Consider your origins: you were not made to live as brutes, but to follow virtue and knowledge. - Dante Alighieri
As it stands, I upload screenshots to my own private server as an alternative to other services.
- sharex
- imgur
- etc
Dante provides a way to upload to your own server, create accounts, see upload history, etc.
I use the following script to upload images. Planning on writing a Clojure screenshot tool soon.
tmp=$(mktemp /tmp/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.png)
xclip -i -selection clipboard -t text/uri-list $tmp
sleep 0.2;
gnome-screenshot -a -f $tmp
tmpsize=$(wc -c <"$tmp")
if [ $tmpsize != 0 ]; then
out=$(curl -X POST -H "content-type: multipart/form-data" http://localhost:3000/api/upload -F "key=A KEY HERE" -F "image=@$tmp")
final=$(sed -e 's/^"//' -e 's/"$//' <<<"$out")
echo $final | xclip -selection clipboard
xdg-open $final
Some images.
You need to generate your own pub/privkeys to use.
openssl genrsa -aes128 -out auth_privkey.pem 2048
openssl rsa -pubout -in auth_privkey.pem -out auth_pubkey.pem