You can add the gundam-organization brew tap and install the latest released version with the following commands:
brew tap gundam-organization/tap
brew install gundam
If you which to fetch the main branch instead:
brew install gundam --HEAD
If a new version is available, simply do:
brew upgrade gundam
To compile on macOS you'll need to install XCode with the command line tools. Once it is done, dependencies on macOS can be handled by the package manager Homebrew:
brew install root yaml-cpp nlohmann-json
Let's create the Build and Install folder:
mkdir -p $BUILD_DIR/gundam
mkdir -p $INSTALL_DIR/gundam
Now let's generate binaries:
cd $BUILD_DIR/gundam
cmake \
make -j 4 install
If you did get there without error, congratulations! Now GUNDAM is installed on you machine :-D.
To access the executables from anywhere, you have to update you $PATH
export PATH="$INSTALL_DIR/gundam/bin:$PATH"