This is a Fork of Javascript BCR Library 1.0.12
For further Information regarding the Library-Use please visit: Javascript BCR Library
Many thanks to the original authors
The Authors of the original Library are: Gaspare Ferraro, Renzo Sala, Simone Ponte, Paolo Macco
As far I can tell, the Javascript BCR Library is licensed using the Apache Licences Version 2.0. For further information please visit Javascript BCR Library and have a Look at
I am currently developing a business card reader as a PWA for a project at my university.
I have used create-react-app to create the app. Since create-react-app is based on Babel and eslint the BCR library has not yet been implemented as a JavaScript module, this caused a few problems.
To simplify the integration, I use grunt
(and the plugin grunt-contrib-uglify-es
) to pack all the JavaScript files into a bundle file that is stored in the dist
folder. bcr.min.js
does not contain a QR code lib. To use the QR code functionality, bcr.qr.min.js
must be used.
The language training data
from tesseract.js
and the tesseract-files (tesseract-core
and worker.min.js
) are copied (using grunt-contrib-copy
) to the dist/data/
, cropStrategy
, ocrEngines
, bcr
are now exported and can be included using the import statement.
In addition, the two bundle files gets a corresponding header with instructions for eslint
Furthermore, the default for defaultDynamicInclude
and defaultQRScanner
are set to false
I have added support for Tesseract.js V2. If you want to use it, select bcr.tesseractv2.min.js
or bcr.tesseractv2.qr.min.js
Also you need to copy tesseractv2
and tesseractv2-lang-data
to your public folder. And you also have to set tesseractVersion
on 2
when you call initialize.
import {bcr,ocrEngines, cropStrategy, languages, tesseractVersions} from "../libs/bcrminifed/bcr.tesseractv2.min.js";
const DEFAULT_LANGUAGE = languages.GERMAN;
const DEFAULT_VERSION = tesseractVersions.V2;
return await bcr.initialize(DEFAULT_ENGINE,DEFAULT_CROP_STRATEGY,language, undefined, undefined, false, false, DEFAULT_VERSION);
When not using any more, please clean-up (the Worker get's terminated). The performance is better, when you not initialize and terminate the Worker each time you recognize a Business-Card.
return await bcr.cleanUp();
If you want to use other trainings-data, change this part. All Files are downloaded form this git-Project Trainungsdata.
There you can get also Trainigsdata for other languages. But regard, you need also Data-Sets in your language for the BCR-Analyzing.
{expand: true, cwd: 'src/tesseractv2-lang-data/', src: ['**'], dest: 'dist/tesseractv2-lang-data', filter: 'isFile'},
// Here you can change Trainingdata
/* {expand: true, cwd: 'src/tesseractv2-lang-data-best/', src: ['**'], dest: 'dist/tesseractv2-lang-data', filter: 'isFile'},
{expand: true, cwd: 'src/tesseractv2-lang-data-fast/', src: ['**'], dest: 'dist/tesseractv2-lang-data', filter: 'isFile'}*/
Clone the repository and use npm install
to resolve the dependencies.
If you want to use offline-detection, please have a look at this part, and maybe customize it.
// ************************************************************
// Customize this part
// ************************************************************
let executionPath = "";
if(window && window.location && window.location.href) {
executionPath = window.location.href;
} else {
executionPath = currentScriptPath();
//Tesseract.js V1
let WORKER_PATH = executionPath + 'tesseract/worker.min.js';
let TESSERACT_PATH = executionPath + 'tesseract/tesseract-core.js';
let LANG_PATH = executionPath + 'data/';
//Tesseract.js V2
let WORKER_PATH_V2 = executionPath + 'tesseractv2/worker.min.js';
let TESSERACT_PATH_V2 = executionPath + 'tesseractv2/tesseract-core.wasm.js';
let LANG_PATH_V2 = executionPath + 'tesseractv2-lang-data';
// ************************************************************
// Customize this part
// ************************************************************
Then you can use npm run build
to start the grunt-bundling.
The bundle-Files, the tesseract-files and the training-files are now in the dist
When you are using create-react-app and want to use offline-detection, copy data
and tesseract
to your public-folder.
When you don't want a minified-Version for testing, you can make adjustments in gruntfile.js