**Attention: ** If you're on Windows, this is probably not the browser you're looking for. An official one is now available from the i2p website. It is largely the same as this one, but supports multiple languages and has more focus on the needs of Windows users. This is still a reasonable choice for a Linux I2P Browser.
This is a set of tools for major Desktop computing platforms(Windows, Mac OSX, and Linux) which automatically configures a Firefox browser for use with i2p. It attempts to minimize the amount of user interaction that is required to get the browser up and running correctly. It requires an i2p router and either a Firefox or Tor Browser to run.
To the end of simplicity, it attempts to make use of standard, familiar installation procedures for each of these platforms. The Windows package is just a regular installer.exe/uninstaller.exe pair. You download either Firefox or the Tor Browser Bundle and install it first. Then you download the installer from the github releases, and run it. It will place two items on the start menu and two shortcuts on the desktop, any of which will launch a browser pre-configured to use i2p.
On OSX, the goal is to create a .dmg application image but I'm stalled here for the moment while I wait for more access to an OSX machine.
On GNU/Linux it's more of a collection of tools for a variety of package managers. Ubuntu users will probably find the snap package most convenient. It just bundles Firefox and the scripts that make sure the configuration is correct together in their little snap package and runs it from inside the container. There are also a variety of other options for other platforms.
What it configures is a profile for Firefox, set up to use i2p, with an accompanying launcher for easy use. It also comes pre-configured to disable certain features that may weaken the anonymity that i2p provides, and with NoScript and HTTPS Everywhere.
For more information, see: DETAILS.md
Much of this is ready for interested parties to test, but it's still just being tested and the rough edges are still being figured out. Use at your own risk.
For now, the testing release page is here: Github Releases where the Windows installer has been made available. The "current" release will always track the newest working version. Numbered releases are the latest version that I'm testing. There's not really a coherent rationale to the version numbers yet. I move them when I add a feature to make sure I know what to uninstall.
- Current == 0.05
- 0.x Intitial configuration,
- 0.01x Wrapper-launcher for Windows/Firefox, Whonix browser for Debian Derivs
- 0.02x Improved Reliability
- 0.03x Reddit to-do list, i2prouter integration, Tor Browser Bundle integration for Windows
- 0.04x Additional packaging, snap, dmg, deb metapackage
- 0.05x Tor Browser Bundle integration for OSX, torbrowser-launcher integration for Linux, Internationalization
- 0.06x (Planned) Finalize packaging, User-readiness, automate fingerprint measurements, automate hostile testing.
- 0.07x (Planned) Control Plugin, additional plugin evaluation(Font fingerprint mitigations? Perhaps an "Expert Bundle" with uMatrix?)
- 0.08x (Planned) Android port, build-from-source
- 0.09x (Planned) Selenium-based browser tests, Update services
- 0.10x (Planned) No known bugs. Best-case scenario for current i2p browsers using Firefox or TBB.
- XMR:43V6cTZrUfAb9JD6Dmn3vjdT9XxLbiE27D1kaoehb359ACaHs8191mR4RsJH7hGjRTiAoSwFQAVdsCBToXXPAqTMDdP2bZB
- BTC:159M8MEUwhTzE9RXmcZxtigKaEjgfwRbHt
- ETH:0x2c7F38c592938915C263a51b4AC078bf91F47C5D
- (These are to me, not the i2p project)