Numerical Cosmology Library
In this example we build a model and a data object in Python and the use all NumCosmo tools to analyze the data.
The objective of the model is to describe a simple function
+++?code=examples/pydata_simple/ model
@[5-14](Importing NumCosmo and NumCosmoMath using GI.)
@[20-21](Creating a new model using the NcmModelBuilder object.)
@[28-29, 36-37](Adding parameters to the model.)
@[45-48](All necessary steps to bring out the new object from C to Python)
@[53](Defines a implementation of the class built above)
@[58](If we need a property that is not a model parameter that's how we define it.)
@[63-64](In the constructor we need to chain-up the father's constructor.)
@[69-70](Defines the only method of this object, the function
The data object will describe the observation error distribution. For simplicity we describe
the variable $ \delta f_i = f^\mathrm{obs}_i - f(x_i) $, with a multivariate Gaussian distribution with zero
mean and covariance C
randomly generated. The standard deviation of $ \delta f_i $ will
be draw from a uniform distribution between
+++?code=examples/pydata_simple/ data
@[7-16](Importing NumCosmo and NumCosmoMath using GI.)
@[18](Imports our model.)
@[23](Define a new data class, child of NcmDataGaussCov.)
@[27](Our distribution have an one dimensional vector of independent variables
We can generate a sample for our likelihood using the resample method already implemented in the NcmDataGaussCov object, in the script below we explain how to do it
+++?code=examples/pydata_simple/ data generate
@[9-22](Loads everything.)
@[28](In a executable script using NumCosmo must call Ncm.cfg_init before any other NumCosmo functions.)
@[33](Creates a new pseudo-random number generator with the default algorithm and seed 123.)
@[39-41](Here we define our fiducial model that will be used to generate the data.)
@[53-55](The data object is created with length =
In the next script we exemplify how to fit and compute the Fisher matrix, both observed and expected.
The observed fisher matrix is simple proportional to L
to be a good estimate of the expected
+++?code=examples/pydata_simple/ model fit
@[9-22](Loads everything.) @[28](In a executable script using NumCosmo must call Ncm.cfg_init before any other NumCosmo functions.) @[34-36](Here we define model and the initial guess point.) @[42-45](We need a model set NcmMSet to transport our model and the free parameters map.) @[53, 58](We create a new serialization object and load the data from the datafile.) @[63-65, 72-73](The data set NcmDataset contains our data and is used to build the likelihood NcmLikelihood and the fit NcmFit objects.) @[79, 84](We then run the minimization process and log the results.) @[89-90, 95-96](Now, at the best-fit we compute the Fisher matrix both ways.)
# Model fitting. Interating using:
# - solver: NLOpt:ln-neldermead
# - differentiation: Numerical differentiantion (forward)
# Minimum found with precision: |df|/f = 1.00000e-08 and |dx| = 1.00000e-05
# Elapsed time: 00 days, 00:00:00.0134530
# iteration [000073]
# function evaluations [000074]
# gradient evaluations [000000]
# degrees of freedom [000048]
# m2lnL = 48.2024604329839 ( 48.20246 )
# Fit parameters:
# 1.00686253235027 0.47436330251462
# Data used:
# - py_sline_gauss+PySLineGauss
# Model[00000]:
# - NcPySLineModel : A simple python example model
# Model parameters
# - alpha[00]: 1.00686253235027 [FREE]
# - a[01]: 0.47436330251462 [FREE]
# Observed Fisher Matrix
# NcmMSet parameters covariance matrix
# -------------------------------
# alpha[00000:00] = 1.007 +/- 0.01927 | 1 | -0.8932 |
# a[00000:01] = 0.4744 +/- 0.05232 | -0.8932 | 1 |
# -------------------------------
# Expected Fisher matrix
# NcmMSet parameters covariance matrix
# -------------------------------
# alpha[00000:00] = 1.007 +/- 0.01839 | 1 | -0.8844 |
# a[00000:01] = 0.4744 +/- 0.05041 | -0.8844 | 1 |
# -------------------------------
@[3-4](The algorithm used for the minimization process and differentiation (if needed).)
@[8](Number of steps to find the minimum.)
@[12, 14](The best-fit value for
We now perform a Monte Carlo study: we first get the best-fit and then use it as a fiducial model. From the fiducial model we compute several realizations of the data and for each one we compute the best fit.
+++?code=examples/pydata_simple/ model MC
@[104-106](The script is the same for the fit up to this point, here we create a NcmFitMC object.) @[123-125, 131-132](Then we just need to run it, and print out the results.)
# NcmMSetCatalog: Current mean: 48.059 1.0068 0.47597
# NcmMSetCatalog: Current msd: 0.092678 0.00017523 0.00047581
# NcmMSetCatalog: Current sd: 9.7263 0.01839 0.049936
# NcmMSetCatalog: Current var: 94.601 0.0003382 0.0024936
# NcmMSetCatalog: Current tau: 1 1 1
# Task:NcmFitMC, completed: 11014 of 11014, elapsed time: 00:11:42.5975
# Task:NcmFitMC, mean time: 00:00:00.0638 +/- 00:00:00.0006
# Task:NcmFitMC, time left: 00:00:00.0000 +/- 00:00:00.0000
# Task:NcmFitMC, current time: Fri Jun 22 2018, 09:34:48
# Task:NcmFitMC, estimated to end at: Fri Jun 22 2018, 09:34:48 +/- 00:00:00.0000
# NcmFitMC: Largest relative error 1.000000e-03 attained: 9.996788e-04
# NcmMSet parameters covariance matrix
# -------------------------------
# alpha[00000:00] = 1.007 +/- 0.01839 | 1 | -0.886 |
# a[00000:01] = 0.476 +/- 0.04994 | -0.886 | 1 |
# -------------------------------
@[1](The means for