Automatic builds of Jupyter Docker images with ContainDS Dashboards support.
These are based on the Jupyter docker stacks
voila (Using Voila as the presentation type)
- jh-voila-oauth-singleuser (Standard Python environment)
- jh-voila-oauth-scipy (Extra scientific Python packages installed)
- jh-voila-oauth-datascience (More than just Python)
- jh-voila-oauth-r (R language)
all (Using either Voila, Streamlit, Bokeh/Panel, or Plotly Dash as the presentation type)
- containds-all-basic (Standard Python environment)
- containds-all-scipy (Extra scientific Python packages installed)
r (Using Voila or R Shiny Server)
- containds-rshiny (R environment)
allr (Using a full combination of all the Python and R Shiny presentation types)
- containds-allr-datascience (SciPy plus R environment)
There is a tag for each commit SHA in this repo, and also a tag for each release of ContainDS Dashboards.
For example, use ideonate/containds-all-basic:0.0.20 as the singleuser image if your JupyterHub is running cdsdashboards version 0.0.20.