Here is our university project for Software Engineering 2 course, it consists of realizing the Requirements Analysis and Specification Document (RASD) and the Design Document (DD) for a real use case: eMall application.
You can find the two documents here:
Design Document:
The software process and software standards; lifecycles (waterfall, prototype-based, evolutionary/incremental, spiral, agile); standards (ISO2001, SPICE, CMM); software business models, licensing, intellectual properties, open-source software. Requirements engineering. Software technologies: middleware, componenti models (J2EE and .NET). Design patterns. Software architectures and architectural styles. Methods and notations for specification: FSMs, StateCharts, Petri nets, temporal logics, Alloy. Verification and validation: testing and analysis, model checking.
- Enrico Brunetti
- Matteo Gionfriddo