In this analysis, I will use seed transcriptiom of A2, D5 and the in silico synthetic ADs to check the parition of At and Dt reads. The partition results from Bowtie2-RSEM will be compared tp GSNAP-Polycat results.
This analysis is part of the Effective Length project.
Run biowtie-RSEM against A2D5 psuedo transcriptome reference(batch file
cd ~/jfw-lab/Projects/Eflen/seed_for_eflen_paper/
mkdir bowtie2RSEM
# fastq files 100bp SE
ls eflen_seed/ | grep 'cut.fq.gz'
# A2-10-R1.cut.fq.gz A2-10-R2.cut.fq.gz A2-10-R3.cut.fq.gz
# A2-20-R1.cut.fq.gz A2-20-R2.cut.fq.gz A2-20-R3.cut.fq.gz
# A2-30-R1.cut.fq.gz A2-30-R2.cut.fq.gz A2-30-R3.cut.fq.gz
# A2-40-R1.cut.fq.gz A2-40-R2.cut.fq.gz A2-40-R3.cut.fq.gz
# AD-10-R1.cut.fq.gz AD-10-R2.cut.fq.gz AD-10-R3.cut.fq.gz
# AD-20-R1.cut.fq.gz AD-20-R3.cut.fq.gz
# AD-30-R1.cut.fq.gz AD-30-R2.cut.fq.gz AD-30-R3.cut.fq.gz
# AD-40-R1.cut.fq.gz AD-40-R2.cut.fq.gz AD-40-R3.cut.fq.gz
# D5-10-R1.cut.fq.gz D5-10-R2.cut.fq.gz D5-10-R3.cut.fq.gz
# D5-20-R1.cut.fq.gz D5-20-R2.cut.fq.gz D5-20-R3.cut.fq.gz
# D5-30-R1.cut.fq.gz D5-30-R2.cut.fq.gz D5-30-R3.cut.fq.gz
# D5-40-R1.cut.fq.gz D5-40-R2.cut.fq.gz D5-40-R3.cut.fq.gz
# note that I don't need D5-20-R2 in future
module load bowtie2/2.2.6
module load rsem/1.2.22
# -p 4 threads
rsem-calculate-expression -p 4 --bowtie2 --time eflen_seed/A2-10-R1.cut.fq.gz ~/jfw-lab/GenomicResources/pseudogenomes/A2D5 bowtie2RSEM/A2-10-R1 >bowtie2RSEM/A2-10-R1.log 2>&1
Check mapping results from log files.
# get total sequenced read number
grep 'reads; of these:' *log
# get RSEM alignment rate
grep 'alignment rate' *log
The following R Analysis explore the results At and Dt reads compared to true A2 and D5 reads.
fileL<- grep("genes.results", list.files(),value=TRUE)
# make count table for expected read counts
for ( file in fileL ) {
temp <- read.table(file, header=TRUE, sep="\t")
temp <- temp[,c(1,5)]
names(temp)[2]<- gsub(".genes.results","",file)
if (!exists("count")) { count<-temp }
else count <- merge(count, temp, by="gene_id")
write.table(count,file="count.txt", row.names=FASLE, sep="\t")
count<-read.table("count.txt", header=TRUE, sep="\t")
totalS <- colSums(count[,-1])
AtS <- colSums(count[grep(".A",count$gene_id),-1])
DtS <- colSums(count[grep(".D",count$gene_id),-1])
barplot(rbind(AtS,DtS), main="Total read counts: At vs Dt",col=c("brown","blue"),legend=c("At","Dt"), las=2)
A2t<-count[grep(".A",count$gene_id), c(2:5,7:13)]
D5t<-count[grep(".D",count$gene_id), c(25:28, 30:36)]
A2 <-count[grep(".D",count$gene_id), c(2:5,7:13)] + A2t
D5 <-count[grep(".A",count$gene_id), c(25:28, 30:36)] + D5t
At <-count[grep(".A",count$gene_id), c(14:24)]
Dt <-count[grep(".D",count$gene_id), c(14:24)]
names(At) <- gsub("AD","At",names(At))
names(Dt) <- gsub("AD","Dt",names(Dt))
source('~/Dropbox/Scripts/addTrans.r', chdir = TRUE)
plot(log2(as.matrix(A2)),log2(as.matrix(D5)), pch=16, col=addTrans("black",10))
plot(log2(as.matrix(At)),log2(as.matrix(Dt)), pch=16, col=addTrans("black",10))
plot(log2(as.matrix(A2)),log2(as.matrix(At)), pch=16, col=addTrans("black",10))
plot(log2(as.matrix(D5)),log2(as.matrix(Dt)), pch=16, col=addTrans("black",10))
plot(log2(as.matrix(A2/D5)),log2(as.matrix(At/Dt)), pch=16, col=addTrans("black",10))
plot(log2(as.matrix(A2t/D5t)),log2(as.matrix(At/Dt)), pch=16, col=addTrans("black",10))
plot(log2(as.matrix(A2/D5)),log2(as.matrix(A2t/D5t)), pch=16, col=addTrans("black",10))
Next, I will conduct differential expression analysis between expected (At vs Dt) and true homoeolog partitions (A2 vs D5).
