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File metadata and controls

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DIM - DNS and IP Management (and also DHCP)

DIM can be used as IP Management for a companies whole IP address space (e.g. RFC1918, public IPv4, ULA IPv6, public IPv6 (GUA), Multicast IPs, ...).

DIM can be used to manage all DNS reverse entries for all IP address space.

DIM allows to document subnets with their vlan id and gateway in a way that this information can be reused for automatic IP configuration on devices.

DIM simplifies the steps "mark ip as used, create forward record, create reverse entry, reload changed zones" to a single line in your preferred shell.

DIM provides an API to allow products to consume and return single IPv4 addresses or whole /64 or /56 prefixes for IPv6.

Quickstart / Tutorial

Download VM (Documentation how the VM was created). The VM is preconfigured including PowerDNS and PowerDNS recursor so that you can immediately check whether your commands had effects.

Read Tutorial to see how DIM can be used to document Prefixes and manage DNS Records.


Docker files are available for below components, and you need to do docker build on your own (There is no pre build docker version at this moment)


Just mount your dim.cfg to /etc/dim/dim.cfg

Docker file


To build ndcli you need to be in project directory; because there is dependecy to dimclient

docker build -f ndcli/Dockerfile .
ENV Default

Docker file

PDNS Output

Mount configuratin to /etc/dim/

Docker file


Mount configuratin to /etc/cas/cas.cfg

Docker file


You have to define below args during build

ARG Description
DIM_LOGIN point to dim login url
DIM_RPC dim jsonrpc url
LOGIN dim-cas login url
LOGOUT dim-cas logout url

Docker build example:

docker build --progress=plain \
    --build-arg DIM_LOGIN=http://dim-nginx:8000/login \
    --build-arg DIM_RPC=http://dim-nginx:8000/jsonrpc \
    --build-arg LOGIN=http://dim-nginx:8000/dim-cas/ \
    --build-arg LOGOUT=http://dim-nginx:8000/dim-cas/logout \
    --build-arg BASE_URL=/web \

Docker file

Docker compose (All-in-One)

Project contains one compose file which contains all dim components and compose file is located in here


  • pdns-int: powerdns instance for internal zones
  • pdns-pub: powerdns instance for external zones
  • pdns-rec: required for powerdns_auth
  • mysql_db: we have 3 databases in here
    • dim: for dim component
    • pdns_int for pdns-int
    • pdns_out for pdns-out
  • dim: dim core component
  • dim-nginx: nginx proxy to proxypass different paths to different components. Config gile
  • dim-web: GUI interface for dim which use dim-cas for authentication
  • dim-cas: CAS authentication relay to cas
  • pdns-output: Write dim zones and changes to powerdns databases
  • cas: authentication server with ldap backend
  • openldap: openldap server for dim and cas
  • phpldapadmin: good to have some gui for ldap:)
  • ndcli: dim cli client

to setup docker deployment:

cd docker
docker compose up -d

Init dim database

docker compose exec -it dim bash
./manage_db init

Before set a user to role Admin you need to login to create user in dim database Use web gui or ndcli to login

docker compose exec ndcli ndcli login --username john1 --password P@ssw0rd

To set an user's role to Admin

docker compose exec -it dim bash
./manage_dim set_user -u john1 -t Admin


  • There is no data presistance, you should modify docker compose for your needs
  • The default listen url is http://dim-nginx:8000 and you have to add this url to your /etc/hosts file to reach service from localhost.
  • Default docker network is on and for required communication every containers have a assigned ip address in docker compose

Default users

You can add new users with openldap or use below users to interact with dim

Username Password
john3 P@ssw0rd
john2 P@ssw0rd
john1 P@ssw0rd