Shows a human-readable execution time for every command run in bash.
You might also find my Amazing Linux, PHP, and Git Aliases quite useful as well.
The time will show up in the bottom left, immediately left of your $PS1
2 days 05:02:11.33 # A very long process
curl | bash
- Download the files:
curl -o $HOME/
echo "c9cf58a86712eb7360e08a072d03e53548e5e362944ab651aa71ee2a7846d22f $HOME/" | sha256sum -c -
curl -o $HOME/
echo "d512aa6043d69d636f0db711aab1675cc7c49b39da9ae58afcfb916dca8c4464 $HOME/" | sha256sum -c -
- Add the following to the very bottom of your
# Bash Timer
# See
[[ -f ~/ ]] && source ~/
# See
# **WARNING:** This must be the last line of your .bashrc.
# Source our file at the end of our bash profile (e.g. ~/.bashrc, ~/.profile, or ~/.bash_profile)
[[ -f ~/ ]] && source ~/
This project is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License v4.0 International.
Theodore R. Smith [email protected]
GPG Fingerprint: 4BF8 2613 1C34 87AC D28F 2AD8 EB24 A91D D612 5690
CEO: PHP Experts, Inc.