# differential analysis between homoeologs
goraiIDs <- gsub(".A", "",grep(".A",count$gene_id, value=TRUE) )
## true exprected
expr.A2D5 <- cbind(A2, D5)
expr.ADs <- cbind(At, Dt)
EBSeq is an empirical Bayesian DE analysis tool developed in UW-Madison, can take variance due to read mapping ambiguity into consideration by grouping isoforms with parent gene’s number of isoforms. In addition, it is more robust to outliers. RSEM also includes EBSeq in its folder named ‘EBSeq’.
pairwiseDE.ebseq<-function(expr, contrast) {
# for 2 conditions, e.g.
# geneMat <- as.matrix( expr[,coldata$sample %in% c("A2.10", "D5.10" )] )
geneMat <- as.matrix( expr[,gsub(".R.*","",colnames(expr)) %in% contrast])
# library size factor
Sizes = MedianNorm(geneMat)
EBOut = EBTest(Data = geneMat, Conditions =as.factor(gsub(".R.","",colnames(geneMat))), sizeFactors=Sizes, maxround=5 )
# checking convergency, the differences between the 4th and 5th iterations need to be less than 0.01 or 0.001.
#Checking the model fit and other diagnostics: QQP data points should lie on the y = x line for both conditions; DenNHist check the density plot of empirical q's vs the simulated q's, good model fit is expected.
EBDERes=GetDEResults(EBOut, FDR=0.05)
# DEfound - DE gene IDs
# PPEE and PPDE - the posterior probabilities of being EE or DE for each gene.
# Status - each gene's status called by EBSeq.
print( table(EBDERes$Status))
# calculate fold change
# str(GeneFC) # PostFC , RealFC , Direction
# PlotPostVsRawFC(EBOut,GeneFC)
res= data.frame( Status = EBDERes$Status,PostFC=NA, RealFC=NA, Direction=NA )
rownames(res) <- goraiIDs
res[names(GeneFC$PostFC),"PostFC"] <- GeneFC$PostFC
res[names(GeneFC$PostFC),"RealFC"] <- GeneFC$RealFC
res[names(GeneFC$PostFC),"Direction"] <- GeneFC$Direction
write.table(res, file=paste("DE/ebseq.",paste(contrast, collapse="vs"),".txt", sep=""), sep="\t")
batch<- rbind( c("A2.10", "D5.10" ), c("A2.20", "D5.20" ), c("A2.30", "D5.30" ), c("A2.40", "D5.40" ) )
apply(batch,1,function(x) pairwiseDE.ebseq(expr.A2D5,x))
batch<- rbind( c("At.10", "Dt.10" ), c("At.20", "Dt.20" ), c("At.30", "Dt.30" ), c("At.40", "Dt.40" ) )
apply(batch,1,function(x) pairwiseDE.ebseq(expr.ADs,x))
Because RSEM output expected_count is not integer, the counts need to be rounded for DESeq2 analysis.
