Fetch the data from the database. SELECT the data based on the conditions described by the WHERE clause.
Operators | Description |
SELECT | Retrieve data from a database. |
WHERE | Filter rows based on a specified condition. |
ORDER BY | Sort the result set in ascending or descending order. |
GROUP BY | Groups rows based on the values in a specified column. |
HAVING | Filters grouped results based on a specified condition. |
BETWEEN | Returns data within a range of values. |
IN | Returns data within a list of values. |
ANY | Compare a value to any value returned by a subquery. |
ALL | Compare a value to all values returned by a subquery. |
LIKE | Returns data similar to the given pattern (Using Wildcard) |
IS NULL | Returns null values. |
IS NOT NULL | Returns not null values. |
EXISTS | Determine if a subquery returns values or not. |
SELECT first_name, last_name
FROM employee;
SELECT * FROM employee
WHERE age > 30;
SELECT * FROM products
SELECT category, COUNT(*)
FROM products
GROUP BY category;
SELECT category, COUNT(*)
FROM products
GROUP BY category
-- Underscore: _
FROM table
WHERE code LIKE '_2_6'
Results :
-- Square Brackets: [ ] | or
SELECT last_name
FROM employee
WHERE last_name LIKE 'Wi[lk]%' -- 'Wi' followed by either 'l' or 'k'
Results :
-- Percentage: %
-- Get only Google mails:
SELECT first_name, email
FROM employee
WHERE email LIKE '%@gmail.com'
-- Get emails other than Gmail:
SELECT first_name, email
FROM employee
WHERE email NOT LIKE '%@gmail.com'
SELECT first_name, city
FROM employee
WHERE first_name LIKE 'B[iro]%' AND City NOT LIKE '%UL%'
SELECT first_name, shirt_size
FROM customer
WHERE shirt_size IN ('M', 'L', 'XL', 'XXL')
ORDER BY shirt_size ASC
SELECT first_name, pant_size, DATENAME(Month, birthday) as birth_month
FROM customer
WHERE pant_size BETWEEN 2 AND 16 AND shirt_size LIKE '%L'
ORDER BY birth_month
SELECT first_name, DATENAME(Year, birthday) as birth_year
FROM customer
WHERE birthday BETWEEN '1980' AND '1982'
ORDER BY birth_year DESC
SELECT * FROM customers
WHERE city IN (SELECT city from suppliers)
SELECT * FROM products
WHERE price < ANY(SELECT unit_price
FROM supplier_products)
SELECT * FROM orders
WHERE order_amount > ALL(SELECT total_amount
FROM previous_orders)
-- Return the first non-null value in the list:
SELECT first_name, last_name, starting_salary, current_salary,
COALESCE(current_salary * 1.1, starting_salary) AS new_salary
FROM employee
WHERE starting_salary <= 35000