Still Under Development
This is a TUI tool that allows you to make an HTTP Request and check the response, just like Postman.
brew install hatsu38/postman-tui/postman-tui
Version Upgrade
brew upgrade hatsu38/postman-tui/postman-tui
go fmt ./...
- Create Git Tag
git tag -a "vX.Y.Z" -m "version X.Y.Z"
- Tag Push
git push origin vX.Y.Z
- A Formula will be created in this repository
I'm looking forward to your bug reports and requests for new features!
You can also open an issue or comment on an issue on github and a maintainer(@hatsu38) will reply to you.
It would be my pleasure to star this repository!
If you have any concerns, please contact us at ↓.
This code is free to use under the terms of the MIT license.