pairwiseDE.deseq2<-function(dds, contrast,savePath)
# DE analysis
ddsPW <-dds[,dds$sample %in% contrast]
res <- results(DESeq(ddsPW))
print( summary(res,alpha=.05) ) # print results
write.table(res, file=paste(savePath,"DE/deseq2.",paste(contrast, collapse="vs"),".txt", sep=""), sep="\t")
expr <- round(expr.A2D5)
rownames(expr) <- goraiIDs
coldata<-data.frame( sample= gsub("[.]R.","", names(expr)), homoeolog = gsub("[.].*", "", names(expr)), dpa = gsub("D.[.]|A.[.]|[.]R.","", names(expr)), rep = gsub(".*[.]", "", names(expr) ) )
dds <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix( countData = expr, colData = coldata, design = ~ sample)
batch<- rbind( c("A2.10", "D5.10" ), c("A2.20", "D5.20" ), c("A2.30", "D5.30" ), c("A2.40", "D5.40" ) )
apply(batch,1,function(x) pairwiseDE.deseq2(dds,x,savePath = ""))
expr <- round(expr.ADs)
rownames(expr) <- goraiIDs
coldata<-data.frame( sample= gsub("[.]R.","", names(expr)), homoeolog = gsub("[.].*", "", names(expr)), dpa = gsub("D.[.]|A.[.]|[.]R.","", names(expr)), rep = gsub(".*[.]", "", names(expr) ) )
dds <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix( countData = expr, colData = coldata, design = ~ sample)
batch<- rbind( c("At.10", "Dt.10" ), c("At.20", "Dt.20" ), c("At.30", "Dt.30" ), c("At.40", "Dt.40" ) )
apply(batch,1,function(x) pairwiseDE.deseq2(dds,x,savePath = ""))
Compare EBSeq and DEseq2 results.
fileL.ebseq <- paste0("DE/", grep("ebseq",fileL, value=TRUE) )
fileL.deseq2 <-paste0("DE/", grep("deseq2",fileL, value=TRUE) )
comp <- gsub("DE/ebseq.|.txt","",fileL.ebseq)
results <-data.frame(deseq2.sig=NA, ebseq.sig=NA, both.sig =NA)
for( i in comp)
ebseq <- read.table(file=grep(i,fileL.ebseq, value=TRUE), header=TRUE)
deseq2 <- read.table(file=grep(i,fileL.deseq2,value=TRUE), header=TRUE)
# table(row.names(deseq2) ==row.names(ebseq))
results[i,] <- c(table(deseq2$padj < 0.05)["TRUE"], table(ebseq$Status == "DE")["TRUE"], table(deseq2$padj < 0.05 & ebseq$Status == "DE")["TRUE"])
colors <- rep(addTrans("grey",10), length(row.names(ebseq)))
# color DE genes: both - red, deseq2 - green, ebs - blue, esle=grey
colors[ebseq$Status == "DE" ] <- addTrans("blue",10)
colors[deseq2$padj < 0.05] <- addTrans("green",10)
colors[ebseq$Status == "DE" & deseq2$padj < 0.05 ] <- addTrans("red",10)
plot(-deseq2$log2FoldChange, log2(ebseq$PostFC), type="p", pch=16, col=colors, main=i, )
legend("bottomright", inset=.05, title="signicant DE", c("ebseq","deseq2","both"), fill=c("blue","green","red") )
# deseq2.sig ebseq.sig both.sig
# A2.10vsD5.10 12911 9504 8950
# A2.20vsD5.20 8382 8458 6463
# A2.30vsD5.30 13429 9832 9288
# A2.40vsD5.40 6216 4667 3334
# At.10vsDt.10 11974 9101 8450
# At.20vsDt.20 7530 7890 5792
# At.30vsDt.30 12269 9285 8562
# At.40vsDt.40 5446 4310 2885
EBSeq detected fewer DEs than DESeq2, and the overlaps make a much bigger proportion, which suggests that EBSeq is more stringent.
