Releases: gyoto/Gyoto
Releases · gyoto/Gyoto
1.0.2 2015/06/26 BUG
- Fix FTBFS with gcc 5.0;
- Improve fenv support and lack thereof with some compilers;
- Distinguish size_t from unsigned long in Gyoto::Value;
- Rewrite option parsing in `gyoto' command line utility, add many
options: short options, -i/-j, -E, -X... see manpage and
$ gyoto --help - Fix many compile-time warnings, including potentially harmfull
undefined behavior; - KerrKS is not work-in-progress anymore, but it's specific
integrator is known to be buggy (and issues a severe warning when
used). - Several small bug-fixes, see ChangeLog for details.
1.0.1 2015/05/27 PKG
- Add 3rd clause of BSD license to python/;
- Add Odele to AUTHORS;
- Bugfixes in use BOOST_*_LIBS variables instead of
hardcoding one possible value, make it possible to build when
python is installed but with an unsupported version.
0.2.3 2014/10/21 BUG
* Fix minor memory management bug in yotck/gyoto_Scenery.C
0.2.2 2014/09/19 BUG
* Correct Metric:: and KerrBL::circularVelocity().
0.2.1 2014/07/22 ABI 2.1
* ABI is backward compatible with 0.2.0.
* Support for the special values DBL_MAX, DBL_MIN, -DBL_MAX
and -DBL_MIN is any scalar floating-point value in XML i/o.
This avoids loss of precission or SGFPE when
saving/restoring certain default value in XML files.
* Bug fix: avoid buffer overflow in Factory.
0.2.0 2014/07/21 ABI 2
* New integrators, require Boost >= 1.93 and C++11. The new
integrators live in Worldline::IntegState, not in the Metric. Read
the user guide for more details, as well as the doxygen
documentation for the Scenery class.
* New Metrics: Minkowski, NumericalMetricLorene
* New Astrobjs: DirectionalDisk, StarTrace, ThinDiskIronLine
* Give access to some numerical parameters of the RK4 integrator
* Include LaTeX user guide
* Yorick plug-in API change: the dot operator has changed its meaning.
Codes that used it may require updating. Examples:
m = gg.mass -> m =gg.mass()
obj=gg.clone -> obj=gg.clone()
scenery.screen(resolution=128) -> screnery.screen.resolution(128)
scenery.astrobj(initcoord=x,v) -> scenery.astrobj()(initcoord=x,v)
* Rename methods from from setMass()/getMass() style to mass()/mass()
style. Macro with the old names are provided in GyotoDefs.h,
triggering a deprecation warning. Code may break nevertheless,
typically in two cases:
+ if the new name was used as a variable name in your code:
please change the variable name;
+ if your derived class overloaded only one of the two accessors
(e.g. only setMetric, not getMetric): in this example add
using Generic::metric;
in your derived class definition.
To get rid of the deprecation warning, define the GYOTO_NO_DEPRECATED
macro, for instance "make CPPFLAGS=-DGYOTO_NO_DEPRECATED"
* Serious bug fixes and improvements in PolishDoughnut
* Replaced Disk3D_BB with DynamicalDisk3D
* Disk3D now has an opacity
* Make KerrKS work (using the generic integrator only)
* New interface: work in progress (WIP), to mark classes that are known
to be broken. Instanciating such a class yields a warning.
* Update build systems to current autotools
* Implement mask in screen to compute only parts of an image
* Improve behaviour for emitter or observer far from massive object
0.1.0 2013/07/27 ABI 1
* add units system
* add PolishDoughnut astrobj
* use pkg-config
* gyotoy ported to yorick-gy instead of python
* in Worldline, Photon and Scenery: rename tlim to tmin, default
value is -DBL_MAX.
* add a mutli-wavelength flavour of Astrobj::emission()
* install yorick plug-in under ${prefix}, not necessarily in Y_HOME
* add plugin attribute to the Metric, Astrobj and Spectrum entities
* reform build system to use the autotools
* add --plugins command-line option
* add virtual destrcuctor to Spectrum::Generic
* fix buffer overflow in lib/Factory.C
* update paper ref in bin/gyoto.C
0.0.3 2012/05/01 BUG
* fix a tiny bug in PatternDisk (initialization of phimin/max)
* rearrange flags in Makefiles/local_settings
for easier downstream packaging
0.0.2 2012/04/19 PKG
* install include files in include/Gyoto
* add this ChangeLog
0.0.1 2012/04/16 ABI 0
- release