Given a matrix of M x N elements (M rows, N columns), return all elements of the matrix in diagonal order as shown in the below image.
Input: [ [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 4, 5, 6 ], [ 7, 8, 9 ] ] Output: [1,2,4,7,5,3,6,8,9] Explanation:
The total number of elements of the given matrix will not exceed 10,000.
impl Solution {
pub fn find_diagonal_order(matrix: Vec<Vec<i32>>) -> Vec<i32> {
if matrix.is_empty() {
return Vec::new();
let m = matrix.len();
let n = matrix[0].len();
let mut up_right = true;
let mut ret = Vec::new();
for i in 0..(m + n - 1) {
if up_right {
let x = i.min(m - 1);
let y = i - x;
for j in 0..=(x.min(n - 1 - y)) {
ret.push(matrix[x - j][y + j]);
} else {
let y = i.min(n - 1);
let x = i - y;
for j in 0..=(y.min(m - 1 - x)) {
ret.push(matrix[x + j][y - j]);
up_right = !up_right;