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File metadata and controls

74 lines (60 loc) · 3.75 KB

Set the binlog position manually(Debezium connector)

As documented in the following link, user might use other methods(like MyDumper) to perform the initial snapshot or dump of data from MySQL.

After the initial load, debezium can be configured to start streaming from a particular binlog position.

Note the debezium connector should be stopped before performing the following steps

debezium          | 2022-08-27 10:26:32,823 INFO   MySQL|SERVER5432|snapshot  	 using binlog 'mysql-bin.000003' at position '197' and gtid '23a17d59-25f2-11ed-b442-0242ac170006:1-56'   [io.debezium.connector.mysql.MySqlSnapshotChangeEventSource]

Required Parameters.

  1. binlog file and position

bin_log file: file
bin_log position: pos
(This can be retrieved by running the show binlog events in mysql-bin.000001 command in mysql prompt.) 2. ##### Connector name: The name of the debezium connector, this is defined in the connector configuration JSON. "name": "${CONNECTOR_NAME}", debezium-connector 3. ##### Debezium offset topic.offset-storage-topic-debezium`

This topic is created after debezium is started, using rpk topic list the topic can be identified.

  1. Edit the payload to set the above parameters

In this example, we set the binlog file to mysql-bin.000002 binlog position to 8592550 and gtids to 063c62eb-25e1-11ed-b41c-0242ac160004:37

"topic": "offset-storage-topic-debezium",
"key": "[\"test-connector\",{\"server\":\"SERVER5432\"}]",
"value": "{\"ts_sec\":1661595997,\"file\":\"mysql-bin.000002\”,\”pos\":8592550,\"gtids\":\"063c62eb-25e1-11ed-b41c-0242ac160004:37\"}",
"timestamp": 1661596039799,
"partition": 22,
"offset": 0
  1. Set the snapshot.mode in the connector.

Set the snapshot.mode to schema_only_recovery

  1. Use kafkacat to produce the payload(created in step 4) to the offset storage topic

For mac replace kafkacat with kcat.

echo '["test-connector",{"server":"SERVER5432"}]|{"ts_sec":1530168950,"file":"mysql-bin.000002","pos":8592550, "server_id": 494}' | \
kafkacat -P -b localhost:19092 -t offset-storage-topic-debezium -K \| -p 22
  1. Start the connector and monitor the logs.

The logs should mention the binlog file and position.

debezium          | 2022-08-28 16:03:02,545 INFO   MySQL|SERVER5432|binlog  Connected to MySQL binlog at mysql-master:3306, starting at MySqlOffsetContext [sourceInfoSchema=Schema{io.debezium.connector.mysql.Source:STRUCT}, sourceInfo=SourceInfo [currentGtid=null, currentBinlogFilename=mysql-bin.000002, currentBinlogPosition=8592550, currentRowNumber=0, serverId=0, sourceTime=2022-08-28T16:03:02.134Z, threadId=-1, currentQuery=null, tableIds=[test.products], databaseName=test], snapshotCompleted=true, transactionContext=TransactionContext [currentTransactionId=null, perTableEventCount={}, totalEventCount=0], restartGtidSet=null, currentGtidSet=null, restartBinlogFilename=mysql-bin.000002, restartBinlogPosition=8592550, restartRowsToSkip=0, restartEventsToSkip=0, currentEventLengthInBytes=0, inTransaction=false, transactionId=null, incrementalSnapshotContext =IncrementalSnapshotContext [windowOpened=false, chunkEndPosition=null, dataCollectionsToSnapshot=[], lastEventKeySent=null, maximumKey=null]]   [io.debezium.connector.mysql.MySqlStreamingChangeEventSource]
debezium          | 2022-08-28 16:03:02,548 INFO   MySQL|SERVER5432|streaming  Waiting for kee
debezium          | 2022-08-28 16:03:02,105 INFO   ||  18 records sent during previous 00:00:16.413, last recorded offset: {ts_sec=1661702581, file=mysql-bin.000002, pos=8592550, snapshot=true}   [io.debezium.connector.common.BaseSourceTask]