Compare A2vsD5 v.s. AtvsDt and in DEseq2 and ebseq each
comp <- c(10,20,30,40)
results <-data.frame(A2D5.sig=NA, ADs.sig=NA, both.sig =NA, both.not.sig=NA)
for( i in comp)
# ebseq results
ebseq.A2D5 <- read.table(file=grep("A2",grep(i,fileL.ebseq, value=TRUE),value=TRUE), header=TRUE)
ebseq.ADs <- read.table(file=grep("At",grep(i,fileL.ebseq, value=TRUE),value=TRUE), header=TRUE)
results[paste0("ebseq.",i,"dpa"),] <- c(table(ebseq.A2D5$Status == "DE")["TRUE"], table(ebseq.ADs$Status == "DE")["TRUE"], table(ebseq.A2D5$Status == "DE" & ebseq.ADs$Status == "DE")["TRUE"], table(ebseq.A2D5$Status == "EE" & ebseq.ADs$Status == "EE")["TRUE"] )
colors <- rep(addTrans("grey",10), length(row.names(ebseq.A2D5)))
# color DE genes: both - red, A2D5 - green, ADs - blue, esle=grey
colors[ebseq.A2D5$Status == "DE" ] <- addTrans("green",10)
colors[ebseq.ADs$Status == "DE" ] <- addTrans("blue",10)
colors[ebseq.ADs$Status == "DE" & ebseq.A2D5$Status == "DE" ] <- addTrans("red",10)
plot(log2(ebseq.ADs$PostFC), log2(ebseq.A2D5$PostFC), type="p", pch=16, col=colors, main=paste0("ebseq.",i,"dpa"))
legend("bottomright", inset=.05, title="signicant DE", c("ADs","A2D5","both"), fill=c("blue","green","red") )
deseq2.A2D5 <- read.table(file=grep("A2", grep(i,fileL.deseq2,value=TRUE),value=TRUE), header=TRUE)
deseq2.ADs <- read.table(file=grep("At", grep(i,fileL.deseq2,value=TRUE),value=TRUE), header=TRUE)
results[paste0("deseq2.",i,"dpa"),] <- c(table(deseq2.A2D5$padj < 0.05)["TRUE"], table(deseq2.ADs$padj < 0.05)["TRUE"], table(deseq2.ADs$padj < 0.05 & deseq2.A2D5$padj < 0.05)["TRUE"], table(deseq2.ADs$padj >= 0.05 & deseq2.A2D5$padj >= 0.05)["TRUE"])
colors <- rep(addTrans("grey",10), length(row.names(deseq2.A2D5)))
# color DE genes: both - red, A2D5 - green, ADs - blue, esle=grey
colors[deseq2.A2D5$padj < 0.05 ] <- addTrans("green",10)
colors[deseq2.ADs$padj < 0.05 ] <- addTrans("blue",10)
colors[deseq2.A2D5$padj < 0.05 & deseq2.ADs$padj < 0.05 ] <- addTrans("red",10)
plot(deseq2.ADs$log2FoldChange , deseq2.A2D5$log2FoldChange, type="p", pch=16, col=colors, main=paste0("deseq2.",i,"dpa"))
legend("bottomright", inset=.05, title="signicant DE", c("ADs","A2D5","both"), fill=c("blue","green","red") )
# sensitivity, true-positive rate (TPR), both.sig / A2D5.sig
# specificity),true-negative rate (TNR) both.not.sig / (37223-A2D5.not)
results$sensitivity <- results$both.sig/results$A2D5.sig
results$specificity <- results$both.not.sig/(37223-results$A2D5.sig)
To detect differential homoeolog expression, do we want to recover as many as possible TRUE DEs (high sensitivity), or we want to maximize the correct number of not DEs (high specificity)?? DEseq2 shows slightly higher sensitivity, while EBSeq shows much higher specificity.
