Converts a VHDL entity to a nice looking image in .svg format.
Dependencies: Qt5. On a fresh Ubuntu install you can install the dependencies like this:
sudo apt install build-essential qt5-default cmake
There are two possible ways to build entity-block:
With qmake:
qmake . make #If you want to install system wide: sudo make install
With cmake
cmake . make #If you want to install system wide: sudo make install
Usage: ./entity-block [options] input output
Reads a vhdl file and outputs a .svg file with the entity block
(All command line options will be stored)
-h, --help Displays this help.
-v, --version Displays version information.
-c, --comment-color <color> Change default comment color to <color>
-n, --port-name-color <color> Change default port name color to <color>
-t, --port-type-color <color> Change default port type color to <color>
-b, --background-color <color> Change default background color to <color>
-l, --header-left-color <color> Change default left (gradient) in the
header color to <color>
-r, --header-right-color <color> Change default right (gradient) in the
header color to <color>
-e, --entity-title-color <color> Change default entity color to <color>
-B, --border-color <color> Change default border color to <color>
-p, --port-color <color> Change default port symbol color to <color>
-R, --corner-radius <number> Change default corner radius to <number>
-s, --shadow-color <color> Change default shadow color to <color>
-w, --line-weight <number> Change default line thickness to <number>
input VHDL file to convert
output SVG file to output
The shadow (or any other object) can be removed completely by setting the alpha value to 0 ./entity-block CrcGenerator.vhd -s "#00FFFFFF"
This entity:
entity CrcGenerator is
generic (
REVERSEINPUT : std_logic := '1'; --Reverse 8 bits in input byte
REVERSEOUTPUT : std_logic := '1'; --Reverse 32 bits in CRC output
INITVAL : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := X"FFFFFFFF"; --Initial value of the CRC when sReset
FINALXOR : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := X"FFFFFFFF"; --Set to FFFFFFFF to invert CRC output
-- Generator polynomial is
POLYNOMIAL : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := X"04C11DB7"
port (
clk : in std_logic; -- 125 MHz ethernet clock
reset_n : in std_logic; -- asynchronous reset (active low)
sReset : in std_logic; -- synchronous reset to restart CRC
en : in std_logic; -- Include byte in
din : in std_logic_vector (7 downto 0); --Input byte
dv : out std_logic; -- CRC valid indicator
dout : out std_logic_vector (31 downto 0) -- CRC output
end CrcGenerator;
converts into this:
- Input ports will be placed on the left side
- Output ports will be placed on the right side
- Input ports with the keyword rst or reset in their name will be grouped together
- Input ports with the keyword clk or clock in their name will be grouped together
- Ports with the keywords s_axi or slave, as well as ports with "L " in their comment will be placed on the left side
- Ports with the keywords m_axi or master, as well as ports with "R " in their comment will be placed on the right side
- The application does not work without a graphical session (X-server etc).
- To work around this issue, start entity block with the argument
-platform offscreen
- To work around this issue, start entity block with the argument
- The paint function is called twice for now, in order to determine the SVG size, then it is drawn again.
- This could be done a little neater but it works.