALL(*mock_context_, log(testing::_, testing::_))
      .WillByDefault([](uint32_t, std::string_view m) {
        std::cerr << m << "\n";
        return WasmResult::Ok;

  ON_CALL(*mock_context_, getHeaderMapValue(WasmHeaderMapType::RequestHeaders,
                                            testing::_, testing::_))
      .WillByDefault([&](WasmHeaderMapType, std::string_view header,
                          std::string_view* result) {
        if (header == ":path") {
          *result = path_;
        if (header == ":method") {
          *result = method_;
        if (header == "authorization") {
          *result = authorization_header_;
        return WasmResult::Ok;

  // Initialize Wasm sandbox context
  root_context_ = std::make_unique<PluginRootContext>(0, "");
  context_ = std::make_unique<PluginContext>(1, root_context_.get());

std::unique_ptr<PluginRootContext> root_context_;
std::unique_ptr<PluginContext> context_;

std::string path_;
std::string method_;
std::string cred_;
std::string authorization_header_;

Step 4: Implement test

Now everything is ready, it is time to implement the unit test! Let's take a look at one of the example tests. It verifies that basic auth filter onRequestHeader method will deny a request based on prefix match. The test implementation first makes the mocked getBuffer call return a desired filter configuration, and let the filter consume the configuration via onConfigure; then sets the desired request properties (path, method, password), and verfies the request is denied by checking that local response is sent with wanted response code.

TEST_F(BasicAuthTest, PrefixDeny) {
  std::string configuration = R"(
  "basic_auth_rules": [
      "prefix": "/api",
      "request_methods":[ "GET", "POST" ],
      "credentials":[ "ok:test", "admin:admin", "admin2:admin2" ] 

  BufferBase buffer;
  buffer.set({, configuration.size()});

  EXPECT_CALL(*mock_context_, getBuffer(WasmBufferType::PluginConfiguration))
      .WillOnce([&buffer](WasmBufferType) { return &buffer; });

  path_ = "/api/test";
  method_ = "GET";
  cred_ = "wrong-cred";
  authorization_header_ = "Basic " + Base64::encode(, cred_.size());
  EXPECT_CALL(*mock_context_, sendLocalResponse(401, testing::_, testing::_,
                                                testing::_, testing::_));
  EXPECT_EQ(context_->onRequestHeaders(0, false),

  path_ = "/api/config";
  method_ = "POST";
  cred_ = "admin2:admin2";
  authorization_header_ = Base64::encode(, cred_.size());
  EXPECT_CALL(*mock_context_, sendLocalResponse(401, testing::_, testing::_,
                                                testing::_, testing::_));
  EXPECT_EQ(context_->onRequestHeaders(0, false),