results |A2D5.sig|ADs.sig|both.sig|both.not.sig|sensitivity|specificity --------------|--------|-------|--------|------------|-----------|-----------|: ebseq.10dpa | 9504 | 9101 | 7942 | 19905 | 0.8356481 | 0.7180995 deseq2.10dpa | 12911 | 11974 | 11071 | 15557 | 0.8574859 | 0.6398898 ebseq.20dpa | 8458 | 7890 | 6720 | 21232 | 0.7945141 | 0.7381192 deseq2.20dpa | 8382 | 7530 | 6819 | 19205 | 0.8135290 | 0.6658923 ebseq.30dpa | 9832 | 9285 | 8180 | 19502 | 0.8319772 | 0.7119857 deseq2.30dpa | 13429 | 12269 | 11411 | 16125 | 0.8497282 | 0.6776919 ebseq.40dpa | 4667 | 4310 | 3591 | 25803 | 0.7694450 | 0.7925728 deseq2.40dpa | 6216 | 5446 | 4877 | 21152 | 0.7845882 | 0.6821685
Gather read count tables from HTseq-count results
# "A2.Total" "D5.Total" "ADs.Total" "A2.At" "D5.At" "ADs.At" "A2.Dt" "D5.Dt" "ADs.Dt" "ADs.AtN" "ADs.DtN" "A2.N" "D5.N" "ADs.N" "A2.AD" "D5.AD" "ADs.AD"
AtS <- colSums(cbind(A2.At,ADs.At,D5.At) )
DtS <- colSums(cbind(A2.Dt,ADs.Dt,D5.Dt) )
NS <- colSums(cbind(A2.N,ADs.N,D5.N) )
XS <- colSums(cbind(A2.AD,ADs.AD,D5.AD) )
barplot(rbind(AtS,DtS,NS,XS), main="Total read counts: At vs Dt",col=c("brown","blue", "grey", "pink"),legend=c("At","Dt", "N" ,"X"), las=2)
source('~/Dropbox/Scripts/addTrans.r', chdir = TRUE)
plot(log2(as.matrix(A2.Total)),log2(as.matrix(D5.Total)), pch=16, col=addTrans("black",10))
plot(log2(as.matrix(ADs.At)),log2(as.matrix(ADs.Dt)), pch=16, col=addTrans("black",10))
plot(log2(as.matrix(A2.Total)),log2(as.matrix(ADs.At)), pch=16, col=addTrans("black",10))
plot(log2(as.matrix(D5.Total)),log2(as.matrix(ADs.Dt)), pch=16, col=addTrans("black",10))
plot(log2(as.matrix(A2.Total/D5.Total)),log2(as.matrix(ADs.At/ADs.Dt)), pch=16, col=addTrans("black",10))
plot(log2(as.matrix(A2.At/D5.Dt)),log2(as.matrix(ADs.At/ADs.Dt)), pch=16, col=addTrans("black",10))
plot(log2(as.matrix(A2.Total/D5.Total)),log2(as.matrix(A2.At/D5.Dt)), pch=16, col=addTrans("black",10))
Run EBseq and DESeq2 and make comparisons as above
## true exprected
expr.A2D5 <- cbind(A2.Total, D5.Total)
expr.ADs <- cbind(ADs.At, ADs.Dt)
goraiIDs <- row.names(A2.Total)
batch<- rbind( c("A2-10", "D5-10" ), c("A2-20", "D5-20" ), c("A2-30", "D5-30" ), c("A2-40", "D5-40" ) )
apply(batch,1,function(x) pairwiseDE.ebseq(expr.A2D5,x))
batch<- rbind( c("At-10", "Dt-10" ), c("At-20", "Dt-20" ), c("At-30", "Dt-30" ), c("At-40", "Dt-40" ) )
apply(batch,1,function(x) pairwiseDE.ebseq(expr.ADs,x))
expr <- expr.A2D5
coldata<-data.frame( sample= gsub(".R.*","", names(expr)), homoeolog = gsub("-.*", "", names(expr)), dpa = gsub("D.-|A.-|.R.*","", names(expr)))
dds <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix( countData = expr, colData = coldata, design = ~ sample)
batch<- rbind( c("A2-10", "D5-10" ), c("A2-20", "D5-20" ), c("A2-30", "D5-30" ), c("A2-40", "D5-40" ) )
apply(batch,1,function(x) pairwiseDE.deseq2(dds,x,savePath = ""))
expr <- expr.ADs
coldata<-data.frame( sample= gsub(".R.*","", names(expr)), homoeolog = gsub("-.*", "", names(expr)), dpa = gsub("D.-|A.-|.R.*","", names(expr)))
dds <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix( countData = expr, colData = coldata, design = ~ sample)
batch<- rbind( c("At-10", "Dt-10" ), c("At-20", "Dt-20" ), c("At-30", "Dt-30" ), c("At-40", "Dt-40" ) )
apply(batch,1,function(x) pairwiseDE.deseq2(dds,x,savePath = ""))
EBSeq detected fewer DEs than DESeq2, and the overlaps make a much bigger proportion, which suggests that EBSeq is more stringent.
