String package for the Fōrmulæ programming language.
Fōrmulæ is also a software framework for visualization, edition and manipulation of complex expressions, from many fields. The code for an specific field —i.e. arithmetics— is encapsulated in a single unit called a Fōrmulæ package.
This repository contains the source code for the string package. It contains functionallity to manage strings, text and regular expressions.
The GitHub organization formulae-org encompasses the source code for the rest of packages, as well as the web application.
- Visualizations
- Strings
- Text
- Regular expressions
- Reduction
- Concatenation of strings
- Length of a string
- Substring from position to position
- Substring from position, a number of characters
- Substring from position to end
- Index of first occurence of a substring
- Indexes of all occurences of a substring
- Testing whether a string contains a substring or regular expression
- Testing whether a string starts with a substring
- Testing whether a string ends with a substring
- Conversion to uppercase
- Conversion to lowercase
- Replacing the first ocurrence of substring or regular expression
- Replacing all the ocurrences of substring or regular expression
- Trim a string
- Test if a string matches a regular expression
- Split a substring in positions or a delimiter provided as a regular expression
- Reverse of a string
- Encoding a string to a list of unicode points
- Decoding a list of Unicode points to string
- Conversion between strings, text and regular expressions