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Carthage compatible Build Status

A simple way to create a table view for settings, providing table view cells with:

  • UISwitch
  • Center aligned text
  • Table view cell image
  • Disclosure indicator
  • Specified UITableViewCellStyle


Set up tableContents in viewDidLoad:

import QuickTableViewController

class ViewController: QuickTableViewController {

  override func viewDidLoad() {

    tableContents = [
      Section(title: "Switch", rows: [
        SwitchRow(title: "Setting 1", switchValue: true, action: { _ in }),
        SwitchRow(title: "Setting 2", switchValue: false, action: { _ in }),

      Section(title: "Tap Action", rows: [
        TapActionRow(title: "Tap action", action: showAlert)

      Section(title: "Cell Styles", rows: [
        NavigationRow(title: "CellStyle.Default", subtitle: .None, icon: Icon(image: UIImage(named: "exit"), highlightedImage: UIImage(named: "exit-highlighted"))),
        NavigationRow(title: "CellStyle", subtitle: .BelowTitle(".Subtitle"), icon: Icon(image: UIImage(named: "language"))),
        NavigationRow(title: "CellStyle", subtitle: .RightAligned(".Value1"), icon: Icon(imageName: "timeMachine"), action: showDetail),
        NavigationRow(title: "CellStyle", subtitle: .LeftAligned(".Value2"))

  // MARK: - Actions

  private func showAlert(sender: Row) {
    // ...

  private func showDetail(sender: Row) {
    // ...



Subtitle Styles

NavigationRow(title: "UITableViewCellStyle.Default", subtitle: .None)
NavigationRow(title: "UITableViewCellStyle", subtitle: .BelowTitle(".Subtitle")
NavigationRow(title: "UITableViewCellStyle", subtitle: .RightAligned(".Value1")
NavigationRow(title: "UITableViewCellStyle", subtitle: .LeftAligned(".Value2"))

Image View

  • Images in table view cells can be set by specifying icon of each NavigationRow.
  • The Icon struct carries info about images for both normal and highlighted states.
  • Table view cells in UITableViewCellStyle.Value2 will hide images.
NavigationRow(title: "Cell with image", subtitle: .None, icon: Icon(imageName: "icon"))

Disclosure Indicator

  • A NavigationRow with an action will be displayed in a table view cell whose accessoryType is .DisclosureIndicator.
  • The action will be invoked when the related table view cell is selected.
NavigationRow(title: "Navigation cell", subtitle: .None, action: { (sender: Row) in })


  • A SwitchRow is associated to a table view cell with a UISwitch as its accessoryView.
  • The optional action will be invoked when the switchValue changes.
SwitchRow(title: "Switch", switchValue: true, action: { (sender: Row) in }),

The original SwitchRow in the tableContents will be replaced by an updated one after the switchValue changed.


  • A TapActionRow is associated to a button-like table view cell.
  • The action will be invoked when the related table view cell is selected.
TapActionRow(title: "Tap action", action: { (sender: Row) in })


  • v0.1 requires Swift 1.2 and iOS 8.0+ with Xcode 6.4.
  • v0.2 is now in Swift 2 with Xcode 7.0 or above.


Install via Carthage

  • Create a Cartfile with the following specification and run carthage bootstrap.

    github "bcylin/QuickTableViewController"
  • On your application targets' General settings tab, in the Linked Frameworks and Libraries section, drag and drop QuickTableViewController.framework from the Carthage/Build folder.

  • On your application targets’ Build Phases settings tab, click the + icon and choose New Run Script Phase. Create a Run Script with the following contents:

    /usr/local/bin/carthage copy-frameworks

    and add the following path to Input Files:

  • For more information, please check out the Carthage Documentation.

Install via CocoaPods

  • Create a Podfile with the following specification and run pod install.

    platform :ios, '8.0'
    pod 'QuickTableViewController', git: ''

Install Manually

  • Copy *.swift files in the Source directory to an iOS project.


QuickTableViewController is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for more info.


A simple way to create a table view for settings in Swift.







No packages published


  • Swift 91.3%
  • Ruby 5.8%
  • Objective-C 2.8%
  • Makefile 0.1%