Releases: garfieldnate/Weka_AnalogicalModeling
support removeTestExemplar
Implements the removeTestExemplar
option, which was declared in the GUI but previously did nothing.
The default value for this option is now set to true
to match the behavior of Algorithm::AM; this means that classification accuracy will change when using default settings.
fix scrambled distributionForInstance
This is a bug fix release; the predictions returned to Weka for display were essentially scrambled, so that the predicted results were quite bad despite the prediction code being correct.
Output fixes
- 0.9.0 output did not work with Weka 3-8-5
- Now supports the "numDecimals" setting
Bug fixes and gang effects support
- Fixes incompatibility with Weka 3.8
- Fixes a deadlock issue that causes the program to hang.
- Supports printing gang effects
- Improved formatting for analogical sets and other information
- Lots of testing and style improvements
Improved approximation for large cardinality data
Major improvement in accuracy for classification via the Johnsen/Johansson lattice.
Parallelization improvements
This release brings better parallel processing for both approximate and exact AM, as well as an algorithmic speed improvement for approximate AM (which is however still quite experimental).
As of this release, Java 8 is required.
Minor typo release
Fixes some some bad typos in citation authors' names.
Weka package version 0.01
This release is mostly feature-complete. User feedback is needed to improve the reports, and future work might be able to improve the efficiency further.