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File metadata and controls

209 lines (148 loc) · 7.31 KB


A Python tool to export annotations and highlights from a Kobo SQLite file.


$ # print all annotations and highlights to stdout
$ python KoboReader.sqlite

$ # print the help
$ python --help

$ # export to file instead of stdout
$ python KoboReader.sqlite --output /path/to/out.txt

$ # export in CSV format
$ python KoboReader.sqlite --csv

$ # export in CSV format to file
$ python KoboReader.sqlite --csv --output /path/to/out.csv

$ # export in Kindle My Clippings format
$ python KoboReader.sqlite --kindle

$ # export in Kindle My Clippings to file
$ python KoboReader.sqlite --kindle --output /path/to/out.csv

$ # export annotations only
$ python KoboReader.sqlite --annotations-only

$ # export highlights only
$ python KoboReader.sqlite --highlights-only

$ # export as CSV to file annotations only
$ python KoboReader.sqlite --csv  --annotations-only --output /path/to/out.txt

$ # print the list of books with annotations or highlights to stdout
$ python KoboReader.sqlite --list

$ # as above, but export to file
$ python KoboReader.sqlite --list --output /path/to/out.txt

$ # as above, but export in CSV format
$ python KoboReader.sqlite --list --csv --output /path/to/out.txt

$ # export annotations and highlights for the book "Alice in Wonderland"
$ python KoboReader.sqlite --book "Alice in Wonderland"

$ # as above, assuming "Alice in Wonderland" has ID "12" in the list printed by --list
$ python KoboReader.sqlite --bookid 12


If you are a Windows user and you need help with Python, please follow this step-by-step guide.

Installing export-kobo is relatively simple:

  1. Install Python, 3.x (recommended), or 2.7.x, and make sure you have the python command available in your shell;

  2. Clone this repository:

    $ git clone

    or manually download the ZIP file from the Releases tab and unzip it somewhere;

  3. Enter the directory where is:

    $ cd export-kobo
  4. Copy in the same directory the KoboReader.sqlite file from the .kobo/ hidden directory of the USB drive that appears when you plug your Kobo device to the USB port of your PC. You might need to enable the View hidden files option in your file manager to see the hidden directory;

  5. Now you can run the script as explained above, for example:

    $ python KoboReader.sqlite

NOTE (2018-02-28): Frederic Da Vitoria confirms that the export script also works if you have the Kobo application for Windows PC. In this case the database file is called Kobo.sqlite and is located in the directory C:\Users\[your user name]\AppData\Local\Kobo\Kobo Desktop Edition\.


I am on Windows, but I do not know how to install Python

You can find a complete step-by-step guide to install Python and run export-kobo at the following URL:

I am on Windows, and I get this error: python is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file

Make sure you installed Python for your current user (e.g., check the Install for all users option in the Python installer), and that the directory containing the python.exe executable is in your PATH environment variable (e.g., check the Add Python to my PATH option in the Python installer).

If you have already installed Python, but it is not in your PATH, see this page for directions to solve this issue.

I got lots of question marks (?) in my output

If you are using Python 2.7.x, try switching to Python 3.x, which has saner support for Unicode characters.

You might also want to use the --output FILE switch to output to file instead of printing to standard output.

I ran the script, but I obtained too much data

If you want to output annotations or highlights for a single book, you can use the --list option to list all books with annotations or highlights, and then use --book or --bookid to export only those you are interested in:

$ python KoboReader.sqlite --list
ID  Title
1   Alice in Wonderland
2   Moby Dick
3   Sonnets

$ python KoboReader.sqlite --book "Alice in Wonderland"
$ python KoboReader.sqlite --bookid 1

Alternatively, you can export to a CSV file with --csv --output FILE and then open the resulting output file with a spreadsheet application, disregarding the annotations/highlights you are not interested in:

$ python KoboReader.sqlite --csv --output notes.csv
$ libreoffice notes.csv

I filtered my notes by book title with --book, but I got no results

Check that you wrote the book title exactly as printed by --list (e.g., copy-and-paste it), or use --bookid instead.


  1. Around May 2016 Kobo changed the schema of their KoboReader.sqlite database with a firmware update. The script in the main directory of this repository works for this new database schema. If you still have an old firmware on your Kobo, and hence the old database schema, you might want to use one of the scripts in the old/ directory. Note, however, that those scripts are very old, possibly buggy, and they are no longer supported (old Web page).

  2. Since I no longer use a Kobo eReader, this project is maintained in "legacy mode". Changes to the schema of the KoboReader.sqlite database can be reflected on the code only thanks to users sending me their KoboReader.sqlite file, for me to study its schema.

  3. Bear in mind that no official specifications are published by Kobo, hence the script works as far as my understanding of the database structure of KoboReader.sqlite is correct, and its schema remains the same.

  4. Although the KoboReader.sqlite file is opened in read-only mode, it is advisable to make a copy of it on your PC and export your notes from this copy, instead of directly accessing the file on your Kobo eReader device.


  • Chris Krycho contributed a fix for a typo in month names.
  • Pierre-Arnaud Rabier suggested adding an option to extract the annotations and highlights for a single ebook.
  • Nick Kalogirou and Andrea Moro provided me with theirs KoboReader.sqlite file with the new schema.
  • Curiositry suggested adding an option to extract in Kindle My Clippings format.
  • Frederic Da Vitoria confirmed that the export script works for the Kobo app for Desktop PC.
  • Matthieu Nantern contributed the raw export mode.


export-kobo is released under the MIT License.