2.31.0 (2021-03-02)
Bug Fixes
GlobeLayer: doesn't subdivise the pole tile mesh. (53a9f6f )
PlanarControls: fix pan movement (5be30b7 )
PlanarControls: standardize zoom factors for perspective and orthographic camera (c65bbab )
Points: remove THREE.Geometry. (6ff3b3d )
RasterColorTile: wrong getter name. (1f7eb05 )
correct zoom factor parameter in examples (a86e3f8 )
Code Refactoring
Debug: simplified point debug code. (c99fb09 )
GlobeControls: refactor zoom speed management (57f6666 )
Immersive: replace Matrix4.makeBasisFromMatrix by Matrix4.setFromMatrix3. (d442602 )
MaterialLayer: MaterialLayer to RasterNode. (46b19f1 )
PlanarControls: refactor zoom speed management (ca47389 )
points: avoid clone point material. (174a60f )
RasterTile: rename file. (c73fc38 )
View: remove useless getParentLayer method (6f0b545 )
View: simplify getLayerById method. (58874ec )
Workflow and chores
update package-lock.json. (b3e81fc )
deps-dev: bump marked from 1.2.9 to 2.0.0 (46bc3f9 )
update packages. (09f12c9 )
MaterialLayer: update tests with the MaterialLayer refactoring. (0fa3c06 )
You can’t perform that action at this time.