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@luthermonson luthermonson released this 03 Dec 05:08
· 20 commits to main since this release

Note: this release contains hostsfile v0.1.0 with major updates to performance to finding items in a hostsfile. if anyone was having trouble with large hostsfiles causing delays you will want to try this release.

Breaking Changes: Release has breaking changes for the clean subcommand. if you were using it before as just goodhosts clean that is now goodhosts clean -A and you can now us flags to target individual cleans you would like to perform on your hostsfile. To accommodate the change goodhosts clean is now a noop and requires flags to perform any functionality.

~\goodhosts\cli [main] > goodhosts clean --help
   goodhosts.exe clean - Clean the hostsfile by doing: remove dupe IPs, for each IPs remove dupe hosts and sort, sort all IPs, split hosts per OS limitations

   goodhosts.exe clean [command options] [arguments...]

   --dry-run                            Dry run only, will output contents of the cleaned hostsfile without writing the changes (default: false)
   --all, -A                            Perform all Cleanup Jobs (default: false)
   --remove-duplicate-ips, --rdi        Remove all duplicate ips (default: false)
   --remove-duplicate-hosts, --rdh      Remove all duplicate hosts (default: false)
   --sort-hosts, --sh                   Sort each ip's hosts alphabetically (default: false)
   --sort-ips, --si                     Sort all ips numerically (default: false)
   --hosts-per-line value, --hpl value  Number of hosts allowed per line (default: 9)
   --help, -h                           show help (default: false)