If you're using this module and notice that your required language isn't translated yet, please consider helping to translate this module. Head over to https://www.transifex.com/silvershop/silverstripe-omnipay/ to get started.
Gateway names can be translated by translating Gateway.GatewayName
in your language files.
Here's a list of the common Gateway names:
# Instead of providing the gateway names directly from the gateways, try to remove information that is
# unnecessary to the end user. The end-user doesn't care if the gateway is PayPal Express, Pro or REST, all that
# matters is "PayPal". Therefore all the PayPal gateways have the same title.
2Checkout: 2Checkout
Agms: AGMS
Alipay_Bank: 'Alipay Bank'
Alipay_Dual: 'AliPay Dual Func'
Alipay_Express: 'Alipay Express'
Alipay_MobileExpress: 'Alipay Mobile Express'
Alipay_Secured: 'Alipay Secured'
Alipay_WapExpress: 'Alipay Wap Express'
AuthorizeNet_AIM: 'Authorize.Net AIM'
AuthorizeNet_DPM: 'Authorize.Net DPM'
AuthorizeNet_SIM: 'Authorize.Net SIM'
BarclaysEpdq_Essential: Barclaycard
Buckaroo_CreditCard: 'Buckaroo Credit Card'
Buckaroo_Ideal: 'Buckaroo iDeal'
Buckaroo_PayPal: 'Buckaroo PayPal'
Cardgate: Cardgate
CardSave: Cardsave
CheckoutCom: 'Checkout.com'
Coinbase: coinbase
Creditcall: creditcall
Cybersource: CyberSource
Cybersource_Cybersource: CyberSource # This is the SOAP Gateway
DataCash: DataCash
Dummy: Dummy
Ecopayz: ecoPayz
Eway_Direct: eWAY
Eway_RapidDirect: eWAY
Eway_Rapid: eWAY
Eway_RapidShared: eWAY
Fasapay: FasaPay
Fatzebra_Fatzebra: 'Fat Zebra'
FirstData_Connect: 'First Data'
FirstData_Global: 'First Data'
Globalcloudpay: Globalcloudpay
GoCardless: GoCardless
Helcim_Direct: Helcim
Helcim_HostedPages: Helcim
Helcim_JS: 'Helcim.JS'
Komoju: Komoju
Manual: Invoice
Migs_ThreeParty: 'MIGS 3-Party'
Migs_TwoParty: 'MIGS 2-Party'
Mollie: Mollie
Multicards: Multicards
MultiSafepay: MultiSafepay
Netaxept: Netaxept
NetBanx: NetBanx
Neteller: Neteller
NMI_DirectPost: 'NMI Direct Post'
Pacnet: Pacnet
Pagarme: 'Pagar.me'
PayFast: PayFast
Payflow_Pro: Payflow
PaymentExpress_PxPay: 'Payment Express'
PaymentExpress_PxPost: 'Payment Express'
PaymentSense: PaymentSense
PaymentWall: PaymentWall
PayPal_Express: PayPal
PayPal_Pro: PayPal
PayPal_Rest: PayPal
PayPro: PayPro
Paysafecard: paysafecard
Paytrace_Check: 'PayTrace Check'
Paytrace_CreditCard: 'PayTrace Credit Card'
PayU: PayU
NestPay: NestPay
Pin: Pin
Realex_Remote: Realex
SagePay_Direct: 'Sage Pay'
SagePay_Server: 'Sage Pay'
SecurePay_DirectPost: SecurePay
SecurePay_SecureXML: SecurePay
SecureTrading: SecureTrading
SecPay: 'SecPay (PayPoint.net)'
Sisow: Sisow
Skrill: Skrill
Stripe: Stripe
TargetPay_Directebanking: 'TargetPay Directebanking'
TargetPay_Ideal: 'TargetPay iDEAL'
TargetPay_Mrcash: 'TargetPay MrCash'
UnionPay_Express: UnionPay
UnionPay_LegacyMobile: UnionPay
UnionPay_LegacyQuickPay: UnionPay
WeChat_Express: WeChat
WePay: WePay
Wirecard: Wirecard
WorldPay: WorldPay
WorldPayXML: WorldPay
Veritrans_VTWeb: 'Veritrans VT-Web'
YandexMoney: 'Yandex.Money'
YandexMoneyIndividual: 'Yandex.Money Individual'