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Welcome to May Blog

MayBlog is powered by django, here are some instruction on how to run it.

How to run it ?

Install requirements

(sudo) pip install -r requirements.txt 

Create/update datebase

For the first time, before you start the application, you need to initialize the datebase which is configured in the settings file and designed in

python migrate

If the models are changed after the datebase is created, you need to run the following commands:

python makemigrations #create migration script
python migrate #migrate datebase


I use sqlite in dev settings and mysql in prod settings, if you would like to use postgres, mongodb, etc, install relevant python prerequisite first.

Run MayBlog

After the datebase is established, you can run the blog with command:

python runserver

Then you can visit the blog with url:

Initialize MayBlog

When the blog is run, checkout to initialize the system

It will create the superuser, user groups(administrator, editor, writer, contributor, and reader), and assign permissions for each group.

Admin MayBlog

You can create a superuser to administer MayBlog in its admin interface:

python createsuperuser

Then, you can administer MayBlog with following admin interface:

MayBlog settings

By default, MayBlog uses dev settings( in blog/settings/ in development environment. is used in product environment and blog.settings.stage is in test environment. You can overwrite these settings or create your custom settings and switch to it.

How to switch settings

Just set your settings in bash with export command. For example, if you want to run MayBlog in product environment, you can switch to prod settings like this:


Deploy MayBlog

I recommend you to deploy MayBlog by Ubuntu + nginx + uwsgi.

Here is an instruction.

Using MayBlog's docker image is another recommended option

What's more

If you find a bug or want to add a new feature, just issue me. Want to contribute? Please fork MayBlog and pull request to me.

I'm not good at frontend development, so I used a free bootstrap blog theme. If you can redesign the blog theme and admin interface, I'll appriciate your work very much!