# polycat
# deseq2.sig ebseq.sig both.sig
# A2-10vsD5-10 12758 9609 9068
# A2-20vsD5-20 8304 8289 6495
# A2-30vsD5-30 13333 9741 9247
# A2-40vsD5-40 6300 4651 3414
# At-10vsDt-10 11841 8910 8373
# At-20vsDt-20 7130 7168 5391
# At-30vsDt-30 12129 8877 8318
# At-40vsDt-40 5345 4166 2866
# rsem
# deseq2.sig ebseq.sig both.sig
# A2.10vsD5.10 12911 9504 8950
# A2.20vsD5.20 8382 8458 6463
# A2.30vsD5.30 13429 9832 9288
# A2.40vsD5.40 6216 4667 3334
# At.10vsDt.10 11974 9101 8450
# At.20vsDt.20 7530 7890 5792
# At.30vsDt.30 12269 9285 8562
# At.40vsDt.40 5446 4310 2885
Regardless of using RSEM or polycat, DEseq2 shows slightly higher sensitivity, while EBSeq shows much higher specificity.
**More importantly, RSEM and polyCat results are quite consistent with respect to homoeolog assignment sensitivity/specificity and homoeolog differential expression results (75-88% overlap). **
RSEM |A2D5.sig|ADs.sig|both.sig|both.not.sig|sensitivity|specificity --------------|--------|-------|--------|------------|-----------|-----------|: ebseq.10dpa | 9504 | 9101 | 7942 | 19905 | 0.8356481 | 0.7180995 deseq2.10dpa | 12911 | 11974 | 11071 | 15557 | 0.8574859 | 0.6398898 ebseq.20dpa | 8458 | 7890 | 6720 | 21232 | 0.7945141 | 0.7381192 deseq2.20dpa | 8382 | 7530 | 6819 | 19205 | 0.8135290 | 0.6658923 ebseq.30dpa | 9832 | 9285 | 8180 | 19502 | 0.8319772 | 0.7119857 deseq2.30dpa | 13429 | 12269 | 11411 | 16125 | 0.8497282 | 0.6776919 ebseq.40dpa | 4667 | 4310 | 3591 | 25803 | 0.7694450 | 0.7925728 deseq2.40dpa | 6216 | 5446 | 4877 | 21152 | 0.7845882 | 0.6821685
Polycat |A2D5.sig|ADs.sig|both.sig|both.not.sig|sensitivity|specificity --------------|--------|-------|--------|------------|-----------|-----------|: ebseq.10dpa | 9609 | 8910 | 8240 | 19716 | 0.8575294 | 0.7139857 deseq2.10dpa | 12758 | 11841 | 11252 | 15501 | 0.8819564 | 0.6335990 ebseq.20dpa | 8289 | 7168 | 6434 | 21278 | 0.7762094 | 0.7353978 deseq2.20dpa | 8304 | 7130 | 6755 | 19323 | 0.8134634 | 0.6681766 ebseq.30dpa | 9741 | 8877 | 8184 | 19507 | 0.8401601 | 0.7098101 deseq2.30dpa | 13333 | 12129 | 11663 | 16024 | 0.8747469 | 0.6707409 ebseq.40dpa | 4651 | 4166 | 3665 | 25482 | 0.7880026 | 0.7823284 deseq2.40dpa | 6300 | 5345 | 5047 | 21045 | 0.8011111 | 0.6805614
Direct comparison of AtvsDt DEs from RSEM and polycat.
