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OneRoster CSV standard in the EDU framework


This package is free to use for noncommercial purposes. See License.

Implementation notes

  • SourcedIds are MD5 hashes of an underlying natural key defined in gen_sourced_id.
  • User SourcedIds are forced to contain a prefix distinguishing between role. This is to force separation: not all source systems guarantee uniqueness between staff, student, and parent IDs. These IDs are then prefixed with 'STA', 'STU', and 'PAR' respectively.
  • The SchoolYear academicSession is defined once per district using the modal begin and end dates.
  • Remaining academicSessions are taken more or less as-is from the Ed-Fi Sessions object.
  • This package is defined to only support one school year at a time. Which school year is supported is configurable through a variable, to avoid prematurely rotating to the next school year as soon as the ODS is created if the current school year is not yet concluded.
  • A feature to allow multiple school years to be created at once may be added if demand arises.
  • The tables include a tenant_code column to support row-level security in the warehouse, but this is not part of the OneRoster standard and should be excluded from extracts.
  • Unlike the rest of edu, columns in the OneRoster tables are specified case-sensitively to match the OneRoster standard. Column names must therefore be double-quoted in SQL statements.
  • The tables are named with the or1_1 prefix to support namespacing for future versions of the OneRoster standard, but are aliased to simpler names within the database. The tables are not specified with case-sensitivity, but files created from them should be.

Unique Keys

OneRoster uses the term SourcedId to refer to the unique key of all files in the OneRoster standard. This implementation uses the following methodology and principles:

  • All unique keys are the MD5 hash of a concatenation of Natural key values, separated by hyphens (-).
  • For clarity/transparency, the literal string value that is hashed is included in the file as an extension column called
  • By default, all natural keys are prefixed with tenant_code, which is a human-readable string identifying a district. This can be overridden to be a constant string if desired using the variable oneroster:id_prefix
  • Any natural key component that is non-integer is cast to lower-case for consistency

The natural keys for each resource are defined in the macro gen_sourced_id, but are written out below for clarity.


  • tenant_code (or constant string, if configured)
  • ed_org_id (sea_id, lea_id, or school_id, for the respective org-types)


  • tenant_code (or constant string, if configured)
  • The literal string STU, STA, or PAR, for students, staff, or parents
  • student_unique_id, staff_unique_id, or parent_unique_id, respectively
    • Note that this is the unique person identifier configured in Ed-Fi, and exactly which type of ID this is can vary across implementations.


For terms/semesters/etc, this is a school-specific session definition, taken from Ed-Fi's definition of Sessions.

  • tenant_code (or constant string, if configured)
  • school_id
  • session_name

For school years, each district has its own definition:

  • tenant_code (or constant string, if configured)
  • lea_id
  • school_year (4 digit number representing the Spring year, e.g. for 2023-2024, 2024)


  • tenant_code (or constant string, if configured)
  • lea_id
  • course_code


  • tenant_code (or constant string, if configured)
  • school_id
  • lower(section_id)
  • lower(session_name)

Section ID and Session Name are cast to lower case to ensure consistency. Session is included in the Class definition to align with how Ed-Fi thinks about Sections, as well as because Ed-Fi Sessions are not date-exclusive and using dates alone may not uniquely identify the session in which a Section is offered.


Student Enrollments are a student_unique_id, the local_course_code from Ed-Fi's CourseOffering, the unique key of a Class, plus the begin_date. Note that students may enter and exit the same Class multiple times, requiring the presence of begin_date in the enrollment record.

