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Eric Rowell edited this page Apr 9, 2014 · 899 revisions

5.1.1 Mid August 2014

  • Pending
    • reinvestigate tween and animation performance. Sometimes it still looks jerky.
    • for attrs that require a width and height, or x and y, enable overloaded for these cases only.
    • investigate out of sync tween behavior of clown lab
    • opacity doesn't affect cached shapes
    •'') does not work if you fire an event with a namespace. this hsould trigger node.on('foo'), node.on(''), and node.on('.bar');
    • hide() causes mouseout and contentMouseout events. maybe we shouldn't physically remove the layer from the dom (maybe try visibility hidden instead)
    • add array handler builders to Util class for Line and Sprite. Kinetic.Util.addPointsHandlers(Kinetic.Line);
    • shape.size() doesn't work. overloader is probably not hooked up.
    • it's not possible to define custom filters because of the Node dependency order issue Need to come up with a clean way to solve this.
    • iOS image squash bug
    • pixel ratio issue with cache
    • if line points are undefined, you get a js error

5.1.2 Late September 2014


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