comp <- c(10,20,30,40)
results <-data.frame(rsem.sig=NA, polycat.sig=NA, both.sig =NA, both.not.sig=NA)
for( i in comp)
# rsem results
rsem.ebseq <- read.table(file=paste0('rsemTests/DE/', grep('ebseq.At',grep(i,list.files("rsemTests/DE"), value=TRUE),value=TRUE)), header=TRUE)
rsem.deseq2 <- read.table(file=paste0('rsemTests/DE/', grep('deseq2.At',grep(i,list.files("rsemTests/DE"), value=TRUE),value=TRUE)), header=TRUE)
#polycat results
polycat.ebseq <- read.table(file=paste0('polycatTests/DE/', grep('ebseq.At',grep(i,list.files("polycatTests/DE"), value=TRUE),value=TRUE)), header=TRUE)
polycat.deseq2 <- read.table(file=paste0('polycatTests/DE/', grep('deseq2.At',grep(i,list.files("polycatTests/DE"), value=TRUE),value=TRUE)), header=TRUE)
# write result table
results[paste0("ebseq.",i,"dpa"),] <- c(table(rsem.ebseq$Status == "DE")["TRUE"], table(polycat.ebseq$Status == "DE")["TRUE"], table(rsem.ebseq$Status == "DE" & polycat.ebseq$Status == "DE")["TRUE"], table(polycat.ebseq$Status == "EE" & rsem.ebseq$Status == "EE")["TRUE"] )
results[paste0("deseq2.",i,"dpa"),] <- c(table(rsem.deseq2$padj < 0.05)["TRUE"], table(polycat.deseq2$padj < 0.05)["TRUE"], table(polycat.deseq2$padj < 0.05 & rsem.deseq2$padj < 0.05)["TRUE"], table(rsem.deseq2$padj >= 0.05 & polycat.deseq2$padj >= 0.05)["TRUE"])
colors <- rep(addTrans("grey",10), length(row.names(rsem.ebseq)))
# color DE genes: both - red, polycat - blue, rsem-green, esle=grey
colors[polycat.ebseq$Status == "DE" ] <- addTrans("blue",10)
colors[rsem.ebseq$Status == "DE" ] <- addTrans("green",10)
colors[polycat.ebseq$Status == "DE" & rsem.ebseq$Status == "DE" ] <- addTrans("red",10)
plot(log2(polycat.ebseq$PostFC), log2(rsem.ebseq$PostFC), type="p", pch=16, col=colors, main=paste0("AtvsDt: ebseq.",i,"dpa"))
legend("bottomright", inset=.05, title="signicant DE", c("polycat","rsem","both"), fill=c("blue","green","red") )
colors <- rep(addTrans("grey",10), length(row.names(rsem.deseq2)))
# color DE genes: both - red, polycat - blue, rsem-green, esle=grey
colors[polycat.deseq2$padj < 0.05 ] <- addTrans("blue",10)
colors[rsem.deseq2$padj < 0.05 ] <- addTrans("green",10)
colors[polycat.deseq2$padj < 0.05 & rsem.deseq2$padj < 0.05 ] <- addTrans("red",10)
plot(polycat.deseq2$log2FoldChange , rsem.deseq2$log2FoldChange, type="p", pch=16, col=colors, main=paste0("AtvsDt: deseq2.",i,"dpa"))
legend("bottomright", inset=.05, title="signicant DE", c("polycat","rsem","both"), fill=c("blue","green","red") )
write.table(results,file="DEcomparisons.txt",sep="\t", row.names=TRUE)