Below we will go into a step-by-step guide on how to install Whiscy. Instructions are provived for Ubuntu Linux, in other systems the installation process may vary.
Whiscy depends on the following third-party software:
- Muscle
- FreeSASA
- Protdist
The installation of these dependencies is described in the file.
It can be easily installed from pip
pip install whiscy
Check the installation
$ whiscy -h
usage: whiscy [-h] [-o output_file] [--version]
surface_list conversion_table alignment_file distance_file
positional arguments:
surface_list Surface list
conversion_table Conversion table
alignment_file Alignment file
distance_file Distance file
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-o output_file, --output output_file
If set, output prediction to this file
--version show program's version number and exit
If you get an error such as ValueError: MUSCLE_BIN not found in system variables
, make sure you have followed the steps in to install the third-party dependencies.