  • tenant_code (or constant string, if configured)
  • student_unique_id
  • lower(local_course_code)
  • school_id
  • lower(section_id)
  • lower(session_name)
  • begin_date

Staff enrollments are the same, but substituting staff_unique_id

  • tenant_code (or constant string, if configured)
  • staff_unique_id
  • lower(local_course_code)
  • school_id
  • lower(section_id)
  • lower(session_name)
  • begin_date

Required Seed Files

Templates for required seed files are located in the seed_templates

  1. Academic Sessions Types Mapping
  • File name: xwalk_oneroster_academic_sessions_types.csv
  • Columns:
    • session_name: Comes from the Ed-Fi Sessions resource, Session Name field.
    • type: Must be one of the OneRoster sessionType list of values (gradingPeriod, semester, schoolYear, term).
  1. Classroom Positions Primary Teacher Mapping
  • File name: xwalk_oneroster_classroom_positions.csv
  • Columns:
    • classroom_position: Comes from the Ed-Fi Staff Section Associations resource, Classroom Position field.
    • is_primary: TRUE if this is the primary teacher role, FALSE otherwise. FALSE for students.
  1. Grade Level Mapping
  • File name: xwalk_oneroster_grade_levels.csv
  • Columns:
  1. Staff Classification Mapping
  • File name: xwalk_oneroster_staff_classifications.csv
  • Columns:
    • staff_classification: Comes from the Ed-Fi Staff Ed Org Assignment Associations resource, Staff Classification field.
    • oneroster_role: Must be one of the OneRoster RoleType list of values (administrator, aide, guardian, parent, proctor, relative, student, teacher).
  1. Race Mapping
  • File name: xwalk_oneroster_races.csv
  • Columns:
    • edfi_race_code: Values in the Ed-Fi RaceDescriptor
    • oneroster_race_code: Must be one of the Oneroster Race values (americanIndianOrAlaskaNative, asian, blackOrAfricanAmerican, nativeHawaiianOrOtherPacificIslander, white).
  1. Gender Mapping
  • File name: xwalk_oneroster_gender.csv
  • Columns:
    • edfi_gender_code: Values in the Ed-Fi SexDescriptor.
    • oneroster_sex_code: Must be one of the Oneroster Gender list of values (male, female).

Configuration variables

oneroster:id_prefix: A prefix to be included in all sourcedIds. By default this is just tenant_code, but this can be overridden if a single unique string value is desired for all tenants.

oneroster:active_school_year: The school-year on which to build OneRoster files. This should be rotated at year-rollover time, when incoming data from the school year that's about to begin has settled enough to support rostering.

oneroster:student_email_type: The email_type that will be preferred for student users.

oneroster:demographic_extensions: Extensions to add to the demographic table. These are key-value pairs composed of a column name from dim_student and the desired column name in the demographics file, respectively. Note: only columns in dim_student can be added here at the moment.

Column names will always begin with metadata., and the specified value will be appended to the end. To follow the typical standard, include edu. in the name, but extensions are not forced to use the edu namespace. Example:

  is_special_education_annual: 'edu.special_education'
  is_economic_disadvantaged: 'edu.economic_disadvantage'

OneRoster extensions

OneRoster is an extensible standard. Extensions in this package begin with and are always on the right-hand side of the table, as specified in the standard. All sourcedIds in this implementation are an MD5 hash of an underlying natural key. The definitions of the columns included in that key are in the gen_sourced_id macro. The unhashed string is included for clarity in this extension. The Ed-Fi Staff Classification field, for more detailed role information. Since Ed-Fi permits multiple staffClassifications, but OneRoster 1.1 does not, we have to choose one.

Department Organizations

OneRoster allows for a type of Education Organization called a department. While the meaning and intended use of this is pretty loose, one use to which it can be put is adding another level of organization to courses: rather than have a flat list of all courses offered within a district, one can organize them into subject-level departments. This can aid in navigating lists of courses, as it subdivides the list into more manageable units.

By default this package organizes Courses by the Education Organization that owns it in Ed-Fi. However we can enable departmental sorting with a configuration like this:

# enable the Course Departments feature
'oneroster:use_course_departments': true
# set the column name that will be used to define departments (must be in `dim_course`)
'oneroster:course_dept_column': academic_subject

This will create a new set of department organizations within orgs: one for each Academic Subject offered by each Ed Org, and will link the courses to this department rather than the defining Ed Org.