kubectl get ns or kubectl get namespace
kubectl create namespace my-first-namespace
kubectl get pods # It will fetch the pods in the default namespace
kubectl get pods -n my-first-namespace # Gets the pods in my-first-namespace
kubectl get pods -A
kubectl get pods --all-namespaces
kubectl run nginx --image nginx
# Attach a label to a pod
kubectl run nginx --image nginx --labels app=frontend,owner=siva
#Filter pods based on labels
kubectl get pods -l app=frontend
# Label an existing pod
kubectl label pod my-pod day=thursday billing=free
# Remove a label
kubectl label pod my-pod day-
# Delete a pod based on labels
kubectl delete pod -l app=frontend,owner=siva
# Overwrite an existing label
kubectl label pod my-pod4 app=backend billing=myown --overwrite
# Describe the pods
kubectl describe pod <podname>
# Expose a pod
kubectl expose pod my-pod --port 80 --target-port 80 --type NodePort
# Port Forwarding to test in localhost
sudo kubectl port-forward my-pod 8084:80
# Login to pod
kubectl exec -it podname -- /bin/bash
# Dry run pod
kubectl run yamlpod --image nginx --dry-run=client -o yaml > yamlpo.yaml
# Explain Pod
kubectl explain pods
kubectl get pods --v 6
kubectl get pods -o wide --sort-by .spec.nodeName
# Kubectl cheatsheet