Kifab creates plot and drill files according to a config file similar to how Eagle uses a CAM file. The config file is written in YAML and describes which layers should be plotted, the plotting options, and can also override the output filename extensions.
Kifab has no warranty. Check anything it produces carefully before submitting for fabrication.
usage: kifab [-h] [-o OUTDIR] [-s SUFFIX] PCBFILE FABFILE
positional arguments:
PCBFILE Kicad PCB file.
FABFILE Kifab FAB file.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-o OUTDIR, --outdir OUTDIR
Generate files in this directory.
-s SUFFIX, --suffix SUFFIX
Common suffix for generated files.
This will create a single gerber containing the top copper layer, using default options, and the output file with use the Protel extension .gtl:
- comment: Top Copper
- id: F_Cu
This will export Edge.Cuts gerber but the output file will have the extension .gml instead of .gm1:
- comment: Mechanical
extension: .gml
- id: Edge_Cuts
This will produce two separate gerbers, one for the top copper and one for the bottom:
- comment: Top Copper
- id: F_Cu
- comment: Bottom Copper
- id: B_Cu
This will produce an SVG file with the listed layers. The colours will not be used because KiCad does not yet support setting colours from python script. Instead, the default layer colours will be used:
- comment: Top Render
suffix: top
aux_origin: False
- id: Edge_Cuts
- id: F_Cu
colour: [0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 1.0]
- id: F_Mask
colour: [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5]
- id: F_SilkS
colour: [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
- id: Dwgs_User
The config file contains a list of plots, and each plot contains a list of layers to be plotted. Both plots and layers have properties which are passed to Board.plot and Board.plot_layer respectively. In other words, you can see the available options by looking at the keyword arguments to those functions.
Each plot can have a suffix, which is added to the output filename before the global suffix (from the command line).
The config file can also contain drill settings:
merge_npth: False
This will export Excellion drill files. Separate files for plated and non-plated holes will be produced.
The options for the drill item are passed to Board.drill.
See also example.fab.
VERSION=$(git describe)
if [ -z "$VERSION" ]; then \
echo "Please tag this commit before generating a zip."
exit 1
TEMPDIR=$(mktemp -d)
cp -r docs/* $TEMPDIR/$FULLNAME
zip -r $ $FULLNAME/
cd -
cp $TEMPDIR/$ .
rm -rf --one-file-system $TEMPDIR